Private methods of psychological and pedagogical research. · analyze the classification of methods of psychological and pedagogical research. Along with the named groups of methods, auxiliary methods of psychological and pedagogical research are distinguished, to which about

Methods of psychological and pedagogical research: their classifications and characteristics


Classifications of methods of psychological and pedagogical research




Pedagogy is a developing science. She continues to work on a more in-depth development of all major scientific problems, as well as the definition of specific scientific forecasts in the development of individual links in the system of public education and various phenomena in the field of education and upbringing.

In the practice of the modern school, many practical tasks arise before the psychological service. These are the tasks of finding out the level of readiness of the child for school, identifying especially gifted and lagging behind in development, finding out the causes of school maladjustment, the task of early warning of illegal tendencies in personality development, the task of managing a classroom team, taking into account individual features students and interpersonal relationships between them, the tasks of in-depth career guidance.

Conventionally, all the tasks that arise in the interaction of a teacher and a psychologist at school can be divided into psychological-pedagogical and psychological.

Very conditionally, all typical tasks can be classified into two classes, based on the main functions of the school - the function of education and the function of upbringing. In real practice, these two functions are closely intertwined.

To conduct pedagogical research, special scientific methods are used, the knowledge of which is necessary for all those involved in individual and collective scientific research.

Fundamentals of the doctrine of research methods

Methodology in the narrow sense of the word is the doctrine of methods, and although we do not reduce it to such an understanding, the doctrine of methods plays an extremely important role in methodology. The theory of research methods is designed to reveal their essence, purpose, place in the general system of scientific research, to give the scientific basis for the choice of methods and their combination, to identify the conditions for their effective use, to give recommendations on the design of optimal systems of research methods and procedures, i.e. research methods. Methodological propositions and principles receive their effective, instrumental expression precisely in methods.

The widely used concept of "method of scientific research" is largely a conditional category that combines forms of scientific thinking, general models of research procedures, and methods (techniques) for performing research activities.

It is a mistake to approach methods as an independent category. Methods - a derivative of the purpose, subject, content, specific conditions of the study. They are largely determined by the nature of the problem, the theoretical level and content of the hypothesis.

The system of methods, or methodology, of search is a part of the research system, expressing it naturally and allowing research activities to be carried out. Of course, the connections of methods in the research system are complex and diverse, and methods, being a kind of subsystem of the research complex, serve all its "nodes". In general, the methods depend on the content of those stages of scientific research that logically precede the stages of selection and use of procedures necessary to test the hypothesis. In turn, all components of the study, including methods, are determined by the content of what is being studied, although they themselves determine the possibilities of comprehending the essence of a particular content, the possibility of solving certain scientific problems.

Methods and methodology of research are largely determined by the initial concept of the researcher, his general ideas about the essence and structure of what is being studied. The systematic use of methods requires the choice of a "reference system", methods of their classification. In this connection, let us consider the classifications of pedagogical research methods proposed in the literature.

Classification of methods of psychological and pedagogical research

One of the most recognized and well-known classifications of methods of psychological and pedagogical research is the classification proposed by B.G. Ananiev. He divided all methods into four groups:



according to the method of data processing;


The scientist attributed to organizational methods:

comparative method as a comparison of different groups by age, activity, etc.;

longitudinal - as multiple examinations of the same persons over a long period of time;

complex - as a study of one object by representatives of different sciences.

To empirical:

observational methods (observation and self-observation);

experiment (laboratory, field, natural, etc.);

psychodiagnostic method;

analysis of processes and products of activity (praxiometric methods);


biographical method.

By way of data processing

methods of mathematical and statistical data analysis and

methods of qualitative description (Sidorenko E.V., 2000; abstract).

to interpretive

genetic (phylo- and ontogenetic) method;

structural method (classification, typology, etc.).

Ananiev described each of the methods in detail, but with all the thoroughness of his argumentation, as V.N. Druzhinin in his book "Experimental Psychology", many unresolved problems remain: why did modeling turn out to be an empirical method? How are practical methods different from field experiment and instrumental observation? Why is the group of interpretative methods separated from organizational ones?

It is advisable, by analogy with other sciences, to distinguish three classes of methods in educational psychology:

Empirical, in which externally real interaction of the subject and object of research is carried out.

Theoretical, when the subject interacts with the mental model of the object (more precisely, the subject of study).

Interpretation-descriptive, in which the subject "externally" interacts with the sign-symbolic representation of the object (graphs, tables, diagrams).

The result of the application of empirical methods is data that fixes the state of the object with instrument readings; reflecting the results of activities, etc.

Application result theoretical methods represented by knowledge about the subject in the form of natural language, sign-symbolic or spatial-schematic.

Among the main theoretical methods of psychological and pedagogical research, V.V. Druzhinin pointed out:

deductive (axiomatic and hypothetical-deductive), otherwise - the ascent from the general to the particular, from the abstract to the concrete. The result is theory, law, etc.;

inductive - generalization of facts, ascent from the particular to the general. The result is an inductive hypothesis, regularity, classification, systematization;

modeling - concretization of the method of analogies, "transduction", inference from particular to particular, when a simpler and / or more accessible object is taken as an analogue of a more complex object. The result is a model of an object, process, state.


Finally, interpretative-descriptive methods are the "meeting place" of the results of applying theoretical and experimental methods and the place of their interaction. The data of an empirical study, on the one hand, are subjected to primary processing and presentation in accordance with the requirements for the results of the theory, model, and inductive hypothesis that organize the study; on the other hand, there is an interpretation of these data in terms of competing concepts for the correspondence of hypotheses to the results.

The product of interpretation is a fact, an empirical dependence, and, ultimately, a justification or refutation of a hypothesis.

All research methods are proposed to be divided into proper pedagogical and methods of other sciences, into methods that ascertain and transform, empirical and theoretical, qualitative and quantitative, particular and general, meaningful and formal, methods of description, explanation and forecast.

Each of these approaches carries a special meaning, although some of them are also quite arbitrary. Let us take, for example, the division of methods into pedagogical and methods of other sciences, that is, non-pedagogical. The methods that belong to the first group are, strictly speaking, either general scientific (for example, observation, experiment) or general methods of the social sciences (for example, polling, questioning, assessment), which are well mastered by pedagogy. Non-pedagogical methods are the methods of psychology, mathematics, cybernetics and other sciences used by pedagogy, but not yet so adapted by it and other sciences as to acquire the status of proper pedagogy.

The plurality of classifications and classification characteristics of methods should not be considered a disadvantage. This is a reflection of the multidimensionality of methods, their diversity of quality, manifested in various connections and relationships.

Depending on the aspect of consideration and specific tasks, the researcher can use different classifications of methods. In actually used sets of research procedures, there is a movement from description to explanation and forecast, from statement to transformation, from empirical methods to theoretical ones. When using some classifications, the trends in the transition from one group of methods to another turn out to be complex and ambiguous. There is, for example, a movement from general methods (analysis of experience) to particular ones (observation, modeling, etc.), and then back to general ones, from qualitative methods to quantitative and from them back to qualitative.

There is also another classification. All the various methods used in pedagogical research can be divided into general, general scientific and special.

General scientific methods of cognition are methods that are of a general scientific nature and are used in all or in a number of areas. These include experiment, mathematical methods and a number of others.

General scientific methods used by various sciences are refracted in accordance with the specifics of each given science using these methods. They are closely related to the group of specific scientific methods, which are applied only in a certain area and do not go beyond it, and are used in every science in various combinations. Of great importance for solving most of the problems of pedagogy is the study of the actually developing educational process, theoretical understanding and processing of the creative findings of teachers and other practitioners, i.e., generalization and promotion of best practices. The most common methods used to study experience include observation, conversation, questioning, familiarization with the products of students' activities, and educational documentation. Observation is a purposeful perception of any pedagogical phenomenon, during which the researcher receives specific factual material or data characterizing the features of the course of any phenomenon. In order to prevent the researcher's attention from being scattered and fixed primarily on aspects of the observed phenomenon that are of particular interest to him, an observation program is developed in advance, objects of observation are singled out, and methods are provided for describing certain points. The conversation is used as an independent or as an additional research method in order to obtain the necessary clarifications about what was not clear enough during observation. The conversation is conducted according to a predetermined plan, highlighting issues that need to be clarified. The conversation is conducted in a free form without writing down the interlocutor's answers, in contrast to interviewing - a type of conversation method transferred to pedagogy from sociology. When interviewing, the researcher adheres to pre-planned questions asked in a certain sequence. Responses may be openly recorded. When questioning - a method of mass collection of material using questionnaires - answers to questions are written by those to whom the questionnaires are addressed (students, teachers, school workers, in some cases - parents). Questioning is used to obtain data that the researcher cannot obtain in any other way (for example, to identify the attitude of the respondents to the pedagogical phenomenon being studied). The effectiveness of a conversation, interviewing, questioning largely depends on the content and form of the questions asked, a tactful explanation of their purpose and purpose, in particular, it is recommended that the questions be feasible, unambiguous, short, clear, objective, would not contain covert suggestions, would arouse interest and desire to respond, etc. An important source obtaining actual data is the study of pedagogical documentation that characterizes the educational process in a particular educational institution (logs of progress and attendance, personal files and medical records of students, student diaries, minutes of meetings and meetings, etc.). These documents reflect many objective data that help establish a number of causal relationships, identify some dependencies (for example, between health status and academic performance).

The study of written, graphic and creative works of students is a method that equips the researcher with data that reflects the individuality of each student, showing his attitude to work, the presence of certain abilities.

However, in order to judge the effectiveness of certain pedagogical influences or the value of methodological discoveries made by practitioners, and even more so in order to give any recommendations regarding the application of certain innovations in mass practice, the considered methods are not enough, since how they basically reveal only purely external connections between the individual aspects of the pedagogical phenomenon under study. For deeper penetration into these connections and dependencies, a pedagogical experiment is used - a specially organized test of a particular method or method of work in order to identify its effectiveness and efficiency. In contrast to the study of real experience with the use of methods that register only the fact that an already existing experiment always involves the creation of a new experience in which the researcher plays an active role. The main condition for the use of a pedagogical experiment in the Soviet school is to conduct it without disturbing the normal course of the educational process, when there are sufficient grounds to believe that the innovation being tested can help increase the effectiveness of training and education, or at least not cause undesirable consequences. This experiment is called natural experiment. If the experiment is carried out in order to check any particular issue, or if, in order to obtain the necessary data, it is necessary to ensure particularly careful observation of individual students (sometimes using special equipment), artificial isolation of one or more students and placing them in special conditions specially created by the researcher is allowed. . In this case, a laboratory experiment is used, which is rarely used in pedagogical research.

A scientifically substantiated assumption about the possible effectiveness of one or another experimentally verified innovation is called a scientific hypothesis.

An essential part of the experiment is observation carried out according to a specially designed program, as well as the collection of certain data, for which tests, questionnaires, and conversations are used. Recently, technical means have also been increasingly used for these purposes: sound recording, filming, photographing at certain moments, surveillance using a hidden television camera. It is promising to use videotape recorders, which make it possible to record observed phenomena and then play them back for analysis.

The most important stage in the work with the use of these methods is the analysis and scientific interpretation of the collected data, the ability of the researcher to move from specific facts to theoretical generalizations.

In theoretical analysis, the researcher thinks about the causal relationship between the applied methods or methods of influence and the results obtained, and also looks for reasons that explain the appearance of some unexpected unforeseen results, determines the conditions under which this or that phenomenon occurred, seeks to separate the accidental from the necessary, deduces certain pedagogical patterns.

Theoretical methods can also be applied in the analysis of data collected from various scientific and pedagogical sources, when comprehending the studied best practices.

In pedagogical research, mathematical methods are also used, which help not only to identify qualitative changes, but also to establish quantitative relationships between pedagogical phenomena.

The most common of the mathematical methods used in pedagogy are the following.

Registration is a method of identifying the presence of a certain quality in each member of the group and a total count of the number of those who have or do not have this quality (for example, the number of successful and unsuccessful, who attended classes without a pass and made passes, etc.).

Ranking - (or the method of ranking assessment) involves the arrangement of the collected data in a certain sequence, usually in descending or increasing order of any indicators and, accordingly, determining the place in this row of each of the subjects (for example, compiling a list of students depending on the number of students admitted to control work errors, the number of missed classes, etc.).

Scaling as a quantitative method of research makes it possible to introduce numerical indicators in the assessment of certain aspects of pedagogical phenomena. For this purpose, the subjects are asked questions, answering which they must indicate the degree or form of assessment chosen from among these assessments, numbered in a certain order (for example, a question about playing sports with a choice of answers: a) I am fond of, b) I do it regularly, c) do not exercise regularly, d) do not do any kind of sport).

Correlating the results with the norm (with given indicators) involves determining deviations from the norm and correlating these deviations with acceptable intervals (for example, with programmed learning, 85-90% of correct answers are often considered the norm; if there are fewer correct answers, this means that the program is too difficult if more, then it is too light).

The definition of the average values ​​of the obtained indicators is also used - the arithmetic mean (for example, the average number of errors for the control work identified in two classes), the median, defined as an indicator of the middle of the series (for example, if there are fifteen students in the group, this will be the assessment of the results of the eighth student in the list , in which all students are distributed according to the rank of their marks).

In the analysis and mathematical processing of mass material, statistical methods are used, which include the calculation of average values, as well as the calculation of the degrees of dispersion around these values ​​- dispersion, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, etc.

Characteristics of empirical research

The methods of empirical research should include: studying the literature of documents and results of activities, observation, questioning, evaluation (method of experts or competent judges), testing. Generalization of pedagogical experience, experimental pedagogical work, experiment belong to more general methods of this level. They are essentially complex methods, which include private methods correlated in a certain way

The study of literature, documents and results of activities. The study of literature serves as a method of getting acquainted with the facts, history and current state of problems, a way to create initial ideas, the initial concept of the subject, the discovery of "blank spots" and ambiguities in the development of the issue.

The study of literature and documentary materials continues throughout the study. The accumulated facts encourage us to rethink and evaluate the content of the studied sources, stimulate interest in issues that have not previously received sufficient attention. A solid documentary base of the study is an important condition for its objectivity and depth.


observation. A very widely used method, used both independently and as an integral part of more complex methods. Observation consists in the direct perception of phenomena with the help of the senses or their indirect Perception through a description by other directly observing people.

Observation is based on perception as a mental process, but this by no means exhausts observation as a research method. Observation can be directed to the study of delayed learning outcomes, to the study of changes in the object over a certain time. In this case, the results of the perception of phenomena in different time are compared, analyzed, compared, and only after that the results of observation are determined. When organizing observation, its objects must be identified in advance, goals set, and an observation plan drawn up. The object of observation is most often the very process of the activity of the teacher and the student, the course and results of which are judged by words, actions, deeds, and the results of completing tasks. The purpose of observation determines the primary focus on certain aspects of activity, on certain connections and relationships (the level and dynamics of interest in the subject, ways of mutual assistance of students in collective work, the ratio of informative and developing learning functions, etc.). Planning helps to identify the sequence of observation, the order and method of fixing its results. Types of observations can be distinguished according to various criteria. On the basis of a temporary organization. Distinguish between continuous and discrete observation, in terms of volume - broad and highly specialized, aimed at identifying individual aspects of a phenomenon or individual objects (monographic observation of individual students, for example). Survey. This method is used in two main forms: in the form of an oral survey interview and in the form of a written survey - a questionnaire. Each of these forms has its strengths and weaknesses.

The survey reflects subjective opinions and assessments. Often, the respondents guess what is required of them, and voluntarily or involuntarily tune in to the required answer. The survey method should be considered as a means of collecting primary material, subject to cross-checking by other methods.

The survey is always built on the basis of expectations based on a certain understanding of the nature and structure of the phenomena being studied, as well as ideas about the relationships and assessments of the respondents. First of all, the task arises to reveal the objective content in subjective and often inconsistent answers, to identify the leading objective tendencies and causes in them. Inconsistencies in estimates. Then the problem of comparing the expected and received arises and is solved, which can serve as a basis for correcting or changing the initial ideas about the subject.

Evaluation (method of competent judges). In essence, this is a combination of indirect observation and questioning, associated with the involvement of the most competent people in the assessment of the phenomena being studied, whose opinions, complementing and rechecking each other, make it possible to objectively evaluate the studied. This method is very economical. Its use requires a number of conditions. First of all, it is a careful selection of experts - people who know well the area being assessed, the object under study and are capable of an objective and unbiased assessment.

Study and generalization of pedagogical experience. Scientific study and generalization of pedagogical experience serve various research purposes; identification existing level the functioning of the pedagogical process, bottlenecks and conflicts that arise in practice, learning Efficiency and accessibility scientific advice revealing the Elements of the new, rational, born in the everyday creative search of advanced teachers. In its last function, the method of generalizing pedagogical experience appears in its most common form as a method of generalizing advanced pedagogical experience. Thus, the object of study can be mass experience (to identify leading trends), negative experience (to identify characteristic shortcomings and errors), but of particular importance is the study of best practices, in the process of which valuable grains of the new are identified, generalized, become the property of science and practice. found in mass practice: original techniques and their combinations, interesting methodological systems (techniques).

Experienced teaching work. If we are talking about the generalization of experience, then it is clear that scientific research follows directly from practice, follows it, contributing to the crystallization and growth of the new that is born in it. But such a ratio of science and practice today is not the only possible one. In many cases, science is obliged to stay ahead of practice, even advanced practice, without, however, breaking away from its demands and requirements.

The method of introducing deliberate changes in the educational and educational process, designed to obtain an educational and educational effect, with their subsequent verification and evaluation, is experimental work.

didactic experiment. An experiment in science is a change or reproduction of a phenomenon in order to study it under the most favorable conditions. A characteristic feature of the experiment is the planned human intervention in the phenomenon under study, the possibility of repeatedly reproducing the phenomena under study under varying conditions. This method allows you to decompose holistic pedagogical phenomena into their constituent elements. By changing (variing) the conditions under which these elements function, the experimenter is able to trace the development of individual aspects and connections, and more or less accurately record the results obtained. The experiment serves to test the hypothesis, clarify the individual conclusions of the theory (empirically verifiable consequences), establish and clarify the facts

A real experiment is preceded by a mental one. Playing mentally various options for possible experiments, the researcher selects options that are subject to verification in a real experiment, and also receives expected, hypothetical results, with which the results obtained in the course of a real experiment are compared.

Characteristics of theoretical studies

Due to the generalizing nature of theoretical research, all its methods have a wide field of application and are of a fairly general nature. These are methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis, abstraction and idealization, modeling and concretization of theoretical knowledge. Let's consider these methods.

Theoretical analysis and synthesis. At the theoretical level of research, many forms of logical thinking are very widely used, including analysis and synthesis, especially analysis, which consists in decomposing what is being studied into units, which makes it possible to reveal internal structure object. But the leading role in comparison with analysis in theoretical research is played by synthesis. On the basis of synthesis, the subject is recreated as a subordinated system of connections and interactions with the highlighting of the most significant of them.

It is only through analysis and synthesis that one can isolate the objective content, objective tendencies in the activity of students and teachers, subjective in form, "grasp" inconsistencies, "catch" real contradictions in development. The pedagogical process, to "see" such forms and stages of the process that are designed, but do not yet really exist.

Abstraction - concretization and idealization. The processes of abstraction and concretization are closely connected with analysis and synthesis.

Under abstraction (abstracting) is usually understood the process of mental abstraction of any property or attribute of an object from the object itself, from its other properties. This is done in order to study the subject more deeply, to isolate it from other subjects and from other properties, signs. Abstraction is especially valuable for those sciences in which experiment is impossible, the use of such means of knowledge as a microscope, chemical reagents, etc.

There are two types of abstraction: generalizing and isolating. The first type of abstraction is formed by highlighting common identical features in many objects. Isolating abstraction does not involve the presence of many objects, it can be done with only one object. Here, in an analytical way, the property we need is singled out with fixing our attention on it. For example, a teacher singles out one of the variety of features of the educational process - the availability of educational material - and considers it independently, determining what accessibility is, what causes it, how it is achieved, what is its role in the assimilation of the material.

Modeling. Comparison is widely used in theoretical studies, and especially analogy - a specific type of comparison that allows you to establish the similarity of phenomena.

Analogy provides a basis for conclusions about the equivalence in certain respects of one object to another. Then an object that is simpler in structure and accessible to study becomes a model of a more complex object, called a prototype (original). It opens up the possibility of transferring information by analogy from model to prototype. This is the essence of one of the specific methods of the theoretical level - the modeling method. At the same time, it is possible to completely free the thinking subject from the empirical premises of the conclusion, when the conclusions themselves from the model to the prototype take the form of mathematical correspondences (isomorphism, homomorphism of isofunctionalism), and thinking begins to operate not with real, but with mental models, which are then embodied in the form of schematic sign models (graphs). , schemes, formulas, etc.).

A model is an auxiliary object selected or transformed by a person for cognitive purposes, giving new information about the main object. In didactics, attempts have been made to create a model of the educational process as a whole at a qualitative level. The model representation of individual aspects or structures of learning is already practiced quite widely.

Modeling in theoretical research also serves the task of constructing something new that does not yet exist in practice. The researcher, having studied the characteristic features of real processes and their tendencies, searches for their new combinations on the basis of the key idea, makes their mental layout, i.e., models the required state of the system under study. A thought experiment can be considered a special kind of modeling based on idealization. In such an experiment, a person, on the basis of theoretical knowledge about the objective world and empirical data, creates ideal objects, correlates them in a certain dynamic model, mentally imitating the movement and those situations that could take place in real experimentation.

Concretization of theoretical knowledge. The higher the degree of abstraction, the removal from the empirical foundation, the more responsible and more complex the procedures required in order to. The results of the theoretical search have acquired the form of knowledge ready for use in science and practice.

There arises, first of all, the task “to enter the acquired knowledge into the system of existing theoretical concepts. This knowledge can deepen, develop, clarify existing theories, clarify their insufficiency and even "blow up" them.

Concretization - logical forms a, which is the opposite of abstraction. Concretization is the mental process of recreating an object from previously isolated abstractions. When concretizing concepts, they are enriched with new features.

Concretization, aimed at reproducing the development of an object as an integral system, becomes a special research method. The unity of diversity, the combination of many properties and qualities of an object, is called concrete here; abstract, on the contrary, its one-sided property, isolated from other moments.

The method of concretization of theoretical knowledge, which includes many logical techniques and operations used at all stages of the study, thus makes it possible to translate abstract knowledge into mentally concrete and concretely effective knowledge, gives scientific results an outlet for practice.

Ways to implement research results

The most important thing in a completed pedagogical research is the implementation of its results in practice. The implementation of the results is understood as a whole range of activities implemented in a certain sequence, including informing the pedagogical community about the findings or patterns identified that give rise to any changes in practice (through the pedagogical press, in oral presentations, etc.); creation of new teaching and methodological aids based on the data obtained from the pilot study (for example, when restructuring education in primary school); development of methodological instructions and recommendations, etc. At the same time, if the effectiveness and efficiency of any pedagogical findings of practicing teachers are confirmed and they receive scientific understanding, interpretation and justification, propaganda of their experience is organized, the possibility of transferring it to other conditions is shown (for example, the propaganda of the experience of Lipetsk teachers who improved the methodology was organized in this way). lesson organization).


The key to the successful implementation and dissemination of the results of pedagogical research and the studied and scientifically based best practices is the creative community of teachers and workers in pedagogical science, the interest of teachers in reading scientific, pedagogical and methodological literature, the desire to personally, directly participate in experimental and experimental work, especially at that stage when mass testing of new educational and methodological materials is organized, in which new ideas are laid down and results are reflected scientific and pedagogical research.

Knowledge of the basic methods of conducting pedagogical research is necessary for every creative teacher, who must know and be able to apply these methods, both to study the experience of other teachers, and to organize the verification on a scientific basis of their own pedagogical discoveries and discoveries applied in other conditions.

In the most general form, the system of actions for the study of a particular pedagogical problem can be reduced to the following:

identifying the problem, determining the origins of its occurrence, understanding its essence and manifestations in the practice of the school;

assessment of the degree of its development in pedagogical science, the study of theoretical concepts and provisions related to the field of study;

formulation of a specific research problem, tasks set by the researcher, research hypotheses;

development of their proposals for solving this problem; experimental-experimental verification of their effectiveness and effectiveness;

analysis of data indicating the degree of efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed innovations;

conclusions about the significance of the results of a particular study for the development of the relevant field of pedagogical science.


So, we have considered the main methods of pedagogical research. How, then, from these separate methods, can a substantiated research methodology be combined, using which it is possible to solve the tasks set?

First of all, it is necessary to proceed from the position that the essence of the method is determined not by a set of techniques, but by their general focus, by the logic of the movement of a searching thought following the objective movement of an object, by the general concept of research. A method is, first of all, a scheme, a model of research actions and techniques, and only then a system of actually carried out actions and techniques that serve to prove and test a hypothesis in terms of a certain pedagogical concept.

The essence of the methodology is that it is a targeted system of methods that provides a fairly complete and reliable solution to the problem. This or that set of methods combined into a methodology always expresses the planned methods for detecting inconsistencies, gaps in scientific knowledge, and then serves as a means of eliminating gaps, resolving the identified contradictions.

Naturally, the choice of methods is largely determined by the level at which the work is carried out (empirical or theoretical), the nature of the study (methodological, theoretical applied) and the content of its final and intermediate tasks.

You can point out a number of characteristic errors when choosing methods:

a template approach to the choice of method, its stereotyped use without taking into account the specific tasks and conditions of the study; universalization of individual methods or techniques, for example, questionnaires and sociometry;

ignoring or insufficient use of theoretical methods, especially idealization, ascent from the abstract to the concrete;

the inability of separate methods to compose a holistic methodology that optimally ensures the solution of problems of scientific research.

Any method in itself is a semi-finished product, a blank that needs to be modified, specified in relation to the tasks, subject and specifically to the conditions of search work.

Finally, it is necessary to think about such a combination of research methods that they successfully complement each other, revealing the subject of research more fully and deeply, so that it is possible to double-check the results obtained by one method using another. For example, it is useful to clarify, deepen, and verify the results of preliminary observations and conversations with students by analyzing the results of tests or the behavior of students in specially created situations.

The foregoing allows us to formulate some criteria for the correct choice of the research method:

2. Compliance with modern principles of scientific research.

3. Scientific perspective, i.e. reasonable assumption that the chosen method will give new and reliable results.

4. Compliance with the logical structure (stage) of the study.

5. Perhaps a more complete focus on the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of the trainees, because the research method in many cases becomes a method of education and upbringing, that is, "a tool for touching the personality."

6. Harmonic relationship with other methods in a single methodological system.

All the constituent elements of the methodology and the methodology as a whole must be checked for compliance with the objectives of the study, sufficient evidence, and full compliance with the principles of pedagogical research.


1. Zagvyazinsky V.P. Methodology and methodology of didactic research. - M .: Pedagogy, 1982. - 147 p.

2. Pedagogy: textbook. allowance for students ped. in-tov/P 24 Ed. Yu.K. Babansky. - m.: Enlightenment, 1983. - 608 p.

Internet resources



5. (; see the article by Borisova E.M. “Fundamentals of Psychodiagnostics”).

Lecture questions:

7.1. The idea, structure and logic of the psychological and pedagogical research.

7.2. Processing and interpretation of the results of the study.

7.3. Registration of results of scientific work.

7. 1. The idea, structure and logic of the psychological and pedagogical research

Research in the field of psychology and pedagogy is a complex process of scientific and cognitive activity aimed at identifying, testing and using new methods, means and techniques in pedagogical practice that improve the system of education, training and human development. This is a difficult path of creative search, which includes a number of interrelated stages of work, each of which solves its own specific tasks. The optimal sequence of these stages, leading to obtaining reasonable results, i.e., the methodology of psychological and pedagogical research, is due to its design.

Research Design-this is the main idea that links together all the structural elements of the methodology, determines the organization and procedure for conducting the study, its stages. In the design of the study, the goal, objectives, research hypothesis, and its criteria are lined up in a logical order. The indicators of the development of a particular psychological and pedagogical phenomenon are correlated with specific research methods, the sequence of application of these methods, the procedure for managing the course of the experiment, recording, accumulating and generalizing empirical material are determined. The purpose of the study determines the structure, logic and main stages.

The development of the concept and logic of the study, embodying the search strategy, is a complex process that not only precedes, but also accompanies the entire study, because the nature and sequence of its stages are largely determined by the results obtained already in the course of the work and the difficulties that have arisen. Nevertheless, the main work on the development of the concept and logic of pedagogical research must be done at the beginning of the work, based on the principle of modeling the final result and hypothetical ideas about those stages of research that will ensure its achievement.

Usually the process of psychological and pedagogical research in a generalized form consists of the following stages:

    1. Selection, formulation and justification of the research topic.

    2. Development and preparation of a working plan for the study, the choice of methods and the development of a methodology for its implementation.

    3. In-depth study of scientific and scientific-methodical literature, dissertations, research and term papers related to the problem under study.

    4. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical practice, past and present experience, both positive and negative.

    5. Collection, processing and systematization of own research materials.

    6. Experimental verification of the research results.

    7. Formulation of the main conclusions based on the results of the study.

    8. Drawing up a plan-prospect of scientific work, determining its structure.

    9. Literary and technical design of scientific work (language, style, editing, compliance with GOST requirements).

Often in the practice of research work, only a few major stages are singled out. Usually first stage includes the choice of problem and topic, the definition of the object and subject, goals and objectives, the development of a research hypothesis.

Second phase The work contains the choice of methods and the development of research methodology, hypothesis testing, formulation of preliminary conclusions, their testing and refinement, substantiation of final conclusions and practical recommendations.

Logics third stage is based on the implementation of the results obtained in practice and the literary design of the work.

Along with these, it should be noted that the logic of each study is specific. The researcher proceeds from the nature of the problem, the goals and objectives of the work, the specific material that he has, the level of research equipment and his capabilities.

What is typical for each stage of work?

First stage usually begins with the choice of area, area of ​​study. This choice is determined both by objective factors (relevance, novelty, prospects, etc.) and subjective (experience, scientific and professional interests, abilities, mindset of the researcher, etc.).

To conduct a study, it is important to clearly define in which area of ​​psychology or pedagogy the research work will be carried out: training, education, pedagogical culture of the teacher, the formation of personality traits, etc.

In order to clarify the methodology of research, concretize its goals and objectives, sometimes another one stage - trial (pilot) study- which comes second and precedes the stage of developing a research methodology.

In the process of studying what has already been studied in the chosen subject area, one should not be limited to simply listing the names of the authors and the main areas of their research, it is necessary to conduct a qualitative analysis, to give their own assessment of their scientific psychological and pedagogical concepts. To do this, it is important to carefully study all the scientific, popular science and scientific and methodological sources available to the researcher. In carrying out this work, it is advisable to pay special attention to the basic concepts that will be used in the study. They must be clear, unambiguous and understandable, without double interpretation.

Having chosen the direction of scientific work, the researcher defines the problem and topic of research. In fact, the topic itself should contain a problem, therefore, in order to consciously define and, moreover, clarify the topic, it is necessary to identify a research problem.

Research problem is understood as a category meaning something still unknown to science, which is to be discovered, proved. Sometimes a problem is also understood as a new solution to an actual scientific psychological or pedagogical problem. However, unlike the answer to a question, the solution to the problem is not contained in existing knowledge and cannot be obtained by transforming the available scientific information. It is required to find a way to obtain new information and implement it.

That is why it is important to clearly and accurately define the problem of research, i.e., to identify the contradiction (contradictions) that objectively exists in the chosen subject area, the resolution of which the scientific work will be devoted to. To do this, you need to find out - what exactly is unknown, what needs to be proved, what scientific knowledge is necessary for this, is this knowledge available in science today? If they are, how complete and sufficient are they? In other words, the researcher must be convinced that he is starting work on a truly unexplored "field" of scientific research.

The problem in its characteristic features is reflected in research topic. Its relevance is determined by its priority (topicality), scientific significance, prospects and underdevelopment. A successful, semantically accurate, maximally brief formulation of the topic clarifies the problem, outlines the scope of the study, concretizes its main idea and content, thereby creating the prerequisites for the success of the work as a whole. The topic determines the face of the researcher, his prestige, but most importantly - his social, practical value for a long period of time, and sometimes for life. This is due to the fact that a change in the topic of scientific work at the current level and pace of development of science in general and, in particular, psychology and pedagogy sometimes throws the researcher back for several years. This is exactly the period that allows you to get used to the topic, reach the most advanced frontiers of its development, creatively master everything that has been accumulated in this area, both in domestic and in the world of psychological and pedagogical sciences. Therefore, when choosing a topic, there is no need to rush, but any delay postpones the start date of the study, and hence the time for obtaining its final result. The preferred option for choosing the topic of scientific work is the researcher's own belief in its relevance and prospects. Of course, a novice researcher still often does not have sufficient scientific horizons for such a responsible, and most importantly, unmistakable choice. In this case, he is guided by the requirements of state and departmental regulations, which determine the priority areas of scientific research in order to meet the needs of practice. The requirements, as a rule, reflect the “burning” points of science, the demands of today and tomorrow. Choosing and formulating a research topic is also helped by consultations with a supervisor, scientists, practicing teachers, methodologists, a thorough analysis of dissertations and theses (in their final part, promising directions for researching a particular problem are usually formulated), participation in scientific work together with experienced scientists .

An analysis of the boundary problems of science can be of great help to the researcher. In psychology and pedagogy, for example, such a boundary is multifaceted and ambiguous. It passes between these and other sciences: genetics, physiology, cybernetics, sociology, economics, philosophy and others. In addition, psychology and pedagogy are themselves divided into many branches, and discoveries of the highest rank lie in intersectoral problems. However, at the same time, psychology and pedagogy should concentrate their efforts on the applied application of scientific research in the interests of improving the quality of work with people, substantiating the best ways and methods for achieving maximum results. This does not mean that psychological and pedagogical science should not be engaged in fundamental research. The task is to bring any fundamental research to an applied aspect.

Experience shows that, for example, the process of finalizing the topic of a scientific work is expedient after the bulk of the research material has already been collected. Often the working title of the topic is subsequently significantly refined depending on the identified essence of the scientific problem. This explains the fact that in universities where the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel is organized, at least six months of preliminary work is allotted to the selection and justification of those graduate students and applicants.

The further process of research involves the definition of its object and subject.

In psychological and pedagogical research an object- this is the set of connections and relationships, properties that exists objectively in theory and practice and serves as a source of information necessary for research. Subject of study more specific. It includes only those connections and relationships that are subject to direct study in this work, set the boundaries of scientific research, and are the most significant for this study. In each object, several subjects of study can be distinguished.

In pedagogical research, the objects of study are usually the processes of formation of personality traits, the processes of training and education, the activities of various officials in managing these processes, etc.

The subject of research can be specific aspects, aspects of the object of study. As a rule, these are specific qualities of a person's personality, content, forms and methods of pedagogical activity; ways to enhance the cognitive activity of students; methodical system of training a specific type of specialists; forecasting, improvement and development of the educational process; features and trends in the development of pedagogical science and practice, etc.

It is important to keep in mind that the object and subject of research are relative, mobile concepts that change their content in historical terms and are corrected in each specific study. The relationship between the object and the subject has much in common with the correlation between the object and the subject of psychology and pedagogy as sciences. At present, for example, in pedagogy, the subject of research is increasingly associated with the identification of patterns in the educational process, the development and functioning of an individual or group in various conditions of professional activity. This was not discussed before. Regularities are the most difficult subject of study of any science, the goal of its development as a theory. The increasingly frequent choice of psychological and pedagogical patterns as the subject of research should be considered a general and highly indicative trend in the development of psychology and pedagogy. It is not easy to discover the pattern. It's like finding a nugget of precious metal. However, if a nugget is found, then it is in the palm of your hand, you can see it, feel it; if it does not exist, then nothing can prove otherwise. In research, things are different. Here, the researcher sometimes passes off what is desired as real, running ahead of what has been done: he elevates patterns into a law, a trend into a pattern, a fact into a trend. In this case, science does not develop, but is littered with dubious laws, patterns, and trends. At best, they live no longer than the researcher himself, but are often forgotten much earlier. The true law lives in science forever, as long as science itself exists. This explains the fact that even the most successful studies in psychology and pedagogy do not always choose regularities, let alone laws, as the subject of their analysis. More often, the subject of research is associated with the features, trends in the development of psychological and pedagogical phenomena.

Based on the name of the scientific work, its object and subject, the purpose and objectives of the study are determined. Target is formulated briefly and extremely precisely in terms of meaning, expressing the main thing that the researcher intends to do. It can be formulated, for example, as: substantiation of new conceptual approaches in teaching and educating schoolchildren; development of more advanced methods and technologies of education, ways, means and psychological and pedagogical conditions for improving the management of the educational process; substantiation of new theoretical and applied provisions that stimulate the development of new forms and methods of education and upbringing, etc.

The goal is specified and developed in research objectives, which act as steps, passing through which you can reach the intended goal. Clarification of specific tasks is carried out in a creative search for solutions to particular research issues, without which it is impossible to realize the idea, to solve the main problem. For this purpose, special literature is studied, the existing points of view and positions are analyzed; the issues that can be solved with the help of already available scientific data are highlighted, and those whose solution represents a breakthrough into the unknown, a new step in the development of science and, therefore, requires fundamentally new approaches and knowledge that anticipate the main results of the study. In other words, it develops, forms research hypothesis, which is nothing more than a scientifically sound assumption, a prediction of its course and result.

Hypothesis formation is a complex and little-studied process. Much here depends on the abilities of the researcher, such personal qualities as creative thinking, problem vision, intuition, constructive and design skills, etc. All these qualities make it possible to discover the necessary facts, ensure the completeness of their study and, on this basis, identify the inconsistency ( contradiction) of the accumulated factual material with the explanations existing in science.

Second phase- the development of a research methodology is of a pronounced individualized nature, and therefore does not tolerate rigidly regulated rules and regulations. Still, there are a number of fundamental issues that need to be taken into account.

The development of a technique is obligatory, since it gives an answer on how it is necessary to realize the possibilities of various methods in order to achieve the set scientific goal. Based on this, it is not enough to choose a set of methods in the study, it is necessary to design and bring them into the system.

In this way, research methodologyshould be considered asa set of techniques and research methods that determine the order of their application and the interpretation of the results obtained with their help. It depends on the nature of the object of study, the methodology, the purpose of the study, the methods developed, the general level of methods and the general qualifications of the researcher.

The methodology of each psychological and pedagogical research is always specific and unique. There is no methodology in general, there is a specific research methodology. And the more original the researcher, the more original methods he creates, the more elegant he is in interpreting his results. Each person brings something new to the methodology, coming from his understanding of the problem, his research abilities.

A formal approach to the definition of methodology - rewriting the same methods from one scientific work to another - does little, since the latter are not fully implemented in the course of the study and meaningfully reflected in the text of the scientific work.

It is impossible to substantiate the research methodology, firstly, without clarifying in what external phenomena the studied is manifested, what are the indicators, criteria for its development; secondly, without correlating research methods with various manifestations of the phenomenon under study. Only under these conditions can we hope for reliable, scientific conclusions.

Methodology of psychological and pedagogical research, despite their individuality in solving a specific problem has a certain structure. Its main elements are:

     theoretical and methodological part, the concept on the basis of which the whole methodology is built;

     studied phenomena, processes, features, parameters;

     subordinate links and dependencies between them;

     set of applied methods, their coordination;

     order, application of methods and methodological techniques;

     sequence and technique of processing and summarizing the research results.

Skillful definition of the content of each structural element of the methodology, their relationship is the art of research. A well-thought-out methodology organizes the study, determines its main stages, base, provides the necessary factual material, on the basis of the analysis of which scientific conclusions are drawn.

During the course of the study, it is usually research program, which reflects: what psychological and pedagogical phenomenon is being studied, according to what indicators, what criteria are selected and used, what research methods are used. The research program often indicates the purpose of applying certain methods. Table 7.1 shows a part of the research program on the topic of the formation and development of student personality abilities.

Table 7.1


(its essence)





(degree of compliance with this activity)

Methods for studying specific


The student's abilities that allow him to successfully master and engage in one or more activities.

Efficiency of activity (selection of original methods, methods of labor, initiative, time and amount of labor, quality of the result of labor, etc.). Sustained interest (inclination) to activity (the degree of stability and duration of maintaining positive motives).

Efficiency and quality of work meets the requirements of a particular specialty:



They don't match.

Observation (over the methods and methods of work). Analysis of the expediency and economy of movements and actions. Registration of the time to achieve the result. Solving various practical tasks. Self-report.

Increased sensitivity of individual analyzers (visual, auditory, etc.)

Speed ​​of reactions, increased thresholds of sensations (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.)

hardware methods.

The methodology is like a model of research, and deployed in time. Naturally, the more accurately and in more detail this model reflects reality, the more effective, ceteris paribus, the study itself will be. A certain set of methods is thought out for each stage of the study. At the same time, the rationality of the application of the developed methodology, the sufficiency and compliance with the objectives of the study are taken into account.

The development of a methodology is influenced by many factors and, above all, the subject, goals and objectives of the study. It is important to clearly and accurately represent what is to be studied, revealed. Let's look at this with a specific example.

Imagine that it is necessary to study the system of work on professional selection in a higher educational institution. In this case, it is important to determine what qualities should be diagnosed in applicants, by what methods and in what order. Usually this work is planned to be carried out in stages.

At the first stage - preparatory - when studying applicants, conversation, analysis of documents, generalization of independent characteristics and some other research methods are used.

When studying the personal files of candidates, for example, the method of document analysis is used, and statistical research methods are used to process the results obtained.

At the second stage of selection, methods of observation, diagnostic conversations, questionnaires, etc. are used. At the same time, specialists conducting the selection use test and projective methods, including the method of professional testing, analysis of performance results. The use of the biographical method in its static version gives a great effect.

The third stage of selection is examinations. At this stage, it is important not only to grade, but also to pay attention to the personal qualities of applicants.

The fourth stage is the work of the selection committee for the admission of applicants to the university. The beginning of its work is preceded by a generalization of the data obtained from a comprehensive, comprehensive study of the personality of the applicant, which should be the basis for the decision of the selection committee. The most ideal, final version of summarizing the results of the survey for each individual is the average score of the passed, entrance exams and the preference index, expressed quantitatively. The formation of the preference index is possible in various ways. For example, researchers are asked to evaluate each identified personality trait on a 10-point scale (a five-point scale can also be used). According to the results of the study, this feature is evaluated by a certain score. Then this score is multiplied by the coefficient of significance, which reflects the "weight" of this feature in the structure of the applicant's professional predisposition. The results obtained in this way for each feature are added to form the preference index.

Having presented the procedure for applying the chosen research methods at each stage of the selection, the researcher mentally recreates his entire methodology, as if unfolded in time, considering whether everything is provided for and taken into account: are the criteria and psychological characteristics that are the main content of the professional predisposition of applicants defined; whether diagnostic methods have been selected and tested, the effectiveness and procedure for their application at each stage of work; Is the procedure for summarizing the information obtained as a result of the selection determined? All these questions are included in the structure of the research methodology.

The above example of creating a methodology for professional psychological selection allows us to conclude that each element of the methodology needs to be carefully worked out, which ensures a high research effect.

The most important and significant stage in the implementation of any research methodology is - search-converting stage of work. It is associated, as a rule, with the introduction of planned innovations (innovations) into the pedagogical process. Its content is specific, depending on the goals, subject matter, nature of the processes being studied, features of the proposed innovations, the degree of readiness of practice for their perception. At this stage of the study, the content side of innovations (what is being introduced, what are the “carriers” of the new), the time frame and technologies of innovations are determined. This may be, for example, the development and testing of new educational programs, the development of non-traditional technologies or teaching methods, ways to stimulate and evaluate success in the upbringing and development of students, and others.

When implementing the search-transforming stage of research, it is required to realize what was done at the previous stages, what conditions were created, what research tasks were solved and which were not, what is the level of research approaches and skills of the participants in the experimental search work. Apparently, it is useful to compare the research project, the positions and approaches outlined in it, with the actual results obtained, specific difficulties, findings, and mistakes. Life is always richer and more varied schemes. Somewhere and in some way, it may be necessary to deviate from the originally planned program, somewhere to go back, new problems and obstacles will arise, and new ways of solving problems will be revealed. Tasks not solved at the previous stages will have to be transferred to the current stage. The result of this work is corrected, enriched ideas about the ways to solve them, about the implementation of the general plan, clarification of the logic and procedure of the study.

In addition to taking into account unforeseen circumstances, at this stage, a more detailed study of implementation documents, the sequence of research procedures, their coordination and synchronization is simply necessary. It is impossible, say, to first introduce new programs, and then the technology corresponding to the plan. They must be entered in combination.

To predict the results of the search-transforming stage of the study, it is necessary to talk about a procedure similar to that used when putting forward a hypothesis and is a mental transformation of an object, building a model of the required future. Perhaps it is at this stage that the constructive elements of the idea will appear, take shape, that “spark” will flash, which will give impetus to further work. This may be an original approach (for example, separate education of boys and girls according to different programs, taking into account the non-synchronism of their physiological and intellectual maturation), an idea of ​​results that have not yet been achieved, but possible, and much more.

Practical transformation involves the “launch” of the innovation for which all the preparatory work was carried out: new subjects, updated programs, textbooks, technologies, means of education and upbringing, etc.

Correction of further work follows from the analysis of the results obtained and the evaluation of the effectiveness of the apparatus and research procedures. Changes are made to practical work (compensation for shortcomings, correction of programs, clarification of the tactics of an individual approach, etc.), logic and research methods.

Psychological or pedagogical experiment, provided by the methodology within the framework of the search-transforming stage of the study, is the most complex and lengthy part of the work. To conduct the experiment, a special program is developed, in which all stages of the researcher's activity are prescribed in sufficient detail:

- selection and justification of the goal and particular tasks, the technique of conducting the experiment, variable and non-variable conditions for its implementation, dependent and independent variables, the basis of experimental work, the features of the choice of experimental and control groups, etc.;

- planning the required number of observations, the procedure for using research tools (methods and methodological techniques), the mathematical model of the experiment, forms and methods for collecting and recording results, etc.

– analysis and processing of experimental data; calculation of statistical variables needed to test the hypothesis; interpretation of the results of the study.

Particular attention during the experiment is drawn to the conditions and factors that ensure the representativeness of the sample and the representativeness of the results.

Facts- building material research. They must be accurate, novelty and meaningful. A scientific fact, unlike a fact in general, is not limited only to the external side of a phenomenon, but to some extent reveals its internal connections, driving forces, and the mechanism of this movement. In it, unique concreteness is complemented by the identification of similarities, common, stable in the phenomenon itself, or between individual phenomena.

For example, the conflicts that arise between students in the educational team are peculiar, they are not similar to one another. But a closer look at these conflicts reveals a common, typical one - their causes: ignorance and misunderstanding of each other's psychological characteristics, inability to effectively apply psychological and pedagogical means of influence, especially persuasion, etc.

The scientific approach to the analysis of facts requires considering them comprehensively, in all respects, in the variety of dialectical connections within them and between them.

Collection and accumulation of facts- one of the crucial stages of psychological and pedagogical research, since only scientific facts make it possible to come to certain theoretical conclusions. I.P. Pavlov, instructing young researchers, said: “When studying, experimenting, observing, try not to remain on the surface of facts. Try to penetrate the mystery of their origin. Persistently seek the laws that govern them” 1 .

The implementation of the research methodology makes it possible to obtain preliminary theoretical and practical conclusions. These conclusions should be:

firstly, comprehensively reasoned, summarizing the main results of the study;

secondly, expedient and lawful;

thirdly, to follow from the accumulated material, being a logical consequence of its analysis and generalization;

fourthly, tested and real for introduction into mass pedagogical practice.

When formulating conclusions It is important to avoid two common mistakes: a kind of marking time, when very superficial, partial, limited conclusions are made from a large and capacious empirical material, or excessively broad generalizations, when unduly significant conclusions are drawn from insignificant factual material.

Evaluation and interpretation of the results obtained, primarily positive, but also the causes of errors and failures, allow us to formulate preliminary theoretical and practical conclusions. These conclusions must be comprehended in the general system of already known theoretical positions and practical approaches.

Preliminary conclusions are specified and verified by experimental work. This element of research methodology cannot be underestimated. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a researcher to rush to present the first results as final, complete, especially if they are formulated in the form of ready-made unambiguous solutions. Hasty actions, as a rule, do more harm than good, infringe on the prestige of science. Therefore, experimental verification of the main results of the study should be mandatory.

Only after such a verification of the results of the study, it becomes possible, on the basis of theoretical conclusions, to put forward practical recommendations, to determine the conditions for their successful implementation. It is important that these recommendations follow from the material of the study, be specific and realistic for psychological and pedagogical practice.

Topic 2. Psychological and pedagogical research

1. General characteristics of psychological and pedagogical research

1.1. Modern strategy for the renewal and development of education

Despite all the difficulties, the system Russian education survived and retained its high global status. Moreover, our education has not only been preserved, but also acquired new qualities:became more mobile, democratic and varied. Appeared a real opportunity to choose the type of educational institution, the level of programs studied, the degree and nature of assistance. It should be emphasized that education survived precisely because it was updated, because a persistent and productive search was carried out for new options, new content and means of education and upbringing.

The crisis of education developed against the backdrop ofchildhood crisis,which manifests itself in a reduction in the birth rate, a high level of morbidity in children (according to the latest data, in Russia less than 10% of healthy children and 35% of chronically ill children), an increase in juvenile delinquency, vagrancy, social orphanhood (with living parents), the emergence of a large group of adolescents and young people who do not study and do not work.Instead of acceleration in recent years, there has been"deceleration » - a slowdown in the growth and development of the younger generation.Sociologists fixdecrease in the value of childhood, the need for children.

The crisis of education, as well as the entire social sphere, is not fatal, rather, itrenovation crisis,and, being updated, the system of education and upbringing strives to overcome the crisis, to break out of it.

Analysis of the social situation, the practice of transformation, world pedagogical experience from the standpoint of modern scientific approaches allows you to outline new guidelines for the development of education,update strategy.We believe that these strategic guidelines form the core of new pedagogical thinking - the most important condition for the success of transformations.

First of all, there is a major changeeducational goals,and, consequently, the criteria for its effectiveness. Not the quality of knowledge, as such, and even more so, not the amount of acquired knowledge and skills, butpersonal development, the realization of unique human capabilities, preparation for the complexities of life become the leading goal of education,which is not limited to the school, but goes far beyond it.

Our educational system is still focused on knowledge, skills and abilities as the ultimate goal, as a result. The level of knowledge is the main criterion for graduating from school, for admission to universities and other educational institutions. The "cult of knowledge" often remains the ideal to which the school aspires. This, however, is not entirely true. Even the ancients argued: much knowledge does not teach the mind.Our schoolchildren, as evidenced by the latest UNESCO data, occupysubject knowledgeand skills places somewhere in the second ten.We are lagging behind in this regard. South Korea, Taiwan, Switzerland, Hungary, a number of other countries, but we are noticeably ahead of the USA, England, France, Germany and others the developed countries. It would seem not so bad.

However, according to development of creative intelligenceexperts give us a much more modest place.Seems like a paradox. But in fact, everything is understandable.Knowledge by itself does not provide development, even intellectual. But modern learning goals cover not only the development of intelligence, but also the development of emotions, will, the formation of needs, interests, the formation of ideals, character traits.. Knowledge is the basis, a springboard for developmental learning, an intermediate, but not its final result. All training should be focused on the development of the personality and individuality of a growing person, on the realization of the possibilities inherent in him.From knowledge-centrism, our education must come to human-centrism, to the priority of development, to the "cult of personality" of each pupil.Education in this regard acts as a way to implement educational tasks, as part of it. The entire educational system should be a wide field for life, affirmation and development of a person and include the family, out-of-school institutions, informal contacts, etc.

It should be noted that it is not so much the content of the goals (landmarks) of education that has changed, but rather their hierarchy and subordination. This is very clearly reflected in Art. 14 of the Law "On Education".Lead nominatedthe task of self-determination and self-realization of the individualand even further - the task of developing civil society, strengthening and improving the rule of law.

Changes content of education,its cultural base, and this change occurs in several directions:

- a significant increase in the cultural intensity of education, the basis of which is the entire world and domestic culture, and not its ideologically filtered, “approved” part, in other words, the content of education is not only the acquired knowledge, but also the spheres of human achievements that go far beyond the scope of science: art, traditions, experience of creative activities, religion, the achievement of common sense;

- increasing the role of humanitarian knowledgeas the basis of development, as a meaningful "core" of the personality;

- movement from a mandatory, the same content for all to a variable and differentiated, and in the limiting case - individualized; from a single state, officially approved content to original author's programs, courses and textbooks (with the obligatory preservation of a single educational core, determined by the mandatory minimum and state standards).

- an approach to the selection and evaluation of content is approved in terms of its educational and developmental potential, able to provide:

Formation of an adequate scientific picture of the world among students,

civic consciousness,

Integration of the individual into the system of world and national cultures,

Promoting understanding and cooperation between people(Article 14 of the Law "On Education").

The task is set to form a holistic picture of the world in the student, to help him, on the basis of universal and national values, to identify personal meanings in the material being studied, to pass on to the younger generation the best traditions, creative abilities, so that these traditions develop b.

The movement fromunified forms of organizationeducation (secondary school, vocational school) tovariety of forms of education and types of educational institutions:gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, private schools, higher vocational schools, complex educational institutions such as kindergarten-school, lyceum-college, university, etc.Particularly relevant are the searches in the field of modernization and renewal of the mass school so that it is adapted to the development opportunities and needs of different categories of students, as well as problems associated with the development of rehabilitation, educational and recreational and specialized institutions of various profiles.

Begins, albeit very timidly, to overcome the absolutization of the lesson as a form of organization of teaching at school.Along with the lessons, seminars, lectures, workshops, debates, educational games are held.

Gradually, the need to move from mass education todifferentiated- not in the sense of abandoning collective forms of work, but in the sense of individualization and level differentiation of programs and methods, taking into account the needs and capabilities of each student.

It is also realizedthe need to move from delayed education to leading, although this problem cannot be solved within a single school. It is associated with an increasingmultifunctionalityeducation as a whole as a social sphere and each of its cells - an educational institution. Along with the leading traditional functions - educational, upbringing and developing - education and its institutions have to increasingly take on the functions of cultural continuity and cultural creation, social protection of teachers and pupils, and play the role of a social stabilizer and catalyst for socio-economic development. Finally (which has already been discussed), an increasing role has been played in recent yearssearch and research function.

Starts gradualtransition of education and upbringing to a diagnostic basis, which is facilitated by the formation of a psychological service in educational institutions. A new understanding of the standard in education is being approved not as a mandatory unification of requirements, but as a single basis, an obligatory minimum of knowledge, a level of minimum requirements and a limiter on the study load.

Uptrend breaks throughthe role of regional and local (municipal, community) factors in education. As the experience of many civilized countries and domestic traditions show, community - an association of people at the place of residence (by the principle of neighborhood) - is the most interested and caring owner preschool, schools, social center of the microdistrict. Of course, a balance of universal, all-Russian (federal), regional and local values ​​and attitudes and interests of the region is always necessary, subject to the priority of federal and universal values.

Happening intensely transition from a regimented, authoritarian upbringing destroyed by lifeto humanistic, non-violent, free education based on the voluntary choice of forms of activity, initiative and mutual trust of educators and pupils.Education is reoriented to universal values, to the ideas and ideals of humanism and mercy. These ideas do not necessarily have to be expressed in a religious form. The child must be protected from the imposition of any ideology, both communist and religious. In the modern educational system, the ideas of a school not closed in itself, but open to the social environment, actively participating in the life of the microdistrict and using its pedagogical and material resources, are increasingly breaking through and germinating. The school educational and upbringing system actively interacts with additional (out-of-school) education focused on the family, on the person, on humanitarian values.

1.2. The concept of psychological and pedagogical research

Due to the complexity, versatility of the pedagogical process in education, very different ones are needed - both in their subject matter and in the subject area of ​​research.

Very important psychological research. In psychological research, a search is being made for the most effective mechanisms of mental development for a particular situation, psychological rehabilitation of pupils, multiplication of their creative potential, conditions for self-realization, starting positions are determined for individual and personality-oriented approaches, to monitor the results of training and education.

Increasing need forsociological researchto identify the needs of the population, the attitude of parents and the public to certain innovations, evaluation of the activities of an educational institution or educational system.

Research valeological and medical natureare aimed at finding education options that preserve and strengthen the health of students and pupils.

Very versatile and multifunctionalpedagogical research.These are studies of a historical-pedagogical, philosophical-pedagogical, social-pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical, methodological nature.

Under research in pedagogyrefers to the process and result of scientific activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the patterns of education, its structure and mechanisms, content, principles and technologies.Pedagogical research explains and predicts facts and phenomena (V. M. Polonsky).

However, almost all applied research related to the functioning and development of the educational process and educational institutions arecomplex psychological and pedagogical(often socio-psychological-pedagogical, medical-pedagogical, etc.) character.Even when it was about the knowledge concept of learning, it was impossible to study the educational process without exploring and developing attention, memory, thinking, emotions, abilities for various types of activities of students and pupils. It has always been about the upbringing of a holistic, versatile personality, the development of the will, the formation of beliefs, and the consideration of individual characteristics. It was impossible to build a genuine research in the educational sphere without determining its psychological content.

In the last decade, when the tasks of personality development have become a priority, any productive research in the educational field should be psychological and pedagogical, reveal and explore the unity of external and internal factors of education, pedagogical conditions and ways of shaping motivation, attitudes, value orientations, creative thinking, intuition, beliefs of the individual, the conditions for her healthy mental and physical development.

At the same time, pedagogical research always retains its specificity: it talks about the pedagogical process, about training and education, about the organization and management of the process, in which the teacher and pupil necessarily participate, pedagogical relations function and develop, pedagogical tasks are solved.

And one more nuance. Known (standard) psychological approaches, methods and techniques can be used to determine positions, diagnose, interpret results. Then it is better to defineresearch as a pedagogical one using psychological knowledge and methods.

If there is a search for personality-oriented, individualized or working for the psychology of the team positions and approaches, more accurate psychological approaches or methods (for example, ways to determine the creative potential of the individual and the degree of its implementation), thenresearch is really becoming psychological and pedagogical.

1.3. The Nature and Functions of Educational Innovation

The implementation of experimental research work seems to be a very important means of purposefully searching for effective ways of teaching and educating. This work is intended to contribute to the solutionthe main practical tasks of education at the present level.

Briefly characterizemain components of this work.

1. Diagnostics situations of renewal and development in school, family, microsociety at the moment, pedagogical analysisachievements and shortcomings, the degree of realization of opportunities, the effectiveness of the approaches and means used.Such work has always been carried out by specialists in the field of education. The measure of completeness, depth, thoroughness of implementation is determined by the nature of the tasks that the developers face, their level of qualification, and the available tools. In research work, this level should in principle be higher than in mass practice (considering that best practice itself rises to the level of research research).

  1. Forecasting, psychological and pedagogical design and advanced experimentation. Such work is necessary in the preparation of prospective and current plans, in determining the directions and guidelines for practical activities. It is needed in order to give the prognostic and design activities scientific consistency and validity. Special mention should be made of anticipatory pedagogical experimentation. Its essence lies in the fact that it allows you to obtain certain prognostic information, see the features of a possible future. Such experimentation allows you to create your own model of development in the specific conditions of the performance of activities and bring it to life, creating a model for a wider practice.
  2. Formation of the personality of a creative teacher with a pronounced individual style of activity. It is known that the nature and content of jointly performed activities that develop in a group, the nature of interpersonal and other kinds of relations ultimately form a personality. The personality of a creative teacher develops in joint creative activity. This is evidenced by the experience of schools that have produced entire constellations of talented teachers. These are, for example, the school of V.A. Yamburg (secondary school No. 109 of Moscow), etc.
  3. Development of initiative and creativity of pupils. It is clear that the content and direction of the creative activity of the teacher and pupil most often do not coincide. The teacher is engaged in pedagogical creativity, the pupil - subject (artistic, technical, etc.). However, the general spirit of creativity, respect for the search, encouragement of initiative and non-standard thought - all this develops best in a searching pedagogical team. Well, where the subject of the search for the teacher and his pupil coincides, which often happens (joint amateur art, disputes, drafting projects, including pedagogical ones, etc.), the conditions for co-creation, mutual enrichment become even more favorable.
  4. Overcoming myths, stereotypes, inertia and dependency. The search contributes to the most effective cleansing of the routine, excites energy, strengthens faith in one's strength.The process of revising many mythical ideas and judgments of the type is going on more successfully: the ideal student is a convenient, obedient student; the teacher's word is law; good study is an indicator of well-being in personal development; the more educational activities, the more intensive education.

The development of experimental research work stimulates psychological and pedagogical creativity, including teachers and psychologists in the general innovative stream.

Own need to update education and the entire social sphere requires special attention toinnovation processes,

TO what hinders and what contributes to the emergence and spread of psychological and pedagogical innovations,

To the role that pedagogical and psychological sciences play and should play in this process.

Of particular importance for understanding and stimulating the renewal of education have categories: new, innovation, innovation, innovation, innovation, innovation process, andopposite categories and concepts:obsolete, routine, conservatism, projecting, etc.

The task, of course, is not to stick labels and stigmatize conservatives, but to understand the dialectic of the interaction between the new and the old, the mechanisms and conditions for replacing the outdated with the new, and the ways and possibilities of positively influencing these processes. Of course, one should learn to distinguish genuine innovation from its imitation, from projecting (unfounded projects that supposedly solve complex pedagogical problems).

It can be assumed that new in psychology and pedagogy, these are not only ideas, approaches, methods, technologies of working with a person or a team (their study, improvement, transformation), which have not yet been put forward in their present form, in such combinations, butand that complex of elements or individual elements of education and upbringing that carry a progressive beginning, which makes it possible, in changing conditions and situations, to solve the problems of upbringing and education quite effectively (at least more efficiently than before).

The new therefore contains progressive. Nevertheless, the concept of "new" does not always fully correlate with the concepts of "advanced", "progressive" and even the broader concept of "modern". Advanced, modern always retains a lot of the traditional. In pedagogical practice, this is especially evident: faith in a person, focus on his best sides, the ability to communicate and cooperate, communication and reproductive teaching methods, dialogue, appeal to the educational capabilities of the team - these and many other far from new provisions are preserved, receive a "second wind". » in the latest pedagogical systems and technologies.

The indicated position determines the content of the conceptspedagogical innovation and pedagogical innovation. Strictly speaking, innovation - this is a system or element of the pedagogical system that allows you to more effectively solve the tasks set (and sometimes set the tasks themselves more accurately) that meet the progressive trends in the development of society.

Pedagogical innovation- introduction of innovations in the practice of work (innovative practice).Pedagogical innovation is most often understood as the penetration of innovations into a wider practice (the prefix "in" means penetration into a certain environment).

Innovative processes in education- these are the processes of emergence, development, penetration into the wide practice of pedagogical innovations.The subject, the bearer of this process is primarily an innovative teacher (or a psychologist, or a manager) and innovative teams.

1) In the broad sense of the word, all creatively working teachers and educators can be called innovators, striving to update the arsenal of their means. In a stricter sense innovator - this is the author of a new pedagogical system, i.e., a set of interrelated ideas and corresponding technologies.In this sense, we have the right to speak about S.T. Shatsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, I.P. Ivanov, Sh.A. Amo-nashvili, D.B. , L.V. Zankov precisely as about innovative teachers.

2) A much wider range of creative teachers are also involved in innovative activities, which can be conditionally calledinventors, modernizers. They did not create their own pedagogical systems, but introduced new or seriously improved elements of existing systems, combined them in a new way, achieving positive results on this basis.

3) Finally, there is an even wider squadmasters of pedagogical workwho quickly perceive and skillfully use both traditional and new approaches and methods. The activities of all these categories of teachers and psychologists, closely related to the development of psychological and pedagogical science, bringing new ideas, new content and updated technology into practice, constitute an innovative pedagogical stream.

Let's follow the so-calledlife cycle of pedagogical innovations.This cycle includes the following steps:start, emergence, rapid growth (in the fight against opponents and skeptics), maturity, saturation associated with more or less wide advancement in practice, crisis and finish, usually associated with the removal of innovation, as such, in a new, more effective , often more general system. In the process of passing life cycle the contradictions of the innovation itself and its interaction with the environment are revealed, the resolution of which either harmonizes relations or leads to the denial of the innovation itself, its disintegration.

It is characteristic that the life cycles of new concepts, born theoretically, and concepts born from practice, are somewhat peculiar.

In the first variant, innovative processes go through the stages commented below in different versions.

  1. The emergence of a new concept with an eye to use within certain limits and in certain situations. For example, the concept of optimization (Yu. K. Babansky, M. M. Potashnik) arose as a didactic one, and the concept of collective creative activity (I. P. Ivanov, V. A. Karakovsky and others) - as applied only in the field of socially useful affairs and moral education. The theory of developmental learning was developed in relation to elementary school.
  2. Expansion of the concept and the field of its application and, in some cases, claims to universality and exclusivity. An example of this is the meaningful and useful concepts of the gradual formation of mental actions, the theory of activity in psychology, problem-based and programmed learning in pedagogy. Claims to universality only harm the reasonable use of these concepts.
  3. Gradual "acceptance" of the concept by practice, and then "fascination" with it and expectation of a "miracle", an immediate and comprehensive effect.
  4. The concept that has entered into practice begins to work, however, of course, the “miracle” does not happen, “cooling” and disappointment begin.. This, unfortunately, happened with the theory of optimization, against which, after several years of its development, completely unfounded reproaches arose that it did not solve all the problems of education and did not prevent its crisis, and with some other theories and concepts.
  5. The theory improves, adapts to changing circumstances, there is a need for its transformation, for integration with other theories.. In particular, the understanding of the theory and methodology of optimization has been established not as a global pedagogical theory, but as a rational managerial approach that provides the keys to finding optimal solutions in specific conditions of education and training. The framework for understanding developmental learning and its possibilities, on the contrary, has expanded significantly and included many learning systems, up to a modernized traditional one.

The second option - approaches and concepts born in practice go through a slightly different cycle in their development..

1. The emergence of new approaches, difficult searches that make it possible to formalize new ideas, find ways to implement them in methodological tools.This is how the pedagogical systems of V.F. Shatalov, I.P. Volkov, S.N. Lysenkova and other innovative teachers were born, the experience of creating social and pedagogical complexes in Yekaterinburg and Almetyevsk (Tatarstan), the search for a mass school model for everyone (adaptive school) .

  1. The struggle, in the recent past, most often long and difficult, for the approval and recognition of innovation.
  2. More or less pronounced claims to universality, which is typical, however, not for every innovative system, but only for some.To a decisive extent, this depends on the general culture of the creator of the system, as well as on the position of mass practice, which often relies on innovation as a panacea.
  3. Awareness of the scientific ideas underlying the experience, its place in the system of scientific research, contribution to theory. In this regard, the position of a well-known galaxy of innovative teachers, who in their first declarations and speeches completely disowned pedagogical science, and then recognized their blood relationship with it, is interesting.
  4. Integration with other approaches and searches, awareness of the ideas and approaches found in the system of theory and practice (which, again, does not always happen).

1.4. Theoretical Foundations and Problems of Modern Psychological and Pedagogical Research

The originality, specificity of solving pedagogical problems, depending on the stage, form, regional characteristics of education, cannot be fully identified and used without knowledge and consideration of the general. Therefore, we will try to start by clarifying the provisions that make up the core of modern psychological and pedagogical concepts.

Among the provisions that undoubtedly have a general pedagogical meaning, and therefore form the core of the conceptual platform of any educational programs, apparently, are the followingthe most important provisions and the corresponding laws and principles.

  1. Social conditionality and continuous updating of the goals, content and methods of upbringing and education in accordance with the requirements of society. This involves preparing the individual for entry into modern society, taking into account and implementing the changing, both officially formalized in policy documents, and unofficial, closer to the true needs of a person and human communities, the social order, creating conditions for a decent development and existence of each person.
  2. The integrity of the educational process that forms the personality of a person both in an officially structured and in an informal, specially unorganized, open environment. In this environment, the influence of the family and the immediate social environment is the most significant, so there is a need to identify and use its pedagogical potential.
  3. Unity, prospects and continuity of goals, content and methods of upbringing and education, providing a single educational space and the integrity of the educational system.

A major role in achieving the unity of education in accordance with the Law "On Education" of the Russian Federation is called upon to play uniform standards of education and educational qualifications established and controlled by the state.

4. Pedagogical multidimensionality, reflection of all the most important aspects of the pedagogical process:any one-dimensional assessments in pedagogical theory and practice are unacceptable and flawed. One-sided orientations toward the collective, toward social values, toward "tomorrow's" rather than today's joy have brought us a lot of harm. However, oblivion, ignoring collective ties, public interests, as well as the prospects for the development of society, the team and the individual, are detrimental to the pedagogical process. To a large extent, pedagogy is the science of achieving a measure, of ways to harmonize opposing forces and tendencies of the pedagogical process: centralization and decentralization, personal and social, management and self-government, performance and initiative, algorithmic actions and creativity, normativity and freedom, stability and dynamism of the individual.

5. The unity of socialization and individualization, the obligatory consideration of the individual orientation of education and its social entity as undoubted priorities of a democratic society and its educational subsystem. The degree of satisfaction of needs, the realization of a person's capabilities, his right to self-realization, originality, autonomy, free development is the main criterion for success in education and upbringing.

  1. Variability and freedom of choice of ways, methods and forms of implementation of strategic educational ideas for both the teacher and pupils. Of course, both variability and freedom of choice are actually limited to one degree or another by social norms, the mandatory volume of education, the minimum acceptable standards for its quality, real opportunities society.
  2. Activity approach: it consists in recognizing that the development of the individual occurs in the process of its interaction with the social environment, as well as training and education as ways of appropriating socially developed ways of performing an action and reproducing them, i.e., in the creative activity of the students themselves. The implementation of the developmental functions of training and education is due to the nature of the cognitive and practical tasks solved in this process, as well as the peculiarities of the pedagogical management of this process (including the method of presenting information and its structuring - the sequence of presenting blocks and models of actions that are holistic in meaning, reflective comprehension and evaluation performance). At the same time, it is important that the activities of students be carried out in the form of cooperation both with the teacher and with peers, contribute to the realization of the possibilities of each, be in the "zone of proximal development" of the student (L. S. Vygotsky), in which the student has a basis for further advancement and development, responsive to pedagogical assistance and support.
  3. The Formative Role of Relations in the Moral and Emotional Development of a Personality. Emotional coloring, richness, novelty of diverse relationships to the subject of activity, moral values, other people (including parents, teachers, friends, classmates, neighbors, colleagues), oneself (self-awareness, self-esteem, character and level of claims) -all these attributes of relationships are appropriated by a person and become the personal qualities of an emerging person.In this regard, the social microenvironment (microgroup, collective) serves as a means, a factor in the creation and functioning of personality-forming relationships.
  4. The complexity and integrity of the functioning of educational structures are due to the versatility of pedagogical tasks, the internal interconnection of personality spheres and the limited time for training and education.. Hence the need arises to solve in the process of one activity a whole “fan” of educational and educational tasks (Yu. K. Babansky), to integrate for these purposes the educational opportunities of the family, school and microsociety (for example, community and municipal self-government bodies, youth and children's associations, clubs , sections, institutions of culture, sports, law enforcement, etc.).

10. Unity of optimization and creative approaches to the content and organization of the pedagogical process. Optimization approachprovides for the development and use of algorithms to select the most economical and efficient methods of activity, creativity- going beyond algorithms, rules, instructions, constant search using hypotheses, non-standard ideas and designs, mental anticipation of the desired result.Creative ideas and plans, being implemented, worked out, reach the stage of algorithmic technology, which makes it possible to widely use them.

On the basis of these approaches, the above provisions, it is necessary in each specific case to develop appropriate recommendations and requirements for the organization of the educational process.

Let us now designate an approximate problem of possible psychological and pedagogical research related to the educational process. Although we are still talking about the problem and the topic of research, let us pay attention to the fact that at the heart of any problem lies some kind of contradiction, disagreement that requires finding a solution, most often harmonious, and the problem itself must be relevant and true (i.e., really not yet resolved).

To the number methodological and theoretical research problemsmay include the following:

the correlation of philosophical, social, psychological and pedagogical patterns and approaches in determining the theoretical foundations (concepts) and solving the leading problems of pedagogical activity, choosing directions and principles for the development of educational institutions;

methods of selection and integration in the psychological and pedagogical study of approaches and methods of specific sciences (sociology, ethics, valueology, etc.);

the specificity of psychological and pedagogical systems: educational, educational, correctional, preventive, medical and recreational, etc.;

the ratio of global, all-Russian, regional, local (local) interests and conditions in the design of psychological and pedagogical systems and the design of their development;

the doctrine of harmony and measure in the pedagogical process and practical ways to achieve them;

the correlation and interconnection of the processes of socialization and individualization, innovation and traditions in education;

criteria for the success of educational work, the development of the personality of pupils in certain types of educational institutions;

methodology and technology of pedagogical design (at the level of the subject, educational institution, pedagogical system of the city, district, region, etc.);

ways of correct construction and effective implementation of all stages of research search.

Among applied (practical) problemsthe following can be named:

developing possibilities of modern methodological systems;

humanitarian education and spiritual world of the teacher;

ways and conditions for the integration of humanitarian and natural science education in secondary school;

health-saving technologies in the educational process;

developing possibilities of new information technologies;

comparative efficiency modern systems training for various categories of students;

traditions of education and upbringing in Russia and other states and their use in modern conditions;

formation of the educational system of the school (or other educational institution):

school in the system of social education and training;

pedagogical possibilities of the "open" school;

family in the system of social education;

teenage (youth) club as a base for the development of extracurricular interests and abilities;

traditions of folk pedagogy in education;

the role of informal structures in the socialization of youth, ways of interaction between teachers and informal structures.

Of course, the above list is far from complete, it assumes the existence of other serious and urgent problems, and in particular, those related to the management of education, the improvement of its infrastructure and its individual components, the problems of vocational education, the problems associated with the implementation of the idea of ​​lifelong education, etc. d.

1.5. Sources and conditions of research search

The desire of teachers for psychological and pedagogical research search in our time is supported by all levels of education management. But one desire, even based on the awareness of problems, is not enough. It is necessary to use sources that fuel such a search, springs from which approaches, samples, ideas, methods and technologies can be drawn for creative processing.

It is possible to distinguish at leastfive such sources.

1. Universal humanistic ideas and ideals reflected in philosophy, religion, art, folk traditions. Education, active stimulation and support for the development of the individual are impossible without the formation of a moral ideal. Meanwhile, after the collapse of the official communist ideology and communist ideals, an ideological vacuum, an acute crisis of ideals, is felt in society and among teachers. To a certain extent, it is compensated by religious ideology and religious consciousness. However, this approach is not acceptable to everyone. “What to believe? How can one educate if all ideals are overthrown? the teachers ask. It seems that there is a constructive answer to this question.

Pedagogical ideals should be associated with enduring humanistic values, with the ideals of philanthropy, with the cult of personality (not individual, but the personality of each).Belief in a person, the search for ways of its maximum realization, respect for the growing personality of the child, for his originality and individuality, for his right to free development and happiness - this is the core of any progressive pedagogical concepts of the past and present.

2. Achievements of the whole complex of human sciences, as well as recommendations arising from modern scientific approaches, especially the recommendations of medicine, valeology (the doctrine of health), psychological and pedagogical sciences, including social pedagogy, social, pedagogical and developmental psychology.

There is an argument thatscientific pedagogical knowledge is not so important, since pedagogy is not so much a science as an art, and the teacher compensates for the lack of knowledge with experience. Practical pedagogy, of course, is a great art, where a lot depends on the Master, but this art is based on scientific principles, approaches, systems. If they are identified, if they are used, the practice wins significantly, the probability of losses and errors decreases. To oppose scientific theory and practice (art) is like opposing music theory, musical composition, and ultimately musical literacy, to the art of performance. And a few words about medicine and valeology (health sciences). Few doubt the usefulness of the recommendations of these sciences. However, the entire practice of upbringing and education very slowly and incompletely takes into account advice and recommendations aimed at maintaining health, and is looking for ways of health-saving education.

3. Best practices of the past and present, including innovative ones.

Innovate experience is the closest and most understandable source of approaches, solutions, methods, organizational forms. Its range is very wide. There is an unsuccessful revival of the traditions of the past domestic experience. Private schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, tutoring, teaching rhetoric, ballroom dancing, the traditions of Russian mercy and charity are being restored. Gradually, the treasures of world experience are also opening up for us, for example, the achievements of the Waldorf school and pedagogy, the system of free education by M. Montessori, S. Frenet. All this is extremely important. A noticeable mark in the domestic practice of updating the school was left by innovative teachers or, as they call themselves, experimental teachers, whose experience was widely promoted at the turn of the 80s and 90s by Teacher's Newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Central Television and other media. In the same period, books by innovative teachers, their articles and articles about them in pedagogical journals began to appear one after another. In recent years, interest in their experience has declined, and a number of critical publications have appeared containing accusations and negative assessments of their experience.

Let's try from the position of the present, when the passions around the innovators have subsided somewhat, to give an objective assessment of their experience, its significance for the renewal of the school and the development of the psychological and pedagogical sciences.

To assess the movement of innovators, it is necessary to determine what specific tasks they solved, what role they performed.

What is the specific contribution of innovators, their real merits to national education?

First. Very different in creative style (Sh.A. Amonashvili - a unique humanist philosopher, psychologist and teacher-practitioner, E.N. Ilyin - a bright improviser, V.F. Shatalov - an analyst-algorithmist. M.P. R. G. Khazankin - erudite and taxonomist, etc.),in opposition to formalism, bureaucratic restrictions and unification, they defended the teacher's right to creative independence, to search, to the author's originality.

Second. By their practice they approvedhumanistic ideas of cooperation and co-creation with schoolchildren, inner freedom of an emerging personality,expedient assistance to everyone and thus paved the way for radical democratic changes in education, contributed to the humanization of society.

Third. They created new pedagogical systems, in each of which a solution was found to certain, very topical pedagogical problems.V.F. Shatalov showed how, using the system of reference signals, one can learn everyone and give each child a “foothold” in his life self-affirmation. Sh. A. Amonashvili managed to find the means to awaken the "silver bells" in the soul of every child, not to discourage him from the craving for school, knowledge, teacher, to ensure his development. M. P. Shchetinin created a new form of educational institution, especially valuable for the village - the school-complex, not without success led the search for ways to develop the personality through emotional and artistic activity.

The feat of life of the director of the Sakhnovskaya secondary school A. A. Zakharenko was that he created a rural cultural and educational complex, proved that the school can revive the village. A. A. Katolikov showed how to really brighten up orphanhood and provide the pupils of the boarding school with a full life, development, and continuation of education. I. P. Volkov managed to awaken the creative beginning in every schoolchild. S. N. Lysenkova created a system of early pedagogical propaedeutics through advanced teaching in the primary grades.

Propaedeutics - (from the Greek propaideuo - I teach in advance), an introduction to any science, a preliminary introductory course, systematically presented in a concise and elementary form

The merits of enthusiasts and innovators of social pedagogy should be especially emphasized, who overcame the narrow traditions of social assistance in the framework of the delivery of pensions and care for the elderly, approved an integrated approach to the protection and rehabilitation of children and adolescents, and created integrated socio-pedagogical and socio-rehabilitation institutions (I.I. Ryabov, S. 3. Revzin, V. K. Volkova, N. A. Golikov, and others).

And one more touch . In the galaxy of innovative teachers, oddly enough at first glance, the majority are men. And this once again means thathow a school needs a smart and proactive male teacher. Teachers-innovators, so to speak, defended the manhood of pedagogy.

Thus, it is necessary to judge innovative teachers precisely by that positive contribution, which is very weighty, and not by individual breakdowns, failures or factual errors.

4. The pedagogical potential of the team of teachers and students, the surrounding social environment, industrial enterprises, cultural and medical institutions, law enforcement agencies, parents, people of various professions, life destinies and hobbies.

The creative potential of the team, of course, is created by creative individuals.It develops its own traditions, its own attitude to values, to pedagogical search. The psychological climate, collective attitudes and assessments, and the interaction of people with different creative styles and potentials turn out to be either a stimulus or a brake on the development of creativity and initiative.

The theory and practice of social education proceeds from the premise thatonly the organization of the child's life in a real social environment with the participation of many social institutions(family, enterprises, clubs, associations, creative associations, law enforcement agencies, physical education institutions, theaters, cinemas, etc.)and masses of non-professional teachers(primarily parents)allows full training and education.Here, in a non-professional environment, you can learn a lot of ideas, approaches, forms that can be successfully applied both at school and in the extracurricular sphere. Got it already fairly widespreadscientific societies of students led by scientists, sports sections led by athletes or coaches, art studios, etc. The ideas of cybernetics, valueology, hermeneutics (the science of understanding) “work” in education, it needs new approaches from various fields of science and technology, human practice.

5. Creative potential of a professional teacher.

The creative potential of the individualteacher is manifested in the internal sources of creative search:imagination, fantasy, the ability to predict, combining known methods or elements, the ability to see an object in its unusual functions and relationships, make non-standard decisions, etc..e. in everything that characterizes the creativity (creative essence) of the personality of the teacher-researcher. External factors stimulate the creativity of the teacher, supply him with material and give examples of solutions. But a creative teacher has his own pedagogical thinking, is able to produce new ideas and methods (more on this in the last section of the manual).

2. Scientific research in education

2.1. Levels of scientific research in education.

scientific researchname one of the types of cognitive activity, distinguishing feature which is the development of new knowledge.The resulting knowledge must beobjectively new,those. previously unknown not only to the researcher himself, but also to the professional and scientific community. This knowledge must be obtained by applyingspecial research toolsensuring its objectivity. It should reveal certain patternsspecially selected object of reality.Finally, it must be expressedin terms and categoriesrelevant branch of knowledge and activity.

scientific researchin education they call systematic cognitive activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about educational phenomena and processes.

Scientific research is characterized by reproducibility, evidence, accuracy (understood differently in different fields of science).

According to the method of obtaining knowledge and the nature of information, research is divided into two levels - empirical and theoretical.

On the first new facts of science are established and empirical regularities are formulated on the basis of their generalization.

Empirical levelcharacterized by the predominance of methods for describing experience, detecting systematically repeating patterns in it. The results obtained at this level of knowledge are directly applicable in the practice of education. However, they do not allow explaining the nature of the observed dependencies and, consequently, developing new educational technologies based on them. These results largely depend on the nature of the conditions in which the educational process takes place, and on the teacher who organizes it. This explains the subjectivity in assessing the nature of the identified patterns and, as a rule, the irreproducibility of the methods proposed on their basis. The empirical level of scientific research is optimal for collecting primary information that requires further analysis, interpretation, and evaluation.

On the second - general patterns for a given subject area are put forward and formulated, which allow explaining previously discovered facts and empirical patterns, as well as predicting and foreseeing future events and facts.

Theoretical levelresearch differs in that it includes modeling, development of hypotheses, experiment. In pedagogy, the division of research into fundamental and applied, common in other sciences, seems doubtful. However, at the theoretical level, the researcher works not so much with the educational process itself or other processes, but with their models, which systematically reproduce the essential properties of the original. The modeling method allows you to gain new knowledge about any object by inference by analogy.

The results of scientific research in education are drawn up in the form of an article, report, dissertation for the degree of master, candidate or doctor of science. Each of them has its own qualitative differences in the research tasks to be solved, the depth of penetration into the subject of research, and the generalization of conclusions.

2.2 Principles of scientific research.

As already mentioned, the principles of any activity are based on the identified objective patterns and are designed to increase its efficiency and ensure a qualitative result.

The quality of scientific research is achieved by observing the following principles:

- purposefulness principle- the study is carried out in accordance with the objectives of improving the practice of education, affirming humane relations in it;

- the principle of objectivity -theoretical models in the study should reflect real pedagogical objects and processes in their multidimensionality and diversity;

- principle of applied orientation -the results of the research should contribute to the explanation, forecasting and improvement of educational practice in the multiplicity of ways of its development;

- principle of consistencythe results of the study are included in the system of scientific knowledge, supplement the available information with new information;

- integrity principle -the components of an educational object are studied in the dynamics of a multidimensional picture of their interrelations and interdependencies;

- principle of dynamism- reveals the patterns of formation and development of the studied educational objects, the objective nature of their multidimensionality and multivariance.

These principles are based on the laws of cognitive activity, scientific research and the specifics of educational practice.

2.3. The main characteristics of scientific research.

Scientific research, regardless of its type, should include general characteristics, such as: the problem and its relevance, topic, object, subject, goal, tasks, hypothesis, protected provisions, assessment of scientific novelty, theoretical significance and practical value of the results obtained.

VV Kraevsky proposes to present them in a simplified form in the form of questions.

Research problem:what should be studied from what has not been studied in science before?

Topic: what is the name of the aspect of the problem?

Relevance: Why is it that this particular problem needs to be studied at the present time, and precisely in the aspect chosen by the author?

Object of study:what is being considered?

Subject of study:how is the object considered, what relations, aspects and functions inherent in it does the researcher single out for study?

Purpose of the study:what knowledge is expected to be obtained as a result of the study, what in general terms see this result even before it is received?

Tasks: What needs to be done to achieve the goal?

Hypothesis and defenses:what is not obvious in the object, what does the researcher see in it that others do not notice?

Novelty of results:what has been done that others have not done, what results are obtained for the first time?

Significance for science:in what problems, concepts, branches of science are changes aimed at the development of science and replenishing its content?

Value for practice:What specific shortcomings in practice can be corrected by the findings of the study?

The listed characteristics constitute a system, all elements of which must correspond to each other, mutually complement each other. By the degree of their consistency, one can judge the quality of the scientific work itself.

The system of methodological characteristics of scientific research is a generalized indicator of its quality.

2.4. Subjectivity in scientific activity.

C subject - it is the carrier of activity, the "actor", thanks to which the activity is carried out. Speaking about the subject of activity, we answer the question “who does it?” It would seem that the subject of scientific activity is obvious - this is the researcher.

1) However, the most important characteristic for the subject- the ability to self-change.In the process of any activity (including research), the teacher, ensuring his subjectivity, interacts with other people (colleagues, children, their parents), changes in the process of this interaction, thereby making the interaction partners subjects of their changes and providing them with conditions for self-improvement. In this process, self-acquisition, self-realization and self-development of the teacher in interaction with significant “Others” is ensured.

2) It is useful to remember the aphorism of C. Bernard: “Art is “I”; science is "we".Scientific research requires a constant exchange of information and ideas, as well as discussion: the cognizing subject is not an individual isolated from other people(the so-called "epistemological Robinson" of metaphysical philosophy), anda person included in social life, using socially developed forms of cognitive activity as material(tools, tools, devices, etc.), as well as ideal (language, categories of logic, etc.)".

3) Scientific research, among other things, is alsoa way of creative self-realization, self-expression and self-affirmation of the researcher, and, consequently, a way of his self-development.

4) Subjectivity implies subjectivity in the perception and evaluation of observed phenomena and processes, which is due to the past experience of the researcher, his information needs, individual differences. In this regard, the results of psychological and pedagogical research can never be completely objective and impartial, they always bear the imprint of the views, worldview, style of scientific research of the researcher who received them. Moreover, this fact cannot be unequivocally regarded as a disadvantage. Indeed, in this way the diversity of pedagogical knowledge is ensured, and, consequently, the need for comparison, comparison, and complementarity of various research data.

The classical concept of objectivity originates from the earliest attempts at scientific knowledge of objects and phenomena of the inanimate world. An observer could consider himself objective if he managed to renounce his own desires, fears and hopes, as well as to exclude the supposed impact of God's providence. This, of course, was a huge step forward, it was thanks to him that modern science took place. However, we must not forget that such a view of objectivity is possible only if we are dealing with phenomena of the inanimate world. This kind of objectivity and impartiality work perfectly here. They also work quite well when we are dealing with lower organisms from which we are alienated enough to continue to be impartial observers. After all, we really does not matter, how and where the amoeba moves or what the hydra eats. But the higher we climb the phylogenetic ladder, the more difficult it is for us to maintain this detachment.

A mother fascinated by her baby, fascinated by centimeter by centimeter of his tiny body, and she certainly knows about her baby - knows in the most literal sense - much more than anyone who is not interested in this particular child. Something similar happens between lovers. They are so fascinated by each other that they are ready to spend hours looking at, listening to, getting to know each other. With an unloved person, this is hardly possible - boredom will overcome too quickly.

Passion for the object of research (and in fact - interest in the development of education) not only does not interfere, but helps the researcher to penetrate more deeply into the essence of the changes taking place in the child and the processes of pedagogical reality.

A. Maslow reveals two advantages of "loving knowledge":

1) a person who knows that he is loved opens up, swings open towards another, he throws off all protective masks, he allows himself to be exposed, not only physically, but also psychologically and spiritually, allows himself to become understandable;

2) when we love, or are fascinated, or interested in someone, we are less than usual inclined to rule, to control, to change, to improve the object of our love and manipulate it.

This, of course, is not about subjectivism as bias and the denial of objective facts obtained in the process of research. To prevent this, there are statistical methods, methods of group peer review and other means of increasing the reliability of the results of the study, which will be discussed in the following chapters.

5) In research activity, there is an awareness of the professional position of the researcher, its design, verification of optimality.Within the framework of the selected methodological approaches, the researcher develops individual style scientific research, approves it in situations of presentation and protection of research results.

2.5. Types of scientific research in education

The structure of psychological and pedagogical research is determinednomenclature of scientific specialties, which is periodically reviewed and approved by the government. This nomenclature is the basis for conferring academic degrees and titles, planning scientific research, opening dissertation councils. It can also serve as a guideline for the researcher to determine the direction of his own search, if he hopes to receive further recognition, to find an application to the results obtained.

The current nomenclature for pedagogical and psychological sciences includes the following scientific specialties:

The code



Pedagogical Sciences


General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education


Theory and methodology of training and education (by areas and levels of education)

The code



Correctional pedagogy (deaf pedagogy and typhlopedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy and speech therapy) - ; 4


Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture


Theory, methodology and organization of socio-cultural activities


Theory and methodology of preschool education


Theory and Methods of Vocational Education


Psychological sciences


General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology




Labor psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics


medical psychology


Social Psychology


legal psychology


Pedagogical psychology


Correctional psychology


Political psychology


Developmental psychology, acmeology

For each of the specialties, a passport was approved that determines the specifics of the relevant research. The passport of a scientific specialty includes a cipher and name, a specialty formula, a description of the field of study and an indication of the branch of science to which this specialty belongs.

So, the content of the specialty13.00.01 - "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education",which is related to the branch of pedagogical sciences, according to the passport, is a study of the problems of philosophy of education, pedagogical anthropology, methodology of pedagogy, theory of pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogy, comparative pedagogy and pedagogical forecasting. The area of ​​study includes:

Philosophy of education (study of the philosophical and paradigmatic foundations of the theory and practice of education);

Pedagogical anthropology (study of the anthropological foundations of education - upbringing and training - a person as a subject of education);

Methodology of pedagogy (research of the place and role of pedagogy in the system of the spiritual life of society and scientific knowledge; objects and subjects of pedagogy; methods of pedagogical research);

Theory of Pedagogy (research of approaches and directions for substantiation and implementation of pedagogical concepts, systems; creation of conditions for personal development);

History of Pedagogy and Education (study of the historical development of institutionalized and non-institutionalized practice of education, policy in the field of education, pedagogical thought at the levels of public and theoretical consciousness in various spheres of the spiritual life of society);

Ethnopedagogy (study of formation, current state, features of interaction, development prospects and possibilities of using ethnic traditions of education);

Comparative Pedagogy (study of the origins and comparative analysis the current state of pedagogy and education in foreign countries, various regions of the world, as well as the prospects for their development);

Pedagogical forecasting (research of methodology, methodology, theory of forecasting the development of pedagogy and education, determining on this basis the prospects for their evolution in our country and abroad).

Content of the specialty13.00.02 - "Theory and methods of training and education (by areas and levels of education)":development of theoretical and methodological foundations of the theory, methodology and technology of subject education (training, education, development) in different educational areas, at all levels of the education system in the context of domestic and foreign educational practice. The areas of research and development reflect the main structural components of the scientific field "Theory and Methods of Subject Education", determine the prospects for its development, and are focused on solving urgent problems of subject education. Areas of expertise: mathematics, physics, chemistry, literature, biology, sociology, political science, Russian, mother tongue, Russian as a foreign language, foreign languages, computer science, fine arts, history, social studies, cultural studies, ecology, geography, music, humanities and social sciences (primary education level), natural and mathematical sciences (primary education level), management. Levels of education: general education, vocational education.

The area of ​​study in this specialty includes:

Methodology of subject education: the history of the formation and development of the theory and methods of teaching and education in areas of knowledge and levels of education; issues of interaction between the theory, methodology and practice of training and education with the branches of science, culture, and production; trends in the development of various methodological approaches to the construction of subject education, etc.;

Goals and values ​​of subject education: development of the goals of subject education in accordance with changes in the modern socio-cultural and economic situation in the development of society; developing and educational opportunities of academic disciplines; problems of formation of positive motivation for teaching, worldview, scientific picture of the world, correlation of scientific and religious pictures of the world among the subjects of the educational process, etc.;

Technologies for assessing the quality of subject education: problems of monitoring the assessment of the quality of education in various subjects; theoretical foundations for the creation and use of new pedagogical technologies and methodological systems of education that ensure the development of students at different levels of education; assessment of professional competence and various approaches to the development of postgraduate education of a subject teacher; development of the content of subject education, etc.;

The theory and methodology of extracurricular, extracurricular, extracurricular educational and educational work in subjects, including additional education in the subject.

Content of the specialty 13.00.08 - "Theory and methodology of vocational education”:an area of ​​pedagogical science that considers the issues of vocational training, training, retraining and advanced training in all types and levels of educational institutions, subject and sectoral areas, including the management and organization of the educational process, forecasting and determining the structure of personnel training, taking into account the needs of the individual and labor market, society and the state.

The areas of study are defined taking into account differentiation by industry and type of professional activity and include, in particular, such questions as:

Genesis and theoretical and methodological foundations of the pedagogy of vocational education;

Postgraduate education;

Training of specialists in higher educational institutions, institutions of secondary and primary vocational education;

Intracompany training of workers;

Additional professional education;

Retraining and advanced training of workers and specialists;

Continuous professional and multi-level education;

Educational management and marketing;

Vocational training for the unemployed and unemployed population;

Interaction of vocational education with the labor market and social partners;

Professional orientation, culture and problems of education;

Professional consulting and consulting services.

Content of the specialty19.00.01 - "General psychology, psychology of personality, history of psychology":study of fundamental psychological mechanisms and patterns of origin, development and functioning of the human and animal psyche, human consciousness, self-consciousness and personality in the processes of activity, cognition and communication; application of these patterns to solve practical problems of diagnostics, counseling, examination, prevention psychological problems, possible anomalies and support for personal development; historical, theoretical and methodological analysis psychological theories, concepts and views; development of research and applied methodology, creation of methods psychological research and practical work.

The area of ​​study includes questions such as:

Development and analysis of the foundations of general psychological and historical-psychological research;

Origin and development of human consciousness and activity in anthropogenesis;

Attention and memory; autobiographical memory;

Psychological problems of verbal communication and psycholinguistics;

Consciousness, worldview, reflexive processes, states of consciousness, altered states of consciousness;

Activity, its structure, dynamics and regulation, activity psychology;

Abilities, giftedness, talent and genius, their nature;

Gender differences in cognitive processes and personality;

Individual, personality, individuality; personality structure; the problem of the subject in psychology;

Life path, its structure and periodization; life-creation, etc.

Content of the specialty19.00.07 - "Pedagogical psychology":the study of psychological facts, mechanisms, patterns of educational activity and the actions of its individual or collective subjects (students, groups, classes, audiences), the pedagogical activity itself and the actions of its subject - the teacher, multi-level interaction of the subjects of pedagogical and educational activities in the educational process; study of the influence of the educational process, the educational environment on the mental neoplasms of students, their personal development at different levels of education; study of the development of educational psychology in historical retrospective and current state.

The research area includes the following questions:

Psychology of a student at different levels of education (preschool, school, university), his personal and psychological development;

Psychology of the educational environment;

Psychology of educational activity, teaching;

Psychological characteristics of students as subjects of educational activities;

Pedagogical activity, professional and pedagogical features of teachers (style, abilities, competence, control);

The educational process as a unity of education and upbringing, etc.

Content of the specialty 19.00.13 - "Psychology of development, acmeology"in the field of psychological and pedagogical sciences: the study of the processes of development and formation of the psyche of people at different stages of their life cycle (from the prenatal period, the age of the newborn ™ to maturity, aging and old age). This development takes place under certain external and internal conditions (environmental conditions, heredity, accumulated experience, purposeful or random influences, etc.).

Since specifically human development and the functioning of the psyche do not occur outside the processes of communication and organizational structures (starting from child-parent relationships and ending with business interactions in a team of surgeons or in the public service), social phenomena naturally find themselves in the area of ​​researchers' attention.

One of the aspects of this specialization is the study of the cultural and historical development of the psyche, the comparative study of the development of the psyche in different cultures, the development of the psyche in anthropogenesis and the comparative study of the biological and historical development of the psyche. Mental development in childhood makes, although not obvious, but very significant (sometimes irreparable) contributions to the development of an adult. And the period of adulthood is significant for the existence of society. It is acmeology (Greek: act - “blooming power”, “top”).

If the research is dominated by a stating approach (establishing facts, regularities), it can be attributed to the psychological sciences; if a normative-value, design, formative approach is expressed - to the pedagogical sciences. This distinction is left to the discretion of dissertation councils.

2.6. Choice of scientific specialty.

The choice of the scientific specialty in which the research is being carried out is a responsible and important moment in relation to the expected results, especially if the research is carried out as a dissertation. V. G. Domrachev 1 when choosing a scientific specialty, he suggests proceeding from the following main criteria:

The scientific results of the dissertation must correspond to the passport of the scientific specialty;

The professional training of the dissertation student, as well as his scientific interests, must correspond to the list of tasks regulated by the passport of the scientific specialty;

The supervisor must be competent in the issues covered by the scientific specialty;

Postgraduate studies within which training is carried out must have the right to teach in this scientific specialty;

The dissertation must correspond to the specialty and the requirements of the dissertation council in which it is supposed to be defended.

A situation is possible when, starting work on a dissertation within the framework of one scientific specialty, the researcher discovers that it corresponds to another specialty. The natural way in this case is to act in accordance with the new scientific specialty, but keep in mind the criteria listed above. It is possible to consider the issue of defending a dissertation at the intersection of two specialties - the one on which the work began, and a new one, corresponding to several (or one) scientific results submitted for defense. In this case, during the defense, it will be necessary to co-opt additional members to the dissertation council - doctors of sciences who are competent in the results of the dissertation relating to the new specialty (or use the existing doctors of sciences in the dissertation council who are in this new scientific specialty in another dissertation council). If necessary, a second supervisor of the dissertation or a scientific consultant can be involved. It is not required to pass the second candidate's exam in the new specialty, since only three candidate's exams are taken.

3. Organization of experimental and research work in educational institutions

3.1. Experience and experiment in research work.

Many issues of organizing experimental and research work in educational institutions are related tothe problem of the difference between scientific (theoretical) and empirical (experimental) knowledge in pedagogy.

Kraevsky V.V. said:“Often in pedagogy, these two types of cognition are not clearly distinguished. It is believed that a teacher-practitioner, without setting special scientific goals and not using the means of scientific knowledge, can be in the position of a researcher. The idea is expressed or implied that he can obtain scientific knowledge in the process of practical pedagogical activity, without bothering to work on theory, which almost “grows” by itself out of practice. This is far from true.The process of scientific knowledge is special.It consists of the cognitive activity of people, the means of cognition, its objects and knowledge.<...>

Spontaneous-empirical knowledge lives in folk pedagogy, which has left us many pedagogical councils that have stood the test of experience in the form of proverbs and sayings, rules of education. They reflect certain pedagogical patterns. The teacher himself receives knowledge of this kind in the process of practical work with children. He learns how best to act in situations of a certain kind, what results this or that specific pedagogical influence on specific students gives. 1 .

Techniques, methods, forms of work that have proven effective in the experience of one teacher may not give the desired result in the work of another teacher or in another class, in another school,because empirical knowledge is concrete. This is its peculiarity - not a strength or weakness, but a difference from theoretical, scientific knowledge.

And now one can still hear complaints about the fact that "scientific works suffer from abstractness." Butabstraction - theoretical generalization of experience. This definition contains the entire answer: there cannot be a theory without previous experience, and the essence of a theory is the most general regularities, i.e. abstraction. It is in situations where you need to “fly up above the vanity”, turn to proven truths,there is a need for scientific knowledge.The help of a scientist is needed either to generalize the experience, or to comprehend the conclusions from the experience of colleagues.

Case Study. Developing a program for the development of the gymnasium, the administration and teachers turned to a whole group of scientists and teachers with a request to help formulate the central problem, the solution of which was already being worked on by the teaching staff. Teachers could talk for a long time about the problems that were of concern to them, about the ways to solve them, which they intended to check in experimental work. But they could not formulate all this briefly, which means that they did not represent the tasks facing them structurally.

In joint work with scientists, teachers divided the tasks into theoretical (search) and practical (organizational and pedagogical). In each group of tasks, in turn, central, leading problems were identified. The main task was defined as "the formation of a culture of life self-determination of the student."

As a result, the activity of the gymnasium and its subdivisions has become clearer. It has become easier to plan work, analyze its results, and carry out current management.

Researchers and practicing educators often do not distinguish experience from experiment. Both of these are types of search activities that imply finding ways to improve the existing practice of education.

However, experience - this is empirical knowledge of reality, based on sensory knowledge, and experiment - this is knowledge carried out in controlled and managed conditions, reproduced by their controlled change.An experiment differs from observation by active operation of the object under study; it is carried out on the basis of a theory that determines the formulation of problems and the interpretation of results. Often the main task of an experiment is to test hypotheses and predictions of a theory.

An experiment differs from experience in the presence of a theoretical model for achieving a result, which is verified during the experiment.

3.2. Experimental work of an educational institution.

In the work of modern schools, there is a phenomenon that at first glance seems paradoxical:more and more insistently scientists are invited to cooperate. This happens despite the fact that education authorities do not force them to take such actions, on the contrary, they call for saving wages. With the current overload of school administrators, with an acute shortage of material and financial resources, there are probablyserious reasonsthat encourage educators-practitioners to invite scientists to schools.

The main one is probablydeparture from uniformity. Now every school, gymnasium, lyceum is looking for its own "image", its own concept of education, develop their own curricula, programs, methods, their own development strategy. Moreover, this activity has long ceased to be exotic and has become a legal norm for every school.Innovation activityrequires a theoretical search, scientific comprehension of experience, special training, which administrative and methodological and pedagogical workers do not have. And for scientists, the solution of these problems is the essence of their activity.

Even if the school does not pretend to be a scientific experiment, everyday problems naturally lead to the need for search, research activities.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the development and approval of educational programs and curricula are transferred to the competence of an educational institution.

But why are schools so slow to take advantage of these rights? Why are the "innovations" created by them often nothing but trouble - for students, their parents, teachers? Teachers have the right to develop curricula, programs, manuals, but no one taught them this work, and, therefore, they do not have special training for this activity.

In many cases, the main shortcoming of curricula and programs developed by schools is the lack of concepts, i.e. . systems of basic views, approaches.It is the task of the teaching staff of the school to develop such a concept and the curricula and programs that implement it. And only a specialist ready for research activity can help. Often for these and other purposes (lecturing on the latest achievements of science, postgraduate education, special training of certain categories of teachers, assistance in resolving conflict situations, etc.), scientists are invited to the school.

Lecture by prof. G. I. Shkolnik about trends in modern pedagogy abroad intensified the work of many creative groups of teachers and helped to improve the program for the development of the gymnasium. When subject teaching was introduced in elementary school, the administration of the gymnasium turned to the specialists of the university with a request to conduct special workshops with teachers. With the introduction of the post of class teacher (released class teacher), they also conducted special training for teachers according to a jointly developed program. Thanks to the participation of university specialists in the commission, problems were reasonably solved when admitting children to the gymnasium.

The value of experimental work will vary depending on the situation and the role assigned to it. Research, as a rule, is carried out not to develop specific recipes, but to identify patterns and ways of mastering the methods of theoretical knowledge.

3.3. Research in educational institutions.

By conducting research, teachers in most cases hope to solve specific problems of a particular school. But the research activity of teachers also has its own purpose: it helps to comprehend the situation, to optimize their work on the basis of the identified patterns. Solution problems of teaching and educational work of the school- the first (and most common) reason for teachers to turn to research activities.

Another reason - the desire to find new, previously unknown pedagogical means, rulesand sequence* of their use(innovations-heuristics)or solve new pedagogical tasks that have not yet been mastered either in theory or in practice (innovation-discovery). In this case, relevant famous expression: "No matter how much you improve a kerosene lamp, it will not become electric."

The trial and error method, characteristic of empirical search, does not give the desired result - modeling is required, the creation of theories, hypotheses, experimentation, i.e. means of scientific knowledge.

Experimental search activity is regulated by local regulations of the educational institution. In most cases, they are developed using the approved order of the USSR State Committee for Public Education "Temporary Regulations on the Experimental Pedagogical Site in the Public Education System" (see Appendix 2).It has lost its legalforce, but is a well-developed organizational document that can serve as the basis for modern management documents in the field of experimental and search work.

As a rule, six stages are distinguished in the experimental work of an educational institution:

- first preparatory stage- development of the concept of search work, analysis of the state of affairs, determination of targets, selection of research methods;

Second phase - partial changes in the work of the institution, analysis and evaluation of their effectiveness, rallying the project team of teachers;

Third stage - improvement of individual components of the system, areas of work, application of new methods, technologies;

Fourth stage - improvement of the system of work of the institution as a whole, development of a new logic of education;

Fifth stage - development of a new system and identification of the conditions for its successful operation;

Sixth stage - analysis and presentation of the achieved results, determination of prospects for further research.

3.3. The specifics of studying various aspects of education

1. Didactic research.

The purpose of diagnostics and scientific research in the implementation of learning tasks seems obvious and traditional.. Each teacher diagnoses and evaluates the success of students in mastering the curriculum in order, based on the results of the diagnosis, to make reasonable adjustments to teaching methods.Accordingly, with understanding, teachers also treat the recommendations of scientists in this area. However, the simplicity of understanding didactic studies is only apparent. Consider someproblems directly related to the improvement of diagnostics in education.

Firstly , diagnostics in education is most often understood as control (current, periodic, thematic, final, etc.).And control can also be carried out outside of diagnostic activity on the basis of empirical signs that are presented to the teacher as “self-evident”. This is what explains whythe same grades given by different teachers, as a rule, cannot be correlated with the same level of training.

The evidence of the low diagnostic reliability of traditional methods of control is the very fact of the introduction and ongoing discussions around such a fundamentally new system of knowledge assessment as the unified state exam (USE). As the head of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science V.A. Bolotov notes, “... the longer the region participates in the experiment, the more actively the parents, school graduates, and teachers of the vocational education system support the USE there.” Obviously , this is due to the greater objectivity (diagnostic value) of the final control form based on the test methodology.

The experiment on the introduction of the Unified State Examination showed that every fifth graduate does not master the school mathematics course. True, the vast majority of respondents believe that the USE will not solve the problems of the quality of education. Often he provokes "coaching" on the proposed issues, which has nothing to do with the normal learning process. This means that any forms of diagnostics and control should be introduced systematically, in combination with other ways to improve the educational process.

Secondly , traditionally, even in the control, “gaps” of training are revealed, and not the strengths of the student. Of course, these shortcomings are looked for on the basis of "good intentions" in order to make the student stronger. But the technocratic strategy, traditional for the practice of teaching, encourages the teacher to actually catch the student in his shortcomings, and then correct his training, depriving the student of independence. Sometimes researchers studying the problems of didactics adhere to a similar strategy. Such an approach reduces theoretical studies only to quantitative dependencies, and involves the search not for humanitarian, but for technocratic knowledge.

Thirdly , revealing the degree of preparedness of the student, researchers sometimes pay attention onlyon the assimilation of the content of education(knowledge, skills), without being interested in the development of cognitive abilities, mental operations, attitude to educational and cognitive activity, etc.This approach makes research in the field of learning superficial, unproductive, useless for improving educational outcomes.

M. Zelman, an educational testing service specialist from Princeton (USA), sees USE problem in the fact that the essential characteristics of similarities and differences between the results of exams that serve as the basis for certification of school graduates based on the results of their training have not been identified("learned content test" - a test of the quality of the work of the student and teacher),and a test that provides information to predict the success of an applicant's education in a particular or in any university("readiness test" or "aptitude test").

Control and measuring materials for tests based on the results of training are quite easily constructed both in the form of tasks with multiple choice and in the form of tasks (tasks) with a fixed answer. They assess the degree of awareness or skill development of graduates and, in principle, do not require ingenuity or creativity from the subject and are arranged on the principle of checking the reproduction of information or checking the knowledge of standard algorithms.

Readiness tests (or ability tests) are more designed to evaluate a person's work "here and now" in a certain specific cognitive or psychomotor area.They are created in such a way as to find outthe potential ability of a person in specialized activities, his readiness for a certain type of learning and in conditions of limited information. The purpose of such tests is not to evaluate his past success, but to form a picture of his learning opportunities in this area.

2. Research in education.

In the design and implementation of the study, it is necessary to take into account not only general patterns, but also the specifics of the object under study. Without this, diagnostics will not give any reliable results, but it can become a destructive factor for pedagogical phenomena and processes.

In connection with the specifics of education as an activity addressed to a whole person in the dynamics of his self-formation,diagnostics and research of educational phenomena and processes also have a number of features.Their reasons are that the results of upbringing are of a remote nature and depend on a large number ofinternal factors and external conditions.

Firstly , the effectiveness of education ("educational effects"), as a rule, cannot be established on the basis of a linear causal relationship "stimulus - reaction".The mechanistic approach does not give any significant results for pedagogical practice.

For example, the authors of one of the approaches to assessing the results of education offer as a diagnostic criterion the assimilation of three groups of concepts: socio-moral, general intellectual and general cultural (see: Methodological recommendations for attestation and accreditation assessment of the educational activities of educational institutions implementing general educational programs of various levels and directions // Bulletin of Education - 2004. - No. 5. - P. 39 - 57). Thus, an attempt is being made to reduce education to learning: it is obvious that “mastering concepts” is not an indicator of the effectiveness of education; orientation towards it leads to dogmatism and, in fact, to the destruction of not only educational work, but also educational relations in general. It is this logic that leads the authors, when identifying diagnostic indicators, to distinguishing education as a separate special direction, i.e., to reductionism.

Secondly There is no standard in education.For a democratic society, it is simply illogical. Absence leads to the impossibility of comparison (by analogy with exams). In education, assessment can be made either in relation to the possibilities (individual-personal potential of the pupil or the conditions of educational work), or according to the dynamics of the results. But even here there are no unambiguous criteria.

How to evaluate, for example, such an indicator: the number of registered offenders has been reduced by half - there were two (smoking in a public place), now there is one (robbery)?

Thirdly , in contrast to training as a functional training, education is addressed to the integral personality of a person and can only be assessed in the logic of qualitative changes. At the same time, the quality of an object from the point of view of philosophy is not reduced to its individual properties. It covers the subject completely and is inseparable from it. The effectiveness of education cannot be reduced to quantitative indicators (how many concepts are learned, how many activities are carried out, etc.) - they can only be auxiliary, and they can only be assessed in the context of a certain quality of the result.

The school works according to the methodology of V.A. Karakovsky: the central work of the month (or quarter) is preceded by a whole system of preparatory activities, and its results are consolidated by subsequent activities. How to count the number of events carried out: as one complex or should each be evaluated separately? In the second case, is a telephone conversation between the class teacher and the student's mother, who does not let her son go to rehearsal, a separate event? And the most important question: what will these calculations give us in assessing the educational work of the school?

Fourth , education is fundamentally different from other objects of research in that in it subjectivity does not apply to undesirable phenomena. How the pupil perceives himself, other people and the world around him, how he relates to his abilities, actions, prospects - these and many other subjective characteristics are necessary both for assessing the results achieved (the effectiveness of the teacher's previous actions), and for predicting development prospects, and for selecting the optimal means of education.

The main educational resultmany modern researchers recognizepupil's positionas a system of his dominant value-semantic relations to himself, other people, the world.The position is realized in the corresponding nature of social behavior and human activity. In this regard, the position of synergetics is applicable that the formation of a person as a complex system depends to a greater extent not on the past, but on the future. This involves an assessment of the actions of the pupil in his own cultural and psychological coordinates, and most importantly - in the context of the subjunctive mood and the analysis of alternative scenarios (including unrealized ones) for the development of the pupil and the process of his interaction with the teacher. In other words, the understanding of what the pupil "represents himself" determines the forecast and goals of the educator, the nature of his activity.

Fifth three aspects of education should be taken into account:

Social (acceptance of the values ​​of the environment, the formation of a sense of ownership),

Individual (distinguishing oneself from the environment through self-determination, self-formation, self-realization and other “self”, which determine the intrinsic value of a person in life and activity)

- communicative(interaction with the environment through the exchange of influences, the acceptance of the values ​​of the environment and, most importantly, the assertion of one's views and values ​​in it).

These aspects of education correspond to three aspects of human existence (personal, individual and subjective) and can only be considered in unity, interdependence, interpenetration. A "volumetric" vision of a person is impossible without simultaneously taking into account all three of its dimensions. And this requires multifactorial diagnostics and a comprehensive analysis of its results.

At sixth, the study of educational effects is possible only in the unity of aspects of the process and results of education, qualitative assessment and analysis of quantitative relations.

When researching in the field of education, non-quantitative indicators should be considered.(activities carried out, knowledge transferred, skills formed, attitudes, etc.), andobtaining a different quality of the pedagogical process, which is implemented simultaneously in its subjects(teacher and pupil) andthe subject of their joint activities(pedagogical interaction).

Here, it is very important to evaluate not only knowledge or activity - a much more important indicator is the relationship, the emotional atmosphere of the educational process, what is called the “spirit of the school”. And in this case, special correctness and trust in the procedures of diagnostics and evaluation, care for the dignity of those whom we evaluate are required.

3.4. Research in the system of continuous education.

Based on the non-linearity of the process of subjective formation of a person, in continuous education we can distinguishfive main steps - "turning points" in the life of every person, his five "transitional ages":

First - the transition of the child from preschool education to systematic education;

Second - the transition from general education to specialized education (it is increasingly common in schools) and the choice of a profession;

Third - the transition from choosing a profession and romantic dreams about it to vocational training;

Fourth - exit from the artificial simulation conditions of activity at the university and entry into a complex professional reality;

Fifth - the transition from reactive professional activity, from self-assertion in the profession to professional creativity.

Each of these moments of crisis intentionally draws a person to reflection, determinesa qualitative change in his self-esteem and self-awareness. However, in everyday practice this happens spontaneously and often leads to the destruction of the integrity of the subjective position, to the loss of meaning. A person loses subjectivity, sees himself as an executor, an instrument for implementing programs, plans, instructions and instructions - he ceases to be a creator.

The study of the real difficulties of a person at each stage of his development, and especially in moments of crisis, should become the basis for a system of assistance in the continuous self-development of a person.. Only then does a person become the subject of activity, behavior and relationships.

Therefore, the traditional forms of diagnostics in the form of input control of preparedness for the development of programs, transferable andfinal exams more and moreare supplemented various forms studying the processes of adaptation of students to changes in learning conditions, opportunities for creative development, the state of psychological comfortetc. The system of such diagnostics will improve the efficiency of continuous education, ensure the continuous self-development of the student.

Lecture 4. methods of psychological and pedagogical research

Lecture questions:

1. Empirical methods of psychological and pedagogical research: a method of studying scientific and methodological literature; observation method; conversation method; survey methods.

2. Method of experiment in pedagogical research.

3. Theoretical and comparative-historical methods of psychological and pedagogical research.

4. Methods of mathematical statistics in psychological and pedagogical research.

Empirical knowledge is knowledge about the main parameters of the facts under study, about the functional relationships between these parameters, about the behavior of objects. Research methods that make it possible to obtain empirical data on psychological and pedagogical processes include those that are directly related to reality and practice. They ensure the accumulation, fixation, classification and generalization of the source material for the creation of a psychological and pedagogical theory. These include: scientific observation, different types of psychological and pedagogical experiments, work with scientific facts - description of the results obtained, classification of facts, their systematization, all kinds of methods of analysis and generalization; surveys, conversations, studying the results of the activities of specific individuals, etc.

The study of psychological and pedagogical scientific and methodological literature, manuscripts, archival materials, materials on magnetic and other media containing facts characterizing the history and current state of the object under study serves as a way to create initial ideas and an initial concept about the subject of research, its aspects and connections, to discover gaps, ambiguities in the development of the problem chosen for study. A thorough study of the literature helps to separate the known from the unknown, fix the already developed concepts, established facts, accumulated pedagogical experience, and clearly outline the boundaries of the subject of research.

Work on literature begins with the compilation of a bibliography - a list of works to be studied, their list, a scientific description, and the necessary indexes. The bibliography usually includes books, textbooks, educational and teaching aids, journals, articles in collections of scientific and methodological works, abstracts of reports at various levels of conferences, monographs, abstract reviews, abstracts of dissertations, etc.

Primary acquaintance with the literature and other sources should give an idea of ​​the problems, the main content of a particular work. For this it is useful to first read the annotation, introduction, table of contents, conclusion, and skim the content of the source. After that, the method of working out the publication is determined: careful study with notes; selective study, accompanied by extracts; general introduction to annotation, etc.

The results of working with the literature on each issue under study should preferably be presented in the form of thematic reviews, abstracts, reviews and other sources that set out the main scientific positions of interest to the researcher. At the same time, it is important to reveal the existing contradictions in the approaches to the problem under study, to identify coinciding and non-coinciding points of view on the subject of research, developed provisions, and unclear and controversial issues that exist in them. It should be noted that the author of each work introduces something new into the study of the problem, what original approaches and solutions he offers, what is their scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance. At the same stage, it is advisable to express and fix your attitude to the author's positions, to the conclusions obtained by the researchers.

The study of literature and various kinds of sources continues throughout the study. Newly discovered facts encourage rethinking and evaluating the content of already studied books and documents, stimulate attention to issues that have not previously been given due attention, and allow reflecting on the analytical activity of the researcher himself. A solid documentary base of scientific work is an important condition for its objectivity and depth.

One of the empirical methods of psychological and pedagogical research, which receives much attention, is observation. This method involves purposeful, systematic and systematic perception and fixation of the manifestations of psychological and pedagogical phenomena and processes.

Features of observation as a scientific method are:

- focus on a clear, specific goal;

- planned and systematic;

- objectivity in the perception of the studied and its fixation;

– preservation of the natural course of psychological and pedagogical processes.

observation can be: purposeful and random; continuous and selective; direct and indirect; long and short term; open and hidden (“incognito”); ascertaining and evaluating; continuous and selective; uncontrolled and controlled (registration of observed events according to a previously worked out procedure); causal and experimental; field (observation in natural conditions) and laboratory (in an experimental situation).

In this regard, observation as a research method requires the researcher to follow the following rules:

– a clear definition of the purpose of observation;

- drawing up, depending on the purpose, an observation program;

– detailed recording of observation data;

The observation program must accurately determine the sequence of work, highlight the most important objects of observation, methods for fixing the results (protocol records, diaries of observations, etc.).

Like any method, observation has its own strengths and weaknesses. The strengths include the possibility of studying the subject in its integrity, natural functioning, living multifaceted connections and manifestations. At the same time, this method does not allow one to actively intervene in the process being studied, change it, or intentionally create certain situations to take accurate measurements. Consequently, the results of observation must necessarily be supported by data obtained using other methods of psychological and pedagogical research.

Conversation- one of the main methods of psychology and pedagogy, which involves obtaining information about the phenomenon under study in a logical form, both from the person under study, members of the group under study, and from the surrounding people. In the latter case, the conversation acts as an element of the method of generalization of independent characteristics. The scientific value of the method lies in establishing personal contact with the object of study, the ability to obtain data promptly, clarify them in the form of an interview.

The conversation can be formalized and non-formalized. formalized conversation involves a standardized formulation of questions and registration of answers to them, which allows you to quickly group and analyze the information received. informal conversation is conducted on non-rigidly standardized questions, which makes it possible to consistently raise additional questions based on the current situation. During a conversation of this type, as a rule, closer contact is achieved between the researcher and the respondent, which contributes to obtaining the most complete and in-depth information.

The practice of psychological and pedagogical research has developed certain rules for using the conversation method :

- talk only on issues directly related to the problem under study;

- formulate questions clearly and clearly, taking into account the degree of competence of the interlocutor in them;

- select and pose questions in an understandable form that encourages respondents to give detailed answers to them;

- avoid incorrect questions, take into account the mood, subjective state of the interlocutor;

- to conduct a conversation in such a way that the interlocutor sees in the researcher not a leader, but a comrade who shows genuine interest in his life, thoughts, aspirations;

- do not conduct a conversation in a hurry, in an excited state;

- choose a place and time for the conversation so that no one interferes with its course, maintains a friendly attitude.

Calling a person to frankness and listening to him is a great art. Naturally, the frankness of people should be valued and ethically carefully handle the information received. The frankness of the conversation increases when the researcher does not take any notes.

Interrogation methods of psychological and pedagogical research are written or oral, direct or indirect appeals of the researcher to respondents with questions, the content of the answers to which reveals certain aspects of the problem under study. These methods are used in cases where the source of the necessary information is people - direct participants in the processes and phenomena being studied. With the help of survey methods, one can obtain information both about events and facts, and about the opinions, assessments, and preferences of the respondents.

The widespread use of survey methods is explained by the fact that the information received from respondents is often richer and more detailed than that which can be obtained using other methods. It is easy to process, it can be obtained relatively quickly and cheaply.

Survey methods in psychological and pedagogical research are used in the following forms: in the form of an interview (oral survey), questionnaire (written survey), expert survey, testing (with standardized forms for evaluating survey results), as well as using sociometry, which allows, based on a survey, to identify interpersonal relationships in a group of people. Let us briefly characterize each of these methods.

Questionnairea method of empirical research based on a survey of a significant number of respondents and used to obtain information about the typicality of certain psychological and pedagogical phenomena. This method makes it possible to establish common views, opinions of people on certain issues; identify the motivation of their activities, the system of relations.

There are the following types of surveys - personal(with direct contact between the researcher and the respondent) or indirect(questionnaires are distributed by handout, and respondents answer them at a convenient time); individual or group; continuous or selective.

As in a conversation, the questionnaire is based on a special questionnaire - a questionnaire. . Based on the fact that questionnaire- this is a research document developed in accordance with established rules, containing a series of questions and statements ordered in content and form, often with options for answers to them, its development requires special attention and thoughtfulness.

It is advisable that the questionnaire includes three semantic parts: introductory containing the purpose and motivation of the survey, the significance of the respondent's participation in it, the guarantee of the secrecy of answers and a clear statement of the rules for filling out the questionnaire; main, consisting of a list of questions to be answered; socio-demographic, designed to reveal the main biographical data and social status of the respondent.

Practice shows that When developing a research questionnaire, it is advisable to present the following basic requirements:

- approbation (pilot) of the questionnaire in order to check and evaluate its validity (validity), search for the best option and the volume of questions;

- clarification before the start of the survey of its goals and implications for the results of the study;

- the correct formulation of questions, which simultaneously implies a respectful attitude towards the respondents;

– leaving the possibility of anonymous responses;

- exclusion of the possibility of ambiguous interpretation of questions and the use of special terms and foreign words that may be incomprehensible to respondents;

- make sure that the question does not ask you to evaluate several facts at once or express an opinion about several events at the same time.

- building a questionnaire according to the principle: from simpler questions to more complex ones;

- do not get carried away with verbose, long questions and the proposed answers to them, as this makes it difficult to perceive and increases the time to fill them out;

- posing questions in linear (each subsequent question develops, specifies the previous one) and cross (the answer to one question checks the reliability of the answer to another question) ways creates a favorable psychological attitude among the respondents and the desire to give sincere answers;

– provide for the possibility of quickly processing a large number of responses using the methods of mathematical statistics.

The experience of conducting surveys shows that the answers are given more meaningful and complete when the questionnaire includes a small number of questions (no more than 7-10).

When compiling the questionnaire, several options for constructing questions are used. These are open, closed and semi-closed questions, as well as filter questions.

open call questions to which respondents must independently give answers and enter them in specially designated places in the questionnaire or in a special form. Such questions are used in cases where the researcher seeks to involve the respondent in active work on the formation of proposals, advice on a problem, or when the set of alternatives for the question being asked is not entirely clear.

Closed questions are called, to which the questionnaire offers possible answers. They are used in cases where the researcher clearly imagines what the answers to the question may be, or when it is necessary to evaluate something according to certain features important for studying, etc. The advantages of closed questions are: the ability to exclude misunderstanding of the question, compare responses from various groups of respondents, as well as the ease of filling out the questionnaire and processing the data received.

Of significant importance preliminary testing of the questionnaire. External signs of responses (stereotyping, monosyllabicity, alternativeness, a significant number of responses such as “I don’t know”, “Difficult to answer” or omissions, white stripes; “guessing” the answer desired by the researcher, etc.) indicate that the wording of the questions is complex , inaccurate, to a certain extent duplicate one another, similar in content, the respondents did not realize the significance of the survey, the importance of truthful answers for the researcher.

At correct application surveys can provide reliable and objective information.

Interviewa kind of survey method, a special type of purposeful communication with a person or group of people. The basis of the interview is a simple conversation. However, unlike it, the roles of the interlocutors are fixed, normalized, and the goals are determined by the design and objectives of the study.

The specifics of the interview are that the researcher determines in advance only the topic of the forthcoming research and the main questions to which he would like to receive answers. All the necessary information, as a rule, is drawn from the information obtained in the process of communication between the person taking the interview (interviewer) and the person giving it. The success of the interview, the completeness and quality of the information received largely depend on the nature of this communication, on the closeness of contact and the degree of mutual understanding of the parties.

The interview has its advantages and disadvantages compared to the questionnaire. The main difference between them is in the form of contact. When questioning, the communication between the researcher and the respondent is mediated by the questionnaire. The questions contained in it, their meaning, the respondent interprets independently within the limits of his knowledge. He forms the answer and fixes it in the questionnaire in the way indicated in the text of the questionnaire, or announced by the person conducting the survey. During the interview, the contact between the researcher and the person - the source of information is carried out with the help of a specialist (interviewer), who asks the questions provided for by the research program, organizes and directs the conversation with the respondents, and also records the answers received according to the instructions.

In this case, the following are clearly revealed benefits of an interview: firstly, in the course of working with respondents, it is possible to take into account their level of preparation, determine their attitude to the topic of the survey, individual problems, fix their intonation and facial expressions. Secondly, it becomes possible to flexibly change the wording of questions, taking into account the personality of the respondent and the content of previous answers. Thirdly, you can put additional (clarifying, control, suggestive, explanatory, etc.) questions. Fourth, the proximity of the interview to an ordinary conversation contributes to the emergence of a relaxed atmosphere of communication and an increase in the sincerity of answers. Fifthly, the interviewer can monitor the psychological reactions of the interlocutor and, if necessary, correct the conversation.

As main disadvantage This method should highlight the high complexity of the work with a small number of respondents.

According to the goal that the researcher strives to achieve, they distinguish opinion interview, clarifying the assessment of phenomena, events, and documentary interview associated with the establishment of facts. one

The individual and the group are specific objects of psychological and pedagogical research, which have significant features that predetermine the use of a number of special methods for studying the productivity of the system of influence on these objects.

One of them is - test method, that is, the performance by the test subjects of tasks of a certain kind with precise ways of evaluating the results and their numerical expression. This method allows you to identify the level of knowledge, skills, abilities and other personality traits, as well as their compliance with certain standards by analyzing how the subjects perform a number of special tasks. Such tasks are called tests.

"Test- this is a standardized task or tasks in a special way interconnected, which allow the researcher to diagnose the degree of severity of the studied property in the subject, his psychological characteristics, as well as his attitude to certain objects. As a result of testing, some characteristic is usually obtained, showing the degree of severity of the studied feature in a person. It should be comparable with the norms established for this category of subjects. Therefore, with the help of testing, it is possible to determine the existing level of development of a certain property in the object of research and compare it with the standard or with the development of this quality in the subject in an earlier period.

Tests are characterized by the following features: objectivity (exclusion of the influence of random factors on the subject), model (expression in the task of any complex, complex whole phenomenon), standardization (establishment of the same requirements and norms when analyzing the properties of the subjects, or processes and results).

Orientation tests are divided into tests of achievement, abilities and personality:

a) achievement tests- mainly didactic, determining the level of mastering the educational material, the formation of students' knowledge, skills and abilities. Didactic test should be understood as a system of tasks of a specific form and a certain content, arranged in order of increasing difficulty, created in order to objectively assess the structure and measure the level of preparedness of students. Thus, it is advisable to consider a didactic test not as an ordinary set or set of tasks, but as a system that has two main system factors: the content of test tasks that form the best integrity, and the increase in difficulty from task to task;

b) ability tests(allowing to judge not only the results in the assimilation of a certain educational material, but also the respondent's prerequisites for completing tasks of a given type, class). Such tests are most often associated with the diagnosis of the cognitive sphere of the personality, the characteristics of thinking, and are usually called intellectual. These include, for example, Raven's test, Amthauer's test, Wexler's subtests, etc.;

v) personality tests, which make it possible, by reaction to the test tasks, to judge the features of personality properties - orientation, temperament, character traits. Manifestations of personality traits are evoked by presenting projective material (unfinished sentences, images - stimulating associative reactions in respondents).

The testing method is the most controversial and at the same time widespread in the study of personality.

Currently, there are well-established, high-quality, fairly effective tests, which are characterized primarily by high validity and reliability of use.

Test validity- the suitability of the test to measure the property, quality, phenomenon that they want to measure.

The possibilities of the testing method cannot be overestimated. They must be used in conjunction with all other methods.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Section 1. Methodological foundations of psychological and pedagogical research At present, the role of methodology in "> Section 1. Methodological foundations of psychological and pedagogical research At present, the role of methodology in determining the prospects for the development of pedagogical science has increased significantly. This is due to a number of reasons: 1. In modern science noticeable tendencies towards the integration of knowledge, a comprehensive analysis of the phenomena of objective reality. Moreover, at present, the integration of all the humanities has a clearly expressed object - a person. Therefore, psychology and pedagogy play an important role in combining the efforts of various sciences in its study. 2

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Psychology and pedagogy are increasingly based on the achievements of various branches of knowledge,"> Психология и педагогика все больше опираются на достижения различных отраслей знания, усиливаются качественно и количественно, поэтому необходимо сделать так, чтобы этот рост был осознан, скорректирован, управляем, что непосредственно зависит от методологического осмысления данного явления. Методология, таким образом, играет определяющую роль в психолого- педагогических исследованиях, придает им научную целостность, системность, повышает эффективность, профессиональную направленность. 3!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>2. The sciences of psychology and pedagogy have become more complex: research methods have become more varied, in"> 2. Усложнились сами науки психология и педагогика: методы исследования стали более разнообразными, в предмете исследования открываются новые аспекты. В этой ситуации важно, с одной стороны, не потерять предмет исследования - собственно психолого- педагогические проблемы, а с другой - не утонуть в море эмпирических фактов, направить конкретные исследования на решение фундаментальных проблем психологии и педагогики. 4!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>3. At present, the gap between philosophical and methodological problems has become obvious and direct methodology"> 3. В настоящее время стал очевиден разрыв между философско-методологическими проблемами и непосредственной методологией психолого-педагогических исследований. Психологи и педагоги все чаще сталкиваются с проблемами, которые выходят за рамки конкретного исследования, т. е. методологическими, еще не решенными современной философией. В силу этого и требуется заполнить создавшийся вакуум методологическими концепциями, положениями в целях дальнейшего совершенствования непосредственной методологии психолого- педагогических исследований. 5!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> And to prevent this from happening, quantitative analysis must be supplemented with qualitative - methodological . In that"> И чтобы этого не произошло, количественный анализ необходимо дополнять качественным - методологическим. В этом случае методология не дает запутаться в бесчисленных корреляциях, позволяет выбрать для качественного анализа наиболее существенные статистические зависимости и сделать правильные выводы из их анализа. 6!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The term methodology is of Greek origin and means "doctrine of method" or " theory of method"."> Термин методология греческого происхождения и означает «учение о методе» или «теория метода» . В современной науке методология понимается в узком и широком смысле слова. В широком смысле слова методология - это совокупность наиболее общих, прежде всего мировоззренческих, принципов в их применении к решению сложных теоретических и практических задач, это мировоззренческая позиция исследователя. Вместе с тем это и учение о методах познания, обосновывающее исходные принципы и способы их конкретного применения в познавательной и практической деятельности. Методология в узком смысле слова - это учение о методах научного исследования. 7!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>In modern scientific literature, methodology is most often understood as the doctrine of principles"> В современной научной литературе под методологией чаще всего понимают учение о принципах построения, формах и способах научно-познавательной деятельности. Методология науки дает характеристику компонентов научного исследования - его объекта, предмета, задач исследования, совокупности исследовательских методов и средств, необходимых для их решения, а также формирует представление о последовательности движения исследователя в процессе решения научной задачи. 8!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Pedagogy methodology is most often interpreted as a theory of pedagogical research methods, as well as"> Методология педагогики чаще всего трактуется как теория методов педагогического исследования, а также теория для создания образовательных и воспитательных концепций. По мнению Р. Барроу, существует философия педагогики, которая и разрабатывает методологию исследования. Она включает разработку педагогической теории, логику и смысл педагогической деятельности. 9!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>From these positions, the methodology of pedagogy is considered as a philosophy of education, upbringing and development ,"> С этих позиций методология педагогики рассматривается как философия образования, воспитания и развития, а также методы исследования, которые позволяют создавать теорию педагогических процессов и явлений. Исходя из этой предпосылки, чешский педагог-исследователь Яна Скалкова утверждает, что методология педагогики представляет собой систему знаний об основах и структуре педагогической теории. 10!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The methodology of pedagogy performs other functions along with the above: ¡ it defines"> Методология педагогики наряду со сказанным выполняет и другие функции: ¡ она определяет способы получения научных знаний, которые отражают постоянно меняющуюся педагогическую действительность (М. А. Данилов); ¡ направляет и предопределяет основной путь, с помощью которого достигается конкретная научно- исследовательская цель (П. В. Коппин); ¡ обеспечивает всесторонность получения информации об изучаемом процессе или явлении (М. Н. Скаткин); ¡ помогает введению новой информации в фонд теории педагогики (Ф. Ф. Королев); ¡ обеспечивает уточнение, обогащение, систематизацию терминов и понятий в педагогической науке (В. Е. Гмурман); ¡ создает систему информации, опирающуюся на объективные факты и логико-аналитический инструмент научного познания (М. Н. Скаткин). 11!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Thus, summarizing the methodology of pedagogy is a conceptual statement of the purpose, content , methods"> Таким образом, обобщая Методология педагогики - это концептуальное изложение цели, содержания, методов исследования, которые обеспечивают получение максимально объективной, точной, систематизированной информации о педагогических процессах и явлениях. 12!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>According to the definition of V. V. Kraevsky, "the methodology of pedagogy is a system of knowledge about the structure of pedagogical"> По определению В. В. Краевского «методология педагогики есть система знаний о структуре педагогической теории, о принципах подхода и способах добывания знаний, отражающих педагогическую действительность, а также система деятельности по получению таких знаний и обоснованию программ, логики, методов и оценке качества исследовательской работы» 13!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Thus, we can distinguish 2 functions of pedagogy methodology: ¡ descriptive, i.e. descriptive,"> Таким образом, можно выделить 2 функции методологии педагогики: ¡ дескриптивную, т. е. описательную, предполагающую также и формирование теоретического описания объекта; ¡ прескриптивную - нормативную, создающую ориентиры для работы педагога-исследователя. Эти функции определяют и разделение оснований методологии педагогики на две группы - теоретические и нормативные. 14!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Theoretical foundations that perform descriptive functions include: ¡ definition of methodology ;¡"> К теоретическим основаниям, выполняющим дескриптивные функции, относятся: ¡ определение методологии; ¡ общая характеристика методологии как науки, ее уровней; ¡ методология как система знаний и система деятельности, источники методологического обеспечения исследовательской деятельности в области педагогики; ¡ объект и предмет методологического анализа в области педагогики. 15!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The normative foundations cover the following issues: ¡ scientific knowledge in pedagogy among"> Нормативные основания охватывают круг следующих вопросов: ¡ научное познание в педагогике среди других форм духовного освоения мира, к которым относятся стихийно-эмпирическое познание и художественно-образное отображение действительности; ¡ определение принадлежности работы в области педагогики к науке: характер целеполагания, выделение специального объекта исследования, применение специальных средств познания, однозначность понятий; ¡ типология педагогических исследований; ¡ характеристики исследований, по которым ученый может сверять и оценивать свою научную работу в области педагогики: проблема, тема, актуальность, объект исследования, его предмет, цель, задачи, гипотеза, защищаемые положения, новизна, значение для науки и практики; ¡ логика педагогического исследования и т. д. 16!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Levels of methodology of pedagogy 3. Particular methodology of pedagogy (methods"> Уровни методологии педагогики 3. Частная методология педагогики (методы и методики исследова- ния педагогических явлений) 2. Специальная методология педагогики (методологические принципы) 1. Общая методология педагогики 17!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The general methodology of psychological and pedagogical research involves taking into account: ¡ the main provisions, principles and categories"> Общая методология психолого- педагогического исследования предполагает учет: ¡ основных положений, принципов и категорий материалистической диалектики; ¡ закона единства и борьбы противоположностей, в соответствии с которым процесс обучения и воспитания людей является сложным, противоречивым и саморазвивающимся; ¡ закона перехода количественных изменений в качественные, согласно которому увеличение педагогических воздействий должно приводить к улучшению их качества; ¡ закона отрицания, в соответствии с проявлением которого формирование в ходе обучения и воспитания положительных качеств, знаний, навыков и умений затрудняет функционирование отрицательных характеристик, если они свойственны человеку; ¡ представлений о зависимости педагогического процесса от социально-экономического и политического развития общества, культурных и этнических особенностей людей; ¡ представлений о зависимости педагогического процесса от уровня развития психолого-педагогической мысли, организации учебной и воспитательной работы в обществе и его образовательных учреждениях. 18!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Special methodology of psychological and pedagogical research involves taking into account: ¡ stable ideas about consciousness"> Специальная методология психолого- педагогического исследования предполагает учет: ¡ устойчивых представлений о сознании и психике человека и возможностях педагогического воздействия на него (принципы психологии: детерминизма, единства сознания и деятельности, единства внешних воздействий и внутренних условий, развития, личностно- социально-деятельностного подхода); ¡ особенностей развития личности в обществе и группе (коллективе) в процессе общественно- полезной деятельности; ¡ единства воспитания и самовоспитания личности. 19!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Private methodology of psychological and pedagogical research involves taking into account: regularities, principles, methods of training and education,"> Частная методология психолого- педагогического исследования предполагает учет: закономерностей, принципов, методов обучения и воспитания, а также методов психолого-педагогического исследования. 20!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Classification of psychological research methods (according to B. G. Ananiev)">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Methodological principles of psychological and pedagogical research General scientific principles: ¡ the principle of objectivity;"> Методологические принципы психолого-педагогического исследования Общенаучные принципы: ¡ принцип объективности; ¡ генетический принцип; ¡ принцип концептуального единства исследования; ¡ принцип единства теории и практики; ¡ принцип творческого, конкретно- исторического подхода к исследуемой проблеме; ¡ принцип всесторонности. 22!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Principles and approaches related to the specifics of psychological and pedagogical research ¡ Activity an approach."> Принципы и подходы, связанные со спецификой психолого- педагогического исследования ¡ Деятельностный подход. ¡ Системный подход. ¡ Личностный подход. ¡ Полисубъектный подход. ¡ Культурологический подход. ¡ Этнопедагогический подход. ¡ Антропологический подход. 23!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Activity approach"> Деятельностный подход Сущность деятельностного подхода в том, что исследуется реальный процесс взаимодействия человека с окружающим миром, который обеспечивает решение определенных жизненно важных задач. Психолого-педагогическое исследование (за исключением сугубо теоретического) обычно включено в реальный процесс обучения и воспитания, поэтому оно должно удовлетворять требованию единства исследовательской и практической учебно-воспитательной работы. Задачи воспитателя с точки зрения деятельностного подхода: выбор и организация деятельности ребенка с позиции субъекта познания, труда и общения (активность самого). Это предполагает: осознание, целеполагание, планирование деятельности, ее организация, оценка результатов и самоанализ (рефлексия). 24!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>"> Системный подход основан на положении о том, что специфика сложного объекта (системы) не исчерпывается особенностями составляющих ее элементов, а связана, прежде всего, с характером взаимодействия между элементами. В процессе системного анализа выясняются не только причины явлений, но и воздействие результата на породившие его причины. Задача воспитателя: учет взаимосвязи компонентов. 25!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> The personal approach recognizes the individual as a product of socio-historical development and a bearer of culture ,"> Личностный подход признает личность как продукт общественно- исторического развития и носителя культуры, и не допускает сведение личности к натуре. Личность рассматривается как цель, субъект, результат и главный критерий эффективности педагогического процесса. Учитывается уникальность личности, ее интеллектуальная, нравственная свобода, право на уважение. Задача воспитателя: создание условий для саморазвития задатков и творческого потенциала личности. 26!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Polysubjective (dialogical) approach Personality is a product and result of communication with people"> Полисубъектный (диалогический) подход Личность - продукт и результат общения с людьми и характерных для нее отношений, т. е. важен не только предметный результат деятельности, но и отношенческий. Задача воспитателя: контролировать взаимоотношения, способствовать гуманным отношениям, налаживать психологический климат в коллективе. 27!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Cultological approach Basis: axiology - the doctrine of values ​​and the value structure of the world ."> Культорологический подход Основание: аксиология - учение о ценностях и ценностной структуре мира. Обусловлен объективной связью человека с культурой как системой ценностей, выработанной человечеством. Освоение человеком культуры представляет собой развитие самого человека и становление его как !} creative personality. The task of the educator: familiarization with the cultural flow, enhancing creativity. 28

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Ethnopedagogical approach Education based on national traditions, culture, customs. The task of the educator:"> Этнопедагогический подход Воспитание с опорой на национальные традиции, культуру, обычаи. Задача воспитателя: изучение этноса, максимальное использование его воспитательных возможностей. 29!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Anthropological approach Substantiated by Ushinsky. This is a systematic use of data from all human sciences"> Антропологический подход Обосновал Ушинский. Это системное использование данных всех наук о человеке и их учет при построении и осуществлении педагогического процесса. Методологические подходы педагогики как отрасли гуманитарного знания позволяют: 1) определить ее действительные проблемы и способы их разрешения; 2) проанализировать всю сумму образовательных проблем и установить их порядок значимости; 3) реализовать гуманистическую парадигму образования. 30!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Methodological requirements for conducting psychological and pedagogical research: ¡ explore the processes and"> Методологические требования к проведению психолого-педагогических исследований: ¡ исследовать процессы и явления такими, какие они есть на самом деле, со всеми позитивами и негативами, успехами и трудностями, без приукрашивания и очернения; не описывать явления, а критически анализировать их; ¡ оперативно реагировать на новое в теории и практике психологии и педагогики; ¡ усиливать практическую направленность, весомость и добротность рекомендаций; ¡ обеспечивать надежность научного прогноза, видение перспективы развития исследуемого процесса, явления; ¡ соблюдать строгую логику мысли, чистоту психологического или педагогического эксперимента. 31!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Professional and ethical requirements for conducting psychological and pedagogical research ¡ The principle of compliance"> Профессионально-этические требования к проведению психолого- педагогического исследования ¡ Принцип соблюдения тайны ¡ Принцип научной обоснованности ¡ Принцип ненанесения ущерба ¡ Принцип объективности выводов ¡ Принцип эффективности предлагаемых рекомендаций 32!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Scientific research as a special form of cognitive activity in the field of pedagogy activities"> Научное исследование как особая форма познавательной деятельности в области педагогики В сфере педагогической деятельности сегодня выделяют следующие формы отражения: ¡ отражение педагогической действительности в стихийно- эмпирическом процессе познания; ¡ художественно-образное отражение педагогической действительности; ¡ отражение педагогической действительности в научном познании. 33!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Activity in the field of science - scientific research - a special form of the process of cognition, such"> Деятельность в сфере науки - научное исследование - особая форма процесса познания, такое систематическое и целенаправленное изучение объектов, в котором используются средства и методы наук и которое завершается формированием знаний об изучаемых объектах. 34!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Differences between scientific and spontaneous-empirical knowledge Spontaneous-empirical knowledge Scientific knowledge"> Отличия научного и стихийно- эмпирического познания Стихийно-эмпирическое познание Научное познание 1. Оно первично. Это такое 1. Познавательную познание, при котором получение деятельность в науке знаний не отделено от осуществляют не все, а общественно-практической специально подготовленные деятельности людей. Знание группы людей - научных такого рода получает и учитель в работников. Формой ее процессе практической работы. осуществления и развития 2. В области педагогики является научное исследование. стихийно-эмпирическое знание 2. Научные знания фиксируются живет в народной педагогике. В не только в естественном языке, ней отражены определенные но и в специально создаваемых педагогические закономерности. знаковых системах и системах Фиксация знания не требует символов (например, в специальной терминологии. математике, химии). 3. Носит стихийный, произволь- ный характер 3. Носит систематический и целенаправленный характер. 4. В науке создаются и разраба- тываются специальные средства познания, методы научного 35 исследования.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> The main features of the scientific process of cognition are: ¡ the nature of goal setting; ¡"> Основными признаками научного процесса познания выступают: ¡ характер целеполагания; ¡ выделение специального объекта исследования; ¡ применение специальных средств познания; ¡ однозначность терминов. Таким образом, научные исследования в области педагогики представляют собой специфический вид познавательной деятельности, в ходе которой с помощью разнообразных методов выявляются новые, прежде не известные стороны, отношения, грани изучаемого объекта. При этом главная задача исследования состоит в выявлении внутренних связей и отношений, раскрытии закономерностей и движущих сил развития педагогических процессов или явлений. 36!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Typology of scientific psychological and pedagogical research I. By the nature and content of the research § fundamental §"> Типология научных психолого- педагогических исследований I. По характеру и содержанию исследования § фундаментальные § прикладные § разработки 37!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>II. R. S. Nemov distinguishes the following types of psychological and pedagogical research: 1. Review-analytical 2. Review-critical."> II. Р. С. Немов выделяет следующие виды психолого-педагогических исследований: 1. Обзорно-аналитическое. 2. Обзорно-критическое. 3. Теоретическое. 4. Эмпирическое описательное. 5. Эмпирическое объяснительное. 6. Методическое. 7. Экспериментальное. 38!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>A survey and analytical study involves the selection and study of literature on the topic, followed by systematic"> Обзорно-аналитическое исследование предполагает подбор и изучение литературы по теме с последующим систематическим изложением и анализом проработанного материала, рассчитанного на то, чтобы в !} in full present and critically evaluate research on the chosen topic. The information material accumulated as a result of studying the literature is presented in the form of a scientific abstract, which, in addition to reviewing the studies and a summary of their results, contains a detailed analysis of the available data. 39

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>"> Если подобного рода исследование выполняется не как самостоятельное, а как часть более сложного исследования, например как начальный этап планируемого эксперимента, то письменный текст, полученный в его результате, может стать отдельной главой в экспериментальной работе. В заключение реферата рекомендуется делать выводы, касающиеся состояния дел по изучаемой проблеме: кратко и точно сформулировать, что уже сделано по избранной проблеме, что предстоит сделать для того, чтобы полностью ответить на все вопросы, связанные с данной проблемой. 40!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The following basic requirements are imposed on a review and analytical study: ¡ correlation of content analyzed literature"> К обзорно-аналитическому исследованию предъявляются следующие основные требования: ¡ соотнесенность содержания анализируемой литературы с избранной темой; ¡ полнота списка изученной литературы; ¡ глубина проработки первичных литературных источников в содержании реферата; ¡ систематичность изложения имеющихся литературных данных; ¡ логичность и грамотность текста реферата, аккуратность его оформления и правильность с точки зрения имеющихся на данный день библиографических требований. 41!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> be presented detailed"> В обзорно-критическом исследовании кроме обязательной обзорно- аналитической части, должны быть представлены подробная и аргументированная критика того, что уже сделано по проблеме, и соответствующие выводы. Критический анализ может содержать и собственные размышления автора реферата по поводу того, что описывается в нем, в том числе идеи, касающиеся возможного решения поставленной проблемы. 42!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>A theoretical study is a study in which, in addition to a review and critical analysis of the literature , there are"> Теоретическим называется исследование, в котором, кроме обзора и критического анализа литературы, имеются собственные теоретические предложения автора, направленные на решение поставленной проблемы. Это авторский вклад в теорию решаемой проблемы, новое ее видение, оригинальная точка зрения. К исследованию теоретического типа, кроме уже описанных, предъявляются следующие требования: ¡ точность определения используемых понятий, ¡ логичность, непротиворечивость рассуждений. 43!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Empirical, or experimental, research is based on non-literature data, not a concept but"> В основу эмпирического, или опытного, исследования положены не литературные данные, не понятия, а реальные достоверные факты. Такое исследование обычно проводится с использованием определенных методов сбора и анализа фактов, поэтому, как правило, содержит в себе методическую часть. Следует подчеркнуть, что эмпирическое исследование не предполагает создания искусственной, экспериментальной ситуации для выявления и сбора необходимых фактов. В исследовании !} this type a scientist or practitioner simply observes, records, describes, analyzes and draws conclusions from what happens in life without their personal intervention. 44

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Empirical research can be descriptive and explanatory. In descriptive research, empirical research"> Эмпирическое исследование может быть описательным и объяснительным. В описательном исследовании опытным путем добываются и описываются некоторые новые факты, касающиеся малоизученных объектов или явлений. Объяснительное эмпирическое исследование включает в себя не только сбор и анализ, но и объяснение полученных фактов, которое содержит в себе выяснение причин и причинно-следственных зависимостей между фактами, при котором неизвестное объясняется через известное. 45!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> The main purpose of methodological research is to develop, justify and check"> Основная цель методического исследования заключается в том, чтобы разработать, обосновать и проверить на практике по критериям валидности, надежности, точности и однозначности некоторую новую психодиагностическую методику или создать методику, формирующую некоторое психологическое качество, черты личности ЗУН и т. п.). Если создаваемая методика тестового типа, то для нее обязательно устанавливаются тестовые нормы, а также точно описываются и выверяются процедура, правила проведения, способы анализа и интерпретации получаемых данных. 46!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>If the method being created is a formative type, then: ¡ must be presented her"> Если же создаваемая методика формирующего типа, то: ¡ должно быть представлено ее развернутое теоретическое обоснование, ¡ дано подробное описание того, что и как с помощью этой методики формируется, ¡ указано, где, как и когда на практике эту методику можно применять. 47!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The main distinguishing features of fundamental psychological and pedagogical research: ¡ theoretical relevance, expressed in the identification"> Основные отличительные признаки фундаментального психолого- педагогического исследования: ¡ теоретическая актуальность, выражающаяся в выявлении закономерностей, принципов или фактов, имеющих принципиально важное значение; ¡ концептуальность; ¡ историзм; критический анализ научно несостоятельных положений; ¡ использование методик, адекватных природе познаваемых объектов действительности; ¡ новизна и научная достоверность полученных результатов. 48!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Basic research is designed to solve problems of a strategic nature. The main criterion for fundamental research"> Фундаментальные исследования призваны разрешать задачи стратегического характера. Главным критерием фундаментального исследования в области педагогики служит решение перспективной задачи: подготовить развитие науки в течение ближайших 10 -15 и более лет, а также сделать теоретические выводы, которые внесут серьезные изменения в логику развития самой науки. 49!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The main features of applied psychological and pedagogical research are: ¡ their proximity to actual demands of practice;"> Основными признаками прикладных психолого-педагогических исследований являются: ¡ приближенность их к актуальным запросам практики; ¡ сравнительная ограниченность выборки исследования; ¡ оперативность в проведении и внедрении результатов и др. Решая оперативные задачи педагогики, прикладные исследования опираются на исследования фундаментальные, которые вооружают их общей ориентацией в частных проблемах, теоретическими и логическими знаниями, помогают определить наиболее !} rational methodology research. In turn, applied research provides valuable material for fundamental research. 50

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Distinctive features developments: ¡ target orientation ¡ specificity ¡ "> Distinctive features of developments: ¡ target orientation ¡ specificity ¡ certainty ¡ relatively small volume Developments in pedagogy include, as a rule, methodological recommendations on certain issues of education and upbringing, instructions, methodological tools and manuals based on applied research and teaching excellence.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Preparing and conducting an experimental psychological and pedagogical research An experiment is the most complex type"> Подготовка и проведение экспериментального психолого- педагогического исследования Эксперимент - наиболее сложный вид исследования, наиболее трудоемкий, но вместе с тем наиболее точный и полезный в познавательном плане. Экспериментальное исследование - это особый вид исследования, направленный на проверку научных и прикладных гипотез - предложений вероятностного характера, требующих строгой логики доказательства, опирающегося на достоверные факты, установленные в эмпирических исследованиях. 52!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Stages of preparing and conducting the experiment: 1. Selection of the topic and preliminary"> Этапы подготовки и проведения эксперимента: 1. Выделение темы и предварительное определение проблемы исследования. 2. Подбор и анализ литературы. 3. Уточнение определения проблемы, формулирование гипотез и задач исследования. 4. Подбор, разработка и опробование психодиагностических и исследовательских методик. 5. Выбор схемы организации и проведения эксперимента. 6. Проведение эксперимента. 7. Обработка и анализ результатов эксперимента. 8. Формулировка выводов и практических рекомендаций, вытекающих из проведенного эксперимента. 53!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Main methodological characteristics of psychological and pedagogical research ¡ problem, ¡ topic,"> Основные методологические характеристики психолого- педагогического исследования ¡ проблема, ¡ тема, ¡ актуальность, ¡ объект, ¡ предмет, ¡ цель, ¡ задачи, ¡ гипотеза, ¡ научная новизна, ¡ теоретическая и практическая значимость, ¡ защищаемые положения. 54!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Research Problem and Topic hence,"> Проблема и тема исследования По сути, сама тема должна содержать проблему, следовательно, для сознательного определения и тем более уточнения темы необходимо выявление исследовательской проблемы. Проблема понимается или как синоним практической задачи, или как нечто неизвестное в науке. Мы будем использовать это понятие в его втором значении. В этом смысле проблема - переход от известного к неизвестному. 55!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>In other words, a problem can only be detected by focusing well in a certain area ,"> Иными словами, проблему можно обнаружить, только хорошо ориентируясь в определенной области, только сопоставляя уже известное и то, что необходимо установить. В отличие от ответа на вопрос решение проблемы не содержится в существующем знании и не может быть получено путем преобразования наличной научной информации. Требуется найти способ получения новой информации и получить ее. 56!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The essence of the problem is a contradiction ¡ between the established facts and their theoretical understanding ,"> Сущность проблемы - это противоречие ¡ между установленными фактами и их теоретическим осмыслением, ¡ между разными объяснениями, интерпретациями фактов. Научная проблема не выдвигается произвольно, а является результатом глубокого изучения состояния практики и научной литературы. 57!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The problem arising from the identified contradictions should be relevant, reflect something new, What is included"> Вытекающая из выявленных противоречий проблема должна быть актуальной, отражать то новое, что входит или должно войти в жизнь. Правильная постановка проблемы - залог успеха научного поиска. «Когда мы сможем сформулировать проблему с полной четкостью, мы будем недалеки от ее решения» У. Р. Эшби «Часто правильно поставленный вопрос означает больше, чем решение проблемы наполовину» В. Гейзенберг 58!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>In order to move from a practical task to a scientific problem, it is necessary to perform at least at least two"> Чтобы перейти от практической задачи к научной проблеме, необходимо совершить по крайней мере две процедуры: а) определить, какие научные знания необходимы, чтобы решить данную практическую задачу; б) установить, имеются ли эти знания в науке. Если знания есть и необходимо их только отобрать, систематизировать, использовать, то собственно научной проблематики не возникает. Если необходимых знаний не хватает, если они неполные или неточные, то возникает проблема. 59!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>To solve significant practical problems, it is often necessary to develop a whole complex of theoretical and"> Для решения значительных практических задач часто необходима разработка целого комплекса теоретических и прикладных проблем, и наоборот, разрешение крупной научной проблемы обычно позволяет решить не одну, а целый ряд практических задач. Заключенное в проблеме противоречие должно прямо или косвенно найти отражение в теме, формулировка которой одновременно фиксирует и определенный этап уточнения и локализации (ограничения рамок) проблемы. 60!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Relevance of the research Proposing a problem and formulating a topic presupposes substantiation of the relevance of the research, the answer"> Актуальность исследования Выдвижение проблемы и формулирование темы предполагают обоснование актуальности исследования, ответ на вопрос: почему !} this problem need to study now? 61

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> One should distinguish between the relevance of the scientific direction in general, on the one hand, and the relevance most"> Следует различать актуальность научного направления в целом с одной стороны, и актуальность самой темы внутри данного направления - с другой. Актуальность направления, как правило, не нуждается в !} complex system evidence. Another thing is the substantiation of the relevance of the topic. It is necessary to show convincingly enough that it is this topic that should be investigated at the moment, that it is among others, some of which have already been studied, that it is the most urgent. 62

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> At the same time, it is important to distinguish between the practical and scientific relevance of the topic. Any problem"> При этом важно различать практическую и научную актуальность темы. Какая либо проблема может быть уже решена в науке, но не доведена до практики. В этом случае она актуальна для практики, но не актуальна для науки и, следовательно, нужно не предпринимать еще одно исследование, дублирующее предыдущее, а внедрять то, что уже имеется в науке. Исследование можно считать актуальным лишь в том случае, если актуально не только данное научное направление, но и сама тема актуальна в двух отношениях: ее научное решение, ¡ во-первых, отвечает насущной потребности практики, ¡ во-вторых, заполняет пробел в науке, которая в настоящее время не располагает научными средствами для решения этой актуальной научной задачи. 63!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Research object, subject and hypothesis"> Объект, предмет и гипотеза исследования Определяя объект исследования, следует дать ответ на вопрос: что рассматривается? А предмет обозначает аспект рассмотрения, дает представление о том, как рассматривается объект, какие новые отношения, свойства, аспекты и функции объекта раскрывает данное исследование. 64!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The object of study in pedagogy and psychology is a certain process, a certain phenomenon , which exists"> Объект исследования в педагогике и психологии - это некий процесс, некоторое явление, которое существует независимо от субъекта познания и на которое обращено внимание исследователя. Не корректно называть объектом исследования, например, !} primary school or teen clubs. This is not an object, but either a specific base, or a fairly wide area, not all elements of which are subject to study in this work. 65

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> The concept of the subject of study is more specific in its content:"> Понятие предмет исследования конкретнее по своему содержанию: в предмете исследования фиксируется то свойство или отношение в объекте, которое в данном случае подлежит глубокому специальному изучению. В одном и том же объекте могут быть выделены различные предметы исследования. В предмет включаются только те элементы, связи и отношения объекта, которые подлежат изучению в данной работе. 66!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The subject of study is a kind of perspective, a point of view that allows you to see specially"> Предмет исследования - это своего рода ракурс, точка обозрения, позволяющая видеть специально выделенные отдельные стороны, связи изучаемого. Иначе говоря, это определенный аспект изучения объекта. Чаще всего выделяют в качестве предмета ¡ целевой, ¡ содержательный, ¡ операционный (технологический), ¡ личностно-мотивационный, ¡ организационный аспекты. 67!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The research subject is formed on an objective basis by the researcher himself, who gives it a certain logical form"> Предмет исследования формируется на объективной основе самим исследователем, придающим ему определенную логическую форму выражения. Сделать это можно, только опираясь на определенные исходные положения, на некоторую, пусть приблизи- тельную, гипотетическую концепцию изучаемого. 68!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The definition of the subject of study is always much narrower than the detailed description of the subject of study in combination of all possible"> Определение предмета исследования всегда намного уже, чем детальная характеристика объекта исследования в совокупности всевозможных его свойств. Предмет исследования должен соответствовать его теме и тому, что далее утверждается в гипотезе и проверяется в самом эксперименте. Гипотеза в ее уточненной формулировке является дополнительным определением предмета исследования, поэтому ее конкретизация – один из важнейших этапов в подготовке исследования. Гипотеза выступает формой предвосхищения, предвидения результатов. 69!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>A hypothesis is a statement of a conjectural nature, a scientific judgment, for proposing and experimental"> Гипотеза - это утверждение предположительного характера, научное суждение, для выдвижения и экспериментальной проверки которого требуются веские основания научного и практического характера. Для выдвижения гипотезы необходимы не только тщательное изучение состояния дела, научная компетентность, но и осуществление хотя бы части диагностического обследования на основе опросов, анкет, тестирования и других методов, используемых в педагогике и психологии. 70!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>According to the structure, hypotheses can be divided into simple and complex. 1. Simple functional"> По структуре гипотезы можно разделить на простые и сложные. 1. Простые по функциональной направленности можно классифицировать как ¡ описательные - кратко резюмируют изучаемые явления, описывают общие формы их связи, ¡ объяснительные - раскрывают возможные следствия из определенных факторов и условий, т. е. обстоятельства, в результате стечения которых получен данный результат. 2. Сложные гипотезы одновременно включают в свою структуру описание изучаемых явлений и объяснение причинно-следственных отношений. 71!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The structure of a psychological and pedagogical hypothesis can be three-part, i.e. include: statement; assumption;"> Структура психолого-педагогической гипотезы может быть трехсоставной, т. е. включать: утверждение; предположение; научное обоснование. Например, учебно-воспитательный процесс будет таким-то, если сделать вот так и так, потому что существуют следующие педагогические закономерности: во- первых. . . ; во-вторых. . . ; в-третьих. . . Однако психолого-педагогическая гипотеза может выглядеть и по- другому, когда обоснование в явном виде не формулируется. При этом структура гипотезы становится двусоставной: это будет эффективным, если, во-первых. . . ; во-вторых. . . ; в-третьих. . . 72!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Not all judgments of a probabilistic or conjectural type are scientific hypotheses and may"> Не все суждения вероятностного или предположительного типа являются научными гипотезами и могут быть экспериментально проверены (доказаны). Ими, например, не могут выступать утверждения, справедливость которых очевидна без доказательства, или суждения, которые на данном этапе развития науки ни доказать, ни опровергнуть практически невозможно. 73!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>A hypothesis will be scientifically sound if it meets the following requirements: 1. Formulation hypotheses should"> Гипотеза будет научно состоятельной, если отвечает следующим требованиям: 1. Формулировка гипотезы должна быть максимально точной и сравнительно простой. В ней не должно содержаться неопределенных, неоднозначно трактуемых терминов и понятий. 2. Гипотеза должна быть принципиально проверяемой, т. е. доказуемой экспериментальным путем. 3. Гипотеза должна объяснять весь круг явлений, на которые распространяются содержащиеся в ней утверждения. 74!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Goals and objectives of the study Already at the beginning of the study it is very important to be as specific as possible"> Цели и задачи исследования Уже в начале исследования очень важно по возможности конкретно представить себе общий результат исследования, его цель. Цель является результатом предвидения, основанного на сопоставлении педагогического идеала и потенциальных резервов преобразования реальных процессов и явлений педагогической действительности. 75!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>So, a goal is a reasonable representation of the overall end or intermediate results search."> Итак, цель - это обоснованное представление об общих конечных или промежуточных результатах поиска. Важным и необходимым этапом исследования является конкретизация общей цели в системе исследовательских задач. Задача представляет собой звено, шаг, этап достижения цели. Задача - это цель преобразования конкретной ситуации или, иными словами, ситуация, требующая своего преобразования для достижения определенной цели. Задача всегда содержит известное (обозначение условий ситуации) и неизвестное, требуемое, рассчитанное на совершение определенных действий, приложение усилий для продвижения к цели, для разрешения поставленной проблемы. 76!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Three groups of tasks must be distinguished: 1. historical and diagnostic - tied"> Обязательно должны быть выделены три группы задач: 1. историко-диагностическая - связана с изучением истории и современного состояния проблемы, определением или уточнением понятий, общенаучных и психолого- педагогических оснований исследования; 2. теоретико-моделирующая - связана с раскрыти -ем структуры, сущности изучаемого, факторов его преобразования, модели структуры и функций изучаемого и способов его преобразования; 3. практически-преобразовательная - связана с разработкой и использованием методов, приемов, средств рациональной организации педагогического процесса, его предполагаемого преобразования и с разработкой практических рекомендаций. 77!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance results,"> Научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость На стадии завершения исследования необходимо подвести итоги, четко и конкретно определить, какое новое знание получено и каково его значение для науки и практики. В этом случае в качестве главных критериев оценки результатов научной работы выступают научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость, готовность результатов к использованию и внедрению. 78!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> stages"> Вопрос о научной новизне результатов исследования, как правило, возникает еще на стадии определения предмета исследования - необходимо обозначить, относительно чего будет получено такое знание. Новое знание в виде предположения отражается в гипотезе. При осмыслении и оценке промежуточных и окончательных результатов, нужно определить что сделано из того, что другими не было сделано, какие результаты получены впервые? 79!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> The criterion of scientific novelty characterizes the content side of the research results, i.e. new"> Критерий научной новизны характеризует содержательную сторону результатов исследования, т. е. новые теоретические положения и практические рекомендации, которые ранее не были известны и не зафиксированы в психолого-педагогической науке и практике. Обычно выделяют научную новизну теоретических (закономерность, принцип, концепция, гипотеза и т. д.) и практических (правила, рекомендации, средства, методы, требования и т. п.) результатов. 80!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> The criterion of theoretical significance determines the impact of research results on existing concepts, ideas, theoretical ideas"> Критерий теоретической значимости определяет влияние результатов исследования на имеющиеся концепции, идеи, теоретические представления в области теории и истории педагогики. Необходимо выделить положения, которые ранее отсутствовали в науке и получены исследователем в результате научного поиска, а затем показать их теоретическую значимость для дальнейшего развития науки. 81!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The criterion of practical significance determines the changes that have become a reality or can be achieved through the introduction"> Критерий практической значимости определяет изменения, которые стали реальностью или могут быть достигнуты посредством внедрения результатов исследования в практику. То есть необходимо дать представления о том, как и для каких практических целей можно применить результаты именно этой научной работы. 82!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Protected clauses serve as indicators"> Защищаемые положения На защиту, как правило, выносятся положения, которые могут служить показателями качества исследовательской работы. Они должны представлять собой по отношению к гипотезе тот ее преобразованный фрагмент, который содержит что-то спорное, неочевидное, то, что нуждается в защите и что поэтому нельзя спутать с общепринятыми исходными положениями. 83!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> novelty of the research work,"> Таким образом, на защиту следует выносить те положения, которые определяют научную новизну исследовательской работы, ее теоретическую и практическую значимость и которые ранее не были известны науке или педагогической практике и поэтому нуждаются в публичной защите. 84!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The number of positions submitted for defense is determined by the author himself, but experience shows that for the dissertation"> Количество положений, выносимых на защиту, определяет сам автор, но опыт показывает, что для диссертационной работы их может быть не более 3 -5, а для курсовой и дипломной работ - не более 2 -3. Особенно важно обратить внимание на связь результатов исследования с такими его компонентами, как цель, задачи, гипотеза и положения, выносимые на защиту. 85!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Concluding the review of the methodological characteristics of the components of psychological and pedagogical research, we emphasize that all"> Завершая обзор методологических характеристик компонентов психолого-педагогического исследования, подчеркнем, что все они взаимосвязаны, дополняют и корректируют друга. Проблема проявляется в теме исследования, которая должна так или иначе отражать движение от достигнутого наукой к новому, содержать момент столкновения старого с новым. 86!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>In turn, the formulation of the problem and the formulation of the topic require a definition and justification"> В свою очередь, выдвижение проблемы и формулировка темы предполагают определение и обоснование актуальности исследования. Объект исследования обозначает область, избранную для изучения, а предмет - один из аспектов ее изучения. В то же время можно сказать, что предмет - это новое знание, которое намеревается получить исследователь. Он должен найти отражение в гипотезе и научной новизне. 87!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The next stage after formulating the hypothesis is the selection of and testing"> Следующий после формулирования гипотезы этап подготовки экспериментального психолого- педагогического исследования - подбор и опробование необходимых психодиагностических методик, а также выбор средств статистической обработки результатов, нужных для точного, уверенного доказательства гипотез. 88!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The next step is to determine the time, place and procedure for the phased experiment. At the end of the preparatory"> Следующий этап - определение времени, места и процедуры поэтапного проведения эксперимента. В заключение подготовительного этапа эксперимента разрабатываются его общий план и программа. 89!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Conducting the experiment The experiment begins with a pilot study, or trial study. His"> Проведение эксперимента Эксперимент начинается с проведения пилотажного, или пробного, исследования. Его задача - проверить насколько хорошо продуман и подготовлен эксперимент, правильно ли определена его тема, точно ли сформулированы гипотезы, хорошо ли подобраны психологические методики, средства статистической обработки и способы интерпретации полученных результатов. 90!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> proceed to"> Если проведенный пилотажный эксперимент дал положительные результаты, то после устранения замеченных недостатков приступают к проведению основного эксперимента. Если же в процессе пилотажного исследования в замысле основного эксперимента обнаруживаются серьезные недостатки, то его перерабатывают и проверяют заново в ходе повторного пилотажного исследования. 91!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>In the main experiment, the primary data necessary to prove the proposed hypotheses are collected. Their"> В основном эксперименте собирают первичные данные, необходимые для доказательства предложенных гипотез. Их далее систематизируют и представляют в виде таблиц, графиков, вводят, если в этом есть необходимость, в память компьютера и обрабатывают. Если результаты эксперимента имеют не количественный, а качественный характер, то их также систематизируют, обобщают и логически обрабатывают. 92!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Proof logic in a psychological and pedagogical experiment The proof of the experimental hypothesis consists of three"> Логика доказательства в психолого- педагогическом эксперименте Доказательство экспериментальной гипотезы состоит из трех основных компонентов: фактов, аргументов и демонстрации справедливости предложенной гипотезы, вытекающей из этих аргументов и фактов. Факты и аргументы, как правило, представляют собой идеи, истинность которых уже проверена или доказана. В силу этого они могут без специального доказательства их справедливости приводиться в обоснование истинности или ложности гипотезы. Демонстрация - это совокупность логических рассуждений, в процессе которых из аргументов и фактов выводится справедливость гипотезы. 93!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Hypothesis, arguments and facts must be judgments, clearly and precisely defined .Facts and"> Гипотеза, аргументы и факты должны быть суждениями, ясно и точно определенными. Факты и аргументы, приводимые в процессе доказательства гипотезы, не должны противоречить другу, так как это также сводит доказательство на нет. Необходимо строго следить за тем, чтобы соблюдалось следующее правило: аргументы и факты, приводимые в подтверждение гипотезы, сами должны быть истинными и не подлежать сомнению. 94!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The main logical scheme that allows establishing cause-and-effect relationships between the studied variables, quite"> Основная логическая схема, позволяющая добиться установления причинно-следственных зависимостей между изучаемыми переменными, довольно простая. Она включает в себя проведение исследования не на одной, а на двух и более группах испытуемых, одна из которых является экспериментальной, а другие - контрольными. 95!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>At the same time, the experimental group is intended to establish significant statistical relationships between the studied variables , a"> При этом экспериментальная группа предназначается для установления достоверных статистических зависимостей между изучаемыми переменными, а контрольные группы - для того, чтобы, сравнивая получаемые в них результаты с теми, которые установлены на экспериментальной группе, отклонять альтернативные причинно-следственному объяснения выявленной статистической зависимости. 96!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>In the simplest case, the implementation of this scheme takes one experimental and one"> В простейшем случае реализации этой схемы берутся одна экспериментальная и одна контрольная группы. В экспериментальной группе выделяется и целенаправленно изменяется переменная, которая рассматривается как вероятная причина объясняемого явления, а в контрольной группе ничего этого не происходит. 97!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>At the end of the experiment, the changes that in the experimental and control"> По завершению эксперимента оцениваются и сравниваются между собой изменения, которые в экспериментальной и контрольной группах произошли в другой переменной - зависимой, и если окажется, что в экспериментальной группе эти изменения больше, чем в контрольной, то делается вывод о том, что подлинной их причиной являются именно те вариации независимой переменной, которые имели место в экспериментальной группе. 98!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>There are several options for the practical implementation of this general scheme. 1. Single difference method. A, B, "> There are several options for the practical implementation of this general scheme. 1. The method of a single difference. A, B, C, D, E, E A, B, C, D + E, F + In this case, the only difference is fixed between the experimental and control groups on the basis of G, which, at the end of the experiment, should lead to the appearance of a single difference on the basis of E. On this basis, it is concluded that the change in G is the cause of the observed changes in E. 99

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>2. Collateral change method (a generalized version of the single difference method). A, B"> 2. Метод сопутствующих изменений (обобщенный вариант метода единственного различия). А, Б, В, Г Д, Е А, Б, В, Г+ Д, Е+ А, Б, В, Г++ Д, Е++ А, Б, В, Г+++ Д, Е+++ Если, варьируя величину признака Г, мы неизменно получаем изменения только одного признака Е, то Г можно рассматривать в качестве наиболее вероятной причины Е. 100!}