How to choose the right computer chair for your home. The right chair for daily computer work. Recardo Junior is the ideal choice for a child

Especially for the CPU, Elena Aralova, executive director of the work interior design company Martela, has compiled a list of things that you need to pay attention to when choosing an office chair.

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What piece of office furniture “eats up” almost half of the entire budget for furniture for a new office? Work chair. And this is also a good reason for mass manipulation and shamanism: “Here is a synchro-extra-super-mechanism for you, so 1099 euros is the most suitable price for it...”

Jens Kapelmann, head of sales for Dauphin, one of Germany's largest chair manufacturers, gave us advice on how to sort through a million chairs and a billion options, how to identify a good desk chair and, most importantly, how to choose the best one. decent option for minimal money.

The algorithm is as follows (all questions are arranged in order of importance, in descending order):

  • Does the chair have a synchro mechanism? This is when the seat and backrest synchronously and automatically repeat the movements of the seated person: forward, backward, sideways. Thus, without losing contact of the spine with the back of the chair, the person is in active movement, the spine is relaxed, and there is no unnecessary tension on the muscles. This is the main thing. Without a synchronizing mechanism, a chair is not a chair, but a stool with a backrest.
  • Is there an adjustable backrest resistance? Every person different weight, therefore, the different forces that we apply to the back of the chair must be proportionately compensated by its resistance. Otherwise, fragile little girls will sit like soldiers, unable to overcome their backrest. And large men are always in a relaxed reclining position, which is not very well received by their superiors. It’s good when you find a balance: the back should tilt relatively easily - but not so much that it “flies away”. The adjustment can be mechanical or automatic.
  • Seat depth adjustment. She definitely should be. According to the rules of ergonomics, there should be a distance from the edge of the seat to the inner bend of the knee the width of your palm. If it is less, you “slide” out of the chair. If it is larger, you drown in it, causing your leg muscles to strain unnecessarily.
  • Is there a negative seat angle? And, at the same time, backrests, less than 90 degrees - this is when the backrest, following the person sitting, seems to descend towards the table. A negative seat tilt is needed in order to get rid of excess pressure on inner part hips, due to which the blood flow in this place is pinched and the muscles do not receive proper nutrition and oxygen. This happens when you are forced to work for a long time in a position inclined towards the table (writing with a pen, peering at the data on the monitor). Require a negative slope!
  • Where are my armrests? When you want to save money, the first thing you get rid of in your chair is the armrests. And this is a mistake. The armrests are aligned with the tabletop, so your wrist, forearm and hand on the keyboard (or with a pen) are always at the same level. The arm (including the shoulders) is always relaxed. And that's great. There are no armrests - and all day long your muscles do nothing but support your arms, forcing your shoulders to rise higher and higher, leading to stooping and increased tension in the shoulder girdle. What is important about armrests is the ability to adjust their height and width. All sorts of 3D and other mechanisms are from the evil one.
  • Is the back height adjustable? More precisely the height of the lumbar support. It's good if yes. The lumbar support ensures the tightest contact of the back of the chair with the point of greatest curvature of the spine. It’s bad when the lumbar support rests on the buttocks or, on the contrary, almost on the shoulder blades. The tighter the contact, the more relaxed the sitting posture. But, in fact, the height of the backrest does not play an ergonomic role. This is purely a symbol of the status and importance of the person sitting, nothing more.

All. The minimum program has been completed. The remaining options are a matter of subjective wishes and available budgets.

And finally, a few comments:

  • The mesh back is not inferior in ergonomics to a regular back upholstered in fabric. The mesh is more convenient in the summer - it allows air to pass through well and is ventilated.
  • The headrest is a completely empty device. It has no ergonomic role. The headrest is needed to demonstrate the status of the seated person and to emphasize his high position.
  • The plastic base of the chair is not inferior in its characteristics to the metal one. Modern plastic in chairs is special, highly durable. It can easily serve for 10 years or more and is not particularly susceptible to any serious damage.
  • When choosing a work chair, it would be good to pay attention to the fabric with which it is upholstered. Main characteristics fabric - an index of its abrasion and wear resistance. It is expressed in Martindales. For an office chair, this index must be at least 80,000.
  • It is worth clarifying the type of wheels. They are available for hard floors (with soft felt attachments so as not to damage the floor) and, on the contrary, for soft floors (with plastic attachments so that they glide better on carpeting).
  • The normal warranty for a work chair is 5 years. If they give less, it’s a reason to think about it.
  • A real work chair does not come cheaper than 400 euros (price in Russia, including customs duties and delivery). If you need to save money: choose cheaper fabric, a plastic base of the chair, mechanical rather than automatic adjustments, a lower backrest. You cannot skimp on mechanisms and armrests. Then it makes more sense to go to IKEA and buy a good, nice stool. Same result, and also very cheap.

Time is changing rapidly. Information Technology are increasingly becoming part of our lives. If earlier the word “work” more often meant physical labor, now more and more people are constantly working and earning money while sitting at work. desk. Many of us work at a computer every day, all day long, and it is very important that the working conditions are as comfortable as possible, and that the work itself does not harm our health. Therefore, the issue of choosing the right computer chair comes to the fore. This question has its own nuances, and the wide range of computer chairs available these days makes its solution even more difficult.

We sit very often and a lot. We sit at the table at work, when we read, write, travel on the bus and in the car. Most of us sit in a static position, but doctors say that this should never be done. This position is fraught with poor circulation, back pain, dilated veins and uneven load on the muscles, damage to the intervertebral discs and headaches. Static sitting causes fatigue, weakening of concentration, and as a result, you may lose your ability to work altogether. An incorrect posture increases the load on the back by about 40%, while work efficiency, on the contrary, decreases by 10%.
The question arises: is it possible to avoid this during sedentary work? The answer is obvious: of course, it is possible, you just need to equip it correctly workplace, paying, at the same time, Special attention chair.

You can choose a very expensive computer chair made from the most modern materials using the most complex mechanisms, but the pleasure is not the cheapest, and the benefits of such a chair are questionable. Much the best option You will be able to purchase an inexpensive, but at the same time convenient and comfortable chair. The choice of chairs on the market, as already mentioned, is now very wide. Most of us form an opinion about a chair, first of all, based on its softness. According to this parameter, hard, semi-soft and soft chairs are distinguished. Chairs whose backs are made without the use of elastic materials, for example, metal, are considered rigid. If the thickness of the foam rubber on the chair is 3–5 cm or more, then this is easy chair. If the chair has a foam padding 2–4 cm thick, then it is a semi-soft chair.

Choose a chair with a surface that is not too textured. The seat should have a rounded edge to avoid putting too much pressure on your thighs, and the back should help distribute pressure evenly across the entire surface of your back. It is better if the upholstery of the chair is water and vapor proof. Most computer chairs have armrests. Their height should be such that your hands can rest freely on them. Elbows should not rest on the armrests, as in this case raised shoulders will deform the spine. If your office doesn't have enough space, you can buy chairs without armrests, or leave them on, but this is not a desirable option. The chair should have a five-point support and easily rotating wheels so that you feel stable on it and can move in any direction. If the floor in your room is hard, then the casters on the chair should be soft, but if, on the contrary, the floor is soft, the casters should be hard. If you buy a chair with hard casters and install it on a new hardwood floor, it will quickly deteriorate, and if you place a chair with soft casters on a carpet, it will be almost impossible to move it.

How to choose computer chair according to the figure.
It is very important that the seat of the chair is adjustable. You must set the backrest height and tilt yourself. The mechanism must be equipped with fixed shock absorbers; they will soften the sudden load on the spine. Mechanism adjustments should be simple and convenient. The chair should completely adapt to your figure, and not the figure to the chair, as often happens. The height of the chair should be such that the forearms lie horizontally on its surface, the angle between the shoulder and forearm must be straight. The thigh should also lie horizontally, the angle at the knee should also be straight. If in this case your feet do not touch the floor, then purchase and use a special stand for them. The protruding part of the back should comfortably support the body at waist level.

When purchasing a computer chair, be sure to ask the seller to present a quality certificate, hygiene certificates and a certificate of compliance with GOST. You need to buy a computer chair only in a special store, since if you buy it secondhand on the market, you most likely will not be able to obtain these documents. As for the manufacturer, imported chairs are usually very beautiful, comfortable and at the same time expensive. Domestic copies are somewhat inferior in quality, but they are much cheaper. Traditionally, the cheapest products are Chinese. Externally, such computer chairs differ little from expensive branded chairs, however, upon closer examination, all their shortcomings become clearly visible. If you have the opportunity to buy a computer chair that is more expensive but of better quality, then it is better to skip the Chinese version.

When choosing a computer chair, the main focus should not be on price, but on stability and durability. Be sure to choose a chair that matches specific person who will have to sit on it, and then it will last a very long time.

Good luck with your choice and comfortable landing!

Nowadays, computers have become firmly entrenched in the lives of almost every family. Many people can no longer imagine their life without a desktop computer or laptop. At the same time, technological progress sometimes brings with it a number of negative consequences. Sitting at a monitor for a long time can not only negatively affect your vision, but also lead to serious problems with the spine. To avoid sad consequences for health, you need to first take care of making the right choice computer chair. Let's consider how not to make a mistake when buying it, taking into account the intensity of use of your home computer.

If the need for a computer is limited to two or three hours a day, it is not at all necessary to buy something highly specialized and complex - you can buy any comfortable armchair. The main thing is that it fits harmoniously into the interior of the room. It can be a simple wooden chair with a comfortable back, an original designer or a budget office chair. This choice requires a minimum of customizable elements, sometimes enough to adjust the seat height. For those who spend about 5 hours at a computer or laptop, a simple model will no longer be an option. the best option

. It is better to take a chair on wheels with good adjustment capabilities. At the very least, there should be no problems adjusting the seat height/depth, or backrest height/inclination. Choose an orthopedic backrest, take care of your lower back, its treatment will cost more.

Those who work at a computer most of the day should look at models whose settings are not limited to the adjustments listed in the previous paragraph. In a modern expensive chair you can easily change your position, sometimes there is a headrest and a footrest. The back of an advanced chair can bend at different angles; seals made of high-quality material in the seat and back balance the load on the spine. Some companies produce models to order for a specific person. There are options that even allow you to work in a vertical position - they are chosen by people with serious problems with the spine. You need to be especially careful when choosing a computer chair for a child. If a student studies for a long time in an incorrectly selected chair, his spine will become curved over time. To avoid this, you need to choose a chair with a small, slightly curved backrest. The proportions of the product should ensure a right angle between the child’s thigh and lower leg. This rule must be taken into account when adjusting the height of the chair. If the student does not yet reach the floor with his feet, it is worth providing him with a footrest. The height of the backrest should be adjustable and should not be higher than the child’s shoulder blades. Armrests in child seat

In any case, it is worth paying attention to what materials were used by the furniture manufacturer. If the chair is made wisely, both microfiber and eco-leather will provide the necessary comfort. For children, it is better to choose upholstery made from natural fabric.

Thus, when choosing a computer chair, you should consider its purpose. And then proceed from the amount allocated for the purchase, design features products, materials used and other nuances.

The material for upholstery of office chairs can be textiles, acrylic mesh, artificial or natural leather. When choosing an upholstery material, it is worth considering that the fabric is more easily soiled than other materials, and over time it wears out.

Textile upholstery is usually made from synthetic materials. The cheapest of them is the C series fabric, which resembles burlap. More expensive polyolefin is characterized by increased strength and wear resistance, it does not fade and is easy to maintain. The TW series fabric has excellent breathability. Microfiber, as well as JP series fabrics and acrylic mesh, have almost all the advantages necessary to ensure maximum user comfort.

Faux leather upholstery is easy to care for, and its cost is not very different from fabric options. The leatherette used for upholstering computer chairs comes with PVC and polyurethane coating. The first is wear-resistant, not afraid of water, is difficult to ignite and can imitate natural leather. However, PVC-coated artificial leather does not conduct moisture well and is prone to cracking at the folds. Leatherette with a polyurethane coating, which is also called eco-leather, is more technologically advanced and advanced, is highly frost-resistant and wear-resistant, has a soft and elastic structure, breathes well, repels water and is not subject to cracks. At the same time, eco-leather is 100% environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic.

Genuine leather is environmentally friendly, safe, hypoallergenic and comfortable. For the upholstery of computer chairs, standard or luxury leather is used. Standard leather is rougher and thicker; it can withstand almost any mechanical impact. The disadvantages are weak elasticity and quick loss forms. Luxury leather - aniline and semi-aniline - is made from higher quality raw materials, but is characterized by less hygroscopicity, less resistant to external influences and is more difficult to care for.

Every year computers are becoming more and more firmly embedded in our daily life. Now many of us sit in front of a monitor not only in the office, but also at home. Those who are forced to spend most of their time at their desk are interested in the question of how to choose a good computer chair for their home.

Main design features

Unlike office models, a home chair for computer desk most often has a minimum number of adjustments. And in classic models they are completely absent. The most simple armchairs For home use are equipped with seat height adjustment only. The height is changed using a lever located under the seat. These are relatively inexpensive computer chairs, the price of which makes them accessible to the bulk of the population.

The most popular home models are chairs with a semi-soft back, the frame of which is covered with industrial mesh upholstery. Most have a hard seat with an adjustment lever underneath.

Functionality of computer chairs

IN budget models There are several important components that help maintain the health of the spine. for the home, if possible, it should be equipped with a headrest that relieves excess tension from the neck muscles. To support the spine, the height and angle of the backrest must be adjusted. There is always a slight thickening in the lumbar region. It should absorb shock during a sudden descent into the seat.

Some more expensive computer chairs, the price of which ranges from 2.5 to 5 thousand rubles, are equipped with a synchronization mechanism that allows you to change the position of the back and seat depending on the posture taken by the person sitting in it. In many expensive modern models An auto-return system is provided. Some chairs have special footrests or for computer accessories. You can not only sit in them, but also stand.

Materials from which computer chairs are made

Modern home chairs are made from materials such as chrome-plated aluminum, high-quality fabrics, plastic, fiberglass and textured polyurethane. More expensive computer chairs for the home are made from genuine leather and decorated with inserts made of valuable wood. For the manufacture of children's models, high-quality wear-resistant and hypoallergenic materials are used. IN Lately The so-called eco-leather is especially popular. This material is resistant to sudden temperature changes and does not require special care.

Computer chair design

Thanks to the variety of models, anyone can easily choose the option that will fit perfectly into almost any room. A modern computer chair for home will be a worthy addition to any interior, be it Personal Area, made in the best traditions of classicism, or a room designed in high-tech style.

The variety of colors of the chairs amazes. They can be either single-color or multi-colored with an original texture and a non-standard gradient. Therefore, pick up suitable option will not be difficult. For those who don’t know where to buy a computer chair, we can recommend going to one of the city’s specialized stores. There you will find the best option.

How to choose a children's computer chair?

Many modern teenagers prefer to spend time in front of the monitor. Therefore, the child must have his own computer chair. Those who think that child models are nothing more than compact version an adult chair, covered with fabric with a cheerful pattern, are deeply mistaken. for home use ensures the correct position of the legs and back of the child sitting on it. It not only promotes correct posture, but also reduces the risk of spinal problems. Similar to adult models children's version must have a back so high that it provides reliable support for the spine. When choosing such a chair, it is recommended to pay special attention to the availability of seat depth adjustment. It will come in handy as the baby grows.

It is advisable to give preference to models that do not have armrests. In this case, the child will not have the opportunity to lean on one of them, thereby curving his spine. To protect your baby from falls, it is recommended to choose a non-swivel chair. Like adult models, it must be equipped with a reliable metal support.

You shouldn't skimp on upholstery materials. Experts recommend choosing natural, breathable fabrics. To avoid allergic reactions, it is advisable that the chair be made from environmentally friendly materials.

Computer chair: reviews

Users who managed to choose a high-quality model report that you can easily sit in such a chair at work for several hours in a row. It can significantly reduce the load on the spine and relax tense neck muscles. The only recommendation on which everyone agrees is that before purchasing you should definitely sit on the chair you like. This way you can understand exactly how convenient it is.