How to grow strawberries from seeds. We harvest strawberry seeds and grow seedlings from them with our own hands. Alpine varieties and hybrids of strawberries

Growing strawberries is interesting for many summer residents, because there are many ways to ensure a good harvest and significantly easier care. But it often happens that, due to various reasons, strawberries grow poorly, bring small harvests, and even reproduce poorly. Naturally, this leaves a negative imprint on us, and the desire to grow strawberries from seeds or by regular transplantation gradually disappears. But you shouldn’t despair, because you just need to improve your knowledge and put into practice the recommendations of experts to see how the situation can improve.

Today we want to answer the question and tell you how to grow seedlings garden strawberries from seeds with your own hands. In essence, it is not so difficult, but there are also factors that affect germination.

We grow strawberry seedlings with our own hands

We want to immediately prepare you for the process, since correct algorithm will require some attention and patience. If you're ready, you can start!

When to sow strawberry seeds?

Seeds should be sown at the end of February, or at the beginning of March to transfer the seedlings to open ground even before the heat starts.

Later sowings are also possible, but in this case the seedlings may not have time to get stronger and then replanting them in the ground will be inappropriate; they will have to be kept in boxes until next spring.

An excellent way to grow - at home, in the same peat tablets!

What strawberry seeds should I sow?

For sowing, you need to choose high-quality material, which can be bought in specialized stores, on the market or online.

Often hybrid varieties of large-fruited strawberries are chosen, from which there is an excellent opportunity to obtain strong and healthy plants, the performance of which is even much higher than those propagated vegetatively. But often we use own seeds, which is also good. Here you just need to select them from the best varieties, with healthy plants and large, shaped fruits.

Soil for sowing garden strawberry seeds

For sowing, you can prepare two types of soil, and here you will have to choose which one is more convenient for you.

The first option is vermicompost, coarse sand and non-acidic peat, 1:1:3.

The second option is turf soil, sand and peat, 2:1:1. It doesn’t hurt to add a little rotted manure and wood ash to the soil, which will have a positive effect on the quality of the mixture.

Due to the presence of numerous microorganisms in the soil, and even in manure, as well as insect eggs and some infections, it will be necessary to steam it for about half an hour in hot steam, for example, even over boiling water in a pan. After steaming, the soil will need to recover, and this will take several weeks. Therefore, we recommend starting the preparation process in advance in order to meet the given deadlines.

Preparing strawberry seeds

To increase the chances of germination, special preparation of garden strawberry seeds is necessary. To do this, the seeds are soaked in natural rain or snow water for three days. After soaking, seeds with destroyed germination inhibitors are laid out on a layer of filtered paper, slightly moistened, placed on a plate and placed in plastic bag, which must be placed in a bright and warm place, but not in the sun. Soon the seeds will hatch, and then they will need to be transferred to a box with soil, very carefully, using a toothpick or a match.

Planting strawberries in the soil and care

The prepared soil is poured into a small wooden box and leveled, small grooves are made in it to place the seeds. The seeds are laid out in grooves in 2 cm increments using a match or small tweezers. If you are landing different seeds, install a beacon with the name of the variety opposite each furrow so that in the future you will know where and what is growing.

Now the seeds should be moistened with a spray bottle and covered with film.

Sowing strawberries in the snow

Another interesting method that is close to natural. It significantly reduces the risk of seeds being buried, which is not recommended, and also has a positive effect on germination.

Snow is placed on the finished substrate, in a layer of only 1-1.5 cm, and the seeds themselves are placed on top of it. The snow melts and the seeds fall evenly onto the soil, after which there is no need to correct them. You just need to cover the seeds plastic film or glass, open daily for ventilation and moisture, if necessary.

How to care for strawberry seedlings at home?

Strawberry seedlings need light and even, moderate watering to upper layer the soil did not dry out.

Also, soon you will need to pick, when two leaves appear, and pinch the long roots of young plants.

Planting takes place in pots or boxes, according to the 8x8 cm pattern. Next, again, careful watering, which will not destroy the top layer of soil.

Planting in open ground

After germination, you need to wait 6-7 weeks and transfer the plants to open ground. But before this, you should harden off the young plants by taking them outside for a couple of hours every day and placing the boxes in the shade. Thus, the seedlings will get used to the sun, light gusts of wind, and changes in the general climate.

Seedlings that were forced out in early spring, may give some harvest after planting in open ground. If the seedlings were grown in the summer, they should be planted in the ground before the end of August, and the harvest will be produced already at next year. Such seedlings will need to be insulated for the winter.

Why don't garden strawberry seeds germinate?

It also happens that when planting seeds, only partial shoots appear, or there are none at all. There are many reasons for this, but the most important are improper care.

  • For good germination, stratification, soil prevention, selection quality seeds. But what happens next is also important.
  • Boxes with crops must be kept under glass, slightly moistening the top layer of soil. Before germination, the boxes should be kept in the dark, and only after germination should they be placed in a brighter, warmer place.
  • Optimal temperature for seed germination - about +18°C, but if it is warmer, germination will slow down, and some seeds will not yield results at all.
  • Don't panic if not all shoots emerge at once. It is common for some to sprout after 2 weeks, and the rest of the seeds to germinate to the surface after a month. At this point, you need to remove the film from the boxes and install them in a well-lit but cool place, with a temperature of about +15°C.
  • It should be remembered that thickened plantings also interfere with normal development, and therefore you need to pick out young plants in time and plant them strictly according to the scheme.
Growing garden strawberries with seeds (video)

Proper agricultural technology strawberries are the main factor positive result, but the site’s experts are confident that the quality of planting material and soil plays a significant role, as well as the regional affiliation of the site where the finished seedlings will be grown.

Reviews and comments

Oksana Dmitrievna 10/23/2014

Hello! I share mine interesting experience obtaining a rich harvest. I got it interview with Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Mikhail Chursin and inspired by the article, I decided to use his recommendations, and you know, I was right... All summer we ate cucumbers and tomatoes from the garden, and also prepared some for ourselves and our family for the winter. For those interested, here it is

Difficult to find garden plot, on which I would not grow up. And, of course, you want the berries to be large, tasty and beautiful. Plays an important role in growing plants planting material, which is used for reproduction. Gardeners most often use vegetative method propagation of strawberries, but the method of propagation by seeds, although quite troublesome, has its quite significant advantages.

Preparation and correct timing of planting seeds

Pick ripe berries from strong good bushes that give good. It is best to take seeds from the base of the berry or from its middle part, since it is in these parts of the fruit that the seeds are large and germinate well. Strawberries that grow from these are characterized by high yield. Separate the layer of berry pulp with seeds, place on a paper napkin and dry. Gently rub the dried mass with your palms, releasing the seeds. It is best to store them in a glass jar.

The seeds do not lose their germination properties for 4 years.

You can buy seeds in a store, but seeds of elite varieties are usually sold in very small quantities (3-5 pieces) in one bag. But you will know exactly what variety you will grow. Two days before planting, soak the seeds by placing them on damp gauze or cloth. Water should not completely cover the seeds. After two days, when the seeds have swelled, they can be planted in the ground.

To make the strawberries more resistant to temperature changes and the seeds to germinate faster, three months before sowing you can carry out the (hardening) procedure:

  • Place the seeds in a small container.
  • Wet them with water.
  • Place the moistened seeds in the refrigerator or any cool place with a temperature of +2 - +4 degrees.
  • Make sure that the seeds do not dry out.
  • Just before planting, dry the seeds a little.
  • Seeds are stratified within 14 days.

If you want to get a harvest of berries already in the first year, then best time for planting - January - February. Strawberries sown in May-June will produce a harvest only in the second year.

Place a 1-2 cm layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the planting container for drainage, pour soil on top and compact it. Make grooves half a centimeter deep and water them. Sow the seeds at a distance of two centimeters from each other, cover them with a layer of soil no more than one centimeter. You don’t have to sprinkle it with soil, but lightly press the seeds into the soil.

To prepare the soil, take in equal parts:

  • Humus
  • Sand
  • Chernozem

Another soil preparation option:

  • Turf – 2 parts
  • Peat – 1 part
  • Sand – 1 part

It is advisable to add complex (or rotted manure) to the soil and wood ash. To prevent the larvae of which may be in the soil, seeds, pathogens, calcine the soil in the oven or steam it over a pan of boiling water for 20-30 minutes.

This must be done at least three weeks before planting, during which time the soil will restore its microbiological properties.

You can try landing “in the snow”:

  • Place a layer of snow about a centimeter high on top of the soil
  • Place the seeds on the snow
  • Let the snow melt

There is no need to cover the seeds with soil; with the melted snow, they will go deeper into the soil on their own. Planting “in the snow” promotes more uniform germination of seeds. Cover the container with polyethylene. Place the resulting greenhouse next to the window so that it can fall on it. sunlight. The first shoots appear after 25-30 days, even possibly after 40 days.

After stratification, place the container with strawberry seeds in a room where the temperature is maintained at 20 degrees until germination. Seeds need to be constantly moistened.

Fill with water and leave until it swells. Place them plastic box or pallet. Make a hole in the tablets and place one sprouted seed at a time, lightly pressing it into the peat. Cover the top with plastic and place in a warm, bright place. Water as needed, avoiding drying out of the peat tablets.

After the first 2-3 leaves appear, plant the seedlings.

The seedlings need to be transplanted into separate small pots with a diameter of about 9 cm or into larger boxes at a distance of at least 8 cm from each other. Be sure to place expanded clay at the bottom of the pots for drainage. Make small depressions in the soil, pour water into it and carefully place the sprout there so that the leaves are on the surface.

It is best to land in peat pots, with which it will be easy to transplant it into the garden bed permanent place. Water the transplanted seedlings carefully with a stream of water under low pressure.

How to grow properly good seedlings strawberries:

  • Strawberries love warmth, moisture and light. It is important that the soil in containers with seedlings is always moist. The seedlings should be kept in a warm (20-25 degrees) and bright room.
  • You need to water the seedlings either through a tray or by spraying from a spray bottle.
  • The condensation formed on the film and leaves must be removed to avoid rotting and fungal diseases. You can make small holes in the film for ventilation.
  • After the second pair of leaves appears, remove the film. This should not be done all at once, but gradually accustoming the seedlings to fresh air. First, remove the film for an hour, and every day increase the time the plants are outside the greenhouse. Also carefully accustom the seedlings to sunlight.
  • When the seedlings have 5 leaves (around the end of May), the plants can be planted in the ground in a garden bed. Do not place strawberries deep in the ground so as not to close the apical bud. In this case, the plant may die. At the same time, make sure that when watering the roots are not exposed, which also has a detrimental effect on.
  • If mold appears on the surface of the soil, carefully remove it, ventilate, dry and treat with an antifungal agent.
  • Before planting in the garden, the seedlings are hardened off by exposing them to fresh air in the shade. In this way, the strawberries gradually get used to the sun.
  • It is recommended to remove the first strawberry flowers to allow the bushes to get stronger and grow. In addition, this procedure allows you to increase productivity, and strawberries can withstand winter more easily. In the first year after sowing, remove all tendrils.
  • When strawberry seedlings are grown in summer outdoors, you can plant it in the beds until the end of August. If the seedlings are too small, you can bury the pots with plants in the beds until spring; in case of a snowless winter, cover them with spruce branches or covering material.
  • The easiest way to propagate strawberries is through mustaches with rosettes or dividing the bush into parts (if the strawberry is without mustache). But these simple methods have disadvantages:

    • The shoots may become infected with some disease.
    • , which for a long time propagated by vegetation, gradually degenerates.
    • The main advantage of growing strawberries from seeds is that they are not transmitted through the seeds.

    Thus, when planting seeds, you will be absolutely sure that the plant is not sick with anything. And another important factor is the possibility of their long-term storage. Any variety of strawberry can be propagated by seeds, with the exception of hybrid ones. You can pick up seeds different varieties strawberries, and harvest berries throughout the summer.

    More information can be found in the video.

    Growing strawberries own plot- an exciting activity that will provide the family with tasty and useful product. Excess harvest can be preserved or sold. Growing strawberries from seeds at home gives you the opportunity to taste new, unusual varieties of berries. For getting good harvest you need to follow the rules for caring for this crop.

    Deadlines preparatory work and planting seeds for seedlings depend on the farming region. When starting work, they take into account the experience accumulated by gardening enthusiasts and climate change in recent decades.

    • In Kuban, strawberry seeds are planted at the end of February or early March.
    • IN middle lane Russia - in early or mid-February.
    • In Siberia - in early February.

    Strawberry seeds are very small, similar in size to a poppy seed. Quantity seed material in packages purchased in a store varies significantly. This is due to the rarity of the variety and production costs.

    Seeds can also be sown in mid-January, so that by the time they are planted in open ground, the seedlings will have grown well. A big problem with winter sowing is the short daylight hours. In low light, the sprouts do not develop, many of them die. Early plantings require high-quality light for 10-12 daylight hours. The sprouts are “supplied” with lamps that provide a good luminous flux, but do not overheat the plants. At night the lamps are turned off.

    A month or a month and a half before sowing strawberry seeds, they are subjected to stratification.

    Stratification of strawberry seeds

    Seeds stored in the fall contain substances that block their development and prevent the activation of growth mechanisms until spring. If germination inhibitors were not blocked, the seeds of many plants would rot after thaws that occur in late autumn and winter.

    To start the growth mechanisms, you need to place the seed material in conditions that simulate winter. This is done and a stratification procedure is carried out.

    During stratification, seed material is stored in humid environment, at a temperature from zero to plus four degrees, after which they turn on chemical processes that ensure growth. Seeds that have a low percentage of germination and a hard, durable shell are kept at low temperatures. For strawberry seeds, this period ranges from 2 weeks to one and a half months. Seed material that has not been cooled takes a long time to germinate, has low germination rate and weak sprouts.

    How to stratify in the refrigerator

    Keeping seeds in a home refrigerator - reliable way activation of strawberry growth. For stratification you will need a small food container with a lid, a plastic bag with a lock, a sheet of white paper, two cotton pads, a plate with cold water and a bag of seeds. The work is carried out in the following order:

    IN household refrigerator working temperature equals 2-10 degrees. Before planting seeds for stratification, the temperature should be adjusted so that in the storage area ( top shelf, door), it was no more than plus 4 degrees Celsius. You can measure the temperature using a thermometer designed for the street or room.

    Dried seeds cannot be subjected to stratification.

    Planting seeds

    The soil for planting is prepared different ways. This can be garden soil (1 part), mixed with humus (2 parts) or soil purchased in a store. Has proven itself well ready mix Terra Vita, it does not need to be diluted with garden soil.

    What kind of soil do you use for seedlings?

    I buy from the garden

    The planting soil is crushed well, poured into a plastic container no more than 4 cm deep and lightly compacted. Compaction must be done so that small strawberry seeds do not sink deeply, in which case they will not sprout.

    Several holes are made at the bottom of the container for aeration.

    Before planting, the soil is disinfected. There are several methods of disinfection:

    • freezing outside at minus 15 degrees or in the freezer;
    • roasting on a baking sheet in the oven;
    • steaming with hot water;
    • treatment with solution (1.5 g per liter of water);
    • treatment with a pink solution of potassium permanganate (3-5 crystals per liter of water).

    Calcination, steaming and freezing destroy fungal spores and insect larvae, but also kill microflora. You can add Fertika Lux to the soil (2 grams per liter of water). Before planting, the soil should be well wetted.

    Gardeners plant both stratified and dry seeds. Seeds are transferred to the soil layer in two ways:

    • pour onto a sheet of white paper and shake it slightly, scattering the seeds onto the surface of the soil;
    • With the rounded wet end of the handle, toothpicks take each seed and transfer it to the soil.

    The second method allows you to distribute the seed evenly.

    In order for small seeds to be clearly visible, it is recommended to pour a layer of snow into the container. After the snow cushion melts, the seeds will firmly attach to the soil.

    Some gardeners sprinkle a layer of fine sand 3-5 cm thick on top of the soil. The seeds are applied to the sand and germinate, their roots easily reaching the soil. The sand cushion prevents the growth of fungi.

    The container is closed with transparent plastic cover and placed on the windowsill in the southern part of the house. The lid is opened daily for ventilation.

    Until the seeds have sprouted, direct sunlight should not fall on the container. Lamps are installed next to the container for “additional illumination”. With good, uniform lighting, strawberry sprouts will not stretch, and resistance to disease will increase.

    The soil in the container should be moist. For watering, use a small watering can or syringe.

    Strawberry seeds germinate slowly. From planting to emergence of seedlings it takes from 2 to 4 weeks. Gardeners note that 30% germination is considered very good.

    Seeds can be germinated in peat tablets. The tablets are filled with water and left until they swell. Place a seed on the surface of the peat and lightly press it down. The tablets are placed in a plastic container and placed in a well-lit place.

    Picking strawberry sprouts

    The sprouts are planted as soon as 2 true leaves appear. Some gardeners do this even earlier - when the cotyledon leaves have opened. You can plant a seedling in a flat, wide container made of thin plastic, in single cups or in peat tablets. The composition of the soil for replanting the sprouts is similar to that in which the seeds were planted (garden soil with humus, Terra Vita soil mixture).

    Diving is done as the sprouts emerge, since seedlings often lag behind each other in growth.

    The roots of the seedlings must not be damaged, so replanting is done with the utmost care. Used for work homemade instrument. These can be thin flat sticks, a pen for writing with ink, a plastic straw for juices cut diagonally at an acute angle, and other items. Diving is carried out in the following order:

    Planting in open ground

    The seedlings are transferred to open ground when the strawberry seedling has 4-5 leaves and the height of the plant reaches 5-6 cm. Planting is carried out in soft, loose soil, well fertilized with rotted humus. On the garden bed you can scatter the soil purchased in winter for germinating seeds. The transplant is carried out in the following order.

    The seedlings remain under the containers for one to one and a half months. The containers are cleaned daily to ventilate and adapt the plants (first for two to three minutes a day, then the time increases). After a month and a half, shelter will only be needed at night.

    A shading screen is built near the seedling bed, which will protect the strawberries from direct sunlight. The screen is covered with white film, light fabric, agrofibre. Strawberries are protected from hot direct rays of the sun for a month or more.

    Remontant varieties, when sown with seeds, will have time to produce a harvest in the first season. Regular strawberries will bear fruit the following summer.

    In mid-July, when the strawberries have grown stronger and produced 5-6 new leaves, the protective containers are removed completely. By mid-August, the garden bed will be covered with a thick, bright green carpet of young strawberries. Remontant varieties will gain color.

    Bright and juicy fruits strawberries and wild strawberries are a real delicacy. For those new to gardening, the best method for growing these crops is from seeds. However, seedlings of strawberries and strawberries are expensive, and the sprouts are so fragile that one mistake during planting can result in great disappointment. To prevent this from happening, read our tips.

    Growing strawberries

    Strawberry fruits are round, rich scarlet-violet in color. A pleasant musky aroma harmonizes with the rich taste. She can withstand cold weather and boasts good immunity. Strawberry cultivation is a rare phenomenon. Perhaps because its variety, called Shpanka, is a dioecious plant that will require a lot of space.

    For fruiting, part of the site will be occupied by male barren flowers. A more compact alternative is the Milanese strawberry. It is capable of self-pollinating, but produces much less fruit. However, growing strawberries from seeds is a good option, especially if winters are severe.

    Seed selection and preparation

    The first stage is selection the right seeds. Trusted stores will come in handy. However, if possible, it is better to make the blanks yourself. To do this you need:

    • choose the most attractive berry;
    • if necessary, leave it to lie for a while - let it ripen a little;
    • Carefully remove the layer of seeds and place in a container with water;
    • carefully separate unnecessary pulp;
    • leave the seeds to dry on a paper towel or newsprint.

    In this form, the raw material will be suitable for germination for several years.

    Before sowing selected strawberry seeds, you need to be patient and proceed to the next step. For this you need plastic container with a tight-fitting lid, cotton wool and rainwater (or melted snow). The task is to soak the workpiece. This should be done this way:

    • soak the cotton wool with water and place it on the bottom of the container;
    • spread the seeds;
    • cover with a second layer of damp cotton wool;
    • close the container tightly, making several holes in the lid in advance;
    • leave for two days.

    To germinate swollen seeds, they are placed in the cold. They must stay there for at least two weeks. This technology allows you to harden future shoots under the influence low temperatures. This is called stratification. The ideal place is the refrigerator. However, it is important to regularly check the condition of the seeds by ventilating them and preventing them from drying out.

    What should the soil be like?

    The bushes will take root well in loose soil fertile land. Despite the fact that this plant loves moisture, it should be avoided in excess. If the soil intended for sowing is predominantly sandy, it needs to be enriched with a mixture of peat and humus. In case of increased density and clay content, on the contrary, add sand.

    The soil necessary for the germination of the first leaves of seedlings can be either purchased or prepared at home. The best option there will be a mixture of sand from two types of soil: forest and garden.

    Young shoots prefer warmth and moderate moisture. This means that the room temperature should be within 20 °C. To prevent mold, you need to control the amount of water. This includes timely ventilation and removal of excess condensation. It is also unacceptable for the soil to dry out - it is moistened with water from a spray bottle room temperature. Soft daylight is another necessity that should not be ignored.

    Planting and further care

    You need to sow strawberries carefully, with pinpoint precision. The hatched “babies” are placed into a wide container filled with moistened soil using tweezers. The distance between them is at least 2 cm. It is important not to press the sprouts or sprinkle them with soil. The container is covered with a transparent perforated lid or film. Thus, it is easy to track the condition of the seedlings. If all the preparations have been made and the conditions are met, then green potential will soon burst out of the earth.

    As soon as there are 3-4 leaves, the young strawberry family will need to be picked. Each seedling will receive a separate living space in the form of a plastic container with a diameter of 5 cm or more. The most commonly used cups are disposable cups.

    In the next few months, the young animals will need Special attention. In addition to regular watering, hardening procedures will become necessary. Gradually, in order not to drive the plant into stress, it will need to be introduced to the sun and fresh air. When the seedlings get stronger and turn into a miniature bush, night walks will be relevant. The main thing is that there is no frost.

    Timing and planting in the ground

    On average, seed preparation occurs from late January to February. Given the hardiness of strawberries, they can be planted in the first half of spring and harvested in late summer. It is advisable to plant the bushes in a semi-shaded area, as strawberries do not tolerate heat well.

    Growing strawberries

    This berry can be sweet and sour, large and small, creeping and curly. Growing strawberries with seeds is a labor-intensive process, because they are tender and whimsical. It is not for nothing that this berry is closely related to strawberries.

    Seed selection and preparation

    There are so many varieties of strawberries that it’s easy to get confused. This species can be planted in a pot from which you can grow a giant berry. You need to approach the choice thoroughly. For example, trying to grow hybrid strawberries from seeds is a thankless task. Their germination rate is low, and the entire reproduction function is taken over by the antennae.

    Light-loving strawberry seeds should be stratified and, if necessary, dried in advance. By the way, you can do without water and just leave the material to dry, and then remove the seeds.

    What should the soil be like?

    Light, loose soil, without the presence of significant fertilizers - this is what the berry likes. A combination of sand, forest turf and garden soil is also appropriate. You can replace the last point with peat. The culture will take root well in this mixture:

    • 1 part peat;
    • 1 part sand;
    • 2 parts of turf.
    Necessary conditions for cultivation

    Soil sterilization is an integral part of creating a favorable microclimate for strawberries. The process is the same as with strawberries. Caring for both types of plants is almost the same. The main differences are that:

    So, for maximum natural development, strawberries require:

    • stable temperature from +18 to +22 °C;
    • high, sometimes artificial lighting;
    • regular humidity checks and ventilation;
    • inspection of the plant, identification and timely elimination of problems.
    Planting and further care

    When immersing the sprouts in the soil, you should work gently and carefully. Some experts make a snow cushion on which the seeds are laid. After a few days it gradually melts. This moistens the soil and settles each seed in the most natural way possible.

    After picking, the seedlings remain at home for a long time, and begin to harden only in April.

    Timing and planting in the ground

    There are varieties that cope even with dense clay soil. However, you should refrain from planting crops on steep slopes and with close burial groundwater. Optimal time It is the end of spring for relocation of seedlings. It is advisable to meet the deadline, since you can plant strawberries at the end of summer, but then you will have to build a greenhouse and wait a whole year for the harvest.

  • Strength is in tablets. They are made from peat or coconut fiber. They have excellent protective and moisture-absorbing properties. In addition, the washers can and should be placed in the ground along with the plants, without disturbing them during the next transplant;
  • If you want berries, work as a bee. Flying is not necessary, but you can help green pets with pollination using a soft artistic brush;
  • And most importantly, love what you do.
  • Video “Secrets of growing strawberries from seeds”