Landscape in English style. English garden landscape design: ideas with photos. Basic requirements for the site

Garden in english style It is distinguished by its exquisite simplicity and ease of use.

Look at the photo of an English-style garden - this is beauty that is distributed evenly throughout the entire area:

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The design of a garden in the English style is distinguished by respectability, which lies behind the apparent simplicity and grace. Forming such a landscape will require not only time and patience, but also a refined artistic taste.

English landscape style

English landscape style originated in England in the 30s of the 18th century, when landscape layouts replaced regular French-style gardens. The garden was planned in such a way that it seemed as if it had been created without human intervention, by nature itself - these compositions began to be called “English”. In the English garden, much attention is paid to the combination of open and closed spaces (“glades” and “groves”) - the emerald green of the lawn is replaced by tree and shrub compositions. In such a garden there is a well-thought-out walking route. Walking along the beautifully curving, flowing paths, you can’t help but admire the successive picturesque views.

An English garden is a carefully planned garden, with well-groomed vegetation and evenly trimmed, sleek trees. Such a garden is simple and natural, but this simplicity is apparent; it is carefully thought out and well organized. There are many decorative deciduous and flowering shrubs that combine with coniferous species. Graceful mixborders are pleasing to the eye continuous flowering, in which, along with varietal varieties, often rare plants natural and species are necessarily present. Winding paths unite individual elements of the garden; they are made of natural materials: natural stone, tree trunk cuts, lawn, often gravel.

English style in landscape design

The English style in landscape design implies the use of certain combinations of tree species and lawns, complemented by sculpture and decorative elements.

Signs of an English garden:

1. Landscape layout, no straight lines in the garden.

3. Gravel paths.

4. Monochrome flower beds.

5. Combination of species and cultivated plants.

6. Well-groomed large lawn.

Implementation option - garden elements:

2. rose garden.

3. vines and shrubs around the terrace.

5. yellow mixborder.

8. blue mixborder.

10. secluded bench.

11. red astilbes with heucheras.

12. Cotoneaster brilliant.

14. shrub mixborder.

DIY English garden: video and description

You can make an English garden with your own hands if you strictly follow the canons of laying out such a landscape object. The distance from the fence to the main entrance to the house is small; on both sides of the steps, the entrance is decorated with two luxurious containers with plants. We go around the house on the left and find ourselves in beautiful garden, which is almost entirely located behind the house. Adjacent to the house along its entire width is a large open terrace with an elegant wrought-iron fence, it is made at the same height as the base of the house, with steps leading to it on both sides. The back door opens onto the terrace from the house. The terrace floor is paved natural stone. Decorative containers with plants are located along the fence. Containers with colorful surfinias, fuchsias and pelargoniums decorate the windows and balcony, complementing the picturesque picture. English home. Under the terrace there are vines planted around the trellis: clematis, climbing roses and honeysuckle. The last two vines also smell delicious. If you walk along the terrace along the house and go down the steps, you will go straight to the rose garden.

A gravel path spreads along the border of a large English lawn - this is exactly the kind of path characteristic of an English garden, where this path is often used. natural material. She looks elegantly simple. Lawns are not only pleasant to walk on, they serve as an excellent backdrop for mixborders.

There are also secluded corners in the garden. The first of them is very tiny - between two evergreen rhododendrons there is a bench hiding on which you can retire and sit quietly, dream or reflect. The second corner is larger - the entire roof of which is “filled up”. This one is woven with shade-tolerant vines - virgin grapes and petiole hydrangea.

After passing the rose garden and going around the house, we find ourselves in a tiny decorative vegetable garden, which, of course, does not produce serious harvests, but even a few and a bunch of our own are pleasing, and the leaves of our own lettuce are, by definition, tastier than store-bought ones.

Plants for the English garden

Properly selected plants for an English garden help enhance the impression of restraint and simplicity. A hazel tree was planted along the entire fence; it grew and completely hid the three-meter fence from the inside. From here they used, including mountain ones. Thuja is one of the best coniferous plants, exists .

Monochrome mixborders replace each other along the walking path. The first mixborder in yellow tones. Before the yellow elderberry - yellow marigolds, gazania, low Snapdragon and small bidens. The yellow flower garden turns into silvery pink - in front of silver willow and angustifolia with silver leaves pink roses and wormwood. Next is a white mixborder - white roses and lilies, alyssum, phalaris, white physiostegia and tuberous begonia, “Hakura Nishiki”. Next, under the willow and hydrangeas, the garden small-fruited strawberry and a blue mixborder, then arrays of astilbe - first pink, then - in front of a trimmed hedge of brilliant cotoneaster - red, alternating with purple-leaved heucheras.

The good thing about an English garden is that you can admire it every day, it is always different and never gets boring. Such a garden is suitable only for those owners who can provide regular, qualified care for the plants and lawn, but all the expenses and troubles are paid off by the opportunity to enjoy communication with beautiful plants and life in a wonderful garden.

A garden created in the English style should create a feeling of antiquity. Despite his “aristocratic” origins, he will fit perfectly into personal plot dachas The best option it will be if the English garden is located on a flat, slightly shaded area. This could be the edge of a forest where they grow tall trees. As for the form, such a creation should be located on an area with blurred boundaries and it would be good if it occupied a large area.

How to plan everything?

To create an English garden with your own hands, you must adhere to several rules:

  • the house should be located in the depths of the territory between the trees;
  • there must be sculptures on the site that are clearly visible from any point (see photo);
  • the entire garden should not be clearly visible when entering the territory;
  • gazebos should be located at intersections created by paths;
  • the lawn should be as spacious as possible;
  • near buildings it is necessary to plant bright beautiful flowers, and in the rest of the area - more inconspicuous;
  • trees are planted along the edges of the lawn, as, for example, in the photo;
  • Old trees must be located on the territory.

Basic requirements for the site

The area where the English garden is planned to be located must be large enough and shaded. Optimal size The plot is at least 12 acres. It would be good if he was in the forest or at least on its edge. It is desirable that large trees grow on the territory, and that at least in some places there is increased humidity.

Selection of plants

A house located in a country house, decorated in English style, should not be very noticeable. It would be good if its walls were suitable for landscaping. Among the plants for these purposes, it is better to choose girlish grapes (see photo). The territory must have several lawns or lawns that are connected by paths. Paths are also sometimes made “green” by planting grass between the pebbles from which they are made. The grass variety must be resistant to trampling.

Bushes and trees that bear fruit are usually planted along the perimeter of the lawn. In an English country garden there must be a pond. This can be either a natural or artificial reservoir. In any case, it should look a little unkempt, and on its banks there should be a lot of different plants growing, among which there must be a willow, as well as perennials: forget-me-nots, marigold, as well as cattail and swimsuit. The picture can be made perfect thanks to reeds, as well as irises and sedge.

Most suitable trees For an English garden, those with a pyramidal crown can be considered. The most popular are chestnut, hazel and birch, as well as larch, rowan and oak. As for shrubs, you can plant mock orange, lilac, euonymus and turf in your dacha. There should be few flowers in such a garden. Basically, they are located near the house itself, where they surprise with the variety of colors, and unremarkable perennial plants are planted on the territory (see photo). So, fern, bergenia, rhubarb, columbine, foxglove, as well as delphinium, wormwood and phlox will look very beautiful and natural. It is simply unthinkable to have an English-style area without roses that can be presented different types and colors.

Choice of colors and accessories

The main color of an English-style garden should be green and its shades. Thus, it is best to plant plants with light green, dark and light green, as well as silver leaves with your own hands. This style involves the use of paving in the country house. So, to perform them you can use ceramic tiles, natural or artificial stones or fake stones, made by hand from concrete and painted in any chosen color. Benches and arches made of brick or stone should be located on the territory. They can be decorated with figured elements made of wood or metal. It is best to place benches on small elevations, near walls or under trees.

On a personal plot decorated in this style, in addition to the above, it is advisable to place antiques, small elevations made of stone, on which, for example, a gazebo or various sculptures will be located (see video), handmade products, tall flowerpots with legs, individual large stones, as well as several accessories of African or Chinese design.

The British value natural motifs above all else in landscape design: chaotically planted shrubs, sprawling trees, winding paths, lawns and, of course, quiet ponds under the shade of a weeping willow. At the beginning of the 18th century, this vision of landscape even replaced french style, with its symmetry, rigor and thoughtfulness. This is not surprising - in an English garden a person feels like a part of nature, and not its master.

The starting point for creating an English-style garden is always a flat, open spaces without the slightest hint of curly outlines.

Although the style focuses on being as close to nature as possible, the lawn still slightly violates this rule - it must be neatly trimmed and cover the ground with a thick carpet. Thanks to this, your garden will be very clearly visible from almost any point, and the plants, instead of being buried in the grass, will be able to maximize their beauty.

Landscape design: how to create an English garden according to all the rules?

The English garden is surrounded by trees around the perimeter, landscape design it abounds with bushes and hedges growing in a free manner, the walls are covered with climbing plants. Many lawns are scattered chaotically across the lawn, with a path naturally winding between them. English landscape design is practically devoid of artificial structures, for example, the same rock gardens - unless the terrain is really rocky and natural motifs suggest the presence of stones. If you really want to put a gazebo in the garden, try to plant, for example, maiden grapes around it so that it will cover the structure with its young shoots.

The English style in landscape design emphasizes the desire to merge with the surrounding nature, therefore it is acceptable if the boundaries of the garden are slightly disturbed by plants from the outside, for example, the branches of a forest growing nearby will spread across your hedge. The house should be located to the side or harmoniously included in the composition. This can be easily achieved with the help of the same climbing plants that cover the wall of the house facing the garden. As many as possible should be planted near the house bright colors, in maximum density to each other - rainy England is buried in bright greenery and flowers, why are we worse?

In dry areas of your garden, this effect can easily be achieved with drought-tolerant plants. The easiest way would be to plant ground cover periwinkle and barberry bushes, which are very undemanding to moisture. In shaded areas it will feel best, which in this case will fit perfectly into natural motifs. Bright colors will be inappropriate in the depths of the garden - deciduous plants should retain their advantage here, peace and quiet should reign.

English style in landscape design - create a pond and plant vines!

Avoid straight lines, strictly defined ovals or squares. If the area of ​​your site allows you to create a small pond, which in the English style is one of the most striking details, make it completely indistinguishable from a natural pond . Lilies and water lilies will emphasize unity with nature, and a weeping willow will create an atmosphere of peace and quiet. The English style allows benches in secluded corners your garden, the landscape design will not suffer from this.

In front of the house, a flat terrace outlined by a wall of two or three bricks made of orange stone will look very good. Garden lanterns and flowerpots will fit very harmoniously on such a wall. It also wouldn’t hurt to decorate the window sills of the house with hanging flowerpots with the same petunias. Any plants for the garden and home can be selected, depending on your preferences and climate characteristics, the main thing is to respect natural motives.

The minimum of artificial structures that is allowed in an English garden must also follow the main rule of style - everything should look natural! Therefore, if you want to install an arch, make sure that it is covered with vines as soon as possible; if you need to make a border, let it be natural stone. You can make paths from sawn wood or strew with gravel - but try to avoid straight lines and clear boundaries, let them disappear into the lawn. A bridge with openwork handrails will fit very well into landscape design. You can use this decoration element even if you don’t have a pond - you can plant shade-loving plants under the bridge.

One of the most popular options for decorating a personal plot in Europe is the English style. It is ideal for large areas, turning them into beautiful gardens, reminiscent of fairy-tale landscapes. This style tends to idealize wildlife, so there are no boundaries for fantasy and romance.

Rules for designing an English garden

When it comes to the English style, it almost always means a garden with a perfectly trimmed lawn, lots of flowers and decorative elements. It is clear that such a landscape can only be created in large areas of a hectare or more. But it’s possible to create a corner in the English style even on 10 acres, hiding it like a secret behind a hedge.

If the garden plot is large enough, has a slope, a pond and other natural irregularities, you can begin work.

The most important rule of landscape design in the English style is bring the result as close as possible to the natural landscape, slightly “embellishing” it bright colors. There is no need to level slopes, crooked pond banks, or cut down trees and shrubs. A competent adjustment of the existing landscape is needed.

The second rule is “no” to straight lines and strict forms. Paths should be winding, lawns uneven, bushes untrimmed. Flowerbeds and mixborders should be scattered in a chaotic manner and replete with a variety of flowering plants.

The third rule is the presence of a terrace in front of the house, which will gradually lead its inhabitants and guests into the world of a fabulous landscape.

The fourth rule is the use of natural materials when decorating an English garden. These are sandstone, gravel, wood cuts, wood, natural gray stone and others.

The only thing that doesn’t fit into the overall picture is the perfect English lawn, neatly trimmed and well-groomed, which you won’t find in wildlife. But only thanks to its presence can the beauty and grandeur of flowering and woody plants be emphasized.

Lawn and ivy are the background for all other plants in the English garden. Ivy, girl's grapes, clematis or hops simply must be entwined with the walls of the house, gazebos, bathhouses, and fences. This technique allows you to artificially “age” buildings and turn them into medieval mansions with a special history.

An English garden, the landscape design of which can be developed independently, does not accept rock gardens. Boulders, thuja, colored decorative rock won't fit into landscape style. The only exception is the presence of natural mountainous ledges and slopes. The site should have many trees and shrubs characteristic of the area. Weeping willows look very beautiful, especially if their branches lean toward the surface of the pond. You can plant spruce, maple, and larches. Among the shrubs, preference should be given to barberry, forsythia, Japanese quince, deutzia, hydrangea, and lilac. Let them grow freely, because modest paths will wind among them.

Annual and perennial plants in the English garden are planted quite densely. Sometimes more tall plants They hide smaller ones with their stems, but this is also considered acceptable. As for color, there are no boundaries at all. Flower beds and lawns should be pleasing to the eye, and any color will do for this purpose. Bells, petunias, phlox, lemon balm, lavender, crocuses, irises, primroses, tulips, begonias, marigolds, and spices and wild cereals. The window sills of the house should be decorated with flowerpots, and gazebos should also be decorated.

Landscape design in the style of an English garden is hiding benches, gazebos, barbecues, swings, bridges and others among the vegetation. decorative elements. You can create a composition from a dilapidated wall or a stone fence entwined with ivy and wild herbs. It is better to prefer benches and gazebos made of wood and forged openwork elements. Stone vases with flowers, bridges over ponds with forged railings, statues in antique style. The layout of a recreation area near a pond would be ideal. By the way, a pond, artificial or natural, needs to be “populated” with water lilies, duckweed and others aquatic plants. A narrow stream, the banks of which are the edges of the lawn, is the most suitable option For middle zone Russia. A winding path can run along such a stream, which will lead to a cozy gazebo.

In landscape design, the landscape English style has long become native in Europe and America. In the expanses of an English garden you can shoot romantic films, paint pictures and simply admire nature, slightly embellished by the skillful hand of a proofreader.

The British are considered to be the best gardeners. It was they who founded a new landscape style in the field of landscape design in the 18th century. Today, the English garden is finding more and more adherents. And this is no coincidence, because when you look at such a beautiful landscape, you get the impression that all this was done by nature itself, and not by human hands. In fact, this is the painstaking and fruitful work of a professional artist. This can be seen if you look closely.

The English garden is characterized by the absence of neglect and negligence, as is the case in other styles (country). But there are no strictly straight lines or sharp corners here either; the garden looks well-groomed and somewhat resembles a corner of wildlife.

Characteristic features of an English-style garden

Before you decide to create an English garden in your dacha, you should take into account some features. First of all, you need to strive for maximum naturalness. This means that the planted plants, shrubs and trees should look as if they themselves grew in their places.

You need to take care of the garden unnoticed, as if everything goes by itself. But you can’t leave the garden unattended. It is necessary to trim the lawn regularly to maintain the garden area in good condition.

As experts in the field of landscape design note, a full-fledged English garden can only be created with large plot. But don’t give up right away if the area is not large enough. A small natural and cozy corner can be created in this case too.

To create an English style you need a pond, even if it can cost a lot of money. Water lilies, duckweed or other similar plants must float on the pond.

The English style is characterized by the use of a large number of colors. By choosing unpretentious varieties, you can provide yourself with more or less easy care.

Ways to create a corner of untouched nature

To create a landscape style on your site, you need to imitate nature itself as naturally as possible. This is not as easy to do as it might seem; it is much easier to plant the plants in a row. Therefore, you need to be especially persevering and patient.

An English-style garden involves a free arrangement of trees and shrubs in groups. There is no way to do without paths; in addition, they must fully comply with the landscape design. A pond or stream will be a wonderful addition to the landscape. In this way, you can create a good atmosphere of village life in the English style.

However, it’s worth taking a little closer look at how you can arrange English beauty in your dacha. To do this, let's look at several interesting ways.


Traditionally garden style The British do not welcome high fences. The British are building a small and neat fence in this regard. While a good half of domestic gardeners, if not all, prefer to hide behind a high fence.

Since an English park is being created, the fence must be of the appropriate style.

The most common fencing option is the use of wooden pickets or openwork latticework. You can resort to combined option, combining with each other various materials. For example, stone or brickwork combine with metal arrows. If funds allow, you can make a fence in the form of forged patterns.

To create even greater beauty you should use climbing plants, which in a certain time will completely hide the fence underneath. Good candidates for this purpose might be:

  • ivy;
  • honeysuckle;
  • decorative grapes;
  • climbing rose and others.

You can make the fence even more beautiful if you use a hedge. They not only look aesthetically pleasing, but are also able to protect against street noise and dust. In addition, it is an excellent background for planting different flowers.

If you don’t have enough money, you can make an English garden budget option. For this you can use such modern artificial materials, such as glass fiber reinforced concrete or polyceramics. They can perfectly imitate the structure of natural stone or wood. Significant advantages are low cost, low maintenance and a rich color palette. Of course, such materials are significantly inferior to natural ones, but if you have a small budget they are quite suitable.


It is impossible to do without paths in any garden. The English park is no exception and they need to be given Special attention. In addition to the fact that they look beautiful, the paths are functional, dividing the area into several zones.

Paving paths with your own hands is not so difficult. For this it is advisable to use natural materials. This is mainly natural stone, gravel, and in some cases wood is used. The main thing is that the shade of the material used fits organically into the surroundings of the site.

Anyone can probably make such a path in the English style.

As for the dimensions, you should not make them too wide and strictly straight. To make it comfortable to move around the garden, it is enough to make them small in width and winding.

Paths in the garden should have a culmination, that is, not end suddenly, but lead to a house or some building. Sometimes in such cases steps are made.


The basis of an English garden is plants, so you should select them with special care. There is no need to chase foreign varieties of flowers, even if they are very beautiful. Native plants are already adapted to the climate and are therefore practically easy to care for. There are no specific restrictions on the choice of plants, but it is better to use flowers with bright colors.

Typically, any English garden begins with a lawn, along the edges of which you can create various compositions of shrubs, meadow plants, trees and flowers. It is the group arrangement of plants that creates all the splendor. The central part of the garden can be decorated ornamental shrubs like daphne, rhododendron and dwarf sakura.

Since the English style is characterized by an abundance of vegetation, as mentioned above, it is desirable that the house be immersed in greenery. For this purpose, the façade is entwined with climbing plants. climbing rose or a liana. If there is an arch in the garden, then it can also become a support for such plants. And if there are several arches, then in this way you can create a whole green tunnel.


An English garden can be decorated with mixborders, which, in fact, are traditional attributes. When creating them, they are used different kinds plants. Of course, they require difficult care, but this is compensated by the beauty emanating from them. On background Mixborders are usually concentrated with various shrubs, and the foreground is given to low-growing flowers, separated from the lawn by a winding border.

Often such a wide strip of vegetation stretches along a path. For example, the one that leads from the house to the entrance gate.


It’s good when an English garden is created on a site where there is already some kind of pond. In this case, a certain area of ​​work can be skipped. Otherwise, it’s worth taking care of its arrangement. Since a corner of living nature is being created, there are no correct geometric shapes, the contour of the pit should be done as naturally as possible. Preference should be given to a round or oval shape. The banks of a pond or stream can be decorated with sand, gravel, or planted with flowers.

If you want to make a fountain or spring, then they should not be the central objects of attention. Of course, all these water decorations are only aesthetic, rather than practical. Therefore, you should not take water from here for irrigation.

Place to rest

With all the splendor that an English-style garden has, it would be a sin not to allocate a small place for comfortable rest. Here it is advisable to install a bench or arrange a small gazebo. If necessary, this place can be fenced off from the rest of the area using a hedge of medium-height shrubs. In this case good wall obtained from cotoneaster, yellow acacia, and currants. Climbing plants such as wisteria, honeysuckle, and liana are also suitable as screens.

In such a place, in any case, it is advisable to plant roses. They allow you to create a romantic atmosphere when couples need to be alone. The atmosphere will be more relaxing if there is a small stream flowing in this recreation area.

But the sight of roses alone is not conducive to romance, because an English park should be varied. Therefore, it is advisable to add some types of small perennial flowers to roses. Deciduous plants will not overshadow the beautiful view of roses, but rather, on the contrary, will make them the epicenter.