How to make a stamp at home from improvised means. Master class "Drawing with stamps with children of early and junior preschool age

How to make decorative stamps for children's creativity or DIY scrapbooking. Master Class.

Stamps for creativity

Stamps - very handy tool for people's creativity of different ages... Kids are happy to make prints with stamps just like that, and adult scrapbooking women use stamps for professional design works: postcards, photo albums, notebooks, frames, passport covers, etc.

The selection of the most beautiful stamps for scrapbooking in specialized stores is quite large. But there are situations when you need a stamp on a certain topic, but it is not. One of the ways to do it yourself is to cut it out with a clerical knife from the eraser (eraser). In my opinion, it is difficult, especially for children.

In this article, I will talk about more simple ways make decorative stamps for children and adults with your own hands. Very young children, of course, will not cope with this work, and starting with the eldest school age, many children will be quite capable of it.

How to make stamps with your own hands

Option 1

The simplest stamps are obtained if ready-made stickers from decorative foam are glued to the lids from plastic bottles or from cardboard food packaging for drinks. In this case, the prints represent a shaded outline of a certain shape.

If there are no such stickers, then you can make them yourself. For this you need:

  1. Draw a template of the desired shape on paper.
  2. Attach the template to the decorative foam, circle.
  3. Cut.
  4. Stick to the lids with double-sided adhesive tape (scotch tape).

Option 2

Stamps with openwork patterns are not much more difficult to make than without patterns. The main thing is to draw the pattern as symmetrical as possible, if it is intended that way.

The stages of work are the same as in the previous version, only on a figurine made of decorative foam you need to push the pattern from the template with a non-writing pen. First, on one half of the figure, and then on the other.

Now it remains to apply paint from the ink pad to the stamp, and you can see what prints you get. My very first prints were unsuccessful.

My daughter did better. She immediately began to think of what could come out of such hearts. For example, wings and a fluffy dress for a fairy.

Prints look good not only on white, but also on colored paper. I already showed a red heart on yellow paper in an article about how to do it.

My daughter and I used these stamps to decorate homemade postage envelopes when she replenished her collection of gum inserts with the help of an exchange by mail. We also decorated the envelopes with prints with kittens, now I'll tell you about them.

Option 3

This option will do, if there is a desire to turn some beautiful textured surface into a stamp, for example, a floral ornament from a frill of a kitchen oilcloth, a piece of lace. Or if you need to make another copy of a ready-made stamp.

This requires not a decorative foam, as for the first two options, but one that hardens in air. After drying, it is very similar to foam in properties and to the touch: it is just as light and velvety, just as easy to cut with scissors. In addition to this mass, you will need ordinary plasticine, but not soft wax, but very hard (or salty dough as for crafts), double sided tape and cover.

How to make stamps

As you can see, making stamps for creativity with your own hands at home will not be at all difficult even for children.

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A stamp (or seal) is a tool with which you can apply a fixed image to various surfaces... If you wish, you can make a stamp with your own hands. These homemade prints can be used for printing on paper or fabrics, for playing with children, for decoration and decoration.

Making a seal yourself

If necessary, you can make a stamp with your own hands at home. The process is not difficult. But it should be borne in mind that the wear resistance of such an invention will be lower than that of a conventional die.

  1. First, you need to prepare the image for the print. Next, the selected drawing must be transferred to tracing paper, and from there onto foil. At this stage, the outline of the drawing is neatly outlined with a non-sharp object (for example, a pencil).
  2. The pattern on the foil is printed in the form of recesses, which must then be filled with putty or epoxy glue.
  3. Thus, a blank is obtained. It must be set aside until completely dry. This usually takes about two days.
  4. As soon as the workpiece is dry, it must be freed from the foil. For convenience, an impression of the stamp should be attached to the base. For this, an old seal or any tablet with a pen will do.

The DIY stamp is ready. All that remains is to put it in ink or paint and you can leave an impression.

Stamps from improvised means

You can also make simpler versions of the seals. For this, various improvised means are suitable. Here are some of the simplest options:

You just need to show your imagination and you can find many other opportunities for stamping.

Stamp made of vegetables and fruits

For those who do not know how to make a stamp with their own hands from improvised means, you can use the most simple option: Craft stamps from vegetables or fruits found in the house.

Moreover, it all depends on the density and structure of the selected product.

These simple patterns can be used to decorate children's clothes or other surfaces.

Stamp for decorative concrete

Stamping concrete is a great opportunity to apply any pattern to this durable material. Thanks to this technique, you can diversify appearance territory. On an industrial scale, special blanks are used.

For small areas or for personal use, you can make a stamp for concrete with your own hands.

Suitable for this various material: wood, plastic, polystyrene, etc. A figure of the desired shape is cut out of it, which is then applied to the concrete and forms a pattern.

In this way, you can create an imitation of a tile or other pattern. In this case, you can use special pigments to give the concrete color.

It should be borne in mind that you can only stamp concrete that has not yet hardened. But it shouldn't be too liquid. It is also necessary to mark the territory and first calculate how the drawing will be applied.

As a result, the pattern should be aesthetic, with smooth edges. It is advisable to apply it with approximately the same pressure.

So, making a stamp with your own hands is not difficult, just show your imagination.

Elena Dyachenko

All-round creative development is useful and necessary for all children. But not all children love paint, but the technique drawing stamps, like all children, without exception, and even adults.

Drawing in this way, children are not afraid to make mistakes, since everything can be easily corrected, and from a mistake you can easily come up with something new, and the child gains self-confidence, overcomes "Fear of a blank sheet of paper" and begins to feel like a little artist. He has INTEREST, and at the same time DESIRE paint.

After all, you can print with anything. This is what will be real creativity.

Teach your toddler to make prints. To do this, saturate a piece of foam rubber with diluted gouache to make it look like a stamp pad. Now we dip our mold in paint, press it against the paper and carefully remove it. The color print is ready. Can be painted on stamp with a brush, or dip it in thick paint.

It does not matter that the baby will not get accurate prints right away. Here, as in any business, you need a certain dexterity and dexterity.

In order for the printing of figures to acquire some meaning, invite your child to decorate with an ornament a paper plate, a vase cut out of cardboard, a dress painted doll... Can draw foam rubber rowan berries and scarlet strawberries, beads on the girl's neck and a bright rooster tail. The main thing is that the creative process is pleasant, evokes an emotional response from the young artist.

Materials for homemade dies surround us at every turn, and the number of options for execution is almost endless, but for a start it is worth trying to implement several common and well-proven ideas.

During drawing with babies you can use the following types stamps:

1. The very first typing tool - own fingers and baby's palms.

Child draws on paper palm, or edge palms, cam. Dips in paint and prints on paper as needed for the drawing he depicts. Do not hurry draw it with your hands, You can just show him an example - on your piece of paper, the principle drawing the child quickly grasps himself. Then the paint is wiped off the palms with a cloth.

Fingerprints are no less fun than fingerprints, as they require more concentration and improve fine motor skills.

2. Vegetable stamps.

Carrot stamps

Do two or three stamp: circle, oval, and for the petals - a circular sector (for this you need to cut off only two sides of the triangle, and leave one rounded).

Potato stamps

Cut the potato in half, draw a pattern on the side of the cut and carefully remove the excess around the office.

You can cut anything, or rather what your skill allows you - from a house to a beautiful flower

Cabbage stamps

You can twist a cabbage leaf, make an even cut - an unusual rose will be an imprint. An interesting print is obtained from a slice of Peking cabbage.

Halves of onions, apples, pears and other vegetables and fruits serve excellent stamps.

3. Painting with foam rubber

The child lowers a piece of foam rubber (or a foam tampon) in thick paint and prints on paper. You can use a stencil. It is good to tint the paper with pieces of foam rubber, creating a background for the future drawing, draw animals, birds, conveying the texture of wool, plumage.

4. « Drawing with leaves»

Find beautifully shaped tree leaves outside.

Dip one side of the leaf in the diluted paint.

Gently apply the painted side to the album sheet, lightly pressing it against the paper with a napkin, smooth it out by hand.

Remove the leaves and look at the prints together.

5. Lids from plastic bottles, corks, erasers, small boards are good as a basis for seals, matchboxes, cubes and details of constructors type Lego(however, the latter in themselves are already quite good dies).

6. Stamps from plasticine they are made by extruding a pattern in it using any sharp object like a rod ballpoint pen... It is also very convenient for them to push drawings on pieces of plastic trays in which vegetables and fruits are sold.

7. Excellent seals are obtained from ordinary rubber bands for money, if you stick them on the base, bent in the form of a square, triangle, circle, star, snake, etc.

8. Jars and bottles with different configurations and diameters of the neck and bottom are ready-made dies... For example, the bottoms of plastic bottles give wonderful impressions of a flower or sun.

9. A cocktail straw split at the end will help to embody the same images in a slightly different form - the deeper the cuts, the longer the imprints of the petals-rays.

10. For drawing background stamps come in handy from thick threads wound on a warp, as well as rope balls, pieces of an old knitted sweater and rope.

11. To make the pattern repetitive, you can make seals-rollers, taking a roll of scotch tape or a rolling pin for the base.

12. It is very convenient to do stamps from polystyrene and food trays. 13. You can twist the paper or sweets or boxes - it will turn out stamps for flowers.

14. Cotton buds- ready stamp... You can also use cotton wool and crumpled paper.

You will need a separate stick for each color. With this technique, lilac or mimosa flowers are beautifully produced. Draw twig lines felt-tip pen... And already make bunches of flowers with chopsticks. But this is aerobatics! It will bring no less pleasure to the child and Painting simpler things - flowers and berries (stems can draw with a felt-tip pen) ... Or you can cut a dress out of paper (scarf, tablecloth, mittens) and decorate with dots.

Drawing with stamps contributes to the development of children nka:

Fine motor skills of hands and tactile perception;

Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, eye and visual perception;

Attention and perseverance;

Fine skills and abilities, observation, aesthetic perception, emotional responsiveness;

In addition, in the process of this activity, preschooler control and self-control skills are formed.

Painting for a child - joyful, inspired work, to which he does not need to be forced, but it is very important to stimulate and support the baby, gradually opening up new possibilities of visual activity for him.

Drawing with stamps attracts with its simplicity and accessibility, reveals the possibility of using well-known objects as art materials... This is especially evident when working with kids before the graphic period, when they have not yet formed the technical skills of working with paints, a brush ...

And the main thing is that drawing with stamps plays an important role in overall mental development child. After all, intrinsic value is not final product- drawing, but development personality: the formation of self-confidence, in their abilities, self-identification in creative work, purposefulness of activities.

Students and pupils often use the text editor "Word" to complete coursework, diplomas, abstracts and reports. It is a very handy program with an intuitive interface that even a beginner can handle. But only if we are talking about ordinary actions, such as writing text, creating a table, adding an image.

Some teachers require a frame with a stamp in accordance with GOST, the creation of which can be a rather problematic task for a student. The article will tell you how to make a stamp in the "Word" according to GOST.

Step one: splitting the document into sections

The first step in how to make a stamp in Word begins with breaking the entire document into sections. This is necessary to separate the main body of the text, the table of contents and title page... But this is not the only reason: division is needed in order to place the stamp in the place where it is needed, and to exclude its displacements in unnecessary ones.

So, how to make a stamp in Word? We need:

  1. Click on the "Layout" or "Page Layout" tab (depending on the version of the program).
  2. Open Breaks.
  3. Select the "Next page" item.
  4. Repeat all steps to create another break.
  5. Click "Close window of headers and footers".

That's all, the first step of the instructions on how to make a stamp in the "Word" is completed, we go directly to the second.

Step two: remove links between sections

So, we proceed to the second step of the instruction on how to make a frame with a stamp in the "Word". Now we need to remove the links between all the previously created sections. This is necessary so that the stamp does not spread to all pages, but remains only on one.

  1. Click on the "Insert" tab to go to it.
  2. Click the arrows next to the Footer button to display the drop-down list.
  3. In the list, click on "Change Footer", a group of tools for working with headers and footers will appear.
  4. In the "Transitions" group, click on the "As in the previous section" button.

After the actions taken, the stamp will not apply to all pages, which means that we have completed the second step of the instructions on how to make a frame and a stamp in the "Word". Let's move on to creating.

Step three: create the frame

Now, finally, we got to the creation of the stamp itself with a frame. However, this is not the last stage, but more about the rest later. We will create a frame, of course, in accordance with GOST, so the first thing we need to do is add a frame with the following margins around the edges:

  • Left - 20 mm.
  • Top - 5 mm.
  • On the right - 5 mm.
  • Bottom - 5 mm.

To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. In the program, go to "Layout".
  2. In the "Page Settings" group, click on the "Fields" tool to expand the drop-down list.
  3. Select Custom Fields from the list.
  4. In the "Margins" area, set the following values: left - 2.9 cm, bottom - 0.6 cm, top - 1.4 cm, right - 1.3 cm. This is necessary so that the text does not go over the border of the frame.

After the done actions, click the "OK" button to apply all the changes.

Now let's go directly to adding a frame to the document. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. In the program, go to "Page Layout" or "Design" (depending on the version).
  2. In the "Page Background" toolbar, click the "Page Borders" button.
  3. Next, go to "Pages".
  4. In the first column, select the "Frame" item.
  5. In the drop-down list "Apply" select "To this section".
  6. Press the "Options" button, which is located just below the drop-down list.
  7. In the window that appears, specify the values: bottom - 0, right - 20, top - 25, left - 21.

After that, click OK - a frame will appear in the document.

Step four: create a stamp

So, we have created a frame, now let's talk about how to make a stamp in accordance with GOST in the "Word". This is done using a table, here is a detailed instruction:

  1. Go to the footer of the page you want to place the stamp on. To do this, double-click on the bottom border of the sheet.
  2. In the constructor, which appeared on the toolbar, in the Position group, replace all values ​​with zero - by default, it says 1.25.
  3. Go to the "Insert" tab.
  4. Use the Table tool to create it. In the size selection menu, select 9 columns and 8 lines.
  5. Hold LMB on the left border of the table and drag its edge to the left edge of the frame. Do the same for the right edge of the table.
  6. Select the entire table by clicking on the four arrows in the upper left edge.
  7. Go to Layout in the Table Tools tab group.
  8. Change the height of all cells by 0.5 cm.
  9. Select the columns one by one, starting from the left edge, and change their width. The first column is 0.7 cm, the second is 1 cm, the third is 2.3 cm, the fourth is 1.5 cm, the fifth is 1 cm, the sixth is 6.77 cm, the seventh is 1.5 cm, the eighth is 1, 5 cm, ninth - 2 cm.
  10. Combine the cells in those places where it is necessary, be guided by the image attached below.

That's it, the frame stamp has been created, but there are still a few details left.

Step five: fix the height of the cells

To prevent them from stretching when entering data into the stamp cells, it is necessary to fix their height. This is done as follows:

  1. Select cells.
  2. Click RMB.
  3. From the menu, click on the "Table Properties" tool.
  4. In the "Row" tab, check the box next to the "Height" button and select the "Exact" mode.

Click on OK - your table will become fixed.

Engraving is the real art of image replication. Stamps can also be called a kind of engraving in a minimal format. In this master class, you will learn how to make a stamp with your own hands and feel like a real master engraver. Such a stamp is suitable for printing with acrylics, oils and printing ink.

The engraving cliché, which is correctly called "board", is made of wood (woodcut), linoleum (linocut), metal (etching) and stone (lithography). It is best to start with linoleum engraving: linoleum is easy to cut and devoid of fibers, unlike wood.

DIY tools and materials for creating a stamp

  • a piece of economy class linoleum
  • stationery knife
  • wooden base (for example, a simple wooden cube)
  • PVA glue or any other
  • optional: you can use a linoleum grinder (different from chisels in size)

How to make a stamp with your own hands

Linoleum should be taken as the cheapest, even, without texture (or with the minimum texture) and preferably dense. You can buy a piece of special art linoleum for linocut at an art store. I love this one most of all for its structure, but when you need to cut something in large quantities, I use the most common one.

A drawing must be applied to linoleum. The easiest way is to redraw with a pencil or pen directly on the linoleum, in a mirror image. But when it comes to the exact transfer of the picture, it is better to print the layout in the desired size on a laser (inkjet will not work) printer and transfer the image to linoleum using an iron.

Attention! When you apply a drawing in this way, it does not need to be mirrored!

We ironed it with an iron, let's see what happened.

Now we cut. Let's walk along the contour of the ampersand with a clerical knife, and along large areas - with graders, which can be dispensed with if the work is small.

Advice: If the linoleum is too soft to cut, you can put it in the freezer for a while. Conversely, if the material is difficult to cut, it is better to heat it on a battery or in warm water.

We cut out the letter, we also remove the excess material around the edges. We try to level the surface over large spaces.

The stamp is ready!

Now you need to make a proof print and trim the blemishes, if any. I also go a little bit over the fine-grained skin to even out the surface of the stamp.

Can be printed with regular ink on water based or acrylic. The main thing is, immediately after printing, clean the stamp from ink residues in warm water (if oil, then with a solvent or turpentine) and leave it to dry naturally (not on a battery!).

With this simple method, you can create an absolutely unique drawing.

But it is worth remembering: the larger the board, the harder you need to press so that the material absorbs the paint. Sometimes it is no longer possible to do it by hand. For example, the A3 size print on a T-shirt shown in the photo was already printed using an etching machine. Small stamps can be tapped with a wooden mallet to get the perfect impression.