How to arrange a summer house with your own hands - useful tips. How to arrange a country house inside? Interesting and simple ideas How to equip a summer cottage with your own hands

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Summer is just around the corner, the holiday season begins. And many summer residents are beginning to prepare for the new season. Buy something more, plant it, paint it, make repairs at the dacha. But what should those who have just purchased country cottage area? Of course, work on its arrangement.

Territory arrangement

Cleaning and planning

The dacha should be clean, cozy and, most importantly, comfortable. You need to start arranging the site, of course, with cleaning. The area must be cleared of leaves, tree branches and various household debris. Stones and construction debris should also be removed.

Next, you can plan how to equip your dacha. In this case you may need landscape designer services. If you do not have the finances to pay for the work of a designer or want to arrange your own dacha, then you will have to study this area a little.

It all begins from planning and drafting. You must first figure out what to leave in place and what to redo. It is advisable not to touch the trees; you can only increase their number by planting new ones. This is justified by the fact that it is plants and trees that create a unique country atmosphere.

In most cases, a summer cottage consists of the following elements:

  1. A place for rest and leisure. Gazebos, barbecues for barbecue lovers, tents for night rest.
  2. Playground. Sandbox, swings, slides.
  3. Economic plot. Garage, shed, bathhouse.
  4. Country garden. You can plant different fruit trees, for example, apple, cherry or decorative green trees.
  5. Country garden. You can plant there at your discretion. different plants, for example, strawberries.

Selection of fencing

Next, you should move on to fencing the site, since no owner would want strangers to move freely in his possessions.

Fencing is best done made of brick or metal mesh. These materials are of quite high quality; their manufacturers guarantee a long service life.

But there is also more cheap options . For example, fences. This option has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • low cost;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • lightweight design and easy assembly/disassembly;
  • easy disposal (after the expiration date, you can send the fence to the fireplace for combustion).


  • short service life - no more than 3 years;
  • fragility.

Gallery: arrangement of a summer cottage (25 photos)

Laying out tracks

The tracks are very important element cottage interior. They come in the following types:

Each of these types is unique in its own way. Concrete paths are distinguished by their simplicity and cheapness, so you can make them yourself. Concrete consists of water, cement and additional components that can be found at any building materials store. As for the tools for creating a design, we will need roofing felt.

Stone paths are quite expensive, but that's explained original appearance . If you have stock natural stone, you can use it and purchase the missing stone. It doesn't have to be identical.

The bricks are laid out by hand and joined together cement mortar. If you want to do everything efficiently, you will have to long time work hard.

A distinctive feature of stone and concrete paths is that they are characterized by long service life and can easily withstand loads of up to 500 kilograms.

Relaxation area

It is advisable to arrange a place for relaxation in the garden or on the lawn. You can put several benches and a table. For barbecue lovers, we can recommend the grill, but due to the technology fire safety it needs to be placed away from the recreation area. Installing a barbecue near a neighbor's property is also prohibited. Don't forget about gazebos and canopies. They can be placed closer to the center.

Nowadays they have become very fashionable Garden swing. They are usually designed for 2-4 seats. Another interesting option site arrangement is swing sofas, which are perfect for receiving guests and relaxing for retirees. They are designed for 3-4 people, do not sway too much, which makes it possible to ride and talk at the same time.

There are more for children a budget optionswing made of plastic. Such swings are quite stable and are not inferior to other more expensive options. Stability is ensured by metal frame. Quite often they are sold complete with a slide for kids.

The most conservative and simple swing is the hammock. Hammocks come in two types:

  • with fastening between two trees or support posts;
  • frame stationary with prefabricated structure.

They are very strong and can withstand weight up to 150 kilograms. When arranging playgrounds for children, you need to focus on safety. They should be located closer to the gazebo or house to make it convenient to keep an eye on children. The playground should be light and cool. To do this, you can install awnings there. Slides, swings, horizontal bars quality and safety must be selected. In addition, do not forget that the playground must be kept clean. Swimming pool, if there is one at the dacha, needs to be fenced with mesh, because it is considered an unsafe place for children.

Arranging a recreation area at your dacha is an opportunity to show your imagination. You can even put benches made with my own hands.

Garden decoration

Now it's time to start landscaping your dacha. Lawns and flower beds should look harmonious and blend with the house, creating a natural natural area. You need to pay attention to the composition of the soil. If it is dry and hard, it needs treat with fertilizers.

Shrubs and lawns– this is everyone’s calling card garden plot. In order not to waste time growing a lawn, you can buy it and simply spread it. If you want to grow a lawn yourself, you can purchase special seeds. But for this, the soil will have to be well treated with fertilizers.

When purchasing ready-made lawns, you should pay attention to their color, drought resistance and freshness. They should be shade-tolerant and resistant to trampling. If you have little experience in such matters, you can contact your neighbors or a specialist at the store where you buy this lawn.

Country shrubs can be planted near fences and paths and do not forget to care for them. Such shrubs are beautiful, but rather difficult to care for. If you care for them properly, they will bear fruit.

If we talk about flower beds, they delight the eye with their presence. You can choose different color combinations: tulips, periwinkles, Adonis amur. And do not forget that they need to be watered on time, since flowers growing in flower beds do not tolerate the sun and heat very well. But it shouldn't be too dark.

You can do it yourself using cellophane and a balloon.

Design direction

If we talk about which landscape style to choose, it primarily depends on your age and hobbies. In addition, your ideas should match your budget.

For people who have retired, practicality is important. They will most likely grow vegetables, berries and fruits on the ground. Therefore, almost all summer they will be at the dacha.

But for young people, beauty and romance are important. They will not have time to care for the lawn and flower beds, since they will only appear at the dacha to relax.

Taking these features into account, the dacha plot should be developed. At the same time, we must not forget that the personal plot is the face of the dacha.

Most often, plots are designed in the following styles.

  1. Architectural modern. This style is suitable for young people who love comfort and convenience. Sheds, gazebos, a small pond, swings and sofas, sandy paths, fountains and, of course, if there is room left, a swimming pool. At the same time, we must not forget about our financial and technical capabilities. Because this style requires a lot of effort and financial costs. From the architect - the idea, and from you - the resources.
  2. Regular garden style. This style focuses on shrubs and flower beds. They are shaped and cut in various shapes. It can be a circle, square, oval, triangle. Shrubs need to be trimmed strictly according to their geometric structure. At the same time, their landing is important. Properly planted shrubs will be much easier to trim. Correctness means sufficient distance between plantings.
  3. Rural-natural style. This style is suitable for retirees who like to create vegetable gardens at their dacha. Everything should look natural - flower beds, flowers, sandy paths, trees. It’s as if everything grew naturally in nature. You can build mini-greenhouses and greenhouses.

Lighting system

The lighting system should be perceived not only as an economic one, but also as a decorative element. Lamps play an important role as they not only provide light but also decorate the interior or exterior.

Lighting must cover the house, garage, gazebo, recreation area and paths. In addition, you can create decorative lighting. This classic lamps near the paths and in the center of the gazebo.

In order for the system to work properly and without interruptions, you need to constantly adjust the central panel. In a personal plot it would be reasonable install automatic LEDs. They are characterized by a long service life and ease of use. Garden plot should be well lit.

Construction of a veranda

Many people consider the veranda an essential part of their dachas. As a rule, the idea of ​​building this element arises after purchasing the site.

This is a classic place for an unforgettable holiday. Ideal option it will be if you arrange it on the veranda fireplace or stove- it will not only look beautiful, but will also allow you to spend your leisure time there in the winter.

To prevent the veranda from being filled with various unpleasant odors, definitely necessary install high-quality hood . You can also install a sofa or rocking chair there. You can place a medium-sized oval table on the veranda.

To enjoy nature in winter, you can decorate the veranda with indoor flowers. All of the above features may seem complicated to you at first, but if you delve into the details, you will understand that there is nothing complicated.

It is important to understand that if you equip your dacha with your own hands, then you will be much more comfortable spending time there. In addition, you will not have to spend money on paying for the services of a landscape designer.

Nowadays, the dacha remains the only salvation from city life. There is clean air and Live nature, this is a great place to calm your nerves and relax. And you don’t need any sanatoriums, because you yourself participated in creating the ideal vacation spot.

Gone are the days when summer residents tried to use every piece of land to grow vegetables, berries, and fruits. Now the owners suburban areas They strive to improve their estates and turn them into a charming recreation area. How to arrange a dacha with your own hands with a minimum of costs, turning it into a wonderful relaxation area? This is an interesting and very exciting activity.

How to beautifully arrange a dacha?

So, you have purchased a country house with a plot. Where to start improving it?

  • First you need to get rid of unnecessary bushes, junk and anything else that doesn't suit you.
  • You should outline the location of future alpine slides, a pond, a stream, a veranda, a gazebo, paths - everything that you want to see on your territory.
  • To create a stream and its authenticity, it is necessary to arrange a slope.
  • You should decide on a garden landscape style that is suitable for the appearance of the house, taking into account the size of the land plot. Experts believe that it is much more difficult to create a design for a small area.

All improvement plans must be weighed against your financial capabilities.

Site fencing

It's worth starting with a fence around the area. The fence can be made of concrete, brick, wood, metal profile. Hedges made from (forsythia, spirea, barberry and other plants) look original. These beautiful hedges serve a protective function, forming a dense wall of shoots, foliage and flowers.

Looks impressive instead of a live wicket decorative arch from climbing plants. It is important for such an arch to make a strong support from metal structure. Plants for a beautiful, neat arch require careful and timely pruning and good care.

rest zone


Designers recommend installing a veranda or gazebo on the property, the style of which harmoniously matches the house and other buildings in the garden. In addition to the comfort of a gazebo in the country, it will also be an excellent place to relax on hot days. If there are small children in the house, then the gazebo can be decorated in the form of a fairy-tale house, and sculptures of fairy tale and cartoon characters can be placed around it.

Possible instead of traditional wooden building make a green gazebo, lined with flexible trees: birch, maple, willow, linden. Don't forget to leave room for entry. Around the site at a distance of about a meter you need to plant trees or climbing shrubs: lemongrass, girl's grapes, honeysuckle, hydrangea, actinidia or climbing plants: hops, sweet pea, decorative beans. Of course, such an original gazebo requires special care: regular trimming of bushes, removal of dry leaves, direction of growing shoots.

Garden paths

Beautifully made paths can significantly change the appearance of the area. They divide the site into zones and landscape the dacha. They can be made from decorative paving slabs, gravel, concrete slabs, flat stones, wood, stone chips, mosaics and even laid out from wooden cuts. It all depends on the imagination of the owners and their financial well-being.

Flower beds and flower beds

A village hut with a front garden looks completely new. It is enough to plant ordinary unpretentious flowers in the front garden that do not require special care: chamomile, primrose, marigolds, calendula, cosmos. It is better to choose perennial flowers with openwork beautiful leaves. Not very attractive buildings will help to disguise climbing plants: virgin grapes, clematis, honeysuckle. These vines require reliable, strong support.

Plants in a flowerbed or flower garden that are well-chosen in terms of color and flowering time look beautiful on the site. These can be composed of annual and perennial flowers, as well as ornamental grasses, cereals and shrubs.

A lawn with an edging as a border of flowers or a flower bed of flowers of different heights and flowering bushes, located in the middle of the lawn.

Various household items and obsolete items are suitable for creating an original flower garden. For these purposes, you can use any means of transportation (bicycle, cart, car, scooter), dishes (buckets, tanks, pots, watering cans, bathtub), shoes. Old dishes You can restore it by decorating it with mosaics, pebbles, make decoupage, braid it with vines or rope.

Alpine slides are very popular among gardeners. Of course, for a beautiful hill you need to adjust the topography of the place, select the right stones, and then select the appropriate plants.

Decorative arches

If you arrange an arch with a flowering climbing plant on the garden path, then such a structure will decorate the garden and will be a pleasant invitation to the recreation area. By installing several of these arches, you will get a shady seating area where you can relax on a hot day.

So we figured it out, turning it into beautiful garden. Outbuildings can be camouflaged with tall or climbing bushes. The garden landscape can be supplemented with a small pond or reservoir, made of stones.

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I invite you to the group on for summer residents and gardeners: “Country hobbies” Everything about country life: dacha, garden, vegetable garden, flowers, relaxation, fishing, hunting, tourism, nature

Arranging a newly acquired dacha can be quite challenging task for the owner, because we don’t always get a well-groomed and ready-to-use plot. But you shouldn’t despair, because it’s very interesting to arrange and tidy up your dacha yourself!

Indeed, you should not lose heart if you are not purchasing a country villa, but a small plot of land for growing berries, fruits and vegetables. You can bring to life even the most terrible plot within the first season, and even after its completion you will receive not only a nice landscape, but also the first harvests from your garden and garden.

Today we will tell you where to start this process, and what exactly you should pay maximum attention to.

Inspection of the summer cottage after purchase

Of course, an inspection was carried out before the purchase, but a more thorough one, capable of identifying absolutely the entire scope of work, should be carried out now. We recommend that you inspect not only the exterior of the site and buildings, but also be sure to look inside, check the boundaries of the site, inspect the cellars, vegetable garden, soil quality, drainage pits and absolutely everything that is worthy of attention, repair and restoration.

Photo gallery

Cleaning the summer cottage

After the inspection, it would be most advisable to draw up a work plan, and the first item in it would be to include the removal of everything unnecessary from the site. Initially, this is construction waste, garbage left behind by previous owners, accumulation of leaves and grass, branches and logs, plastic, broken stone, rusty metal. In general, put everything that you consider unnecessary into one big pile and simply burn it. What cannot be burned must be removed from the territory by special services or on our own.

Ideas for a summer residence - crafts made from plywood (video)

Setting up communications

Of course, an important part of the dacha is the garden, vegetable garden, palisades and other areas, but all this will not be able to bear fruit if communications do not work well to ensure ease of work. Therefore, you should initially pay attention to the water supply of the dacha, sewerage, electrification and others important points.

First of all, this is water, its supply to taps or to a well, from where it will be supplied for use for one’s own needs or for growing plants. It is immediately worthwhile to provide not only for the supply of water to one hose, but it is much more correct to conduct water to summer soul, washbasin or sink, provide water for the garden and greenhouse, etc.

Accordingly, where there is water, there must be drainage, because not all the water we use can be received by the earth. It is very advisable to take care of a high-quality sewerage system or system sewer pipes on a summer cottage, which will drain used water into a special tank or pit.

Electricity is no less important than the previous two points, since with its help you can not only light and heat, but also provide a huge number of processes necessary for the normal functioning of the dacha. That is why careful, high-quality, and most importantly, correct wiring throughout the territory, installation of lamps, sockets, connection of stoves, pumps, and so on is so important.

Arrangement of buildings at the dacha

If country houses no, they will have to be built as needed and as funds become available. You can read about how to do this in our materials about a country house, garage, barn, gazebo, veranda, shed, and so on. If there are buildings at the dacha, they should be immediately repaired and refreshed in order to extend their service life. Believe me, it is better to spend money on repairs than to rebuild any element in a year or two.

You should start with country house, which is natural, because this is where you will spend a lot of time and store your things when leaving the dacha. Therefore, take care of the quality of windows and doors, inspect the house for cracks, make external repairs to the basement, try to refresh interior spaces cosmetic repairs, etc.

Next, you can safely move on to arranging dacha buildings. A barn, a garage, a gazebo, a shed with a barbecue - everything should be put in order as soon as possible if you want not only to work productively, but also to have quality rest.

In addition, be sure to ensure that your property has summer kitchen and places to relax, because not everywhere there is a kitchen in the house and there is a comfortable gazebo in the yard.

How to correctly design the entrance to a house on a plot of land (video)

Landscape and small architectural forms

Naturally, each of us wants to have not only a fertile dacha, but also beautiful plot, which will please the eye and in a comfortable environment in which you can have a pleasant time. This will require a lot of work, but you can start consistently. Initially, experienced summer residents they recommend correctly distributing the territory and designating where the lawn, greenhouse, beds, flower beds, garden and others will be located small areas. To do this, you can use the articles on our website or try to independently choose the location of a particular site.

Try to build on the basic requirements of the location in order to have good view, as well as the opportunity to get a harvest, because each such plot requires special conditions - lighting, topography of the site, watering, and so on.

Having dealt with the landscape, it is necessary to bring it into a comfortable and attractive form as much as possible. To do this, we can equip the dacha with arches, pergolas, flower beds, decorative ponds, and also place small buildings around the territory that will help provide a pleasant rest after serious work.

Arrangement of the garden, vegetable garden and flower beds

We have everything ready for growing plants in the country, because this is what we initially aimed for. Therefore, according to predetermined areas of the landscape, plants for planting should be selected. Of course, many of us prefer arranging a gazebo or patio for relaxation, but Arranging beds and flower beds is an equally important activity.

Each dacha owner puts his whole soul into working on the land of his plot. In addition to work, the dacha provides an excellent opportunity to go out of town, where there is no asphalt, where clean air and fertile soil are a luxurious vacation for the soul. When cultivating the soil of your plot, it is incredibly pleasant to receive a ripe fruit, planted and grown with your own hands. And every owner of a summer cottage, at some point, thinks about how to do this beautiful place even more cozy.

Do-it-yourself comfort in a dacha will bring the owners both creative inspiration and aesthetic pleasure. In order to decorate your favorite area, Today the market offers a huge selection of different decorative ornaments for every taste and budget, but is it really possible to surprise anyone with this? New ideas for a dacha with your own hands are easy and simple to implement; on the Internet there are photos with step-by-step implementation of the most original ideas. It’s much more cozy and enjoyable to make a wonderful craft yourself, and besides, your dacha can become exemplary, surprising curious neighbors with unique, hand-made decorations.

Choosing a cottage design idea

Ideas for DIY gardening, photos on the Internet will help you decide what exactly you want. The most incredible ideas turn out to be extremely simple to implement. On the Internet it’s easier than ever to find instructions for execution with clear examples from photographs. In addition, to make your own architectural miracle, you will most likely need simple materials at hand, which are available in every household.

At any dacha there will be unnecessary things that will now turn into elements of decorative decoration.

You have accumulated a number of unnecessary bottles, from which you can make wonderful figures that will decorate land plot their creators. These can be various abstract figures, animals that especially delight children - horses, pigs, bulls, anyone!

A simple cut of a tree will become a cute bird feeder. You will just need to cut a notch inside and secure it in the place you like. And when they fly in to eat, the birds will amuse you with their cheerful chirping. Make extraordinary beautiful feeder perhaps from just a few plastic bottles.

Ideas for a summer residence 2016 The real decoration of the site is the pond. Just lay out any shape you want natural stone, simple modern technologies will allow you to illuminate the bottom of such a pond and you will enjoy enjoying the play of light in the water in the evenings. Thanks to the pond, your favorite area will turn into a real piece of paradise, and ideas for a do-it-yourself garden photo will help you accomplish such a miracle:

  • dig a hole;
  • seal;
  • pour in water;
  • decorate to your taste.

Having started this creative design your favorite area, you will not notice how your imagination begins to find new suitable means at hand. Be it old tires, which are perfect for creating flower beds, or multi-colored caps from plastic bottles, which can be used to create chic patterns on walls or fences. By the way, you can make a wicker fence from branches. Having painted patterns from corks, you yourself will be surprised how wonderful it all looks - just a work of art!

Do-it-yourself dacha photos will certainly help you find something of your own, you just need to search on the Internet or in our catalog

Usually, a dacha is purchased in the hope of taking a break from the gray everyday life of the city, enjoying the land and pure nature. Every summer resident strives to take good care of the beds, build a small, cozy house, in which you could fully relax and switch from the crazy city pace to the quiet, glorious country life. And of course it takes pride when this cozy place is decorated from top to bottom with your own hands. Children are especially happy with such crafts; they are amused by the bright figures on the site, and in the wonderful pond they can wet their feet with great pleasure and splash themselves with water in hot weather. At such a dacha plot they will never be bored, and childhood memories of the dacha will warm their hearts all their lives.

Ideas for decorating a play area

By first arranging a play area for your child, you will thereby free up your hands for work and further arrangement of the rest of the area. You will work in peace, because your children will have fun under your supervision on a safe swing made by you.

In order to build a swing you will need:

  • large cut of a tree (this will become the base of the swing)
  • car tire, half of which will act as a limiter
  • some wooden beams and boards.

One simple swing will be the source of a happy and joyful childhood. The child can also be creatively involved in this exciting process- choose an animal or figurine together, help build a feeding trough. And if you add this with exciting slides, wonderful fairy-tale houses, cable cars, and of course, a sandbox that every child simply needs! Your children will simply drag you to the dacha and look forward to every trip.

Well, if the site of your dacha does not allow you to place such a spacious area on it, you can always, by involving your neighbors, set up such an amusement park outside your territory, the neighbors will be happy to respond to this creative event, and the search for auxiliary material will not keep you waiting, for every summer resident there will be something you need.

How to design a fence at the dacha?

Many areas of summer cottages are simply outlined with small bars or a boring and gray chain-link mesh. But a chain-link fence can also turn out to be bright and attractive. You just need to decorate the mesh or lattice using a stencil and bright colors- this will come out very original!

If you have a fence made of small trees, then decorating their pointed round timbers different colors- a set of bright pencils will come out.

Having built a tyn, depending on your mood, you can decorate it either with rare clay pots, or by working magic on an old holey pan, it can easily turn into a chic decoration that will find the right place for itself. All this will help you make new ideas for your garden.

Flower garden and flower beds

The favorite place of occupation for all housewives in the country, this is undoubtedly. Every woman can easily create a unique design for this women’s corner for relaxation and work with photographs of ideas for a do-it-yourself garden:

Pyramid flower beds - they always delight your guests, and in addition they will significantly save space, and to create them you only need unnecessary old containers and tires of different sizes.

An old cart, a basket, a chair, clay tiles, the list goes on and on! Let go of your imagination, confident that it will lead you in the right direction.

This bird-frightening structure can become a real highlight of your garden. And if you use your imagination, the scarecrow will not only scare away the birds, but also entertain you during the hour of execution earthworks. Do-it-yourself dacha photographs will present the most original options for stuffed animals.

Relaxation area

A place of rest is a place where you want maximum comfort, a place where the owner will be filled with strength and energy. Here's where you should let your imagination run wild:

table and benches; hammock; beautifully laid garden tiles; hearth; barbecue; alcove; B-B-Q; interior decoration baths; we can go on and on. Great ideas are easy to find and implement, creating the perfect comfort in your dacha with your own hands.

Old iron barrel will serve as a barbecue for you. By sewing a bright hammock you will enjoy relaxing and regain strength for further work; large colorful pillows will decorate and make you cozy garden benches, on which you can sit comfortably during tea time in the fresh air. A dacha, made “from start to finish” with your own hands, according to your own ideas, will be filled with special warmth and comfort for its inhabitants.

Modern ideas for a summer cottage 2016

Ideas for a summer residence 2016 propose combining a recreation area and a play area with a wooden bridge that will rise above the reservoir. The most inexperienced owner can create an artificial reservoir on his summer cottage.

Create your own ensemble of architectural structures, the central accent of which will be a small lake uniquely designed by you. You will be surprised what crafts come out of rolled up newspapers - detailed instructions with photographs you will find in ideas for a do-it-yourself garden.

Opens with the beginning of spring summer season. For some, a dacha means greenhouses, beds and seedlings, while others care more about family vacations fresh air, dreams of meeting friends and aromatic barbecue. Depending on the preferences of the owner, the dacha should be equipped.

Many people today resort to the services of professionals landscape design, but it’s much more fun to implement ideas for a summer residence with your own hands. How this can be done, which one to prefer, how to combine the interior of a country house with this - this is discussed in our article.

Layout of a summer cottage

When starting work on the design of a summer cottage, first of all, it is necessary to draw a plan of the summer cottage with all the objects located on it. It is very important to put everything on paper, even small buildings like a doghouse. This is the only way to accurately calculate the free space in your dacha and see what is best installed and where.

When the plan is sketched out, the diagram shows a country house, outbuildings, paths, vegetable garden area, you can move on to the creative stage. This step involves supplementing the existing plan with future structures. It can be:

  • alcove;
  • grill, oven or barbecue;
  • dinner Zone;
  • playground;
  • place for a hammock, garden swing, tent;
  • all kinds of fences, fences, awnings;
  • flower beds, flower beds, lawns;
  • vegetable garden, place for fruit and ornamental trees.

Advice! Summer cottage design large area must be equipped with an artificial pond. Water gives not only aesthetic pleasure; near the reservoir in the country there will always be coolness and freshness, which is especially important in the summer heat.

The exact dimensions of future buildings must be plotted on the diagram of the dacha plot. The area of ​​the dacha free of buildings needs to be landscaped - flowerbeds should be laid out, lawns and recreation areas should be taken care of.

At the stage of implementing ideas for a summer residence, one should not forget about communications. These seemingly insignificant little things can ruin the entire final result. Therefore, the water supply, sewerage, and electrical supply systems must be drawn already ready plan summer cottage plot.

Arrangement of a summer cottage with your own hands

Developing interior design country yard yourself, you can save a lot of money. Moreover, this applies not only to expensive services. professional designer. You can equip your dacha with improvised means, using the materials that remained after construction, old furniture, unnecessary rubbish and even garbage.

Gather interesting ideas For a dacha with your own hands, you can use the Internet, but it’s not at all difficult to use your imagination and come up with something of your own. And they will point you on the right path beautiful photos successful summer cottage designs from this article.

Gazebo, barbecue or barbecue in the country

What could it be country holiday without an evening meal in the fresh air! If the area of ​​your summer cottage allows it, you should definitely take care of building a gazebo or at least a canopy. The room can be quite small, a few square meters is quite enough.

A table, benches, chairs or armchairs are installed inside the dacha gazebo - this is quite enough for a minimum set. For more spacious gazebos, combination with a barbecue or Russian stove is suitable.

Important! If the design of a summer cottage involves the construction of a fireplace, you need to take care of the smoke exhaust system.

It would be a good idea to find out the wind rose in a given area in advance in order to provide for the removal of smoke in the direction opposite to the recreation area and residential building.

The interior interior of a country gazebo must comply general style dachas As a rule, everything is arranged in a rustic or colonial style. The outside of the gazebo is decorated with climbing flowers, hanging planters or flowerpots located at the entrance.

Dining area in the country house

It happens that there is no room for a gazebo at the dacha. Or the owners rarely visit their country plot, coming only in the summer, on weekends. In this case, a portable dining area would be appropriate for the dacha.

To set it up you need a table and chairs. Here, a lot depends on the preferences of the owners of the dacha: some use expensive rattan furniture, while for others plastic accessories are enough.

In the photo you can see the design of a summer cottage, equipped with massive wooden furniture. Such items require processing, and winter period Country furniture must be brought into the room.

You should think about the shading of the dining area in advance. It can be positioned behind country house, in natural shade. Another option is to use a fabric or polyethylene awning. Naturally, hedges and canopies made of vines and climbing plants look much more aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. For them you need to provide a metal arch or a support in the form of a wooden pergola.

Attention! In addition to the scorching sun, drafts and wind are considered the “enemy” of the dining area.

It’s good if the table is installed in a closed space in a summer cottage. You can also provide a semi-decorative fence in the form of a low fence covered with flowers.

Recreation area and children's playground at the dacha

After hearty lunch It would be nice to relax in the fresh air. To relax in the countryside, you need to equip a suitable place. As a rule, adults like to just lie down or recline comfortably in a chair. Therefore, hammocks suspended between trees, garden swings, sun loungers by the pool and comfortable chairs in the garden are suitable for them.

The main requirement for a recreation area is that it should be cool and quiet. It’s good if the gaze of a vacationing summer resident is fixed on the beauty of the garden or flower beds, and not on the wall of the neighbor’s dacha.

For families with small children, a children's playground is a must at their dacha. This way, adults will be able to fully relax, and children will not be bored at the dacha. The playground for children is also located in the shade; partial shade is also suitable.

Equipment for a country playground largely depends on the capabilities of the owner and the area of ​​free land. This could be a swing, slides, sandbox, mini-pool. Or you may have to settle on a house located in a tree, for example.

When building a children's playground at the dacha, do not forget about safety measures:

  • limit access to water;
  • provide sand bedding near slides and swings;
  • eliminate sharp corners and edges;
  • do not plant poisonous or dangerous plants and flowers.

If possible, it is worth considering leisure activities for adults: this could be a homemade bowling alley for a summer cottage (photo of the structure below), an outdoor cinema, or a large swimming pool.

Flower beds, flower beds, ponds on a summer cottage

Smooth lawn grass, of course, looks aesthetically pleasing and neat. But, nevertheless, it is better to dilute the lawn at the dacha bright colors, fruit trees, shrubs.

If the owners rarely visit their country house, in landscaping they should give preference to perennial flowers, trees and shrubs. Such crops do not require constant care; with the onset of spring, it is enough to tidy up the greenery by shaping the branches using garden shears.

The connecting link between the elements of the summer cottage are paths and paths. They can be paved with stone, tiles, clinker bricks, cover with crushed stone or pebbles.

Below are photos of ideas for a summer house, realized with your own hands. Here as a covering for country houses garden paths wood is used, which looks original and in the spirit of a country style.

Country house design

The interior and exterior of a residential building play an important role in arranging a dacha.

The building, inside and out, should be conducive to relaxation and rest, reminding of unity with nature. Therefore, when choosing a style for a country house, it is better to prefer something “rustic”, such as country, Provence, or ethno.

A good example of a country house inside the photo:

Do not forget that the design of a country house should also be functional. As a rule, the area of ​​domestic dachas is small, so the space here needs to be used wisely.

If country house will be used only in the summer, and in the yard there is a gazebo with a barbecue or fireplace, it is quite possible to do without a kitchen. It is better to use the free space in the dacha to arrange an additional guest bedroom or a spacious billiard room.

Examples of the interior of a country house are presented in the photo below.


If you decide to transform the interior of your dacha yourself, you should not limit yourself to existing ideas. Of course, a lot useful information You can learn from already completed projects, but it’s quite possible to come up with a lot on your own.