Do-it-yourself landscape of a summer cottage: technology and practical recommendations. Dacha design with your own hands from scrap materials

Everyone has their own dreams of an ideal summer cottage, and often, even within the same family, they are very different. One wants to plant the entire area with beds, the other wants to organize a beautiful flower garden, and for the third it is important that there is a separate place for the barbecue on the site, and if the family has children, then the task becomes more complicated, because the kids also need their own corner. What to do in this case, because the site is not rubber? At proper planning and using some visual tricks in a small area, you can place everything you need and even visually make the area larger. We reveal the secrets of professionals, with the help of which you can independently develop the perfect landscape design for a small area.

# 1. Functional zoning

Planning the future design of the site, like, begins with clear planning. It is necessary to arm yourself with a sheet with a pen or a special program, clarify the size of the territory and start creating a plan. This is necessary for the correct organization of the territory of any area, but it is especially important for small areas. By the way, the border that separates a small area from a large one is rather arbitrary. It is customary to call plots small from 1 to 6 ares that are fully visible from any point. Sometimes territories with larger area seem small, especially when there is a disproportionately large house on the site. These are just the same planning problems. The competent organization of the site and design tricks will not be able to push its boundaries physically, but will change the perception beyond recognition.

When drawing up a site plan, it is important:

  • define, what buildings and zones on the site are really needed... This is, for example, a house, outbuildings, a vegetable garden, a flower garden, a recreation area, a playground - whoever what. Don't forget the decor and garden paths;
  • correctly position the selected zones relative to each other... This stage requires the most attention, because a playground cannot be placed near the barbecue area, and a greenhouse in the dense shade of trees or at home will not bring the desired harvests. Designers recommend alternating buildings with green plantings, hiding them behind hedges, shrubs and decorative elements. It is advisable that all buildings do not look too massive;

    The central part of the garden should not be burdened with various plantings and buildings.- this will create a feeling of clutter and it will seem that the territory is even smaller than it is. The best way for the specific part of the site - a neat lawn, on the periphery of which there will be beds. Free space will give the feeling of a large area. However, this recommendation does not exclude the possibility of location on the lawn beautiful flower beds or shrubs- they will become his bright decoration... Hydrangea, lilac and jasmine are perfect in this case - they are compact and variegated.

    A lawn in a small area will obviously also serve for movement, because it is impossible to organize an extensive network of garden paths in a tiny area, and it is useless. Therefore, choose the varieties of herbs that are most resistant to trampling.

    No. 6. Organization of flower beds

    We pass from tricks and tricks to competent planning of the territory... It is difficult to imagine a garden or suburban area without a flower garden, especially since there is a place for it even in the smallest space. There are many options to organize a flower bed in a small area:

    • the classic method, suitable for any size area, is to split flower beds or put flowerpots near the entrance to the house, and they do not have to be symmetrical;
    • cascade principle involves placing low-growing plants and flowers in the foreground, further - higher, and so on up to the tallest tree or shrub, which becomes the center of the composition. Such a flower garden will take a little space, but it will greatly decorate the site and will allow the gaze to slide not only along the plane, but also up;
    • great idea for a little one suburban arearoof gardening, but we use it, alas, infrequently. The roofs of the buildings can be used to plant a lawn or small plants. The practice is widespread in Europe, where even the roofs of large multi-storey buildings are landscaped in this way. It looks great, and in a small area such a technique will create the coveted multilevel effect;
    • flower beds are optional (and sometimes undesirable) should be of strict familiar forms - winding lines and irregular shapes are welcome. There are no requirements for flowerpots and flower pots - they can be both quite familiar and non-standard. To create them, literally everything that is able to keep its shape and soil is suitable: barrels, basins, bathrooms, wooden boxes, logs, carts, etc. Such flower beds look interesting and unusual, with minimal investment they are able to decorate the site and even become its highlight;
    • flower beds and mixborders along the garden paths will also be appropriate on any site.

    No. 7. Organization of a vegetable garden

    A vegetable garden in a small summer cottage is the most difficult to place, but nothing is impossible. On a plot of 2-3 acres, you can find a place of at least 3 * 4 m, which will be enough for growing the most necessary vegetables for the table, spicy herbs or berries. On a plot of 6 acres, you can arrange a larger vegetable garden, break up a decent-sized vegetable beds, and there will still be room for fruit trees and berries, if, of course, there is a need for all this. Several good examples planning a plot of 6 acres can be seen on the plans.

    Of course, placing everything you need in a small, confined space is not easy, but everything Benefits small area can be felt after the work on its improvement. And on a plot of 2-3 acres there is always something to do, but imagine what it is like for the owners of a territory dozens of times larger than yours.

Without a literate landscape design, it is difficult to achieve harmony at the summer cottage. But this does not mean that only an expensive design agency can cope with this, you can independently create a landscaped landscape, adhering to the style and practical advice. To transform land webs beyond recognition and subordinate nature to art, you need to appreciate the possibilities natural resources... As dresses are sewn according to individual measurements, so the idea of ​​landscape design for a summer cottage needs to be cut out individually.

How to start a do-it-yourself landscape design of a site

It all starts with an idea, planning and competent design. In country landscape design to change existing ones or create new ones natural complexes use components of animate and inanimate nature. Unlike Agriculture the landscape design of the summer house is aimed at creating harmony and beauty on the site, and not providing a person with food.

Inventing his own garden, picking up flowers and plants, caring for them, the owner of the dacha creates a different world around him with his own hands. And here, at home, he is no longer a performer, but a real creator!

To create a landscape design for a summer cottage, and not a lurid chaotic flower bed, you must initially strive for meaningful simplicity. Do not rush to extremes, just to "plug in the belt" neighbors in the country. And to build an individual space where you can be with your loved ones and alone with yourself, to escape from everyday worries.

Not all typical projects can be adapted for the design of your particular summer house. Why? Due to the peculiarities of soils, natural relief, the location of the site relative to the cardinal points ... The main mistake can be that you create a project that will be inconvenient for you.

How to start the design? Of course, with the choice of the style of landscape design of the cottage, which determines the choice of plants and the geometry of the plantings. In many ways, the style of the country garden is determined by the architecture of the house.

Styles of landscape design of a summer cottage

Landscaping in a traditional (regular) style

The main theme of the regular style is order and symmetry. The simplest way to achieve a traditional landscape for summer cottages - to plant trees and shrubs with compact crowns that lend themselves well to shearing, to make the tracing of paths straightforward, and to give the parterres and flower beds a geometric shape.

In the photo, a project of a summer cottage in a regular style with a curly haircut of shrubs

Landscaping of the site in a country (forest) style

Intrusion into the design of a garden plot located in the forest should be minimal. It is enough to place accents through wild flowers, streams, ponds to link the forest landscape with the house. Most of the site should be covered with live forest grass. As a decoration, the garden is complemented by stone paths and wooden benches for relaxation.

In the photo there is a project of a forest landscape in the country, supplemented coniferous shrubs mini-sized, creeping and ground cover plants

The English garden at the dacha is made up of hills with a lush green mowed lawn, a natural lake shape and winding paths that get lost between figuratively trimmed shrubs and flower beds of daisies, freesias, asters, nasturtiums and dahlias.

In the most secluded part of the garden, surrounded by deciduous plants: host, geyher, irezine, put benches.

The resting place of the English garden in the country is decorated with an elegant concrete flowerpot with petunias

Moorish gardens are characterized by the presence of a fountain or pond, the desire to maximize lush bloom colors and an endless variety of shades of green. The center of the site is always decorated with a pond or fountain, around which they grow freely moisture-loving plants... Not planted areas and the bottom water body gardens are laid out with multi-colored tiles or stone, painted with an oriental pattern.

Photo of a colorful Moorish-style garden at the time of lush flowering

To recreate nature in miniature in a 10 acres country house, you need to use ten main elements of a Japanese garden: stone, water streams, deciduous and flowering trees, flowers, moss, pebbles, sand, typical Japanese landscape decorations and clipped conifers.

The landscape design of the dacha in the Japanese style is always a little "mossy" from excess moisture.

When looking for a beautiful and tranquil setting for your summer cottage, look out for Chinese-style gardens. They are always beautiful and serene.

How to decorate a Chinese garden and how does it differ from a Japanese one?

In traditional Chinese landscape architecture, landscapes are constantly changing. Each new viewpoint opens a separate picture. In the Chinese garden there is no place for "ironed" lawns and symmetrically planted flower beds. But here you can see tall dark bamboo growing along round flat stones, traditional pagodas and dragons made in carving, calligraphy or sculpture.

The photo shows a Chinese-style summer cottage with recreated corners of wildlife.

Increased interest in ecological style, landscape architects explain the growing dominance of the technogenic environment. Customers want natural shapes, beautiful color combinations and a riot of colors in their gardens.
In an eco-garden, everything works in opposition to the industrial landscape. At the same time, eco-style is more manifested in the ideological, internal principles of site design.

For example, in the device of reservoirs and streams in the country, special systems, biofilters are used, which allow you to use water carefully.

In the landscape design of the cottage, the expressive and light style of Provence can be recognized by a large number of small decor. Garden sculptures, flower beds, paths made of artificial wood chips, streams laconically complement each other, forming a thematic environment. Aromatic herbs: thyme, lavender, rosemary, often become the protagonists of the Provence style garden.

Left garden cottage design in style French Provence which is dominated by purple and pink shades.

Right: a characteristic feature of the style - garden furniture, which bears the "stamp of time"

The main elements of a lush and informal rustic (rural) design are dense plantings of flowers, beautifully flowering fruit trees, beds with vegetables and herbs. The charming landscape of a country-style summer cottage is complemented by gazebos hidden among the lush foliage, decorative elements made of wrought iron or wood, which cannot always be seen behind the abundance of beautiful annual flowers.

In the photo of the landscape project of the summer cottage, the traditional color scheme of the Country style came into focus

The formal atmosphere of the colonial garden is softened by pastel colors.

If the house does not have a veranda, then a cozy patio with a gazebo with a pergola and a suspended sofa swing must be installed on the site.

In the arrangement of the suburban area, climbing plants are necessarily used: ivy, rose, wild grapes.

Landscape architects offer to recreate the Mediterranean landscapes of Italy, France, Spain in the country by means of multi-level fountains, sculptural columns, cypress trees, lavender and garden furniture of warm terracotta color. The only thing you will not be missing after redesigning the garden is the sparkling blue ocean behind the country fence.

Mediterranean style garden decorated with Moorish tiles

Art Nouveau gardens are minimalistic, characterized by big amount asymmetric patterns and labyrinths in the structure of the landscape.

Modern at the dacha is distinguished from other styles by intelligent planning and inclusion in landscape design natural stone, concrete and metal.
In this case, plants are allowed to use the most different colors but most modern projects preference is given to green.

Bright dolphins, lilies, rhododendrons, irises, peonies are planted on the site to create contrast.

At night, the Art Nouveau suburban area is illuminated by LED lights.

The African Garden offers unlimited scope for style maneuvers. But with one caveat. In ethnic style, it is allowed to use only natural, environmentally friendly materials. And the most valuable and desirable of them is natural wood. The color scheme of the African landscape is warm, even hot. Wooden garden paths, laid with a "deck" to make it pleasant to walk on the site with bare feet.

Figurines of idols, stone vases and rattan wicker furniture look organically in the design.

Aged gardens in the landscape design of the cottage

Among fashionable landscape trends, artificially aged gardens are gaining popularity: abandoned with wild herbs and flowers.

How to create a vintage garden in a small country house yourself?

To enhance the feeling that the garden on the site is vintage and has long been old enough:

  • Arch-pergola made of rough unpainted boards, entwined with wild rose or ivy.
  • Beds of old bricks sprayed with a moss cocktail.

Tip: to create a mixture with not the most pleasant aroma, you can put a piece of moss with a large fist and one and a half cups of buttermilk (natural skim cream) in a blender. Walls, stones, water pots are covered with a ready-made greenish milkshake - those desired plots / cottage objects that should look aged in landscape design. Mosses thrive in cool, shady and humid places.

  • Flower gardens in which, together with refined flowers, such as roses and delphiniums, cereals and unpretentious wildflowers grow.
  • with perennials.
  • garden furniture self made from textured aged wood.

Where to get plant material for decorating a summer cottage?

Landscape-style landscapes must maintain their beauty throughout all seasons - this is a standard requirement. Therefore, among architects, evergreen juniper, pine and spruce are especially revered - “three friends of the Russian winter”.

In order not to start feverishly buying seedlings and seeds in spontaneous markets in the spring, you need to find out in advance the contact information of good nurseries and gardening shops. Natural material for landscape design of a summer cottage, you need to buy a zoned (suitable for a certain region) for planting in a specific climatic zone country.

For the landscape design of a summer cottage of 10 acres, which is located in a region with a temperate continental climate, the English style is well suited. The basis for the English garden is dwarf weeping willows, mountain pine, thuja, brilliant cotoneaster, ivy, petunia, roses, crocuses, etc.

The success of landscaping a small plot of 6 acres lies in simplicity. Climbing plants on the walls of the fence can change the perception of a cramped summer cottage space. To decorate a fence or a gazebo with a vine with decorative shoots, northerners should not buy seedlings of southern beauties. Given the regional characteristics of the plant, they are unlikely to please with luxurious flowering. But the frost-resistant honeysuckle honeysuckle, girlish grapes and actinidia will winter right on the supports, without shelter.

Trends and styles of landscape design are changing, but the main components of the garden landscape, which successfully complement each individual project and form a unity, remain.

Flowers and plants for landscape design of a summer cottage

In landscaping small and large areas, use special techniques, in which the compatibility of plants, their forms, types, colors, flowering periods is especially important. Arrangement of lawns, flower beds continuous flowering and planting trees is the starting point for self-registration cottage design.

Green lawns are important for modeling the space. Lawns are good as “soft terraces” for family fun and as children's playgrounds. But in the country, lawns should be in a minimum amount, as they usually cause a lot of trouble to the owners (the lawn is trampled down and constantly requires maintenance).

If you really don't want to give up the traditional beds with carrots, parsley and red beets, arrange them on the site in the form of flower beds. Vegetable beds-bosquet look beautiful, in which groups of low-growing crops are divided into sectors, and low-growing shrubs, which are easy to form, act as a green fence.

In the photo, the landscape design of the suburban area with French bosquet beds

It seems to many that creating an exclusive design of a garden plot with your own hands, as in a photo gallery, is something unreal. But this is not the case. Design ideas you can easily transfer to the local area of ​​your own dacha or country house, creating a unique landscape with an atmosphere of harmony and comfort. A small, cozy garden or a luxurious park requires the same approach, both in terms of architecture and design, as well as in the choice of plants and space planning. Landscaping of a garden plot is a whole philosophy that unites nature and everyday life. There are many options for arranging a garden with an adjoining territory, among them you can always choose one that will fully meet individual needs. Style, harmony, convenience and simplicity are the foundations for creating a unique atmosphere necessary for a relaxed holiday and comfortable country life.

Design project

To create a landscape design on a garden plot with your own hands is not so much realistic as it is necessary, because today the dacha has ceased to be exclusively a place for growing vegetables. A country house is, first of all, a place where city dwellers come to take a break from the hustle and bustle, to admire nature, in a word - to relax.

There is absolutely no difference: 4, 6 or 10 acres are available. With careful planning, if you manage the space rationally, think over the design, even on a modest size of the site, you can create a landscape of stunning beauty.

Advice! When developing a design project for a garden plot on your own, numerous photos with ready-made solutions will help. Even if such a project cannot be fully implemented, you can always apply on your site especially liked ideas for arrangement or decor.

The outlines of the area should be transferred to paper, composing detailed plan... After that, you can proceed to the allocation of functional areas - economic, recreation, decorative.

Advice! The purpose of the future site should be taken into account in advance: only decorative, combined with an economic one, or exclusively for recreation.

All zones need to be filled, based on their purpose, their own needs, the desired style. This stage includes the selection of vegetation, architectural details, arrangement of reservoirs, lighting, laying of paths and other communications.

Separately, it is worth considering the boundaries of each site, which will help hedges or lattice partitions entwined with ivy. Paths, an artificial reservoir, garden sculptures can be a good border. The main thing is that the division of the zones looks as natural as possible, without sharp drops or breaks.

Advice! The sloping terrain of the site often presents a lot of problems. But if you correctly organize the drainage system in the lower part, and divide the slope into several terraces, you can achieve an amazing decorative effect, while dividing the entire area into functional zones in height.

Garden style

The success of the landscape design of the garden area largely depends on the well-chosen stylistic solution. The style should not only take into account the size, features of the relief and the location of the backyard territory, but also emphasize the character of the owner. The differences in styles and their features are clearly demonstrated by the photo gallery, but before trying on this or that design for your site, it is better to study the features of each.

English style

Such a design is distinguished by maximum naturalness, lack of symmetry, and an abundance of greenery. The appearance of the site seems to have descended from the idyllic picture of a landscape painter.

Vegetation is matched to all types. There must certainly be a well-groomed lawn, deciduous trees, trimmed shrubs, lush multi-tiered flower beds. The latter are predominantly composed of flowering plants and shrubs (roses, irises, cyclamens, oleanders, etc.). Trees should give a lot of shade, so willows should be planted along with fruit trees.

Such a solution will look best on a spacious area with noticeable uneven terrain, where a smooth lawn abruptly turns into hilly terrain. The space should be divided into a garden and a park area, connecting them with winding paths with benches in the shade of trees, ponds framed by stone.

Mediterranean style

The Mediterranean design is simple, and all key elements are set around the patio. This patio is usually paved with stone, covered with wood flooring, and partly surrounded by a brick wall painted in white or terracotta.

The vegetation is represented by an even green lawn, bright areas are formed with the help of flower beds. A carved pergola (wooden or wrought iron), partially entwined with ivy, must be present, and thick curtains made of light textiles provide protection from the sun. The relaxation area with this design must be complemented with wicker furniture, a canopy from the sun, decorated with massive vases with bright flowers, graceful sculptures, and fountains.

French style

The French style will suit the owners of spacious backyards located next to a large stone house. This style is distinguished by luxury and an abundance of free space. The central element of the site will be a wide alley, along which neatly trimmed shrubs and trees are planted, antique statues and elaborate flowerpots are placed.

Main features French design- symmetry, respect for proportions, clarity of lines that can be traced throughout. It is definitely worth supplementing the site with fountains in classic style, artificial porticoes, grottoes or labyrinths, columns, stone bridges. The garden should be at a level below the main building for a full view.

East style

The Japanese style is suitable for both tiny plots of 4 acres, and for an extensive backyard area. Minimalism and conciseness can be traced in everything: the absence of lush decor, flowering plants, complex shapes. There must be a reservoir around which large stones can be laid out. An island will look good in its center, which can be reached through a wooden bridge without a railing.

Vegetation should be preferred evergreen trees and shrubs, including dwarf ones. Maples and fruit trees add color to the garden in spring and autumn. The paths should be covered with gravel, large stones can be laid out in some areas, setting the pace of movement.

Advice! Instead of a flower garden, it is appropriate to set up a rock garden. V evening time day, the site will be effectively complemented by the built-in illumination.

The Chinese style will suit fans of the Feng Shui philosophy, which implies the harmony of all elements and the arrangement of decorative elements that provides freedom to the flow of energy. A pond should be located on the garden area, around which compositions of green spaces and stones should be placed.

A pagoda gazebo, bright wooden bridges, paths in the form of stairs, an artificial waterfall, a Buddha statue will emphasize harmony with nature. Must be planted bright flowers red, yellow, purple shades, as well as take care of an even lawn of dense grass or moss of a rich emerald hue. Bright orange lanterns hung along the paths and next to the gazebo will add color.

Garden design: objects

The landscape design of a garden plot always repels from any main object, which can be a residential building, unusual relief, trees, a neat lawn, etc. Taking into account their style and location, the site is supplemented with secondary objects, these include:

  • Green spaces.
  • Gazebos and architectural elements.
  • Artificial reservoirs.
  • Garden sculptures.
  • Lighting.
  • Tracks.

The final design should combine beauty and convenience, style and comfort. You should not try to place everything on the backyard at once. It is enough to limit yourself to the necessary and maintain the chosen style.

Green spaces

Landscaping is the most important element of garden design. Plants create a background for all other objects, fill the space with a special charm, uniting it with the surrounding nature.

Landscaping of the site includes a phased planting of the following plants:

  1. Trees and shrubs of various heights - create shade, delimit the area, highlight separate zones. In the walking area, it is best to plant low-growing shrubs or fruit trees that miss sunlight and form a comfortable environment, serve as an excellent frame for paths. It is recommended to plant coniferous vegetation in recreation areas, and willows or tall shrubs will look good next to water bodies.
  2. Flower beds should be broken up when the main landscape has already been formed. Plants for them are selected taking into account the size of the site and the flowering period of each species. Will look spectacular along fences or walls vertical fit when the plant height gradually decreases. The shade of the colors in the background should be darker and richer than those in the front, which gives visual volume and depth. Alpine slides allow you to beat the existing relief of the site or create a new one.
  3. The design of buildings and garden objects with the help of vegetation helps to achieve the unity of architecture with nature. These can be all kinds of climbing plants that adorn the walls of arbors, steps and garden sculptures, as well as flowers or shrubs planted along water bodies.
  4. The lawn will serve as an element that will connect all the zones on the site into a single whole. It must be neat and well-groomed. Any herbaceous plants, including flowering ones, can be considered as a lawn cover.
  5. Advice! The beds, if necessary, should be located in the economic zone. If the site is small, then it is best to design them not in a standard way, but in the form of a semicircle, which will help to rationally use the available area, and visually expand the space.

    The design of a small garden area should be moderate, the abundance of flowers and plants can look heavy, "eat up" the usable area.

    Gazebos and architectural elements

    The main building on the garden plot is a residential building, but it does not have to be the central design element, and even more so the only place for leisure and recreation. In design adjoining territory great attention is paid to the use of all kinds architectural elements, which help to competently manage the space, make it more practical and comfortable. The buildings also serve as a spectacular decor, giving the site an aesthetic and habitable look. Among them are:

  • Gazebos and pergolas should be placed next to water bodies, in a park area. On a plot of 4 acres, it is appropriate to install a small open gazebo with lattice walls, placing it at a distance from the house. Such a building is best done using climbing plants or groups of trees. A spacious area can be decorated with a large pergola with textile curtains or a gazebo with columns, located on the shore of a reservoir or among a cluster of trees.
  • A patio or summer kitchen simultaneously serves as an outbuilding and a resting place. Such a building is most often located in the immediate vicinity of the house or adjacent to one of its walls. In this case, the style and material of the building must match the design of the main building.
  • Bridges over ponds or ravines, as well as arches, help to effectively delimit the space on the site, while at the same time providing a smooth transition from one zone to another. It is recommended to plant near bridges tall plants, and the arch will be complemented by climbing vines or lush flower beds. The elements themselves can be either wood or stone, depending on the style of the site.
  • A recreation area must be present in the garden, regardless of its size. It is best to highlight this place with wood flooring, stone slabs, or a neat lawn. The resting place should be equipped with benches and a barbecue, swings, a pool, etc.

Advice! Do not forget about outbuildings when decorating a site. They should fit organically into general style, if necessary, they should be covered with vegetation or a decorative hedge.

Artificial reservoirs

The presence of a reservoir in a garden plot can completely transform its appearance. Water makes the landscape dynamic, alive, refreshes in the heat, fills the garden with a serene atmosphere.

Thinking over the design of garden plots of 6 acres or more, you should pay attention to the construction of an artificial reservoir, the size and purpose of which depends on individual needs:

  • The fountain - perfect solution for small areas. A reservoir of this type serves as a source of constantly moving water, it can have any frame that fits into a variety of styles. With the help of a fountain, you can mark the center of the site or emphasize any part of it.
  • The waterfall will be an excellent solution for a garden plot with uneven terrain. Streams of water can flow down the stones of rockeries or alpine hills, forming a small pond at the bottom, framed by plants. At the top of the waterfall can be installed water Mill, decorative fountain.
  • Ponds and circulating canals are ideal for large areas. Such reservoirs will add naturalness to the landscape, in addition, they can be used as a source of water for watering the garden. You can put fish, ducks into the finished pond, plant plants around it and install a gazebo. A reservoir of complex or elongated shape can be supplemented with a bridge that will connect different banks, continuing the paths.

Advice! The framing of the reservoir can be natural, in the form of a sand embankment or vegetation. Ponds and canals with stone framing look spectacular, which can be complemented by flowerpots with flowers or antique statues that eventually become covered with moss.

Garden sculptures

Spectacular accessories add zest to any site. The use of garden sculptures allows you to create an individual style, emphasize the character and features of the landscape.

Garden sculptures can be anything from antique statues to modern ceramic animal figurines. Greek or Gothic statues made of stone or metal will look good both in the midst of plants and on the shore of a reservoir. And bright ceramic figures will complement the flower beds or revive the recreation area, make the walk more interesting.

Another spectacular accessory is stone flowerpots, inside which you can plant flowers. Such decor can be made in any style from antique to modern, abstract. Sizes and shapes also vary, which allows you to choose a product for almost any area.


Arrangement of garden paths will help to make garden plot as functional and convenient as possible. These elements set the pace for the landscape, serve as its decoration, delimit the area and help to move freely around it.

The material for the tracks should be selected that is resistant to the effects of the atmosphere, temperature, strong and durable. Gravel works best paving slabs, wooden flooring.

Advice! How less plot, the more winding the paths should be - this technique visually expands the space.

An obligatory element of garden paths is a framing, which can be curb stones, large cobblestones, tall vegetation, trimmed shrubs, etc.

Advice! Paths should be provided with a slight incline from the center to the edge so that water does not accumulate on them.

Benches should be placed along the paths in the garden area, which will make any walk comfortable. They should emphasize the unity of style, complement it. Benches can be stone, forged, wooden, with or without a back.


When creating a garden plot design with your own hands, be sure to take care of the lighting. With the help of illumination, you can not only secure movement around the local area at night, but also emphasize the features of its design. Functional and decorative light sources in the garden can be:

  • Lanterns- they can be placed next to benches or along paths.
  • Wall lights - most often they are installed on verandas of summer kitchens, in gazebos.
  • Built-in lights and lighting - can be located next to any decorative element in the garden (under statues, along the fence, around the reservoir, under bridges and arches). The illumination of the lawn, which is provided by special lamps installed in the soil, will look spectacular.
  • Hanging balls and garlands - this type of decorative lighting gives the garden a festive look. It can be used to create comfortable atmosphere both in a small gazebo and in the open space of the recreation area. Garlands can twine around the trunks or branches of trees, buildings, creating a soft shimmer.

Do-it-yourself garden design will not cause problems if you take into account all the recommendations, and also correlate them with the existing conditions. A competent choice of style and filling guarantees an amazing result even in a small area.

It is dangerous to plant everything in the garden according to the principle of "when and where it is necessary." Seedlings may not take root, seeds may not sprout. And in the end - the money is spent, the mood is spoiled, and the garden-vegetable garden is infected with weed plants.

Risk is by no means a noble business when it comes to the beauty and health of the family garden. Agrotechnical problems will not fall on your shoulders if the design of the garden plot is created according to the rules.

Let's be honest: digging and watering a vegetable garden from morning till night is not what you dreamed about when purchasing a dacha outside the city. Instead of inhaling the smell of petunias and listening to the singing of nightingales, you have to work in the dust under the hot sun. To 6, 10 or 12 acres land plot do not become a burden, you should carefully work on your garden project before landscaping.

The image of a beautiful garden design takes more than one day. Here you need to catch the line between splendor and simplicity. Find inspiration online by browsing photographs of famous landscape architects. The garden design should turn out like a painting in which there is nothing to take away or add.

Garden design "by the rules"

Choosing a place for a garden

Landscaping and landscaping work begins with an analysis of the territory. It is important to study everything: from relief, illumination and soil type, to the location of buildings and utilities.

Garden design options need to be thought out taking into account slopes, heights and swampy areas at their summer cottage. The main criteria for the selection of trees, shrubs and flowers in the garden is the study of soils and the depth of groundwater.

Gardens are best developed on gentle, southern, southwestern and southeastern slopes with a slight steepness. Hollows and closed hollows are completely unsuitable for a garden with fruit trees.

Garden planning - project development

On paper (computer), visualize (draw) in detail how the garden design should look after the end of the work. Write down everything, even minor details (down to the color of the paving tile).

At the stage of preliminary design, combine your desires with the real possibilities of the territory and already growing plants. For example, if you dream of a garden with rhododendrons, keep in mind that bushes do not grow well next to birch, willow and maple. For rose trees, the best neighbors are pines, pears and apple trees.

The sites, flower beds, green spaces, lawns drawn on the sketch are supplied with explanatory captions and photos. For example, a decorative vegetable garden in the garden, you plan to set it up behind the house behind the playground and it should look something like this - attach a photo:

Choosing plants and trees for the garden

When deciding on a list of vegetation that you would like to see in your garden, give preference to zoned varieties.

Before purchasing seedlings, make sure they have labels indicating the variety, plant type and commercial class. When purchasing packaged seeds, be sure to check the expiration date, variety name, number of seeds and weight in grams. When choosing corms and flower bulbs, make sure they are dry and firm, without cuts or mold stains.

Location of the garden to the cardinal points

The degree of illumination of the site is important to consider when choosing places for the location of the house, vegetable garden, flower bed, reservoir, gazebo, alpine slide or playground.

The correct orientation of the site to the cardinal points when developing a garden design will allow the plants to develop well. If the bedroom windows face south, then a light-loving flower garden is broken in this place. The kitchen windows on the northwest side can look out onto the recreation areas with a gazebo, barbecue and a small pond. An orchard is planted in the southwestern sector.

Garden and vegetable garden zoning in the landscape design of the site

Before forming a garden near the house, it is necessary to carry out a functional zoning of the site, which consists of:

  • front zone ( entrance area begins with a gate and a front garden with a lawn, flower beds and conifers);
  • orchard (orchards, most often, are arranged in the depths of the site on an elevated, unshaded place);
  • recreation area (a place for rest can adjoin the main building in the form of a terrace paved with a deck board or stone);
  • utility area (a shaded corner of the garden is suitable for a utility block);
  • playground (the playground must be well lit, i.e. located on sunny side, and be removed from the main flower garden or vegetable garden).

Combine all areas of the garden in landscape design into a single whole, and at the same time make each of them an independent "green room", you can divide the area with hedges of different heights. Evergreen molded and unshaped from conifers or combined from deciduous trees... Different zones are visually separated with the help of pergolas, trellises, screens with climbing plants.

Planning your garden design budget

Starting from the design sketch of the garden design, calculate the estimated cost of all work and materials. Will it not turn out that your funds are enough only for the device of garden drainage and an automatic irrigation system, and for planting material there will be no money left?

Garden design for the poor is not limited to planting trees on the site and laying lawns with your own hands. You can artificially recreate natural beauty using inexpensive but beautiful varieties of flowers in spectacular groupings and combinations.

How to get a beautiful garden design inexpensively?

You can completely change the look of your garden and not get into debt with the help of:

Motley lawn

To do this, you need to cultivate the soil from weeds and plant all the free land of the site with a mixture of lawn grasses from fescue, bluegrass and bent grass. Imagine a garden with neat beds, beautifully flowering trees, and around them an emerald carpet. Ideally. And budgetary.

Dense compositions of shrubs, flowers and ornamental grasses

Flower beds are a subject of endless creativity for summer residents. Against the green background of the lawn, periwinkle, nasturtiums, delphiniums, astilbe, anemones, poppies, irises, stonecrops, basilis look contrasting. It is better to form the backbone of mixborders, a border, flower beds and a bed in a garden design from perennial flowers. Hardy, outwardly beautiful and easy to care for.

Climbing plants for the garden

When all the vertical surfaces of the garden are in the possession of the vines, it acquires a special charm. Need to disguise a peeling house facade? Support and plant a winter-hardy climbing rose. And ivy is better - so more thorough. The walls of the verandas, country fences, gazebos are framed with trouble-free plants: bindweed, decorative beans or wisteria. Climbing plants have enormous potential. Some summer people change the garden decorations every year, others decorate them once and for many years.

Garden styles in landscaping

From a collection of flower arrangements, fences, paths, water structures, gazebos and sculptures, a simple summer cottage turns into a stylish garden with inner meaning and harmony. There are several main styles in gardening art. Consider the most popular of them in the photo.

Design of a classic parterre labyrinth garden

In the design of parterre gardens, trimmed conifers are symmetrically planted in the entrance group and along the perimeter of the site: spruce, juniper, thuja, yew. Topiary objects of the most complex shapes are created from coniferous shrubs and trees. Beginners in landscape design should not set themselves the goal of cutting out of an overgrown bush with needles chess piece or a lion. To get started, master in a formal garden a haircut of light geometric shapes - a cube, cone, ball, square, cylinder or pyramid and from them form a garden labyrinth.

Free space between conifers in parterre gardens is filled with intricate flower beds, gravel or colored sand.

The photo shows a classic garden on the site rectangular with clipped conifers

In the photo on the right is a formal (regular) style rose garden

In the photo on the left, the zoning of a classic garden in landscape design

The charm of the rural garden captivated more than one owner of suburban acres. Once, having invested time and soul in its design, in the future, a rural-style garden will not have to devote much time.

What is needed to create a harmonious rural landscape on 6 acres?

Firstly, forget about a clear layout, trimmed lawns, blatantly neat flower beds and topiary art.

You can clearly show all the charm of rural life through wild-growing wildflowers, beds with your favorite vegetables and aromatic herbs.

Gardens in a rustic design are decorated in an unpretentious and simple way: irregular flower beds, fruit trees, shrubs, decorative tools.

Material prepared for the site

All buildings, including the gazebo and fences, are braided with lianas, hidden behind dense bushes of honeysuckle, lilac and jasmine. A flowering Moorish meadow with bells, daisies, catchments, phlox and colorful lupins fits into the design concept of the rural garden.

The design of the orchard with apple, pear, cherry, raspberry, red and black currant in a rustic style allows each bush and tree to grow freely.

In order to create a compositional style effect, fruit plants are placed in the depths of the plot (varieties with decorative fruits and flowers are an exception). Trunk circles trees are left free, and around them bent grass, meadow bluegrass or bulbous: tulips, crocuses, daffodils are sown. In the photo, the design of an orchard with bird feeders, which emphasize the general stylized direction of the rustic style

Modernist garden design

Beds of abstract forms are placed on a windless area, caressed by the sun. Vegetables in a modular garden are planted both in rows and in clumps - small islands. Edible flower beds are separated by garden paths made of small stone, borders of low-growing clipped shrubs, modules different forms, logs or bricks.

To implement an ornamental garden in the landscape design of the garden, they plant such useful crops as: parsley, basil, lettuce, tomato, zucchini, thyme, dill, cabbage, pepper, garlic, celery, arugula, beans, carrots and beets.

On the left in the photo is a landscape design of a vegetable garden with picturesque flower beds of vegetables and herbs

On the right in the photo is a decorative vegetable garden with cabbage - best plant for garden beds

In the photo on the left, a garden design with neatly crafted rectangular beds that protect decorative sides

In the photo on the right vertical flower bed in the landscape design of the country garden

The scheme of the garden in the landscape design of the garden (photo)

The plan diagram shows an example of planting an ornamental garden

Tip: if you refuse to plant vegetables and greens in dense rows, and experiment with curtains (small island plantings between narrow stone paths), then it will be much easier to take care of the ornamental garden.

Art Nouveau garden landscape design

A distinctive feature of Art Nouveau gardens is the rejection of right angles and lines in favor of natural forms and new technologies.

A feature of country gardens, gravitating towards the Art Nouveau style, is the active introduction into landscape design of picturesque flower groups, tapeworms, small architectural forms and means of vertical gardening.

The construction of wooden terraces is a necessary touch in the design of an Art Nouveau garden

French garden in landscape design

Garden project in French style this is:

  • a cool color palette, with an emphasis on green, white, blue and purple;
  • intricately cut boxwood hedges;
  • neat flower beds with large flowerpots;
  • stone paving curbs, terraces and resting places;
  • gravel for paving in the design of garden paths;
  • repeating elements located symmetrically to each other;
  • a cozy resting place with a wooden bench, surrounded by a wall of evergreen and flowering shrubs.

It is a mistake to believe that French gardens are only good for large spaces. A formal French-style garden is easy to organize and small cottage in 12 acres. Yes, it will require much more care than a country or woodland style garden.

Landscaping of the garden in the English style

Perfectly mowed green lawns are a true English hobby. The lawns of English gardens in spring are decorated with bright spots of crocuses and daffodils. Maximum naturalness is achieved with the help of group plantings of bulbs.

In the homeland of the landscape style, shrubs and trees are arranged in free groups, enlivening the relief with the water surface of artificial ponds and streams.

The photo shows the design of the garden in the English style. Hydrangea bushes and soft lawn give a special atmosphere of simplicity and naturalness.

In the photo, an obligatory element of an English garden - whether it is a small cottage garden or a large suburban area - is vertical gardening on a support for climbing plants

The favorite flowers of the British, which can be found literally at every step in the garden, are roses. In the photo there is an English garden with a bench, which stands under a wooden canopy arch, entwined with roses

Chinese style garden landscaping

A large area with hills and lowlands is the best place to create a Chinese garden. Its essential elements that exist in harmony with each other are stones, water, wooden bridges, weeping willows, plums, daffodils, pines, pagodas, viewing platforms.

Water organizes the space of the Chinese garden and gives different character to its individual areas. Slides of stones in the garden design are arranged with a minimum amount of vegetation.

In the photo, the Chinese garden, which embodies peace and tranquility, disposes to concentrated contemplation.

Garden of scents in landscaping

Admiring the compositions of luxurious flower beds in the garden is one thing, but getting drunk from their magical smells is quite another. "Aromatherapy sessions" in the country will only bring pleasant impressions if you combine plantings different varieties in fragrant flower beds.

Create a fragrant mixborder near your home of perennial flowers and flowering shrubs. Phlox, monarda, meadowsweet, grayish-blue carnations, evening primrose, lilacs, rose hips and jasmine will not cause much trouble, but at the same time they will fill the garden with dizzying smells from the slightest breath of wind.

Near the resting place - a gazebo, a veranda or an open terrace, organize a flower garden of bulbs: tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, lilies. Plant a perennial vine next to the support - honeysuckle honeysuckle. The flower with double pink and white flowers smells half-heartedly in the morning, intensifying its aroma in the late afternoon.

In the photo is a rock garden pleasant aromas... Melissa, thyme, fragrant tobacco, mint, lavender, catnip and orange poppies create a light fragrant curtain at the summer cottage

In the photo of the garden there is a fragrant monoclumba made from spicy thyme

Landscaping of a garden plot with flower arrangements

Garden design with roses

Roses in garden nurseries fly away with the speed of hot cakes in the spring. Hybrid tea, climbing, shrub, remontant and English roses dictate the color of a modern garden, fill it with new textures and shapes. The background element of the rose garden is green lawns, shrubs and trees.

The creation of a rose garden in the garden in the country begins with the development of a planting scheme, taking into account:

  • the composition of the soil in the garden;
  • area illumination;
  • features of the rose variety (shape, height, flowering time).

In flower arrangements, low-growing rose bushes are placed in the foreground, medium-high bushes are planted behind them, tall varieties close the composition. The overall picture can be supplemented with "architectural" grasses, dwarf conifers or ferns.

If roses of the same height are used in the rose garden, then the main factor of the layout is the color scheme of the plants.

Pictured is a romantic rose garden in garden design

The photo shows a cheerful rose garden in garden landscape design. Formal style

In the photo, a hedge of tall shrub roses and ferns in the design of the fence of the garden plot

Phlox garden design: chintz glades

Creeping phloxes are actively used by landscape designers in rock gardens, paniculata - in mixborders and rabatkas. Subulate phloxes are effective in combination with bulbous and conifers. Stolon-bearing, spread-out and adorable phloxes are simply irreplaceable in the design of reservoirs and semi-shady places - here they grow well with bathing suits, primroses, lungworms and dicenters.


In the photo, a landscape garden flower garden with phlox, echinacea, chamomile, yarrow and bells

Flower garden design scheme with phlox

  1. pink phlox "Youth";
  2. pink astilbe "Straussenfeder";
  3. pink daylily "Double Challenge";
  4. silver lavender "Regina" Heuchera;
  5. pelargonium ivy.

The best flowers for the garden

Everyone has different tastes. It is difficult to single out the best for garden landscaping. But the most popular colors according to statistics turned out to be those that do not require special care.

What are the best flowers to plant in the garden?

Top unpretentious and charming plants:

1st place - Marigolds

2nd place - Kosmeya 3rd place - Nasturtium 4th place - Peonies 5th place - Irises 6th place - Petunias 7th place - Daisies 8th place - Daisies 9th place - Pansies(violets) 10th place - Asters

The non-trivial use of flowers and ornamental grasses will be correctly considered on the example of the works of eminent landscape designers: Christopher Lloyd, Roberto Berl Marx, Jean-Paul Ghanem, Charles Jencks, Andre le North, Lancelot Capebility Brown and others. The manner of work, the styles of garden artists are completely different. But each of their gardens is inspiring.

Photos of landscaping garden plots from top architects

Christopher Lloyd

(not to be confused with an American actor)

The photo shows a landscape design with lush vegetation from the famous Englishman Christopher Lloyd. The landscape designer was an adherent of mixborders and was convinced that the proximity of shrubs, perennials, climbing plants, biennials and annuals contributes to the decorative expressiveness of the flower garden

Roberto Bührle Marks

In the photo on the right unique image garden by Roberto Burle Marx. All private gardens of the Brazilian architect, gardener and artist are abstract paintings that the maestro transferred into landscape projects. He loved to use cobblestones, stones, mosaics and concrete.

In the photo on the left, the garden project Roberto Burle Marx, in which the water-mirror emphasizes the beauty of the unusual flora

Jean-Paul Ghanem

In the photo of a French landscape designer, the garden is a canvas, and the plants are paints. To fill a lifeless area with color, Jean-Paul Ghanem sows the gaps between the slabs of the garden path, uses local and inexpensive garden flowers to create a river that runs across obstacles throughout the garden.

Charles Jenks

In the photo, the space design of the Charles Jenks site with the depth of contrasts and clear graphics of the lines

André le Notre

In the photo, the Castres garden in the style of French classicism from the king of gardens Andre Le Norte

Lancelot Capebility Brown

In the photo, the landscape design of the English garden by the iconic architect and artist Lancelot Capebility Brown

Todd Longstaff-Govan

Tom Stewart-Smith

Pictured Trentham Hall Gardens by Tom Stuart-Smith and Piet Oudolf. The basis of the garden design is the contrast of the chiseled strict forms of conifers and boxwood borders with luxurious flower beds, huge clumps of cereals

Pictured by Tom Stuart-Smith

In the photo of a beautiful garden, late-flowering herbs and perennials, including: sedum, catnip, agapanthus, spurge, thyme, viola, irises, onions, hosts, echinacea, rudbeckia, blueberry, yarrow, epimedium

Anthony Paul

Pictured garden with terraces by Anthony Paul

In the photo, Anthony Paul painted the hills of the garden with variegated flowers

In the photo of the garden design by Anthony Paul, the pool, seating area and dining area on the terrace

In the photo, a canopy in a blooming garden and wicker rattan furniture, which is not afraid of the vagaries of the weather

Bunny Guinness

In the photo, a project from Bunny Guinness, who makes her gardens the main gathering place for all family members

The photo shows the geometric composition of the garden with cobbled paths, trimmed shrubs and laconic sculptures. The landscape from Bunny Guinness is in perfect harmony with the facade of the building

Arne Maynard

In the photo of the regular garden design from the Englishman Arne Maynard, the solitaire tree acts as the main soloist

Pete Audolph

Pictured is a laconic and ingenious garden design by Pete Audolf with a seating area

Pictured by Pete Udolph. Paved stone paths create a sense of consistency and comfort in the garden

Dairmyud Gavin

In the photo of the landscape design of the garden, Dairmyud Gavin fully revealed the theme of daisies - their shape is repeated by garden furniture, paving, and even a glass gazebo

Andy Sturgeon

Arabella Lennox-Boyd

Philip Nixon and Marcus Barnett

Jeannie Blom

Landscaping of the recreation area in the garden

You need to relax in the arms of nature, and even at your own dacha, with comfort. Let's consider the most successful combinations of decorative and practical solutions for recreation areas, designed to give peace of mind and positive emotions.

In the photo, one of the most fashionable garden trends is a place to relax on a wooden terrace. It does not adjoin the garden, but, on the contrary, is lost in the thickets of flowering shrubs and deciduous trees. Pay attention to the soft cushions on the wicker chairs. In case of rain, you can take them home with you

Sitting in such a gazebo, you enjoy the coloristic play of semitones. The designer achieved smooth transitions from dark green, purple and burgundy with the help of group plantings. Mixborder compositions are composed of plants of different heights, different leaf cut and different colors.

In the photo there is a separate “garden room for rest”, which we managed to break up on a very tiny piece of land. Used in the construction of the partition natural material- wood. In the center of the composition is a garden art object - a mushroom box made of dry grass, flowers and stones.

Garden zoning in landscape design

By dividing the garden into separate zones, we add many advantages to its design, both from the aesthetic side and from the practical side. Zoning is especially important if the site is small and every hundred square meters matters.

Consider examples of garden zoning in landscape design in the photo:

In the photo, the design of the front garden area with a front garden, lawn and elegant flower beds

In the photo there is an orchard zone. The tree trunks are decorated with tulips. After the bulbous have faded, sow annuals: balsam or nasturtium In the photo there is a garden area for children preschool age with sandbox In the photo there is a recreation area, a dining area and a play area Photo design economic zone, decorated with climbing liana and bushes.

The Japanese, suffering from a lack of free space, perceive nature as a gift from above. They “see a huge world in small things” and try to make their garden perfect. Why don't we take an example from them? In our time, a person is surrounded by a mass of everything artificial and unreal. That is why it is extremely important not to lose touch with nature, to remain one with it. Have your own territory, albeit quite small, where you can rest, relax and recuperate after a busy day. Therefore, the landscape design of the suburban area worries many.

Landscaping is a subtle art that allows you to turn an ordinary piece of land into a real paradise with its own character and personality, filled with a special calmness and harmony. To comprehend all the subtleties of the landscape design of a summer cottage, making it beautiful and convenient, everyone can do. For this, just your desire and the necessary information, which you can always find in this section, are enough.

Here you will learn about different styles landscape architecture, you will see photos and examples of different landscape design solutions. You can discuss issues such as vertical gardening and design, arrangement of flower beds, reservoirs, fountains, lawns and everything else related to landscaping and landscaping. Articles from this section will help to facilitate your work and cope with challenging task- decorating a summer cottage with your own hands.

Very soon new subsections will appear in the section: "Water structures", "Decorative elements of the garden", "Paths in the garden", etc. In them you can find all the necessary information to create not just beautiful garden, a flower bed and properly equip an alpine slide, but also various garden decorations, real works of garden and park art.

You will gather a lot non-standard ideas, rate the work of other users and, of course, get necessary advice specialists who will make your garden unique. You can share useful information with others by talking about your victories and failures, achievements and options for landscaping your summer cottage with your own hands. This will help the rest of the site users to avoid stupid mistakes when arranging a summer cottage. And their advice, in turn, will help you.

The creation of a unique design for a country house site is, of course, a difficult multi-stage process. But by sharing the necessary information and secrets with each other, prompting and advising each other, you will undoubtedly be able to create a high-quality and beautiful landscape design with your own hands. And we will definitely help you with this!

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