When to plant garlic before winter: timing and scheme, varieties for winter planting. How to plant garlic before winter: do it right and get a large head

Winter garlic is planted before winter. It gives a harvest already in the middle of summer, while it requires practically no care. In order for garlic to successfully overwinter and take root, it is necessary to carefully select and disinfect planting material, prepare the soil and place for planting and correctly determine the appropriate planting dates.

What garlic to plant before winter

In nature, there are two types of cultivated garlic:

  1. spring(with vegetation in the summer),
  2. winter(beginning its development in autumn, wintering and giving its crop in the middle of summer).

What is the difference between winter garlic and spring garlic?

  1. Landing dates: spring is planted in spring, and winter - before winter.
  2. Storage: spring garlic is stored better than winter garlic, which is better not to be stored.
  3. Number of teeth: heads of spring garlic consist of a large number of small cloves (up to 25 pcs.), In winter varieties there are not too many (about 8) large cloves, tightly located around a dense stem.
  4. Taste: spring garlic is less pungent in taste, unlike winter garlic.
  5. Husk: the cover of spring cloves is thinner, and winter ones are “dressed” in a dense shell.

The usefulness and nutritional value of both types of garlic is unsurpassed. Therefore, the gardener should decide for himself how, when and what type of garlic to plant, depending on the purpose of cultivation, food preferences and the possibility of storing it.

Planting winter garlic

You can start landing without haste. Winter garlic is not afraid of either the first autumn frosts, or frosts, or spring cold snaps, because. its initial development it takes place deep enough in the soil. And the teeth planted in the fall do not need any care. The most important thing at this stage is proper preparation soil for planting.

Varieties of winter garlic for planting

There are two types of winter garlic:

  1. darting
  2. non-shooting.

They differ in head size, ripening time, taste. The most important difference: arrow varieties form an arrow with bulbs, which can serve as planting material in the fall. In such varieties, it is necessary to break off the arrows during growth when they reach 5 cm.

Shooting varieties of winter garlic:

  • Belorussian,
  • Lyubasha,
  • Gulliver
  • Alekseevsky,
  • Alcor,
  • Gribovsky,
  • Sail.

Non-shooting varieties of winter garlic:

  • Podmoskovny,
  • Novosibirsk,
  • Saki,
  • Broadleaf 220.

Photo: winter garlic variety Alekseevsky

Planting dates for winter garlic

Planted winter garlic in the fall. It is inappropriate to stipulate specific terms, because they depend on the climate zone.

  • Rare first frosts are not taken into account.
  • More early dates can lead to premature germination and freezing of garlic.
  • Late planting excludes the possibility of root germination and good rooting of teeth. In no case can not be planted in frozen ground.
  • During this period, planted garlic should form and take root root system, but by no means the above-ground part!
  • The soil temperature for planting is optimal within + 10-12 ° С.

Based on long-term observations, in different regions the necessary conditions are formed on different calendar dates:

  1. for the Middle lane - the end of September - the first half of October;
  2. Siberia, Ural, Far East- the end of September - the first decade of October;
  3. in the southern regions, these dates are shifted to the end of October - November.

Place for planting winter garlic

  • Garlic does not tolerate shaded areas, such as under trees or bushes.
  • Choose an open, well-lit area, preferably on a hill.
  • An excellent option is a high warm bed.
  • Lowered places are not suitable at all, tk. in spring, accumulation of precipitation or melted snow is possible here, which will lead to decay of planting material.

Soil preparation for planting winter garlic

  • For planting garlic before winter, a sufficiently deep, at least 20-25 cm, digging of the soil is necessary.
  • Beds for garlic plantings should be placed from north to south.

    Garlic does not grow well acidic soils. The best is neutral or slightly alkaline (pH 6.5-7.5). Therefore, if necessary, be sure to add a deoxidizer (chalk, dolomite flour).

    Try to avoid heavy clay soils. If there is no alternative, then add more peat and sand.

    It is advisable to prepare the site no later than a month before the planting time, because. the soil should settle well after digging, otherwise, compacting, the soil will drag the planted garlic cloves down with it. Having gone deep, they will lag behind with seedlings, grow weakened, and may die altogether.

    Before planting teeth, it is worth shedding future beds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, 1% solution, for reliability blue vitriol or Fitosporin in accordance with the instructions.

  • Preliminarily, the necessary fertilizer is applied to the soil for planting - organic or mineral.

Fertilizing the soil for planting garlic

  1. Organic fertilizer: per 1 m² - 1 bucket of rotted manure or compost, 1 cup of chalk and 1-2 cups of ash.
  2. In the absence of organic matter, it will be replaced by mineral fertilizers: for 1 m² - 20-30 g of superphosphate and the same amount of potassium sulfate or potassium nitrate.
  3. With completely depleted soils, the joint application of these fertilizers is allowed. To the above organic composition, add another 2 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. superphosphate.

Crop rotation for planting garlic

Garlic will not give a high quality crop if planted in the garden after potatoes and all onion crops, because. they are damaged by the same diseases (nematode, fusarium).

Excellent predecessors for garlic:

  • tomatoes,
  • legumes,
  • early cabbage,
  • pumpkin,
  • zucchini,
  • cucumbers.

Preparing winter garlic for planting

The heads of winter garlic have fairly large cloves. It is believed that the larger the planted clove, the larger the garlic will grow from it.

  • Before disembarkation, each clove is carefully separated from the mother's head without damaging the outer shell.
  • Then they are all sorted, the best ones are selected.
  • The largest, healthy, intact teeth in a good dense shell are selected as planting material.
  • An accidentally infected specimen can form a weak, unhealthy head, and often infect the entire garden.

Disinfection of garlic

Before planting, soak the prepared teeth in any disinfectant solution:

  1. for 30 minutes in manganese, copper sulfate, and in Fitosporin, Fundazol or in the Maxim preparation according to the instructions.
  2. Many summer residents do the old fashioned way: they use a salt solution (2 tablespoons per liter of water).

Should I remove the outer shell of the garlic before planting?

There is no unanimous opinion here.

  • Someone regularly peels the cloves, claiming that this contributes to accelerated germination roots.
  • Others, including myself, believe that this is not worth doing. Experience has shown that cleaned teeth soon begin to rot.

Planting depth of winter garlic

There is also no unanimous opinion on this issue. It depends on the severity of the winter season.

  • Some try not to deepen, planting to a depth of 3-5 cm. But this, I think, is more suitable for southern regions with warmer snowy winters.
  • In more severe conditions, incl. and in the Khabarovsk Territory, cold winters with little snow require a deeper planting to protect the teeth from freezing.
  • Sometimes, to determine the depth of planting, the height of the clove + 5 cm is used.
  • You can adhere to the classical calculation of this value: the planting depth is equal to the height of the garlic clove multiplied by 3. For example, the height of the clove is 3 cm, then you need to deepen it no less than 9 cm.

Landing pattern

  1. The best for garlic are the beds located from north to south, about 1 m wide and 25 cm high.
  2. The prepared planting material is planted in parallel rows (a stretched rope will help to make even rows) after 25 cm and a frequency of teeth in a row of up to 10-12 cm.
  3. Many gardeners prefer to plant garlic one by one, pointwise, sticking each clove separately into the prepared holes. This should be done very carefully, trying not to damage the delicate bottom.

Care after landing

  • If the ash was not applied with general fertilizer, then it is quite possible to pour it into rows or holes. From above, it remains only to fill the plantings with fertile loose soil.
  • If pre-planting soil disinfection has not been done, then now is the time to shed potassium permanganate or Fitosporin.
  • If the autumn days were dry, then 1-2 waterings should be carried out for better rooting.

Shelter plantings of winter garlic

  • In areas with harsh climate necessary condition preservation of garlic is mulching.
  • It is carried out immediately after the onset of stable frosts.
  • For mulching, sawdust, coniferous branches, straw are used.
  • From above it will not be superfluous to cover with roofing felt, film or other covering materials.

Immediately after the onset of positive temperatures in spring, the shelter must be removed, and the mulch can be left, unless it is too high. There are even ways to grow garlic in mulch.

spring care

The first step after the snow melts is to free the beds from covering materials.

  • As soon as the first seedlings come out to the surface, loosening should be carried out in order to destroy the soil crust and give air access to the roots.
  • Since the seedlings are still rather weak, feed them with nitrogen fertilizers, always in liquid form.
  • One tablespoon of urea dissolved in a bucket of water will be quite sufficient. Pour 1/3 of a bucket for every square meter.
  • Humate works great in such a solution, contributing to the development of the root system.

Further care will consist in the usual field techniques, similar for all horticultural crops: weeding, loosening and top dressing. They are recommended to be done 2-3 with a break of 2 weeks.

  1. 1st feeding in the phase of 3-4 leaves: complete mineral fertilizer with the addition of a tablespoon of urea. One bucket pours out on 3 sq.m.
  2. 2nd top dressing: The same composition, increasing the consumption. One bucket per 2 sq.
  3. 3rd top dressing: dilute in a bucket of water a tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. This amount is enough for 2 square meters.

Before fertilizing plantings, it is imperative to irrigate with plain water. Garlic is a moisture-loving crop. Therefore, each watering will be only for the good.

Do not apply fresh manure to the garlic beds. It can cause the formation of loose heads.

There are varieties that are suitable only for winter sowing (as a rule, shooters, with wide leaves), and some grow equally well in autumn and spring planting. Growing winter garlic is not difficult, but here it is necessary to meet the deadlines for planting. This moment is extremely important! Garlic planted early in autumn will have time to germinate and die in winter, planted late - will not have time to take root and safely winter. The choice of planting time before winter depends on the region, weather conditions and individual preferences of the gardener.

When to plant garlic according to the lunar calendar in September 2018

IN northern regions planting of winter garlic begins in September. It is better to do this on the waning Moon on the Days of the Root, when the night star passes through the fertile signs of the Zodiac.

By Lunar calendar, the most suitable days in September are: 1, 5, 6, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29 September.

  • new moon - 8, 9, 10 September
  • full moon - September 25

Lunar calendar for planting garlic before winter in October 2018

In October, it is already possible to plant not only garlic, but also carry out winter sowing of such root crops as carrots, beets, and radishes. Planting days all these cultures are almost the same.

The lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners recommends planting garlic on October 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 25, 26, 29, 30 October.

  • on the new moon - October 8, 9, 10 (new moons in September and October coincided)
  • full moon - October 24

How to prepare garlic for planting in the fall

To learn how to prepare garlic for planting in the fall, you need to know what a spicy vegetable is grown from. For reproduction, the following material is used:

  • Teeth. Planting material is obtained from the head, dividing it into parts. For landing winter garlic in autumn, teeth are not always beneficial, as they are quite large. To plant a large plantation before winter, you will need to use many heads;
  • Seeds. Vegetable growers also call this planting material bulbs. You can grow seeds yourself, if you do not pick arrows from the plant.

It is easier to grow a crop from cloves, but over time, you will have to start another garlic, as diseases accumulate in such planting material. With bulbs it is more difficult, but every year there will be a healthy harvest guaranteed.

Preparation of cloves for planting in the fall occurs according to the following rules:

  • Select only large intact heads. The onion is divided by hand into teeth, trying not to damage the shell;
  • Be sure to break off part of the bottom;
  • There are varieties that do not throw arrows. The bulb may consist of several rows of cloves. For planting in the fall, only the teeth of the outer first row are taken.

How to process garlic before planting before winter

Ash lye.

This is a solution wood ash, which not only disinfects planting material, but is also a valuable mineral fertilizer that improves the growth of garlic. To prepare lye for processing, 2 cups of ash are added to 2 liters of water and kept on low heat for 30 minutes. The solution is allowed to stand and cool. Then the upper transparent part is drained, in which the teeth are soaked for 1 hour.

Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate.

It is a well known antiseptic. But, in order to prevent burns, you need to use its slightly pink solution, stirred until the crystals are completely dissolved. Before planting, the teeth are kept in the solution for 1 to 3 hours, depending on the condition of the material.

Disinfectant solutions should be cool so as not to stimulate the teeth to germinate.


The action of the drug is based on the use of beneficial bacteria that destroy harmful microorganisms, spores and fungi. Most often it is used in the presence of signs of the disease, even on individual teeth that are not used for planting. The solution of the drug is prepared in accordance with the instructions and the teeth are placed in it for 30-60 minutes. The same solution can be used to disinfect the soil in the beds before planting. Fitosporin-M also has a tonic effect and improves plant growth.


This drug has the same effect as Fitosporin, so one of them is chosen for disinfection. Available in liquid form in ampoules. Usually one ampoule is designed for 1 liter of water, unless the manufacturer has provided other proportions. Processing is carried out immediately before planting for 30 minutes. The solution of the drug is used to cultivate the soil.

Copper vitriol.

Treatment with a 1% solution of the drug is carried out for 2-3 minutes. You can also first use a saline solution (3 tablespoons of salt per 5 liters of water) for 2-3 minutes, and then a solution of copper sulfate (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water).


Promotes the destruction of bacteria and fungi. Processing is carried out immediately before planting. The solution is prepared at the rate of 5-6 tbsp. l. plain table salt without additives per 10 liters of water. The teeth are kept in the solution for 2-3 minutes and, without washing, are planted in the ground.

Such simple measures for preparing garlic for planting before winter are available even to novice vegetable growers. And the result of their implementation is an excellent harvest of healthy products.

Personal experience of summer residents

When to plant garlic before winter - main question, which worries summer residents in the fall. The planting time depends on the weather conditions: autumn will be somewhat warm when the first frosts come and steady cold sets in. But we are not weather forecasters and not clairvoyants (unfortunately), nevertheless, experienced gardeners already have their own secrets, which they successfully share in newspapers and magazines, as well as on the Internet. Let's take a look?

Leonid Shapkin from the Kaluga region writes on the pages of the Dacha newspaper that he is planting garlic on September 10-15. He considers this time to be optimal for winter planting.

“It was the case, I planted it earlier - before September 10, but the garlic did not have time to sprout in the fall. Once planted in October - the garlic was all frozen. When planting, he does not press garlic into the ground, but puts his teeth in a groove, sprinkles with loose earth and mulches with rotted grass, hay. The author claims that early planting allows you to increase the yield.

Andrey Ershov from Lipetsk on the pages of the same newspaper gives the following advice on deepening the teeth:

“If you plant garlic earlier, it means you need to go deeper, later, higher. When planting until mid-October, you put the teeth in grooves 10-12 cm deep. Garlic takes root well and tolerates frost. And, it happened, he planted later - at the end of October! Then it was necessary to deepen the sponges by only 5 cm, but (necessarily!) Mulch with grass to preserve heat with a layer of at least 10 cm. So, “playing with depth”, you can vary the planting time.

The author of the video blog "Garden for the Soul" Svetlana Samoilova every year tries to have time to plant garlic before the Intercession - until October 14th. But I had to plant even on the November holidays, and the garlic pleased with the harvest. The main thing is that wild frosts do not strike, and the earth is not bound by ice. Svetlana's site is located in the Moscow region.

The author of the video blog “Whether in the garden, in the garden” Yulia Minyaeva usually plants garlic from September 20 to October 1. But, sometimes, the dates are postponed due to warm, rainy weather. Svetlana's site is located in the Moscow region.

The author of the Garden World video blog, Natalya Petrenko, starts planting garlic on October 15 and it always grows good. If garlic is planted early, feather germination can occur and the garlic becomes vulnerable to frost. When planted in the middle of the month, garlic has time to take root. The author's site is located in Nizhny Novgorod.

For this culture, the correct landing time is very important. If garlic is planted too early in the fall before winter, it will germinate, and if it is done too late, it will not have time to take root before frost. Late planting can lead not only to a significant loss of yield. You may not get it at all.

The best varieties of winter garlic

Varieties of winter garlic differ in many ways: the size of the heads, ripening time, sharpness, storage capacity. But they are all divided into 2 main groups: shooters and non-shooters. The first form an arrow on which air bulbs grow - babies. If you sow them, you can get single teeth - an excellent material for autumn planting. The second group of varieties does not have such an arrow.

Arrow varieties


A variety that gives very large head- its weight is about 180 g, some champions grow up to 240 g. There are 5 teeth in the head. The plant is powerful, together with the arrow it can reach a height of 1.5 m. It is well stored and has a rich spicy taste. The color of the covering scales is grey. The variety is resistant to Fusarium.


The head is large, the average weight is 120 g, the record weight is 250. The teeth in the head are up to 12 pcs. The covering scales are gray, the taste is sharp. This variety of garlic is also suitable for spring planting. Medium late variety.


The weight of the heads is up to 80 g. The number of teeth in it is up to 8. The scales are white with a purple tint. The taste is spicy. Early maturing variety.


The head is large, weighing up to 120 g, covered with light scales with purple veins. The taste is spicy, the number of teeth is up to 7. The ripening period is medium.


Variety for regions with frosty winters. The head has an average weight of 65 g, it has up to 6 teeth, the scales are reddish-white, the taste is slightly spicy. Mid-season variety.

Non-shooting varieties


The average weight of the head is 22 g, it is made with 6 teeth. The covering scales are pale pink, the taste is semi-sharp. The variety is mid-season.


A variety with a sharp taste. Head weighing up to 60 g, consists of 7 teeth. Covering scales are gray with purple stripes. The ripening period is mid-season.

Then plant garlic before winter?

Potatoes and all types of onions are poor precursors for garlic, as they have the same diseases with it, the pathogens of which can accumulate in the soil. Root crops and various nightshade crops are not suitable as predecessors.

Garlic works best after cucumbers and other representatives of pumpkin, cabbage (especially early white cabbage), legumes, and various cereals.

Landing dates

They depend on the region of cultivation. The following rule will help you figure out when to plant garlic before winter: garlic takes from three weeks to a month to root. It falls on a frost-free period, and, therefore, garlic should be planted 20-30 days before the onset of frost.

Early autumn frosts do not count. If the teeth are planted earlier, they will not only take root, but also give sprouts that will die in winter. For a new sprout, the clove will have little strength, and, perhaps, they will not be at all. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to count on a plentiful harvest. If planted too late, good roots will not have time to grow, in the spring the cloves will have to spend time building them up, seedlings may be late.

Planting material preparation

Only large cloves from healthy bulbs are suitable for planting.

Teeth preparation:

  • we disassemble the bulb into cloves, not forgetting to remove parts of the bottom; in non-shooting varieties, only the outer row is selected for planting; double cloves should not be planted either;
  • we reject all damaged and sick;
  • we disinfect the planting material in the preparation "Maxim" according to the instructions or in a solution of copper sulphate prepared from 10 liters of water and a teaspoon of the preparation.

Teeth should be planted immediately after disinfection.

Ground Requirements

The soil on the garlic bed must meet the following requirements:

  • be fertile, with a high content of humus - on lean soils, large heads cannot be obtained;
  • be light enough in composition, ideally, it is chernozem or sandy loam well seasoned with humus; a good harvest is also obtained on loam, but they will often have to be loosened;
  • pass air well;
  • have a neutral reaction; if the soil is acidic, it is limed in advance;
  • there should not be stagnation of water in the garden, garlic does not tolerate it, therefore it is not worth planting this crop in the lowland; the only option on too moist soils - high beds.

When choosing a landing site, you need to pay attention to its illumination. It should be maximum, in the shade the garlic will please with a green feather, but not with full-fledged heads.

Fertilizer in the preparation of the beds

A bed for garlic should be prepared at least 2 weeks in advance so that the soil settles and compacts. In too loose soil, the teeth are strongly drawn into the depth, shoots will appear later and will be uneven.

What fertilize the beds for garlic? For every sq. m contribute:

  • up to 10 kg of humus or well-rotted compost;
  • a glass of wood ash;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of superphosphate;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of potassium sulfate.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied during the first spring loosening. Since autumn, the soil is dug up to a depth of 25 cm. You can simply loosen it well with a pitchfork, choosing weed roots.

Do not add fresh manure under garlic - the heads will turn out loose and will not be stored well.

Planting scheme for winter garlic

It is better to place a row from a row in the garden at a distance of 25 cm. In a row, teeth are planted every 10 cm, large ones less often, small ones more often. The easiest way is to take a thick stick and make indentations with it at the right distance at the same level.

How deep can garlic be planted? It depends on how frosty the winters are and how much snow falls. Garlic, planted at a depth of about 5 cm, sprouts faster, but in a snowy and frosty winter it can freeze. In harsh climates, it is better to choose a planting depth of about 15 cm. The teeth are placed in the holes with the bottom down, without pressing them in, otherwise it will be difficult for them to root. The holes are filled with manure.

Experienced gardeners know that dry wintering is preferable for garlic. In our unstable climate, we are not immune from rain even in January. To protect plantings from excessive moisture and at the same time from severe freezing, you can mulch the soil with a layer of humus or leaves, and cover the garden bed with either roofing felt or film. But this is only if in the spring there is an opportunity to remove the shelter before germination. Otherwise, you will have to limit yourself to the usual mulching with a layer of 5 cm. In the spring, the mulching material is removed.

Features of care

Growing garlic in open field- the lesson is simple, but it requires consistency in the application of all methods of agricultural technology. In the spring, garlic sprouts very quickly. As soon as the first leaves appear, the soil is loosened to destroy the soil crust. At this time, plants are especially in need of nitrogen. The roots in cold soil are still poorly functioning, and the leaf apparatus is growing rapidly. This imbalance often causes leaf tips to dry out. To avoid this, we feed the garlic with any nitrogen fertilizer, but always in liquid form: art. a spoonful of urea per 10 liters of water, for each sq. m pour 1/3 bucket. It is good to add humate to the solution, it contributes to the fastest growth of roots.

In the future, 2-3 more feedings will be required with a frequency of 2 weeks:

  • in the phase of 3-4 leaves - a complete mineral fertilizer with the addition of urea - according to Art. spoon per 10 liters of water, consumption per 3 sq. m;
  • complete mineral fertilizer - art. spoon per 10 liters of water, consumption per 2 sq. m;
  • superphosphate - 1 tbsp. spoon, potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp. spoon per 10 liters of water, consumption per 2 sq.m.

Top dressing is carried out after watering. Garlic loves moisture, so it is watered regularly, but only in the first half of the growing season.

20 days before harvesting, watering the garlic is stopped.

What else needs to be done to get a good harvest?

  • Remove arrows on arrowing varieties in time - they should not grow more than 5 cm.
  • Keep the soil loose and weed-free.
  • Remove heads promptly

To date, there are two varieties of garlic: spring and winter. Between themselves, the two subspecies differ in terms of planting, as well as in agricultural cultivation techniques. Our article will tell you about how to plant garlic before winter to get an excellent harvest in next year.

Home hallmark winter varieties of garlic is that their planting, unlike spring varieties, occurs in the fall. However, in order for the planting of garlic before winter to bring desired effect, you need to know the timing of the landing of planting material.

Usually planting garlic in the fall is carried out approximately 35-45 days before the onset of frost. If you do not have time to invest in the allotted time, then the root system will not have time to develop. By the beginning of frost, it should grow by 10-12 cm.

It is possible to plant planting material of winter varieties starting from September 20. At the same time, planting winter garlic lasts until mid-October. Experts recommend waiting for the moment when the earth will seize with an ice crust at night, and thaw during the day. Therefore, in order to more accurately determine the landing time, you should check the weather forecast. You can also use the lunar calendar, determining from it the most auspicious days for this manipulation.

It is important to know when to plant winter garlic, as too early planting will cause the planting material to germinate. If the gardener was late and did not plant the cloves on time, then the planting material will not have time to take root and will freeze.

Many novice gardeners often wonder "is it possible to plant winter garlic in the spring." Yes, you can. But only on condition that not cloves, but bulbs will be used as planting material. They are sown in April. To plant shooting winter garlic in the spring, you need to prepare planting material in advance.

As you can see, for the future harvest it is very important that the planting material is planted at the right time.

After which crop is it better to plant

Crop rotation is very important point, which has a direct impact on the quality and quantity of the crop obtained at the end of the season. Indeed, after some crops, garlic grows very poorly, forming defective heads. Therefore, planting garlic for the winter should be carried out in the place where the optimal predecessors had previously grown.

Best of all, this variety grows when it is planted in the place of growth of annual vegetables that have a short growing season (for example, zucchini, pumpkin, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants). Also, cloves can be planted after berry bushes and cereals.

You can not plant garlic in the fall after root crops. This is due to the fact that they have later harvesting dates and, in the process of their growth, greatly deplete the soil, which does not have enough time to recover by the next season.

Soil selection

To plant garlic before winter, you need not only to determine the timing of this procedure, but also to choose a landing site. After all, garlic is a capricious culture that loves fertile light soils.

The site selected for the cultivation of this crop must meet the following requirements:

  • be well fertilized. The soil should be nutritious, light and accessible for penetration into its layers of air;
  • an elevated place where the situation of stagnation is excluded melt water. If moisture stagnation occurs on the site, then the risk of rotting of plant roots increases significantly. This will lead to the appearance of diseases and pests. In this case, you need to make high beds. But such a situation should still be avoided;
  • lighting beds for almost the entire day.

In order to choose the site that is optimal in terms of its characteristics in the spring, when the snow melts, you need to carefully monitor the garden and identify all the places where moisture accumulates. They definitely cannot be planted with cloves. In autumn, the chosen place should be covered with snow early to prevent freezing of planting material. As a result of observations, preference should be given to areas where:

  • snow lies long enough;
  • people and animals do not walk;
  • ice crust is formed.

When choosing a site for planting winter garlic, it is necessary to take into account the fact that during winters with little snow, planting material may freeze. This usually happens when there is no snow in the garden during severe frosts.

To prevent the development of such a negative scenario, you need to know how to plant garlic in the fall.

A good place would be a site located near the fence. At the same time, it is desirable that it be located on the north side. In this case, the shadow from the fence will allow the ice crust to remain on the surface of the earth as long as possible. At the same time, the fence will protect the beds from blowing snow.

Once the site for planting the winter garlic variety has been determined, it must be properly prepared. Without preparation, it is very difficult to get a really good harvest.

The preparation of the beds is that the site should be well dug up and fertilized. Excellent fertilizer for this culture there will be humus. You can also use complex top dressing. Fertilizers can also be applied before the direct planting of planting material. In this case, superphosphate (30 g), potassium salt (20 g) and humus (5-6 kg) should be used. In addition, the entire area, after fertilizing it, is recommended to be poured with a solution of copper sulfate.

The calculation of the amount of fertilizer applied is based on how fertile the selected area was. With a strong depletion of the land, one bucket of humus should go per 1 sq.m of the plot. by the most the best choice for garlic of this variety there will be sandy and non-acidic soils.

Preparation of the site for landing should be done in early September. After completing the preparatory procedures, the beds are covered with a film on top, which is removed before direct planting.

Landing and care rules

After we figured out when to plant garlic and in what area, you need to figure out the rules for the planting itself. It is worth noting that planting winter garlic in the spring differs from the autumn procedure in a different type of planting material, as well as technology. Garlic, planted in the spring, grows from bulbs, not cloves. When planting in the spring, weather conditions must be taken into account.

In the spring, furrows are formed for the planting material to be planted. The bulbs sit to a depth of no more than 3 cm. A distance of 2 cm is maintained between them. A free space of 10 cm remains between adjacent furrows.

To understand how to plant different varieties of garlic in the winter, you need to know the following rules:

  • planting material is planted in furrows, which have a depth of about 15-20 cm;
  • a distance of 20-25 cm is maintained between the cloves. Although there is information that there should be a distance of 12-15 cm between large specimens, and 8-10 cm between small ones;
  • coarse-grained sand is poured at the bottom of the furrow. Its layer should be 1.5-3 cm. A layer of sand will protect the planting material from decay.

In such prepared grooves we plant winter garlic in the fall. At the same time, we plant garlic in such a way that the bottom is from below. This will allow the root system to quickly begin to form. After the cloves have been properly placed in the furrow, they are covered with soil. Now you know how to properly plant garlic. However, in order to grow a decent crop, you need not only proper fit but also appropriate care.

After the planting has been completed, the ground is mulched. On top of the beds spreads a layer of dry peat. It can be mixed with sawdust and earth. To protect against cold weather, roofing material can be placed on top. Garlic leaves for the winter in this form. After that, care for the beds will be carried out in the spring.

It includes the following steps:

  • removal of roofing material and cleansing the soil from mulch;
  • arrows, which will appear at the end of June, must be broken off. They should not grow above 10 cm. Otherwise, the head will turn out to be small;
  • when the first shoots appear, nitrogen fertilizers (mullein, urea, bird droppings) are applied to the soil;
  • the second top dressing is carried out in June / July. Ash is used here;
  • abundant watering should fall on the stage of active plant growth and head formation;
  • after each watering, loosening of the earth and weeding are carried out;

As you can see, planting and caring for winter garlic is simple. Therefore, it is grown in many regions of our country.

Popular varieties of winter garlic

At the moment, there are a large number of varieties of winter garlic. Therefore, it is often difficult for gardeners to determine which variety should be planted on own site. Consider the most popular varieties garlic, which is planted for the winter.


This mid-season variety, which forms the arrows. Its growing season is about 120 days. But in the southern regions, it is reduced to 100 days.

The main advantages of the variety are:

  • frost resistance;
  • sharp good taste;
  • simple care;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • good immunity.

Komsomolets forms a large head, which has a flat-round shape. At proper care up to 1.2–1.4 kg of crop can be harvested from 1 sq.m.


Shooting mid-season variety, which has a universal purpose. Planting garlic is carried out in the fall. The plant is formed by heads that have a flattened shape. The head is covered with off-white scales on top, which are pierced by longitudinal purple stripes. On average, one head weighs about 75 grams. It has 8 teeth. They have a sharp taste and brown color.

Among the advantages of this variety, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • stable fruiting;
  • universal purpose of garlic;
  • high quality crop;
  • good taste;
  • excellent immunity.

Petrovsky today is actively grown on the territory of Russia, Moldova, Ukraine.

Gribovskiy 60

Another great variety winter garlic is Gribovsky 60. It is planted for the winter. The variety forms an arrow. The first shoots appear in early spring. Planting well tolerate even severe frosts. The taste is spicy. One head contains approximately 11 cloves.

From this video you will learn how to plant garlic before winter.

Over the centuries, there have been two main ways of growing garlic:

  • winter (planted in autumn, before winter),
  • spring (planted in early spring).

There are varieties that are suitable only for winter sowing (as a rule, shooters, with wide leaves), and some grow equally well in autumn and spring planting. Growing winter garlic is not difficult, but here it is necessary to meet the deadlines for planting. This moment is extremely important! Garlic planted early in autumn will have time to germinate and die in winter, planted late - will not have time to take root and safely winter. The choice of planting time before winter depends on the region, weather conditions and individual preferences of the gardener. In this article, we will try to give comprehensive information on the timing, analyze various printed sources, look at the Folk and Lunar calendar, and turn to the personal experience of gardeners and gardeners. Join, it will be interesting 😉

  1. Terms recommended in the literature.
  2. Favorable dates according to the lunar calendar for 2018.
  3. From personal experience gardeners: When garlic is planted before winter in different regions of Russia.
  4. Recommendations for planting garlic in the fall.

The authors of the books say...

At the very beginning, let's see: And when to plant garlic "according to science"? We have studied, leafed through all the country literature available in the home library, and are ready to summarize:

“Typically, winter varieties of garlic are planted in the fall, and if you plant them at other times of the year, the harvest will turn out to be meager. In the Central Non-Black Earth Region of Russia (Middle Belt, Moscow Region), it is recommended to plant garlic in the third decade of September, i.e. at the end of the month ( source: the book "Onion and garlic in the garden").

— In another source ( The garden book. Practical Tips» ) the following period is indicated for planting garlic before winter: from September 15 to October 10.

- There is also such a landmark - garlic is planted 3 weeks before hard frost. By this time, the cloves are rooted, but the leaves do not have time to germinate.

- In one of the newspapers "Arguments and Facts" they write: it is necessary to plant garlic 1.5 months before the onset of frost, so that the teeth have time to take root, but not germinate ( in Central Russia - in October).

- In the middle lane, the optimal time for planting winter garlic with dry teeth - from September 25 to mid-October. Later dates (closer to November) are dangerous because the garlic may not have time to take root and freeze ( source: magazine "1000 tips for summer residents").

- Garlic is usually planted before winter from September 15 to October 1 (source: the book "All about vegetables", author Timofeeva S. F.).

best term autumn planting of garlic mid September, spring planting - from April 25 to May 5 ( source: book "70 types of vegetables in the garden", author Shuin K. A.).

- For Siberia, the optimal landing time is considered end of September - beginning of October: the teeth will take root, but the growth of the leaves will not begin ( source: book "In Siberia - always with vegetables").

According to most sources, the end of September is the most optimal time for planting garlic before winter. Before the onset of stable cold weather, he will have time to build up a powerful root system necessary for a successful wintering. BUT in the first half of September you need to have time to prepare the beds for its planting: dig, loosen the ground, apply any autumn complex fertilizer or organic matter, wood ash.

Why such terms?

Weather late September - early October contribute to the rapid rooting of garlic. Soil temperature and moisture are just right for the plant to come out of dormancy and the root system to begin to develop.

Plants planted on time develop well, successfully endure wintering, and in spring they actively germinate.

Teeth germinate already at a temperature of 3-5 degrees. Rooted winter garlic can withstand frosts up to 25-30 degrees. And those cloves that did not have time to take root freeze out at frosts of 10-15 degrees.

Lunar calendar: When to plant garlic before winter in 2018?

Unfortunately, the Folk Calendar for September and October does not give us advice on when to plant garlic. Therefore, we immediately move on to the Lunar calendar for 2018. Again, let's look at a few sources.

  • September 27, 28, 29,
  • days from 2 to 7 October,
  • days from 12 to 17 October,
  • 25 and 26 October,
  • 29 and 31 October,
  • November 1 and 2,
  • 9 and 10 November.

The days of the New Moon and Full Moon are unfavorable for planting all plants:

  • September 9 and September 25, 2018,
  • October 9 and October 24, 2018.
  • November 7 and November 23, 2018.

Calendar summer resident magazine "My favorite cottage" liked the fact that he names favorable and unfavorable days for planting all crops (including garlic), according to the phases of the moon:

Auspicious days for planting all crops in September 2018:

  • September 1,
  • September 5 and September 6 (until 14:00),
  • September 13 - 14,
  • from 27 to 29 September inclusive.

Auspicious days for planting all crops in October 2018:

  • October 2 and 3,
  • October 10 and 11,
  • 25 and 26 October,
  • 29 and 30 October.

Unfavorable days for planting all crops in September 2018:

  • from September 6 (after 14:00) to September 9 inclusive,
  • from 20 to 22 September inclusive,
  • September 25th.

Unfavorable days for planting all crops in October 2018:

  • October 4 and 5,
  • October 9
  • from 17 to 19 October inclusive,
  • October 24
  • October 31.

Planting garlic in November:

Thanks to blog reader Irina, household plot which is located in the Ryazan region, we learned that under favorable weather conditions, planting garlic is possible in early November. If you also had to plant garlic in November, the lucky days according to the lunar calendar for planting it will be: November 2, 8, 9 and 10.

Personal experience of summer residents

When to plant garlic before winter is the main question that worries summer residents in the fall. The planting time depends on the weather conditions: autumn will be somewhat warm when the first frosts come and steady cold sets in. But we are not weather forecasters and not clairvoyants (unfortunately), nevertheless, experienced gardeners already have their own secrets, which they successfully share in newspapers and magazines, as well as not on the Internet. Let's take a look?

  • Leonid Shapkin from the Kaluga region writes on the pages of the Dacha newspaper that he is planting garlic on September 10-15. He considers this time to be optimal for winter planting. There was a case, I planted it earlier - before September 10, but the garlic did not have time to sprout in the fall. Once planted in October - the garlic was all frozen. When planting, he does not press garlic into the ground, but puts his teeth in a groove, sprinkles with loose earth and mulches with rotted grass, hay. The author claims that early planting allows you to increase the yield.
  • Andrey Ershov from Lipetsk on the pages of the same newspaper gives the following advice on deepening the teeth: "If you plant garlic earlier, it means you need to go deeper, later - higher." Landing until mid October he lays the teeth in grooves 10-12 cm deep. Garlic takes root well and tolerates frost. And, it happened, he planted later - at the end of October! Then it was necessary to deepen the sponges by only 5 cm, but (necessarily!) Mulch with grass to preserve heat with a layer of at least 10 cm. So, “playing with depth”, you can vary the timing of planting.
  • The author of the video blog "Garden for the Soul" Svetlana Samoilova tries to plant garlic every year to Pokrov — until October 14. But I had to plant even on the November holidays, and the garlic pleased with the harvest. The main thing is that wild frosts do not strike, and the earth is not bound by ice. Svetlana's site is located in the Moscow region.
  • The author of the video blog “Whether in the garden, in the garden” Yulia Minyaeva usually plants garlic from September 20 to October 1. But, sometimes, the dates are postponed due to warm, rainy weather. Svetlana's site is located in the Moscow region.
  • The author of the Garden World video blog, Natalya Petrenko, starts planting garlic on October 15 and it always grows good. If garlic is planted early, feather germination can occur and the garlic becomes vulnerable to frost. When planted in the middle of the month, garlic has time to take root. The author's site is located in Nizhny Novgorod.

Our personal experience:

On our suburban area, located in the Yaroslavl region (about 300 km from Moscow), we plant garlic before winter, usually before October 10. We focus on the weather forecast. Autumn will be warm - we delay the planting date, the forecast foreshadows an early cold snap - we plant at the end of September. Winter garlic planting is quick and easy. So, do not fuss ahead of time 😉

Successful wintering is the key to an excellent harvest

The weather conditions of winter and spring greatly affect the winter hardiness of the plant. So, for example, if thaws occur in winter, garlic winters worse. Refundable spring frosts can also harm plants if they have already woken up and started to germinate.

Snow helps garlic to successfully endure the winter. IN middle lane Russian snow cover is usually good enough for overwintering garlic. Snow protects plantings from freezing in winter, and nourishes them in spring. Therefore, if there is little snow on the beds with winter garlic, it is recommended to add it there in order to increase the winter hardiness of the crop.

Winter garlic can freeze under adverse conditions. winter conditions. That is why in the northern regions they prefer the spring method of cultivation.

Planting depth is also important!

Planting depth is also important for successful wintering. The teeth are recommended to be lowered to a depth of 10-12 cm (