Biography of John McCain. Marital status of John McCain. Return from captivity

John Sidney McCain III was born on August 29, 1936 at the Coco Solo US Air Force Base in the Panama Canal Zone. We can say that the baby was born immediately in a camouflage shirt. The future senator comes from a family of hereditary military men. His father, John Sidney "Jack" McCain, Jr., was a US Naval officer who served in World War II. John's grandfather, John S. McCain, was one of the founders of the US Navy's aircraft carrier strategy. Apparently, the harsh and straightforward warriors did not even begin to philosophize about the name of the child and simply called, like all the men in the family, John, giving a serial number for the sake of formality.

The origin of John McCain at first predetermined his upbringing. That he would choose the same profession as the ancestors was not discussed. John followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather and graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1958, becoming a carrier-based pilot. Subsequently, for a year and a half, he was trained at naval aviation bases in Florida and Texas. In 1960, McCain graduated from flying school and became a ground attack pilot in the Naval Aviation.

Then, for several years, McCain changed one military base after another, and in 1960 ended up on the aircraft carrier Enterprise in the Caribbean. It is noteworthy that he served on this ship during Caribbean Crisis and the naval blockade of Cuba in October 1962. Perhaps this is where John's painful dislike for everything Russian was born, which will result in almost clinical Russophobia.

In December 1965, McCain had an accident: during the flight, the engine caught fire, John successfully ejected, but the plane crashed. After this incident, McCain asked his superiors to transfer him from an instructor position to combat service. And at the end of 1966 he was transferred to the aircraft carrier Forrestal. In the crew of this ship, McCain takes part in Operation Rolling Thunder - a massive bombardment of North Vietnam, not expecting that it will become a turning point in his fate.

On October 26, as part of a squadron of 20 aircraft, he flew to bomb a power plant in the center of Hanoi and was shot down by a Soviet anti-aircraft missile. The pilot ejected, but was captured by Vietnamese soldiers. McCain spent five and a half years as a prisoner in Vietnam and was released in 1973 under the terms of the Paris Agreement. After the captivity, the consequences of injuries and mental problems do not allow him to continue military service and the place on the admiral's shoulder straps has to be left. With the rank of captain of the 1st rank, he retires. During his service he was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Honor, Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross.

At the same time, John McCain turned his views on politics, deciding to realize himself already in this field, and already in November 1982 he was elected a member of the US House of Representatives from the first constituency of Arizona as a Republican. In total, he was re-elected to this post - in 1992, 1998 and in 2004.

In 2000, McCain decides to try his hand at the presidential race and participates in the primaries from the Republican Party, becoming the most serious competitor of George W. Bush. He managed to win in New Hampshire, Arizona, Michigan and the states of New England - Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont. The liberal part of the Republicans came out on his side, while conservative Protestant figures actively acted against him. The struggle was difficult, the most "dirty technologies" were used against McCain, designed for the conservative part of the Republican voters. So, a rumor was launched that McCain had an illegitimate daughter from a relationship with an African-American woman. This rumor was connected with the fact that he adopted a girl from Bangladesh. John did not have time to justify himself to the voters and retired from the race for the presidency.

Later, the Democrats tried to lure him over. During the 2004 election campaign, McCain was considered by Democratic contender John Kerry's team as a possible vice presidential candidate who could attract liberal Republican votes. However, McCain refused this offer, remaining loyal to the party.

However, the political capital and fame acquired during the first campaign were not in vain: and John McCain again makes a new attempt to get to the Oval Office in the 2008 presidential election as a candidate from the Republican Party. This time, the initiative turned out to be more successful: he easily defeated his rivals and became the single candidate from the Republican Party ahead of schedule (unlike the Democrats, where the intrigue around the candidacy - Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama? - remained almost until the end of the "primaries" ). As early as March 5, 2008. his candidacy was supported by George Bush, who said that the country "needs such a president" as George McCain. However, November 4, 2008 American voters chose not to vote for his candidacy, but for the candidacy of Barack Obama.

In 2006, McCain ranked tenth in the list of the richest US senators, his fortune amounted to $ 29 million. His main source of income is a beer company owned by his wife, Cindy Hensley McKay.

Today McCain is an active supporter of military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is an ardent opponent of the policy of the current Russian leadership, put forward the idea of ​​excluding Russia from the G8, proposing to include India and Brazil instead. John has repeatedly stated that Russia is not even close to being a democratic or economically developed country, so today his career is built exclusively on anti-Russian positions. As a man with a military background, John McCain is in favor of strengthening the US armed forces and is a supporter of the deployment of US missile defense (ABM) in Europe.

John McCain is married for the second time. He has seven children: four sons and three daughters. At the same time, two of the sons are the children of his first wife adopted by him, and one of the daughters is the notorious black orphan from Bangladesh. The senator has four grandchildren. One of McCain's sons, Jim, is serving in the US Marine Corps and may become one of the US troops in Iraq. The senator worries about his son, but does not intend to change his attitude towards the war.

John Sidney McCain III was born August 29, 1936 at the US Air Force Base "Coco Solo" in the Panama Canal Zone.

McCain's father, John Sidney "Jack" McCain Jr., was a US Naval officer who fought in World War II. John McCain's grandfather, John S. McCain, was one of the founders of the US Navy's carrier strategy.

John McCain followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather and graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1958, becoming a carrier-based pilot. Subsequently, for a year and a half, he trained on the Douglas A-1 "Skyrader" attack aircraft at naval aviation bases in Florida and Texas. In 1960, McCain graduated from flying school and became a ground attack pilot in the Naval Aviation.

From 1960 he served on the aircraft carriers Intrepid and Enterprise in the Caribbean. He served on the Enterprise during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the naval blockade of Cuba in October 1962.

In December 1965, McCain had an accident: during the flight, the engine caught fire, John successfully ejected, but the plane crashed. After this incident, McCain asked his superiors to transfer him from an instructor position to combat service. And at the end of 1966 he was transferred to the aircraft carrier Forrestal.

In the spring of 1967, Forrestal participated in Operation Rolling Thunder, a massive bombardment of North Vietnam. On October 26, McCain, as part of a squadron of 20 aircraft, flew to bomb a power plant in the center of Hanoi and was shot down by a Soviet anti-aircraft missile. The pilot ejected, but was captured by Vietnamese soldiers. McCain spent five and a half years as a prisoner in Vietnam and was released in 1973 under the terms of the Paris Agreement.

After returning from captivity, McCain remained in military service for some time. However, realizing that the consequences of injuries and injuries would not allow him to reach the rank of admiral, he left active service in 1981 with the rank of captain of the 1st rank. During his service he was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Honor, Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross.

After his resignation, McCain became involved in political life United States and already in November 1982 was elected a member of the US House of Representatives from the first congressional district of Arizona as a Republican. He was re-elected to this post three times - in 1992, 1998 and in 2004.

In 2000, McCain participated in the presidential "primaries" from the Republican Party, becoming the most serious competitor of George W. Bush. He managed to win in New Hampshire, Arizona, Michigan and the states of New England - Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont. The liberal part of the Republicans came out on his side, while conservative Protestant figures actively acted against him. During the election campaign against McCain, "dirty technologies" were used, designed for the conservative part of the Republican voters. So, there was a rumor that McCain had an illegitimate daughter from a relationship with an African-American woman. This rumor was connected with the fact that he adopted a girl from Bangladesh, but for the time remaining before the "primaries" McCain did not have time to tell voters the truth. As a result, he lost, receiving 42 percent of the vote to Bush's 53 percent.

During the 2004 election campaign, McCain was considered by Democratic contender John Kerry's team as a possible vice presidential candidate who could attract liberal Republican votes. However, McCain refused this offer, remaining loyal to the party.

Candidate for the 2008 presidential election as the candidate of the Republican Party.

Based on open sources

When an American Senator John McCain and, the square responded with jubilation. Although, in fact, the Ukrainian opposition should by all means keep McCain out of Ukraine, since his support, as a rule, does not bode well for those to whom it is addressed.

A slob from a good family

John Sidney McCain III's launching pad in life was just perfect. He was born on August 29, 1936 at the US Air Force Base in Panama. His father and grandfather served in the US Navy to the rank of admiral, and therefore it is not surprising that John went on a military path after school.

McCain, relying on the help of influential relatives, entered the prestigious US Naval Academy, mastering the profession of a carrier-based pilot.

John did not want to study, showing all the habits inherent in the "golden youth". However, there was also parental guilt - while dad made his way to the admiral's rank, the family constantly changed their place of residence, so young Johnny changed as many as 20 schools.

At the academy, cadet McCain proved himself in the most disgusting way - during his studies, he had more than a hundred official penalties for violating the Charter, violating the uniform, non-compliance with military discipline, and rudeness towards the command.

Any other cadet after that would have flown out of the walls educational institution, but the authority of the father and grandfather covered the sins of the slob.

However, McCain was not completely hopeless: he established himself well as a lightweight boxer, knew English literature and history well.

As a result, out of 899 graduates of the 1958 academy, McCain had the 894th result.

The Pensacola Nightmare

The young pilot was sent to undergo training at the famous American air base Pensacola in Florida, where McCain revealed himself in all its glory. The command turned pale when they learned about how a drunken McCain drives around at breakneck speed in his car, scaring away respectable townsfolk, in the company of a local striptease star. The young pilot spent more time at the counters of numerous bars than in the cockpit.

McCain himself, in his biography, later honestly writes that at that time he "was in vain ruining his youth and health."

When McCain was transferred from Pensacola to the Corpus Christi base in Texas, his former commanders did not hide their happiness. And in Texas, they very soon understood the reason for the emotions of their colleagues - at one of the training sessions, McCain crashed the plane, escaping with minor bruises.

The loss of state-owned equipment was attributed to engine failure, although it was no secret to anyone that the pilot did not care about the instructions and flew as God would put it on his soul. The aviation world has known many talented aviation hooligans like Valery Chkalov, but the problem is that McCain did not possess such talent.

However, in 1960, John McCain became the pilot of the carrier-based attack aircraft carrier Intrepid. A little later, he was transferred to the aircraft carrier Enterprise, which in 1962 participated in the blockade of Cuba during the Caribbean crisis.

Wise commanders did not allow McCain to roam during that period, otherwise the Third World War could very well become a reality.

John McCain. Photo:

The pilot who brings bad luck

When international tension eased a little, McCain was sent to serve somewhere quieter - in Spain. But the command did not take into account that you can’t take your eyes off this pilot, otherwise he will find tension even where it’s calm. McCain actually found it by blowing down a power line in mid-flight. By some miracle, the plane did not crash, and no one knew what the Spaniards left without electricity thought of McCain, because they were very polite Spaniards.

The investigation of the accident showed that the pilot was the culprit of the incident. McCain was rushed to the United States, where he was assigned as an instructor at Naval Air Station Meridian in Mississippi.

In the quiet of America, McCain started a family by marrying a divorced top model with two children. Soon the couple had a daughter.

John would live in silence, and wait for a promotion, but for some reason he continued to think that great military feats await him. In fact, McCain’s “exploits” simply shook the command: six months after the wedding, he managed to crash another plane. As before, expensive equipment was turned into a heap of trash, but the pilot survived.

Therefore, when McCain asked for military service, he was released with joy. In 1966, McCain became a ground attack pilot on the USS Forrestal. Here dust particles were literally blown off the pilot, because his father by that time commanded the US Naval Forces in Europe.

However, in 1967, the Forrestal was sent to the shores of Vietnam, where the United States intended to bomb the North Vietnamese government to refuse assistance to the communist rebels in the South of the country.

Vietnamese "trophy"

July 29, 1967 on the aircraft carrier "Forrestal" there was a major fire caused by a spontaneous launch of an aviation missile. She landed in the fuel tank of McCain's attack aircraft, after which an explosion occurred on the deck and a severe fire began. From the attack aircraft, of course, there were horns and legs, but McCain was not next to him.

As a result of the fire on the aircraft carrier, more than 130 people died, while our hero, according to tradition, was slightly injured. The Forrestal was sent for repairs, and the recovered McCain was sent to the aircraft carrier Oriskani to bomb Hanoi.

Surprisingly, John McCain managed to make as many as 22 bombing sorties, until he finally met her - the Soviet S-75 anti-aircraft missile. The meeting was short, but bright: the attack aircraft turned into scrap metal, and the pilot with broken legs fell into the waters of the lake in the middle of Hanoi.

McCain was pulled out of the water by the Vietnamese as a trophy, after which he was held captive until March 1973.

After serving five and a half years in Vietnamese camps, McCain returned to his homeland as a hero and was received personally. President Richard Nixon. By a strange coincidence, shortly after this meeting, Nixon was waiting for a "watergate" and a shameful resignation.

The Indian Specialist

McCain continued to dream of admiral's shoulder straps, however, with his track record, it was difficult to count on this even with a good pedigree.

In addition, while he was in captivity, his wife had an accident, after which her model appearance was badly damaged. McCain, after returning from Vietnam, realized that their marriage was a mistake, and a few years later the couple divorced.

Realizing that the military career had come to a standstill, John McCain decided to go into politics. The Republicans just needed a die-hard anti-communist with a good biography, and McCain, who went through the "Vietnamese Gulag", was just the right fit.

But in American politics, one cannot count on a successful career without serious financial resources. John McCain provided such a resource by marrying Cindy Lou Hensley, daughter of a major businessman, owner of a brewing company.

In 1982, 46-year-old John McCain was elected Congressman from Arizona. Four years later, he moved to the US Senate.

True, party colleagues very quickly felt what to entrust to McCain critical issues fraught with serious consequences. So for most of his Senate career, McCain served on the Indian Affairs Committee. What the Indians thought about this, no one ever found out, because they were very polite Indians.

McCain and African Americans

In 2000, John McCain decided to run for president. As a result, in the Republican "primaries", to the dismay of voters, a struggle unfolded between McCain and George W. Bush. Perhaps for the first time, Americans were able to understand what a genuine choice of the lesser of two evils means.

I must say that the "aura of the loser" haunts McCain even when he does good deeds. The politician and his second wife adopted a girl from Bangladesh, but this fact was not widely advertised. As a result, during the "primaries" in ultra-conservative South Carolina, the Bush Jr. team launched a rumor that McCain had an illegitimate daughter from an African American.

Some believe that this story was the decisive factor in Bush Jr.'s 2000 Republican nomination, not McCain's.

In 2008, John McCain nevertheless became a candidate for the US presidency from the Republican Party, but even his supporters frankly admitted that the chances in the fight against the black Democrat Barack Obama he has a little. And so it happened.

It can be said that on the path of Republican John McCain to White House African Americans stood up twice: a virtual mistress and a real democrat.

Harbinger of Defeat

It seems that it was precisely the presidential ambitions that led McCain to turn his attention to international politics, in particular, to the post-Soviet space, from the beginning of the 2000s. The specter of a Russian anti-aircraft missile obviously haunted him, causing a violent desire to fight against Russia's "imperial ambitions".

McCain put forward demands for the exclusion of Russia and China from the UN, and the creation of a "new, democratic organization" in its place. In 2005, he demanded that Russia be excluded from the G8. In 2004 he got so fed up Alexander Lukashenko that he simply banned McCain from entering the country. In response, the senator promised to fight "the last dictator in Europe." Judging by the results, Lukashenko clearly wins on points.

Having been beaten up in Belarus, McCain switched to Ukraine, where he supported the leaders of the Orange Revolution in every possible way. Viktor Yushchenko And Yulia Tymoshenko, which he even put forward on Nobel Prize peace. As a result, Yushchenko completely disappeared from the political life of Ukraine, and Tymoshenko spends time behind bars.

John McCain. A photo:

McCain was also an ardent supporterMikhail Saakashvili. Encouraged, among other things, by McCain, the President of Georgia went to regain control over South Ossetia and Abkhazia with the help of military force, which led to the final loss of the latter. Today Saakashvili's political weight is comparable to Yushchenko's political weight.

When McCain began to actively support the armed opposition in Syria, Bashar al-Assad's supporters realized that they had a chance to win.


McCain regularly finds himself in ridiculous situations. In 2008, his campaign headquarters asked for money for election campaign at the permanent mission Russian Federation at the UN.

When in 2013 Vladimir Putin wrote an article in The New York Times. Apparently, the senator is sure to this day that nothing has changed in Russia since his time in captivity in Vietnam.

In December 2011, John McCain began to threaten Vladimir Putin with the Russian version of the "Arab Spring". Is it any wonder after that that the protests after the parliamentary elections ended in nothing - "McCain's aura" can work real miracles.

John McCain once said of Vladimir Putin: "When I looked into Putin's eyes, I saw three letters: KGB." If you look closely at the senator himself, then on his forehead you will see the inscription loser. And if John McCain came to the Kiev Maidan, the audience can disperse - this guy brought defeat in more difficult cases.

McCain's grandfather and father were admirals in the United States Navy. John McCain followed in their footsteps and graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1958 as a carrier-based pilot. Veteran of the Vietnam War. He was shot down over Hanoi in 1967, spent five and a half years in Vietnamese captivity and was released in 1973 under the terms of the Paris Agreement. In 1981, McCain resigned from military service, and in 1982 was elected to the US House of Representatives from the Republican Party. In 1986 he was elected Senator from Arizona, was re-elected four times - in 1992, 1998, 2004 and in 2010. In 2000, he tried to run for US President from the Republican Party, but lost to George W. Bush in the party elections. Since February 2008, he was considered as the main presidential candidate from the Republicans, McCain was officially supported by the then incumbent President George W. Bush.

Early years and military career


John Sidney McCain the third was born on August 29, 1936 at the US Air Force Base "Coco Solo" near the city of Colon in Panama (at that time the Panama Canal Zone rented by the USA). McCain's father, John Sidney "Jack" McCain Jr. (1911-1981), was a US Naval officer who served in World War II (as a submarine officer) and completed his service as a four-star admiral. Awarded with Silver and Bronze Stars. Mother - Roberta McCain, nee Wright (born in 1912). John McCain's grandfather, John S. McCain, also held the rank of four-star admiral, was one of the founders of the carrier-based strategy of the US Navy, and participated in battles in the Pacific theater of World War II.

As a child, John traveled a lot with his parents due to the frequent transfers of his father on business (New London, Connecticut; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, other military bases in pacific ocean. At the end of World War II, the McCain family moved to Virginia, where John entered St. Stephen's School in the city of Alexandria, studying there until 1949. In 1951-1954, McCain attended a private Episcopal school, where he achieved particular success in wrestling. Due to his father's frequent moves, McCain attended about 20 different schools in total. In childhood, he was distinguished by an energetic character, irascibility and aggressiveness, the desire to win in competition with peers.

From childhood, McCain belonged to the Episcopal Church of the United States, but in 2007 he switched to the Baptists (the Baptist Church of Phoenix in Arizona, which is part of the Southern Baptist Convention, which adheres to the conservative views of the largest Protestant denomination in the United States), to which his second wife belongs.

Education, early military service, and first marriage

Following in his father's footsteps, after graduating from high school, McCain entered the Naval Academy at Annapolis, graduating in 1958. Every year, John received at least 100 reprimands and was often punished for breach of discipline and non-compliance with military regulations, from unpolished boots to inappropriate remarks about superiors. At the same time, with a height of 1 meter 70 cm and a weight of 58 kg, he distinguished himself as a capable lightweight boxer. McCain got good marks only in those subjects that interested him: history, English literature and public administration. Nevertheless, out of 899 graduates in 1958, John McCain scored 894th.

John McCain- American Republican politician, senator from Arizona since 1987. Previously, from 1983 to 1987, a member of the House of Representatives. Veteran of the Vietnam War, has military awards. From 1967 to 1973 he was in Vietnamese captivity. One of the main contenders for the Republican Party presidential nomination in the 2008 elections.


Biography and career of John McCain

John McCain was born on August 29, 1936 at the American naval base Coco Solo (Coco Solo) in the Panama Canal Zone, USA.

In 1954 he graduated from Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia.

In 1958 he graduated from the US Naval Academy in Annapolis (Maryland). His academic success was rather modest: in the course progress rating, he occupied one of the last lines.

In 1958, McCain joined the Naval Air Service. Took part in the Vietnam War.

In 1967, North Vietnamese air defense forces shot down McCain's plane over Hanoi. BEFORE 1973, Officer McCain was held captive in the Hanoi Hilton POW camp.
Under the influence of the authority of his father, Admiral John McCain Jr. (John S. McCain Jr.), the prisoner of war was offered early release, which he refused.

Under torture, McCain signed a confession that the Vietnamese command used for propaganda purposes: "I am a dirty criminal who committed an act of air piracy. I almost died, but the Vietnamese people saved my life, thanks to the Vietnamese doctors." Weakened from torture, McCain tried to commit suicide, but the guards interrupted this attempt. One of the consequences of McCain's stay in captivity was his premature gray hair - later, because of it, he, rapidly involved in the political life of the United States, was nicknamed the White Tornado.

In 1974, upon returning to the United States, McCain took up the post of liaison officer for the Navy with the Senate. According to other sources, in 1973 he graduated from the National Military College in Washington.

Retired in 1981

In 1982, as a member of the Republican Party, he was elected from Arizona to the House of Representatives, and then, in 1986, to the Senate.
In 1996, McCain participated in the presidential campaign of his friend - Republican candidate Bob Dole (Bob Dole), and two years later decided to try his own forces in the presidential race.

In 2000, he took part in the Republican primaries, but lost to the governor of Texas (George W. Bush). McCain managed to win a decisive victory in the first round of the primaries - in the state of New Hampshire, but the further pre-election struggle with the Bush team turned out to be beyond the senator's strength. A wave of defamatory rumors fell upon him. The senator was not saved from defeat even by his military past, which he throughout his political career used as the main trump card.

In 2002, he worked with Democratic Senator Russ Feingold to push for legislation to limit donations to political parties from corporations, unions and law firms.

During the 2004 election, McCain supported the incumbent's candidacy reportedly through the efforts of Rove and McCain's top aide, John Weaver. Bush's opponent, a Democratic senator (John Kerry), made it clear that he would not mind seeing McCain as his vice president, but McCain remained loyal to the party.

In 2005, McCain initiated a lawsuit against well-known lobbyist Jack Abramoff (Jack Abramoff).

In October 2005, McCain introduced a bill banning the practice of torture in American prisons. The document was sustained in a spirit that is traditional not for Republicans, but for Democrats. Vice President Dick Cheney and National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley tried to reason with the senator, but McCain remained adamant.

In December 2005, his bill was passed by Congress.

In 2006, McCain ranked tenth in the list of the richest US senators, his fortune amounted to $ 29 million. His main source of income is the beer company owned by his wife Cindy Hensley McCain. McCain has co-authored several books with his assistant Mark Salter. One of them, the autobiography Faith of My Fathers, was published before the 1999 presidential election and became a bestseller.

In June 2006, according to the popularity rating, he left behind the likely Democratic candidate - senator: 46-47 percent of the respondents were ready to vote for McCain, and 40-42 percent for Clinton. In the case of a confrontation with another Democrat - former Vice President Albert Gore (Albert Gore) - McCain's advantage could be even more significant: 51 percent to 33.

By the 2008 presidential election, McCain had emerged as a potential Republican favorite.

Marital status of John McCain

John McCain is in his second marriage. Has seven children: four sons and three daughters. At the same time, two of the sons are the children of his first wife adopted by him, and one of the daughters is a black orphan from Bangladesh. The senator has four grandchildren. One of McCain's sons, Jim, is serving in the US Marine Corps and may become one of the US troops in Iraq. The senator worries about his son, but does not intend to change his attitude towards the war.

John McCain awards

the Order of the Bronze Star, the Cross for Flying Combat Merit, the Order of Military Merit, the Order of the Purple Heart, the Order of the Silver Star.

John McCain's attitude towards Russia

In light of McCain's possible victory in 2008, his attitude towards Russia is especially interesting: the senator has gained a reputation as one of the main "Russophobes" of the United States. He criticized the political course of the Russian leadership and leadership allied Russia Belarus, as well as Bush's "pro-Russian" position. McCain argued that Russia, a country with extremely weak "glimpses of democracy" and cooperating with Iran, should not be allowed into the club of leading developed countries"The Big Eight".

In 2006, the senator urged Bush to boycott the G8 summit in St. Petersburg. McCain is known as a defender of anti-Russian regimes in the former USSR.

In 2005, together with Hillary Clinton, he nominated Victor to receive. In 2006, McCain assured the Georgian leadership that the United States would certainly protect this Caucasian country from Moscow's imperial ambitions.