How to make an orchid bloom - practical advice from experienced florists. The orchid has faded - what to do with the arrow

Orchid, delicate beauty, but her favor must be earned. Why does the orchid not bloom at home and how to create tropics in a separate apartment? These are not easy questions, but they can be solved. Otherwise, why does a neighbor's orchid bloom for six months? It means that you need to love the stubborn and understand her.

Analysis of the conditions for keeping an orchid

When buying a flower, you need to ask a specialist for an explanation of which variety and features of its cultivation. that tolerates light shading well. But there are orchids for which the south window is suitable, and even the summer heat is well tolerated by them. The orchid does not bloom if the conditions of detention are violated.

You should always put a saucer of boiled water next to the orchid. Put a clove of garlic in the substrate.

If the flower was purchased in a store, and it has already bloomed, and the arrow has turned yellow, then the rest period can last up to a year. If the plant is grown from children, then it will take more than two years to wait for the first flowering. By this time, the root system will gain strength and the orchid will release 5-6 leaves. Early flowering will weaken the beauty.

Why doesn't the orchid bloom at home after transplantation? When to wait for the first arrow? The transplanted plant initially builds up its root mass within six months. After aerial roots develop, leaves grow. Flower buds are laid in the axils. The initial period of plant development in favorable conditions promotes bookmarking more peduncles.

Let us remind you how to properly maintain an orchid:

  1. The roots are well developed, green, some of them are located along the walls of a transparent pot, some are at the top, absorbing moisture from the air.
  2. The substrate does not contain fresh bark, sawdust or manure.
  3. It is better to keep the lighting diffused.
  4. The difference in day and night temperatures when laying the peduncles should be at least 5 degrees.
  5. Top dressing, depleted in nitrogen every 10 days before the release of the arrow.

Listed conditions for bookmark flower buds, but the biological requirements for.

What if the orchid does not bloom and is developing well? You will need to provoke the release of the arrow. The aerial root and arrow look the same at first. But the tip of the arrow is rounded, and at the root it is sharp, as in the photo.

How to make an orchid bloom

Orchid is a tropical plant that does not know what winter and summer are. But she distinguishes between the season of warm tropical rains and drought. Climate change can trigger bloom. The condition for stressful activities is the health of the plant. A weakened flower can be destroyed.

Applying stimulants in the form of Epin, succinic acid, daily morning aerial spraying and weekly watering with the addition of the drug can add energy and the plant will throw out the arrow.

If you water the orchids from above, then the water is filtered and takes out excess salts. Along with water, oxygen is delivered to the roots.

Why doesn't the orchid bloom, but the leaves grow? This means that an excess of nitrogen was given in the diet. A well-spent drought season can help. In a month or two, flower buds will appear, if you create a lack of moisture, but the temperature should not be higher than 30 0 С:

  1. The time for keeping the roots in a dry state between waterings should be increased to 4 days in a warm content, up to a week if the room is cool.
  2. Do not spray, fertilize, fight like that!
  3. A peduncle will appear and resume, only exclude fertilizing watering.
  4. Organize correct lighting, in winter additional lighting at a distance of no higher than 40 cm from the crown.
  5. If the "drought" is carried out correctly, the peduncle will grow and lower leaves softer than usual.

What to do to make the orchid bloom after the "rainy season"? water treatments only water heated to 35 degrees. There are many ways to encourage an orchid to bloom.

Water for 3-4 days in a row, then let the plant dry for two weeks. After that, leave as usual.

Three times a day for a week from a spray bottle with warm water with Epin or succinic acid for a week.

In a warm steam room, water the plant from the shower with water at 35 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Let the bathroom cool with the flower so that the steamed plant doesn't catch a cold.

You can use only one of the methods to accelerate flowering.

The question of why the orchid does not bloom at home may have an unexpected answer. You smoke, and the flower cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke. Do you always have a bowl of fruit on your table? But the flower does not like ethylene released by ripening fruits. When cleaning, the flower is rearranged from place to place? Don't wait to bloom. When purchasing a flower, you need to notice how it stood, and keep orientation if possible.

At the end of autumn, the flower begins the main period in its life - flowering. It is by this moment that the orchid accumulates all its strength.

After 2 months, small buds form in place of the peduncles, which will subsequently open in the form of flowers.

During the formation of the peduncle, the pet needs all the attention and care of the owner., which consists in regular watering, fertilizing, providing optimal lighting.

If the peduncle was last cut not to the very base, then there is a high probability that in the fall a bud will wake up on it and the process of growth of the lateral arrow will begin. Flowers, in this case, will appear earlier, after 35-40 days.

Care before and during flowering - what's the difference?

Step by step care instructions

The most common illnesses associated with poor orchid care are:

  • Rot Is the view fungal disease... All affected areas are urgently removed, and the sections are disinfected.

    The main reason for the formation of rot is a large amount of moisture at low temperatures.

  • Powdery mildew. White bloom- a clear sign. A solution of colloidal sulfur or a remedy called "Skor" will cope with the disease. The reason is the greenhouse effect.
  • Fusarium- the foliage becomes soft, and the surface is covered with a bloom with a pink tint. You can overcome the disease with the help of Fundazol. Processed for at least a week. Occurs due to high humidity.
  • Spotted leaves... Dark and damp spots - a lot of fertilizer applied. Only complete removal of foliage with subsequent fungicide treatment can help.

Orchid is an exotic flower that requires special attention... Proper care - guarantees regular and lush bloom, absence of diseases, healthy appearance of the plant.

For many gardeners, it becomes a real mystery why the orchid does not bloom. Phalaenopsis, which is distinguished by its special unpretentiousness, can long time do not give flowers for many reasons. To make a plant bloom, you need to figure out why flower stalks do not form.

The absence of flowers on a plant does not always mean that something is wrong with it. Quite often, the orchid does not bloom on natural reasons, and in this case, you should not interfere with the processes.

The main reasons for the lack of bud formation are:

  • active vegetation. In spring, orchids enter a period of particularly strong growth. They are intensively gaining root and green mass, as in natural conditions, and at the same time do not bloom, since all their strength is spent on rapid development. As soon as it stops, the laying of peduncles and buds will begin;
  • feature of the flower. Some orchids release an arrow and form small buds on it, but do not open them until 3 months. Such a phenomenon is normal for them and does not require intervention. A similar individual feature is rare enough, but it can still take place.

Orchids also do not bloom if a baby has formed on the peduncle, on which all the forces of the plant go. In this case, you can count on the appearance of flowers only after the grown baby is separated from the mother plant, and it will rest and restore strength. In other cases, the lack of flowering, as a rule, signals the florist's mistakes in caring for the crop.

Improper plant care

With improper care, quite often the plant begins to very actively build up the green mass, and at the same time it will not release peduncles. In such a situation, eliminating errors allows you to restore flowering and stimulate the orchid to release new flower stalks.

Violation of the irrigation regime

In the natural habitat of orchids during the rainy season, there are no pollinators, and therefore the plant does not waste energy on useless flowering. If at home the orchid is watered excessively, then it perceives what is happening as the beginning of the rainy season and therefore does not release the arrow. The same effect is observed if the plant is watered with cold water.

If you water the plant strictly only after the substrate is completely dry, as evidenced by the clarification of the roots almost to whiteness, then soon the orchid will release an arrow and bloom. If desired, during watering, you can also feed it with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer, which stimulates flowering.

Lack or excess of light

Lighting for an orchid is of the utmost importance. For flowering in equally dangerously too dark or, on the contrary, bright lighting. For phalaenopsis, exposure to direct sunlight, which instantly dries up the roots and leads first to a general deterioration in the condition of the plant, and then to its death.

If there is little light, the flower also does not release the arrow, but at the same time it fully gains green leaf mass, since its formation is possible even under inappropriate conditions.

If the orchid is too light, it must be urgently shaded or rearranged. If there is a lack of light, it is necessary to organize additional lighting, which is carried out using ordinary daylight lamps or LED lamps... After the orchid recovers from the stress caused by the inappropriate lighting, it will begin to bloom.

Mistakes when fertilizing orchids

When fertilizing an orchid, one must remember that all fertilizing is divided into:

  • fertilizers that stimulate the development of green mass;
  • fertilizers that stimulate flowering.

If you confuse them, then instead of flower stalks, the orchid will release more and more leaves.

All nitrogen fertilizers are applied during the growing season, when it is important that the plant gains a lot of roots and leaves, but does not lay the arrows. This period falls in the spring.

In order for the orchid to start blooming actively, it is fertilized with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, which give an impetus to the formation of a flower arrow and buds. It is impossible to use them at the time of vegetation or restoration of an orchid after damage to the roots, since by provoking the formation of flowers at this moment, phalaenopsis can be ruined.

Diseases and pests as a reason for not flowering

Putrefactive diseases are especially dangerous for orchids. If they are not identified in a timely manner, then it will be impossible to save the plant, and it dies, rotting away in the neck area. The appearance of rot is usually associated with over-watering when water enters a leaf outlet that does not dry out.

What to do and how to make an orchid bloom?

Before you can make an orchid bloom, you need to inspect it - and not only aerial part but also the roots. If they are completely healthy and well developed, the stimulation of the orchid can be started. If there is any doubt that the plant is in good condition, you should not risk it.

A solution of succinic acid (2g / 2l of water), which is used for irrigation, can provoke flowering. 2-3 times of this treatment is enough for the orchid to release a peduncle. You can also wipe the leaves of the plant with the solution.

Treatment with epin also gives good result... A solution (3 drops per glass of water) is sprayed on the orchid every morning until it releases the arrow. Also, once a week, the plant is watered with this solution.

Simulating the rainy season helps to nudge the flower towards the formation of the arrows. To do this, a pot with an orchid is dipped in warm water (temperature +35 degrees) for 3 days in a row, and then left without moisture for 2 weeks. The flower perceives such a change in the irrigation regime as the end of the rainy season and begins to form arrows.

Before you apply chemical compositions to stimulate flowering, it is worth trying the trick with watering, since it is the safest and most natural for the orchid.

In general, orchids are considered unpretentious plants that can bloom up to 3 times a year. In order for them to grow well, they need to provide proper care that will take into account the natural needs of the plant. If the orchid does not bloom, you need to find the cause of the problem and fix it.

In other words, a flower shoot or an arrow is precisely that part of the flower (we will consider the phalaenopsis orchid as an example), which is responsible for the beauty and attractiveness of the plant - beautiful delicate buds bloom on it.

Outwardly, these parts of the phalaenopsis are very similar to the root processes. They are the same color and shape, but in their structure they have more complex structure. At the initial stage of growth, the shoot can bend into the most bizarre shapes, even in a pig's tail, but then it will still align and continue development in a straight form. But sometimes he can go not only straight up, but in any other direction.

  1. Where does it grow from? Shoots grow from the corners between the leaf and stem of the orchid. But the roots emerge from the bases of the root collar.
  2. We look at the ends. At the flower shoot it is pointed, and at the root processes it is blunt and slightly rounded.
  3. Appearance. The peduncle is scaly, and the roots are nasty and even.


The development of new flower shoots is a sign of active plant life. If it does not throw out a peduncle, then the flower cannot boast of its full health. Whatever one may say, but we acquire phalaenopsis to admire their wonderful appearance... And of course, we are very upset if we cannot contemplate the opened buds of orchids. This is a good reason to think about stimulating the development of peduncles.

Where and how does it grow?

Let's repeat, but still. Flower shoots the plant releases from the leaf sinuses - this is the angle that forms between the base of the leaf plate and the stem. It is in this place that a flower bud, most often dormant, begins to form.


Below you can see a photo of the phalaenopsis orchid and see how and from where it releases flowering arrow.

The difference in flower care before and after the arrow appears

Before the peduncle appears on the phalaenopsis, you need to adhere to simple rules:

  • provide sufficient, but diffused lighting (avoid the south side of the premises);
  • water the plant regularly (do this only after the top layer of the soil has dried);
  • place the flower pot in a well-ventilated room, but so that a draft does not form there;
  • it is necessary to moisten not only the soil, but also the air around the phalaenopsis;
  • orchid feeding should be regular, comprehensive and complete.

When the flower arrow appears on the horizon, you will need to slightly change the conditions of the plant. To do this, change:

  1. Location.

    If the peduncle is released in mid-autumn or in any winter and spring time, put a flowerpot with a pot on the south side of the room. Do not be afraid, during these periods the sun is not so hot and will not harm the flower.

  2. Watering mode.

    It needs to be shortened a little. But you have to look at the situation. Ingoda has to be watered only once every two weeks (compared to what was previously watered every seven days).

  3. Top dressing mode.

    As soon as the flower arrow appears, you will need to reduce the amount and frequency of fertilization, but only slightly. But after the peduncle has already grown stronger and grows up, and swelling buds begin to appear on it, the feeding process must be completed. The fact is that the abundance of fertilizers will no longer affect the number of flower buds. Their number is laid even at the stage of the formation of the peduncle itself.

How to care for an orchid after it has released a peduncle, read, and from you will learn about what to do with a peduncle after the arrow has faded and how to care for the plant.

In the case when you can't wait for the phalaenopsis to bloom, follow these simple rules.

  • Increase lighting.

    The orchid usually blooms twice a year. But if you want, you can force the plant to release an extraordinary peduncle by ignoring the dormant period. Ample lighting plays an important role here. Take care to find a place for the plant pot in a light enough spot. It is better to try to place the flowerpot on the east side of the room.

    Lighting should be not only abundant, but also long-term: up to twelve hours a day. If you will be using lighting bulbs to maintain this condition, keep in mind that simple bulbs will not work because they can overheat the orchid.

  • Observe your watering schedule.

    If you want to stimulate flower stalk release, limit watering. Let the plant rest for ten days, and only then moisten the soil. In the best way watering is a watering shower. To do this, put a flowerpot with phalaenopsis in the bathroom and pour abundantly water on top (but water the flower only with settled water).

    In the described way, you will kill two birds with one stone: water both the upper and lower roots, and also carry out hygienic procedures. If ten days have passed and the roots are still green, then you still shouldn't water the plant. The same situation is with condensation on the walls of the flowerpot. If there is one, there is no need to moisten the soil.

  • Provide a comfortable temperature.

    The most important condition is the difference between day and night temperatures (normally it should be 4-5 degrees). High temperatures stimulate the growth of only the leaf mass, but not the peduncles. Comfortable temperature is approximately 20-21 degrees above zero during the day.

  • Correct fertilization.

    To get the flower arrow thrown out, you need to feed the plant well. You can resort to pharmacy drugs such as succinic acid or Zircon. Dilute it according to the instructions on the package.

You can find out why the orchid does not release the peduncle and how to make it do it.

What if the arrow appears but does not grow?

In a situation where the peduncle still came out of the leaf sinus, but for some reason stopped developing, observe the conditions of keeping your beauty.

  1. Increase the abundance and frequency of soil moisture. The orchid needs to be fed, so water it often.
  2. Place the flowerpot with the plant in the brightest place, which is in your premises. Light is the most important factor growth of the peduncle.

After changing these factors, the peduncle should go into growth. If it doesn't, try changing the nutrient mix.

First you need to figure out the reasons for this.

In most cases, a drying peduncle can be saved. Review the conditions for keeping the plant as a whole and change them while it is still possible.

Read more about why an orchid's peduncle can dry up and what to do about it, and from you you will learn about what an orchid baby is and how to grow it on a peduncle.

Today we introduced you to the structure of the orchid, or rather, to its specific part - the peduncle. This section of the plant has the same essential like the root system and sheet plates. Therefore, their care should be appropriate.

Without your help and full-fledged, and most importantly correct, care, buds will not appear on this flower arrow, which are able to open and remain blooming. long time... If you adhere to very simple rules for caring for an orchid, it will attract the eyes of your guests with its flowering for a long time.

Watch a video on how to care for an orchid during the period of peduncle growth:

06.07.2017 9 816

So many housewives are wondering how to make an orchid bloom and what conditions should be created for a pet? The main mistakes when leaving lead to the fact that the leaves grow, and the flower does not shoot an arrow for a long time, what to do in such cases, how to help the plant, read on ...

How to make an orchid bloom - the secrets of successful housewives

After the purchase, the orchid fades, the owner of the beauty begins to wait for a new flowering. Sometimes you have to wait six months (the plant rest period), but, in general, the wait is delayed for a longer period. How to get an orchid to release a peduncle? Why does a friend have it blooming for 6 months, but still can't shoot an arrow at your window? Let's figure it out.

We put in place a capricious flower... The orchid is a resident of the tropics, and does not distinguish between winter and summer, but it perfectly distinguishes between periods of drought and heavy rains. In order to make an orchid bloom at home, you need to use shock therapy, change the conditions of detention, and most importantly, the place. Moreover, the location must be changed radically - put the plant under the sink for a month and leave it without watering. Naturally, the proximity of detergents and cleaning agents must be removed, otherwise they will destroy the flower, but dark, humid environment will only benefit the plant. After the expiration date, the flower can be returned to its usual place and watering can be resumed.

Chemical attack... If the orchid does not shoot an arrow, you can use various growth stimulants, for example, Stimulus or Success for orchids, for this in the morning you need to spray the plant according to the instructions, and once a week soak the flowerpot in warm water with the addition of the drug.

orchid bloom - pictured

How to make the Cymbidium orchid bloom? It's late summer, and the orchid is in no hurry to shoot an arrow. Cymbidium releases leaves, not blooms, how to make it shoot an arrow? Arrange a pretty shake - limit watering and reduce the temperature at night to +10 ° ... + 13 ° C., such measures will contribute to the growth of the peduncle. When the arrow begins to grow, tie it to sticks so that it does not bend over and grows straight. The peduncle of the orchid grows until winter, and in winter period you will be able to enjoy blooming at home for about two months. The most profuse flowering in Cymbidium it begins in the third year of life. By the way, the beauty may also need additional flowering stimulation.

Why do the leaves grow and the orchid does not bloom?

If the orchid does not bloom, then there is a need to provoke the release of the arrow. It is worth reducing the amount of nitrogen in top dressing, correctly conducting a drought regime, maintaining the usual temperature. Then, in a couple of months, new flower buds will appear. It is not difficult to organize a drought for a flower, for this you need:

  • reduce watering to 1 time in 4 days in hot weather and once a week in cool temperatures
  • organize lighting with cold lamps no higher than 40 cm from the top of the plant
  • exclude spraying and feeding the flower

With the correct maneuver, the lower leaves of the beauty will become soft, the peduncle will grow, soon pleasing with abundant flowering.

Why doesn't the orchid bloom after transplanting?

Any transplanted plant must get sick, and this takes time. The transplanted tropical guest, the orchid, immediately begins to grow root system- it takes all her strength. Only by increasing the root mass, the flower will begin to develop aerial roots, leaves and peduncles. Let us recall the basic rules for transplanting and maintaining a plant:

All this - the necessary conditions for the healthy development of healthy flower buds. As you can see, it is not so difficult to make an orchid bloom after transplanting.

The orchid has released a flower stalk and stopped?

How long does a peduncle grow in an orchid? Usually, it takes about two months from the beginning of the ejection of the peduncle to the flowering of the orchid. This period may fluctuate depending on the lighting, temperature and humidity in the room. However, there are some rules that must be followed during the period of flower growth. Consider how to make a plant bloom using the example of the Phalaenopsis orchid, one of the most common inhabitants at home:

  • shot an arrow after a hot summer, the Phalaenopsis orchid can quickly bloom and delight with its flowering up to six months, if it is settled on sunny side: the sun is no longer so scorching, and the daylight hours are still quite long. When the orchid does not release the peduncle for a long time, you can force it in by increasing the daylight hours to 12 hours a day. It will be necessary to transfer the blooming beauty to the room after the opening of the buds
  • in any case, do not change the irrigation schedule, the soil should remain moist, but not wet
  • continue feeding until the first flower appears - by this time the representative of the flora will pick up all the necessary substances for other buds, and an excess can provoke their discharge

Stalk pruning

pruning orchid peduncles - pictured

The experience of orchid breeders suggests that it is necessary to trim the peduncle in the region of the third bud; if you cut it closer to the roots, the flowering will be abundant, but belated, and a higher pruning will lead to the growth of the peduncle to the side and your beauty will fall on its side. The ejection of arrows from additional buds occurs faster than from the main bud, so the tropical diva will bloom within a month and a half after the previous flowering.

If you purchased not flowering plant and it is in no hurry to please you with buds - take a closer look at the number of shoots, there should be from 5 to 8, if there are fewer shoots, the plant is still too young and flowering can weaken it. The orchid begins to dissolve the buds at 2 - 3 years of age, maybe it makes sense to just wait? Now you know, dear readers, how to make an orchid bloom.