Social interest acts as an integrative quality of the individual. Social integration of personality: concept, essence, directions

motivating forces of the activities of social groups, aimed at social institutions, institutions, norms of relationships in society, on which the distribution of values ​​​​and benefits that ensure the satisfaction of needs depends.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓


the real cause of social actions, events, accomplishments, behind the immediate motives - motives, thoughts, ideas, etc. - of individuals, social groups, communities participating in these actions. S.I. - this is the form in which the individual (social group, community) is directly aware of his real situation and his needs, which in turn are expressed in the form of goals that the individual (class, society) sets for himself.

The main difficulty in understanding interests lies in the antinomy: on the one hand, it is recognized that interest is a direct motive for human activity, if we keep in mind the material conditionality of his actions. On the other hand, interest is something external, independent of the will and consciousness of a person. The main problem is to find out whether interest in both of its qualities is one and the same phenomenon, or whether different phenomena are designated by the same term. According to A.G. Zdravomyslov, S.I. - it's not just a social position; it is a position that is reflected in consciousness, and at the same time consciousness that passes into action. In this sense, S.I. is both an objective attitude and at the same time a subjective stimulus, i.e. unity of objective and subjective.

In the structure of S.I. distinguish four main points: the social position of the subject, or the totality of his ties with society; the degree of awareness of the situation, which can vary from incomprehension through a vague sensation to clear awareness; motives of activity aimed at certain objects of interest; the action itself, which is the assertion of the subject in the objective world. S.I., thus, reflect the social position of the subject and are determined by him. This objective dependence of S.I. individuals from the material conditions of their lives can be qualified as a regularity. There is also the second side of this issue - the problem of S.I. in the processes of socio-economic development. S.I. they themselves can influence social relations, and this reverse influence has not been sufficiently studied (meanwhile, it needs a deep analysis). The problem of S.I. on the processes of socio-economic development is associated with the problem of the subject of the historical process, which has consciousness and the ability to set goals.

Based on the understanding that social relations are manifested in the form of S.I., certain conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, S.I. always have their carriers, i.e. belong to real subjects entering into relations with each other. Secondly, S.I. by their nature, they are objective, being a reflection of the role of the relevant subjects in the system of social division of labor, their connection with a certain type of social appropriation. Thirdly, social relations (and the social laws expressing their essence), manifesting themselves in S.I., acquire the character of the driving forces of social development. Neither laws considered in themselves, nor social relations as such, are yet sources of movement. They become them only by expressing themselves in S.I. subjects of action. Since S.I. is a form of expression of social relations, then each social system has its own special structure of S.I., its own specific way of their interaction.

Within the framework of a certain social structure, the structuralization of S.I. is expedient, associated with: the division of labor and the assignment of certain types of activity to the corresponding social groups; formation various forms property and the emergence of S.I. owners; the production of forms of communication as components that make up the way of life of people; personification of social relations, i.e. the development of personality types that are most suitable for a given mode of production, the life of the whole society. In any society, on the basis of the deployment of its internal contradictions, a certain hierarchy of S.I. is formed; while the satisfaction and realization of S.I. of a more general order is the condition for satisfaction of S.I. lesser degree of generality. The question of the ratio of general and particular S.I. is of great importance for the development of a strategy for socio-economic development and its implementation in resolving tactical issues. General S.I. expresses the dominant trend in the development of the whole due to the fact that it most fully expresses the complex of basic social contradictions. At the same time, the uneven development of various components of the whole can give rise to contradictions between general and particular S.I. Two extremes are dangerous here - ignoring and underestimating common interests, bringing the interests of constituent parts to the fore and, on the contrary, separating the common interest from its own soil, turning the common interest into an abstract slogan (idea) that is not supported by concrete actions due to insufficient development, insufficient readiness constituent parts. Both extremes lead to a slowdown in the pace of social progress, to a slowdown in the implementation of both general and private S.I.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Paragraph 6 deviant behavior

Questions to the text of the paragraph:

1) What are the causes of deviant behavior?

2) What is the social danger of crime?

3) Why is organized crime a particular danger to the individual, society, state?

4) What is social control?

5) What is the meaning of self-control?

1) What new does the source give you compared to the educational text?

2) What do the words “going into the shadows” mean in the text of the document? How do you understand the words in quotation marks: “roofs”, “racket”, “roll forward”, “rollback”? Why does the author use them in sociological research?

3) Why do you think the market reforms in Russia were accompanied by the criminalization of society?

4) What information in this source confirms the particular danger of organized crime for society and the state?

5) What measures do you consider as a priority for combating organized crime?

Paragraph 7 Social interests

Questions to the text of the paragraph:

1) Expand the content of the concept of "social interest".

2) Name the main forms of social interactions.

3) List the features that characterize social cooperation.

4) Describe rivalry as a form of social interaction.

5) What is the common cause of social conflicts?

6) What are the main stages of social conflict?

7) What are the consequences social conflicts?

8) Name the main conflict resolution methods and illustrate each of them with an appropriate example.

Questions and tasks to the source:

2) Based on the text of the paragraph and the document, formulate the basic principles of compromise conflict resolution.

3) Explain the meaning of the last phrase of the text and give examples to support your judgment.

Deviant behavior and social control

People's behavior does not always correspond to social norms. You probably remember that behavior that is not consistent with the norms, does not correspond to what society expects from a person, is called deviant behavior. Sociologists also give another definition: deviant behavior is a form of disorganization of the behavior of an individual in a group or category of persons in society, which reveals a discrepancy between established expectations, moral and legal requirements of society. The problem of deviant behavior is also studied by psychologists, devoting a significant place to the study of its motives. The attention of lawyers is directed to the study of one of the most dangerous manifestations of deviant behavior - crime. In this section, we will consider the problem mainly from the standpoint of sociology, which also studies the mechanism social control , which provides a targeted impact on people's behavior in order to strengthen order and stability, including the mitigation of deviations from accepted norms that arise in society.


Negative deviations from social norms at the individual level are manifested primarily in crimes and other offenses, in immoral acts. At the level of small social groups, these deviations are manifested in deformations, violations of the normal relationships between people (strife, scandals, etc.). In the activities of state and public organizations such deviations are manifested in bureaucracy, red tape, corruption and other phenomena.

Deviations from the norms can also be positive, i.e. have consequences that are useful for society (for example, initiatives, innovative proposals aimed at improving social relations). There are also purely individual, not harmful features of the behavior of an individual: eccentricity, eccentricity.

The manifestations of negative deviant behavior are varied. Their common feature is harm, damage to society, a social group, other people, as well as a person who allows negative deviations.

Especially dangerous are social deviations as a mass phenomenon. Drug addiction, religious fanaticism, racial intolerance, terrorism - these and other similar negative processes in the development of society bring incalculable damage to humanity.

What are the causes of deviant behavior? Researchers have different points of view on this issue.

At the end of the XIX century. was put forward biological explanation reasons for deviations: the presence in some people of an innate predisposition to violations of social norms, which is associated with physical features individual, criminal temperament, etc. These theories were subsequently subjected to convincing criticism.

Other scholars have searched psychological explanation reasons for deviations. They came to the conclusion that the value-normative representations of the individual play an important role: understanding the world around, attitude to social norms, and most importantly, the general orientation of the interests of the individual (remember what the orientation of the individual is and what significance it has). The researchers came to the conclusion that the basis of behavior that violates established norms is a different system of values ​​and rules than that enshrined in law. For example, a psychological study of such motives for illegal actions as cruelty, greed and deceit showed that these qualities are most pronounced among criminals, and their permissibility or necessity is justified by them (“It is always better to show your strength”, “Beat your own so that strangers are afraid! ”, “Take everything you can from life!”).

Scientists have come to the conclusion that these deformations of the personality are the result of its abnormal development. For example, cruelty can be the result of a cold, indifferent attitude towards the child on the part of parents, and often the cruelty of adults.

Studies have shown that low self-esteem, self-humiliation in adolescence is compensated in the future by deviant behavior, with the help of which it is possible to draw attention to oneself, gain approval from those who evaluate the violation of norms as a sign of a “strong” personality.

Widely recognized sociological explanation reasons for deviations from social norms. The well-known sociologist E. Durkheim showed the dependence of deviant behavior on crisis phenomena in social development. During crises, radical social changes, in conditions of disorganization social life(unexpected economic ups and downs, decline in business activity, inflation) a person's life experience ceases to correspond to the ideals embodied in social norms. Social norms break down, people become disoriented, and this contributes to the emergence of deviant behavior.

Some scholars have linked deviant behavior to conflict between the dominant culture and the culture of a group (subculture) that denies the common accepted norms . In this case, criminal behavior, for example, may be the result of an individual's predominant communication with carriers of criminal norms. The criminal environment creates its own subculture, its own norms that oppose the norms recognized in society. The frequency of contacts with representatives of the criminal community affects the assimilation by a person (especially young people) of the norms of antisocial behavior.

There are other explanations for deviant behavior. Think about these points of view and try to explain for yourself the reasons for the deviation of behavior from social norms.

In relation to persons who allow a negative deviation from the norms, society applies social sanctions, i.e. punishment for unapproved, unwanted actions. Weak forms of deviant behavior (oversight, deceit, rudeness, negligence, etc.) are corrected by other people - participants in the interaction (remark, suggestion, irony, censure, etc.). More significant forms of social deviations (offences, etc.), depending on their consequences, entail condemnation and punishment, coming not only from the public, but also from state bodies.

Of the many manifestations of deviant behavior, let's take a closer look at one of the most dangerous - crime.


Crime is a manifestation of deviant behavior that causes the greatest damage to society. The word "crime" is derived from the word "crime", which in Russian has always meant "an act contrary to the law, lawlessness, atrocity". Recall that from a legal point of view, a crime is a guilty socially dangerous act, prohibited by the Criminal Code under the threat of punishment. The totality of crimes committed in a given society and in a given period of time is denoted by the concept of "crime". Crime is not just the sum of crimes, but a mass phenomenon that has the laws of its existence and development, causes, conditions that contribute to it. This phenomenon is social, as it is rooted in the depths of social relations, reflects the characteristics of social life, acts as an extreme expression of the contradictions and shortcomings in the development of society. It causes grave consequences for society and its members, like none of the other negative phenomena of social development. Feature of crime: the presence of a certain contingent of persons - criminals for whom criminal activity has become professional.

The types of crimes provided for by the criminal codes of different countries are very diverse. Two groups predominate, occurring in all countries: acquisitive crimes (theft, theft, fraud, bribes, etc.), violent aggressive crimes (murder, bodily injury, rape, etc.).

These types of crimes account for 75 to 90% of all intentional crimes. Increasingly widespread in the world are economic crimes that infringe on the interests of consumers, damaging environment, local and international terrorism , including hostage-taking and the destruction of state property. There are manifestations of racial discrimination, torture, kidnappings and massacres.

Of particular danger is organized crime . In a broad sense, it refers to any group of persons organized on a permanent basis to extract funds in an illegal way. American criminologists ("criminal" - a word of Latin origin, means "criminal offense") distinguish organized group on the following grounds:

1) these are two or more people who have united to commit crimes of a material and mercenary nature;

2) the group is built on the principle of hierarchy, it has certain norms of behavior;

3) an organized criminal structure, as a rule, has its own material and technical base, which includes funds, vehicles, communications and weapons;

4) the group has channels for money laundering;

5) the presence of corruption, i.e. communications with representatives of authorities and administrations who either act or are inactive in the interests of this group;

6) the division of spheres of influence between individual groups, either on a territorial or sectoral basis.

Organized crime is characterized by a particular danger to the individual, society, state.

Personal danger consists in the suppression of her rights and freedoms by acts of violence and other means. This is manifested in the destruction of small entrepreneurs who refuse to pay money to receive "protection" from criminals (racketeering); forcing women and teenagers into prostitution; extending influence and control, for example over trade unions; the possibility of complete suppression of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens through physical, moral and material terror.

Danger to society consists in intercepting the rights of ownership and disposal of the material values ​​of the whole society by organized criminal communities and corrupt groups of officials (especially in the areas of trade, extraction and distribution of strategic raw materials, precious metals, production and circulation of weapons); the ability to manipulate significant capital, infiltrate the realm of legitimate business and bankrupt their competitors through price controls; planting the ideology of the underworld, its romanticization, the cultivation of mafia and corrupt relations, violence, cruelty, aggressiveness, which creates the conditions for "social infection" with criminal customs and traditions.

The danger of organized crime for the state manifests itself in the creation at the regional level of parallel illegal power structures, illegal armed formations; preparation, financing and organization of direct anti-constitutional actions in the form of inciting ethnic hatred; organization of riots, conspiracies to seize power; encouraging such state crimes as banditry and smuggling; penetration into political parties and the state apparatus; corruption politicians and government officials; a desire to weaken federal power in order to facilitate the control of organized crime over entire regions.

Sociologists and criminologists who study the causes of crime pay attention primarily to real life conditions, the contradictory development of the economy, social sphere, spiritual culture. In the 90s. 20th century in Russia and other CIS countries appeared Negative consequences market reforms: the impoverishment of large sections of the population as a result of a deep economic crisis; the growth of nationalism, which in a number of cases led to armed confrontation; breaking the consciousness of people in the conditions of democratic transformations, the need to abandon the usual life attitudes; ignoring legislative norms by central and local authorities; complicating the work of law enforcement agencies, the low level of their technical equipment.

But in such difficult conditions, not everyone becomes a criminal. The personality of a person is also important. Criminologists identify the most characteristic features of a person who is psychologically ready to break the law:

  • limited needs and interests;
  • imbalance between their different types;
  • a distorted idea of ​​"what is good and what is bad";
  • recognition of the possibility of using antisocial ways to meet their needs and interests;
  • lack of a sense of social responsibility, the habit of uncritical assessment of one's behavior.

As for recidivist criminals (that is, those who commit repeated crimes), experts in this category of persons note the following features: a negative attitude towards basic social norms; deeply ingrained negative perceptions of social attitudes and values; negative traits personal experience; increased aggressiveness and excitability; primitive desires and intemperance in their satisfaction. Such a complex of personality traits leads to the choice of an illegal way to achieve one's goals.

In modern conditions, the fight against crime is of great importance. This is a social-regulating activity, which is carried out so that citizens do not commit acts prohibited by criminal law. It includes, firstly, measures of a political, economic, social, socio-psychological, managerial, cultural nature, which make it possible to eliminate the conditions conducive to crime; secondly, the development of the legal consciousness of citizens; thirdly, special preventive activities aimed at identifying and eliminating the immediate causes of crime; fourthly, the application of criminal law in relation to persons who have committed crimes.

Growing crime has become a real threat to Russia's national security. Solving this problem is one of the most important national tasks.


Social norms constitute one of the elements of the mechanism for regulating relations between the individual and society, which is called social control . In the first lessons of the course, we talked about the fact that society is a complex system that includes many different elements. The purposeful influence of this system on the behavior of people in order to strengthen order and stability is provided by social control. How does the mechanism of social control work?

Any activity is diverse, each person performs many actions, interacting with the social environment (with society, social communities, public institutions and organizations, the state and other individuals). These actions, individual actions, behavior of a person are under the control of the people around him, groups, society. As long as they do not violate public order, existing social norms, this control is invisible. However, it is worth violating the established customs, rules, deviating from the patterns of behavior that are accepted in society, social control manifests itself. One person ran across the street in front of a moving vehicle, another smoked in a cinema hall, a third committed theft, a fourth was late for work... In all these cases, other people may react: remarks, other manifestations of dissatisfaction on the part of others, appropriate actions by the administration, the police, the court. This reaction of others is due to the violation of relevant social norms, rules, traditions. The people who reacted to these situations reflect attitudes public consciousness(or public opinion) that maintains order protected by norms. That is why a reaction of condemnation of these actions followed on their part.

The expression of dissatisfaction, the announcement of a reprimand, the imposition of a fine, the punishment imposed by the court - all these are sanctions; along with social norms, they are the most important element of the mechanism of social control. Sanctions mean either approval and encouragement, or disapproval and punishment aimed at maintaining social norms. In other words, sanctions are either positive, aimed at encouraging, or negative, aimed at stopping undesirable behavior. In both cases, they are classified as formal if they are applied in accordance with certain rules (for example, awarding an order or punishment by a court sentence), or informal sanctions if they manifest themselves in an emotionally colored reaction of the immediate environment (friends, relatives, etc.). neighbors, colleagues).

Society (large and small groups, the state) evaluates the individual, but the individual also evaluates society, the state, and himself. Perceiving the assessments addressed to him by the people around him, groups, state institutions, a person accepts them not mechanically, but selectively, rethinks through his own experience, habits, previously learned social norms. And the attitude to the assessments of other people turns out to be purely individual for a person: it can be positive and sharply negative. Recall what was said at the beginning of the course: a person constantly evaluates himself, while self-esteem can change depending on the maturity of the individual and the social conditions in which he acts. A person correlates his actions with social patterns of behavior approved by him in the performance of those social roles with which he identifies himself.

Thus, along with the highest control on the part of society, group, state, other people, the most important is internal control , or self-control , which is based on norms, customs, role expectations, assimilated by the individual.

In the process of self-control, conscience plays an important role; feeling and knowing what is good and what is bad, what is fair and what is unfair; subjective awareness of the conformity or inconsistency of one's own behavior with moral standards. In a person who, in a state of excitement, by mistake or succumbing to the temptation of a bad deed, conscience causes a feeling of guilt, moral feelings, a desire to correct a mistake or atone for guilt.

The ability to exercise self-control is the most valuable quality of a person who independently regulates his behavior in accordance with generally accepted norms. Self-control is one of the most important conditions for the self-realization of the individual, its successful interaction with other people.

So, essential elements mechanisms of social control are social norms, public opinion, sanctions, individual consciousness, self-control. Interacting, they ensure the maintenance of socially acceptable patterns of behavior and the functioning of the social system as a whole.

Basic concepts: deviant behavior, social control.

Terms: crime.

1. One of the foreign works on the problem of deviant behavior says: “Deviations are a natural part of social life. And condemnation, regulation and prohibition, moral improvement do not reduce deviations, since more stringent norms of behavior arise. Specific deviations may disappear, while others appear ... The disappearance of major crimes will lead to increased attention to smaller ones. Do you agree with the stated point of view? Is it possible to rid society of deviations? Explain your answer.

2. Expand the meaning of the statement of the English historian G.T. Buckla (1821–1862): "Society prepares the crime, the criminal commits it." Do you share this point of view? Explain your position with an example taken from newspapers.

3. Do you agree with the statement of the French playwright J. Racine (1639–1699): “Large crimes are always preceded by small ones. No one has ever seen timid innocence suddenly turn into rampant debauchery”? Justify your answer.

During the period from 1989 to 1994, a significant increase in juvenile delinquency was observed in Russia. The number of crimes increased by 41.1%, and the number of adolescents who committed crimes increased by 35.5% (from 150,000 to 203,300). What are the reasons for this phenomenon? What is its social danger? What, in your opinion, should be done to reduce juvenile delinquency?

5. There was a discussion about the fight against crime.

One point of view: it is necessary to toughen punishments. Look at Singapore. They caught you with drugs - capital punishment, with illegal weapons, even if you did not use them - too. In some Muslim countries, according to the law, the hand is cut off for theft. And no one has been stealing there for a long time.

Another point of view: the cruelty of punishments will make crime more cruel. The main thing is the inevitability of punishment. If everyone knows that any crime will be solved, crime will drop dramatically.

What do you think about it?

6. On June 9, 2002, hooligan football "fans" after the failure of the Russian team in the match with the Japanese team staged a pogrom in the center of Moscow, where thousands of fans gathered around a huge screen. As a result, bystanders were beaten, many of whom had to be hospitalized. 8 cars were burned and 40 smashed, 36 shop windows, payphones, as well as plafonds and door glasses in the subway. In connection with these events, various reasons were given: some said that the instigators were "skinheads" who were part of gangster groups, others believed that natural riots were associated with the sale of alcoholic beverages, others believed that the pogrom provoked a video shown on the screen, in which a man smashes a car with an axe.

What do you think: what are the reasons for these events? What should be done to prevent such occurrences?

Work with the source

Read an excerpt from the work of the Russian sociologist R. V. Rybkina on crime in Russia.

The entire course of the reforms was accompanied not only by an increase in the number of crimes, but also by serious changes in the very structure of crime. In particular, the “weight” of organized crime has sharply increased. But most importantly, it has turned from a purely criminal force into a self-organizing social system, integrated into all power and economic structures and practically uncontrolled law enforcement, moreover, in the social institution of Russian society. This means that it gave rise to: 1) its own, specific for it organizations - "roofs"; 2) special norms of shadow behavior (such as "racket", "roll", "rollback", etc.); 3) special social roles to which the implementation of these norms is assigned, and 4) special social relationships between members of criminal communities that they enter into when carrying out certain criminal operations, as well as special relationships between crime and power.

The main process that testifies to the institutionalization of criminal activity is its growing fusion with power. This process is going on at all levels - both at individual enterprises and in firms in the regions of the country, and in higher bodies legislative (parliament) and executive (government) power. This allows us to talk about two new processes for Russia that arose in the era of economic liberalization: the first process is the shadowization of society, i.e. all more care various social structures into the shadows… and the second process is the criminalization of society, i.e. the increasing strengthening of the role of criminal elements in it, associated with certain political, legal, economic and other structures of society.

Ryvkina R. B. The drama of change. - M., 2001. - S. 37–38.

Questions and tasks to the source:

1) What new does the source give you compared to the educational text? 2) What do the words “going into the shadows” mean in the text of the document? How do you understand the words in quotation marks: “roofs”, “racket”, “roll forward”, “rollback”? Why does the author use them in sociological research? 3) Why do you think the market reforms in Russia were accompanied by the criminalization of society? 4) What information in this source confirms the particular danger of organized crime for society and the state? 5) What measures do you consider as a priority for combating organized crime?

Social interests and forms of social interaction

Social interest and social interaction is the subject of a comprehensive study of various social sciences and the humanities. So, sociology explores the essential characteristics of social interaction as a generic concept of social science, studies its varieties and principles of regulation, analyzes the means of exchange, general types and forms of interactions. Social Psychology considers social interaction as an interactive side of communication, focusing on the psychological content, structure and mechanisms of this process.


As you already know, interest is one of the forms of personality orientation. A person is interested in what can satisfy his needs. Social interests are one of the important driving forces of the activity of any social subject (individual, group, any social community, society as a whole). They are inextricably linked with the need of this community. Recall that, unlike needs, aimed primarily at satisfying a certain set of material and spiritual goods, human interests, as a rule, are aimed at those social conditions that allow satisfying the corresponding need. These include: social institutions, institutions, norms of relationships in society, on which the distribution of objects, values ​​and benefits (power, votes, territory, privileges, etc.) depends.

The social nature of interests is due to the fact that they always contain an element of comparison of a person with a person, one social group with another. Thus, we can talk about social interests, i.e. the interests of the people who make up any social community(stratum, ethnos), one or another team, association ( political party, professional association, etc.). A set of specific social interests, along with a set of certain rights and obligations, is an indispensable attribute of each social status. First of all, these social interests are aimed at preserving or transforming those institutions, orders, social norms on which the distribution of benefits necessary for a given social group depends. Therefore, the difference in interests, as well as the difference in the level of income, working and leisure conditions, the level of prestige and the opening prospects for advancement in the social space, refers to manifestations of social differentiation.

Social interest underlies all forms of competition, struggle and cooperation between people. Habitual, well-established interests recognized by public opinion are not subject to discussion, thus acquiring the status of legitimate interests. For example, in multinational states, representatives of various ethnic groups interested in preserving their language and their culture. Therefore, schools and classes are being created in which the study of national language and literature, cultural-national societies are being opened. Any attempt to infringe on such interests is perceived as an attack on the vital foundations of the relevant social groups, communities, and states. Historical experience shows that, as a rule, none of the social groups sacrifice their interests voluntarily, on the basis of moral and ethical considerations or calls for humanism, to take into account the interests of the other side, other groups or communities. On the contrary, each of the groups seeks to expand its interests, to consolidate success and its development, as a rule, at the expense of the interests of other groups and communities. (Illustrate this with examples.)

The modern world is a complex system of interaction of real social interests. The interdependence of all peoples and states has increased. The interests of preserving life on Earth, culture and civilization come to the fore.

Find and indicate a term that refers to another concept.
Social norm, justice, state coercion, good and evil, public opinion, conscience and duty, moral values.

3. Establish a correspondence between the forms of culture and the examples illustrating them: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) a bestseller
B) computer game
B) jokes
D) classical music concert
D) harvest festival
E) epic stories

1) folk
2) mass
3) elite
4) screen

4. Find in the list the characteristics that distinguish science from art
1) reflects the world in images
2) involves a strict system of evidence
3) has an emotional impact
4) put forward hypotheses
5) individual facts are analyzed and summarized

5. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.
(1) Modern science is involved in the process social management. (2) None of the public processes should not be dispensed with scientific research and recommendations of scientists. (3) Difficulty modern society and its inconsistency force scientists to study and calculate every step, every decision. (4) Other behavior is undoubtedly capable of leading to catastrophic and destructive consequences.
Determine which provisions of the text are worn
1) actual character
2) the nature of value judgments

6. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.
A feature of a person that distinguishes him from all other living beings is the ability to think, create in his brain _____ (A) of the world around us. We cognize this world, establish connections between objects and phenomena, and through this cognition we learn to live, to navigate in time and space. Some scientists even talk about curiosity, ________ (B) as an innate human need.
In science, knowledge is understood as a special _______
(B), as a result of which people acquire knowledge about various objects.
Cognition is
(D) the creative activity of a person, aimed at the formation of his knowledge about the world, on the basis of which images, ideas and motives for further behavior arise. In the process of cognition, reality is reproduced in the minds of people.
As a rule, only the process of searching is called cognition.
________ (D), and its result is called knowledge. Knowledge
- having received confirmation and justification ________ (E) knowledge of reality, its true reflection in human thinking.
Choose from the suggested list of words to be inserted into the gaps. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Remember that there are more words in the list than you need to select.
Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap.
1) need
2) true
3) cognitive instinct
4) process
5) activities
6) result
7) perfect images
8) objectivity
9) subject
Note that the spaces are numbered. The table below shows the numbers of spaces. Under each number, write down the number that represents the word you have chosen in the list.

§ 7. Social interests and forms of social interaction

we nod today - this is the result, first of all, of the spiritual poverty of individuals, as well as the purposeful activities of unscrupulous politicians pursuing selfish goals. From history (and not only from it), you know very well what disastrous consequences the attempts to introduce racist and Nazi ideas lead to. Any racism, nationalism, anti-Semitism is a lie, and a criminal lie, because along with moral standards constitutional human rights are violated.

NI Basic concepts: ethnicity, nation.

YANTerms: nationality, national mentality, national traditions and values.

Test yourself

1) In what sense is the concept of "ethnos" used in our science? 2) What is the difference between the definitions of the concept of "ethnos"? 3) What sign of an ethnic group is considered the main one? 4) Why is the concept of "nation", according to many scientists, not a strictly scientific category? 5) Why is it claimed that the national mentality is a kind of memory of the past, which determines the behavior of people? 6) What, according to Ilyin, are the main values ​​of the Russian people? Why did the philosopher call them supranational? 7) What confirms the ethnic diversity of modern humanity?

Think, Discuss, Do

1. Persian poet and philosopher Saadi (1210 -1292) wrote:

All the tribe of Adam is one body,

Created from the dust alone.

If only one part of the body is wounded,

Then the whole body will fall into trembling.

Over human grief you did not cry forever, -

So will people say you're human? How do you understand the meaning of these lines, written in the 13th century? Why are they said to be relevant today? Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your position.

  1. You are familiar with the wording: national
    traditions, National cuisine, national income, gross
    howling national product, national features,
    National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia
    the rational people of Russia. The concept of "national" art
    uses here in different senses, since different track
    The concept of “nation” itself has a certain meaning. Explain in what
    sense must be understood by each of these formulations.

  2. As part of the tradition, experts include customs, ri
    tual, rite. Each of these traditions has its own
peculiarities. Try to draw them yourself. Give examples to be convincing.

4. In the USSR, nationality was determined and recorded in the passport. Public opinion was also dominated by a rigid norm of a single, obligatory and consanguineous nationality. And if the state wrote it down in your passport, then you are exactly what is written down. The ethnologist V. A. Tishkov calls this situation “forced identity” and notes that there are no such examples in the territory former USSR not thousands, but millions. He gives an example close to him. A friend of his son, Felix Khachaturian, who lived all his life in Moscow, did not know a word of Armenian, had never been to Armenia, was listed as an Armenian on a Soviet passport, although he is Russian not only in culture, but also in self-consciousness.

The scientist raises the question: does such a person have the right to consider himself Russian? Or the main determinants of ethnic identity are the sound of the surname and appearance? The scientist has a clear, well-founded answer. What is your opinion? Explain.

Work with the source

The Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) in his famous “Course of Russian History” noted that the living conditions convinced the Russian people that “it is necessary to cherish a clear summer working day, that nature gives him little convenient time for agricultural labor. And that the short Great Russian summer can still be shortened by untimely, unexpected bad weather. This makes the Great Russian peasant hurry. To work hard to get a lot done in a short amount of time and get out of the field at the right time, and then sit idle through the fall and winter. So the Great Russian got used to the excessive short-term exertion of his strength, got used to working quickly, feverishly and quickly, and then resting during the forced autumn and winter idleness.

Klyuchevsky V. O. Works: In 9 volumes - M., 1987. - T. 1. - S. 315.

^H Questions and assignments to the source. one) What is the main idea of ​​the fragment? 2) What features of the Russian mentality were formed under the influence of the described living conditions? 3) What impact do you think modern living conditions have on the mentality of Russians?

Social interest (from Latin socialis - public and interest - important) is the interest of any social subject (individual, social group, class, nation) associated with its position in a certain system of social relations.

These are conscious needs, the real causes of actions, events, accomplishments, behind the immediate internal motives (motives, thoughts, ideas, etc.) of individuals, social groups, classes participating in these actions. According to A. Adler's definition, social interest is an element of the motivational-requirement sphere, it acts as the basis for integration into society and the elimination of feelings of inferiority. It is characterized by a willingness to be imperfect, to contribute to the general welfare, to show trust, care, compassion, a willingness to make responsible choices, to be creative, close, collaborative and inclusive.

Critical importance have class interests that are conditioned by the position of classes in the system of production relations. However, any social interests, incl. and class, are not limited to the sphere of production relations. They cover the entire system of social relations and are associated with various aspects of the position of their subject. The generalized expression of all the interests of the social subject becomes his political interest, which expresses the relation of this subject to political power in society. A social group seeking to realize

interests may come into conflict with other groups. Therefore, often private interest takes the form of public or even universal. Then it takes the form of a legitimate, legitimate interest and is not subject to discussion. Any social transformation of society is accompanied by a sharp change in the balance of interests. The conflict of class, national, state interests underlies social revolutions, wars and other upheavals in world history.

Socio-economic interests - a system of socio-economic needs of the subject (individual, team, social group, society, state). Interest expresses the integrity of the system of socio-economic needs and in this capacity is a stimulus for the activity of the subject, determining his behavior. Awareness of one's own socio-economic interests by the subject is a historical process. Thus, the awareness of commodity producers of their interests leads to their implementation and, accordingly, is the basis of the mechanism of a market economy. The realization of socio-economic interests by the working class contributes to the creation of a system of social guarantees for the entire society.

In society, there is a complex dialectic of interaction between private, collective and common interests. Thus, private socio-economic interests, being an incentive to the action of individuals, thereby ensure the realization of the general interest.

The interdependence and interdependence of interests is even more pronounced in the dialectic of collective and common interests, the interests of social groups and national interest. However, in such a complex social organism as society as a whole, by no means always and not in everything the collective, and even more so, private interest coincides with the general interest. The state, in the interests of all social groups and strata, as well as individuals, regulates and controls both private and group (collective) interests, forming and protecting state interests.

The purpose of any legal norm comes from the social interest. In this sense, it is the main component of the state will. Social interest belongs to the fundamental categories of sociology. It can be represented as a concept that characterizes the objectively significant, necessary for the individual, family, team, class, nation, society as a whole. Interest and need are not the same. Objective socio-economic needs act as motivating causes of people's volitional activity, but they determine it only by manifesting themselves in social interests.

Society is characterized by a meaningful nature of all the actions of its members. Interest is what binds members of civil society together. Social interests determine the goals of people's activities. As a result, certain relationships are established, a certain social order, political and legal organization of society, culture, morality, etc., which ultimately correspond to the economic conditions of society. Consequently, social interest is the starting point for the purposeful activity of people and the determinant of its social significance. This property of the category of interest determines its role in the formation of law as the main criterion for identifying the objective basis of the content of law, its social essence.

Social interest, being conscious and enshrined in the rules of law, predetermines the operation of law. The ratio between social interests as an objective reality and interest in law is explained by the ratio of the objective and the subjective in the interest itself. There are three points of view on this issue in the legal literature. Some authors consider interest to be an objective phenomenon; others - subjective; the third - the unity of the objective and the subjective. Depending on the bases of classification, economic, political, spiritual, class, national, group, personal interests are distinguished. In its turn

Each sphere of the life of society has its own subgroups of the most important social interests.

More on the topic 1. Social interests of social groups as the real reasons for their actions:

  1. | Reason and purpose in law (to solve the problem of studying law as a real phenomenon, it is necessary to investigate not only the chain, but also the reason in law]