Flower "Monarda": views from the photo, planting and care in the open field. Monarda: description of species and features of care

Of the 20 species of the Lamiaceae family (Lyasnotkovye) annual and perennial herbs, which trace their ancestry from the North American continent and are widespread from Mexico to Canada, the Monarda plant attracts attention. Carl Linnaeus in the name of the flower immortalized the name of the Spaniard Nicolas Monardes, who devoted his life to medicine and botany, and in 1574 published a book about the plants of America.

In his book, Monardes mentioned another name for the monarda: the plant was then known as the soul mate virgin or Canadian oregano. Once in the territory of the Old World, Monarda attracted attention primarily as an essential oil plant and since the 19th century has become better known as bergamot, American lemon balm or lemon mint.

Description of Monarda

Perennial and annual monarda belongs to rhizomatous plants. Its branched or straight stems rise to a height of up to 1.5 meters. Monarda leaves are fragrant, have an oblong-lanceolate shape with a straight or serrated edge. Rather small, with a pleasant smell, two-lipped flowers are collected in dense, up to 7 cm in diameter, inflorescences of a racemose or capitate type. White, yellow, red, speckled flowers are located one above the other along the entire length of the stem. The fruit of the monarda is a nutlet, inside of which there are seeds.

Ripening, the seeds do not lose their germination for 3 years. You can use one site for planting a plant up to 7 years. Monarda is valued not only for the attractive shade of the flower, but also for its unique aroma, which has found its use in cooking as a spice and as an additive to tea. Its qualities of a honey plant are undeniable.

How to plant a monard with seeds in the ground

Sowing monarda in spring

If the monarda is cultivated in the southern regions, then its seeds are sown directly into the ground. Do this in February, choosing a sunny warm day. The next couple of months, still cool, will encourage natural seed stratification. And only in the month of April can we expect the appearance of strong and friendly shoots, which after a while should be thinned out.

If at the time of sowing there is a snow cover on the ground, a piece of land should be cleared and covered with a film. The ground under the film will warm up well and will be ready for loosening. Before planting seeds in it, upper layer soils are mixed with sand. Seeds are sown to a depth not exceeding 2.5 cm. It is better to sprinkle the seeds on top with sand, not soil.

Sowing monarda before winter

Many practice autumn monards after the seeds have been collected. It is necessary to wait for a cold snap, with night frosts up to 5 ° C. Each region has its own climate, but around winter it can be sown already at the end of October, when there is no risk of seed germination in warm weather.

The bed is prepared in advance so that the earth settles and grooves are made at a distance of 20-25 cm. They are also sown as rarely as possible and not deep, up to 2.5 cm.

With the advent of spring, the grown seedlings dive to get beautiful and strong bushes. It should be noted that the flower rises slowly.

Growing monarda from seeds for seedlings at home

Monardas prefer this method of growing first of all.

  • In order for the seedlings to be ready by April, they begin to sow it in January. To do this, use boxes or containers with drainage, into which special soil is poured for growing flowering plants.
  • Seeding depth 1.5-2 cm
  • Using a stretched cling film or bag, maintain the temperature at 20 ºC.

The first shoots should be expected after 3-4 weeks. It will take another 3 weeks for the grown seedlings to release the first real leaves. When 2-3 leaves appear, plants should be planted in individual cups or spacious containers to increase the feeding area according to the scheme: 4x4 or 3x3.

Water moderately so as not to flood the seedlings and not provoke the development of rot. They provide a lot of light, do not allow too high temperatures so that the seedlings do not stretch. If this happens, carefully pour the earth up to the level of the leaves so that the plants do not deform.

When the first two pairs of true leaves appear, Monarda seedlings need to be hardened off: take the boxes out onto the street or balcony. Starting with an hour or two, increase the time to a full day. One to two weeks of hardening is enough to prepare the plants for transplanting to permanent place in open ground.

Optimal conditions for planting monarda in the ground

Monarda will please the eye only if the conditions that are necessary for the growth of the plant are created, although they are not difficult. The flower loves sunny, wind-protected places. Do not scare him and semi-shaded areas of the garden. The soil prefers light, rich in lime. Waterlogged acidic soil adversely affects plant growth.

Spring is the most favorable time for culture, although the landing site is prepared in advance, from autumn. To do this, weeds are destroyed and the site is dug up along with peat, manure (at the rate of 2-3 kg per 1 m²) and a complex of mineral fertilizers, which includes potassium salt (30 g / m²), superphosphate (50 g / m²), lime (40 g / m² ). Before landing in spring period add nitrogen fertilizers to the soil (30g / 1m²).

Landing monarda

When 3 pairs of leaves form on the seedlings, and this will happen a couple of months after the first shoot appears, they are transferred to open prepared ground.

When planting, they maintain a distance between the bushes equal to 60 cm. Having finished planting, the monarda must be watered abundantly. She is not afraid and spring frosts up to -5 ºС and easily tolerates them. When seed planting, flowering of the Monarda can be observed only after a year. If the monarda is planted with the help of seedlings, then some of its specimens can please with their flowering in the year of planting.

How to care for a monarda in the garden

The main thing is to ensure frequent but moderate watering of the plant in summer period. If the heat is established for a long time, then the monard should be watered daily. A hot season with a lack of watering can bring a disease dangerous for the plant - powdery mildew. It will be good during this period to mulch the soil under the monard with peat and constantly loosen it.

To feed the culture, granular Agricola or Kemira is used twice a month during the entire growing season. Mullein, diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10, will not interfere with her. For prevention from insects, the plant is treated with Fundazol or Bordeaux mixture in spring and autumn period s.

How to propagate the monarda by dividing the bush

Unfortunately, with seed propagation, it is not necessary to talk about the preservation of varietal characteristics if you grow beautiful hybrid forms.

To save, you will have to deal with dividing a bush aged 3-4 years. When to transplant Monarda? This can be done twice a year: in April, if the soil is well warmed up, or with the onset of autumn. To do this, the roots of the excavated bush are freed from the ground and divided by eye.

Ready-made new bushes are planted at the same level as before dividing, in pre-prepared holes. Since the transplanted bushes will grow strongly in a couple of years (up to 1 m in diameter), it will be necessary to transplant this plant by dividing the bush quite often.

Propagation of Monarda by cuttings

You can use the cutting method when propagating the plant.

  • To do this, choose 7 - 10 cm cuttings, which are formed from the grown green shoots of the Monarda, but have not yet begun to bloom.
  • The leaves are completely cut off in the lower part of the cutting, the upper ones are cut to 1/3 of the part.

  • The cuttings are planted in a pre-prepared box or pots with a loose nutrient substrate and cleaned in a dark place.
  • You can just put the cuttings in the water.
  • After 2-3 weeks, the Monarda cuttings will form root system and they will be ready for transplanting into the open ground. It's best to do this in August.

Possible diseases and pests of Monarda

Monarda has a paradoxical resistance to both diseases and numerous plant pests. Scientists attribute this phenomenon to the presence of essential oils in the roots of the plant. Despite this, with insufficiently plentiful watering, when there is unbearable heat, powdery mildew can affect the monard. A verified watering regime and soil mulching will help get rid of it. Very rarely, a plant can attack the tobacco mosaic virus or rust and become hooked to the weevil.

How to collect Monarda seeds

Seed ripening occurs at the end of August and at the beginning of September. When the plant fades, you need to be careful. To prevent the seeds from spilling out, you need to cut the dried testes and put them in a shady place until they are fully ripe and dry. When the baskets dry well, the seeds easily spill out of the tubular seed beds.

Collected items can be handled differently. First, they can be sown immediately. The resulting seedlings will find their permanent habitat only in the spring. Secondly, the seeds are well stored and do not lose their germination capacity for 3 years. If there is no need to update the Monarda, then you can use them later. It is important to remember that a monarda grown from seeds of hybrid plants will never retain its parental properties. The seed method is used only for growing varietal plants.

Preparing Monarda for winter

If you leave the seeds that you do not need on the bushes, then they will be an excellent top dressing for hungry birds in the autumn. What remains of the annual crop is removed from the flower bed in late autumn. In the spring, self-seeding shoots will appear in the same place.

As for the perennial monarda, it has frost resistance (it calmly withstands a temperature of - 25ºC). If the frosts in your area are much stronger, you need shelter for the winter:

  • Make hilling height 20-25 cm.
  • Cover the top with a layer of straw or hay 10-15 cm thick.
  • To keep the shelter from being blown away by the wind, press down the mulch with boards and bricks.

In winter, it will be good to pour a layer of snow on top. In the spring, with the onset of heat, they remove the shelter and remove a hill of earth so that the plant wakes up early.

Monarda varieties with photos and names

Annual types of culture:

Citrus Monarda or Lemon Monarda citriodora

It is almost the only one that reaches a height of 15 - 95 cm. In its narrow lanceolate leaves, stem and small lilac flowers contains essential oil, which is not inferior in composition to the essential oil of basil, mint. Therefore, citrus monarda is cultivated and how decorative flower, and as a spice.

Hybrid Monarda Lambada Monarda lambada

It is the brainchild of Dutch breeders. When crossing, several groups of Citriodora were used, the aroma of young leaves of which is strongly similar to lemon.

Spot Monarda Monarda punctata

It is also called horse mint. The attractiveness of this species is given by bright orange leaves located around the inflorescence. The flower can reach 80 cm in height.

Types of perennial monarda:

Double Monarda Monarda didyma

It grows wild near the Great Lakes, the first description of which dates back to 1656. Grows up to 80 cm tall. It is a herbaceous perennial, erect stems of which have the shape of a tetrahedron. Opposite, with a margin, the leaves are oval serrated with a pointed end. They grow up to 12 cm long and have reddish stipules. The petiole is almost absent.

The rhizome of the plant grows horizontally. Smallish lilac or purple flowers are collected in dense, up to 5 cm in diameter, capitate-type inflorescences. The leaf-like shape of the bracts, matching the color of the flowers, lends elegance to this species.

Horned or tubular monarda Monarda fistulosa wild bergamot

In its natural form, it grows in forests in the East of the North American continent. In Europe, it is cultivated for spices. This multi-stalked perennial grows to 0.6 - 1.20 m tall. Its simple toothed leaves are pubescent with hairs.

Small lilacs are connected in whorls of a false type. The flowers are surrounded by red stipules, which are collected in capitate inflorescences. spherical shape. On a single peduncle there are 5-9 inflorescences, each of which has a diameter of 5-7 cm. Known since 1637. The dwarf-shaped monard Victoria was bred in Russia.

Hybrid Monarda Monarda x hybrida

This name combines the varieties obtained by breeders from Great Britain, Germany and the USA by combining the double and fistulate monarda. The height of hybrids reaches 1 meter.
Quantity color shades striking in its diversity. Here is some of them:

  • white: Snow White, Snow Maiden, Schneewittchen
  • burgundy shade: Burgundy Moldova, Prairienacht
  • reds: Adam, Balance, Cambridge Scarlet, Petit Delight, Mahogeny
  • lavender: Elsise Lavende
  • magenta: Cardinal, Prairie Glow, Sunset
  • purple: Zinta-Zinta, Pony, Fishe
  • Violet-purple tint: Blaustrumpf, Blue Stocking.

Variety Panorama combines the monarda of the most different colors shades from snow-white, pink to crimson, purple and burgundy.

The healing properties of Monarda

Homeopathy widely uses Monarda as a source of essential oil, vitamins C, B1, B2 and other active biological components. Of course, the most valuable thing in Monard is essential oil, known for its bactericidal properties, which have anti-anemic, antioxidant, anti-stress, reproductive effects.

The systematic use of this oil cleanses the aorta of sclerotic plaques, helps to cope with radiation sickness, viral influenza, and strengthen weak immunity. It is recommended to use monarda for the following diseases: pneumonia, otitis, cystitis, indigestion, diseases of the oral cavity. It relieves headaches, fungal infections of the nails and feet.

Cosmetologists include monarda in preparations intended for oily (acne) skin, use it as a component of a cream for the age category 45+.

Seasonings for fish and vegetable dishes are prepared from the leaves of the monarda. They are brewed as tea, added to soups and salads.

To whom monarda is contraindicated in any form

Of course, monarda is useful, but its immoderate use is harmful to the body. First of all, Monarda is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as for children under 5 years of age. Excluded not only the use of Monarda inside, but also in the form of raw materials for aroma lamps.

This is a fragrant spice, a plant of the Lamiaceae family. Its homeland is North America.

Monarda has long been used as a seasoning and medicine. By the 19th century, this herb had become known throughout the world as bergamot, American lemon balm, and lemon balm.

Grass bergamot is an annual or perennial plant up to one and a half meters high. The leaves of the plant are oblong-lanceolate, straight, serrated, fragrant. Monarda-bergamot flowers are small, come in different colors: white, red, purple, yellow, speckled. They gather in inflorescences of 6-7 cm in diameter.

Monarda attracts with its bright color of flowers and amazing aromas. It is used as a spice in cooking, added to tea, used in traditional medicine.

The chemical composition of the monarda

it is an essential oil plant. Accordingly, essential oils are the main biologically active component of the plant. Thanks to them, the monarda exudes a characteristic aroma. Also, the plant is rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, it synthesizes amino acids, bitterness, bioflavonoids, tannins, cellulose, pectins.

Monarda essential oil contains about 40 components, 16 of which are essential. Most samples of Monarda essential oil contain carvacol and thymol as the main element.

At different types plants their content is from 41% to 85%. Also in the essential oil of Monarda, there is a high content of sabinene, terpinene, cymol, thuyene, borneol, thujol, linalool, myrcene, cineol. Within plant species, forms are distinguished that can vary greatly in oil composition.

The healing properties of Monarda

The healing properties of monarda are provided by its chemical composition. The most valuable product obtained from this plant is essential oil, with a broad spectrum bactericidal action. Monarda essential oil also has antioxidant, reproductive, antianemic, immunomodulatory, and radioprotective properties.

well known anti-stress properties of monarda. With constant fatigue, the use of this plant affects the central nervous system, its tone increases, vigor appears, strength is restored.

The properties of the Monarda plant are used to speed up the healing process for eczema, burns, bronchial asthma, salmonellosis. Fights viruses, fungi, mycoplasmas.

Monarda has medicinal properties to fight helminths. Thymol, contained in the plant, has an anthelmintic effect. But the plant is used in conjunction with other means to combat this problem. Monarda also activates the action of antibiotics, which reduces the amount of their use.

The use of monarda in folk medicine

In folk medicine, the use of Monarda is popular. A positive effect is observed in diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, problems of the central nervous system, gynecological diseases, fungal infections.

The presence of a large number of biologically active components makes it possible to use Monarda in homeopathy. In this area, it is used exclusively fresh. Plant extracts have a pronounced antimicrobial effect, positively affect the digestive processes.

Did you know? Monarda oil extract can be used for medicines. It is prepared at home by placing dry plant into a container with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10, heating the mixture to 60 degrees for two hours. Filtered oil is used for the common cold and for the treatment of wounds.

The use of decoctions of Monarda allows you to stimulate the immune system. This remedy is used for colds, for their prevention. Monarda can be brewed into tea.

With conjunctivitis, washing the eyes with monarda is indicated. You can also wash any wounds on the body, make lotions to them, which speeds up their healing.

For diseases of the mouth, gums, throat, Monarda tincture. Rinsing with tincture contributes to the rapid healing and healing of wounds and sores on the mucous membranes. It is useful to gargle with Monarda for sore throats.

In inflammatory gynecological diseases, douching is used. Also have medical preparations with the content of monarda, prescribed for such diseases.

Regular consumption of monarda helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, contributes to the normalization of cell activity. There is a gradual cleansing of the aorta and blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques.

Did you know? Monarda in the form of essential oils is used as an "air purifier" from microbes and pathogenic bacteria. During epidemics, it is very handy to add it to aroma lamps.

Application in cosmetology

Monarda in cosmetology is used in the form of essential oil, decoctions. The problem of teenage acne, acne and other skin diseases, including foot fungus, is also solved by the external use of decoctions, tinctures containing Monarda. Effectively used to eliminate the problems of oily scalp, seborrhea treatment.

From the decoction of the plant, masks are prepared with the addition of blue or white clay. To prepare decoction, you will need 2 tablespoons of raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 10 hours in a thermos. Such a decoction is suitable for washing to stop inflammation in the pores of the skin.

Also used to delay old age. Regular massages using this oil renew cells and slow down the aging process.

Monarda is added to creams, skin care products after being under the sun, in anti-aging lines. The use of products with this component tones the skin.

How bergamot is used in cooking

Not only in folk medicine and cosmetology, the use of Monarda flourishes. In cooking, this herb is also often used, but more often it is called bergamot.

Leaves, flowers and shoots of monarda have a tart pleasant aroma. AT recipes it is used fresh and dried.

Examples of the use of Monarda-bergamot in cooking:

In sweet dishes, bergamot is combined with lemon balm, cinnamon, cloves, orange zest.

Procurement of raw materials from monarda

The raw material for medicines and culinary dishes is the ground part of the plant. The most favorable period for harvesting is the beginning of flowering. It is at this time that the plant has the highest concentration of essential oils.

Monarda is a representative of the Lamiaceae family, which got its name in honor of the botanist and doctor from Spain, Nicolas Monardes. This Spanish scientist first described the monarda plant and told Europeans about it in his books Medical History of Western India and Glad Tidings from the New World, calling it a virgin soul mate or a Canadian organ.

The lemon flavor of Monarda has many advantages. With it, a person feels himself in a fresh and clean environment. Very attractive for any grower is the fact that many plants, which at the same time do not belong to citrus fruits, can fill his flower garden with this smell. Among them are lemon balm, lemongrass, some varieties of thyme and basil.

However, the aroma of Monarda has the most pronounced similarity with citrus, in addition, various shades are mixed in it. It is for this reason that in England it is called bergamot, and the official name of one of the species is pronounced as “lemon monarda”.

Varieties and types of monrada

It has a size of 70-90 cm, although rare specimens can reach 100 cm in height. The stem is tetrahedral, erect, branched. The leaves of the plant are oval, elongated, with teeth. The flowers of the plant can have a varied color palette: these are bright red flowers, and snow-white, and rich purple, and hot pink. The inflorescences are 6-7 cm in diameter. They grow on the stem one after the other.

Herbaceous perennial plant, which reaches a size of 0.7-1.5 m. The root is long, horizontal. The stem is tetrahedral, straight, has small hairs. The leaves are pale green with pink veins, oblong, have large teeth. The flowers are collected in a capitate inflorescence, have a lilac or purple hue.

The plant belongs to the mint family. The plant has a strong root, and resistance to all diseases and pests. It is used as a seasoning for meat, salads. Also used as a flavoring for making jams and many desserts.

This name connects all hybrids of double and tubular varieties. This is a perennial with a height of up to 100 cm. The color of the flowers can be very diverse: from white to purple. Also, the size of the flowers is different: from small, collected in inflorescences, to large, single. Among the varieties of this hybrid, there are a large number of sub-cultivars that differ in flowering density, shade of leaves, and flowers.

This plant is also a perennial. Belongs to the family of yasnotkovye. It has a large number of branched stems, the height of which reaches 60-120 cm. The leaves have teeth. The flowers are lilac, have the form of small balls, the diameter of which is about 6 cm.

The plant is a hybrid. Perennial, reaches a size of 80-100 cm. It has a long horizontal root, a straight stem. The leaves are pale green, opposite each other, have short petioles. The flowers have a rich red color, collected in a capitate inflorescence. All parts of the plant have a lemon-mint tart aroma. The plant is used both for medicinal purposes and as a seasoning. The variety is resistant to cold, as well as to diseases and pests.

Herbaceous perennial that has unique flowers. Belongs to the mint family. The height of the bush ranges from 700-900 cm, some specimens can reach up to 120 cm. The leaves are oblong with pointed tips. Possess in green and pleasant aroma. On the stem are located opposite each other in pairs. The flowers are small, have a pleasant aroma, collected in capitate inflorescences.

Compact plant with pink, pretty big flowers collected in capitate inflorescences. The bush is undersized, only 40 cm tall. The plant is compact and suitable for growing in containers. All parts of the plant have a pleasant smell. Its leaves are used to make tea.

Herbaceous perennial plant. The stems are tetrahedral, the height of the bush is up to 150 cm. The flowers can be of various shades, but they are all collected in capitate inflorescences.

This small plant, which reaches a size of 30-35 cm, has flowers collected in a dense plume. It has a pronounced aroma of bergamot. Used for growing in flower beds. The leaves are used as a spice.

If you look at the plant from afar, it may seem that huge spiders with furry paws are sitting on the plant. This plant has flowers. All parts of the plant exude an unusual aroma, so they are used as a spice. Among other things, the flower looks gorgeous in bouquets.

Perennial, which has a long root, the stems of the plant are tetrahedral, reach a height of 150 cm. The flowers are white, collected in dense whorled inflorescences. Used for group plantings in flower beds, and also looks great in bouquets.

Herbaceous perennial. The plant has the form of a bush with numerous straight stems. Differs in long and plentiful blossoming. Large capitate inflorescences have a much ruffled appearance. The color is both pale pink and deep red. Gardeners appreciate the plant not only for its beauty, but also for its medicinal, as well as taste qualities. It is used to make tea. Looks great in a flower bed in group plantings.

Reaches a height of about 100 cm, the flowers have a red tone. Used to decorate flower beds in group plantings, looks great in bouquets.

The plant has the shape of a bush with a straight stem, the height of which is 70-120 cm, the stem is tetrahedral, the leaves have a pleasant smell.

It is a herbaceous perennial with silvery green leaves and two purple-lilac flowers. The height of the bush is about 100 cm.

Herbaceous perennial plant with a pleasant lemon scent. Forms bushes up to 45 cm in diameter. Small purple flowers collected in whorled inflorescences. Their appearance resembles candelabra. A distinctive feature of the hybrid is long and abundant flowering.

Belongs to the family of yasnotkovye. Flowers have a pleasant color and attractive shape. The plant reaches a height of up to 110 cm. A distinctive feature of the hybrid is its powerful stem and small dark green leaves. The flowers are bright red, have a fairly strong aroma.

perennial pretty unpretentious plant. The flowers have a dense spherical shape and an unusual wine-red hue.

Monarda planting and care in the open field

This flower grows best in the sun, but can grow in partial shade. True, in this case, its bushes will be lower, and flowering - less plentiful.

It is necessary to select a place for planting plants that will be well protected from the effects of winds, since the stems can bend and bend, losing their beauty.

On hot days, it is necessary to moderately water the monarda, in no case, not allowing the soil to become waterlogged. Also, the plant does not like overly dry soil.

To prevent the appearance of powdery mildew, it is necessary to water the plant in dry weather. If the summer turned out to be hot and dry, then it is recommended to mulch the soil with peat.

Bergamot garden is one of the varieties of Monarda. It is grown during planting and care without much hassle, subject to the rules of agricultural technology. All necessary recommendations on cultivation and care you can find in this article.

Soil for Monarda

Monarda is not particularly demanding on soils, but still prefers light calcareous fertile soils. Doesn't do well on heavy, sour and swampy soils. It can also grow on poor soils, subject to constant feeding.

The soil for the future growth of the flower is prepared in the fall. The soil is dug up, weeds are removed and compost, manure or peat is added in the amount of 2-3 kilograms per 1 m 2, superphosphate - 50 grams and potassium salt - 30 grams.

If the soil is acidic, then it is necessary to additionally add 40 grams of lime for each square meter. In spring, the soil is enriched with nitrogen fertilizer. Plants are planted at a distance of 60-70 centimeters between rows to provide enough free space for nutrition and growth.

Monarda fertilizer

Top dressing of the plant is carried out during the period of active growth and flowering. Also, the monarda needs additional feeding during the formation of new shoots and during the transition to a dormant period.

  • In spring, the plant should be fed with a complex of mineral fertilizers. 12 days later, repeat the procedure.
  • In autumn, the monarda is fed with potash and phosphorus compounds.
  • During active growth, it is allowed to apply foliar top dressing. Spraying the leaves mineral fertilizers as well as micronutrients.
  • At excessively high air temperatures, the plant is treated with Epin's solution.

Monarda in winter

For the winter, the ground part of the plant must be completely cut off, and in the spring it will grow back.

The roots of the plant are frost-resistant and survive winters well without additional shelter.

Monarda growing from seeds

When growing monarda from seeds, they are sown in open ground in May to a depth of 1-2 centimeters. For one square meter, the consumption should be no more than 0.5 grams. In order to more evenly disperse the seeds, they are mixed with sand.

The seed germination temperature is 20 degrees. Monarda seedlings initially grow very slowly. It is necessary to constantly weed them, preventing weeds from drowning. Young plants are transplanted, first at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other, and then at 20. Grown from seeds, the monarda does not bloom in the first year.

If desired, seeds can be sown in March to obtain seedlings. The ascended monards, after two weeks, dive according to the 3 × 3 cm pattern. It can only be planted outdoors once the threat of frost has passed. The distance between plants in one row is 30 centimeters, and between rows - 60 centimeters. Be sure to water during planting.

Monarda reproduction by dividing the bush

For reproduction by dividing the bush, you need to pick up healthy plant, aged 3-4 years. The bush is dug up and divided in the fall.

Each of the formed parts should have 3-4 shoots and roots. Delenki are planted, like seedlings, and watered several times.

Monarda also practice reproduction by segments of roots, considering this method to be the most effective.

Diseases and pests

When growing in a too dry or overfertilized place, the plant is affected powdery mildew. Rust damage may also occur.

For treatment, drugs based on copper are used. They are suitable only in the case of growing monarda for bouquets.

If the plant is eaten, then the processing is carried out by natural means - infusions of onions, garlic or tansy. In general, the flower is quite resistant to both diseases and pests.

Monarda medicinal properties and contraindications

Monarda essential oil is very valuable medicinally, especially when it comes to monard fistula, although official and traditional medicine successfully use almost all types and varieties of this plant.

Almost all of its zones are endowed with healing qualities - flowers, foliage, shoots. These include strengthening immunity, toning the central nervous system, helping to improve well-being in case of weakness and fatigue, relieving stress, and getting rid of depression.

At the same time, the substances that make up the oil (in particular, thymol) help the body resist aging, strengthen the walls of capillaries, stimulate the diuretic apparatus, favor the expansion of coronary vessels and lower blood pressure.

Monarda has long been used as a fragrant and healthy spice that improves digestive function. In summer and autumn, when canning takes place, its stems are placed in jars to prevent spoilage of the products they contain.

Monarda lemon is an excellent seasoning for salads, but, for the most part, it is used as a flavoring for tea, fruit drink or kvass in order to give drinks a subtle lemon-resinous aroma.

Monarda is a perennial flowering plant that can be grown in the garden. It is used for decorative purposes, added to food, and also prepared from it. medicines. On sale you can find Monarda oil and dried raw materials, and at home - make a decoction or infusion.

Monarda: medicinal and beneficial properties

Monarda, whose medicinal properties and contraindications are also known in official medicine, is a source of vitamins and natural essential oils that can react with body cells.

A fresh plant and an extract from it are useful and have several effects at the same time:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • stimulate cell regeneration, when applied externally, renews the skin;
  • destroy fungal microflora;
  • eliminate pain of spasmodic origin;
  • act as a blood preservative;
  • protect against the harmful effects of free radicals, are a powerful antioxidant.

Monarda is a plant that can be consumed fresh inside. It is added to salads or seasonings are prepared from it for hot dishes. However, for medicinal purposes, rhizome oil or decoctions from dried raw materials are more useful.

Indications for use in medicine

In the chemical composition of the monarda there is a natural antiseptic - thymol. Since many inflammatory processes are associated with the reproduction of bacterial or fungal microflora, preparations of this plant have a complex effect and can be used for various diseases.

Monarda has found application in many pathologies:

  • for sore throat, sore throat - as a rinse, it quickly relieves inflammation and destroys the infection;
  • with food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea gently restores the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for washing aseptic and purulent wounds;
  • with conjunctivitis of bacterial and fungal origin in the form of lotions;
  • in gynecology - as part of douching solutions;
  • with anemia - to restore the normal composition of the blood.

In cosmetology, there are several ways to prepare:

  • add a few drops of essential oil to 1 liter of water;
  • pour dry raw materials with boiling water at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter and leave for several hours;
  • infusion combined with white or blue clay as a face mask.

Another problem that Monarda is used to treat is foot fungus and dandruff (seborrhea). Both of these diseases are caused by a fungal infection, so they can only be dealt with with drugs that have a fungicidal effect. The use of conventional moisturizing creams will not bring results, unlike oil and decoction of Monarda - a powerful natural antiseptic.

Application in cooking

The taste and aroma of fresh monarda has citrus notes. Greens can be consumed fresh, as well as used as a dry seasoning in the cold season. Seasoning is suitable for meat dishes and hot salads. Also, parts of this plant are used to make alcoholic beverages - liqueurs or vermouth.

Fresh monarda greens are an original ingredient for summer appetizers and salads. It can also be crushed and used to make green borscht. Many also add it to fruit and berry cocktails, jams, pastries. AT winter time it is useful to prepare tea with dried monadra leaves and lemon - this combination improves immunity and helps the body in the fight against seasonal immunodeficiencies.

The benefits of essential oil, infusion

Useful substances are found in all parts of the plant, including stems, leaves and flowers. They are used to make butter. industrial way. In the process of obtaining it, the flowers are processed by steam distillation.

Monarda essential oil can be purchased at the pharmacy in finished form.

The plant is native to South America and East End North America. In Europe, it is grown in gardens and greenhouses, sometimes it can also be found growing wild. The collection of raw materials occurs during the period of mass flowering of the plant. For this, only adult specimens that have managed to accumulate a large number of useful elements are suitable. The stem is cut at a level of 20-30 cm from the ground. Then the flower is crushed together with shoots, leaves and flowers, dried in the sun and stored together with other spices in a dry, dark room.

Contraindications and possible harm

Monarda-based preparations have contraindications. They are mainly associated with the presence in the chemical composition of thymol, a strong allergen. If, upon contact with the plant, skin itching, swelling of the mucous membranes, and nasal discharge occur, taking it for medicinal purposes can be dangerous.

Syn: wild bergamot, bee balm, horse mint, golden melissa, Indian nettle, Oswego tea.

Monarda is a genus of herbaceous perennial plants. Currently grown as ornamental plant and is used as a condiment. It is also used in folk medicine to treat various diseases and strengthen the immune system.

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flower formula

Monarda flower formula: ♀○H(5)L(2.3)T2.2P(2) or *H(5)L(5)T5P(2).

In medicine

Monarda is not used in official medicine, however, the essential oil of the plant is widely used in homeopathy and traditional medicine due to its broad spectrum bactericidal action.

Contraindications and side effects

Monarda is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children. It is also forbidden to carry out aromatherapy with monarda essential oil in rooms where there are small children or pregnant women.

In cooking

Monarda has an unusual pleasant taste and fragrant aroma, so it is added to various dishes. Fresh herbs are added to salads, okroshka, cabbage soup, borscht and soups. It gives flavor to jelly and compote, pear and apple jam, fruit jelly. Monarda greens can also be used to prepare delicious seasonings for fish and vegetable dishes- it goes well with mint, basil, oregano, tarragon and fennel. In sweet dishes, monarda goes well with orange peel, lemon balm, cloves and cinnamon.

In the food and alcoholic beverage industry, Monarda is used as natural flavor, preservative and antioxidant. It is most often used in the production of vermouth, due to which drinks acquire a refined aroma and taste. Monarda is also an exquisite spice. It has received the main distribution in the United States and England, where it is customary to add the spice to meat dishes and hot tea.

Monarda can be added when canning vegetables directly into jars. Vegetables will acquire the aroma of bergamot and will be stored longer due to the bactericidal properties of the plant.

In cosmetology

Monarda essential oil is part of Mirra creams and balms, a well-known Russian cosmetic company.

Monarda oil is also found in cosmetics for the care and treatment of problematic skin, hair, nails (including fungal infections), which has an antibacterial effect. Such creams good remedy for inflamed and oily skin, as well as for skin prone to acne.

Monarda essential oil is widely used in the preparation of anti-aging cosmetics, due to the high antioxidant effect of the oil.

Concentrated aromatic extracts from vegetable raw materials Monarda are used as fragrant biologically active additives for cosmetics and household chemicals in an aerosol package.

In other areas

In crop production

Most of the monards - perennials, above-ground part which dies off in the winter and re-grows in the spring. The value of edible monard varieties lies in the fact that the greenery of the plant persists from March to November, despite light frosts. Monarda is often used as an ornamental plant. Depending on the variety of the inflorescence, the monards can be red, white, pink and purple.

Monarda can be planted with seeds, sowing them in May in the ground to a depth of 1-2 cm. The temperature of germination of monarda seeds is about 20 degrees, but seedlings grow rather slowly. Monarda can also be grown by seedlings. Seeds are planted in March, and seedlings are planted in the ground only after the end of spring frosts.

The grown seedlings of the monard dive at a distance of 10-20 cm from each other. It must be remembered that in the first year after sowing, the monard does not bloom.

Monarda prefers sunny places, although she also tolerates partial shade. The plant is undemanding to soils, however, it grows better on light calcareous soils and does not feel well on strongly acidic and very damp soils.

Monarda spreads very quickly over the territory due to underground shoots and crumbled seeds, so it is better to restrain the spread of the plant in the area.

Monarda is planted in group plantings, where it goes very well with sage, veronica, phlox, rudbeckia, catnip, aconite, cereals, gaillardia, yarrow, astilba in a contrasting color.

In other areas

Monarda is a long-flowering honey plant. Her bright beautiful flowers attract bees and butterflies to the garden, while scaring away harmful insects.

Monarda flowers and stems, even when dried, retain their attractive appearance. Such flowers can be used to make winter herbariums and compositions from dried flowers.


Monarda (lat. Monarda) is a genus of plants of the Lamiaceae family, which includes 20 species of annual or perennial herbs. Most often found in gardens perennial species: double monarda (lat. Monarda didyma), fistulose monarda (lat. Monarda fistulosa), lemon monarda (lat. Monarda citriodora).

Botanical description

Monarda - a genus of annuals and perennials herbaceous plants. The stem is straight, tetrahedral, branched (sometimes reaching more than 1 meter in height). Rhizomes are long, growing in all directions. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, slightly pubescent. The edges of the leaves are crenate-toothed. On the shoots are opposite, on short petioles, opposite each other.

The flowers are small, tubular-funnel-shaped, collected in one or more capitate inflorescences (6-7 cm in diameter), located one above the other along the stem of the peduncle. The flowering period is approximately from the end of June to August, about 50 days. The color of the flowers depends on the type of monarda, it is white, pink, crimson, red or yellowish. Monarda flower formula - ♀○H(5)L(2.3)T2.2P(2) or *H(5)L(5)T5P(2).

The fruits are very small, dry, cracking into 4 nuts. Seeds are small, ripen in late August or September, depending on weather conditions. The growing season of the plant lasts almost until the onset of persistent cooling.


AT wild nature monarda grows in the forests of eastern North America, is found on the prairies, along roadsides, wastelands, forming an impressive carpet of summer flowers. In Europe, it is grown mostly as an aromatic herb.

Procurement of raw materials

The above-ground part of the plant belongs to the medicinal raw material of all types of monards. It is cut at the very beginning of flowering, because it is during this period that the plant has the highest content of essential oil. Dry the cut grass in the shade or in a well-ventilated area. It is better to remove rough and thick stems immediately so as not to impede the preparation of fees and infusions in the future. It is not worth grinding the raw materials too much so as not to damage the essential oil glands, since if they are damaged, the oil evaporates, and this greatly reduces the quality of the raw materials.

Chemical composition

All aerial parts of the monarda contain up to 3% essential oil, concentrated mainly in leaves and inflorescences, there is little of it in the stems.

Monarda oil has a light yellow or red-brown color and a sweetish balsamic-lavender smell and consists of substances whose ratio depends on the phase of development, origin, population and type of plant. At the same time, phenols (thymol, carvacrol, p-cymol), sabinene, cineol, terpinene, limonene, myrcene are always present in the oil of any monarda.

Pharmacological properties

Monarda has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, the activity of the liver and gallbladder, and improves digestion.

The most important property of monarda is the stimulation of cardiac activity and the ability to relieve cardiac neurosis, due to the content of flavonoids and vitamin C in the leaves and flowers. Anthocyanin plant pigments make capillary walls stronger, dilate the coronary vessels of the heart, and also have a diuretic effect.

Monarda essential oil contains flavonoid substances that have a strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, the oil is very effective against various pathogens (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc.). Especially valuable is the activity of its substances against representatives of three genera of mold fungi (Aspergillus, Penicillium, Mucor).

The use of Monarda normalizes the cycle with dysfunctions in young women.

Due to the high content of thymol, the juice from fresh leaves promotes wound healing.

In addition, Monarda essential oil has a reproductive, anti-stress, antioxidant and anti-anemic effect.

Monarda also helps well with flu and colds, as it not only strengthens the immune system, but also helps fight various viruses and microorganisms.

Application in traditional medicine

Monarda occupies one of the first places among plants for its bactericidal properties. In folk medicine, it is most often used as a natural antiseptic. For better wound healing and skin infections traditional healers recommend making lotions from freshly squeezed Monarda juice. Tincture rinse the throat and mouth with stomatitis and sore throat. Inhalations from monarda leaves help with diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tracheitis).

Some types of monards (monarda double (lat. Monarda didyma) and monard point (lat. Monarda punctata)) were used by the Indians of North America for colds for inhalation, for rheumatism, as a mild laxative, antimicrobial, antispasmodic for spasms and colic, and also as improving local blood circulation.

The Indians noticed the antiseptic properties of the monarda: fresh leaves the plants were used to treat wounds and skin infections, and the tincture of the plant was used to gargle the throat and mouth, heal teeth and gums, treat headaches and fevers, and as a general stimulant and carminative. Oswego tea made from monarda leaves has also been used American Indians for the treatment and prevention of headaches and colds.

Monarda essential oil in folk medicine is used to treat burns, eczema, and hair loss. For treatment, not only pure essential oil is used, but also infusion, juice and gruel from leaves and inflorescences.

History reference

Monarda was brought to Spain after the discovery of a new continent by Columbus, but in Europe they learned about the plant only after 85 years. The physician Nicholas Monardes wrote the books Joyful News from the New World (1569) and A Medical History of the Western Indies (1580). In these books, the monarda was called "Canadian organ" and "Verginsky soul". Two hundred years later, Carl Linnaeus named this plant genus in honor of H. Monardes and included the monard in his species classification (“Plant Species”, 1753).

In Europe and Asia, Monarda began to be grown as an essential oil plant, as it has a diverse bouquet of strong aromas (mint, lemon, etc.). In the 19th century, the monarda was already cultivated under the names: bergamot (for the similarity of smell), Oswego tea (the Oswego Indians prepared from the monarda healing tea), bee balm, scented balm, American lemon balm, Indian feather, mountain balm, lemon balm.


1. Vermeulen N. "Annual Flowers. Illustrated Encyclopedia" Labyrinth, 2003

2. Muravyova D. A. Tropical and subtropical medicinal plants. - M.: Medicine, 1983.

3. Zamyatina, N. G. Robinson's Kitchen. Recipes from wild plants and flowers. - Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2015.