Curly flowers in the house. What flowers can not grow at home

Read this article, you can find out what houseplants Brings misfortune to the house. Superstitions associated with them were formed for a long time under the influence of real cases that took place with some people, and were transmitted from generation to generation.

Despite the fact that the majority of biologists with sarcasm refer to such believers, believing or not in their validity, you must solve yourself, because even psychologists say that when choosing plants to the house, you should not be guided by superstitions, but to trust your own feelings.

Do not forget that there are misfortunes on the house for quite reasonable reasons - many of them are poisonous, and some cause strong allergic reactions.

Basic data

The main superstitions associated with indoor plants are based on their death. So, for example, if the plant dies, it is believed that it was withdrawn from the owner's misfortune, and the view that stolen flowers are better leaving, destroyed many beautiful plants, from which the cuttings separated without the consent of the owners.

Signs about that there are misfortunes that have been in the house, were formed only with respect to the most popular home plants. As for the species that recently appeared in flower shops, such as orchids, they simply have not yet managed to deserve a negative attitude. It is likely that in a few decades they will "turn out" their own signs.

Below are the most famous indoor plants, bringing misfortune, the signs of which are often extremely contradictory.


In the Middle Ages in Greece and Rome Ivy was not only a symbol of devotion, but also performed as one of the most common talismans for young girls. It was believed that he symbolizes not only the possibility of a successful marriage, but also allows the owner for a long time Keep youth and attractiveness. For this, it was enough just to wear a sprig of ivy on the chest.

As for the present time, it is believed to be in the east that it increases the vital energy of the owner, extending his life. At the same time, in the post-Soviet territories, there is an opinion that ordinary ivy, massively common in the southern regions, attracts misfortune into the house. In addition, it is not recommended to put in the house of newlyweds, as it is able to call the quarrel, as a result of which men leave families.


Ficus still in pre-war times was considered one of the most pronounced symbols of well-being. It was believed that he attracts prosperity into the family. That is why this plant sought to get even the poorest segments of the population. However, after the war, the attitude towards him has changed radically. The people began to actively spread the view that in those families where men survived and returned from the war, there were no fakes.

Since people nicknamed His "Plant Width", for a rather short time he firmly secured bad fame and most of the chic instances of these plants were mercilessly destroyed.


Monster is a fast-growing liana with carved leaves. In China, it is accepted to give a respected elderly, as it is believed that it is able to influence the increase in the number of days to live for life. Because of this signa, it is considered an excellent gift for almost any holiday. However, we have superstitions of people about the content of the Monster in the house are fundamentally different from Chinese. There is an opinion that this is one of the most dangerous vampire plants absorbing human energy, because of which people become sluggish and apatic. In addition, it is not recommended to start it in families where people with sick heart or lung problems are present, since at night she can "strangle" a person.

But Monster can be put in a public place where many negative energy accumulates, for example, in court. There she will not only please you with their appearance, but will consume surplus negative energy.


The opinion on the "mystical" plant fern, whose flower is looking for at night to Ivan Kupala, quite controversial. So, in some edges it is believed that by bringing a fern to the house, you will bring trouble with him and until the plant will be in it, a variety of misfortunes will be attracted. However, in other places it is believed that fern, on the contrary, protects the family from evil, which other people do, and any unclean power. It is believed that if the fern suddenly dries out, he took a damage directed against the owner of the housing.


There is a common superstition that when keeping in the house in a girl living in it, never get married for love. In fact, this plant is considered a constant reason for the girl can remain alone until the oldest. In addition, violets are not recommended to keep in the house and due to the fact that the female part of the family may have a variety of diseases of the reproductive system.


It is believed that this plant has so powerful energy that it with ease suppresses human biofield, providing a powerful negative impact on the state of the health of people, daily in close proximity to it. People who have at home often and seriously sick. Despite the fact that today there is no scientific evidence of this factIf you still decide to start Cyperus in the house, be sure to listen to your well-being.


There are a large number of plants that should not start in the house from an emotionally psychological point of view. These indoor plants bringing to the house of misfortune received from people the name "Women-men".

  • Szindapsus is one of the most popular types of tropical Lian. It is believed that she not only brings a quarrel to the house and is a guilty of divorces, but also "kicks out" from the family of all men, including even sons and grandchildren.
  • Cissus - as well as Szindapsus, refers to the category of plants that have a direct impact on the fact that men leave families. In addition, cissos is considered a real magnet to attract unhappiness into the family.
  • Hibiscus - it is not recommended to start it unmarried womenSince they begin to get a personal life, and the beloved can soon go to the other.
  • Hoya - it is believed that this plant can not only "expel" a man from the house, but also to sow him from light.
  • Tradesska - in the house where this plant is located, the marriage may soon collapse.

Signs related to colorful colors

As a rule, nothing terrible signs associated with flowers are not foreshadowed. Often the flowers that bring misfortune into the house are also separated in accordance with the color color. For example:

  • White flowers symbolize purity and innocence. That is why there is a belief that newlyweds on the wedding are better to give flowers to this coloring.
  • Red flowers symbolize passion and love.
  • Yellow flowers foreshadow again.
  • Blue flowers are made to give close people, as they symbolize sincerity and kindness.


Do not hurry to throw away your favorite flowers only for the reason that someone told you that it is misfortune. Of course, to believe or not believe in such allegations - the personal case of each person, however, should first trust their own feelings.

Even if you are personally familiar with people who have no lives for any reason and in their house, just stood some of the plants listed in this article - this does not mean that people suffered precisely from them negative influence. Indeed, for most countries are characterized by own plants related to plants. folk signs.

Indoor flowers must be seamless to the house only taking into account your taste preferences, because first of all they should please you with their appearance and raise your mood.

Indoor plants occupy an important place in a person's life. In almost every apartment there are beloved flowers, which please the eye of all kinds of leaves and the unimaginable palette of the paints. Many indoor plants are useful for a person. But there are also such that in no case should be kept in the house.



It is also called adenium fat, adenium thick or desert rose, and all because of the stem, which has a bottle shape. It blooms very plentiful, bright beautiful flowers. However, its juice, falling on the skin and mucosa, penetrates blood, causing poisoning.

At the homeland of Adenium, in Africa, the tribes of the Aboriginal and to this day use a toxic juice plant for hunting on a large beast, lubricating them the arrows.


Azalea (Rhododendron) is a very beautiful plant. His flowers are like lilies and proper care It blooms very plentiful. But the juice and nectar Azalya is poisonous. If accidentally swallowed a piece of leaf or nectar, abundant salivation will begin, vomiting, tearing is possible. Rhododendron flowers have a strong smell that can cause allergies. This is manifested by rashes on the skin and headache.


Although the diffenbachia cleans well and even moisturizes the air, however, this plant is not suitable for residential premises, as it has very poisonous milky juice. When contacting S. open areas Skin it causes ulcers and strong irritation. It is more dangerous if the juice falls into the eye or in the oral cavity. In the first case, the blindness threatens, in the second - a strong swelling of the throat and language, and a person can just suffocate.

For pets, poison diffenbahia is fatal.


The plant belongs to the family of tiny, therefore also has poisonous juice, which can cause burns on the skin. And its falling into the blood during cut or inside the body is fraught with intensive care or fatal outcome.


So this plant is called because of its Milky Juice. You need to know that the juice of the dairy is poisonous, so it is dangerous to keep it in the house. On the skin he causes redness, burning, blister. The juice is especially dangerous for the eye, it can cause inflammation, temporary blindness and conjunctivitis. It should not be tasteful to taste - it will cause poisoning, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions and circulatory disruption.

Mimosa shame

Mimous dubbed the way because of the ability to turn their leaves when touched to them. Pollen of this plant causes severe allergies. This plant can only be poisoned only if you eat it. Basically, the poison accumulates in the root system in special nodules.


it exotic plant It is famous for its wide leaves with unusual slots. It is in the juice of these leaves and contains poison. If the juice hit the skin on the skin, it can cause burns, blisters, redness. If the juice falls into the eyes, you can temporarily go blind, earn conjunctivitis and burn.

Monster is one of those colors that cannot be kept at home with lonely women.


Despite its beauty and love of flower water, this flower is very poisonous. Even the fragrance of this plant causes dizziness. When the oleander juice gets into the skin, burns appear, and when ingested in the body - serious poisoning. It can cause blindness if he falls into the eyes.


It is beautiful evergreen, abundantly covered with bright orange berries. Poisonous parts are full, but attractive berries are especially dangerous. It is categorically not recommended to grow it in the apartment if little children live there. The child will definitely taste a bright berry, and it can cause a strong digestive disorder.

Ivy evergreen

Very common indoor plant, which pleases the eye with glossy leaves. The poison is contained both in the leaves and in ivy berries. In case of poisoning, it can cause nonsense and a heart stop.


Low room with a rosette of leaves and a variety of colors of colors is not so harmless. The poison of this plant causes a rash on the skin, itching, irritation, and even an area.


Triocerer is a cactus with long spines. Flowers white inflorescences with a strong smell. This plant is poisonous, as it contains alkaloids and hallucinogens, which paralyze the nervous system.


Ficks are very common room plants. Poisonous stems and leaves. Plant juice, falling on the skin, causes redness, irritation and blisters. Also, the ficus can cause severe allergies.


This plant is very much appreciated by a wonderful greens. Some phylodendrons are lianas, others - bushes. All kinds are poisonous. The poison contains juice of the plant, it is very dangerous for eyes and skin. The intact plant is absolutely safe.


Cyclamen poison in its composition and action is like poison coarara. The most poisonous is the tuber's plants. The juice of tubers is applied in folk medicine, but it must be treated very carefully.



This is a representative of the aid family. All plants of this group are toxic. Allergies cause juice, so they need to transplant them in gloves to protect the skin, also does not hurt and gauze bandage.


Pelargonium (geranium), in the leaves of which contains a large amount of essential oil, can cause allergies with its smell. But this sharp fragrance is allocated only if the plant is touched.


Allergen is juice of this beautiful plantwhich is also present in the stems and in the leaves, and in colors. When contacting it can appear rashes, itching, weakness, nausea.


Beautiful flowers have a very strong smell from which he hurts and spin the head, allergic appears, there are fainting. Very poisonous juice lily. It can lead to death if it falls inside the body. Antidote from this poison is not.


Allergies, orchid causes people with a weak immunity - breathing makes it difficult, laid the nose, can swell mucous. For allergies, the fragrance of this flower is mortally dangerous due to the edema of the throat.

The strong smell of tubere causes allergies, suppresses the psyche, causes headache. In the dark, this plant absorbs oxygen and distinguishes carbon dioxide.

Folk signs

There are a number of folk admission that are attributed to plants different magic properties. Or maybe this is the result of the centuries-old observations of the people. Here is some of them:

  • The money tree (fat man) brings money to the house if there are many round green leaves resembling coins on it. If the plant is sick and the leaves are falling, nothing good in terms of money does not have to have.
  • Zamiculkas is called "dollar palm", as it is believed that this plant attracts currency into the house.
  • IN lately Distribution received such a plant as a "flower jack". But it is impossible to keep it at home, because at the astral level the energy of this flower is programmed to bring poverty to its owner.
  • Drazen Sander or "Happy Bamboo" brings career growth and good luck in everything.
  • The Golden Tree (Akukuba) reveals talents in man and contributes to their development, brings well-being to the house and protects against enemies.
  • Croton is called the defender of the house. He removes all the negative energy, brings harmony to the house, soothes hyperactive people, allows its owner to bring thoughts in order, to come out of depression and crisis. Also from gives strength and promotes development creative abilities. There is a belief - a man who planted or acquired a craton in a year will be able to radically change his life.
  • Ficus is not desirable to have a bedroom, otherwise the relationship between spouses can be spoiled. But in other rooms it is possible, especially since it neutralizes negative energy and removes aggression.
  • Bamboo is able to turn negative energy into a positive one.
  • Paper flower (Bougainvillee) very rarely grows in homes and apartments, but its owner has no difficulty with finance.
  • Cacti also attract money into the house, and do not allow their owners to be wasteful.
  • Spitafilum is called "female happiness." National title He speaks for itself, since unmarried girls this plant helps to gain a happy family, and married gives peace and happiness.
  • Why do not keep dry flowers in the house? The answer is simple: charm and female energy elementary dry, and therefore men turn on women who have such flowers in the house, less attention.
  • Why don't you keep curly flowers at home? The presence of such colors suggests that your man will be sought after each skirt. It is better to keep indoors not curly, but a reprehension and powerful plants.
  • Why do not keep artificial flowers at home? Since they have non-living energy and are more suitable for the cemetery.

Creating the interior of his dwelling, one should definitely find out what flowers can not be kept at home. After all, some of them negatively affect the general atmosphere and the health of family members. Why this happens, you can consider on specific examples.

It is believed that certain indoor plants carry negative energy. Is it so? Everyone decides himself, believing this statement or not. However, it is not necessary to be a specialist in the studied area in order to understand that stiff or patients are desirable to remove from the apartment or try to cure. At the form of drying plants, actually becomes on the soul not quite comfortable. This is explained psychological impact per person.

Speaking about what plants cannot be kept at home, first of all, attention should be paid to poisonous. Dangerous can be both leaves and fruits. Sometimes, even knowing about potential harm, it is difficult to avoid unpleasant cases. Children and domestic animals are in the risk area.

The plants that make poisonous substances belongs to the diffenbachy. Of course, it is very beautiful, especially her decorative leaves. However, in those places where stems and leaves are cut or bleed, the so-called Milky Juice. When entering the skin, it causes irritation. A special danger is cases when Milky Juice falls into the eye or mouth. In the eye, he can cause a retinal burn, and in the mouth - the burn of the mucous membrane.

Dangerous to the health of people are Mokhai, Philodendron, Acalifa, Codiomeum, Poinsettia, Calla, Aglionm. A small amount of their juice can provoke irritation of skin and mucous membranes. If the poisonous substance fell into the gastrointestinal tract, then nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are soon possible. Negative impact Hyacinths, clivia, hypadastrum can be provided.

Choosing plants that cannot be held at home should be guided not only by the evaluation of external data - the beauty of their flowering or an unusual form of leaves. Be sure to ask the specialists with the characteristics of green tenants. So, for example, oleander attracts attention to beautiful flowers having an unsurpassed fragrance. However, do not everyone know that it is this bright smell that can bring a person to a fainted state. As some of his relatives, it has both poisoning juice in stems and leaves. Finding on the retina of the eye, he burns it greatly, becoming the cause of blindness.

Barwinka, Pahipodium, Diagrances, Adenium belong to the same family as oleander, therefore also have negative properties. The poison that they allocate can seriously harm health. Indicated plants Can weaken cardiac activity. And from the villagers, clivia, Brovallia, Brunfels are at all worth abandoning, since the list of examples of their negative influence is quite extensive. They cause excessive drowsiness, painful sensations in the stomach, vomiting, while the victims are significantly expanding pupils.

You can not keep in the house any kind of cyclame and primrose people susceptible to allergies. Poisonous substances these flowers are isolated during the care of them, that is, such ordinary actions, like watering and spraying, can cause skin rashes. Therefore, from primroses and cyclamen in a residential room it is better to get rid of. If it is sorry to part with them, then at least you should know what actions should be performed in poisoning. In the case of entering the juice on the skin, the affected places are immediately washed with soapy water. The eyes rinse at least 20 minutes, and if suddenly poisonous juice got into the mouth, you need to immediately drink any absorbent, for example, activated carbon.

It is important to remember that as a result of the impact on the human body of the juice of these colors arise negative consequences. In some cases, the work of cardiac and nervous systems is disturbed. Therefore, with any unusual symptoms, it is urgent to seek medical attention.

For ignorance, sometimes people consider Monster's vampire plant. They are confident that she takes energy from humans. There is a scientific substantiation of these assumptions. Monster absorbs quite a lot of oxygen in the night period, as a result, a person feels weakness and drowsiness next to her. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to be placed in the recreation area.

Folk beliefs

In addition to scientifically based facts, there are folk signs that many believe even more. Such superstitions are quite a lot.

Determining which indoor flowers can not be kept at home, women are categorical in relation to Lianam and ampel-like types of home plants. It is explained by the fact that it is these types that provoke the situation in the family, as a result of which men leave women. To the group "Reliefs", expelled men, are also a SzindapSus, the TRADESCOTION OF ZEBRINE, Ivy, Campel, Rosicissus, Rao, Rafidofor.

The people have an opinion about big Mountain From palm trees. However, misfortunes can provoke only presented palm trees, and those who raised the owners themselves, are not endowed with such force. As for cacti, there is also a lot of caution. So, their presence in the house can provoke alcoholism of someone from family members. In addition, girls and young women will never marry if cactuses are present in their accommodation.

To vampire plants, sucking human energy, except the monster, also include ferns and phylfodendrons. Nobody is trying to deal with their so-called vampirism, because it is more convenient to just believe in such signs. Herani speak as a plant of loneliness. Most likely, such a superstition comes from the fact that geranium is a favorite of many old women. However, this does not mean that it provokes loneliness.

Not only indoor flowers, but also those who wish to improve material well-being, give money in their home. At the same time, there is an opinion that if the leaflets are starting to dry and fall, it is better to get rid of it. Otherwise, the deterioration of financial affairs should be expected. "Flower-starning" won popularity quite recently, however a short time He became undesirable in residential premises. "Lucky" people associate with the poverty of his owner.

The impact of ficus on family relationship will vary depending on the place of its location. So, for example, if you put it in the bedroom, then the husband and wife will often quarrel and conflict. At the same time, the ficus, located in any other room, eliminates the negative energy, soothes and balastives.

Folk sign reads: drying flowers in the house lead to fading of female energy. As a result, a man ceases to pay attention to his woman and is viewed on others.

Another superstition indicates that it is impossible to keep curly varieties of greenery in the house. They become the cause of male vote. "Watch" in this case is to be seen for other people's women. Therefore, it is better to get a reprehensive and powerful plants, and from the climbing at all. However, the signs described have enough refutations, and much more likely the family, in the housing of which they grow cacti, geranium, lianas and the like, the farm is carried together and happily.

The value of indoor flowers on Fengshui

Fengshui's doctrine, who has fallen in love with many recently, offers its version of the location of the room decorative greenery. It is believed that you need to abandon the colors that do not like the owners. They will fill the atmosphere negative energy. This also applies to fading or patient plants. It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that cacti and succulents are not in bedrooms and places of recreation.

Negative energy is carried by compositions using bonsai. They are a symbol of limited development, so their presence in the home is undesirable. We have similar properties of Yucca, Echmea, Sansevierz, Orchid, Neorelegia. Any of them can provoke not only headaches, but also difficulties in family relationships, trouble at work.

Flowers that can not be kept at home, Fengshui shows in different angles. For example, some cannot be placed in the recreation areas, but you can in the kitchen and near the electrical appliances, others - on the contrary. Since the bedroom is a place where a person is resting and gaining strength, it is not recommended to have a monster, ficuses, ferns. Their large leaves are able to absorb the positive energy in which a person needs. In addition, they absorb a large amount of oxygen at night, because of what people feel uncooked, sluggish. Do not place in bedrooms strongly smelling plants. These include lilies, orchids, hydrangeas, garment.

Both from a scientific point of view, and for the teachings of Fengshui, the oleander, alocation should not be located in the recreation area, since their leaves and stems contain poisonous substances. The familiar to all geranium should not be the inhabitant of the bedroom. The smell of it often becomes the cause of headaches, especially if the flower stands on the window overlooking the south side. Following the recommendations of Fengshui, all spiny plants should be removed from the bedrooms: cacti, milk, succulents. This is explained by the fact that they make people "prickly", provoking quarrels and scandals.

Plants causing an allergic reaction

It should be borne in mind that someone from family members may be subject to allergic reactions. In this case, any flowers in the bedroom - the potential cause of health consequences. This also applies to people suffering from asthma. Under such circumstances from room colors in the recreation area you need to refuse.

If we talk about what houseplants are undesirable in bedrooms, it is worth mentioning those that have splashing leaves. The atmosphere of the children's room requires special precautions. Sometimes you understand why the child sleeps badly or is weak, it helps the study of all plant specimens in the room. In the nursery, strongly smelling and prickly species, lianas and ampel plants, poisonous and those that can cause allergies and hydrogen carbon dioxide are prohibited.

Rose and hypipers can be dangerous

Unfortunately called and rose. Despite its perfect species, it is believed that it can absorb positive energy, not giving anything in return. There is a conviction that a rose can be acquired by the person who is to give. Beautiful Begonia Unlike rose absorbs both positive and negative energy. Therefore, the choice remains for the owner. However, the flower products do not recommend placing at home more than one begonia.

Contliminate opinion exists about Hippeastrum. It is believed that it absorbs any negative, but not suitable for accommodation in homes, because after a while poor energy Returns back.

Indoor plants can give aesthetic pleasure, but also to cause bad well-being capable too. So that they only pleased the owners, approach the choice of green companions with special care. Before you buy a plant, you need to get acquainted with its properties using special literature or consulted in experienced flowerflowers.

Home plants and flowers can have a negative energy or even to be vampires. That is why some flowers in the house are not recommended.

Of course, the energy in the house must be positive. After all, it is she attracts good luck to all his residents. Earlier, we wrote about what plants bring happiness into the house. This article will help you find a perfect energy assistant for yourself. And today we will tell about which of the colors of the house keep not at all.

10 unhappy colors

Rose flower. At first glance, this beautiful flowerwhich is king all colors. However, the rose is not only beautiful. She perfectly absorbs energy, thus being not a donor, but a vampire. At the same time, the rose is almost nothing in return, so keeping roses at home is desirable only to those who are confident: he has something to give.

Orchid.One of his name this flower is able to conquer your love, but do not be naive. It is said that orchid takes the energy, feeding the disadvantages of people. This is the purest water vampire, which is not characteristic of any restrictions. Orchid is rarely carred in homes, but if it happened, then those who are experiencing confidence in themselves will be even more unhappy. The flower also provokes insomnia. If you are ready to start orchid, contrary to everything, do not put it next to your sleeping place.

Begonia. These flowers are known for their popularity, but they can easily steal energy from people. True, they attract both positive and negative energy to themselves, which is partly able to serve and good service. Moreover, when the plant shares what he took, negative it leaves himself, giving a small part of the positive back. But you should not keep more than one such flower at home so as not to disturb the energy exchange.

Lilies. These at first glance innumerable flowers can provoke scandals. They are dangerous by their surprise, because for a long time can give home calm and order, and then sharply change their energy. Keep lilies where you are infrequent - for example, in the country.

Lilac. Each person is enjoying passing by the lilac bush in the summer. Do not cut these flowers home: many folk signs say that lilac carries only troubles. Earlier, we wrote about the magic properties of lilac and about the signs associated with it. This article will help you not only learn more about lilac, but also to do it right when that blooms.

Tulips.There are signs that these flowers provoke hair loss, deterioration of the skin of the skin and increase nervousness. Of course, many love tulips, and do not completely refuse them. Just do not squeeze them close to the house, for example, under the windows of the cottage.

Fern.These flowers are good in the parisades and on garden sites. They can be beautifully drawing a flower garden, you can decorate a fern with flowers on Ivana Bucala. But the specialists are not recommended to keep him at home: it absorbs oxygen, highlighting carbon dioxide, which means it can very much to reward you with a headache.

Tuberose.This flower smells very tasty, perfumery even use it, but this advantage does not compare with its disadvantage. He provokes treason. If you are married and do not want problems, it is better to give up this flower once and forever.

Hippeastrum.This representative of the world Flora does not like, when someone's scandalite, pouring negative in his presence. This flower takes everything to the last drop, giving it later. If you often have someone to quarrel at home, you risks not to get rid of the permanent inflow of negative energy ever.

Oleander. In some cases, the smell of this is incredible beautiful flower May cause dizziness. If you have small children at home, then do not buy a oleander as an ornament.

Steller dwarf. From this Japanese flower there is one big danger to young children and animals. Plant juice can cause health problems that for children can be very dangerous.

Remember that many plants and flowers can not be kept in the bedroom. This is the most important recommendation from Feng Shui sages. The bedroom should be neutral in its energy sector and do not bear any negative. Earlier, we wrote about what bedroom flowers on Feng Shui will be most useful. Good luck to you and do not forget to press buttons and

05.07.2016 07:00

Each flower has unique energy. Some of them have favorably affect home atmosphereAnd others ...

There are houseplants that cannot be held at home - the photo and the names of these colors I would like to mention this article. We all subconsciously strive for unity with nature, someone has country cottage area, and someone, for his absence, seeks to create a green corner in her apartment. Sometimes we are impressive beauty, bright colors of the next flower, strive to get it quickly to decorate your home.

Buying a flower, we do not always think about the consequences and sometimes begin to feel bad or our pets are suddenly ill. Among the inhabitants of the green world there are so many poisonous representatives, sometimes the most beautiful of them turn out to be absolutely unsuitable for home content.

What can not keep indoor plants at home? Of course, it is not possible to describe them here anything else, but I would like to focus on the most common - those whose attractive views we admire on the windows of flower shops. Some varieties contain toxic compounds, isolated in the atmosphere of poisons, harmful pollen. Some flowers are not recommended to settle where you sleep. If you have small children or inquisitive four-legged pets that strive everything to try tooth, you must be doubly careful, attentive when choosing domestic flowers.

What can not keep indoor plants at home?

The simplest security rules are the use of garden or ordinary latex gloves when contact with green inhabitants. If you pruning or remove branches, foliage, then use special knife. Those tools you use in the kitchen should not touch the plants. Hands, as well as all cutting or auxiliary items, should be carefully soaked at the end of the leaving. Remember that individual flowers can actively highlight poisonous substances during irrigation or irrigation.

Indoor Poisonous Plants - Photo and Names

Oleander is very beautiful during flowering, but its fragrance is able to provoke dizziness, nausea or even fainting. Juice foliage, stems can cause allergies or burns on the skin. Do not allow oleander to enter the eyes - the consequences can be very deplorable, right up to loss of vision.

Potted milk look very exotic, due to its large, saturated green leaves. In fact, the family of Muzhai has a lot of varieties: some are like cacti, others resemble miniature palm trees. Separate types of milk have spines, whose injection is a threat to the body, as they are very poisonous. The foliage, the stems of the dairy contain juice, which, if in the esophagus, causes strong poisoning, and when contact with skin or mucous membranes, it leads to burns, irritation.


Diffenbachia attracts eyes with their major decorative leaves With a pedestrian pattern. Her milky juice is very dangerous for the eyes, when contacting the skin causes a burn, redness, itching. If you get into your mouth or esophagus, it provokes a strongest burning of mucous membranes, poisoning. If you have small children or animals at home, it is better not to start this plant!

Diffenbahia, photo:


Alocation is decorative large plantwhich is very poisonous. Any work with it should be carried out, putting protective gloves, and it is not only juice, but even evaporation from the roots. On all thematic forums five coloring flowers It is strongly recommended to use protection during alocation transplantation. If you disturb the root (for example, cut it), you can feel an explicit cyanide smell that is not recommended to even inhale long. If you get to the eye, alocation juice can cause a loss of vision, even if the child's abnormal or animal lies with a small drop of juice, long-lasting is guaranteed. All parts of alocation of poisonous: contain a sinyl acid, mercury, a sulee.


Croton has very beautiful thick growing leaves, appearance He resembles a small tree. The houses bloom very rarely, but often acquired precisely because of its attractive foliage. Croton is also very poisonous if, with some circumstances, his juice will fall into the blood (through a wound or cut when working with it), then even a deadly outcome is possible. If you get on the skin, you should immediately wash this place with soap.


Azalea is very loved by many flowers, it is just luxurious, flowers have a wide palette of shades, it is often used to create bonsai. It is poisonous, its foliage contains glycoside and Andromedotoxin, which, if in the body of a person or an animal, cause poisoning, nausea, convulsions. The poison itself is considered to be Azalia Sims or Indian.


Evergreen ivy from the Araliyev family poores all completely - berries, foliage, as well as stems can be fatal for the human body, animals. This lio-like plant is very attracted by cats, they also suffer from him more than others. For people, he also represents a serious danger.

Ivy evergreen, photo:

Ivy evergreen

Cyclamen - Another homemade favorite with decorative flowers unusual shape. Its leaves look very attractive, but at the same time are toxic. Special danger is melted by the cyclamen tubers that contain the strongest poison, in their strength similar to the poison of Kurara. When used inward, it causes a sharp deterioration in well-being, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, loss of consciousness.


Adenium attracts flower water to its exotic species, which gives him thick air roots. From above, it is decorated with multiple flowers of bright colors, different shapes. Adenium is very poisonous, its juice provokes poisoning, causes burns when contact with the skin. It should be borne in mind that all of its parts contain toxins, this is especially harmful to this plant for asthmatics. Adhenium Milky Juice is able to penetrate the blood through the skin, so think more than once before you have it at home.


Monster can most often meet in offices, public institutions, but often flowerflowers will settle it at home. She looks very impressive, grows to impressive sizes, has large carved leaves. The juice of the monster is very toxic, when burning to the skin causes a burn, a heavy itch. If he gets into the eyes, it can significantly damage vision. If a child or animal will eat at least a small part of the sheet, poisoning or inflammation of the tract inevitably.


Brovalia is very attractive, no wonder its full name - Brovalia beautiful. This small bush gives flowers of all shades of blue, lilac, as well as white color. Alas, all parts of Brovali poisonous, so its contact with skin or mucous meal needs to be excluded. This flower attracts domestic animals, but its juice is very dangerous for them.

Brovalia, photo:


Aglionma is striking the beauty of the leaves, they are large, dense, with an incredible pattern that differs variety. Despite the fact that it has a positive effect on the air in the apartment, cleans, disinfects it, it is still poisonous. Juice is the main danger for people and animals, although the berries are also toxic. If the flower is at least a little damage (for example, break down a sheet or scratch when transplanting), then the juice will be released immediately. For any landing or leaving work with Agronima, protect protective gloves.

Aglionm, photo:


Flowers Primulus have the widest palette of shades, the leaves also look cute - rounded, textural, covered with small villis. Contact with these Villages can cause a strong allergic reaction (burning, itching), and when flowers are blooming, then dizziness, nausea can visit even healthy, strong people (it highlights alkaloids). It should be known that the bright decorative introduction of poisonous, all of its parts are toxic, carry a threat to your health.


Glorioosis - exotic, truly luxurious instance. Her unusual flowers Create your shade during flowering. This attractive representative is one of the most toxic among home plants, all of its parts contain poison. If you have children or animals at home, you will have to give up from possessing glorioosis. If you get into the body, it causes strongest poisoning, up to the failure of the kidneys.


Can indoor plants cause allergies? The answer will be positive - yes maybe. Representatives of the family of the Rochetia, Parenic, Arific, Cutrov, are a special threat. They should be very gentially handled, to think more than once before you start them at home. The courtyards are most dangerous, especially revered adenium, plumeria, carissa, the betting can cause significant harm to the health of your loved ones, as well as domestic pets.


Remember that even floss flying in the air can provoke an allergic attack. Almost all home flowers allocate disputes, essential oils, pollen during flowering, and in highly toxic varieties, all elements allocated will also not be useful. Strong allergy Can cause geranium, fern cultures.

Do not forget about protection, if you still decide to settle someone from them. Representatives of the Aroid family also require increased attention, isolation from children and pets. Singonium, loved by many phylodendron, contains poisonous components in their juice.


Be careful with the milk plants, each of them contains toxin euphorine, which can cause allergies, skin inflammation, itching, burns. Wash your hands with soap, use gloves, and better - replace them with safer green collections. The world of colors is diverse and amazing, among many options you can always choose a pet, which will not only be safe for health, but also useful.

What houseplants are useful for the house?

Some of them are known to many since childhood, such as Aloe and Kalanchoe, which our moms, grandmothers treated us from a cold or cold. The plants listed below are homemade lamps: they can be cleaned, they can be used for recipes. folk Medicine, they highlight components that normalize the emotional background.

Useful home plants

Lemon is very decorative - little tree from bright fruits It looks just charming, plus it is very useful. ABOUT healing properties Lemon fruits, I think, is known to everyone, but its leaves are able to allocate useful phytoncides, volatile essential oils. Where it is worth lemon Tree It is easier to breathe, the mood rises, brain activity is activated.

Lemon with fruits

The well-known aloe is incredibly useful, has a wide range of applications for therapeutic purposes. Aloe is undemandingly to care, calmly transfers long breaks between watering, growing rapidly. The juice and flesh of his leaves is a real immunomodulator for our body. Aloe has a powerful bactercid, healing effect, is able to suppress the growth of cancer cells, activates the vitality of the body. The most common "therapeutic" variety is aloe tree, but aloe striped and aloe is frightened to poisonous. Most of all useful components contain plants that have already been 3 years old.

Aloe Tree (Aloe Arborescens Miller) or Counter
Aloe Vera (A. Vera L)

Pelargonium - close relative Gerani, they are often confused, although it is geranium more about garden representatives, and Pelargonium is closer to home. One way or another, more often all types of Pelargonium are called geranium. This flower is very popular that combines breeders for the elimination of many new variety. It should be known that individual species of pelargonium can be poisonous! Therefore, for home dilutions, choose safe varieties (hybrids, zone Pelargonia, large-flowered), which refresh, purify the atmosphere, destroy pathogenic bacteria. Moles, mosquitoes, flies are not very fond of Pelargonia, "run" from the room where it is. If we consider houseplants associated with them, the pink pelargonium can be considered a magnet for love relationship. White Pelargonia is recommended for those who dream of a child.

Pelargonium, photo:

Pelargonium (geranium)

Spathifulum - an elegant, sophisticated flower, bringing happiness, helping women to meet their love, is called him in the people " woman's happiness" He cleans the air at home, suppresses harmful bacteria, destructively acts on disputes of mold, if such a problem is available. Spatifylum actively distinguishes oxygen with the arrival of the night. The genus spathifylum is indoor plants bringing love, family happiness.

Spathifulum, photo:


Nephrolepp - one of the most attractive homemade ferns, also has the cleaning properties, "absorbs" radiation from a TV or computer. Nephroleppo secretes oxygen, biologically active compounds, it is easier to breathe in the room, the mood rises.

Nefrolypp, photo:


Kalanchoe is another home healer, which is called indoor ginseng or a tree of life. It is unpretentious, with the onset of summer it is recommended to make it more often fresh air. Application area ( medicinal preparations On its basis) Kalanchoe incredibly wide - dentistry, surgery, gynecology, etc. Calanchoe has a hemostatic, height, anti-shown, antimicrobial, antivirus effect.


Begonia useful, namely, a decorative-solid group of plants, which saturate the atmosphere of phytoncides, moisturize the air, protect it from dust. Note that the variety of begonia is eternal toxic, its hybrids too. Rest indoor Begonias Consider staphylococcal and streptococcal bacillus, various chemical components of air. Decorative-deciduous types of begonias are indoor plants cleansing air.


Chlorophyteum is unpretentious, growing, develops with any lighting, loves moisture. It also possesses powerful, cleaning properties, and if you add activated carbon to its landfills when replanting, useful qualities This green inhabitant will only become stronger. This home flower Created to stop poisonous allocations of combustion products. Types of chlorophytum, such as indoor Kapsky, Crested, Bonnie variety, winged - these are the best cleaning air room flowers.

Chlorophytum, photo:


In addition to theirrapeutic, decorative qualities Many indoor flowers carry a certain energy promise, at least this considers many people. Multiple signs came to us from the depths of centuries, to believe them or not - our personal choice, but pay attention to.

What indoor plants can be kept in the bedroom or children's?

Your sleep, well-being and finally family relationship depends on the atmosphere in the bedroom. It is impossible to place in the bedroom of poisonous representatives - those who emit toxic disputes into the air or provoke allergies.

Stop your choice on chlorophytum, laurel, potmary or lavender.

Cleans the air, selects oxygen geranium, camellia, spathifylum, begonia, calangean, aloe, Uzambar violets. These bedroom plants are really capable of shooting stress after a working day, remove insomnia, calm the nervous system.

But Monster, ferns, ficuses, strongly smelling lilies, garment, olendra should not settle where you sleep.

Have too much flower Gorshkov In one room, it is also not recommended - in wet environments (Soil) All sorts of fungi come faster.

If people suffer from asthma or allergies, then understandable things, the flowers in the bedroom are better not at all.

Indoor plants for the children's room are the same phytoncides that allocate useful components that purify the air, destructively affecting bacteria, viruses. For children, it is better to choose unpretentious colors resistant to "injury" (leaf breaking, stems). Children, as you know, still those fidget, so some kind of complex or capricious flower is unlikely to take root, if it becomes the object of the close attention of young researchers.

Hibiscus, Lemon, Mirt, Chlorophyllum, Mandarin, Balzamin, Hippeastrum, Eucalyptus, Phalenopsis are perfect for the children's room. These green inhabitants are perfectly cleaned air, produce oxygen, struggle with toxins, all sorts of bacteria.

Balsam Walra Myrtle

Houseplants and associated signs

For some, the green inhabitants are a favorite hobby or just a decor for the interior. However, along with this, many flower flows pay attention to the signs, study the effects of flowers on our life. Room lovers easily can become a kind of talisman, the keeper of happiness, a magnet for positive events. For example, it is worth only to look at Oxalis (indoor acids) to notice its incredible similarity with a qualer-four-grade - an ancient powerful symbol that attracts good luck.

Oxalis (acids)

The same chlorophytum, which was mentioned above, is considered a patron family life.

Strict Calatea has long been considered a keeper family relationships, contributed to a long, happy family life. By the way, if you provide her comfortable conditionsShe will live incredibly long, dozens of years.


Aiihrison, whose leaves are like hearts, is considered the "love tree".

Aiihrison - Love Tree

Money tree (fat man) is a favorite "amulet" contributing to the accumulation of material benefits.

Fastener or money

The fragrant Mirt is often given to the wedding, because he contributes to family happiness, mutual understanding between spouses.

An incredibly beautiful Hoya, which blooms with snow-white or pinkish "balls", is recommended for accommodation in marital bedrooms. This flower is a patron of lovers, helps to preserve loyalty, gives mutual understanding of pairs.


Favorite many violets are a symbol of comfort and a homely hearth.


And the spathifulum is generally the most "happy" flower (according to the majority). He is called "Women's Happiness", and it helps to meet his happy fate, married - to strengthen the existing relationships, childlessly gives the joy of motherhood, and in large families - harmony, peace in the house, mutual understanding between loved ones. If you have a spathifylum hollow at your house, then be sure - happiness is already on the threshold!

Spathifulum flowers

There are also indoor plants and associated signs are not very positive - there is definitely worth paying the championship to the Lianam. If you keep the curly lio-like houses, then the male floor will go around women living in it or girls.

Ivy, Tradesska, Roikissus (Birch), Zebrina Hanging, Campelia are the most active "women".

Presented palm trees also should not be set in the apartment.

It got poor cactus - according to popular beliefs, they pushes residents of the house to drunkenness. It is also not recommended to be carried away by breeding cacti unmarried devices.

Ferns, phylodendrons, along with Monster, are considered to be absorbed positive energy, vitality.

Geranium, Yucca, Neorelegelia, Sanseviera are also considered energy "vampires".

Anyway, practice shows that those who take to heart all negative prophecies are attracting problems themselves. Who is looking for - he finds, says ancient wisdom. There are many happy families and well-established destinies in people who hold fern in the house, flashes, cacti. So get your favorite flowers at home, rejoice in life, but be alert with poisonous representatives!

Choosing green domestic pets directly depends on your preferences, keep safety measures when care for them, protect any flowers from animal contacts or small children. Carefully treat your choice if you doubt, you can always consult with an experienced florist Or contact your question to the corresponding floral forum.

In addition to external beauty, there are houseplants that cannot be held at home - the photo and the names of the most frequently acquired representatives I described in this article. I hope this information Help you do right choice, Create cozy interiorwhich will be aesthetically attractive, safe for you, your loved ones.