Sleep wrist. If you had a bad dream. From a boss or someone close to you

Why dream of seeing a watch on your hand? Such a symbol in a dream often reminds of the transience of time. In our dream book you will find meanings according to the details of the vision: good luck in business, achieving a goal, acquaintance or trouble, the need to relax.

What actions did you have with them?

You had them:

  • try on - get a valuable gift;
  • put on - diligence, diligence, firm principles help you succeed;
  • remove - the desire to relax after hard work, events;
  • lose - family quarrels;
  • smash - ahead of trouble.

Miller's dream book: domestic troubles are coming

If a woman dreamed of losing them, domestic difficulties will cause an unfavorable situation or even misfortune.

reward for work, good luck

just to see Wrist Watch- good luck in business. Also, this wrist accessory in a dream promises regularity, a calm way of your family.

Why dream of constantly winding a watch? This means: you will soon receive a reward for your efforts, payment for work.

Did you dream of wearing a watch on your hand? The dream interpretation explains: the sleeper uses the allotted time and his own opportunities very wisely.

Control of the situation and circumstances

Putting several on your hand at once in a dream is an obligation under several agreements at once, for which a lot of time and effort will be required.

Another interpretation of sleep: to dress them is to subordinate your life to strict orders, rules. This allows you not only to keep yourself at the proper level, but also to have time to do a lot.

Wear Digital Watch on the hand - the dreamer is tired of the routine, the need to constantly plan time and not be able to do what he wants. He needs good vacation.

Get ready for trouble

See them stop? The dream book tells you that something important will happen in reality. You need to remember the time that "frozen" in your dream - probably the event will happen just then.

Did the watch on your hand stop in a dream? There will be failures in business, troubles at work, in business.

Marriage with a loved one

If you were presented with them, pleasant changes are ahead. Also, a dream that you were given a watch, according to the dream book, promises a new acquaintance. They are beautiful? The person will be nice. Ugly - the dreamer will quickly get tired of the tediousness of a new acquaintance.

An expensive beautiful (for example, white) watch on a hand in a dream is a harbinger of marriage with a loved one. Moreover, family life will be happy and prosperous.

Why dream unmarried woman to see a watch on his hand - a gift from a man? This means that she may soon be proposed to.

Try to overcome your carelessness

Did a woman happen to wear her man's watch in a dream (man - women's)? The dream book indicates: the one who dreamed of such a plot will put a loved one under attack, and then he will be surprised how it happened.

New, recently bought? The dream indicates: the sleeper is too careless, he does not know how to cope with emerging situations.

Why can a watch dream? It all depends on how they look, where they are, what sounds they make. Dream Interpretations will tell you what your subconscious is signaling.

Eastern dream book

If in a dream you hear the ticking of a clock, get ready for the fact that the road to a well-established life will be long. When the clock itself is not visible, the goal is far away, but it occupies all your thoughts.

Why dream of a watch? You need to hurry up to make your dream come true.

If the clock has stopped, death awaits someone close.

Children's dream book

The clock speaks of consumption vitality. If the arrows move slowly, everything is going as it should. When they accelerate, the forces are wasted on something in vain. There is an urgent need to change priorities.

The ticking of a clock in a dream is an approximation extreme situation, which will require maximum composure. Also, this sound can warn of a disease that already exists, but has not yet manifested itself.

Italian dream book

A watch in a dream most often indicates the presence of some kind of life framework, difficult conditions. The person seems to be in a cage that prevents him from moving freely.

They can also indicate circumstances that interfere with the performance of work, duty.

The presence of hours in dreams often indicates total control. Someone is forcing you to build your life in strict accordance with the norms accepted in society.

Family dream book

Why do financiers and stock market players dream about watches? TO great success at work.

A broken, lost or donated watch is a sign of imminent trouble and good luck. If the glass cracked - watch your behavior in society, especially if there are a lot of people around you strangers about which nothing is known.

Your stolen watch - you are trying to beat your competitors using not the most pure methods. If the watch was stolen from you, someone wants to tarnish your reputation.

The fight of the clock is bad news.

Modern dream book

If you regularly see a watch in a dream, you can count on the success of all your enterprises.

If a woman loses her watch, she will be sad because of domestic troubles.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

An old clock says that it's time to analyze the past life path. Perhaps the results will prompt you to understand the need for urgent change.

Wall clock - you miss all the most important things in life. Most likely, work takes up most of it, and there is no time left for family and yourself.

If in a dream a watch is on your hand, you often look at it, you have many enemies. IN Lately they have stepped up and are preparing an attack.

Trying to tell the time from a watch without hands or a dial is a hidden threat. A great tragedy is also possible, which will be very difficult to survive without the help of specialists.

Dream Interpretation "From, A to Z"

The ringing of an alarm clock in a dream means imminent changes for the better.

The fight of the clock - on the contrary, bad events, you may be suspected of something bad. It will ruin your reputation, even if you can rebut the accusations.

Wristwatches portend a successful career development.

Wall - there are many lovers of slander and gossip around you.

Why dream of a gold watch? You will prevail over a strong and dexterous opponent.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The clock says that soon it will be time for new activities. It is possible to change jobs, places of residence, even outlooks on life.

Find a clock in a dream - adjust the time and events. You have been waiting for something for a very long time, but it still does not come.

Hourglass - you are afraid that life is passing too fast.

The cuckoo clock portends long life. If they are broken, you need to change something so that it turns out to be broken and does not end prematurely.

A stopped clock is the departure of a loved one.

If you see a watch in a dream, then you do not have enough time to carry out all the planned. During sleep, do you carefully examine them? You don’t want to wait in reality and rush things. At the same time, watches can emphasize the significance of the coming life period. And in order to find out in detail what a watch is dreaming of, you should refer to the dream book.

Miller's opinion

Interpreter Miller connects watches with the passage of time. Do you feel like days, and then months, go by, and you don’t have time to do anything? Convince yourself that they are enough to carry out not only all your plans, but even more. Listen to yourself and watch for signs that come across on the way - they can do a good job.

Why dream of starting a stopped clock? Something important is about to happen in your life, and you can’t wait for it, sometimes even rushing things. And if your watch stopped in a dream, this can mean both the end of a period and death.

Unlucky to break the watch? In reality, you can lose the most precious thing - family, friends, loved one. Having seen such a dream, try to prevent the loss, but if this was not possible, do not become discouraged. Sometimes what is not done is for the best.

Interpretations of various dream books

The dream book of Nina Grishina gives several meanings to this symbol. Looking at them in a dream suggests that your life is wasted. Think about it - maybe it's time to change something?

Often dream books give such an interpretation - wristwatches are harbingers of something significant in your life. Maybe you'll change jobs, get married or have kids. Do you hear the clock ticking while you sleep? The black stripe in life is not in a hurry to be replaced by white. Be patient and steadfastly overcome the difficulties that have fallen to your lot.

Did you dream that the watch was presented to you as a gift? If they were expensive and beautiful, you will soon be able to celebrate your wedding. Watch unlucky to lose? Your hopes will not come true. But if you find them during sleep, family life will be prosperous and very happy.

Have you had a dream in which a watch slips from your wrist and shatters? In reality, it is worth changing the way of life - it's time to stop following prepared patterns and act only as others expect. By doing this, you will understand how much life has become brighter and more interesting.

Why dream of determining the time by a watch that has no numbers? Expect bad news.

Did you steal your watch while you were sleeping? In reality, you will acquire enemies who are eager to defame your good name. Be careful and don't let yourself get hurt.

Bring the hands on your wristwatch? Expect rewards for your hard work. But do not expect that it will be expressed in material values.

Opinion of Sigmund Freud

According to Freud's dream book, watches are a symbol of manhood. A dream in which a representative of the stronger sex gives a watch as a gift to a woman indicates that he seeks to be in bed with her. And if there are a great many hours in your dream, it means that you change partners like gloves. Moreover, it is not necessary that one follows the other.

It doesn’t matter which watch you saw in your night dreams. One way or another, almost always such a dream promises quick changes. But, it's very good if you managed to remember the numbers indicated by the arrows.

Watches in a dream have one more interpretation - they hint that in reality you are wasting your life on trifles, forgetting about something really necessary and necessary.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 02/18/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeping person. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of congestion, ...

Briefly about the main

Any dream book interprets a watch as an approach to change, which is often associated with the actions of other people. If a person saw the time, it can be a day and a month or a month and a year when an important event for him will happen.

Interpretations on the material and color of the watch:

  • pay attention to a gold watch - wealth;
  • on white or red - marriage with a loved one;
  • put on a gold watch - dismissal, lack of money;
  • silver - parting with a loved one.

TOP 10 positive values

  1. See men's accessory- a pleasant acquaintance.
  2. Start or check time in a dream- successful completion of affairs, success.
  3. For couples - happiness and well-being.
  4. drop in clean water success despite serious setbacks.
  5. Lost and found- catch-up;
  6. Receive as a gift- changes in better side.
  7. Engraved watch- well-deserved recognition.
  8. Working clock found in mud or water- Achievement of the goal in spite of obstacles.
  9. Wear an expensive watch- good investment.
  10. Measure new- promotion on career ladder, changing of the living place.

TOP 8 negative values

  1. Break the chosen ones- problems in family life.
  2. Notice that the watch on the hand has stopped- empty hopes.
  3. steal yourself- the appearance of enemies or deception.
  4. Lose at night- problems in business, dismissal.
  5. drop in dirty water - a lot of problems and losses.
  6. See on your wrist, receive as a gift or give to the dead- missed opportunity.
  7. See others whole or broken- bankruptcy or major losses due to wrong actions.
  8. Try on a beautiful accessory with a bracelet- false goal, bad news.

TOP 3 neutral values

  1. Wear or wear electronic- need for rest real life.
  2. Choose in the store, buy or lose on the street- frivolity.
  3. To see or recognize in a dream that a thief stole someone's watch and catch him- exposure of ill-wishers.
  4. Steal from the store- risk warning.

Why dream when they give a watch according to Miller's dream book?

The selected dream book interprets a watch in dreams as follows:

  • look at the accessory - efforts will be in vain due to the intervention of strangers;
  • break glass - trouble or frivolous behavior is possible;
  • lose - domestic troubles are coming;
  • steal a watch - it is important to take a closer look at the environment, someone is trying to ruin the reputation;
  • suffer from the theft of one's own - betrayal, financial conflict with superiors

A dream about wrist accessories, according to Miller, may indicate the success of the game on the stock exchange.

For women:

  • a women's watch seen on a man's wrist indicates slander against a partner or a difficult situation in a relationship;
  • a lonely girl was presented with a luxurious watch - a quick marriage proposal;
  • independent purchase of an expensive accessory in a store - the appearance of a wealthy husband or lover.

Video: interpretation of sleep about hours according to Miller's dream book

Taken from the channel "House of the Sun (SunHome. ru)".

Freud's dream book

The interpretation of a dream about a clock according to Freud looks like this:

  • sum up time - get remuneration for work;
  • looking at a broken mechanism - it is important to seek a compromise with a partner in sexual terms, accepting his needs and avoiding straightforwardness.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga interpreted the dream of a watch as follows:

  • putting on an old product - the time has come to reflect on your past, an important event is coming soon;
  • determine the time by the clock without a dial - a tragedy or a serious danger;
  • hear the movement of the arrows - tests that will lead to happiness.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

A watch seen in a dream speaks of the approaching start of a new business in a person’s life or an unexpected proposal. If you managed to remember the time, you can determine exactly when the changes will occur.

Loff's dream book

According to Loff's dream book, it doesn't matter whether men's or women's products were dreamed of, the main thing is time. The cyclicity of dreams must be deciphered from the position of life stages (5, 10, 15 years), analyzing the events of these periods. This tip is designed to help you realize and change your life.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

A dream about a pocket watch can mean the following:

  • put on or wear family relationships peace and mutual understanding will come;
  • find - you need to learn to be punctual;
  • to see gold on the hand - the dreamer will suffer from theft;
  • look at those who have stopped - a person is making efforts in vain;
  • to give - it is important to avoid self-deception;
  • break your watch - in real life a series of troubles is coming;
  • pay attention to the unwound - there will be news of the death of a familiar person.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

To see a watch in a dream - the implementation of the plan will succeed.

The interpretation of dreams with a clock can be as follows:

  • old - regrets about the mistakes made;
  • without a dial - an unpleasant event;
  • loud - close person need help.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The Italian dream book interprets the pocket mechanism as a distortion of the image of the "Super Self", which leads to devastation. A recurring dream indicates an obsessive state of a person.

Dream Interpretation Longo

According to Longo's interpretation, men's watches dream of a deterioration in well-being. Health problems may arise without visible reasons so it is important to pay attention to this aspect.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

A gold watch is a symbol of theft according to Azar's dream book. To see an object on the wrist is to find out that loved ones have committed a theft.

For women:

  • if the dreamer is a woman, her life will soon change for the better, and she will find happiness.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

According to Kananit's dream book, hours dream of monotony and routine.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Interpretations of wrist accessories look like this:

  • bustle;
  • rush;
  • expectation;
  • boredom;
  • business meetings;
  • obligations;
  • new beginnings;
  • slow development of events.

For women:

Aesop's dream book

Aesop interpreted dreams with a clock like this:

  • broken or stopped - a disaster that will affect all family members;
  • buy new ones - carelessness will lead to business failure or ruin;
  • repair - a statement of attempts to correct errors in real life.

English dream book

According to the interpretation of the English dream book, the meaning is carried by the sound that the mechanism makes:

  • up to 12 o'clock - good events or changes for the better;
  • after 12 days - troubles, troubles;
  • single blow - death or deterioration of health;
  • the ticking of a clock without reference to time is a happy life.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

This dream book has conflicting interpretations of a dream about a watch - it can portend death or a happy life. The main value of the accessory is change, which is useless to rush.

Modern dream book

Dream about a watch modern interpretation means well-being as a result of hard work.

Other transcripts:

  • broke his own watch - a harbinger of trouble;
  • damaged the glass - a fleeting acquaintance;
  • lost - problems in the family;
  • stole - reputation may suffer from the actions of enemies;
  • looked - a threat from other people.

Which dream book do you trust more?

Phoebe's big dream book

If the mechanism is faulty or a person heard ticking, this is a harbinger of trouble. A wrist mechanism presented to someone or received as a gift has a negative meaning.

Islamic dream book

A dream about a clock is a warning to the dreamer about a lack of energy.

Russian dream book

According to the interpretation of the Russian dream book, the watch dreams of losses. They may warn that your time is spent on creation without useful actions.

Ukrainian dream book

Wristwatches portend changes and new acquaintances. They symbolize something good that can touch all aspects of life.

If the mechanism has stopped, this is a signal of impending trouble or one's own death.

Family dream book

Hand watches are harbingers of the following events:

  • look at the beautiful - success in business is coming;
  • compare time - luck will slip away;
  • buy as a gift - there are difficulties;
  • notice the broken - obstacles or problems are outlined;
  • pay attention to those that you or other people stole - others are going to put you in a bad light.

For women:

  • losing her watch in a dream for a girl means trouble in the family.

Esoteric dream book

From the point of view of esotericism, dreams about hours can be interpreted as follows:

  • put on your hand - confirmation of the rational distribution of forces and time;
  • lose - a signal that opportunities are not being used and may disappear;
  • look at the dear ones - the stability of the situation can change dramatically.

Love dream book

Seeing a pocket watch in a dream is a good sign for the dreamer's personal life:

  • meeting with a loved one;
  • well-being;
  • love dawn in a relationship;
  • mutual sincere feelings;
  • great happiness.

Dream Interpretation by Numbers

Sleep values ​​if only one digit is displayed on the clock:

  • 1 - travel;
  • 2 - good luck in love affairs;
  • 3 - become the center of everyone's attention;
  • 4 - danger;
  • 5 - quarrel with a loved one;
  • 6 - profitable deal;
  • 7 - envy of ill-wishers;
  • 8 - success in the professional field;
  • 9 - time for decisive action.

Dream interpretation for women

For women:

  • If the mechanism is working, the dial is in order, and the device itself has been found, the dream symbolizes the successful completion of what has been started. If the find was in the mud, it means that the barriers will not be able to stop the dreamer and prevent the plans from being realized.
  • A broken watch is a harbinger of trouble. The scale of the breakdown indicates the degree of difficulty - turmoil or major losses.
  • If the dreamer personally damaged a watch in a dream, she can become an obstacle to the realization of someone's plans in real life. good sign there will be a repair that portends a successful course of affairs.
  • Antique clocks hint at the need to rethink your life.
  • The sound of a working mechanism warns of a long streak of troubles that will end to the benefit of the dreamer.
  • A dream recommends that a pregnant woman become more restrained in her demands for loved ones and stop criticizing them. A negative line of behavior can ruin relationships and provoke a serious conflict.

Dream interpretation for men

For men:

  • A dream about a wristwatch means that a person has entered a period that is successful for solving professional issues. It is important to increase self-confidence and connect creative thinking to solve current problems.

Intimate dream book

Dreams about watches tell the dreamer about the need to analyze his past and draw the right conclusions. You should pay attention to the behavior and actions in relation to other people, think about the distribution of your resources.

Winter dream book

A dream warns a person that he is missing an opportunity, using which you can find happiness and well-being.

Summer dream book

If the dreamer wipes his watch in a dream, he will soon emigrate.

The dial in a dream portends peace in family relationships, the emphasis on the arrows or the mechanism is a symbol of the partner's lateness.

Autumn dream book

Dream interpretation:

  • to see a watch means to avoid danger in real life;
  • if in a mechanical accessory the arrow does not move along its axis, trouble awaits the dreamer;
  • a large dial predicts well-deserved honors at work.

Dream interpretation of the subconscious

According to the interpretation of the psychoanalytic dream book, the clock is a symbol of lost time. The dreamer spends all his strength on work and needs rest.

Video: generalized interpretation of dreams about watches.

Taken from the channel "HoroscopeVideo-horoscope for today."

Why did the Clock dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

A clock in a dream is a symbol of an important person who will bring certain changes into your life.

  • Why dream big Wall Clock - the boss will ask you to accept important decision in record time.
  • A small watch - to sudden changes in family life.
  • Why dream of a clock that strikes - this is a symbol of the completion of an important matter. The dream warns you that there is little time left. If you do not make it in time, your success may sink into the abyss.
  • if you dreamed of an expensive watch, wait for a visit important person, which will turn your view of pressing matters.

What did the Hours move dream about (Psychiatric dream book)

What is the clock for? From time immemorial, watches have been considered a symbol of fleeting time.

  • If you saw a clock, you subconsciously understand that you will soon miss some important chance, if you have not already missed it.
  • see how you buy new watch, you yourself understand that you treat some life moments with carelessness or do not know how to navigate in difficult life situations.
  • Seeing a broken watch is a cry from your subconscious that you are no longer the same person you were before. Everything changes, and you have changed, and that's good.

Why the Clock is dreaming (Romantic dream book)

  • If you dreamed of a watch, you will soon become the object of someone's attention. This will lead to the dawn in your personal life.
  • To see a large wall clock - to meet your loved one soon, to family well-being and long, sincere love.
  • You listen to the clock and count how many beats are left before noon expect great happiness in your personal life.

Why does a woman dream of a watch (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

  • Why dream of a watch- there is very little time left for an important event in your life.
  • Determine the time in a dream by a watch that does not have a dial,- a harbinger of serious danger.
  • Why dream of the sound of a clock - your life will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

The meaning of the dream about the Clock (Russian folk dream book)

What is the clock for? A dreaming clock - this symbol corresponds in our subconscious with time. In some cases, the clock symbolizes age. There is a belief that if the clock has stopped in the house, then this bad sign.

  • You are afraid to be late and look at your watch all the time - this means that in reality you have a chance that you are afraid to miss.
  • Why dream of breaking your watch in a dream, in reality, you find yourself in a difficult, confusing situation.
  • You buy yourself a new watch, indicates your carelessness and inability to cope with the situation.

Worldly interpretation of a dream about the Clock (allegory of the writer Aesop)

What is the clock for? According to the dream book, this symbol is associated in our subconscious with time and inevitability. In some cases, the clock symbolizes age and health. There is a belief among the people that if the clock stops in the house, this is a bad sign. It is not customary to give a watch to a wedding for young people, as folk wisdom says: “Happy hours do not watch.”

  • If in a dream you are afraid to be late somewhere and look at your watch all the time, in reality you missed your chance, which is given to a person infrequently.
  • A stopped clock is dreaming - a sign of sad news and disappointments.
  • If in a dream you heard the chime of a clock that had stopped long ago,- it threatens you with serious troubles. You or your loved ones may find themselves without a livelihood. You are at risk of serious illness.
  • To dream that you are buying yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate in difficult circumstances.
  • Break your watch in a dream - in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.
  • If in a dream you are afraid to oversleep and set yourself an alarm clock on your watch- it means that in reality you have to experience the bitterness of disappointment and listen to unfair accusations.
  • Why dream of a broken watch - it reminds you that nothing stands still, everything changes.
  • Do you see how sand flows in the hourglass,- this is a reminder to you that time is moving inexorably and if you do not hurry, then your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.
  • You are trying to repair the clock - testifies to your fruitless attempts to stop the inevitable.

I had a dream about the Clock (we guess from the Erotic Dream Book)

  • Why dream about a watch - a dream watch reminds you of an important matter, your unfulfilled plans and dreams.
  • If in a dream you hear the chime of the clock, it means that you are very sensitive person, reacting to the slightest irritation - some sounds, light touches, the timbre of the voice.
  • I dreamed that the clock was running forward, the dream speaks of your disappointment and unsatisfied desires.
  • To see the mechanism of a working clock - everything is in order with your health.
  • To dream that the clock is behind- you have a long and stormy love affair, complete sexual harmony with a new partner.
  • In the same case, if you dreamed of a broken, stopped watch, it can be assumed that some kind of failures also occurred in your sex life.

Analysis of the dream in which the Clock was dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

  • In a dream, let the watch on your hand - a dream indicates that you will be rewarded for the work you have done, only this reward is not material.
  • if you dreamed of a large wall or grandfather clock, it means that you will be surprised by sex with a person whom you always thought of as very reserved and dry. It turns out that in informal setting this person expresses his feelings very clearly, so there is no doubt about his emotionality.
  • Why do tower clocks dream - it means that you have to find out some very important news, and long-awaited.
  • A broken watch is a symbol of bad sex. You are too direct and do not want to come to terms with some, in your opinion, of your partner's eccentricities, and he, in turn, does not want to give up these quirks. Someone has to take the first step, right?

Interpretation of the Hours from the dictionary-dream book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

  • Wristwatch - A new daily occupation, a symbol of obligations, business meetings, expectations, boredom, haste.
  • Why dream of looking at the clock or finding it - to rush things; events will develop slowly or means the significance of a new period of life.
  • Expensive, beautiful watch - a successful, profitable marriage.
  • To see that the clock has stopped is the death of one's own or a very important person, parents.
  • Why dream hourglass - a sense of the transience of one's life.
  • I dreamed of a cuckoo clock - a long life.
  • Why dream of a clock with a pendulum - it can symbolize the work of the heart.

What is the dream of the Clock (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing a watch in a dream means that you will succeed in playing the stock market.
  • According to the dream book, to dream that you are looking at your watch means that your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.
  • Why dream of breaking the clock - portends troubles and losses.
  • Break the glass in the clock- this is a harbinger of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society.
  • If a woman loses her watch in a dream, it means that domestic troubles will cause misfortune.
  • To imagine that you have stolen a watch means that you have fierce opponents who are trying to tarnish your reputation.
  • Why dream of a watch presented as a gift- means that you are in trouble.
  • If you hear the beat of a clock, upsetting news is possible.

The meaning of sleep about the Wrist (Wangi's Dream Book)

  • If you saw an old clock in a dream, then the dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did good or bad deeds, what mark will you leave behind on Earth.
  • If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not allow it to pass you by.
  • Why dream of a watch - there is very little time left for an important event in your life.
  • Determine the time in a dream by the clock, which do not have a dial - a harbinger of serious danger. The dream prophesies a great tragedy, which you can survive only by turning to God for help.
  • Hear the sound of a clock in a dream- a prophecy that your life will not get better for a long time. It will seem to you that God has turned away from you, but this is not so, it’s just that you are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Clock in night dreams (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

  • To put on a wrist watch, to see serviceable, going to well-coordinated work; you are making good use of your time.
  • Broken, stopped clock- problems with time, you do not fit into its course. In this regard, you will be forever late not only in everyday life, but also when “distributing blessings”.
  • Lose, drop watches - you missed the time, and your place is both personal and public life will be occupied by others.
  • Why dream of a clock on the wall- a fateful time for you and your family. Be careful, do not miss opportunities, do not neglect dangers.
  • The tower chimes are striking, the clock is ringing to important events in the state, which will affect your life. Looks like you do not have enough internal stability in order not to be afraid of any external events.

The meaning of the dream about the Wall (Numerological dream book)

The meanings of dreams with the number "1" on the clock face

  • Why dream of a large wall clock on which the number “1” stands out brightly means that in one month you will win the attention of a person you really like.
  • If there are no more numbers on the watch dial besides one, then this means that you are too self-confident - moderate your ambitions, otherwise in a month you will quarrel with good friends.
  • If in a dream both hands of the wall clock point to one, then this is a direct indication that you need to start acting. The people you met last week will be your teachers in your new business and help you make good money.
  • She dreams that the hands on the clock are crooked or broken, then you should not be deceived by the first victory, it will be followed by a losing streak that will last a whole year.
  • To translate the hands of the clock to the hour of the day in a dream means that in 19 days you will be sued.
  • If the unit on the watch dial stands out brightly, then you will win the case, but if it is written clumsily or carelessly, then you will be a loser, and within a year you will have to clear up this mess.
  • Why do you dream of a digital wall clock on which 00:01 is displayed means that in reality you will enter into an argument with your inner circle and after 64 days you will make an important discovery.
  • If the clock is 01:00, then be prepared for the fact that they will slander you - do not be discouraged, in a month the situation will clear up and everything will fall into place again.
  • You look at the electronic clock and from the numbers displayed on the scoreboard, by adding up you get the number "1", this indicates that in reality you will have to reconsider your goals, they are outdated and you will have to abandon them. This is an interpretation of what images are dreaming of.
  • For women, a dream in which they easily add up the numbers on the clock and get a unit predicts easy and quick victories on the love front. This is 20:08, 21:07, 09:10 and so on. If in a dream you experience difficulties with calculations, then in reality, self-doubt and self-doubt will prevent you from achieving success in your professional and personal fields.

Meanings of dreams with the number "2" on the clock

  • Looking at a wall clock in a dream and seeing that the number “2” stands out brightly on them means that you are going to be invited to some important event. If it takes place two weeks after you dream about the clock, then as a result you will receive a lot of interesting offers and will be able to choose what business to take on.
  • Looking at an electronic clock in a dream and seeing the time on the scoreboard, which, as a result of adding the numbers that make it up, gives a deuce, means that you have lost sight of something important to you, and therefore are temporarily out of the game.
  • Why do watches dream, if they show 00:02, then in 2 days you will be able to visit government agency, which you can not get into for a long time.
  • Spending 2 minutes or 2 hours on something in a dream - in 2 years you will complete the business, which you will take up in 2 days with two like-minded people. This business will be profitable, it will make you not only a financially independent person, but will also bring fame in your professional circle.

What is the dream of the number "4" on the watch dial

  • You look at your wristwatch and see that both hands point to the number "4", which means that you have become too important and solid, and this prevents you from perceiving new information.
  • If you experience at least some emotions when you look at your watch, then in life you are depressing by your inability to free yourself from the conditions and attitudes that bind you. But soon a wonderful person will appear in your life, with whom you have already glimpsed 4 times, and will help you fall out of your rut.
  • Why dream of a wall clock, on the dial of which the four stands out brightly, means that you are behaving so correctly and righteously that there is absolutely nothing to reproach you for, and therefore it is simply ... boring with you. Perhaps people see you as some kind of sinless saint.
  • If in a dream you look at the clock face and in particular at the number "4" with some fear or dislike, then in reality you are tired of being clean and having a spotless reputation, so go to your meeting and let yourself relax in cheerful company! Moreover, in 22 days you will have a great opportunity to do this.
  • But if in a dream you don’t care what’s on the clock, or you experience a feeling of joy when looking at the four, then in life you only seem to be a righteous person, in fact you are sinners and how! You just know how to throw dust in your eyes. However, advice to you: become yourself, you have already made four unforgivable mistakes!
  • You look at the digital clock and see that 00:04 is displayed on the scoreboard, then after 40 days you will get two jobs and will spin like clockwork to get as much as possible more money, since the implementation of all your plans for the next 4 months rests on a banal lack of money. If you are late somewhere, then in reality you will not be able to earn the required amount and you will have to borrow the missing money from someone from your environment.
  • If 00:40 is on the clock display, then you buy yourself a computer, car or new apartment, and the more pleasant your dream, the more satisfaction you will receive from your acquisition in reality. This is an interpretation of what images are dreaming of.
  • She dreams that some other time is indicated on the electronic clock, for example, 17:05, 23:44 and so on(when adding all the numbers, the number “4” is obtained), this means that you need to patiently wait for the results of your work, you planted a seed and watered it, nothing more is required of you - wait and do not get ahead of events. You will witness unexpected transformations in the personal lives of others. Most importantly, do not try to forcefully accelerate events and intervene in what is happening, so you will only harm yourself and do not expect anything good.
  • If you spend 4 minutes or hours on some business in a dream, then in life you will be disappointed in a friend, and this will happen in 4 weeks.

Why dream of a watch with the number "5" on the dial

  • Why dream of looking at a watch and seeing clearly only the number "5" on the dial means that you are trying in reality to look like a different person than you really are.
  • If you look at the wall clock and see a five on them, then someone from your environment is trying to throw dust in your eyes. Perhaps this person's phone number ends with "32" or he lives on the 5th floor.
  • You look at the digital clock and see how 00:05 is displayed on the scoreboard, which indicates that you want too much in life, your ambitions are too great and conflict with the needs and plans of others. Try to moderate your ambitious desires for 5 years, only after this period you can become what you see yourself in your dreams. This is a transcript of what the clock is dreaming of.
  • Seeing in a dream a scoreboard of an electronic clock, on which 05:00 or 00:50 is brightly lit, is a period of forced downtime in business and lack of money. After 14 days, you will be able to borrow a large amount of money for long time. If you are sure that you will be able to give it away, then feel free to take the money and do with it what will benefit your business. But if there is even the slightest doubt that you will be able to give this amount, then it is better to endure a difficult period of need so as not to fall into an even more difficult situation later.
  • To see another time on the electronic display of the clock, the numbers of which, when added, give a five, for example, 17:06, 09:05 and so on, means that after 5 months you will know the real strong feeling, but it will only bring you pain, because you will love a person with whom you can never connect.

Meanings of sleep with the number "6" on the watch face

  • You look at your watch and see only a six on the dial, then you can stop doubting: you did the right thing, and if you accepted the offer that you were made 6 days ago, then in six months you will reap the benefits and praise yourself for prudence and wisdom.
  • Why dream of a watch on which the number "6" is all mangled or covered with dirt, then your actions and decisions will benefit only you, and everyone else will suffer by your mercy and because of your selfishness.
  • You see that all the numbers on the watch dial are sixes, then this is a sign from above: you take your duties too lightly, so you may not notice that an error has crept into the documents. If you skip it and don't fix it, then you won't see any bonuses, promotions, or out-of-order leave. So be vigilant and try to focus your attention on the 15th and 14th of this month. In addition, the whole of June will be tense and troublesome for you, do not relax if you do not want problems at work. For schoolchildren, this dream promises the fulfillment of their desire if they complete the work they started 14 days ago.
  • You look at your wristwatch and see that both hands point to the number "6", then in 6 days you will become the owner of knowledge that will help you achieve what you secretly dream of. For women, this dream promises a complete victory in love due to the fact that they learn the secrets of their rivals and can use them to their advantage. But if the glass on the wrist watch is cracked, then the rivals will not doze off either and will strike a strong blow.
  • Seeing an electronic clock display in a dream is a warning to you. Pay attention to the time that is displayed on it - this is symbolic. Let's say 00:06 - you made a mistake in a love affair, but oddly enough, your miscalculation will serve you well and bind you and your loved one even stronger.
  • According to the dream book, if you see that 06:00 is displayed on the clock display, then be prepared for the fact that after 51 days you will unexpectedly accomplish a real feat and find yourself in the spotlight. Perhaps articles about you will appear in all the central newspapers, and your face will flicker for several days on all channels of the local body. Try with honor to pass the test of glory and not be arrogant.
  • Why dream of seeing 17:34 on the scoreboard - to hard physical labor. For girls, this dream predicts the danger of overwork and a protracted illness.
  • If any other time is displayed on the clock display, which, as a result of adding all the numbers, gives a six, for example, 24:00 or 18:33, it means that you work too much, your body will soon fail if you do not spare yourself and give a good rest for your mind and body. Go to nature, relieve yourself of stress.

Meanings of dreams with the number "7" on the clock face

  • Looking at a wristwatch in a dream and seeing that there is only one number on the watch dial - “7” - this is your creative nature making itself felt.
  • If you are sad that all the other numbers on the clock are missing, then in life you have just accepted one offer that worries you extremely, because you are unsure of your abilities and capabilities.
  • If you don’t care or are even pleased that there is nothing else on the clock face other than “7”, then this means that you are ready to make every effort and talent to do what you were offered. In any case, after 16 days you will receive the first result and understand whether you have taken up your business.
  • If 07:00 is displayed on the electronic clock display, this means that in the next week you will be able to conquer the peaks of parnassus or shine on stage.
  • You see that on the wall clock both hands point to the number "7", then after 88 days an important conversation will take place for you, during which you will decide on a serious operation or move to another city.
  • Why dream of an electronic clock on which 00:07 is displayed means that a person you barely know hates you. Perhaps it is precisely because you do not perceive him as an enemy that you run the risk of falling into the trap he has prepared. To prevent this from happening, be careful on the 7th, 16th and 25th of the next month.
  • If any other time is lit on the clock, which consists of numbers, when added together forming a seven, then the entertainment that you have been dreaming of for 7 months is waiting for you in reality.

The meanings of dreams with the number "8" on the clock face

  • You look at your wristwatch and notice only the number “8” on them, then this is a symptom of an approaching ill health.
  • If, apart from the figure eight, there is nothing on the watch dial, no numbers, no arrows, then you will be sick hard and for a long time, you will have to take a long vacation and leave 80 kilometers from your current location. This is an interpretation of what images are dreaming of.
  • You look at the wall clock and see that both hands point to the number "8", which means that you can count on friendly help and participation in your affairs of everyone who is dear to you. Especially important for you will be the advice of a person who is 8 or 17 years older or younger than you.
  • You hear the clock strike 8 times or the cuckoo calls the same number of times, then in reality you can show your artistic gift and become famous for your wonderful performance on stage. This dream is especially good for students of the theater department - he tells them that they have chosen the specialty quite right.
  • You look at the digital clock and 00:08 is displayed on the scoreboard, then after 8 days a serious change will take place in your life, one of the people you love will go to jail. Be prepared for this test and don't get discouraged.
  • According to the dream book, if you see 01:07 on the electronic clock, then know that your fate depends on the person you met on July 1 last year. If you are currently in a quarrel with him, then urgently put up!
  • If 00:17 is displayed on the clock display, then someone from your environment, who is 17 years old, has serious problems. Perhaps these are your children or sisters and brothers. Help them, because it is difficult for them to deal with the problems that have fallen on them alone.
  • Why dream of 00:26 highlighted on the scoreboard means that in life you are connected by common interests with a person who is 26 years old, or you have been friends with him for 26 years. Perhaps in the near future you will have to do what you love with this person.
  • You see that on the electronic watch any other time, which, as a result of adding all the numbers that make it up, gives an eight, for example, 17:00 or 19:34, then in reality you will languish from boredom and look for an opportunity to meet unusual people or do an original business .

Meanings of dreams with the number "9" on the clock face

  • It is good to see an ordinary wall clock, on which a nine stands out brightly, which means that in reality you will take a risky step and do something that no one expects from you.
  • If both hands of the clock point to nine, then in nine weeks the long-awaited guests will come to you or you will receive news that will give you all the trump cards and allow you to win an honorable victory over competitors and rivals.
  • Why do you dream of an electronic clock that shows 09.00 or 00.09 means anxious waiting: do nothing until you receive a notification that it is time to act.
  • If the electronic clock shows 09:09, then you should think about the means by which you are going to achieve your goal.
  • If the electronic watch is broken, then do not hesitate, if you get down to business now, then soon you will have a lot of money.
  • Why do you dream of a cuckoo clock and hear how the bird says its “cuckoo” nine times, it means that in reality you will fall out of the common cause. If the voice of the cuckoo in the clock is sonorous, then after a certain time you will return to business, you just need rest. If the cuckoo in the clock has a hoarse voice, then you will be bypassed and squeezed out, you will lose your place at work, and a split will occur in the family.