DIY cork board from scrap materials. How to make a corkboard on the wall Reminder wall

Can you boast an excellent memory? For example, remember about a heap of current and future affairs, especially with a limited time frame ... Or it is easy to remember important information ... And also do not forget about the requests of your friends and loved ones ... Your memory may not be "girlish", but sometimes annoying crashes. And I also want to keep the necessary little things in a conspicuous place and be able to find them easily.

Today we will discuss this issue and offer a very useful tool: a collection of various whiteboards and trivia.

Most of them are options for children's and youth rooms, but the idea itself is good for both a home office and a kitchen.

We liked this idea because of its colorfulness, convenience and variety of options. For a home office, this is ideal for saving desk space and keeping things tidy. And he quickly teaches children to correct organization.

Check out examples of whiteboards and find something for yourself, or - for the nursery!

Generally, for these purposes, mankind has long invented all kinds of "sclerosis" (diaries) and telephone books. But you know where the road is paved with good intentions. Therefore, we often write information on what comes to hand, and it's good if this special sheets for the record.

But once their number exceeds the critical limits, and it is no longer possible to figure it out: it is high time to throw something away, and transfer something to permanent place(for example, a phone that will still come in handy sometime). But we will not teach you the correct organization and order: for this, both we and on other sites have special articles. Today we are talking about a specific convenient tool: in all its diversity.

There are many options for children and youth here for one reason: it is a very easy way to teach children to properly organize their life and study. Reminder boards can be factory-made, but for the sake of economy, it makes sense to make them yourself. The ideas in the photographs that you will see in this gallery are not that difficult: consider everything in detail and create the same comfortable gadgets on one's own.

All photos are divided into several categories:

1) options for different content - according to the functions of the board;
2) examples of original forms;
3) ideas for additional or basic decor;
4) the location of the boards-reminders in the space of the children's room.

What your whiteboard and trivia might look like:

A reminder board can be a single whole or consist of pieces, like a patchwork, individual parts are simply attached side by side to a single base. There are many variations: wall or tabletop, of any size - from 30x30 cm to 1.0x1.5 m, shape - depending on your imagination. Place the board next to the desk or in any other place convenient for you.

If you decide to make a whiteboard with your own hands, you may need:

Hardboard for a rigid base

Pieces of material with perforations (holes) and hooks for hanging small items - you can look for them in firms that manufacture commercial furniture

Small pieces of natural cork - easy to attach papers to using buttons

Lightweight plastic or aluminum containers for small items that can be attached double-sided tape or glue to the board

Envelopes from thick cardboard or fabric (it is also convenient to fold bundles of sheets in them)

Mini shelves for small items that can be attached to or near the bottom of the board

Rigid frame to combine parts of your patchwork into a single composition

A special material on which you can make inscriptions, such as a blackboard (mini-versions can be found in stores for children)

Fabric, synthetic winterizer, ribbons (or a wide decorative elastic band) and buttons (or other mini-decor) - for "soft"volumetric board: more on this in the mini-course"With your own hands."

Unusually shaped noteboards:

When it comes to a nursery or youth room, come up with a shape that will appeal to your child. And for yourself, in addition to hobbies, you can also focus on the style of the room where it will be located (home office, kitchen, hallway).

How to decorate your whiteboard:

You can start by choosing a spectacular material, or make a laconic version, and then supplement it with interesting little things. Or, in general, leave it at the discretion of the child (let him decorate it on his own), if we are talking about a children's room.

It's great to have a surface in your home where you can attach notes, reminders, or photos. This not only helps to remember and mark things, but also fills the house with coziness.

Some people use a refrigerator for these purposes, but really good choice- cork board on the wall. It performs various functions: standard reminders, important news and notes, a place for children's drawings or family photos. Making a corkboard with your own hands is very easy!

In contact with

Why are cork boards needed?

What role do dashboards and why are they needed? It is no secret that there are different memories: visual, auditory, etc.

So when a person regularly sees something in front of his eyes, be it a reminder to buy bread or a note about an important presentation, he is less likely to forget it. DIY note board can be used:

  • in the office - cork covering, enclosed in aluminum profile is a great vehicle for posting announcements, workflow changes, motivational quotes and urgent staff messages;
  • at home - an easy option for posting important messages, news, requests and cute home photos;
  • as a motivational tool - located in working area and is filled with pictures and quotes that allow you to work more efficiently;
  • in the workshop - with hooks and fabric pockets around the perimeter as an organizer for small items.

There are many ways to use such a panel. It takes up little space, but it is practical and makes the room more comfortable. Making it yourself is not at all difficult, although the ikea cork board is also a great option!

Cork advantages

Attention!Cork board on the wall is an ordinary wooden thin sheet consisting of compressed cork.

They are different sizes from 45x60 cm to 90x120 cm. The soft surface of the veneer makes it easy to inject buttons or needles into it, with the help of which sheets of paper and photos are attached.

A cork board for notes has a number of advantages that distinguish it from all other information devices, in particular a magnetic surface. Among the advantages cork board:

  • simple appearance allow you to arrange it in different styles;
  • natural ecologicaly clean material;
  • small weight;
  • resilient and elastic surface;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistant to fungi and chemicals;
  • shockproof;
  • puncture sites shrink quickly;
  • long service life.

The cork board is the most good option information stand design, which can be decorated in different styles and used for completely different purposes. How to make a note board?

DIY note board

Ikea cork board is not very expensive, but how much more enjoyable it is to make it yourself! Of course, this will require some effort and investment, but made with your own hands it will delight much more than what you bought. How to make a cork board?

This will require:

  • plywood - 1 sheet (size depends on personal desire);
  • cork or cork backing - the size of the plywood;
  • fabric - 2 cm more in area than a sheet of plywood (it is better to take natural fabric e.g. cotton);
  • (manual or electric);
  • furniture stapler;
  • construction knife.
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • wooden lath or - for a frame;
  • PVA and brush;

DIY note board may require a man's strong hand in the manufacturing process.

Manufacturing process simple enough:

  1. Put a sheet of plywood on the work surface, and a cork on top of it. Fit dimensions basics for the desired ones: sometimes the cork is larger in scale and needs to be cut, sometimes plywood.
  2. Plywood is easy to cut with a construction knife, just like a cork, it is enough to make a deep cut and then separate it with your hands.
  3. Glue the plywood and cork together with a gun. Here you need to be careful, sometimes the cork has a pattern or relief, but they are not needed for the stand, so they should be positioned so that there is a smooth cork on the surface.
  4. The materials are glued quickly enough, but for fidelity you can wait 1 hour.
  5. The front side is the cork and the plywood is the back.
  6. It is good to iron and steam natural fabric so that it does not have sweetness or bruises.
  7. Lay the fabric on the work surface, and put the glued panel on it so that the cork is on the side of the fabric, i.e. at the bottom.
  8. A strip of fabric should remain around the perimeter - wrap it up neatly and pin it to the plywood, i.e. with back side.
  9. The fabric should be evenly stretched, do not have folds and do not be sagging on the front side.
  10. The stand can be deployed to check the uniformity of the fabric and its appearance.
  11. On the reverse side, the fabric must be glued to the plywood.
  12. Gently and gradually chip off the fabric and coat it, and then evenly and accurately distribute it, glue it over the surface of the plywood;
  13. The glue should dry. Alternatively, you can use a furniture stapler instead of glue.
  14. The last step is frame creation... To do this, cut out parts of the frame from the rail using a jigsaw, having previously measured and made notes with a simple pencil.
  15. Glue the parts of the frame and glue it to the stand, and paint over after drying acrylic paint.

After creation, it is better to give the stand stand for a day to dry the glue and paint. How do you attach it? Finished purchased stands have special holes in the corners for fasteners. Those who made it on their own have several mounting options:

  • screws, screws or nails, but for this option you will have to make holes in the wall;
  • liquid nails, this option does not require holes in the wall, but you will have to glue around the entire perimeter;
  • Double-sided tape, but you need the strongest adhesive tape that would withstand the plywood.

Important! Instead of a homemade frame, you can use a ready-made one from an art supply store.

Creating such a panel is not only a simple process, but also a creative one, because during it you can use your imagination and make something special.

How to arrange

There are many ways to create a board like this in a creative and colorful way. It all depends on its purpose and the wishes of the owners.

You can use with the following ideas:

  1. Soft French - glue a plain cotton fabric onto the cork base, and lay a patterned braid over it and fix it. As a result, you should get a fabric panel with cells for papers and notes.
  2. A modern option for notes is to attach several paper holders to the plywood surface (stick one side, and the other should open freely). Papers, in addition to buttons, can be attached to the holder.
  3. Graphite option - paint over the stand special paint so that the surface becomes graphite. Write notes with crayons.
  4. A piece of art - an ordinary stand for notes, enclosed in a beautiful patterned frame.

Advice! In order to understand how best to arrange such an item, one should proceed from its purpose. If this is an office option, then it is recommended to do with strict options.


How to use a similar item and how to arrange it correctly? The most common ideas are:

  1. Photo album - a series of photos, placed on the panel with buttons, clothespins and strings.
  2. Reminder - bright stickers with important notes, ideas and notes that are always in front of your eyes.
  3. Children's art stand - in order not to put the drawings in a folder and not to forget, they should be attached to the stand so that everyone can see the kids' creativity.
  4. Visual tool - by placing pictures with dreams on the stand, a person launches a psychological mechanism that makes a person strive for his goal and achieve it faster.
  5. Birthday calendar- placing before the eyes of the records about the upcoming holidays, accompanying them with photo-ideas of gifts, a person excludes the option of forgetting them.

Useful video: how to make a cork board yourself

Have before your eyes bright board With reminders, cute photos and small items that remind you of a pleasant event (movie tickets, postcards, etc.), it's always great. It is not only a functional stand with important information, but also a decor item, so its design must be carefully thought out.

A cork board can be a real godsend not only for convenient placement of notes, but also how interesting decor... Whether you need space for planning, posting notes, or visualizing desires, you need to figure out how to make your own cork board. This handy accessory - decorating an empty wall - is incredibly convenient for placing small notes and photographs, drawings or wishes.

It is impossible to imagine an office, school or kindergarten without a cork board on which plans, announcements, congratulations and so on are placed. This accessory is actively gaining popularity in home use... It is worth learning what it is, and how to make a handy cork board for notes with your own hands.

Wall organizer

The material for creating a cork board is the bark of cork oak. To create a structure, you can purchase a thin base on the construction market - a rectangular sheet made of pressed cork. On ready product it is convenient to attach photos and notes, posters and various information materials using pins or needles.

The cork board can be used to create a panel of photos and children's drawings. The plane can be easily divided into sections according to the days of the week, transforming it into a convenient planner.

A creative approach will help you do it yourself from a cork board great decor using various additions and decorations. The article describes how to put your plans into practice.

Pros of cork sheet

The material from which the board is made does not look as bright and "juicy" as it could, but with design approach you will have an interesting piece of furniture. What's more, cork oak has the following properties:

  • resistance to temperature, moisture;
  • refractory;
  • does not electrify, does not collect dust;
  • resistant to fungus and chemicals;
  • durable;
  • punctures are tightened;
  • long service life.

And, perhaps, the main factor is environmental friendliness. Cork is a natural, lightweight, resilient material that does not cause allergies.

Cork board material

To create your own cork board, you will need:

  • frame;
  • a sheet of cork board;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • sharp stationery knife.

As you can see, creating a cork board requires extremely simple and available materials... Perhaps you have an old frame lying around that you can use. Restore its appearance with paint.

The material from which the frame is made can be any: aluminum, plastic or wood, as long as it is combined with overall design rooms. And if you recently had a renovation, then perhaps a sheet of cork backing remained in your bins - it is from it that the board considered in the article is made.

Master Class

  1. Most often, the cork base is sold rolled into a roll. The day before creating a cork board with your own hands, untwist it, press down with heavy objects so that the material straightens out.
  2. Measure the frame with inside, transfer the markings to the cork sheet. Clean the frame, cover with paint or varnish. Leave to dry.
  3. Cut out the required piece of cork sheet according to the markings. While the frame is drying, the measured section can be decorated with drawings, markings or paint.
  4. Frame the cork board, print some nice pictures, family photos and attach to the board with pins. On this basis, notes stick well to practical office sticks.
  5. Make some small planks, place them on the wall - they will serve bright decoration rooms created by your own hands. Cork boards look harmonious in absolutely any room: in the nursery, living room or in the kitchen.

Wine cork board

An excellent solution for wall decor will be boards made of wine corks... They are comfortable and interesting to look at, organically fit into any interior. Wine corks can be collected after a feast or purchased at a winery for a symbolic price.

The article presents several interesting ideas cork boards on the wall with your own hands, their creation will take a little time, and the result will certainly please.

If you have accumulated enough they can be used to create a cork board. First of all, inspect the craft material for traces of the drink. To get rid of stains, put dirty corks in a saucepan, cover with water and boil for about half an hour. Dry them and inspect them again. The cleaned corks can be used, the rest can be boiled again. The material used to make wine corks is waterproof and won't swell from boiling.

Here are some DIY cork board ideas.

Paving stones

You can make a cork board by placing the pieces like paving stones. Cut the cylinders lengthwise, place them on the cardboard inserted into the frame. Glue the parts onto a glue gun. In this way, you can lay out a drawing or figure.

You can lay out wine corks in any direction, according to colors and shades - it all depends on your imagination.

Round board

You can also make a board from sliced ​​wine corks. Keeping to the same thickness, cut the rounds and place them on the cardboard. To create such a board, you will need much less traffic jams.


Such a cork board is convenient for posting photos of places you have visited or would like. Transfer the approximate outline of the continents with a thin stroke onto a thick sheet of cardboard. Then place the plugs on the card by gluing them onto a glue gun. To make the card less bulky, cut the plugs in half with a sharp utility knife.

It's so easy and quick to create a cork board with your own hands - a convenient structure for posting notes and cool decor for your home.

Kirill Sysoev

Callous hands do not know boredom!


A cork board will be a real godsend for those who are used to planning things in advance, want to visualize their desires, or just have a stand to remind them about important events... Notes, pictures, announcements, small items are attached to the accessory. Such a stand is common in offices, schools, kindergartens; more and more people are hanging it at home.

What is wall cork board

The material of the accessory is cork oak bark. Cork board is a wooden rectangular sheet of various sizes (often 45x60, 60x90, 100x150, 120x90, 90x120), made of crushed pressed cork and covered with veneer. Notes, posters, information sheets, etc. are attached to the product using buttons or needles. The accessory fits perfectly into almost any interior style.

Wall-mounted cork has different functions. It can be used as standard - for notes and reminders. Often, households glue children's arts and family photos onto the accessory. It is easy to make an organizer from the stand by dividing the surface into squares - the days of the month. If you attach hooks to the lower part of the frame, you can give the item the function of a housekeeper. Creative owners of the accessory equip one side with small shelves, and leave the other for notes.

Product varieties:

  • Office board. It has a simple appearance - the cork board itself and a sturdy aluminum profile. It is often produced on a roller stand, which allows the product to be rotated.
  • Home option... Decorated with various curly frames, shelves, has different colour surface. If desired, such a stand can be upholstered on the wall with a cloth or other covering.

Material advantages

The appearance of the cork board itself on the wall is somewhat gloomy, but with the proper decor it will sparkle with new colors and will not seem boring. In addition, the tree has the following properties:

  • natural material: lightweight, resilient, elastic, environmentally friendly;
  • does not allow moisture to pass through, shows resistance to high temperatures;
  • refractory;
  • does not attract dust, does not electrify;
  • resistant to fungi, chemicals, insects;
  • he is not afraid of shocks, vibrations;
  • after punctures, the holes formed are closed almost immediately;
  • it has a long service life - it lasts for several decades.

Installation and installation features

Note board on the wall from modern manufacturers has special fixing holes at the corners. A mounting kit is almost always sold with an accessory. If you are making a stand at home, arrange loops on the seamy side. Mounting options:

1. On screws or nails. Drive or screw them into the wall at the required distance, hang up the stand. Do not make too large a gap on top between the wall and the cork sheet, so that it does not "walk" back and forth when you attach the information material.

2.Liquid nails (glue). In this case, you don't even have to make holes in the wall. Sticking is carried out as follows:

  • Degrease the surface with any detergent.
  • Apply liquid nails around the perimeter. The distance between the drops is about 5-10 millimeters.
  • Press the product firmly against the wall. It takes about 10 minutes for the glue to harden.

3.Good double-sided tape. Glue the wall around the perimeter, evenly attach the accessory to the tape.

Where to buy and how much is a board on the wall for notes

A cork note board is sold in almost any store or hypermarket for your home and office. Well-known manufacturers (Attache, TCO, IKEA, Komus) provide goods High Quality... You can also place an order from medium-sized manufacturers who offer the sheets themselves. The finished cork board on the wall has different cost... Sample price 45x60 from Attache with wooden frame is 750 rubles, with an increase in the area and improvement of characteristics, the cost rises to 2000-5000 rubles. Cork leaf is cheaper, but sold unframed.

How to make a cork stand with your own hands

It is more profitable to make a cork board on the wall yourself. It will not cost too much and will organically fit into the room you need, since you will create author's design... A cork board with your own hands is done like this.

Who would have thought that an ordinary cork would so firmly enter a person's life. And all thanks to cork oak, because it is from its bark that a lot of household items are produced today, from bottle plugs to finishing materials for floors, ceilings and various interior accessories. One of these popular items is a cork board for writing and taking notes, or rather, for their attachment and temporary storage. Such an accessory is relevant not only at home, but it is also widely used in schools, offices and other institutions. But in this article, we will look at what functions a cork board performs on a wall in a home environment. We will also find out what it is and how you can make it yourself.

Corkboard on the wall photo

Corkboard on the wall: what is it for and where to hang it?

Cork is a unique material and people love it due to its elasticity, lightness, environmental friendliness. Whatever product is made from it, it will bring warmth and comfort to the interior of any room, even if we are talking about a cork wall panel. It is very convenient to use it as an information board. True, writing directly on the cork with a marker or chalk will not work, but on the other hand, it is very easy to fix any note on it with needles or buttons. It can be more than just paper notes, information sheets or posters. But since the cork board in the interior is very often used for additional wall decor, it can also become a place for storing family photos, children's arts and various crafts made with my own hands.

Cork board for notes

Cork board on the wall photo

Where to hang the cork board in the apartment?

Depending on the size, shape and purpose, wall-mounted cork boards can be hung in almost any room. For example, in the kitchen it will become wonderful place for temporary storage of recipes or for transferring information to households. A cork board on the wall in the hallway can also be an information board, or it can act as a housekeeper. It is not uncommon to find boards with a shelf and hooks on sale.

Cork board photo

Thanks to the beautiful frame on the cork board, you can stylishly store jewelry, handicrafts in a women's workshop or ordinary stationery trifles in home office.

Wall cork board

A cork board on the wall of the corridor and the nursery, as we have already found out, can become a place for storing memorabilia made by the hands of a child.

Cork board in a frame

Modern designers have come up with the idea of ​​using cork so that it can fully fulfill the role of an information board and can be a high-quality interior decor.

Cork board

What is a cork board?

By itself, the cork looks, to put it mildly, not the most beautiful; the color and porous structure may not be suitable for any design. It's another matter if it's an office, for this there are special cork boards on sale, the only design of which is a strong aluminum profile. They are on a roller stand that allows the web to rotate and move as needed.

Home cork board always has a more attractive appearance. If the finished purchased option does not quite suit you, you can easily alter it or paint it yourself in the desired way. And you can create a whole picture out of it, if you fantasize a little with paints, and in order for everything to turn out beautifully, you can paint using a stencil.

Wall cork board

Another option for decorating a cork board involves applying fabric to its surface. It can be glued to the cork or tightened by fixing it on the back of the sheet. The selected fabric to the beat of furniture or curtains will help to harmoniously fit the board into the surrounding interior.

Cork board on the wall photo

To give decorative qualities the board will also be helped by a beautiful frame, a beautiful wood frame will turn an ordinary cork sheet into a kind of painting. Also, with the help of a frame, you can stylize this accessory to the desired interior design.

Cork board on the wall photo

A cork board on a wall sometimes may not look like a board at all, the fact is that modern designers, as already mentioned above, use cork extensively in interior design. A regular rectangle, even with a bright design, will still remain a rectangle. Therefore, today there are very original wall decorative cork products that have combined the functions of a board and have become a quality item for wall decoration. For example, a cork canvas on the wall in the form of a world map will be an original addition. stylish interior office or study. And in the living room, it can even become a memorable map of family travels around the world.

Cork panel photo

You can give the corkboard any shape you like. You can even do this with your own hands, it can be easily cut with ordinary scissors. Therefore, why not cut out a cork for the nursery in the form of a car, a rocket, or simply in the form of some interesting abstraction. In the future, it can be completely transformed by painting it in a bright, beautiful, interesting color. And you can write interesting words or simply cover with a fabric with a childish motive. The cork canvas will look original from individual pieces in the form of polygons, triangles or rhombuses. From them you can create a kind of puzzle on the wall.

Cork board on the wall

DIY cork board

Making a cork board with your own hands is not at all difficult, the main thing is to find a cork sheet of the desired format for a reasonable price. Perfect option Is a cork 10 mm thick, because even the longest needles can be inserted into it. That's just where all the difficulties begin, it is unlikely that it will be possible to buy a separate sheet, the fact is that there is only a technical cork on sale, sold in packs or rolls of 10 meters, and they stand like a ready-made cork board. Another option is a 2 mm roll cork, which is often sold in molded form. It is enough to buy 3 meters, cut them into sheets and glue them together. The thickness of the resulting 6 mm sheet is also quite enough. Well, then it's a matter of technology.

If you want a framed cork board, the easiest way is to simply insert the cork into the finished frame. To do this, take out the old image, which will be the template. We put it on a sheet of cork, circle around the perimeter and cut it out. And then just insert the cork into the frame, just do not forget to remove the glass before that.

DIY cork board

If you want to cover the cork with a cloth, then the cork sheet should be cut 2-3 mm smaller than the frame size. As for the fabric, it should be 3-4 cm larger so that it can be folded and fixed on the back of the cork panel. A The best way to attach it to the cork is the glue on the front and the studs on the back. To prevent the fabric from clinging to the needles and buttons, it is better to choose it with a sparser weaving of fibers.