Artificial flowers in plaster with your own hands. Unusual gypsum flowers with your own hands

The article discusses one of the most original and time-consuming ways of decorating the walls of an apartment: artistic modeling. It is believed that this phenomenon belongs to past eras, but reality shows that modeling is also used in modern interiors.

Modeling in the interior

Modeling on the wall is considered an original, albeit not a popular option for decorating a home. Despite the large number of alternative and artificial products, classical art modeling has not yet lost its relevance.

What is stucco on the walls

Stucco molding and bas-reliefs on the walls are a way to decorate the room in an original way and add general view some charm.

Contrary to numerous misconceptions that stucco is not only an expensive, but also a complex technological process, in fact it is affordable way decoration that any patient and imaginative craftsman can handle.

Stucco molding on the walls is patterned, figured and in general artistic decorations that can be made from various materials.

Stucco molding on the walls in the apartment: where to use

Stucco on the walls in a modern apartment can get a lot of ways to use it. First of all, it is, of course, Living spaces, where similar finish takes up a lot of wall space. If desired, it is possible to vary the dimensions and volume of the decoration, as you like. Stucco molding is less common in rooms for other purposes, such as, for example, a kitchen or a bathroom, because in such places practicality plays a more important role than aesthetic qualities.

How to make stucco with your own hands at home

It is quite possible to make stucco on the wall with your own hands even without building skills or art education.

However, before embarking on this process, you will need to prepare. This implies, first of all, the preparation of the surface of the wall, which is desirable to level, and also without fail primed and dust-free.

Material selection

To create three-dimensional images on the walls, designed to serve original decoration the interior will need to use any plastic material. Among options you can note:

  • Gypsum.
  • Plaster.
  • Clay.
  • Alabaster.

The choice of material is carried out, first of all, starting from the cost of the material, as well as its characteristics.

Forming a sketch or wireframe

After the wall has been properly processed, and the material for modeling has been prepared, you need to worry about the formation of the sketch. It should be noted that the sketch will be one of highlights in the process under consideration, and it also influences the success of the entire decoration operation.

  • To create a sketch and a future stencil, you can use thick paper or cardboard.
  • The required image is drawn, copied or printed on a sheet, and then cut out along the contour.
  • After that, it must be placed under a film, cellophane or other similar coating. The resulting product will serve as a stencil for future modeling.
  • Attach the cut-out fragment with the necessary contours to the wall in the right place and, using, for example, a pencil or other similar tool, push the contours of the image into the putty layer.

Plaster molding on the wall

Gypsum is a plastic and flexible material that can be given any shape, it quickly hardens. Before applying, the gypsum is poured with water and thoroughly stirred, after which, armed with a scalpel with a knife and wire with molds, you can start making plaster molding on the wall with your own hands.

drying out

Gypsum has a tendency to accelerated solidification, therefore, it is not recommended to perform complex parts that require lengthy manufacturing. The duration and peculiarity of the drying process also depend on the density of the solution.

Opening varnish

The final finish will require the provision of a protective coating. This is necessary not only to preserve the aesthetic qualities, but also to protect the molding from shedding and destruction. Opening acrylic varnish considered one of the best options in this case.

Examples of stucco in the interior of the room

Stucco on the walls modern apartments can be completely different. It depends not only on the imagination of the owners or the master, but also on:

  • area reserved for decoration;
  • selected materials;
  • the characteristics of the premises and some other factors.


Flowers, vines and plant images often become images used in wall stucco. As a rule, they are simple in execution due to the symmetry of the shapes and the simplicity of the lines.


The animal world is a less common motif in the images created by stucco, because it does not fit into every room, and to create high-quality works, the involvement of a master will be required.


Geometric lines, shapes, intricate patterns original way decorate the wall of almost any room. Such patterns are neutral and fit into most interiors, in addition, they are easy to create.

antique figures

They are one of the most difficult images. To create them, you will need not only experienced master but also quality materials, good tools and competent preparatory process.

What do-it-yourself stucco molding on the walls is done the fastest

As already mentioned, gypsum is one of the "fastest" materials, despite the fact that it will require some skill. It is easy and quick to apply, requires a minimum of effort and tools, and also quickly hardens.

What to Consider

Depending on the specifics of the planned work, a list of advantages and disadvantages is determined, with which you should first familiarize yourself and make a decision.


Decorative modeling requires regular maintenance, but it is not an easy process. It must be washed with soft detergents containing no abrasives or acids.


Restoration of stucco molding is carried out using the same materials that were used to create the pattern, in case of major damage. For smaller and minor defects, gypsum or putty can be used. Individual elements, if necessary, are cast separately or formed after applying the mixture.

Stucco on the walls is one of the most original and exotic ways to give the interior solidity and originality.

Useful video

For the first time, I got to know plaster decor in Paris. There, on one of the shelves of small cozy shops on Rivoli, one could see a lot of beauty: from cute trinkets to real works of art. My gaze caught on the delightful plaster decor in the form of a flower, as well as simply stunning candlesticks in the form of a blossoming rose.

My modest budget gave me the opportunity to fork out just one such plaster rosette. And now, five months later, while my husband and I were buying materials for repairing the ceiling for the living room, I saw plaster in one of the departments of the hardware store. And then an idea hit me!

Plaster decor

Why not create your own stylish flowers plaster. I will not keep the intrigue and torment you with the expectation of a magical recipe - the method is simple to disgrace. For the base, you need dry or artificial flowers that need to be lowered into gypsum mortar and then dry. The process is a little laborious, but the result will definitely please you.

Due to the fact that gypsum is an environmentally friendly and absolutely harmless material for humans, in which there is not even the slightest percentage of toxicity, even a child can cope with such work. For example, my daughter Maria is now very interested in this type of needlework.

"Piggy Bank of Useful Tips" prepared for you 11 amazing ideas floral decor from plaster. Gorgeous and very simple!

Also for you, we have prepared a simple master class on making an unusually beautiful candlestick in the shape of a flower.


  • gypsum putty or plaster
  • artificial flowers
  • pliers
  • glue gun
  • metal tea candles


And here is another simply amazing idea for your piggy bank - how to create jewelry from plant prints on clay. When you see all the technology, you will understand that making such beauty is much easier than it seems at first glance!

You see what the result can be from old or simply low-quality artificial flowers using a gypsum solution. Gypsum is a truly magical thing. Everything that we make of it turns out to be a priori extremely elegant. Mistakes are even welcome. After all, this is aristocratic and artistic negligence.

In addition, such unusual plaster decor looks quite photogenic and can be safely used in beautiful photos, for example for Instagram.

Very often seen in the interior of houses plaster bas-reliefs on the wall. Or cute figurines made of similar material, chic candlesticks and much more. This beauty always delights and makes you want to have such decorative elements in your home. This begs the question: how much does it cost and is it possible to make such beauty with your own hands? Of course you can. There are several simple options making plaster figures. This article will provide recommendations to understand how to make gypsum flowers at home.

The first option: from artificial flowers

To make flowers at home, we need:

  • Artificial flowers.
  • Powder plaster.
  • Dyes for flowers.

All of these items can be found at any hardware store. Flowers can be from any material. It can be both specially purchased and unnecessary, from some outdated compositions.

First you need to prepare workplace, where the production of flowers will take place. Prepare plaster according to package instructions. Stir the solution carefully and slowly so that bubbles do not appear. You can immediately add the dye to the mixture to get a fully colored flower. Attach a wire to the prepared flowers so that it is convenient to hang them for drying. After all the preparations artificial flower fully immersed in plaster mixture. Carefully take out and hang to dry.

After our gypsum flower has dried out, it can be additionally painted over, sparkles or drops of artificial dew can be added. After finishing the decoration, you need to varnish the product.

Second option: use silicone molds

He is also very simple. Thanks to a simple process, children can be involved in the work. Such a gypsum flower will rightfully take its place in the children's room, and the child will be able to show it to his friends. For work we need:

  • Gypsum or alabaster.
  • Paints.
  • Silicone forms colors.
  • Paints and decorations.

As in the previous example, all the right materials can be purchased at the store. Pour the prepared mixture into molds. You can immediately attach pieces of thread if you later want to hang the products on the wall. After drying, we take the flower out of the mold and decorate it with paints, sparkles, rhinestones, etc.

Bas-relief on the wall

To decorate the walls, many resort to bas-relief. If you want to do everything yourself, you need to be prepared for the fact that this is a very laborious process. It may be better to use the services of professionals. If you decide to make gypsum flowers on the wall yourself, then you can use stencils and molds that are sold in construction stores. Following the instructions, we bring our work to life.

This composition will look amazing in your room and bring style and richness to the interior. You can also make a wall composition yourself, without templates and forms. To do this, it is enough to cut out the necessary details of flowers, leaves and additional accessories from cardboard and foam. Plaster everything and use glue to assemble a bas-relief on the wall. If the details are pretty large sizes, then you need to put a wire inside, it will act as reinforcement. Small parts can be molded by hand and also attached in the wall. It can be small leaves, berries, bunches of grapes, etc.

The next step is to seal all the seams. They can be hidden with both plaster and white sealant. We process the finished product with a primer, it will not allow the bas-relief to get dirty and crumble.

garden sculptures

When summer comes, we all try to decorate our personal plots, cottages or houses - we plant flowers and purchase all kinds of figurines or lanterns. Can be crafted decorative flower with your own hands, which will give the landscape additional chic. In order to make a big garden flower from plaster, we need to purchase the appropriate material and mold for pouring.

We can also use children's sand pyramids. After our flower hardens, we take it out of the mold, grind it with sandpaper and paint acrylic paint in several layers. If necessary, add sparkles or rhinestones, which we glue with glue, and complete the whole process by applying varnish. Our plaster flower is ready.

Such sculptures will complement live composition in a flower bed or will be a wonderful decoration of the porch. You can beautifully arrange a playground for children. As shown in the photo, gypsum flowers will fit beautifully into your landscape design.

Crafts from plaster flowers

Do-it-yourself flowers in plaster not only look chic on their own, but can also be a component of many compositions. For example, you can decorate a photo frame with many small plaster flowers strewn over it, or create a beautiful candlestick in the form of a blossoming flower.

Flower plaster stand can be great gift for housewarming. With such flowers and additional elements can be applied to them interior arches or eaves. Caskets or jars for all kinds of women's little things look very nice. If you make the lids of jars for small things in the same style, they will look harmoniously on dressing table in the bedroom.

Dried flowers in plaster

For the manufacture of gypsum flower arrangements you can use not only forms and artificial plants. Dried flowers prepared in advance are also perfect. Did your loved one give you a bouquet of gorgeous roses? Over time, the flowers will wither and fall off. To keep it on long time, flowers can be dried and used for interior composition:

  1. Dilute gypsum in warm water to the consistency of sour cream.
  2. Dip each flower into the solution and hang it on a string to set the plaster.
  3. After drying, the bouquet can be painted and the flowers brought into the proper form.

Now it is enough to put the composition in a vase, and your bouquet will stay with you for a long time.

AT New Year holidays you can decorate the house with themed crafts. Plaster pine or spruce branches and arrange a New Year's wreath with beautiful candlestick and New Year's toys. Such an element of decor can be placed on a chest of drawers or a fireplace. Involve children in the work, this will help develop fine motor skills of the hands, develop a sense of color and aesthetic taste.

Would you like to try making artificial flowers out of plaster? Then go for this dry component, the shape of the future flower and the artificial work of art itself.

Gypsum itself is a unique, environmentally friendly building and architectural material, harmless to environment and a person. It does not emit toxins, so you can safely call your son or daughter with you to work wonders with your own hands. The low cost of the material, a kind of plasticity in its raw form makes it possible to play out fantasy, casting various forms buds, leaves and legs of bright representatives of the flora.

Gypsum artificial flowers: how to produce a beautiful product?

There are several such methods: the simplest is to use an artificial flower or a dried and gypsum solution. After being submerged in for a few seconds future beauty into something that resembles gray sour cream, you can get it and hang it on a clothespin to dry. The material hardens quickly: in half an hour you can admire the whitened new decoration of your home.

If creativity with paints is your strong point, then send white gypsum flowers for revision with color. True, it is also worth covering it with varnish on top, but this is a matter of minutes. This is how not only individual interior items are created, but also entire compositions, for example, wedding frames, if the ceremony is not held at the registry office.

Artificial flowers in the interior: how to make shapes for them

Buy plasticine, fashion a shape, cut it into symmetrical 2 parts, scrape out the inside: that's it - the shape is ready! Gypsum is better diluted in glass or rubber dishes. Where can I get the second option? It is enough to cut the deflated ball into 2 halves. If you do not follow the proportions for diluting gypsum, then the shape of the flower may not work, so follow the instructions strictly. Do not allow lumping, otherwise the product will simply begin to crumble as soon as these lumps have destroyed their shell.

Before diluting the solution, grease the form with fat, such as body butter or hand cream. This makes it easier to remove items. If the product has to be “sculpted” from disparate parts, then they will have to be glued together with gypsum milk. The seams dry for a long time: it is easier to assemble the product and leave it for a day in a room without drafts.

Why buy a pencil?

You will also need a pencil: they knock on the walls of the mold so that the finished flower falls into your palm. The sound determines whether the product is ready to leave the mold. If you hear a sonorous sound after hitting with a pencil, then feel free to remove the plaster figure. You can not get depressed when you see that the color of the product with reverse side not so clean. Buy a sculpting knife for plaster and scrape off whatever is irritating.

Gypsum is cut into very small pieces, but the sharp edge of the tool must be turned towards the product, and not vice versa, otherwise you will not succeed. So avoid chips and you can get a snow-white blank for a bouquet or a single decoration. The gypsum composition looks beautiful on a vase, on a photo frame and above the headboard, when you want to decorate the wall with something other than plaster.

T what beauty will not leave anyone indifferent. When you look at her, you yourself want to make such beautiful ones, but can anyone create such unusual plaster flowers with your own hands? Without knowing the technology of making gypsum flowers, it is unlikely that anyone will succeed, even with dexterous and skillful hands. At first glance, the flowers in the picture look like ordinary plaster. But it's not. For the fantastic idea of ​​our project, we chose simplified version, and instead of sculpting the flowers ourselves, we used artificial flowers, which were subsequently dipped in plaster. Why did we use gypsum? Gypsum is an environmentally friendly and absolutely harmless material for humans. It does not contain even the slightest percentage of toxicity, so even your child can work with it. Due to its low cost and plasticity, gypsum allows you to make not only unusual gypsum flowers, but also a wide variety of decor items, souvenirs and figurines.

Currently, there are several ways to create a flower from gypsum. In our project, we will consider the simplest of them.

For work we need:

  • Artificial flowers. You can use both artificial ones from various fabrics and plastic ones.
  • Powder plaster.
  • Dyes for flowers.

Although this method is considered the simplest, it is according to it that the flowers made can be considered a model of art and be inimitable.

At the beginning of work, you need to stock up on all materials. Then choose a place where you would like to hang your flowers to dry. This is important. Gypsum dries very quickly, and it is desirable that you have everything prepared.

Prepare the cast following the directions on the plaster package. Do not mix with quick movements to avoid creating bubbles. If you want your flowers to be completely painted in some color, then add dyes to the plaster. I added green mint.

Attach a piece of wire to each of your flowers so that you can then hold on to it.

Now it's time for the dive. Dip the flowers in order in the plaster, making sure your flowers are completely covered in the plaster. After the gypsum on the flower has dried, it is impossible to dip it into gypsum again.

Hang flowers and other details dipped in plaster to dry.

If you do not like the resulting look of the flower, you can decorate it with paints, then let the plaster dry, and then varnish it. I used a mixture of gold and copper paint and covered the edges of the petals with it.

Look how beautiful the plaster flowers look on the wreath!

More Tips!

  • Use artificial flowers in white or cream colors. Bright colours will not give a positive result.
  • You need to work quickly. Otherwise, if gypsum mixture will get a consistency denser than dirt, it will not work with it. You will have about 3-5 minutes of working time to dip the flowers into the plaster before it hardens.
  • Don't put leftover plaster in the sink. The plaster will dry out and harden in your pipes and you won't be able to wash it off. So, throw the rest of the plaster in the trash.

Despite the simplicity of creating unusual plaster, the result will exceed all expectations! You can use a variety of things to cover with plaster, which you would like to give a new, extraordinary look. Thanks to a wonderful idea with your own hands, you will have something to give someone for the holiday, and how to surprise guests.