Game Townships. Rules of the game. Methodology for teaching preschool children to play towns

Game CITY - as an additional means of physical development of primary schoolchildren

In comprehensive development a person's physical education in childhood occupies an important place. WITH early age the foundations of health are laid, physical development, motor skills are formed. The modern way of life, unfortunately, leaves much to be desired. A modern child spends most of his free time in front of a TV screen, computer, or just at home. general trend modern world does not allow children to be left without a gaze, as it was in the recent past in the local courtyards, so that they could play and move for hours without the participation of adults. Psychologists, teachers, doctors note a tendency common for the school - a decrease in the motor activity of children (Yu.F. Zmanovsky, M.A.Runova, SB. Sharmanova, A.I. school age in movements - this is a loss in health, development, knowledge. Analysis of health indicators, physical and motor development of primary school children despite the introduction of an additional 3 hours of lesson physical culture testifies to alarming trends that continue to worsen at the present time.

According to scientists, from 30% to 40% of children of senior preschool and primary school age have a low level of motor development. In solving this problem, it is of paramount importance to identify new sources of replenishment and enrichment of the means of motor development of the child. In this aspect, the use of folk traditions should be very effective. physical education, which can be implemented in the departments of additional education for children, therefore, it is very important to study the possibilities of enriching the motor development of children of primary school age on the basis of the use of Russian folk game"Small towns". According to domestic teachers E.N. Vodovozova, P.F. Kaptereva, P.F. Lesgaft, E.A. Pokrovsky, K.D. Ushinsky, folk outdoor games are an effective means of physical education. Outdoor play is the first form of activity available to schoolchildren, which involves the conscious reproduction of the skill of movements (A.V. Zaporozhets). The game of the town is of great value from the point of view of replenishing the spiritual and physical culture of the individual, transferring vital skills and abilities, upbringing of morality, respect for folk traditions and customs.

The townships were widely used in the physical training of the Russian army by Peter the Great. The great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov said: "With a beating sword - this is an eye, with a beat I am hitting - this is speed, with a bat I knock out - this is an onslaught." These are the qualities of A.V. Suvorov considered the main things for the warriors (Yu.A. Ermolaev et al., 1990). Speaking about folk play, about its influence on the harmonious development of a person's personality, especially a child, we refer to the statement of the founder of Russian pedagogy K.D. Ushinsky (1950). He formulated the most important task of domestic pedagogy - to convert Special attention for folk games. The game of towns is not only an old Russian game, but also a sports game in which championships are held Russian Federation... Existing Scientific research(E.I. Adashkevichene, 1992; E.S. Vilchkovsky, 1983; L.N. Voloshina, 2001; Z.I. Nesterova, 1997; T.I. Osokina, 1986; L.I. Penzulaeva, 1998, etc. .) allow us to conclude that games with elements of sports are quite accessible to children at primary school age and are one of the effective means and methods of physical education of children. Analysis teaching aids gives the basis to positively assess the influence of playing "small towns" on the formation of the child's motor function, to determine the degree of its impact on the development of individual components of movement.

The technique of playing townships is relatively uncomplicated. The main element of the technique is throwing the bat. However, accuracy alone is not enough here; moreover, an accurate calculation is required. It is not enough to hit a figure with a bat, you also need it to fully turn around at the target and come into contact with the largest number of towns. Therefore, the player needs to work out the throw well so that the bat always rotates at the same speed and makes a full revolution around its center of gravity, flying the same distance each time (for junior schoolchildren it is 3-5 meters). The learning algorithm allows you to create a holistic idea of ​​the throw, then master the elements of the technique in detail. According to physiological concepts, at this stage of skill formation, consolidation, subtle specialization and ordering of central nervous regulatory processes (concentration of excitement, development of internal inhibition, etc.) take place, which makes it possible to accurately, differentially perform complexly coordinated actions associated with throwing a bat. At the final stage, the range of variability of the motor action expands, children knock out not only vertically standing figures (fence, barrel), but lying horizontally (airplane, cancer). Differentiation of muscle efforts occurs when knocking out such a figure as writing. When a child needs to knock out a town in the center of a figure, special skill is required here. In this way, children develop a sense of space and time, analytic skills, which allows them to ensure the distribution of muscular efforts with sufficient accuracy when mastering the elements of the throwing technique, to accurately determine the moment of the main application of efforts, to ensure the unity of the parts of the motor act. The effectiveness of the throw depends on many reasons: the degree of possession of the chosen method of throwing, gripping the handle, the right choice places, etc. Mastering the throwing technique has a positive effect on the accuracy of hitting a horizontal target, the number of errors in the execution of the throwing technique elements decreases, i.e. both quantitative and qualitative indicators of throwing are improved.

The experience accumulated by the child in the process of mastering the play of the town contains a variety of motor programs, thereby increasing the child's ability to master new movements. In the process of mastering the game township, the formation of various types of coordination occurs: static - the body, dynamic coordination in general and hands, the distinctness of an isolated movement (throw). Various isolated movements of the hand, wrist and fingers, squeezing the bat contribute to the improvement of voluntary selective control of individual muscle groups, form the differentiation of inhibition. Since the main specific action for the game of towns is a throw, at different stages of its implementation, muscle proprioceptors and touch receptors are involved in this movement. The most complex perceptions, coordinated with the work of muscle proprioceptors, are in the towns at the share of the visual analyzer. In the game, when throwing a bat, there are perceptions inherent in aiming types - hitting the target. In the future, as noted by Z.I. Nesterova (1997), the function of sight and hearing in the afferentation system gradually narrows and the motor analyzers begin to play a leading role. Many authors note the developmental impact of towns on such physical qualities as strength, agility, speed. With the development of the strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the throwing distance increases. Strength training is not an end in itself for the physical education of children of primary school age, and to a greater extent is conditioned by the need to develop the ability to show insignificant stresses during a sufficiently active time, only to dose muscle efforts (SB. Sharmanova, 1999). Motor actions performed when throwing a bat are related to exercises with external accompaniment. Using them, it is possible to influence both large muscle groups - the back, abdomen, and the smallest - the hands. Repeated, serial execution of throws of the bat in the game towns, alternating them with walking, running, building figures provides a significant total volume of load, stimulates muscle efforts and especially the efforts of the weakest muscles. These include the abdominal muscles, shoulder girdle, and hand.

It is affordable and interesting game with easily dosed loads, in constant varied movement as on fresh air, and indoors for people themselves of different ages, from children to old people. Thus, the relevance, benefit and low cost of using the elements of urban sports in the department of additional education are obvious.

Towns are an old Slavic game. Its history goes back several centuries. The mention of towns can be found in fairy tales, and in ancient legends, and in documents related to history. Ancient Rus... This game went down in our history as a part of the national culture. The game of the town is of great value from the point of view of replenishing the spiritual and physical culture of a person, transferring vital skills and abilities, upbringing of morality, respect for folk traditions and customs.

Towns is a very interesting game that develops the participants' accuracy, strength, dexterity and coordination of movements, strengthens the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, and evokes strong emotions. One of the main advantages of the towns is accessibility and democracy. You can play the towns at any age, at any time of the year and almost anywhere.

Generalissimo A.V. Suvorov, the reformer of Russia - Tsar Peter I, Nicholas II. Township has been a favorite physical exercise for many eminent personalities. domestic science, culture, writers: academician I.P. Pavlov, singer F.I. Chaliapin, classics of world literature L.N. Tolstoy and A.M. Bitter.

The great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov explained his passion for small towns in the following way: “Playing small towns develops an eye, quickness, and onslaught. I dash with a bat - this is an eye, with a bat I hit - this is speed, with a bat I knock out - this is an onslaught. " The general was undoubtedly right. Experts say that playing "small towns" develops coordination of movements and accuracy, which is why this game is especially useful for children.

The goal of the game is to knock out of the “city” (hence the name) a certain number of figures, made up of 5 towns - cylindrical columns, by throwing bits.

The main task is to spend as few throws as possible on knocking out 15 pieces.

You don't need complex inventory and special equipment to play towns. It is enough to find a flat horizontal platform rectangular with a hard surface. V winter time you can successfully play in the gym.

A simple, uncomplicated technique of playing in the towns, available equipment makes it possible to teach this game to children preschool age... This game is available for children of the senior and preparatory groups.

The tasks of teaching the game "Towns" are as follows:

Children 5-6 years old.

  • 1. To form an interest in the Russian folk game, to acquaint with the history of its origin, with figures for games; develop the ability to build figures.
  • 2. To teach the correct stance, actions with a bat, methods of throwing at a distance and at a target; show the importance correct technique in achieving the final result.
  • 3. To develop strength, coordination and accuracy of movements, with an eye.

Children 6-7 years old.

  • 1. To consolidate knowledge about figures, playground for playing towns, to introduce new figures; to reveal the meaning of this game for strengthening health, improving physical qualities; arouse interest in the game as a form of active recreation.
  • 2. Teach children to play by the rules, to act in teams; to orient them towards the achievement of the final result - to knock the towns out of the "city".
  • 3. To form the independence of preschoolers in motor activity, the ability to concentrate on the task at hand, a sense of self-confidence.
  • 2 times a year (before the start of training and after 10 lessons), the level of physical readiness for playing in the towns is assessed:
  • 1. Strength of the hands (right or left); measured by a child's dynamometer; the readings are entered in the table.
  • 2. Range of throwing the bat with the right or left hand; distance is measured, quality indicators are assessed (starting position, sight, throw, maintaining balance).
  • 3. Eye gauge: the number of accurate hits with the right or left hand in one town out of five throws (distance 3 meters) is estimated.

A differentiated approach to teaching the game of townships involves:

  • 1) taking into account age opportunities (program for senior and preparatory groups);
  • 2) taking into account gender characteristics: plastic bats for girls, wooden ones - for boys;

For preschool children, lightweight bats 45-50 cm long, weighing 400-450 g, small towns 10-12 cm high are selected.Depending on the age and height of the children, the length of the town can be 10; 12; 14cm; bits - 40; 45; 50 cm (weight - 400; 430; 450 g); cross-section of towns and bits - 3; 4; 5 cm.

3) individual selection of tasks for the development of certain qualities based on the assessment of the level of physical fitness.

The learning process is carried out in the classroom by a physical education teacher, on a walk and in independent play activities under the supervision of group educators. Classes are conducted with a group of children and individually.

All actions by children are performed only on command: "You can take the bat", "You can make a throw", "Collect the bats", etc.

The main element of the technique is throwing the bat. Precision alone is not enough here; moreover, an accurate calculation is required. It is not enough to hit a figure with a bat, you also need it to fully deploy at the target and come into contact with the largest number of towns, i.e. you need to work out the throw well so that the bit always rotates at the same speed and makes a full revolution around its center of gravity, flying the same distance each time.

Therefore, the main task of the educator is to teach children to throw (Fig. 1). Teaching children should start with a show (a teacher or one of the older children). Throwing the bat is taught in two ways. One of them is done with a hand bent at the elbow with a bat held high, the other - with a straight hand, laid to the side - back. The child is taught both ways, and in the process of playing he uses any of them.

Rice. 1.

As practice has shown, children most often use the second method - a throw with a straight arm. The player stands behind the line, puts his right leg back a step with his toe outward, and turns his torso half-turned to the right. When swinging, the hand with the bat is pulled back, the weight of the body is transferred to the right leg. The throw is made with a straight arm from the side. In this case, the weight of the body is transferred to the left leg, the body turns energetically into left side... Throw the bat smoothly, giving it a slow rotational motion.

The system and rules of the town game are significantly simplified compared to the game of adults. On the ground they draw a "city" - a square, each side of which is 1 m. At a distance of 3-4 m from the front (front) line of the city, a line is drawn from which the end begins. Between the city and the horse, at a distance of 2-2.5 m from the city, there is a half-horse (Appendix 1).

When the children learn to knock out towns from this distance, the lines of the end and the half-line increase by a distance of 5-6 and 2-3 meters. Various figures (“fence”, “barrel”, “well”, “plane”, etc.) are formed from small towns on the sites. Throwing bats, the players try to knock out the towns outside the city square.

At the beginning of the game, the bats lie at the line of the knight, and those who play alternately are also there. Bats are first thrown from the stake, when at least one town is knocked out, the players move to the half-crown line, from where the rest of the towns and figures are knocked out. Before the game, the children agree on the number of figures (3-4) and their order. After all the towns have been knocked out, a new figure is placed. The order of constructing shapes is gradually becoming more complicated.

The winner is the one (or that group) who knocks out large quantity towns, making fewer shots. When determining the win, the correctness of the throwing technique, the power of the blow, etc. are taken into account. The role of the judge is first performed by the educator, and then by the children.

When repeating, the winning group starts the game. Preschoolers are not recommended to play more than 2-3 games in a row.

In the preparatory group, children should be able to knock out 4-5 figures.

When playing townships, special attention is paid to security measures. Collecting towns, making figures is possible only at the command of the teacher. Children who are not currently participating in the game must be at a distance of 2-3 m from the thrower behind the boundary lines. The playground should be located in such a place that other children cannot unexpectedly appear on it.

15 pieces are used to play towns. The most accessible figures for children are: "fork", "star", "arrow", "well", "machine gun nest", "shooting gallery".

The game of small towns has more than two hundred years of history on the territory of Russia, where towns were invented. Lenin and Leo Tolstoy, Chaliapin and Gorky, Pavlov and Stalin played in the towns. Find out and you about this interesting game!

An alternative name for the towns is "Russian bowling"
... Indeed, these sports disciplines have a lot in common, in particular, the measured pace of the game, similar goals and structure of the competitive process.

In order to play towns, you will need a minimum inventory and basic knowledge of creating figures from the so-called towns (hence the name) - compact blocks of wood.

Small towns have significant popularity and represent a primordially Russian sport... Outwardly, this game may not look entirely exciting, but in reality it is a multifaceted and interesting sport, which we will discuss in more detail below.


According to the most common version, small towns appeared in the 18th century on the territory of Russia, and since then have represented one of the most common folk amusements. Of course, in the process of the development of this sport, the rules could differ and differ depending, for example, on the region.

Consolidated borough rules did not appear until 1923, and after that in 1933 the rules were updated and schemes of standard 15 figures appeared, which are used in the gameplay.

Citizens Soviet Union adored the towns. This sport was highly popular in many regions, although in team competitions Muscovites have always remained the leaders, who took the highest awards.

After the 60s of the previous century, the number of athletes was about 350 thousand.

Further, the popularity of this sport gradually declined, and, by the collapse of the Union, or rather after the collapse, the towns became almost completely forgotten sports, which few people were interested in. Oddly enough, but after the 2000s, the popularity of townships is growing again, the sport has gained new fans.

Moreover, the popularity of the towns has long spread beyond the borders of Russia... Now this sport is international and attracts athletes from different countries.

For this period, there are regular European Cups and World Championships.

Description and modern rules of the game in towns

Generally, the game is a process of knocking towns out of space on a flat surface, which is called the "city".

Players take turns throwing a bat (essentially a stick made of wood) at different pieces. The goal is to knock out all pieces in the least number of throws, at a minimum, fewer throws should be made than the opponent.

So, there are 15 figures and a play space... Each player knocks out figures, which always consist of five towns - cylinders made of wood.

It is required to knock out the figures in a special way.... It is necessary that the towns are taken out behind the back or side of the playing square. In the game square 2 by 2 meters, the figures are built, if, after the throw, the towns remain in the square, you will need to make the following throws until the shape is knocked out.

When the first piece is knocked out, the next one is set and so on until the 15th piece. After that, the process can be repeated, depending on the regulations.

As a rule, three games are played, but the score is based on the number of throws spent(bit) for knocking out figures, the player who made fewer shots wins.

Also, the counting of points can be carried out on each throw, each knocked out town gives 1 point. However, this system is less common in competitions (and in simple games) is rarely used.

There are rules for throwing the bat, which must be done without significant slowness (about half a minute per throw) and direct the bat into a special playing area.

In front of the square in which the pieces are set, there is a line behind which you need to make the first touch with the bat. If the bat lands on the line or touches the line, the throw will not count. By the way, in order to accurately capture the touch, the line is usually marked with a layer of sand or earth and updated between throws during the installation of the figures.

There is bit length limitation - no more than one meter... As a rule, bats are provided with metal frames that allow them to be kept intact for many throws. After all, townships are played most often on asphalt, against which the wood beats and deforms over time.

Also there are rules for a fixed distance to a square with figures... First, throws are made from the so-called "knight", which is located 13 meters from the pieces.

But if the initial throw knocked out at least one town, then the player goes to the so-called "half-circle", that is, the space for throws 6.5 meters from the square.

Competitions in towns

At this time, townships are most common as professional sports in countries such as:

  • Russia;
  • Ukraine;
  • Estonia;
  • Germany;
  • Belarus;
  • Latvia;
  • Mongolia;
  • Moldova;
  • Armenia;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Republic of Kyrgyzstan;
  • Finland.

The federation of almost each of the listed countries holds its own competitions within the framework of the national championship. In addition, there are local competitions in some individual cities where there are urban sports clubs.

The World and European Championships are mostly held on the territory of Russian cities, but may be in other countries as well.

In general, there are a huge number of tournaments in the towns, ranging from very local to large international ones. Moreover in order to participate in small tournaments, usually, nothing is required other than an appointment and a basic understanding of the sport.

Tactics and technique of playing towns

Basic a feature of the towns is a competent throwing technique... In fact, it is thanks to the throws that the main tactics of the game are built.

For throws, can be used different type grip:

  • short- the bat is taken from the very edge, the edge of the palm lies exactly along the edge of the bat;
  • average- the palm is located at a distance of a couple of palms from the edge;
  • deep- the bit is taken closer to the middle.

Each player performs throws with the most comfortable grip, there are no rules to follow.

Actually, the throw is performed approximately from the side and from below, the bat flies over the ground without changing its height, and begins to descend and slow down almost above the figure itself.

The technique of throwing in towns requires a detailed and thorough study. In order to find a normal technique and be able to shoot down various figures, a considerable amount of training is required.

We will not go into this topic, at the end of the paragraph, let's say only about the possibility of using team tactics (sequence of throwers, substitutions, and the like) in team competitions in which teams of at least five people in each are accepted.


Usually, the playground for playing small towns is at least twenty meters long, and about 15 although the dimensions may well vary depending on the conditions and type of game.

On the back (outside the "city") there may be an elevation or some kind of limiting structures that allow the towns not to scatter especially and are easier to assemble.

The game square in front has a special marking which is located diagonally from the edges of the front line, this markup is called "mustache" and limits the area for which the departure or roll-out of the town is counted.

A standard site is often in two sections for Game, located nearby... This arrangement makes it more convenient to compete, since the players of the opposing teams do not need to wait for the opponent's throws, they simply consistently knock down the pieces, and the referees fix the result.

Figures for playing small towns - schemes

Exists standard row figures(although some players can come up with their own, in particular, it is very interesting to provide such an opportunity for children to develop their imagination) of 15 schemes.

Each figure is five towns folded on the front line of the city in the middle, except for the 15th figure - a letter.

The names and sequence of the shapes are as follows:

  • "A gun",
  • "Fork",
  • "Star",
  • "Arrow",
  • "Well",
  • "Crankshaft",
  • "Artillery",
  • "Racket",
  • "Machine gun nest"
  • "Cancer",
  • "Sentinels",
  • "Sickle",
  • "Tyr",
  • "Airplane",
  • "Letter".

This is the classic sequence and number of figures., but this pattern may vary from batch to batch. In particular, shortened parties, which consist of 10 or 6 pieces, are more common.

Dimensions (edit)

Dimensions (edit) each town is 20 centimeters long, a diameter about 5 centimeters.

The dimensions of the space for the game are described earlier, except for the distance requirement - at least two meters between two neighboring cities and the presence of the so-called "suburb", which is formed by the lines of "mustaches", the front line of the city and the line between the "mustaches" (it is located one meter from the front line of the square).

"Suburb" is used to set up townships, which, after the throws, roll out or fly forward, towards the player.

What qualities does the game develop?

In order to play the towns, you do not need outrageous physical data, but this game is not as easy as it seems. If outwardly the throws look simple, then in fact new players at first almost never hit with a bat, not only in the towns, but generally close to the "city".

It should be noted development of endurance from the players to the towns, since the match can last two or more hours in a row.

Of the main developed qualities athletes It should be noted:

  • accuracy;
  • agility;
  • coordination of movements;
  • eye;
  • hand strength.

As a rule, townships are called sports for retirees, but often young people also prefer this game, and towns provide them with the improvement of many physical data, as well as development at the level of tactical and logical thinking.

Towns for children

In conclusion, let's say a few words about campuses for children. Such physical activity will also be beneficial for a young age., and the towns can be perfectly adapted to the parameters of the child's body. In particular, the size of the bit and the distance from the horse to the city decreases.

Through the adaptation of the game, children can get the opportunity to feel comfortable and hone their shooting skills.

For children, towns are useful for the potential for the development of care and concentration.... Considering the possibility of a very long continuation of each individual match, the towns can help to keep the younger generation occupied with interesting and useful activities.

Creating a baby kit may not require any financial investment at all. As well as inventory for standard townships, inventory for playgrounds is easy to make yourself.

Video tutorials: rules and techniques for playing in towns

June 1, 2017 Alexandra

Methodology for teaching preschool children to play towns

Physical education teacher
GBOU kindergarten№ 2562 Malyavko L.V.

TOWNS is an old Slavic game. Its history goes back several centuries. The mention of the towns can be found in fairy tales, and in ancient legends, and in documents relating to the history of Ancient Russia. This game went down in our history as a part of the national culture.
Playing small towns develops an eye, quick wits, accuracy of movements, strengthens the muscles of the arms and trunk.

Generalissimo A.V. Suvorov was fond of playing in the towns, Tsar Peter I, Nicholas II, the reformer of Russia.

Playing in small towns was a favorite physical exercise for many prominent figures of Russian science, culture, and writers. Among them - Academician I.P. Pavlov, geneticist N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky, singer F.I. Chaliapin, music critic and composer V.V. Stasov, classics of world literature L.N. Tolstoy and A.M. Bitter.

The goal of the game is to knock out of the “city” (hence the name) a certain number of figures, made up of 5 towns - cylindrical columns, by throwing bits. The main task is to spend as few throws as possible on knocking out 15 pieces.
The size of the playground ("city") for adults - 2x2 m; distance from the place of throws: far ("end") - 13 m, near ("half-cross") - 6.5 m; the length of the towns is 20 cm, their diameter is 4.5-5 cm; the length of the bat is no more than 1 m. The figures are knocked out of the "horse", but if at least one town is knocked out of the figure, the rest are knocked out of the "half-frame". But the "letter" is knocked out only from the "end". A town is considered to be knocked out if it completely goes beyond the lines of the square or mustache. Towns that have rolled out beyond the front (front) line of the square or within the mustache are considered unbroken. The "stamp" in the "letter" is considered to be knocked out if neither it nor the bat touched other towns.
A throw is considered lost if:
- the bat touches the foul line or the ground in front of it;
- the player at the time of the throw came or stepped over the line of the knight (half-line);
- during the throw, the player stepped over the side bar;
- the player spent more time (30 seconds) preparing for the throw.
All towns in these cases are put in their original places, it is not allowed to repeat the blow.

A simple, uncomplicated technique of playing in the towns, available equipment makes it possible to teach this game to preschool children.
The main element of the technique is throwing the bat. However, accuracy alone is not enough here; moreover, an accurate calculation is required. It is not enough to hit a piece with a bat, you also need it to fully turn around at the target and come into contact with the largest number of towns. Therefore, the game needs to work out the throw well so that the bat always rotates at the same speed and makes a full revolution around its center of gravity, flying the same distance each time.
The effectiveness of the throw depends on many reasons: the degree of possession of the chosen method of throwing, grabbing the handle, choosing the right place, innate coordination, perseverance and perseverance in mastering the skills of the game.
The technique of throwing the bat consists of the following elements:
- grip or holding the bat by the handle;
- starting position - stand;
- swing - abduction of the bat;
- bit overclocking;
- overshoot or final gain.

"Grip" refers to holding the bit with the brush. There are many varieties of it. There is a deep grip - the end of the bit handle extends beyond the brush; medium - the border of the flesh of the brush coincides with the end of the handle; small - the handle ends under the player's little finger.
Grip training can be started already in the nursery group. The leading exercise is learning to throw at a horizontal target in a way from below. The learning process is carried out in game form, and is called "Pie for Grandma".
Throwing is carried out into the hoop with a sandbag weighing 150 g, from a short distance (Fig. 1).

The pouch lies in the palm of a straight hand, thumb apart, holds the pouch on top. The throw is performed by swinging from below.
In the younger and middle groups, during throwing, attention is paid to the starting position (stand): the left leg is in front, the right leg is behind, a bag is in the right hand (for a right-hander), for a left-hander - vice versa. The distance to the hoop increases to 2-3 m (Fig. 2).

The attention of children is drawn to the fact that it is impossible to step over the line or step on it.
In senior and preparatory groups the game is taught in an open city area. Learning begins with towns and plastic bats (Fig. 3).

With the development of the elements of the game technique, the rules and skills of owning the equipment, the training continues by playing in wooden towns (Fig. 4).

Technique training is carried out in strict compliance with the requirements of safety measures and injury prevention.
Spectators and trainees are behind the players at a considerable distance, but with an accessible view (Fig. 5).

The learning process is carried out in the classroom by a physical education teacher, on a walk and in independent play activities under the supervision of group educators.
All actions by children are performed only on command: "You can take the bat", "You can make a throw", "Collect the bats", etc.
For preschoolers, the "city" has dimensions of 1.5x1.5 m. Learning to play begins with knocking out the "fence" figure. In it, the towns are placed vertically on one line at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other (Fig. 6).

This figure has a large volume, which makes it easier to knock it out, increases the emotional interest of children and the desire for perfection.
The player is positioned on the half-line line at a distance of 3 m from the city and takes the starting position (stand) (Fig. 7).

Legs positioning. The right foot is placed in front, a step away from the left. Body weight is evenly distributed on both legs without stepping on the line.
The body is in a natural position in relation to the position of the legs and is relaxed as far as holding the bat in the hands allows. The head is directed towards the figure and remains in this position or close to it throughout the entire throw. The longitudinal axis of the bit is directed towards the figure.

The swing begins with the transfer of body weight to the pushing leg, right leg at the same time slightly bends in knee joint... The shoulders are pulled back slightly and rotated clockwise, dragging the bat arms across the side to the back. Left hand With a light push, it releases from the bit in the direction of it, and continues to twist the shoulders with the spinal column. The right hand continues to move the bat back, gradually straightening at the elbow joint (Fig. 8).

All acceleration and ejection right hand straightened and does all the work from the shoulder as one with the bat. The throw ends with the ejection of the bat (Fig. 9).

When switching to learning to play with wooden towns, figures are built from them (Fig. 10):

The poster with the image of the town figures should be located in the immediate vicinity of the town site, in the gym and in sports corners groups. This allows children to memorize the configuration of figures, options for their construction (Fig. 11).

With unfavorable weather conditions, in winter, rainy spring and autumn time, training and improvement of the elements of the technique of playing in the towns can be carried out in the sports hall on a universal marking. It has a line for constructing figures, a line of a knight and a half-line (Fig. 12).

Strengthening the skills of technique and elements of the game is carried out only with plastic campuses in training sessions conducted by a circular flow-differentiated method in one of the training zones (Fig. 13).

The inclusion of learning to play in small towns in the classroom expands the scope of the curriculum, enriches children with new sports skills and abilities, deepens knowledge about old Russian traditions and outdoor games.
Learning efficiency increases with the availability of sports equipment in groups of at least two in each, the interest and responsibility of educators.

Svetlana Danilkova

Game rules « Small towns»

As you already know « Small towns» - old folk sports the game... You need sticks to play - bats and towns -"Ruffles".

A square is drawn on the ground, the sides of which are equal to 1m, this is « town» ... At a distance of 2m. a line is drawn from it - a half-line, from this line we draw another ode, at a distance of 1 m., - the end from which playing start throwing bats. Small towns in the form of various figures are placed on the front line cities.

The team starts the game (participants) right « cities» , then the throws are performed alternately, using two bits in each output. Players are required to go to "Con" or "Half-window" and return through the sidelines.

The participants of both teams during the execution of the throws must be on the side of their « cities» .

A player is prohibited from making two throws with the same bat in one run.

If townships move from their place for any reason before the bit touches them (or flies past them, then they are set in their previous position, the bat is returned and the throw is repeated.

If townships will move as a result of the shaking of the site (or from the wind) after the throw, when the bat has not touched townships, then they are restored to their previous position, but the bit is not returned.

contribute to the motor development of children. The game improves many skills, motor skills, as well as speed and agility, strength and endurance. It is obvious that folk games and physical exercises are not only necessary, but also of great value in terms of replenishing the spiritual and physical culture of the individual. They contribute to the transfer of vital skills and abilities, the education of morality, respect for folk traditions and customs, they have great educational opportunities. According to the definition of A.V. Zaporozhets, outdoor games are the first form of activity available for preschoolers, which involves the conscious reproduction of the skill of movements.

In solving this problem, it is of paramount importance to identify new sources of replenishment and enrichment of funds.

* motor development of the child. In this aspect, the use of folk traditions of physical education should be very effective, therefore, it is very important to enrich the motor development of older preschool children on the basis of the use of the Russian folk game « townships» .

As the main tasks of motor development of preschoolers when learning in « Small towns» define the following:

Promote an increase in the level of voluntariness of motor actions; mastering the technique of movements and their coordination; focus on results when performing physical exercise; develop the motor qualities and abilities of children;

Achieve conscious, active, with due muscle tension performance of all movements by children; teach children to control and evaluate their movements; form initial perceptions in games and exercises; encourage the manifestation of creativity in motor activity, purposefully develop speed and general endurance;

To form a culture of movements in preschoolers, a motor enrichment of the children's experience with all available movements.

The game is the leading activity of the preschooler. Teaching preschoolers to play « Small towns» , is put goal:

- arouse a steady interest in the game and, on this basis, create the prerequisites for the physical improvement of the child;

–To enrich the motor experience of children with motor actions

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