Alpinia - bright foliage and gorgeous inflorescences. Favorable days of the lunar calendar for planting vegetables and flowers Gardener's calendar for June

In early June, bore the potato planting. This operation will loosen the soil, provide air to the roots and destroy weeds. After the emergence of seedlings 10-15 cm high on the potato beds, carry out the first hilling of the potatoes. Re-hilling potatoes at the end of June.

In beds with carrots, beets, onions, radishes and other crops, weed out and thin out the seedlings, leaving stronger and more developed plants. Water crops and plantings regularly with warm water. It is best to do this in the morning or evening, avoiding the midday heat.

In mid-June, from June 10 to June 20 - re-sow cucumber seeds for seedlings. Then, in the middle of summer, plant a few of these young plants in a greenhouse. They will provide the second wave of the harvest until the very frost.

In the second half of the month, you can re-sow dill, salads, endive, cilantro, arugula, Chinese cabbage in the vacant space from tulips.

Have winter garlic you need to cut off the arrows with flowers at the tops. Then the plants will not waste nutrients for forcing them, but will direct all their energy to the formation of heads of garlic.

June work in the garden

In June, continue the formation of apple crowns, pruning fattening shoots, bend vertically growing branches to accelerate their fruiting.

Start propagation by green cuttings and layering of black and red currants and gooseberries.

Spray apple trees from scab and gooseberries from powdery mildew with Vectra on young ovaries.

At the ends of the branches of trees and shrubs often appears aphid... You can use urea against it (3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

In June, the first harvest of berries ripens - on honeysuckle bushes, and berries of small-fruited remontant strawberries appear on strawberry beds.

On strawberry plantations, you need to mulch the plants with straw or mowed on lawns and dried grass. Remove all unnecessary mustaches on the strawberries.

Lawns in June also require attention. In addition to regularly mowing the growing grass, watering is needed if the weather is dry, as well as fertilization, which will provide a thick, bright, succulent grass stand.

June works in the flower garden

Prune the forsythia, which has faded in the spring, and later cut off the faded lilac brushes; carry out formative pruning on weigela and action bushes. Plants will get a neat, well-groomed look. Pruning will cause new shoots to grow back on which lush bloom next year.

In mid-June, you can start grafting roses, hydrangea, mock orange, spirea, and dig in the cuttings of clematis to get new planting material.

In the second half of June, sow the seeds of viola, which will bloom next spring. At the same time, you can sow other biennial plants that will bloom in a year: daisy, forget-me-not, foxglove, Turkish carnation, stock-rose, bell. Specify sowing time by.

After the foliage turns yellow and begins to fade on flowering in early spring small-bulbous plants - galanthus, crocuses, muscari, pushkinia, they need to be dug up. Tulips and hyacinths and bulbs of the imperial hazel grouse are also dug up. This usually happens in the second half of June. Daffodils are dug up and separated for replanting their bulbs once every 3-5 years. Bulbs of split daffodils, unlike all other bulbs, must be planted immediately in the flower bed. They cannot be stored - they can dry out. All other dug out bulbs are treated in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then laid out for storage in a dry, ventilated room until disembarking.

In June, herbalists begin to collect medicinal herbs: linden and chamomile flowers, celandine herb, St. John's wort, motherwort, nettle and plantain leaves, and other plants.

Important: this month it is imperative to have time to carefully weed out all the weeds in the beds, flower beds and around the berry bushes and fruit trees, on plantings of strawberries. In July, there may not be enough time for this, because the harvesting and processing of cucumbers and berries will begin. And without weeding, you will lose part of the crop.

Many modern people know that the moon has a huge impact on all processes occurring on our entire planet. Under her "guidance" ebb and flow, energy flows, it affects the health, mood and stress resistance of a person.

Of course, it has no less effect on plants. Since ancient times, people have noticed the connection between lunar cycles and sowing. And thanks to the knowledge of ancestors, backed up modern science, the lunar sowing calendar for June 2017 was compiled, for every gardener and gardener which you can see below.

About the lunar sowing calendar for June 2017

It was noticed that in different periods the moon has different effects on the growth and health of the plant. For example, during periods of special activity (full moon) and, on the contrary, passivity (new moon), it is best to generally avoid any manipulation of plants, even indoor ones. These days, the power of the Moon is especially aggressive: it either completely "takes" the vital energy of a still immature plant (in the full Moon), or it satiates it so much that it simply cannot withstand this strong flow that disrupts the functioning of the internal processes of the plant. Therefore, it is so important for the gardener and gardener to use the sowing calendar in their work.

It was noticed that the Moon has a particularly beneficial effect on perennial plants if you manage to drop them off at open ground in the growing phase of a natural satellite of the Earth. In these auspicious days any work in the field, vegetable garden, garden or at home with indoor plants will lead to a positive effect: fast and healthy growth. But it is best to plant root crops during periods of the dying lunar phase (see year).

Sowing calendar for June 2017 for the gardener and gardener

The lunar sowing calendar also tells us about the influence on the growth of a plant of the signs of the zodiacal circle, which rule over a certain period of time.

Influence of zodiac signs on plants

There are three types of zodiac signs:

1. Fertile signs... Their strength helps plants to grow, brings good harvest and protects against various diseases. These signs are as follows: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. Not so long ago, another zodiac sign was officially recognized -. It also belongs to the signs of increased fertility.

2. Signs of average fertility: Taurus, Sagittarius, Libra and Capricorn. During the period of management of these signs, you can do garden work, but the harvest, most likely, will not be the most outstanding.

3. Barren signs: Aries, Virgo, Aquarius, Gemini and Leo. On days under the leadership of these forces, it is worth refraining from any field work, so that your forces are not wasted in vain.

Of course, such knowledge, which gives the sowing lunar calendar for the month of June 2017, will help anyone, even a novice gardener and gardener, to achieve the maximum result in his hard work.

Also see: as predicted by weather forecasters.

June has arrived - colorful - there is no end of work.

The lunar calendar for June 2017 of the gardener and gardener, florist becomes a reference book.

He will not only tell you when and what is the best thing to do, but also help plan all things on the site.

On the first day of summer, it is in the 1⁄4 phase, and then it grows. Florists sow annual flowers and ornamental shrubs, trees, and the time is favorable for planting strawberries. The transplantation and reproduction of perennials will go well flower crops... Gardeners prune fruit trees and berry bushes.

Good time for planting roses and tuberous plants; roots and tubers are planted. Florists plant curly flowers - sweet pea, morning glory, loaches, droppings. Cuttings are rooted, plants are watered abundantly, fertilizers are applied.

In the moonlight sowing calendar for June 2017, the gardener and gardener is one of the most favorable periods, since the Moon grows in a fertile Scorpio. On these days, you can do all gardening work, with the exception of pruning trees, pinching crops and harvesting leaves and tops.

If on the 8th it grows, then on the 9th the Full Moon rises in the sky, and on the 10th it decreases. During this period, any work related to cultivated plants- sowing, thinning, feeding, pruning, pinching, crown formation.

Time can be devoted to combating weeds and numerous pests, the number of which increases several times in summer.

On June 11 and 12, the night star decreases in Capricorn. Keep sowing vegetable plants, make organic root dressing, transplant plants with a weakened root system, weed weeds.

On June 13, 14 and 15, the Moon passes into barren Aquarius. V planting calendar in June 2017, the gardener and the gardener will have a break, but this does not diminish the work.

All energy is directed to weeding plants, forming a crown from trees, removing excess or diseased shoots from plants, trimming whiskers, spraying plants from pests and harvesting the first crop of root crops.

On June 16 and 17, the Moon is in the constellation Pisces, on the 16th in a waning phase, and on the 17th in the third quarter.

Pisces belong to a fertile sign, so you can plant any plants. But with watering, you should be careful, there is a risk of flooding the plants. And they also refuse these days from pinching and diving.

Since this is a sterile sign, the sowing is stopped for a while. They cut off the mustache of strawberries, treat plants from pests, fight weeds.

You must be careful with the root system, one careless movement and it can be damaged, which will lead the plant to death.

In the lunar calendar of the gardener for June 2017, a series of favorable landing days since the waning moon is now in Taurus. All work will end with an excellent result.

But you should be careful with watering and loosening in the root area.

They are engaged in landscaping the garden, carry out sanitary pruning, remove young growth. Today is the time of contemplation, so admire the flower beds, enjoy the scent of flowers. Do not pick flowers, dig the ground and water the garden abundantly.

On the 24th a new moon rises, the earth does not breathe, the plants freeze. At this time, crops are not touched, but you can fight with weeds.

On the 25th the moon begins to rise, it is a great time to plant and care for crops. The sap of plants began to move from roots to branches, which means that pruning during this period is contraindicated.

Another infertile sign, so they are engaged in household chores - they fix the fence and paths, fix the inventory, place supports for the plants.

This is the time of flower growers. These days, perennials are transplanted and divided, propagated by layering. Mineral and organic dressings, including potash, are introduced.

Today, the rooting of cuttings and the care of plants will be successful - feeding, watering, grafting, cultivating the land.

The days for planting seedlings in June 2017 according to the lunar calendar, the seed planting table will help gardeners and gardeners grow a healthy and rich harvest. What days are best for planting seedlings and doing gardening work, we will tell further.

The lunar calendar will tell summer residents about auspicious and unfavorable days for sowing seedlings of various crops. In order to grow healthy and ripe fruits, you need to know the phases of the outgoing and young moon. With the waning moon, it is worth planting plants that sprout down, and in the young phase, you need to tackle aboveground deciduous crops. This is due to the fact that with the waning moon, the root system, and deciduous crops are poorly developed. On the contrary, with the growing moon, plants grow faster than root crops.

Auspicious days for planting seedlings in June 2017: lunar sowing calendar, seed planting table.

Lunar calendar with auspicious days will help you more competently plan your work schedule in the garden or in the country.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017: lunar sowing calendar, seed planting table.

Tips for gardeners and gardeners:

1. Postpone all work with crops on the ground at New Moon and Full Moon.

2. No need to plant seeds and seedlings when the Moon is in the constellation of Leo and Aquarius.

3. When lunar or solar eclipse work in the garden should be avoided.

4. When changing the signs of the zodiac, you do not need to engage in sowing work.

5. The moon in the first and second quarter (growing phase) is generous to plants that bear fruit above the ground.

6. The waning luminary in the third and fourth quarters will juice up the roots.

7. New moons, full moons, solar and lunar eclipses not the best time for gardening.

9. To make mineral fertilizers the best period the growing moon is considered.

10. For the introduction of mineral fertilizers, the growing moon is considered the best period.

11. The soaked seed is considered planted because the moisture triggers the plant to awaken.

12. The stay of the Moon in Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio has a beneficial effect on all gardening work: sowing, feeding plants, planting or transplanting. These signs are fertile.

13. The stay of the luminary in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio promotes the assimilation of moisture by the plant. This time is especially favorable for watering.

14. If during sowing the Moon is in Virgo, Sagittarius or Aries, the germination of seeds may upset you. The listed signs refer to the signs of average fertility.

15. The moon is visiting Gemini, Aquarius, Leo or Libra - cancel crops and plantings, transplants. These signs are sterile. But these days are good for weeding. Waning during the waning moon is especially effective!

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017: lunar sowing calendar, seed planting table.

It is recommended to plant ornamental plants that are not intended for fruiting, in particular, rose hips, curly flower plants... A good time to harvest medicinal herbs. Mowing will slow down the growth of grasses.

It is recommended to plant ornamental plants that are not intended for fruiting, in particular honeysuckle, climbing flowers. A good time to harvest medicinal herbs. Mowing will slow down the growth of grasses.
You can start digging tulip bulbs, daffodils, hyacinths if their leaves have started to turn yellow.
It is not recommended to plant and transplant vegetables, fruit trees, plant seeds.

Planting stone fruit is recommended fruit trees planting flowers. Sowing in and kohlrabi for re-harvest, planting cauliflower seedlings in the ground, sowing and planting leguminous vegetables and corn. It is a great time for reproduction, watering, fertilizing and caring for plantings, for cutting flowers, creating lawn ornaments, caring for indoor plants. Watering and haymaking is also recommended.

Planting stone fruit trees, planting flowers is recommended. Sowing cauliflower and kohlrabi seeds in open ground for re-harvest, planting cauliflower seedlings in the ground, sowing and planting bush, etc. peas, corn. An excellent time for reproduction, watering, fertilizing and caring for plantings, for cutting flowers, creating lawn ornaments, caring for indoor plants. Watering and haymaking is also recommended.
Watering is not recommended vegetable crops, pruning of decorative and fruit trees.

June 5th, Mon
Moon in Libra until 13:46
Moon in Scorpio from 13:46
Waxing Crescent

Before lunch, follow the recommendations of the previous day.
After noon:

Pruning trees and berry bushes, harvesting cuttings are effective; budding; grafting, processing garden strawberry from rot; fertilizing, watering, pest control, loosening the soil, laying compost heaps green fertilizers. cleaning on the site.

It is recommended to plant cabbage, lettuce, herbs, spicy herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkin.
Active maintenance of the garden and garden is recommended: thinning the plantings of beets, carrots, parsley root, root celery, parsnip;

It is not recommended to plant and sow root crops, propagate plants by roots, collect herbs and plant trees.

It is recommended to plant cabbage, lettuce, herbs, herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkin.
Active maintenance of the vegetable garden and garden is recommended: thinning of plantings of beets, carrots, root parsley, root celery, parsnips;
Pruning trees and berry bushes, harvesting cuttings are effective; budding; graft; processing of garden strawberries from rot; fertilization, watering, destruction of pests, loosening the soil, laying compost heaps of green fertilizers. cleaning on the site.
It is not recommended to plant and sow root crops, propagate plants by roots, collect herbs and plant trees.

It is recommended to plant tall perennials, hay grasses and ornamental grasses, planting fast-growing garden crops: greens, onions, peppers, spinach, as well as herbs for seeds.
You can also, rose hips, honeysuckle, plums.
Recommended collection early vegetables and berries, cutting flowers. Home flowers planted on this day bloom faster
Diving seedlings, pinching shoots and pinching, grafting and budding are not recommended.

After lunch, planting and replanting trees and shrubs is recommended. , onions, beets, carrots, radishes, radishes, turnips, celery root, parsley root. Weeding, loosening, thinning, watering any plants, applying fertilizers, laying compost and green fertilizers, grafting trees, mowing.
Any measures for plant formation are not recommended; grafting and budding, feeding with organic fertilizers, harvesting herbs, herbs, medicinal raw materials;

Planting and replanting trees and shrubs is recommended. Planting potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, radishes, radishes, turnips, celery root, parsley root. Fertilization, compost and green fertilization, mowing.
Any measures for the formation of plants, contact with roots are not recommended; loosening the soil under plantings; mowing lawns and working with motor vehicles, watering.

Planting and replanting trees and shrubs is recommended. Sowing carrots, planting potatoes, onions, beets, radishes, radishes, turnips, celery root, parsley root. Fertilization, compost and green fertilization, mowing.
Any measures for the formation of plants, contact with roots, loosening the soil under plantings, mowing lawns and working with motor vehicles, watering are not recommended.

Spraying and fumigation, trimming of trees and bushes, weeding, pinching of strawberry whiskers, mowing can be carried out.

You can spray and fumigate against pests, mow, trim trees and bushes, weed, pinch the whiskers of strawberries.
Sowing and planting, dividing perennials are not recommended.

In the morning, the recommendations of the previous day are valid.
After lunch, planting of celery, radish, bulbous, not intended for long-term storage, pruning and grafting of trees and berry bushes. Harvesting of jams and pickles. Excellent time to cultivate, water and fertilize. digging and transplanting and corms. Planting herbaceous perennials and perennial vegetables.

Recommended, radish, bulbous, not intended for long-term storage, pruning and grafting of trees and berry bushes. Harvesting of jams and pickles. Excellent time to cultivate, water and fertilize. digging and transplanting bulbous and corms. Planting herbaceous perennials and perennial vegetables.
Harvesting for storage, harvesting herbs, herbs, medicinal raw materials in the afternoon is not recommended

June 17, Sat
Moon in Pisces until 20:55
Moon in Aries from 20:55
Last quarter b 14:33

Planting of celery, radish, bulbous, not intended for long-term storage, pruning and grafting of trees and berry bushes are recommended. Harvesting of jams and pickles. Excellent time to cultivate, water and fertilize. digging and transplanting bulbous and corms. planting herbaceous perennials and perennial vegetables.
Harvesting for storage, harvesting herbs, herbs, medicinal raw materials in the afternoon is not recommended.

Soil cultivation, pest control, weeding and mulching, cutting hedges, plant protection are recommended. Harvesting early root crops, berries, medicinal and essential oil crops. excavation of early flowering and spring bulbs (including tulips and hyacinths).
Sowing, planting, abundant watering are not recommended.

It is recommended to plant all types of root crops, tuberous and bulbous crops for long storage, sowing and planting salads, greens, leafy vegetables (for consumption in fresh and storage). Sowing and planting ornamental plants and . Cutting trees and bushes. Fruits, berries and vegetables taken at this time are suitable for winter storage. Top dressing with organic fertilizers, loosening the soil in the beds.

It is recommended to plant all types of root crops, tuberous and bulbous crops for long storage, sowing and planting salads, herbs, leafy vegetables (for fresh consumption and storage). Sowing and planting of ornamental plants and hedges. Cutting trees and bushes. Fruits, berries and vegetables taken at this time are suitable for winter storage. Top dressing with organic fertilizers, loosening the soil in the beds.
Planting trees and shrubs, collecting seeds and planting seeds is not recommended.

Planting of perennial and annual vines is recommended; and strawberries;

Planting of perennial and annual vines is recommended; planting and sowing wild strawberries and strawberries;
Removal of excess shoots, mowing, any soil cultivation are effective: weeding, cultivation, mulching, watering. Collection of medicinal herbs, roots, fruits and berries
Planting and transplanting herbaceous crops, dividing perennials, harvesting for storage is not recommended.

Planting of most crops is recommended: sowing and planting of salads, spinach, chervil, cilantro, stalked celery, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, melons and pumpkin crops, cabbage, collard greens, beans, squash, eggplant, zucchini (excluding root vegetables and tubers) ... Grafting, budding, cutting cuttings. Grassing tomatoes, hilling potatoes. Harvest.
Planting fruit trees, planting bulbous and tuberous crops, harvesting for storage is not recommended.

It is recommended to plant shrubs and trees, collect and dry fruits and root crops, mow to slow down the growth of herbs. The right moment for mulching, for pest control, for pruning trees, for collecting sunflower seeds, harvesting medicinal herbs.
Sowing and transplanting garden crops is not recommended.

It is recommended to plant shrubs and trees, collect and dry fruits and root crops, mow to slow down the growth of herbs. The right moment for mulching, for pest control, watering and removing whiskers from garden strawberries, harvesting medicinal herbs.
Sowing and transplanting garden crops is not recommended.

Recommended not intended for fruiting, in particular honeysuckle, rose hips. Planting decorative deciduous perennials;
sowing and planting flowering perennials; landing ornamental shrubs and closed-rooted trees. It is recommended to plant from flowers climbing plants... Mowing will slow down the growth of grasses. Digging bulbous for storage (small bulbous, tulips, hyacinths, etc.).
It is not recommended to plant and transplant vegetables, fruit trees, plant seeds.

It is recommended to plant ornamental plants that are not intended for fruiting, in particular honeysuckle, rose hips,. Planting decorative deciduous perennials;
sowing and planting flowering perennials; planting of ornamental shrubs and trees. It is recommended to plant climbing plants from flowers. Mowing will slow down the growth of grasses. Digging bulbous for storage (small bulbous, tulips, hyacinths, etc.).
It is not recommended to plant and replant vegetables, plant and prune fruit trees, plant seeds.

It is recommended (after 10 am) planting annual and perennial flowers, laying tubers and seeds for storage. Sowing and planting salads, herbs (especially dill and parsley), leafy vegetables, cauliflower, etc. Watering and haymaking are effective. A great time to cut flowers
It is possible to plant stone fruit trees, create lawn ornaments, care for indoor plants.
Sowing and planting vegetables, berries and fruit crops, cropping.

The gardener's lunar sowing calendar for June 2017 is based on Moscow time.