Causes of leaf fall in a room lemon. Lemon leaves fall - what to do with the plant, how to save

Growing citrus fruits in an apartment at home requires a competent approach and maintenance on the part of flower growers, otherwise you can not wait for the fruits, instead, see how the lemon leaves fall and what to do in this case also remains a mystery. Content lemon tree the apartment is not so difficult, but sometimes the tree looks unsightly and gets sick, so you need to take action and treat the houseplant.

  1. Some features of cultivation indoor lemon
  2. Why Lemon Dropped Leaves - Causes and Troubleshooting
  3. Common diseases

Some features of growing indoor lemon

For the most part, citrus crops are subtropical, where favorable conditions for growth are in winter and summer. When growing a lemon tree in an apartment, it is worth remembering that in the summer you need a lot of diffused sunlight and moisture, in the fall - irrigation is reduced, while reducing the doses of fertilizing and fertilizers.

In winter, it is not always possible to create optimal conditions, so green leafy plates fall off the lemon, in some cases the tree sheds all the leaves, it happens that the leaves fall off in summer. Not everything is so sad, the situation can be corrected, but in order not to wait for all the leaves to fall off the lemon, it is necessary to find out the reasons why this happens:

  • insufficient illumination;
  • excessive and frequent watering;
  • lack of moisture;
  • poor and poor soil for nutrients;
  • dry and hot air in the apartment;

Why Lemon Dropped Leaves - Causes and Troubleshooting

The lack of light in the room where the lemon tree grows leads to the natural processes of the plant to reduce the green part. The citrus crop is susceptible to this phenomenon, as are some related plants. As a rule, at home, lemon leaf fall begins due to inappropriate or uncomfortable growing conditions. In autumn and winter, you should increase the lighting time, for example, using seedling lamps or placing a pot of lemon near a south-facing window.
Excessive moisture leads to wetting and acidification of the soil, which acquires a dense structure, oxygen practically does not circulate in it and access to the roots is sharply reduced, various processes of decay begin. Small roots begin to gradually die off, biological processes are disturbed, as a result of which the lemon turns yellow and sheds leaves.

Insufficient moisture leads to the drying of the soil, the roots die off, useful microelements are not in the green part, so you can often see a picture that a lemon has shed its leaves in summer. The tree enters into stress, begins to actively get rid of the leaves in order to somehow preserve the available moisture. Lack of watering is especially dangerous for young plants than for lemons five years old and older, which have a much larger moisture reserve. In addition, after a long drought, abundant watering will stress the lemon, so dropping leaves in this case is the norm.

In order to prevent yellowing of foliage and subsequent dropping, you need to know how to properly care for a lemon at home. Avoid sudden changes in temperature, do not dry out the earth, water as needed. If for some reason the earthen lump in the pot with lemon is dry, water gradually, without flooding, in small doses at intervals of several hours. After a day, gradually increase the volume of water to normal until all the soil is saturated.

Lemon actively consumes nutrients during the growing season, so soil depletion is unacceptable. Feed the tree in time using special complexes for citrus fruits. You should not resort only to top dressing of organic origin, prepared by yourself, citrus needs a balanced composition of elements. If, of course, you are confident in the quality and usefulness of the prepared home-made fertilizer and the lemon blooms, smells and bears fruit, then feel free to feed. The lack of trace elements (boron, zinc, molybdenum, etc.) leads to the fact that the leaves of the lemon turn red, turn yellow, turn brown, dry out at the edges and crumble.
Dry and hot air at home is not suitable for cultivating lemon. Insufficient humidity, high temperature only contribute to the dropping of leaves. Move the lemon away from the apartment batteries in winter or hang the radiator thick cloth, regularly spray the green mass from the spray bottle. Don't forget the shower that loves lemon so much.

As for low temperatures, you should not keep a lemon in a room where the degree drops below + 10 ° C. otherwise, you can see leaf fall. This difficulty arises for the owners of winter greenhouses, where it is not always possible to regulate the air temperature. citrus tree you should not leave it in drafts, so that later you don’t wonder why the lemon tree turns yellow ...

Common diseases

Leaves can crumble when a lemon is affected by fungal infections or pests. The most common source of the problem can be aphids and spider mites, as well as the disease - gommosis, causing yellowing and dropping the green mass of the tree.

Use Fitoverm, wipe with soapy water or buy Aktara, which is practically odorless and will perfectly relieve the plant not only of aphids, but also scale insects. Dilute 1 g of the drug in a liter of water and spray the lemon.


Lemon belongs to the subtropical culture. This citrus loves warmth, sun and moisture. However, during the cold season, the lemon tree requires less watering and nutrients. such exotic plant, like a lemon, often face various problems. One of them is associated with leaf fall.

Causes of leaf fall in indoor lemon

There are many factors that cause this disease:

  1. Lack of light and moisture or excessive watering.
  2. Leaves fall off due to nutrient deficiencies. An urgent transplant of the plant into fresh soil is required.
  3. too high or low temperature in the House.
  4. The plant sheds leaves when the temperature drops or from drafts.
  5. The development of fungi and bacteria on the leaves. This can happen with excessive watering and spraying the leaves during the cold season.
  6. The appearance of tubercles on the leaves along the veins. This indicates an infection of the plant with a scale insect (false shield). These sucking pests suck the juice from the leaves, after which they fall off.
  7. Leaf damage spider mite. These pests also feed on plant sap. Often the leaves are simultaneously affected by fungi.
  8. Scab is characterized by the appearance of small tubercles on the leaves. This leads to their deformation, destruction and subsidence.
  9. Bacterial cancer of the plant is characterized by the appearance of small watery spots on the underside of the leaves. In the epidermis of the leaf, malignant tumors resembling a sponge grow. This often occurs with excessive watering and spraying.
  10. Read the article "" and learn how to properly care for a tree so as not to bring it to problems.

Ways to fight and preventive measures

In the cold season, due to a decrease in natural light, the lemon tree may undergo excessive leaf fall. Therefore, in autumn and winter, the plant should be placed closer to the light, or special lamps with LEDs and a reflector should be used for illumination.

Excessive soil moisture causes rotting of the substrate, inhibits the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the root, which also causes yellowing, disease and leaf fall.

Detrimental to lemon and lack of moisture. Dry soil slows down the flow of sap in the plant and leads to the death of the root system. Leaves lose turgor, dry leaves appear on them brown spots and soon they fall off. No less harmful to the lemon and dry air. Often this causes folding and yellowing of the leaves.

Excessive dryness of the soil requires certain measures to be taken when watering a lemon. It is impossible to moisten the soil too abundantly after a long drought. This has an adverse effect on the development and growth of the plant. The lemon tree does not like "stressful" situations and in these cases sheds leaves. Therefore, you should not bring the soil to excessive dryness, and then fill it with water. It is necessary to constantly maintain the soil in a moderately moist state. If the earth is still dry, moistening is carried out with small portions of water for two to three days, until the entire soil is completely saturated.

Lemon leaves also fall off due to a lack of minerals in the soil. They should be added periodically. Among organic fertilizers There are three most important ones necessary for a plant: nitrogen, potassium and phosphate. Also, the leaves will begin to fall off due to a deficiency in the soil and trace elements such as selenium, zinc, molybdenum, iron, manganese and others. Fertilizers must be applied to the soil at least once every 5 months. And microelements feed the plant once a month.

Preventive measures

The high temperature in the house and dry air in a room heated in winter negatively affect lemon leaves. To avoid falling leaves, you need to follow these recommendations of flower growers:

  • A flowerpot with a lemon tree should not be placed near hot radiators.
  • Spray lemon leaves on both sides with water.
  • It is useful to periodically arrange a warm shower for the plant.

V winter time, if conditions permit, the lemon tree can be kept in a room with a lower temperature than in the room. However, do not forget that at + 10 ° C or less, the plant may begin to fall leaves.

If the cause is pests

The spider mite causes significant damage to citrus trees. He settles at the base of the leaves and feeds on their juice. You can find it on the characteristic web. If measures are not taken against this pest, the leaves on the tree will soon turn yellow, curl and fall off. Used to fight ticks special means. One of them is the drug Fitoverm. You can use sulfarid paste. Flower growers recommend dousing the crown of small lemon trees hot water.

The aphids that have settled on the lemon should be fought using the Tanrek remedy. This small insect quickly occupies all parts of the tree. The pest feeds on juice, which leads to deformation, drying and falling of the leaves. For prevention, it is recommended to wash the crown of the tree with hot water. Often in the fight against aphids, a solution of green tea is used. Effectively destroys this insect and garlic infusion. To do this, the garlic is crushed and poured with water. Three days later, the lemon tree is sprayed with this infusion.

Sometimes it is very difficult to determine the disease of a plant. In this case, it is recommended to use a complex preparation. There are a lot of them on the market today. Here is not the whole list of effective fungicides: Effector 70WG, Score 250 EC, Quadris, Antrokol and Fundazol.

To prevent the occurrence of pests and the development of diseases, the lemon should be inspected daily, the crown should be washed with soapy water once a month, and a warm shower should be given to the tree once a week.

Growing citrus fruits in city apartments is no longer surprising - they do not just serve ornamental plants, but also delight their owners with crops. Perhaps the most popular exotic can be called a lemon. Like any representative flora, this tree sometimes feels unwell - let's figure out why the leaves of a lemon fall and what to do in this case.

Lemon leaves fall - the reason for leaving

If homemade lemon sheds leaves, this indicates that there are factors that provoke discomfort. Immediately you need to think about what exactly has changed in the environment and caring for the plant. There are a number of standard reasons why a lemon sheds leaves:

  1. Drafts and sudden changes in temperature from normal to low or high. It is optimal to keep the air in the winter months at 17°C, and in the summer at 22°C.
  2. Low air humidity, for example, in hot summers or during the heating season, can also serve as a provocateur of the disease.
  3. Over-watering can be detrimental to lemons.
  4. Lemon also reacts negatively to excess fertilizer.
  5. Another reason why a lemon sheds leaves lies in sudden changes. For a lemon, the usual rearrangement from a bright place to a dark one, from a balcony to a room, etc. can become stressful. Leaves may fall due to transplantation, which is why lemons are initially planted in spacious flowerpots designed for plant growth.

Lemon leaves fall - the reason is pests

In most of the above cases, the lemon sheds its leaves quickly, preventing them from losing their appearance, if the lemon leaves gradually turn yellow and fall off damaged, then the matter is most likely in diseases or. With excessive spraying in the cold season, the lemon becomes a breeding ground for fungi and bacteria - as a result of which the leaves begin to rot. Pests are evidenced by tubercles and growths like warts, spots of a different nature, ruptures of leaf tissues. Over time, diseased leaves fall off.

Lemon sheds leaves - what to do?

It is clear what to do if a lemon sheds leaves as a result of an illness - according to characteristics Diagnose and treat with pest control sprays or fungicides. Another question is what to do if a lemon dropped its leaves for no apparent reason. It is too early to say that in this case the plant died. Lemon may well recover if it is not tested for strength with fertilizers, active watering and other experiments. To begin with, exclude drafts and extremes in temperature regime, water the plant no more than once a week, just to keep the soil from drying out, do not rush with fertilizers - they are only good for healthy plant. If rearrangements have been made, return the plant to its original place and be patient.

Exotic plants grown on the windowsill have not surprised anyone for a long time. Most often, lemons are grown at home. Under adverse conditions, he gets sick. Lemon ailments can manifest themselves in different ways: sometimes it sheds its leaves, and sometimes the leaves turn yellow and curl up. Those who have been breeding plants recently do not know the reason why the leaves fall, and what to do in such a situation. Before resuscitation of the plant, it is necessary to understand the causes of the onset of the disease.

A common lemon problem is leaf loss.

Why did the lemon tree suddenly shed its leaves

Citrus trees come from the subtropics, where there is a certain mild climate without temperature fluctuations and high illumination. all year round. Therefore, all varieties of lemon are very sensitive to temperature changes and changes in lighting when kept at home. It is often difficult for novice gardeners to comply with all the necessary conditions, so the plant can get sick. Lemon malaise is expressed in dropping part of the foliage or the entire green crown, and the leaves may also turn yellow or curl into a tube. There may be several reasons for the appearance of such symptoms:

  1. Insufficient lighting.
  2. Excessive soil moisture.
  3. Insufficient watering.
  4. The soil has run out of nutrients.
  5. The air in the room is too dry and hot.
  6. The plant is frozen, the room temperature is too low.
  7. Sharp temperature changes.
  8. Homemade lemon feels bad because of the transfer to a new place.
  9. Transplanting a plant into a new pot negatively affects the crown.
  10. Excess fertilizer.

If you want to understand why lemon leaves fall, you need to pay attention to several basic factors. In addition to checking the soil for moisture and pests, it's worth checking the humidity and temperature in the room where the lemon is growing. A combination of several factors may add up to the reason why the leaves have fallen.

Leaves may fall from dry air

Effect of lighting

In dendrology, it is customary to use the concept of "conditionally deciduous plant" for indoor lemons. This means that leaf fall for a lemon with the onset winter period not a natural process, but a reaction to some external stimulus.

The most detrimental factor for a plant is poor lighting, therefore insufficient daylight in winter, it is worth replenishing with artificial ones, then the leaves of the lemon will not crumble and turn yellow.

There are several ways to improve the illumination of a lemon in winter:

  1. Place the plant on the south window, away from the battery and other heating elements.
  2. It is best to arrange several mirrors around the lemon. So the plant from all sides will receive enough sunlight.
  3. Extend the sunny day with fluorescent lamps.

If green shoots, leaves and flowers fall off a lemon, and improved lighting does not help, then the cause should be looked for in another factor.

Lack of light in winter can lead to shedding of leaves

Over watering

One of the reasons why lemon leaves fall is the acidification of the soil, which occurs when the plant is over-watered. With an excess of moisture, the soil in the pot becomes dense, poorly passes oxygen. The lack of air has a detrimental effect on the plant itself, it is under stress. Small roots-capillaries begin to die off gradually. The tree receives little nutrition and does not have enough strength to provide the entire crown and new shoots. useful substances. Therefore, young shoots can dry out, and part of the crown can fly around.

Insufficient watering of the plant

Harmful to the lemon tree and insufficient watering. If the gardener notes that the leaves of the tree are gradually turning yellow, twisting, falling down, then the reason for this is the drying of the earthy coma. The lack of moisture entails the death of small roots and the inability to absorb nutrients from the soil. The plant falls into a state of stress, the movement of juices in its tissues slows down. In this state, the lemon has nothing to feed the upper shoots and leaves, so it gets rid of part of the crown.

If lemon long time not watered, then you can not immediately fill the soil with water. Such sudden watering is detrimental to the roots no less than overflow.

Therefore, a lemon that has flown around must be reanimated gradually: it is necessary to start watering by spraying the leaves with water and a small addition of moisture to the soil; every day the amount of moisture is slightly increased.

It is the gradual soaking of the earthy clod and the increase in humidity in the room that will help to slowly, without stress for the tree, restore fallen leaves.

Watering the lemon should be moderate, but regular.

Soil depletion

Summer is the period when the lemon tries to release as many shoots as possible. For active growth, nutrients are needed that the plant takes from the soil. Minerals have nowhere to come from in the soil just like that, so you need to regularly feed.

For indoor lemon, several types of fertilizers are needed: nitrogen nutrients, phosphates and baits based on potassium salts. In addition to them, humus and trace elements (zinc, iron, cobalt) are often added to the soil. A lack of one of the micronutrients causes the lemon to drop leaves and show signs of deficiency:

  • Yellowing of all leaves or the appearance of yellow spots.
  • The leaves are drooping, sluggish and dull.
  • Sometimes the shape of the sheet changes.
  • Drying of leaves and young shoots is noted.

If the reason why the lemon sheds leaves was a lack of nutrients, then restoring the old healthy appearance of the tree is easy. It is enough to add nutrients to the soil monthly according to the scheme indicated on the packaging for bait. If the lemon dropped its leaves for another reason, then you should pay attention to the climate in the room.

Potassium salts are necessary for the life of the lemon

Dry climate in the apartment

In most apartments, the air in winter is dry and warm, and this is detrimental to lemon. And if the tree stood on the windowsill next to the battery, then you can see that with the onset heating season The lemon has shed all its leaves. Such care is not suitable for a lemon, he loves wet rooms. What to do if the air in your apartment is too dry and the lemon began to dry out:

  1. Remove the plant away from heating appliances.
  2. If there is no way to rearrange the lemon from the battery, then you need to cover it with a thick blanket.
  3. Regularly humidify the room and spray the tree with water.

perfect turnkey solution there will be an installation of a humidifier in the room where the exotic plant is kept.

The plant is frozen

Low temperatures are necessary for lemon in order to successfully overwinter. But do not put it outside or on an unglazed balcony. Ideal for a plant would be a place where the air temperature does not exceed ten degrees above zero. If the temperature is too low, then after a while you can notice that the lemon has thrown off the leaves.

What to do so that the plant does not die is a paramount question. You can not immediately bring the plant into heat if it is frozen, because temperature changes will completely destroy the plant.

It is necessary to gradually increase the temperature in the room and monitor how the remaining leaves and shoots react to such a change. Protect the tree from drafts, as sudden changes in temperature will adversely affect the condition of the crown.

Lemon left on the balcony can freeze and lose leaves

Pests are one of the main causes of leaf fall.

  1. Aphid. Its presence is determined by changes in young leaves. Aphid sticks around inner part leaf and gradually it folds.
  2. Spider mite. If the lemon bloomed and the leaves fell off sharply, and cobwebs are visible on the branches, the plant is infected with a spider mite.
  3. Shchitovka. It feeds on the juices of the plant, small holes are visible on the leaves.

What to do if a lemon suddenly flew around

If the flyby is associated with poor or improper care, then it can be eliminated by changing the conditions of the plant.