What does speech characteristic mean? Features of children's literature. Analysis of the characteristics of Willy Wonka character "Charlie and the chocolate factory" at the lexical level

V last years there are more and more studies in which the linguistic personality in artistic discourse is studied through the artistic image of a character, his individual speech structure, and the discourse is called character. One of the first studies carried out under the influence of this approach to the character of a work of art is the work of E.N. Baybulatova [Baybulatova 1998].

But there is also an approach. If it is not a question of the mind, then it really is an act. It cannot be revoked or changed. She was ready for silence. Everyone else's ignorance of what was being prepared was their condition. Sartre combined this act with a strong concept of "freedom." He took his example from the Greek tragedy: Orestes, the son of the murdered Agamemnon, returns and purifies himself in his homeland, killing new rulers.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer also strongly associated the idea of ​​action with the ability to freedom and clearly stood out from simple thought. We are fairly skeptical about mythological symbols. We don't need symbols in July. We only need psychological intelligence. And that should have told us in a simpler way what Sartre meant too: they did it. We need something like a paradigm.

Despite the fact that each approach has its own rationale and its supporters, it should be noted that the author and the character of a work of art cannot be studied in isolation from each other.

The linguistic personalities of the characters of a work of art are studied for a deeper understanding of the artistic component and for the study of the linguistic personality of the author as well. It is in the character system that the author develops his view of the world, of the essence human characters and the patterns of their relationship with each other.

The longer we understood ourselves from the day that, as you yourself understood her example, is still in the sense of a symbolic honorary code, he was a Christian-humanist or a Prussian-aristocratic. The murder had to be carried out, even so late, at any cost! To the price of her life, but also to the price of his success. For it must be symbolic. What could be more exemplary than the conspiratorial courage, their courage and the outsider? In a society that is so safe, but also maintains conformism, such as ours, which was so peaceful after the assassination attempt, civil courage is still a necessity, although it is now unusual.

The study of the author's linguistic personality through the prism of the character segment is becoming more and more widespread. The direct speech of a character is studied as a way of expressing the author's image [Skibina 1999], the stratification and opposition of the author's “I” and the character’s “I” is interpreted as a genre-forming marker [Loktionova 1998], the linguistic personality of the writer is studied as a source of speech characteristics of the characters [Menkova 2005], etc. .P.

How existential it is. Ilya Kushke made a rhetorically complex speech, which, with strong wisdom, brilliantly greeted numerous teachers and received a standing ovation from the angry. The motto "with Abi in the hands of the heroes of legends," according to Kushka, highly hopes to resolve: Self-determination and at the same time selflessness: heroes do not need any admonition. Heroes are not interested in fame and money, but they always try to do the right thing. Heroes are moral values ​​that are more important than material ones.

Heroes always have a very good working and social behavior... They support the weak and demonstrate strength and confidence even in hopeless situations. School lightning. Hannah Hallmain and Nicolas Brandt talked to Hannah Hallmain and Nicholas Brandt in a quick interplay of poetic nostalgia and charming snob, and a dramatic picture of how outgoing students perceived their education: more than a series of legendary events as a place but as concepts of rhetorical arts, with great intellectual mobility, perhaps also the result of ongoing educational efforts.

The emergence of the concept of "speech personality" is due to the fact that available material research advocates speech activity a person in a situation of real communication. A speech personality is a linguistic personality at the moment of real communication [Krasnykh 2002: 22; Maslova 2004: 119; Prokhorov 2004: 106]. When studying the speech personality, a large number of linguistic and extralinguistic parameters are taken into account: the communicative situation, its goals, the topic of communication, its axiological significance for the participants in communication, the social and age status of the participants, their psychological state. Thus, the concept of a speech personality includes a social image that a person takes upon himself during communication with others, depending on the situation.

To this end, he had previously given singing from a phantom opera with twelve high school graduates. Hannah and Nicolas use Idina Menzel's song to take a big step forward on this topic, which is currently under consideration: leave the institution, purely self-confident. Don't let them in, don't let them see.

Be the good girl you always had to be. Hide, don't feel, don't let them know. I don't care what they say. Thuringia Abi dumplings and confirmation. After the end of the school year, Abi sang with a suitable parody of "Thuringian dumplings" in Norilsk Nickel, Tabea Berndt and Mark Chammer, deputy for all high school graduates, thanked important assistants during school time: cleaning lady, secretariat, Kiosk, housewives , school administration, college, most recently Abyssinian and especially Ray Marian.

Traditionally, the linguistic personality of a character is studied on the basis of the totality of the hero's utterances throughout the entire space of the text. However, some researchers take into account only the direct speech of the character [Treschalina 1998], others consider it necessary to take into account the improperly direct speech [Salmina 2005].

Psychological analysis in a work of fiction suggests various means images: direct author's reflections, introspection of the hero, statements of others about him, as well as actions, gestures, facial expressions, i.e. indirect characteristics. A special place belongs to the hero's speech and his internal monologues: “The word of a character can become to the limit a condensed reflection of his character, feelings, motives, a kind of focus of the artistic interpretation of the image. But it took a long development, the work of many great artists, in order for these possibilities of the word to be realized ”[Ginzburg 2009: 97].

Currently average level The birth rate in Germany is 1.4 children per woman, the average life expectancy is currently around 80 years, and this trend is growing. This process is called demographic change. I must say that our society is getting older.

We who are here to celebrate our "maturity test for the German secondary" are usually between 17 and 19 years old. We were, or were, at least until recently: Schiller, the social fringe. The succession of the pupil in the gymnasium is accompanied by 4, 2 pupils who leave the gymnasium at a lower level of education due to bad grade... This means that our education system is permeable in only one direction and down!

The character of the character, his internal motives, external circumstances, the situation of the current moment are most often manifested in the dialogical word; it gives an idea of ​​the properties of the hero, analyzes, complements, and often reveals his nature.

Qualities such as narcissism, pride, passion, hypocrisy, coldness of the soul, inability and unwillingness to understand another person are often combined in life and in literary text... In novel prose, every word, remark, monologue, dialogue performs a complex artistic task: they characterize the hero, his time, environment, his thoughts and experiences, contain information about events concerning the character, develop the plot of the work, introducing additional dynamics into it, and sometimes an unexpected twist. But often the word goes beyond the character of the hero and the plot of the work, and then it carries philosophical generalizations about the life and place of man on earth.

The future vitality of a society can be seen in the way it treats its youth. For young people, this is the future of society. But not only that we are not often perceived as lazy and powerless, but we are faced with the problems of the future, not giving us hope that we can solve them, causes terrible lethargy with some - at least for me outside.

The world is bad, especially unfair! In the Gaza Strip, it is likely that a child is starving at this moment, and a woman is raped in the unmanaged slums of India. This is what you learn when you listen in the right place at school. And in one breath, as if it were our task to save this world, which is only slipping from crisis to crisis.

When depicting the experiences of the hero in a dramatic situation (deep excitement, a special mental or physical condition - illness, injury, the proximity of death), irrational elements can be used in his speech. A similar technique for the most subtle display of the inner life of the heroes was often used by L.N. Tolstoy (War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Sunday, as well as his stories and stories).

The school contradicts itself. We are told that life will begin right now, now that we have a diploma of higher education in our pockets. But you don't want to know anything about this life. They put us into molds, and everything Elan left is like water on a hot stone.

Of course, one could say: admitting that a person is not or cannot be a hero is difficult, but part of normal growing up, and not the fault of the school. But we must face the truth. Heroes are needed now more than ever. Heroes who can confront us with themselves, heroes of the future who are not born on the battlefield. Heroes with visions and energy for their realization, without justified, sociable average citizens, all of whom have one bitch, but have no passion to let go of their couches and start living for others.

The inner speech of the hero opens ample opportunities to analyze it psychological state: a person "reveals" himself, dreams, admits his weaknesses and mistakes, etc. According to L. Vygotsky, inner speech is “not speech minus sound,” it is a special structure characterized by its content and purposefulness [Vygotsky 2009: 178].

V modern world it became difficult to find a suitable example. So, where should the heroes of the future come from, where should they be educated, if not at school? We young people have the only chance that this planet and its inhabitants still have, we are from Western countries, who have all the means at their disposal, boundless prosperity, the latest technological boom, network knowledge, the Internet, with which we first learned to live, as if it were of course. But we are getting smaller and smaller.

In addition, this planet is increasingly ruled by older people who live in old structures of thought, even if they may still be on our paper themselves. The Internet is new to them, smartphones are difficult to use, they see in text messages the decay of human language, not the renaissance of written communication.

The study of a character's linguistic personality is impossible without taking into account the entire paradigm of his speech characteristics, since they are based on the discursive characteristics of the communicant and are the main means of expressing the pragmatic potential of the artistic literary work... The presence of speech characteristics of characters is key in creating artistic images both by the author himself and later by the reader interpreting the discourse. The linguistic means chosen and used by the author for the verbal behavior of a character in a work of art are the most important for describing the linguistic personality of a literary hero.

And at the end of the road there is a house by the lake. The orange leaves of the trees are on their way; I have 20 children, my wife is beautiful, everything comes: I have to never go out. That's not all! If we want to leave this point of view, if we want to achieve more, if we want to move, live and change, then we must get up from the pale light of our dazzling screens, and if the old ones do not, we must hands over the corpses of our broken dreams.

Dear parents, dear school: This is for you! You are not blind like us. Let's shape the world as justly as we should have received it in school, and let's show each other how it's done. Definitely not at the lake house. After that, he may want to study history and another topic. What he doesn't want to be anyway: a teacher. He loves to play guitar, hang out in front of his laptop, play games, read books, meet people.

The individual component of the personality, which is due to the uniqueness of each linguistic personality, also plays a significant role in the organization and production of the utterance. The speech portrait of the character includes the main concepts of the world picture reflected in speech, marking the time and space of the hero's existence, social aspects, his individual manner of expressing his thoughts through certain communication strategies and their lexical design, etc. The linguistic features of the character's speech and the emotional-expressive coloring contained in the speech parts represent the character's attitude to the world, his state of mind, give an idea of ​​his attitudes and values, the goals of the society in which he lives.

Could it be that there are actually no more heroes? That we live in a "post-heroic society" as keyword? According to military strategist Eduard Luttwak, compared to societies characterized by high fertility rates, every child in post-hero society embodies "a very large part of the emotional capital of the family." In wealth, the argument is that there is too much to lose for members of post-hero societies. Rather than appointing an old hero of a common cause for themselves, they prefer their own good.

2. Not incomprehensible


3. Article http://www.philol.msu.ru/rus/gorn/arso/zlat2.htm

L.V. Zlatoustova, E.I. Galyashina

Recognition of individual and group acoustical-perceptual characteristics of a speaker by sounding speech

Prerequisites for recognizing the speech characteristics of the speaker.

In applied research of spoken speech in order to assess the individual and group characteristics of the speaker's personality that are relevant for speech recognition, the main problem still remains the development of reliable methods for identifying and diagnosing the speaker.

Also Angelina Jolie, recently stylized for the heroine, because she had her breasts amputated to avoid cancer, she also wanted nothing more than her own salvation. No, we are not surrounded by heroes, but surrounded by a narrative, surrounded by a narrative form. To characterize this narrative form, one could call the concept of "pop heroism" - heroism that rules without heroism, heroism, conceived as a figure of self-realization. Pop heroism leads to conquest by accepting what you can get instead of sharpening the awareness that the hero is always the giver.

For forensic applications of research of sounding speech, the tasks of establishing the identity of a speaking person from sound recordings of sounding speech are relevant. V Lately it became obvious that the "recognizability" of the voice in the everyday sense is not enough for reliable and reliable identification of a person. There is a fairly high probability of falsification, forgery of a sound recording, when, instead of the voice of one person, the sounding speech of a completely different person with similar vocal qualities can be recorded on it.

Being a true hero is a gift that often takes the form of a sacrifice. The great Dutch historian Johan Huizinga defined heroism as "heightened personal consciousness, designed to participate in the implementation of a common task, using all forces, up to self-sacrifice."

But what does it matter if we call athletes competing for titles and trophies heroes? For example, Sabina Lisicki will play overall role sweeping the lawn at Wimbledon? If the hero's journey is actually joyous pop heroism, it's just an attempt to legitimize, with a great vocabulary, often a rather shallow pursuit of personal success? Is it a sweet poison that fogs us up and makes us forget really important things?

An indispensable condition for recognizing a speaker by sounding speech is the presence of comparative images or reference recordings of voice and speech. In this case, the success of recognition largely depends on the degree of comparability of the compared speech objects.

However, often the person whose voice turns out to be recorded on the tape is unknown, he must be found. Therefore, in order to limit and narrow the circle of tested persons, group identification is carried out on the basis of a diagnostic psycholinguistic study of the written oral text. The first task facing the experts is to determine the categorical properties of the speaker's personality (education, sphere of professional interests, regional dialect, etc.), so that in the future, when the circle of suspects is determined, it would be possible to obtain their comparative samples of voice and speech. for further identification or verification of the speaker.

Uwe Walter is convinced otherwise. He believes in healing power stories of heroes. Like Campbell, he believes stories are more than fiction at the end of the evening. That we are all on a heroic journey, not just reading from her. That we must live according to the recipe of the myth if we are to make full use of our humanity.

Why did Sabina Lisicki lose the Wimbledon final? According to Campbell, it must be said because it was not that far. Because she might have to do something. But this failure, which she must now put aside, will still become necessary stage for Lisicki, according to the doctrine of the journey of heroes. She still needs to learn how to fully use her heroic potential. And the day will come when she will triumph.

A small digression is needed here. The fact is that the specificity of applied speech research in relation to the tasks of forensic science, in contrast to others, is largely due to the methodology of forensic science and forensic examination, which largely determines the degree of complexity of speech research.

Forensic identification (Latin - identifico, I identify) is a process (and at the same time a method and goal of cognition) of establishing the identity of an object or person by a combination of general and particular features. The modern theory of identification, as you know, is based on the principle of individuality of objects, their relative immutability, on the possibility of identifying their characteristic general and particular features. The combination of these features makes it possible to identify the object.

Unlike identification, forensic diagnostics is private method knowledge, allowing you to get an idea of ​​the mechanism of criminal action based on its reflection in the objects of the material world. Diagnostics establishes the factual circumstance on the basis of the material objects themselves, their traces, and other representations accompanying the commission of a crime, by examining the properties of the object, object mappings, relationships of facts, etc., that is, it establishes all types of connections between objects. The theoretical basis of diagnostics is the fundamental possibility of cognizing events, phenomena of objects by their reflections.

In connection with the above reasons, as applied to applied research of spoken speech, related to speech recognition and voice diagnostics, it becomes a priority to establish the correlation between the parameters of the speech signal and the speaker's classification characteristics (his belonging to different age, social, professional and dialectal groups) according to those reflected in his speech. signal language features.

Difficulties in the diagnostic and identification study of the speaker's speech characteristics lie in the fact that the expert has to work with a wide variety of speech realizations due to extralinguistic factors. Until now, there are no automated speech recognition systems that are acceptable in terms of reliability and reliability based on the material of the Russian language. In the conditions of real forensic practice, it has not yet been possible to achieve 100% correct text-independent identification of the speaker using the most modern mathematical apparatus.

Two approaches are used to solve the problem of speaker recognition by a speech signal - text-independent and text-dependent. Text-independent identification is based on algorithmic analysis of a speech signal and mathematical methods for its parametric description.

Without going into details, we can state that the effectiveness of such automatic systems is extremely low, since there are no universal parameters describing speech that are resistant to noise and distortion, to imitation and conscious masking by speakers. In addition, the variability of the speech signal within the language system is quite high, depending on many interrelated factors that are not always amenable to formalized description.

That is, the difficulties in creating automatic speech systems are largely related to the complexity and specificity of the object under study itself - sounding speech. But recognition problems can be of completely different complexity, from the minimum - the separation of voices by differential criteria, verification of speakers in a finite set in the presence of known standards, to the maximum - identification on an open set in an unlimited space of determinant factors.

In order to obtain in practice a reliable decision about the identity or difference of speakers based on the phonograms of their speech, a different approach can be used to narrow the range of factors under consideration and reduce the complexity of the problem. This is possible in cases where it is known that the circle of identifiable persons is limited. For example, it is necessary to attribute by belonging to the speakers the replicas in the polylogue under the conditions of masking speech signals with various interference and noise. In such a task, the decision to differentiate replicas by belonging to the participants in the conversation is achieved by highlighting one or two classification features that manifest the speaker's belonging to different societies or dialect groups.

Suppose it is known that the set of speakers whose speech is recorded on the phonogram is finite. The speech of one participant in the conversation is normative, in the speech of another, residual dialectal phenomena of South Great Russian origin appear, and the speech of the third (in full compliance with the lexical and grammatical norm) is characterized by a specific timbre colloquial color. The presence of such classification features allows differentiating speakers and attributing replicas with the same characteristics by belonging.

The actual problem of applied research of sounding speech is the possibility of differentiating features that manifest that an oral text belongs to a specific functional style, from those that indicate that the speaker belongs to certain social or regional groups of Russian speakers, as well as purely individual speech preferences, speech habits, skills and the skills of the speaker. Here the sounding speech acts simultaneously as an object of actually acoustic, linguistic, socio- and psycho-diagnostic and identification research. Isolation of features that characterize the functional style of speech, a group of people or a specific individual is the subject of a separate applied direction in the study of sounding speech.

At the same time, linguistic, social, territorial-dialectal, psycho-physiological and individual characteristics of the speaker are inherent in every linguistic personality and to one degree or another are manifested in every speech act, which makes it possible to identify and classify them.

In order to solve the problem of recognizing a speaker by speech, parameters are isolated from the sounding speech stream, which are a reflection of the individual properties of the speaker.

It should be noted that two or more recordings of spoken speech are usually presented for research. One recording is the so-called controversial phonogram of the voice and speech of an unknown (identified) person. Such a record appears as material evidence. Comparative samples are taken from the suspect to confirm that the recorded speech is being recorded. These patterns act as an identifying object. Samples of sounding speech of a suspect for a comparative study should have the property of certainty of origin from a specific object, as well as be characterized by comparable linguistic and extralinguistic features that allow comparison with identifiable objects.

The selection of comparative samples is often repeated typical mistakes that make it difficult or impossible to identify the speaker. Investigators usually offer to read non-fictional (newspaper, magazine) or fictional written text, while the spontaneous or quasi-spontaneous speech of the speaker is recorded on the controversial phonogram.

For a successful solution of the identification problem, the compared speech implementations must be close. When the speaker is identified, a pairwise comparison of two or more people is made by the sounding speech, that is, indirectly through their acoustic and auditory representation in the form of two vectors of parameters isolated from the compared fragments of the sounding text. Whereas in diagnostics, a comparison and classification of the selected vector of speech parameters with some abstract knowledge about a group or class of people, united by a given criterion, for example, a territorial dialect, is carried out. In both cases, in the process of studying the sounding speech, complexes of features are identified, which are classified and ranked according to the type of their origin, indicating that they belong to a group or class of people. The individual-specific identity of the speaker on the open set can be established in the case when the set of selected features is unique, that is, the sought group is equal to the individual. Group identification limits the range of people with common speech characteristics.

Thus, the recognition of an individual or a group of persons, united according to one or another characteristic, according to a complex of speech parameters is due to a number of objective linguistic and extralinguistic factors.

In the course of solving real expert problems in practice, one has to deal with those controversial phonograms that are submitted for research, regardless of the situations and circumstances in which they were recorded. To ensure maximum comparability and to ensure reliable individual-specific or group identification, it is necessary that comparative samples of sounding speech, as already mentioned, be comparable with the controversial phonogram in the form of presentation of speech material. We emphasize that it is highly undesirable to present a sound recording in the form of reading for comparison with spontaneous speech realization.

The system of prosodic units is common to all types of functional styles of sounding speech (including syllables, rhythmic structures phonetic words, syntagmas and their rhythmic models, phrases, phono paragraphs), but their distribution, frequency and probability of occurrence are specific for different functional styles of sounding speech (Zlatoustova L.V., 1993).

The fact is that the combinatorics of lexical and grammatical units of different functional styles largely determines the choice of units of the prosodic level. So, for example, the speaker reads the text in a completely different manner than he spontaneously speaks, uses different syntactic, lexical and prosodic models when retelling or dubbing a written text.

The mechanism of the process of generating sounding speech and the speaker's speech strategy changes (sometimes very significantly) depending on the functional style of speech, the specific characteristics of which mainly depend on the situation, target setting and communicative intention, even within the framework of the implementation of one text. At the same time, within the same situation with a change in the communicative task and motivation, one can find the heterogeneity of speech strategies and ways of expressing them in different functional styles.

In real practice, most often, as the so-called controversial speech material, sound recordings of spontaneous oral texts, and as comparative samples of sound recording of interrogations by an investigator in the form of short or detailed answers to pre-formulated written questions or in the form of reading a written text.

Therefore, in order to obtain reliable results of a comparative study of speech realizations, it is required to determine the linguistic means, extralinguistic conditions and the speaker's communicative attitude, which form different types of functional styles.

Qualification of the functional styles of spoken text.

First of all, let us consider the factors that constitute the functional styles of Russian sounding speech. It should be noted that this problem still does not have an unambiguous interpretation among linguists. The problem of qualification of the spontaneity / preparedness of the speaker's replies-answers, answering the questions of the investigator during the interrogation process, requires additional consideration. The functional style of an answer, brought to an automatism on a close and familiar topic, can be defined as a quasi-spontaneous style, taking into account possible deliberation. In a certain situation, target setting and motivation in the event of an unexpected question, the interrogated person's speech can be qualified as spontaneous. It is clear that the specific design of spontaneous speech in phonetic, semantic-syntactic and lexical-semantic by polar signs distinguishes spontaneous speech from reading a written text. These differences are essential for solving applied problems of speaker recognition.

Obviously, in order to distinguish the specific characteristics of the design of various functional styles from the individual stylistic manner of implementation of the sounding speech by a specific individual, it is necessary to distinguish between the types of functional styles according to qualifications.

To assess and identify the qualifications of spontaneous speech texts on various topics, an analysis of sound recordings was carried out, presented to the authors for expert examination in criminal and civil cases. At the same time, the recordings contained monologic and dialogical texts on the topic of stories about various events and circumstances, including those related to the facts of committing various crimes, conversations on business topics, discussions of various everyday problems, reports and speeches at meetings, reports on the work done or the state of affairs in various organizations and formations, instructions, instructions and orders, as well as detailed motivated complaints, requests and statements, reading interrogation protocols, frank confessions, testimony during interrogations in court, during investigative actions during the preliminary investigation (testimony at the scene, at a confrontation, etc.).

By the nature of the expressed emotions, the sound recordings contained texts with a neutral, emotionally excited and emotionally suppressed coloration.

Analysis of the entire array of spoken texts (about 80 hours of sounding phonograms of an oral text) showed that educated native speakers of the Russian language with high linguistic competence, while retaining their own individual speech preferences, skills and abilities, exhibit common features inherent in a certain style of speech. At the same time, the dialectal and vernacular spheres of speech communication were marked due to the specifics of the speech implementation itself.

Thus, it turned out to be possible to single out the qualification features of functional ones and compare them with the typology of forms of sounding texts based on the analysis and methods of their formation and implementation (Zlatoustova L.V., 1993). As a result, it was possible to qualify the texts in the following categories:

1. Reading written and deliberate text (monologue, dialogue and polylogue)

1.1. Reading "your" written text.

1.2. Reading "someone else's" written text.

2. Retelling of written or read written text.

2.1. Retelling of "my" written text.

2.2. Retelling of "someone else's" written text.

2.3. Reproduction of prompted speech.

3. A prepared text, but not formed in the form of a full written text, written in the form of sketches, theses or a plan (for example, a lecture, report, speech, report).

4. Quasi-spontaneous, prepared (deliberate), but not written text (for example, answers during interrogation by an investigator or in court, answers at an exam, speaking at a rally, at a meeting).

5. Spontaneous (unprepared text).

As you can see, the main features distinguishing these types of texts are the presence / absence of a written analogue, the “own” / “alien” feature for reading and retelling, the “readiness” / “unpreparedness” feature of the sounding text. These spoken texts also differ in prosodic ways of expressing modal and emotional meanings.

It should be noted that the basis for the differentiation of functional styles and their rubrication is the speaker's communicative attitude, including linguistic and extralinguistic factors.

That is, four forms of realizing a sounding text can be distinguished: 1) dubbing a written text, in the form of reading or playing from memory, 2) oral presentation of a prepared text, 3) generation of a quasi-spontaneous sounding text, and 4) production of a spontaneous oral text.

The generation of an oral text in the form of a presentation of a prepared text, the generation of a quasi-spontaneous text, and especially the production of spontaneous sounding speech, is fundamentally different from reading or reproducing a written text from memory by the specifics of prosodic and grammatical design.

Wherein comparative analysis sounding texts of various functional styles showed that for the task of recognizing individual and group personality traits, spontaneously generated oral texts turn out to be the most representative and representative, since they most fully and systematically manifest the speaker's speech skills and habits, as well as signs that remain outside the conscious control during speech production, the so-called residual dialectal or foreign language manifestations.

Moreover, the spontaneous text contains to the maximum extent the signs of the psycho-physiological properties of a person's speech characteristics. Especially indicators of short-term and long-term memory, need-motivational conditions for the implementation of speech. Spontaneity as a differential feature is manifested in the prosodic and melodic design of the sounding text. The features of spontaneity of speech increase in conditions of limited time for preparation or thinking (simultaneous thinking and generating) within the framework of short-term memory, the volume of which is due to the individual psychophysiological properties of the personality.

This factor determines the universal specificity of the prosodic and melodic design of phrases and phono paragraphs in the form of stringing syntagmas of the same type of melodic formation, syntagmas ending in an even or slight rise in movement (models of incompleteness or non-final completion). Another universal characteristic of spontaneous and quasi-spontaneous speech is the presence of speech failures and pauses-hesitations (uncertainty, choice of lexeme or syntactic model). It should be noted that the quantity and quality of pauses-hesitation depends on a number of conditions (speech skills public speech, the volume of the audience, the complexity of the topics discussed, the degree of familiarity of the speaker with the subject of speech, etc.). So, for example, if a person has average speech skills, there is a significantly larger number of speech failures, a smaller number of complicated syntactic structures, and a reduction in the types of subordinate structures (determinative and additional). At the same time, the share of non-union proposals with an increase in the number of subordinate clauses, with subordinate unions or union words, but the number of pauses-hesitations, filled with lexical or sound elements, increases. At high degree the development of public speech skills, pauses have an average statistical time, typical for the fragments under consideration.

It should be noted here that different phonetic styles can occur within the same functional style. Phonetic style according to L.V. Shcherba (1974) can be complete or incomplete (colloquial). In real sounding speech, the complete style of pronunciation, reflecting the "ideal phonetic composition of the word", is practically not found, we add - with rare exceptions. So, the full style of pronunciation can be encountered when chanting, when modal constructions are used that express the speaker's attitude, and the goal is to fix the listener's attention on some fact or action. Such statements can be found in the presence of motivation to influence the listener, for example, in the speech of teachers, teachers, educators. For example, there is an exaggerated, syllabic pronunciation of modal structures with stretching of vowels in unstressed syllables:

"Pov-to-rya-yu - this device is called a-reef-meter."

Another example is declamation - a public appearance of a politician in front of television cameras, when each syntagma turns out to be equal to one or two phonetic words with a pronounced phrasal accent, forcing the listener to comprehend each spoken word.

For instance,

"Not so - sit down - change seats"

This manner of speech is characteristic, for example, of liturgical preaching with the installation of influencing the audience. At the same time, a similar structure of syntagmas in one or two phonetic words is noted. It must be said here that a similar manner of speech of the speaker, brought to automatism, is also manifested in unexpected situations, for example, even during interrogation with an investigator, which is one of the criteria for the degree of expression of individual signs of speech.

However, in all varieties of the functional style, sounding speech has heterogeneity in terms of the ratio of full and incomplete pronunciation style.

So, spontaneous speech has a greater share of an incomplete pronunciation style than reading. In spontaneous speech, the speaker's favorite speech patterns are manifested to the greatest extent. Whereas when reading, graphics, reading technique, the speaker's acquaintance with the text, the quality of vision, illumination and other extralinguistic factors have a great influence on the implementation of the units of the segment and super-segment levels.

In different communicative situations, a significant number of extralinguistic moments, such as the relationship between the speaker and the listener, the presence of a factor of time limitation, the external environment, etc., affect the form of implementation of a sounding text. Possessing an inventory of lexemes and syntactic constructions, the speaker in a spontaneous form of speech is able to generate an unlimited number of speech utterances recognized by the listener.

So, within the framework of the sound recording of the same sounding text, based on the communicative intention and the extralinguistic situation of interrogation, the speaker can produce various forms of speech. He can be asked to read a written text, he can answer a variety of both expected and unexpected questions, give evidence that was thought out in advance and agreed with a lawyer, etc. etc.

It should be noted that the units of the lexical and grammatical levels are fixed as units of the language and are used logically and consistently if a person speaks the language in which verbal communication is carried out. It is necessary to bear in mind the possible deliberate distortion of the individual manner of speech, when the speaker, due to certain conditions and circumstances, wants to create the impression of a different stylistic manner or a different style of speech, different from his inherent manner. Moreover, the change is primarily subject to lexical and grammatical elements.

For example, the use of participles is not characteristic of spontaneous speech. However, sometimes, operating with a small supply of syntactic models, the speaker uses a significant number of participles to create a perception of fluency of speech, or to mask his inherent manner of speech. Such situations are not uncommon in the selection of comparative samples, when the speaker consciously controls his utterances, avoids using his "favorite" words and expressions, uses neutral frequency vocabulary, stringing standard syntactic constructions and grammatical forms.

For the spontaneous form of sounding speech, the "stringing" of the most frequently encountered prosodic and melodic patterns is typical. In reality, there are a lot of prosodic models, but their implementation can be limited by the framework of the dialogical form of speech, where prosodic parameters are determined by questions and answers. This is due to the fact that the syntactic structure of a spontaneous sounding text has its own specifics, which is expressed in the reduction of the types of syntactic models of statements and the reduction in the number of complicated constructions.

In the melodic design, spontaneous texts are also linked into a single whole by means of sequential stringing of the same type of rhythmic-melodic syntagma schemes. The most common patterns of non-final completion and models of weak incompleteness with even tone movement or a slight melodic rise on the syntagma terminator.

In specific tasks of recognizing the individual and group characteristics of the speaker, spontaneous and quasi-spontaneous oral texts are implemented in a variety of prosodemes, phrasal accents and individual features of the implementation of units of all linguistic levels within a broad literary norm. At the same time, the very specificity of the spontaneous and quasi-spontaneous form of speech dictates a special form of realization of the final goal in the form of disclosing the topic of the message by blocks of short-term memory units, which is accordingly marked with signals of the incompleteness of the speech generation process.

Thus, when determining the strategy and tactics of the entire speech research, it is necessary to take into account linguistic and extralinguistic factors.

One more remark should be made here. In the vernacular and dialectal spheres of speech communication, socio-dialectal and regional manifestations at the lexical and grammatical levels, as a rule, are more pronounced and can be determined due to the marking of the speech itself. Sometimes, when classifying the categorical properties of the speaker, a detailed phonetic analysis of the sounding text is not required, which is replete with the pronounced use of stylistically marked lexemes and syntactic constructions (jargon, professionalism and dialectism) that directly indicate the professional or social belonging of the speaker. Provided, of course, the exclusion of possible mimicry, or deliberate camouflage, which should always be borne in mind in forensic applications.