Kuril shrub tea: planting and care for a medicinal plant. Growing Kuril tea

If you want to grow an unusually healing plant in your area, which. besides, they will decorate your farmstead, then shrub cinquefoil is just perfect option. This plant came from Asia, China, Japan, Siberia, Mongolia. Folk healers in these countries, cinquefoil, or Kuril tea, has long been used in medicine recipes. List positive properties Kuril tea can be very long. Thus, once planting this plant on your site, you will not only supply yourself and your entire family with natural raw materials for many traditional medicine recipes, but also decorate even the most inconspicuous flower garden or garden area. In this article, we will look at ways to independently grow Kuril tea, the secrets of caring for it, and also get acquainted with its healing properties and methods of application.

Kuril tea has been known since ancient times. The modern name "Kuril tea" means shrub cinquefoil or shrub cinquefoil. He is also mentioned in literary works, and in legends. For example, Ilya Muromets, in order to gain courage before the fight with the Nightingale the Robber, inhaled the aroma of Kuril tea. Another hero, according to legend, was revived by water from a pond, around which Kuril tea grew. Among the people there are such names of Kuril tea as “moguchka”, “cinquefoil”, “whisper grass”. If to describe appearance of this plant, we can distinguish its following features:

  • Kuril tea is an erect, highly branched shrub that belongs to the Rosaceae family;
  • can reach 1.5 meters in height;
  • Kuril tea has complex leaves with 5-7 elongated hairy leaves. Thanks to this form of leaves, the plant received the name "cinquefoil";
  • flowers are bright yellow. There are more than 30 stamens in the middle of the flower, which gives it a lush appearance;
  • the fruit of Kuril tea is a small nut;
  • flowering of Kuril tea lasts from July to August.

Useful properties of Kuril tea

The healing properties of Kuril tea

Kuril tea has a very rich composition. It tastes a little different from regular black tea. That is why, since ancient times, it has been used as such a tonic drink. Why is Kuril tea so rich?

  • flavonoids;
  • tannin;
  • catechin;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • cobalt;
  • saponins;
  • resins;
  • essential oils;
  • carotenoids;
  • vitamins C and P, etc.

As you can see. The list of useful substances in Kuril tea is really impressive. This plant can become a real lifesaver for you if you suffer from diseases such as:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (dysentery, food poisoning, dysbacteriosis);
  • Kuril tea is very often used for diseases of the female genital organs, to stop uterine bleeding;
  • Kuril tea will help to establish fat metabolism in the body, it is useful to take it for people suffering from diabetes;
  • Kuril tea is known as an excellent sedative. It will help normalize sleep, will be useful for depression, neurosis, neurotic conditions;
  • Kuril tea is also recommended by dentists. Its decoction is useful for various diseases oral cavity, for example - stomatitis;
  • the immunostimulatory effect of Kuril tea is also known. It is useful to take its decoction for ARVI, gargle with sore throat, or simply take it for prevention;
  • Kuril tea is wonderful natural remedy in order to normalize daily stool relieve constipation and improve digestive processes.

Ways to use Kuril tea

Kuril tea is widely used in folk medicine in the form of decoctions, infusions, fresh. Here are the most popular and proven recipes from folk healers:

  • fresh leaves can be used as a hemostatic agent, anti-inflammatory, wound healing. Leaves can be either crushed or whole;
  • to prepare a healing infusion, you need to take 2 tbsp. crushed leaves and 500 ml of water. Boil the resulting mixture for 10 minutes, and then let it brew for 2 hours. Such an infusion will be a good remedy for diarrhea, cystitis. Take 1/3 cup up to 3 times a day before meals. It also acts as a choleretic agent and medicine for inflammation of the lungs;
  • 1 tbsp crushed roots of Kuril tea combine with 250 ml of water, mix, boil for 10 minutes and let it brew for 2 hours. Take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day as a remedy for the treatment of blood diseases, anemia;
  • 1 tsp leaves of Kuril tea in 250 ml of water, and you will get an excellent replacement for the usual black tea. Such a drink quenches thirst and tones well.

Contraindications for the use of Kuril tea

No matter how powerful the healing effect of Kuril tea on the human body is, it should always be treated with extreme caution when using such traditional medicine recipes. Partial or even complete contraindications for taking this plant as part of decoctions, teas, infusions can be:

  • childhood. Most doctors agree that the use of various herbal remedies, traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of any disease, is undesirable. And even if it seems to you that the recipe is absolutely harmless, you cannot 100% predict the consequences for the child's body. Children under 5 years of age remain at a high risk of allergic reactions;
  • Kuril tea should be taken with extreme caution by people suffering from kidney disease, because. this plant increases the load on this organ;
  • Kuril tea is not recommended for people suffering from low blood pressure, because. can reduce it to a critical norm;
  • a complete contraindication for the use of tea, decoction, infusion of Kuril tea is individual intolerance. You will learn about such a feature of your body if, after taking a remedy based on this plant, you start vomiting, nausea.

Kuril tea: photo

Kuril tea: types and varieties

Currently, there is a huge variety of not only varieties, but also types of Kuril tea, or Potentilla. Depending on the shape of the plant, some species are suitable for decoration. alpine slides, others - for borders or hedges. For example, Kuril shrub tea looks great among lawn grass, and against the backdrop of rocky terrain. Among the most popular types of Kuril tea are:

  • Stemless cinquefoil. This is one of the most popular types of Kuril tea for creating alpine slides. This groundcover is only 1 to 6 cm tall. It performs well in stony, gravel soils that are moist and well drained.
  • Brilliant pawpaw. The species is known for its unusual combination of small pinkish flowers and green-silver foliage. It grows well in dry, sunny places, stony soils.
  • Altai cinquefoil. A low-growing type of Kuril tea that can look great in rock gardens. It has bright yellow flowers.
  • Nepalese cinquefoil. This hybrid species may well become the pearl of your garden. It blooms for a long time - about 2 months. The flowers are a mix of pink and red.
  • Dark red-blooded cinquefoil. One of the most spectacular types of Kuril tea. It blooms in mid-summer with large bright red flowers.
  • Hybrid Potentilla. View derived from different types Kuril tea. It features an incredible number of colors and shades. The flowers can be up to 4 cm in diameter.
  • shrub cinquefoil. There is absolutely no difficulty in bush planting Kuril tea. It takes root well and looks great on rocky terrain, on an alpine hill. In cinquefoil shrub, or Kuril shrub tea, care is also completely uncomplicated.

About the decorative characteristics of Kuril tea, reviews are only the most positive. Gardeners often prefer varieties such as Abbotswood, Pretty Poly, Princess, Goldteppih, Gold Finger, Darts Golddigger, Elizabeth, Red Ace, Sommer-Flor, Jacqueman, Kobold, Farreri and many others.

Kuril tea: planting

Of course, there is no single planting technology for absolutely all varieties of Kuril tea. Some of them prefer south facing, for example, while others require sandy or rocky soil in shade. Therefore, if you have already decided on the variety of Kuril tea, then study the recommendations for planting specifically for this variety. But highlight the most general scheme agrotechnical actions when growing this plant in different ways is still possible. Most often, Kuril tea is grown seed way or using cuttings. This plant prefers:

  • well-lit places;
  • fertile and light soil;
  • landing in the morning or evening time;
  • to prepare your own mixture of earth mixture, you will need leafy earth, humus, sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1;
  • the dimensions of the landing pit must exceed the dimensions of the earthen coma;
  • the distance between plants is determined by the nature of the plantations or the variety of Kuril tea.

Propagation of Kuril tea by seeds

  • It is quite possible to prepare seeds of Kuril tea on your own if you already have this plant growing on the site. The seeds are very small, covered with fine hairs. Seeds are collected in August-September as they ripen. Store in clean paper bags. Shelf life when kept cool temperature regime may reach several years.
  • For planting, you will need sifted leafy soil, which will need to be moistened before planting.
  • Seeds in open ground are not immediately sown. You will need boxes or mini-greenhouses on the surface.
  • It is not necessary to deepen the seeds, just lightly sprinkle with earth.
  • Seedlings respond well to organic and mineral supplements.
  • If you planted seeds in early spring, then as soon as warm weather sets in, you can begin to harden the already dived seedlings, and then to a constant stay in the open air.
  • Seedlings must be shaded from the bright sun.
  • Young seedlings are very fragile, and therefore they need to be carefully watered and fertilized so as not to damage them.
  • After 3-4 years, Kuril tea will reach the height and maturity that will allow it to be planted in permanent places of growth.

Propagation of Kuril tea by cuttings

Experienced gardeners especially often use cuttings to propagate Kuril tea. This method does not require any tricky tricks or skills, it is great for mass reproduction of Kuril tea. In practice, reproduction is carried out by green cuttings and lignified cuttings. Consider these 2 methods in more detail:

  • propagation of Kuril tea by green cuttings. Green cuttings are harvested very quickly so that they do not wither and dry out. The time interval between cutting cuttings and their planting should not exceed 48 hours. The length of the green cutting is 9-12 cm, on both sides of which there should be leaf nodes. lower leaves removed, and the upper ones are shortened by 1/2 or 1/3 part. A feature of green cuttings is the absence of root primordia, and that is why the use of root formation stimulants is mandatory. The cuttings are tied in bunches so that their lower part is on the same level. Then they are placed in a solution of any synthetic growth stimulant. For greater efficiency, glucose or sucrose is also added. The optimal conditions for rooting green cuttings of Kuril tea will be: air temperature 22-30 degrees, landing under a film cover, under glass. in a greenhouse, air humidity - 80%, very good drainage to prevent waterlogging of the soil;
  • propagation by woody cuttings. This method has more simple technology than when propagated by green cuttings. The percentage of successfully established plants remains quite high. Lignified cuttings are fairly mature leafless shoots. They are harvested during the period of relative dormancy of the uterine bush - in autumn, winter or spring. The advantage is given to the spring. Lignified cuttings are perfectly stored and can be transported without problems over long distances. The length of the cutting should be from 5 to 12 cm. Lignified cuttings are rooted in approximately the same conditions as green ones. You only need to exclude high humidity air, and leave only sufficient soil moisture.

Propagation of Kuril tea by layering

Kuril tea can be propagated by horizontal and vertical layering. And for this, and for another method, the shoots are pulled soft wire at the base and make small cuts for good rooting. The shoot is bent to the ground, sprinkled and fixed, or spud one part of the bush with vertical rooting. As a rule, over the summer the shoots take root and in the fall are quite ready to separate from the mother bush.

Reproduction of Kuril tea by rhizomatous offspring

The root system of Kuril tea is capable of producing offspring. This method of reproduction is quite fast and effective, although it also produces a small number of new plants. In autumn or spring, such root suckers are carefully dug up along with the roots and transplanted either on permanent place growth, or growing.

Reproduction of Kuril tea by dividing the bush

Dividing a bush is another fairly simple and quick way to breed Kuril tea. True, it will be possible to carry out such a method only on a 4-6-year-old plant. The number of new plants will also be small - from 2 to 6 pieces.

Kuril tea: care

Growing Kuril tea is sure to appeal to novice gardeners. This plant is absolutely unpretentious in care. Among the most minimal actions to ensure the full growth of smoking tea can be noted:

  • Kuril tea responds well to top dressing. If the plant is planted out of a container, then the first top dressing is carried out at the time of planting, introducing into trunk circle 15 gr of mineral fertilizer. Plants that have not yet taken root are not fed. Only in late spring or early summer can you apply 5-10 grams of mineral fertilizer for one plant. During the period of active growth and the beginning of flowering, they also make mineral fertilizers with a predominance of phosphorus, potassium. Autumn top dressing should exclude the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • Kuril tea needs intensive watering in dry times. You will need 5 to 10 liters of water per bush. In order for Kuril tea to retain moisture for a longer time, the topsoil is mulched;
  • if you want Kuril tea to have a decorative function on the site, then you can’t do without formative and hygienic pruning. Pruning is carried out on cloudy days or in the evening. With a sharp pruner, shoots are shortened by 8-12 cm, dry or damaged shoots are removed. For a lush and beautiful appearance of Kuril tea, pruning of this kind can be carried out throughout the summer;
  • Kuril tea is practically not susceptible to diseases and pests. But, if the plant is affected by rust, for example, then it will do foliar top dressing trace elements or 2% sulfur solution;
  • Kuril tea in the fall does not require any special actions. Plants of the first year of life require sheltering the roots for the winter with a layer of mulch.

How to collect Kuril tea

An incredibly tasty and healthy fragrant drink is prepared from Kuril tea, which is able to have a healing effect on the human body. To save everything beneficial features and trace elements of this plant, Kuril tea must be properly collected and stored. Adhere to the following recommendations for the collection of Kuril tea:

  • for the preparation of medicinal raw materials, tops 15 cm long are used;
  • the collection of raw materials is carried out at the time of the most active flowering. It is simply impossible to miss and not notice this moment;
  • the approximate size of the apical shoots for cutting is 15 cm;
  • shoots should not be plucked, but carefully cut with secateurs;
  • collection of Kuril tea is carried out in dry weather, preferably in the evening;
  • You need to dry Kuril tea not in the sun, but in the shade, in a well-ventilated place. Twigs can be either laid out on any surface or hung;
  • the dried plant is stored in fabric ventilated bags. You can prepare Kuril tea in large enough volumes and enjoy fragrant drink all autumn and winter.

The Kuril tea plant can not only add decorative value to your garden, but can also provide you with an incredibly useful supply of raw materials for the preparation of many traditional medicine recipes to combat viral diseases in the season of colds, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system and many others. landing technology and further cultivation Kuril tea is not difficult even for beginner gardeners. Bring your soul into what you do in your garden, and the result will exceed even your wildest expectations. Good luck growing Kuril tea!

Potentilla, another name Kuril tea, is a low flowering shrub. Potentilla Goldfinger is an unpretentious showy shrub used in the creation of hedges.

The height of an adult bush reaches one meter and twenty to thirty centimeters. Goldfinger blooms with dark yellow flowers, up to five centimeters in diameter. This variety is not only decorative and beautifully flowering, but also winter-hardy. It is best to plant shrubs in groups. They look very good as hedges and borders. In nature, Potentilla grows in the forests of the Far East and Southern Siberia.

Potentilla goldfinger just a record holder for the duration of the flowering period. Shrub cinquefoil has many advantages besides being decorative. This plant is a long-liver, the life expectancy of Potentilla is about twenty years.

Kuril tea it does not need to be covered for the winter, it tolerates winter very well, and with age its frost resistance increases. In addition, the shrub is resistant to gas and smoke.

Potentilla goldfinger cultivation: If the abundant flowering of Kuril tea is important to you, then plant it in a sunny place. In partial shade, the plant will grow, but it will not bloom well. Potentilla prefers moist, light and fertile soils.

At a young age, cinquefoil must be protected from decay. Potentilla seedlings it is better to choose with a closed root system. Then you can land at any time.

A shrub is planted like this: they make a planting hole sixty to seventy centimeters deep, then pour drainage, after which a layer fertile land and then they plant cinquefoil. Potentilla goldfinger care: The Goldfinger variety requires the same care as all Potentilla shrubs.

Every spring, the shrub should be cut almost to the level of the soil. This stimulates the growth of young shoots. In hot weather and in drought, Goldfinger, like other varieties, needs to be watered.

Potentilla shrub enough moisture-loving plant, so watering is needed plentiful. In the spring, you need to carry out mineral top dressing, and at the beginning of flowering, feed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. There are a lot of varieties of Potentilla, using only this plant, but different varieties, you can create unusual and original hedges. Different varieties of cinquefoil bloom with flowers of different colors, but all have a flowering period that lasts all summer. See how to properly cut the cinquefoil with Anna Tyatte (program: "Good advice"):

Potentilla planting and care

Charming cinquefoil is useful for decorating a garden in any style without much effort, planting and caring for it is more of a pleasure than a difficult task. And most importantly, the plant will bloom from the beginning of summer until the October frosts. For the first time, cinquefoil bushes appeared in flower beds in the 18th century. Even then, they appreciated the unpretentiousness of the plant, amazing survival, the beauty of delicate inflorescences with soft leaves and a "fluffy" middle, decorated with many stamens. Depending on the variety, and today there are about 500 of them, the cinquefoil will delight with yellow, white, red, bright orange shades of flowers. The size, color saturation of the leaves and, accordingly, the use in landscape design also differ. perennial and annual. Kuril tea - so often called shrub cinquefoil.

It was first found on the Kuril Islands. There, its leaves, unusually rich in vitamin C, tannin and essential oils, were brewed and used as a vitamin drink, especially for colds.

How to plant cinquefoil

The best time is early spring, when the snow has already melted and the soil has thawed. But you can plant and transplant even in August-September. It is very important to choose the right place.

This must be an open area good lighting or penumbra. Potentilla loves the sun very much, but under the scorching rays it can become more faded. In dense shade, it will be very reluctant to bloom and slow growth. The landing process is simple: 1.

Do landing pits up to 60 cm deep. The distance between them is at least 30 centimeters.2. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pit, broken brick, gravel and even ordinary river pebbles will do.

To fill the recess about half, you need to cook special blend: mix sand, humus, leaf soil in a ratio of 1:2:2 and add about 150 grams of mineral fertilizer.4. Fill the hole with the mixture, leaving about 20-30 centimeters to the top edge.5.

Now you can plant Potentilla, but be sure to leave the root part ("neck") just above the ground level. The remaining space of the hole is filled with ordinary garden soil.6.

After planting, the bush must be watered and the soil should not dry out for the next three weeks. Mulching will create a wonderful effect - you can carefully spread bark, straw, sawdust or other covering material on the surface around the plant. Potentilla propagates by seeds, cuttings, root offspring and dividing the bushes.

Seeds ripen on the bushes with brown "buttons". They are simply laid out in previously loosened soil, the first shoots can be planted in about a month. It is better to divide a three-year-old plant.

After planting a perennial variety, you will have to wait 2-3 years until the cinquefoil blooms.

How to care for cinquefoil

If planting still requires some effort, then care is minimized - watering during the absence of rain, approximately once every two weeks and preferably with water at room temperature. An unpretentious plant will put up with any conditions, but will thank abundant flowering for fertilizing, loosening the soil, removing weeds and spraying on summer evenings. It is dry air that bushy plantations tolerate the worst. In spring, shrubs need shaping pruning, so branched crowns will look neater and bloom better.

For the most delicate varieties, for example, pink cinquefoil (photo 2), it is better to create small shelters for the winter. Diseases and pests rarely affect. The only danger is rust. This disease is manifested by brown spots on the leaves, then they curl and dry completely.

In this case, copper-soap emulsion and other fungicides will help.

Potentilla in landscape design

Features of use in ornamental gardening depend on the variety. But almost all of them perfectly complement other plants and decorate any part of the garden, especially mixborders. Low-growing ground cover varieties, for example, stemless or shiny Potentilla (photo 4), are suitable for rocky alpine slides and rockeries.

They feel great surrounded by small gravel and under the bright sun. Altai cinquefoil with bright yellow inflorescences is also good in rock gardens. Herbaceous cinquefoils are suitable for a flower garden, especially in compositions with daisies, bluebells and daylilies. Shrub cinquefoil will help form a beautiful hedge, but even in a flower garden or among the stones on an alpine hill, it looks wonderful and pleases with flowering crowns for a long time.

Kuril shrub tea

- one of the most unpretentious plants. We know it not only for its healing properties, but also for its ease of care when growing. Even a novice florist could take care of Kuril tea, or cinquefoil shrub.

This plant is great for growing suburban area. After all, flowers in the country should be unpretentious in order to survive without the participation of a gardener.

At the same time, Kuril tea does not need special soil preparation, since under natural conditions it can grow even on permafrost. A very cold-resistant plant, cinquefoil endures even harsh winters.

You can plant Kuril tea bushes in open areas and even calcareous soils. I use Kuril tea bushes as an ornamental hedge, successfully replacing flowers for summer cottages.

This plant looks very effective in low, uncut fences. The flowering of Kuril tea falls at the beginning of summer and before the onset of autumn, its period lasts quite a long time.

Ornamental shrubs, plants, seedlings of trees and shrubs (part 4)

Of course, tea bushes can also be cut, arranging as you wish, but wild bushes do not look unkempt at all. As I already mentioned, cinquefoil care is practically not needed. One has only to remove dead, weak or old branches. It is best to start removing branches in May - before the bush's strength begins to leave to maintain their strength.

Reproduction of Kuril tea (cinquefoil)

If you want to propagate the plant, then use the method of cuttings or dividing the bush. In spring or autumn green cuttings can be planted in a cold greenhouse. The length of the cuttings should be from ten to fifteen centimeters.

I advise you to cut the cuttings for propagation at the end of June - at this time the branches are already gaining enough strength for further independent development. From the lower half of the cut branch, all leaves must be cut off.

For better survival in the ground, you can put the branches in a solution that stimulates the growth of the plant's root system for about twelve hours. The greenhouse should be covered with a film or glass. If you notice the formation of buds on the cuttings, then carefully remove them.

In no case do not allow flowering - after all, you want to complete the successful formation of the root system for further growth, and not grow flowers. Usually the cuttings take root well - ninety percent of the seedlings already have root system in about a month.

If you grew seedlings in a greenhouse, you can leave them there until next spring. But if the formation of the root system took place indoors, then in early or mid-September, it is imperative to move the plants to open ground. You can also find hybrid varieties of cinquefoil.

They differ slightly in the height of the shrub and the color of the flowers, but are not more whimsical. One of the most common types of Kuril tea is Potentilla Friedrichsen.

AT wild nature cinquefoil shrubs develop much more slowly - for the period of "growing up" the plant takes from twenty years. But when grown in improved areas as flowers for summer cottages, the development of the Kuril tea bush is much faster.

Hello, dear readers! Before we talk about growing Kuril tea on the site, let's get acquainted with this plant. Kuril tea is known in official science as shrub cinquefoil. Under natural conditions, the plant is found in the Kuril Islands, Siberia and Kamchatka.

Currently, more than 50 varieties of this beautiful bush. Most often you can find Kuril tea with yellow flowers. But there are varieties with pink, cream, white and even orange and red flowers. Kuril tea.

Useful properties Local residents have been using this plant as a medicinal plant for more than one century. Altai nomads have long used its shoots as a tonic.

Tea from it gives strength, improves appetite, has a beneficial effect on the digestive, respiratory, excretory and cardiovascular systems. According to recent data, Kuril tea is effective and safe means in the treatment of childhood dysbacteriosis.

Such a widespread use of this plant is due to the unique combination of biologically significant substances. For medicinal purposes, young flowering shoots are used, harvested during the period of budding and flowering. In our garden plots, the Kuril tea shrub is cultivated not only for the sake of obtaining medicinal raw materials.

This plant has a high decorative effect. It is very beneficial to use it to create excellent hedges, alpine slides, as tapeworms against the backdrop of evergreen and coniferous crops.

It lends itself well to a haircut, is characterized by fast growth and easy care. Thanks to all these design and agrotechnical qualities, shrub cinquefoil is a very convenient object for landscaping the territory. Growing Kuril tea and caring for the plant Kuril tea is a rather unpretentious shrub.

It tolerates cold winters well, withstands dry periods, prefers light habitats, but also grows in partial shade. does not require much effort and time. The only difficulty is that the seedlings of this plant are rarely on sale.

A way out of this situation can be found by taking planting material in nature or in the garden of friends. Light drained soils are suitable for planting, the reaction of which can be both slightly acidic and alkaline. Strong waterlogging of the soil should be avoided.

The greatest decorative effect can be obtained when grown on fertile soils with diffused lighting. In the spring, Kuril tea needs mineral dressing, including potash and phosphorus fertilizers. When planted in groups, the interval between the bushes should not be less than 60 cm, since they grow quite well.

At growing Kuril tea care consists in periodic sanitary pruning, which is best done in May. There are several ways to propagate this shrub: This plant is known to many gardeners under the name Potentilla shrub. It got its drinking name because in the past, from the Urals to the Kuriles, dried leaves and flowers were used to make tea.

An upright or prostrate shrub reaches a height of 50-150 cm with bright yellow flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. It is found in all regions of the Far East and Siberia, the Caucasus, the Urals, and the Baltic states.

It grows along the banks of rivers, lakes, in water meadows, among shrubs, on rocky slopes in the mountains. In folk Mongolian medicine, an aqueous infusion of leaves and flowers is used for bloody diarrhea, as a hemostatic and appetite-improving agent, as well as for neuropsychiatric diseases. Kuril tea (Shrubby Cinquefoil) Residents of Transbaikalia and Kamchatka drink an infusion of branches for pain and pain in the abdomen.

In Tibetan medicine, it is used for lobar pneumonia, as an expectorant. And the infusion of roots - for gastrointestinal diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, in the Caucasus - for diarrhea and scurvy.

The infusion of the whole plant is popularly used externally for the treatment of wounds, burns, abscesses, boils, for rinsing the mouth and throat with tonsillitis, stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity, and in the form of douching - for whites. Scientists have established a high antimicrobial activity of Kuril tea on intestinal pathogens. infections, including cholera vibrios, as well as anticoagulant and P-vitamin action. According to the observations of children's doctors, Kuril tea - good remedy to eliminate dysbiosis, including staphylococcal, it normalizes metabolism, being a diuretic, and at the same time treats bedwetting. In addition, the infusion of Kuril tea relieves constipation, has a beneficial effect on duodenitis, cystitis, and also as a sedative for stress. Kuril tea (Shrubby Cinquefoil) Fresh leaves contain 145.9-223.3 mg%, and dry - 292.4 -380.4 mg% of ascorbic acid (this is several times more than in lemons, and almost the same as in blackcurrant berries) and, respectively, 8.53 mg% and 15.12 mg% of carotene (as in carrot roots) .

Tannins were found in the leaves and branches - up to 10%, phenolcarboxylic acids, catechins, flavonoids, essential oils. Flowering tops of shoots 10-15 cm long are used as medicinal raw materials. Raw materials are cut with scissors or secateurs at the time of mass flowering (end of July-Aug -thick), dried in the shade in the open air or in a well-ventilated area. Kuril tea (Shrubby Cinquefoil) Kuril tea is known more as an ornamental plant and has been grown in gardens since 1700.

It is cold-resistant, grows even on permafrost, calcareous soils, on open space and in partial shade. In landscaping, it is used in ordinary and group plantings; it is effective in uncut low hedges. Moreover, it blooms in late summer-autumn, and for a long time.

If necessary, it can also be cut, forming compact bushes. Care is almost not needed for it, only in May old and weak branches are cut out. Easily propagated by green cuttings in a cold greenhouse in summer or by dividing the bush in spring and autumn.

Green cuttings 10-15 cm long are cut at the end of June. Leaves are removed from the lower half, kept for 12-16 hours in a solution of a root formation stimulator and then planted in a greenhouse. Top with foil or glass.

Some cuttings even have buds that should be pinched off to prevent flowering. After a month, more than 90% of the cuttings form roots. If rooting took place on the street, then the seedlings are left in the greenhouse until spring.

From the premises they are planted in September in open ground for growing. Kuril tea (Shrubby Cinquefoil) There are many varieties and hybrids that are easy to distinguish by the height and color of the flowers. Among them, Friedrichsen's cinquefoil is the most common - a hybrid of shrub and Dahurian cinquefoil with pale yellow or white flowers.

Among the varieties of foreign selection, we can recommend: Abbotswood (height 75 cm, white flowers), Elizabeth (90 cm, yellow flowers), Jackmans Variety (120 cm, yellow flowers), Katherine Dykes (1.5 m, yellow flowers), Tangerine ( 60 cm, bronze-yellow flowers). Medicinal tea is prepared as follows

In the design of garden plots, a beautiful ornamental shrub from the Rosaceae family is often found - Potentilla, otherwise shrubby. Planting and care is not difficult, and the beautiful appearance and healing properties of the plant make this species increasingly popular among amateur gardeners.

What is a plant

Kuril tea is a very beautiful plant, it is a sprawling shrub with a round spherical crown, delicate light green, velvety carved leaves resembling small five-pointed fans.

There are many varieties of Kuril tea, breeders have brought new ones decorative varieties. If the natural size of the bush is about one and a half meters, now you can also buy dwarf species up to 60 cm high. The bush pleases with flowering from May to the first frosts, therefore it is of particular value for decorating the garden.

Usually the flowers are yellow, there are varieties of bright orange or red, there are pink and cream types. They bloom singly or gather in inflorescences.

The plant got its unusual tea name for the fact that in the Kuril Islands it was brewed and drunk instead of tea.

Interesting! Kuril tea won people's love not only because of its beauty, but also. The leaves have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, perfectly tone up and support the immune system. It is good for depression and neuroses. It is used to improve the functioning of the heart and liver.

How to care

Kuril tea is unpretentious, but any plant responds to proper care with a beautiful appearance and rapid flowering, so every owner should know about the needs of Potentilla:

  1. The shrub is not very demanding on the soil, but it does not tolerate heavy loams and poor sandy areas.
  2. He does not like Kuril tea and shady corners, without the sun he will be weak.
  3. The winds also do not benefit him, from this delicate flower petals fly around, branches are bent.
  4. It will grow well in a sunny area along a fence that protects it from the winds.
  5. The earth around the bush must be regularly loosened by 10 cm, carefully, trying not to damage the roots.
  6. Weeding and removing weeds is an indispensable component of care in the summer.
  7. In dry summers, the plant needs to be watered regularly, at least 12 liters are poured under each bush.
  8. Kuril tea will also respond well to a water shower.

Interesting! Solve the problem with acidic soil easy by adding a little ash and lime under the bush. If the soil is damp, make good drainage. Sandy soil in the garden is also not a problem: it is replaced in the planting hole with a fertile, loose substrate.

A layer of mulch retains moisture well in the soil, it will prevent the germination of weeds and will not interfere with air aeration

It can be a layer of compost and peat, which will then become additional fertilizer. It is updated in early summer and autumn.

For the winter, the soil is mulched especially carefully, it is important to do this after planting.

When Kuril tea blooms, the scorching sun can affect the brightness of the flowers, under its rays the color may fade, so if you want to save bright colors, on hot days they need to be protected. The leaves tolerate the direct rays of the sun well.

Kuril tea survives the winter well, is able to endure low temperatures down to -40 ° C, although sometimes it freezes above the snow cover, but this does not affect flowering. Some varieties are better to insure and cover, this is especially important for young shoots.

Interesting: Bushes with yellow flowers are more resistant to frost, and plants with red inflorescences are more capricious and thermophilic, so they need to be more carefully covered for the winter.

How to crop

From nature, Kuril tea received a beautiful round crown, so it does not require special formation, but you still need to cut off extra branches:

  • after winter, frozen branches are removed;
  • in the summer, selectively cut out those that are knocked out of the ideal format;
  • pruning is needed by about a third when the bush grows too large.

Old bushes are fully pruned, they undergo a rejuvenation procedure: all old shoots are completely cut out with a secateurs or a saw, as a result, a 15 cm long stump remains. The procedure is carried out in September or October.

Important! Only in the conditions of the south, all branches of the plant are cut off by 5 cm in summer and autumn to create topiaries.

How to plant

Potentilla is propagated in several ways: by cuttings, root shoots, dividing the bush, it can also be planted with seeds.

The most successful way is cuttings, in this case several shoots can be used and they will have 100% maternal properties, this is especially important when propagating hybrid varieties.

Planting in the spring is a favorable time, over the summer the plant will take root and take root in a new place. Cuttings are selected from strong green or stiff shoots, they must have a lateral and upper bud. For better survival, shoots are taken with leaves. If they are already cut, then you should not pull for more than 2 days.

How to board:

  1. The lower leaves are cut off, the ends of the shoots are immersed in a growth stimulator for a day.
  2. The earthen substrate is prepared in advance, it consists of 1 part of sand, humus and soddy soil is taken 2 times more.
  3. Additionally, complex fertilizer, 100 g of lime and a spoonful of ash are added.
  4. The shoot is placed in the ground and the soil is well moistened.
  5. Root germination occurs in a greenhouse or under glass.
  6. The optimum temperature is not more than 30 °C.
  7. To create moisture, the cuttings are sprayed with water, covered with shields or gauze from the bright sun.

Planting seedlings in the fall in the ground is not too late, you need to give them time to take root.

  1. Young bushes are planted at a distance of at least 60 cm, preferably 80 cm.
  2. The hole is prepared in depth equal to the distance between the bushes.
  3. Drainage of at least 20 cm is placed at the bottom, it can be broken bricks, expanded clay, river pebbles, lime gravel, it is especially liked by Potentilla.
  4. The root neck should not be too deep, it should be near the surface of the earth.
  5. After planting, the hole is covered with a mixture similar in composition to grafting, well watered.
  6. From above, the earth must be sprinkled with humus.

If the cuttings are prepared in June, by the autumn a bush 35 cm high with a good root system will form from them. They can already be landed on the place where it will be permanently.

Important! The plant blooms after planting after 3 years, and on next year in July it is already possible to collect leaves for tea.

Reproduction by seeds

It is more difficult to propagate a plant with seeds, this process is lengthy, so that the desired properties appear, it is preferable to purchase the material in a specialized store. It is better to plant seeds in boxes at home, so it is more likely that they will not die from adverse weather conditions, during germination they will not be damaged by insects:

  1. The earth is also suitable for the one that is being prepared for planting cuttings, it is leveled and at a distance of 5 cm holes are made 2 cm deep.
  2. Then they are watered and the seeds are laid.
  3. Sprinkle a little earth and moisten the soil again.

Seedlings will hatch in 20-25 days, after a week they can be speared at a distance of 30 cm on the street. In summer, tender sprouts are carefully sprayed and covered from the sun. They will get to a permanent place in 3 years, when they get stronger and turn into a real bush.

Pests and diseases

With good care, the plant usually does not get sick, pests bypass it. In cold, damp summers, powdery mildew or rust can develop. The disease is cured by spraying with colloidal sulfur or Bordeaux mixture.

Bright colors, beautiful spherical shape and long flowering make Kuril tea a great garden decoration. If you plant a plant in your home, it will delight not only with a decorative appearance, but will become a source of valuable medicine.

Useful properties of cinquefoil shrub have been known for a long time. Other names for this plant are Kuril shrub tea or cinquefoil. This shrub can be easily recognized by openwork leaves and lush blooms. The plant produces new inflorescences right up to the frost, is perfectly adapted to the harsh climate, and also does not require special conditions for cultivation. Petal colors range from pure white to purplish red, and bush sizes are medium to miniature border species. Basic moments successful cultivation discussed in our article.

growing conditions

In the wild, this plant is extremely common in Asian countries. In addition to its attractive appearance, cinquefoil has valuable medicinal properties, which is why it is often used in traditional medicine recipes. To grow it unpretentious plant on your site, you must take into account its needs and create ideal conditions for growth.

Potentilla needs the following conditions:

  1. Loose fertile soil. Peat and sandstone are suitable, but clay soils will need to be diluted to obtain a looser mixture.
  2. The maximum illumination of the shrub will benefit him. The plant does not tolerate shade, begins to wither and get sick. To protect the delicate petals, you can use a shading awning, but only for a short time on a hot day.
  3. Despite the fact that Potentilla is not afraid of drafts, it is advisable to choose a closed place for landing. This will protect the shoots from curvature, as well as extend the flowering period.
  4. Suitable place for growing good drainage. On waterlogged soil, the shrub will not be able to fully develop.

Under natural conditions, the plant feels good on rocky soils, so it is often used in the design of alpine slides. Such a shrub looks no less advantageous, coupled with coniferous plants, as well as when landing along the curb or fences.

Landing Highlights

For successful acclimatization, the plant must choose "local" varieties. There are many ornamental shrubs, the colors of which can be from snow-white to red. Plants with yellow or orange petals are considered the most resistant to frost and adverse conditions. Red and purple varieties need additional shelter for the winter, but a lot also depends on growing conditions and proper care. In the first year, it is desirable to provide the plant with the most suitable conditions for successful rooting, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with the planting rules in more detail.

How to plant an acquired bush:

  • A plant with a closed root system is more likely to successfully root, so it is better to purchase bushes in a container.
  • The plant is planted around mid-April, when the earth has warmed up enough and the risks of frost have passed. It is not worth planting Potentilla in the fall, because the young seedling will not have time to take root and may die.
  • A landing hole is dug in advance, having prepared a nutrient mixture at the bottom. To do this, the upper soil is mixed with humus, wood ash and lime. It is also desirable to use complex mineral dressings, especially on depleted soils.
  • The distance between plants in group plantings is maintained at about 60-80 centimeters, depending on the height of the bush.
  • The seedling must be planted at growth level in the container. The root neck does not deepen, the soil around the bush is tightly compacted and watered abundantly. It is advisable to immediately mulch the trunk circle. This will help retain moisture and also facilitate further maintenance.

mature plant can be successfully propagated in a variety of ways. The method of dividing the bush and propagation by cuttings is usually used. It will take a lot of time and effort to grow a bush from seeds, so this method is less popular.

Further care

For successful flowering and growth, Potentilla does not need special attention. This plant is known for its unpretentiousness, therefore it calmly endures even adverse conditions. As for self-growing, caring for a bush will not be so difficult.

Features of caring for this plant:

  • Regular watering, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. In dry weather, the plant is watered no more than twice a week, at moderate temperatures - much less often.
  • Loosening the soil around the roots will ensure sufficient air flow. The soil is loosened to a depth of no more than 10 centimeters, so as not to damage the root system.
  • To facilitate weeding, you can use the method of mulching the root area. For this, crushed tree bark, sawdust, needles, straw or peat.
  • The plant is very fond of spraying. This will help prolong the flowering period, as well as wash away all the dust and dirt from the leaves. Spraying is carried out early in the morning or in the evening on hot days.
  • Periodically it is worth alkalizing the soil. Potentilla does not like acidic soils; for normal development, it requires a neutral or alkaline composition.
  • Pruning is carried out twice a season. In the spring, it involves the removal of old and frozen shoots. In autumn, you can cut the branches, forming the necessary shape of the shrub.
  • Approximately once every 5-7 years it is necessary to carry out rejuvenating pruning of the bush. To do this, all shoots are removed, only a few branches remain above the ground, no more than 15-20 centimeters high. This stimulates the development of young shoots and will help prolong the life of the plant.
  • Usually this hardy plant does not need shelter for the winter. However, many ornamental varieties of cinquefoil can not tolerate harsh climates. In order to prevent freezing of plants, it is necessary to pour a bucket of peat or sawdust on the root zone with the onset of the first frost. High shoots are bent to the ground and covered with agrofiber or burlap.
  • Top dressing is carried out several times a season. In spring, it is desirable to use nitrogen fertilizers to form the aerial part. During the period of budding and flowering, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are used. About a month before frost, it is necessary to provide the plant with the opportunity to replenish its supply of nutrients. Usually at this time, complex garden dressings are used.
  • Treatment for diseases is carried out if necessary. The plant has a strong immunity, but can be affected by rust or rot with an excess of moisture. In the treatment and prevention of such diseases, solutions of copper and iron sulphate, Bordeaux mixture and ready-made phytopreparations.

With proper care, the shrub is able to provide long-term flowering for more than two months. The endurance of this plant can be envied, but the bushes will be able to show themselves most advantageously only when favorable conditions growth and proper care.

O medicinal properties and how to use Kuril tea, our video will tell.

Extraordinarily useful medicinal plant- Kuril shrub tea, the planting and care of which is discussed in our information, is easy to grow on your own. By creating the right conditions and providing enough attention, you can not only decorate your flower garden, but also provide your family with a natural medicinal potion. Features of growing Kuril tea, important nuances care, as well as folk recipes will help to use this plant without any problems.

Often, garden plots are decorated with a beautiful ornamental shrub called Potentilla or Kuril shrub tea. A plant from the Rosaceae family is quite unpretentious, it is easy to care for it, and besides, it has healing properties. All these qualities increase its value in the eyes of gardeners, which is why its popularity is only growing.

What is this plant

Kuril tea is a beautiful sprawling shrub with delicate velvety carved leaves of a light green color, "stacked" in a spherical crown. Each leaf resembles a small five-pointed fan.

Kuril tea has many varieties, plus breeders constantly create decorative varieties for them. . In nature, the bush grows up to 1.5 meters, today it is already possible to purchase miniature varieties barely reaching 60 cm. The flowering of the bush is long - from the time when the weather is warm to the very frost, therefore it is desirable garden plot. The flowers are usually yellow, but bright orange, red, pink and cream shades also exist. Flowering occurs singly or in inflorescences.

The plant has an unusual "tea" name, this is due to the fact that in the Kuriles they drank it instead of ordinary tea. After all, Kuril tea has won people's love not only because it is distinguished by its beauty. Its beneficial properties are also known, which is why it is consumed as a tea. The leaves contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components, tea from them perfectly tones and strengthens the immune system. It is used to improve the functions of the heart and liver. This is a good remedy for depression and neuroses.

Kuril tea: planting and care

This plant is unpretentious, but every grower knows what better care, the more abundant, longer flowering and more beautiful appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the flower:

If the site has acidic soil, it is not difficult to turn it into neutral or even alkaline. To do this, pour a little lime and ash under the bush. Wet soil can be corrected with good drainage. It is also not a problem to remake sandy soil; for this, they dig a hole and replace it with a loose substrate. To keep moisture in the soil, make a layer of mulch. It will protect against weeds and will not prevent the roots from getting air. In this capacity, peat and compost act, which are easily converted into fertilizers. This layer needs to be updated at the beginning of summer and before frosts. After planting, before the onset of winter, the soil is mulched especially scrupulously.

During flowering in the hot season, the flower petals become faded. Therefore, in order to protect the brightness of colors, it is necessary to shade the plant during hot hours. The direct rays of the sun are well tolerated only by the leaves.

Kuril tea (cinquefoil) survives the cold quite well, it can even withstand temperatures as low as -40 degrees. With such low temperatures freezing of the bush above the snow crust is possible, but the flowering remains the same. Some varieties still need shelter, especially young shoots.

It has been noticed that a plant with yellow flowers is more resistant to frost than its red counterparts, they are more thermophilic and capricious, so they need to be covered more carefully.


Potentilla has a natural round shape, so it does not require maximum pruning. However, it is still necessary to cut off the extra branches:

  • after wintering, frozen branches are cut,
  • in summer, the bush is leveled so that the branches do not get out of the general format,
  • if the bush is too bulky, it is cut off by about a third.

Old bushes are subjected to thorough pruning, thus they are rejuvenated. To do this, you need to take a pruner or a saw and cut off all the old shoots, leaving only a 15 cm stump. The decorativeness of a curved bush can be returned through cardinal pruning, which stimulates the growth of new shoots and the formation of a lush crown. This procedure is planned for September or October.

Important! If the bush grows in the south, every summer and autumn all its branches are shortened by 5 cm to create a topiary.

Reproduction and planting

Potentilla is propagated by several methods:

  • cuttings,
  • seeds,
  • dividing the bush
  • root shoots.

by the most in a good way is cutting cuttings. Using multiple escapes gives guarantees that all of them will inherit maternal qualities. This is especially important when propagating varieties of hybrids.

Spring planting is good because over the summer the shoots will have time to take root and adapt to new conditions. The cuttings are cut from strong young or old stiff shoots, carefully examine, select a segment with a lateral and upper bud. In order for the shoots to take root better, they are taken with leaves. Cuttings are stored for no more than two days.

How to plant:

Young bushes are planted in a permanent place in early or mid-autumn, so that there is time to adapt. . Stages of work:

If cuttings are carried out at the beginning of summer, by autumn you can get a developed bush with a height of 35 cm and good roots. Then the cuttings are planted in a permanent place.

Important! Three years after planting, the plant will bloom, and a year later you can already harvest the leaves to drink tea.

Reproduction by seeds

Seed propagation is more difficult than cuttings, this process takes a lot of time. In order to declare the desired qualities, it is better to purchase planting material in a specialized store. Seeds are planted in boxes and left at home to prevent the adverse effects of climatic conditions and insects. How to propagate by seeds, work steps:

Diseases and pests

If the owners provide a bush good care, he will not get sick, and pests will not disturb him. In a cold and damp summer, the plant can get sick powdery mildew or rust. These diseases can be prevented by using Bordeaux mixture or colloidal sulfur. The bush is sprayed with these preparations.

Kuril tea is a magnificent decoration of the garden. By planting this plant on your site, you will become the owner of not only a luxurious decorative bush, but also a valuable medicine.