Letter to Santa Claus printable black and white templates. Ready-made letterheads to Santa Claus that you can print and send

In the Middle Ages, houses were decorated with engravings depicting Christian motifs, they were given to relatives and friends for Easter and Christmas. Such engravings can be considered the progenitors of Christmas cards, however, they were very expensive.

It is generally accepted that the tradition of giving cards at Christmas originated in England in late XVIII century, when the English artist Dobson painted a small picture with a snowy winter forest and a happy family near the Christmas tree. Such pictures have become widely used for congratulations and gifts. And the first batch of printed postcards with a winter landscape was released in 1843.

In 1874 an international standard size postcards: 9x14 cm. Most states complied with this requirement
Christmas and New Year cards came to Russia in the middle of the 19th century. At first they were only imported, English, and calligraphers wrote congratulations on them, and not the senders of the postcard themselves.

But soon the production of their postcards began in our country. Often they were a real work of art and interior decoration, they were designed as paintings, collected, pasted into albums. Pre-revolutionary postcards were decorated with dried flowers, ribbons, beads, sparkles from boric acid, which looked like real snow, and even flavored.

Postcards usually depicted angels, a decorated Christmas tree, old Russian fortune-telling and rituals, a winter forest and snow-covered peasant huts, churches, a Christmas grandfather and a Snow Maiden on a dashing troika of horses, cheerful kids playing snowballs and making a snowman. Often used plots of paintings by famous Russian artists Lev Bakst and Alexander Benois.

The October Revolution, unfortunately, destroyed the already completely established and beloved tradition of giving Christmas cards and decorating Christmas trees in houses. Even any mention of favorite winter holidays was banned.

However, during the Great Patriotic War The tradition of New Year's cards began to revive. So, in December 1941, the Art publishing house issued special postcards for sending to the front.

New Year's cards of the war years helped the soldiers and their families to believe in victory, united people, because instead of the usual wishes they wrote such inscriptions: "New Year's greetings to the heroic defenders of the Motherland!", "Happy New Year, comrade soldiers, commanders and political workers! In the name of the Motherland, forward, to the complete defeat of the enemy! The artists worked with only two colors - red and black - to speed up the printing process, and, naturally, images of military subjects prevailed.

But the real heyday of the Soviet New Year's card came in the 1960s. Along with the usual motifs of winter landscapes, Christmas trees and "Palekh" images of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden on a sleigh pulled by a troika, modern stories began to appear on the topic of space exploration and the development of technology. For example, Santa Claus carried his gifts on an airplane or a space rocket.

At the same time, postcards began to depict the Kremlin chimes and joyful families meeting New Year on the Red Square.

Post offices could not cope with the influx of letters and postcards before the New Year. Older people remember that congratulatory letters and postcards had to be sent no later than mid-December (or even earlier), so that the congratulations could arrive before the New Year. And throughout January, belated congratulations “reached” ...

But even now, despite the huge libraries of New Year's cards on the Internet and lightning-fast email, many of us sign "real", paper cards and send them to friends, family and loved ones. Yes, and a signed postcard enclosed as a gift will add human warmth to it and please the recipient. Postcards are needed for this - so that we remember each other.

Etiquette Center "European Format"

New Year is the time of the most cherished desires. Children write a variety of letters in the hope of getting a dream gift. Different children have different desires and hopes. Each child has unique letters. Here are some examples of letters. Some children care not only about themselves, but also about all those close to them. There are also those who do not ask for surprises in the hope that another baby will become happy, perhaps located on the other side of the Earth.

Letter to Santa Claus - sample text

Hello Dedushka Moroz. My name is Vasya. I go to Kindergarten And I'm getting ready for school. I have heard so much about you and read in books. My cherished desire is to see you on our Christmas tree, and I also want you to come to our house. We will decorate the most beautiful Christmas tree and celebrate the New Year. Give me, please, skis and a phone and sweets. I want to learn to ski fast like my brother. He is the champion of the city in cross-country skiing.

See you soon, I wish you health and happiness.

“The best Santa Claus, my name is Maria. I am 7 years old. You can bring me chess, a touchscreen phone with a case for it, and sandals. And for mom the most beautiful bracelet made of gold with diamonds. And dad, and dad has a mom. He is also the happiest. I also promise to continue to obey my parents, to study for one five. By giving us all this, you will make the world a little happier. I wish you all the very best, especially unquenchable love, generosity, kindness and strength. With love, Maria!

Dear Santa Claus, I am looking forward to your arrival. Before the New Year, together with my parents, I will decorate the Christmas tree, prepare a surprise for you and learn a rhyme. AT next year I promise to study well, be polite and kind. I really want you to please me with sweets and a radio-controlled car. Dima.

“Dear and kind Santa Claus! You are the best. My name is Katya. I dream of learning how to snowboard, but my parents can't get me one. Frost, give me, pliz, a snowboard. I do not swear and I do all the given lessons and even more. I, like you, love snow. But this year we don't have it. And if it's not so difficult for you, grab some more snow, so that the best holiday passed like the most wonderful time. I really hope that the letter has reached you and I look forward to seeing you. I wish you lots and lots of strength. Sincerely, Ekaterina!

Greetings, Santa Claus! Nastenka is writing to you from Moscow. This year I moved to the fourth grade, I study well and obey my mom and dad. I like dancing. I really want to get a kitten for the New Year, my parents don't mind, I asked. I hope you make my dream come true. I promise that in the coming year I will behave diligently and study for one five. Goodbye!

“Grandfather Frost, hello. My name is Lenya. I love collecting different parts. Please give me a holiday big constructor. And then I don’t have my own only in the kindergarten and with a friend. And I want mine. I also have a sister who is 3 years old. Her name is Masha. Bring a gift for her too, a handbag. And then my mother has a bag, but Masha does not. Can I visit you sometime in the north? Ride reindeer together. I also love to sing, come over as soon as possible, I'll tell you a poem and sing a song. Dear Santa Claus, we are waiting for you very much. With love and respect, Leonid!

“Beloved and beautiful Santa Claus! My name is Serezha. I have been waiting for the holiday for a very long time. I've been preparing for a whole year. I'm really looking forward to you. You are the kindest in the world and you can fulfill the most cherished desire. I won't keep you long. I'll just tell a rhyme, you'll give me a gift and that's it. You will have time to visit other children to give happiness. I want us to have a sister. Can you please make mom pregnant. And I will have a sister. I will love her very much, as well as my parents. I will protect her from all hooligans and make sure that she is always happy. I don't ask for anything more. I will share with all the toys, even with the most beloved ones. Just give it to us. We will write letters to you together and tell you how we live. Sincerely, your Sergey. We are waiting for you!"

Hello Santa Claus! Hello, Snow Maiden, snowmen and bunnies!

Happy holiday to you. May your year be successful and happy.

This year I behaved well, did not fight with the boys, did not offend my parents and helped wash the dishes. I also cleaned up after myself toys and clothes. Grandpa, please give me a dog. I will love her very much. I promise to feed and walk her. Thanks in advance. I believe that you will help fulfill my cherished desire.

"Hello Dedushka Moroz! My name is Nastenka, I am 7 years old. My parents and I live in St. Petersburg.

I really like this city because it is beautiful and interesting. This year I moved to the second grade, I study well, and my parents often praise me.

I really enjoy dancing and playing the piano. I also weave beaded baubles. This New Year, I would really like to receive a little fluffy kitten from you as a gift, I will take care of him and love him! Mom and dad don't mind, so I want to ask you to make my dream come true! I really look forward to your answer, with respect Nastya.

Hello dear Santa Claus! Sasha is writing to you from Moscow. I am 9 years old, I am in the third grade, I bring good marks and always obey my father and mother. I love math, drawing and music school. This year I helped my mother take care of my little sister. I dream that you will give me a teddy bear and a beautiful doll. I am very grateful to you for the gift you brought me last year. I'm really looking forward to meeting you! Best regards, Alexandra.

"Hello Dedushka Moroz. My name is Kirill. I am 8. I love my parents and also football and walking. I know you have a lot to do new year's eve, so if you can’t come to me with a gift and bring what I want, then it’s okay. Just know that I am like that and I wish you a lot of strength to have time to make gifts to the whole world in 6 hours. I hope that you will have time to please all the children. Suddenly you will have time to visit me, I will be glad, and if not, I will not be offended. I will know that the other kid got what he wanted. Merry Christmas! P.s., Cyril.

"Good Santa Claus! My name is Vasya. I'm in my 5th year. We don't have a dad yet. I don’t ask you for a dad, because my mom is beautiful and will find us ourselves best dad in the light, then. And now I want a car. I don’t ask my mother, because I’m a man and I shouldn’t ask my mother about such things. When I grow up, I'll buy us cars - real ones. And now I recognize the device of the machine. Therefore, please grant me a machine that is controlled from the remote control. P.s., Vasily.

"Hello Dedushka Moroz! My name is Tolya. I am 6 years old. This year I went to first grade. I really hope it's not too cold in your north. My dad and mom and I will soon come running to you, we will live in the neighborhood. My parents are the coolest, so I don't need gifts. I want to ask you just one thing. You can give me a warm coat. I love snow and skating, but I get cold very quickly. And my mother rarely lets me go outside. And all the guys are out there. And I want them too. Please help me. I promise to study well and obey my parents, just to go out with my friends. I wish you a lot of strength in order to make gifts for everyone. With respect, Tolik!

Letters are written on different paper, different colors felt-tip pens, pens and pencils. The letters are also decorated with homemade drawings and applications.

Even adults on New Year's Eve believe in a fairy tale, what can we say about children! They look forward to the most magical holiday of the year, make wishes, write letters to Santa Claus, and firmly believe that all the wishes will come true.

Templates for letters and envelopes from Santa Claus

Click to enlarge the picture. Then, right-click - select "Save Image As". Open and print the template.

The magical power of a fairy tale

Fairy tale plays a huge role in the life of every child. It develops and educates, comforts and gives hope, gives joy and helps to cope with fears, insecurities and disappointments. If you learn how to use a fairy tale correctly in interaction with children, then you can cope with many pedagogical tasks without punishment and lectures.

The New Year's wizard, beloved by all the children, can also be used by parents for educational purposes, and very effectively. To do this, about a month before the holiday, write a letter to Grandfather with your child on a beautiful letterhead. In a letter, let your son or daughter talk about their achievements and successes for the year and their plans for the future, write to the wizard about what gift they dream of and why they want to receive it for the holiday.

About a week before the celebration, put in mailbox letter from Santa Claus. In response, let the wizard rejoice at the success of the child and express his support for the implementation of his plans for the future. Examples of what a magic letter might look like are given below. You can use the most suitable sample for you by entering the name of your child and his achievements, wishes for him and parting words. Experience shows that such letters from Santa Claus can have a very strong motivating effect on children. So, variants of letters from Santa Claus.

The text of the letter from Santa Claus for the little ones: "Funny lights"

Hello dear Olenka!

The most important winter wizard is writing to you - Grandfather Frost. New Year's time will come very soon, and the Snow Maiden and I are already preparing for the holiday: we wrapped the earth with a fluffy white blanket, hung garlands of icicles along the edges of the roofs, dressed the trees in fluffy dresses and collected bags with gifts for the children.

I have already wrapped your gift and put it in a bag. I learned from your letter that you are dreaming of………. Rejoicing at your success and hoping that next year you will learn to dress yourself, swim and be able to clean up your toys yourself, I will be happy to put your desired gift under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve. And don't forget to light the Christmas tree with merry lights on the holiday.

Loving you New Year's wizard Santa Claus.

Supporting congratulations from Santa Claus: "The Power of Magic"

Hello Dima!

The good wizard Santa Claus greets you, I am sending you a letter from my magical winter residence in Veliky Ustyug. I have a lot of trouble before the holiday, but my most important thing is to read the guys' letters and prepare New Year's gifts.

Dima, I received your letter, thank you for it. Now I know what gift you dream of, and I will certainly fulfill your desire. And I also know that you went to school this year and it can be very difficult for you to sit in class, listen to the teacher, not be distracted, and even do your homework every day. It is really difficult, because sometimes you really want not to read and write, but to ride down the hill and play cars. But you will definitely cope with difficulties, and I will try to help you become more attentive and persistent with the power of my magic and I will rejoice at your success!

I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, and your gift will be waiting for you under the tree on the first morning of the new year. Loving you Santa Claus.

Letter "Magic mirror of Santa Claus"

Hello, my dear Nastenka!

Grandfather Frost, the main New Year's magician, and his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, are writing to you. For a whole year we have been watching the guys in our magic mirror, we saw you too, Nastenka! You are a cheerful, friendly girl, you try to help your mother, you learn to read, you love to draw and you don't forget to take care of your pet kitten Tishka. And we also learned that this year you started figure skating and are trying very hard in training. This is wonderful, because sport helps children grow up healthy, strong and beautiful!

The Snow Maiden and I are very happy for you and wish you to remain the same kind, diligent and active girl in the coming year.

By using magic mirror we found out what you really want to receive as a gift for the holiday ……. . We will gladly fulfill your desire, look for what you dream of under the Christmas tree on the first morning of the new year.

With love, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Letter - parting word: "Crystal chime"

Hello Oleg!

I am writing to you, the powerful New Year's wizard Santa Claus! It is I who am responsible for ensuring that there is order on Earth: winter came in due time, and nature rested under the lullaby of the wind and the crystal chime of icicles. And I am also the main manager of the most beautiful holiday of the year - the New Year's celebration, I make sure that all the children on Earth receive the gifts they dream of on New Year's Eve.

Thank you for your letter, I am glad to read about your progress this year. Of course, I will make sure that you receive the gift of your dreams on New Year's Eve, and you take my parting words. Try to read more in the new year, because successful person must be literate and erudite. Continue to play sports - after all, a man must be strong and hardy. And remember that everything is good in moderation, including computer games. By the way, maybe next year you should try to find out how they are made?

Hello, friends! As promised, I am posting for you templates for letters from Santa Claus. Download archive with letter templates from Santa Claus.

In addition to colorful letter templates prepared for printing, the archive contains Photoshop files - PSD format. That is, you can change the templates of letters from Santa Claus, at your discretion. Change any , write a different text, or change the color of the text.

I tried to come up with such a text of the letter that would suit both the boy and the girl, you only have to enter the name of the child, but you may want to write your own, personal text, make the letter closer to your child, not so faceless.

Mention in the letter about the special qualities and talents of your child. To do this, I provide you with such templates that you can easily edit and change. Well, for those who do not know how to use Photoshop - ready-to-print templates, High Quality and permissions.

Open the archive, select the letter you like, and right-click, click - "print". True, if you have a device for printing documents. If this is not available, then copy the files to a USB flash drive, and contact the services where pictures and documents are printed.

One letter template, more suitable for older children (schoolchildren), so I did not write the text, I think this template is suitable for those who want to write a personal letter from Santa Claus.

All letters and envelopes are designed for A4 sheet format. But if you need a larger format, then increase the size of the template in Photoshop: "Image" - "image size" - in the window that opens, enter a new size, while looking at the size of the document for printing.

Now the size of all templates is 20 cm wide and 28 cm high.

That's all I wanted to tell you about templates. Write in the comments if you liked the templates and which of the letters you liked more. It is difficult for me to judge them myself, and the view from the outside is very important to me. I do not take offense at criticism, on the contrary, I will be grateful.

For those who are on the blog for the first time, I dare to suggest reading the article: ““, and in the same place, download action games as a gift. On the blog you will find many interesting articles, and no less useful gifts.

One of these days, expect a new article, a report on the work in the JOBeREQS service. I wrote about this service - "Working on the Internet for everyone", in the article: "". Well, are you wondering if there is a button on the Internet - "Bablo"? Wait for my feedback on the JOBeREQS service.

I can’t announce the exact date of publication, since Crimea is now without electricity, and it is not known when it will be given to us. Perhaps we will celebrate the New Year in the dark! Therefore, the publication of articles on time is difficult.

You were a guest on the blog "", and I was with you,. See you soon!

Each of us is familiar with the tremulous expectation of the New Year. And most of all, we were waiting not for the holiday itself, but for a gift that a kind bearded grandfather would leave under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve. But how does Santa Claus know who to give what? Right! From children's letters! And if your child is still a baby and it is not yet possible for him to write and beautifully design a letter, you can use letterheads to Santa Claus, which you can print directly from this page.
Here are both letterheads with text and without text.

If the student himself can express his thoughts on paper, then the kid of 4-5 years old is most likely not yet able to write. Therefore, older children just need to look at a sample letter to Santa Claus, come up with some of their own details, and add their own text. For the kids preschool age I also want to order a long-awaited gift to a famous grandfather, and for this it is easier for them to use a letter form to Santa Claus with a text where mom or dad will help enter the baby's name, the desired gift and other missing information.

In order to print a letter to Santa Claus, you must first save it to your computer by right-clicking on the picture and selecting “save picture as” from the context menu.

Letter templates to Santa Claus without text

Coloring letters

How to write a letter to Santa Claus

Of course, there can be no strict rules here, but there is a certain sequence of actions with which it will be much easier to cope with the task.

  • Greetings. Every letter begins with it, because at the beginning it is necessary to indicate the addressee so that it is clear for whom this letter is. In this case, we address the message to Grandfather Frost, which means that in the first line it is worth writing something like “Dear Santa Claus” or “ Dear Grandpa Frost”, or simply “Dear Grandfather”.
  • A short story about myself. Before asking for gifts, you should write a little about yourself: what the child likes, what he is interested in. You can also write a little about your family.
  • Did you behave well? Everyone knows that a kind grandfather brings gifts to those who behaved well all year and did good deeds, which means that it is worth writing about this in a letter so that Santa Claus is sure that the child deserves this gift.
  • And finally, about the gift. Now is the time to tell grandpa about the gift you want. It is advisable to describe as accurately as possible what you want to receive from your grandfather, so that he does not make a mistake and brings exactly what you need.
  • Completion of the letter. Here you can promise that next year the child will behave as well as this year, listen to adults, help them.