Raspberries are the best cold medicine. Medicinal plants

- a dwarf shrub up to 2 m of the Rosaceae family. It is found everywhere, introduced into the culture. In scientific medicine, fruits are used. V folk medicine- the whole plant.

In the summer I'm glad I'm fresh
Bear berry,
And dried in stock
Heals us for colds.

Everyone is happy to eat raspberries: people, birds, and even bears. It is widespread throughout the forest zone along clearings and forest glades.

Common raspberry- a shrub from the Rosaceae family. How berry culture and valuable medicinal raw materials have been known for a very long time. As a medicinal raw material in scientific medicine, fruits are used, and in folk flowers, raspberry leaves.

Chemical composition ... The composition of the fruits includes: organic acids - citric and malic (up to 2.2%), salicylic, nylon and formic; vitamin C (up to 45 mg%), carotene (up to 0.3 mg%), traces of B vitamins; various carbohydrates (glucose up to 4.3%, fructose - up to 8%, sucrose - up to 6.5%, etc.); tannins (up to 0.3%), cyanine chloride C 21 H 31 O 6 Cl, acetoin (acetylmethylcarbinol) C 4 H 8 O 2, benzaldehyde, etc. The seeds contain up to 14% fatty oil and about 0.7% phytosterol ...

Application... Common raspberries entered the State Pharmacopoeia in 1952. Dried fruits are a good diaphoretic in the form of infusion (20.0: 200.0) or tea (2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water) for colds, flu, sore throat. In addition, the fruits have antiseptic and antipyretic properties. In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions of raspberry leaves or stems are widely used as an expectorant in the treatment of bronchitis, laryngitis, and coughing (AF Gammerman, II Grom, 1976).

N.G. Kovaleva (1971) reports personal experience on the use of flowers, leaves and fruits of raspberry ordinary as an anti-sclerotic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and high-vitamin remedy for hypertension, atherosclerosis and colds.

The fruits contain up to 11% sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose), 1-2% organic acids (mainly citric, malic, there is also salicylic, formic, tartaric), salts of iron, potassium, copper, essential oil, tannins pectin substances, vitamins C, B 1, B 2, PP, folic acid, carotene, as well as sitosterol, which has anti-sclerotic properties.

ethnoscience many countries from time immemorial uses raspberry fruit as an antipyretic and diaphoretic, as well as for scurvy, to increase appetite, as a stomach, analgesic, tonic, for flu, fever, hemorrhoids; flowers and roots - with leucorrhoea; flowers - for washing the face with acne, for lotions with inflammation of the eyes and erysipelas, with bites poisonous snakes and scorpions; branches - as an antitussive, for choking; leaves - as an astringent and anti-inflammatory for gastritis and enteritis, for diseases of the respiratory organs, fever, as a uterine hemostatic, for rashes, boils, lichen, for gargling with sore throat, erysipelas. In folk cosmetics, the hair was dyed black with a decoction of leaves with potash.

For acne, a warm infusion of the leaves is recommended (1: 15-1: 20). A napkin moistened with raspberry infusion is applied to the skin 3 times at intervals of 10 minutes (a course of 20-25 procedures, half of which are carried out daily, the rest - every other day). Juice can also be used to treat acne. fresh leaves mixed with cream for any skin (1: 4). In this case, the mask is applied for 40-60 minutes (at first every day, then every other day), the remnants after removing the mask are removed with a napkin or cotton swab.

Fresh leaf juice can also be mixed with raw egg white (1: 2). The duration of the mask is 20 minutes. The frequency and total number of treatments are the same.

A lot of unpleasant sensations in humans are caused by insect bites: itching, swelling, slight redness of the skin. For treatment, use various means, incl. and preparations from plants. The affected areas of the skin are smeared with a tincture of fresh flowers and raspberry leaves in alcohol or vodka (1: 5). As it dries, the procedure is repeated up to 10 times in a row. You can apply a cotton swab moistened with tincture to the bite site for 10-15 minutes.

Raspberry fruit how medicine widely used in medicine and now. Dried fruits and raspberry jam are considered a powerful diaphoretic and antipyretic agent. Fresh fruits have an antiscorbutic effect. Diaphoretic and antipyretic properties are characterized not only by berries, but also tops of plants and leaves used in the form of a decoction. Decoction or fresh infusion of leaves (1:20) gargle with cough and sore throat. They are used internally for acute diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, respiratory system, skin diseases (rash, acne, dermatitis, etc.).

Raspberry leaves, along with fruits, are part of diaphoretic fees, are used as a surrogate for tea, and with raspberry syrup they improve the taste of children's medicines. Fresh fruits are good at quenching thirst and improving digestion, so they are often used in dietary nutrition, especially for children. However, due to the high content of purine bases in raspberries, it is undesirable in the diet of patients with gout and nephritis.

For internal use raspberries are used in the form of a syrup or decoction of berries (30 g berries per 200 ml of water) 2-3 cups or decoction of flowers (20 g per 200 ml of water) 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Externally, a decoction of flowers or leaves (200 g of raw materials per 200 ml of water) is used for rinsing or an ointment from fresh juice mixed with petroleum jelly, butter or cream (1: 4).

Picking berries Better on a sunny day after the dew has melted, otherwise the fragrant treasure will become limp and lose its medicinal value. Dry raspberries will retain their natural reddish color, specific raspberry smell and will have a sour-sweet taste if sprinkled in a thin layer on a sieve to dry and put in a cooled oven or oven. By weight, they will shrink more than 5 times.

The fruits of wild raspberries are more fragrant; when dried, they retain their shape better than the fruits of varieties of this plant cultivated in gardens.

Raspberries contain potassium, copper, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins.

Since olden times in Russia, they have harvested dry raspberries, jam for the treatment of colds as a diaphoretic and antipyretic. Infusion of leaves and branches is used as an astringent and anti-inflammatory for hemorrhoids, gastritis, enteritis, cough, sore throat, for acne, rashes, diathesis in children, decoction of the roots - for hemorrhoids and asthma. Infusion of flowers is used outwardly for eye lotions, with erysipelas of the skin.

Raspberries contain a large number of sterols, which are cholesterol antagonists, so eating berries prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

To prepare the infusion, a tablespoon of dry raspberries is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and insisted overnight. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day. In folk medicine of Belarus, berries and decoction of branches are used for colds. Berries are eaten with flu, loss of strength. A decoction of flowers and roots is drunk with leucorrhoea. Branches are used for coughing. Branches and berries are used as a diaphoretic, antipyretic at high temperatures (Ges, 1976).

Dry fruit tea- with angina, loss of strength, headaches, to improve digestion, stomach pains, anemia.

The leaf infusion is astringent and anti-inflammatory. It is recommended to take it for gastritis, enterocolitis, gastric bleeding and various diseases respiratory organs. It improves metabolism, therefore it is recommended for rashes, acne and other skin diseases. Infusion gargle with sore throat, drink it as a styptic.

To prepare the infusion, a tablespoon of leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes, filtered and drunk at one time in a warm state (Kuchina, 1992).

In folk medicine from raspberries are cooked syrup, which is used for pain in the stomach, to improve heart function, increase appetite. A decoction of flowers is used to treat hemorrhoids, erysipelas, and eye inflammation (Grinkevich, 1988).

Raspberry leaves have an astringent, antitoxic effect. An infusion of leaves is drunk with diarrhea, profuse menstruation, cough. It stimulates the smooth muscles of the intestine and uterus (Zhukov, 1983).

In Ukraine, berries, flowers, leaves are used for chronic rheumatism, measles, fever (Popov, 1973).

In Eastern Transbaikalia, the fruits, leaves, and stems of raspberries were used for neurasthenia and other nervous diseases (Fruentov, 1974).

Raspberry juice taken as a sugar reducing agent in diabetes mellitus (Sokolov, 1984).

Raspberry leaves are used for female diseases and as an anti-sclerotic agent for sclerosis and hypertension (Kovaleva, 1971).

An ointment made from leaf juice and petroleum jelly or butter is used for acne (Shpilenya, 1989).

In Tibetan medicine, raspberry leaves and wood are used for acute and chronic infectious diseases, neuritis, neurasthenia.

In the Czech Republic, raspberries are used to treat diarrhea and dysentery.

In Armenia aqueous extract of leaves used as a means of stimulating the central nervous system... Tincture of raspberry flowers is used as an antidote for snake and scorpion bites (Gorodinskaya, 1989).

Raspberry fruits are considered an excellent remedy for bronchitis, laryngitis and as an expectorant (Murokh, 1990).

A decoction of raspberries quenches thirst and has a sobering effect (Aleksandrov, 1973).

Preparation and use methods

1. Two tablespoons of crushed dry raspberry leaves are brewed with 2 cups of water, boiled for 10 minutes, filtered and administered hot for 1-2 hours (as a diaphoretic).

2. The broth, prepared in the above described way, rinse the mouth and throat with sore throat.

3. Two tablespoons of dry berries are poured with 2 cups of boiling water, infused for 2 hours, filtered. Assign 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Raspberry tea drink with scurvy (Sviridonov, 1992).

In Bulgaria decoction of raspberry roots used for ascites. Leaves - for hemorrhages, dermatitis (infusion in olive oil).

The fruits are used as expectorant for pneumonia, anemia, conjunctivitis ("Plant Resources", 1987).

Raspberry mousse: Rinse 4 cups of raspberries in a sieve under the tap and rub. Pour the pomace with a liter of water, boil, strain, add a glass of granulated sugar and a tablespoon of gelatin, bring to a boil and combine with the grated berry, pour into cups, cool.

Raspberry with cream: For 2 cups of raspberry juice, take half a cup of powdered sugar, 2 cups of cream. Pre-beat the cream with sugar. Pour into glasses, adding a few raspberries each.

Cream "Northern": Put ice cream (1/2 volume), a tablespoon of cranberries, the same amount of raspberry syrup in glasses and top up with sparkling water. Serve without mixing.

Tea with raspberry leaves: for a cold, take 2 tablespoons of leaves and twigs, on which the berries were removed (tops). Brew, let stand for 30 minutes. Drink in portions throughout the day.

Common raspberry (Rubus idaeus).

Description. Deciduous spiny dwarf shrub of the Rosaceae family. It has a perennial winding rhizome with adventitious roots that form a branched root system.
The rhizome starts up erect shoots, which are herbaceous in the first year of life, Green colour and in the lower part are covered with soft spines. In the second year of life, the shoots become woody, become brownish, bear fruit.
After fruiting, they die off, and the rhizome lets out new shoots. The length of the shoots reaches 1.5 - 2 m. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, oval with 3 - 7 leaves on the petioles. The leaves are dark green above, whitish below, pubescent.
The flowers are small, white, up to 10 mm in diameter with a greenish calyx. Collected in small racemose inflorescences located in the axils of the leaves and at the top of the stem.
The corolla has 5 petals, which are shorter than the lobes of the calyx. The fruit is a densely grown drupe, which, when ripe, becomes juicy, tender, red in color.
Of the cultivated varieties of raspberries, there are those that have yellow fruits. In wild raspberries, the drupes are not tightly spliced, therefore they easily disintegrate. Blooms in late May - June. Fruit ripening in July. Propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings, seeds.
Distributed in the wild in the European part of the CIS. It grows in forest glades, clearings, clearings, along ravines. Prefers moist soil rich in humus. The yield of cultivated raspberry varieties is influenced by the weather. Cold rainy or hot dry weather negatively affects yields. In hot dry weather, water the raspberries.

Collection and procurement of raw materials. Collection and procurement of raw materials. For medicinal purposes, the fruits and leaves of raspberries are harvested. The fruits must be picked in dry weather, after the dew has dried.
The collected fruits are cleaned of receptacles, leaves, separating spoiled and overripe. Wither in the sun, spread out in a thin layer on paper. Then they are dried in dryers or ovens at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C. If, when kneading in the hand, the fruit does not stain the skin, such fruit is considered sufficiently dried. Shelf life is 2 years.
Leaves and flowers are harvested during the flowering period, dried on outdoors in the shade or in a well-ventilated area. Their shelf life is 1 year.

The composition of the plant. Raspberry fruits contain up to 6% sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose), pectin, coloring, nitrogenous substances, carotene, organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric, salicylic), mucus, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins C, E, PP , some B vitamins, micro and macro elements.
Leaves and flowers contain organic acids, tannins, vitamin C. Seeds contain up to 15% fatty oil, phytosterols.

Useful properties of raspberries.
Fresh raspberries are not only attractive in appearance, they have pleasant aroma and taste, but also have certain beneficial properties.
Raspberry fruits have diaphoretic, antipyretic, antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antitoxic properties. They also improve digestion, quench thirst, and accelerate the elimination of alcohol by the body.
Fresh raspberries are a dietary product for diabetes, anemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, to improve digestion and increase appetite.
Many people know that for colds and flu, it is useful to drink tea from dried raspberries or with raspberry jam... Such tea will not only help to reduce the temperature, but also helps to eliminate toxins from the body, which are formed as a result of the fight against viruses and bacteria. Cleansing the body of toxins improves well-being and accelerates recovery.
The raspberry fruit contains various trace elements, especially it is rich in copper and molybdenum. Copper participates in many important processes of the body - in blood formation, the construction of proteins, the growth of cells and tissues, gives elasticity and strength to blood vessels, as well as strength to bones, as it is a component of the protein skeleton of bones. Copper also enhances collagen synthesis, which makes the skin beautiful and supple.
Molybdenum is responsible for metabolism, regulation of growth processes, maintains dental tissue in proper condition, participates in the production of hemoglobin and in the synthesis of amino acids, normalizes sexual function, affects qualitative composition intestinal microflora.
Fresh raspberries are used to prevent hypo- and avitaminosis, anemia.

Medicinal properties of raspberries.
Raspberry is both a food and a medicinal plant. The benefits of tea made from dried raspberries or tea with raspberry jam for colds and flu have been mentioned above. Raspberries will be useful for anemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, eczema, and to improve digestion. Raspberry is indicated for those who have suffered a stroke or heart attack and those who have high blood pressure, as it has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. You can eat as much fresh berries as you like (if there are no contraindications). The pressure drop can be long-term and stable.
Dried raspberries are part of diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, vitamin supplements.
In folk medicine, not only raspberries are used for medicinal purposes, but also leaves, flowers, stems, roots.

Raspberry leaf and flowers have useful, medicinal properties.
Raspberry leaves have astringent, anti-inflammatory, anti-toxic, hemostatic, blood-purifying properties; flowers - anti-toxic, anti-inflammatory properties.
An infusion or decoction of the leaves is used for coughs, diarrhea, enterocolitis, gastritis, enteritis, colitis, hemorrhoids, stomach bleeding, profuse menstruation, dermatitis, acne, erysipelas, skin rashes, menorrhagia.
Outwardly, the infusion of the leaves is used as a gargle for diseases of the mouth and throat (stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis); lotions - for skin diseases and hemorrhoids; douching - for the treatment of gynecological diseases.
Infusion and decoction of flowers inside - for respiratory infections, gastralgia, hemorrhoids. As an external remedy - for erysipelas, acne, eye diseases.
For the treatment of insect bites and dermatitis, an infusion of olive oil is used.

Dosage forms and doses.
Infusion of dried fruits. 4 tbsp. spoons of raw materials pour 400 ml of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes, strain, take 1 - 2 glasses hot as a diaphoretic for colds, to improve digestion, with head and stomach pains, loss of strength, anemia.

Infusion of leaves. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry crushed leaves pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain, take 1/2 cup 3 times a day. In the treatment of hemorrhoids and skin diseases, taking the infusion inside is combined with external use.

Infusion of raspberry flowers. 3 tbsp. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over tablespoons of dried crushed flowers, leave for 30 minutes and then strain. Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day. spoon.

Raspberry juice take before meals for 1/4 - 1/2 cup. The juice can be diluted in half with water. Juice is taken for diabetes, atherosclerosis, colds, fevers, prostatic hyperplasia, neurasthenia, infertility, impotence.

Infusion of leaves or flowers for external use. 2 tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 30 minutes, filtered. Applied externally in the form of rinsing, washing, lotions.

An infusion used to treat female inflammatory diseases and thrush. To prepare the infusion, take equally, 2 tablespoons of dry crushed raspberry leaves and medicinal sage, pour boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, filter. After cooling, it is used in the form of vaginal douching, the regularity of which depends on the degree of the disease (from 1 time in 2 days to 2 times a day every day). When treating thrush, natural Apple vinegar- 2 tablespoons per 1 liter. infusion.

Fresh leaf ointment. Clean raspberry leaves are ground, squeezed out, mixed with petroleum jelly or with butter in a ratio of 1: 4. Applied externally for skin diseases.

Contraindications Raspberries are contraindicated in patients with nephritis and gout. In some people, raspberry preparations can cause an allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes.

Common raspberry - Rubus idaeus L.

Family Rosaceae - Rosaceae

Botanical characteristics. Root-sprouting dwarf shrub about 1.5 m high. Stem shoots are of two types: one-year fruitless and two-year fruiting. Leaves are pinnate with 3-5 ovate, serrate lobes along the edge, whitish-tomentose from pubescence below. Flowers are collected in tassels in a paniculate inflorescence. Corolla white, numerous stamens and pistils, on a convex receptacle. The fruit is a rounded composite drupe, usually red (crimson), up to 2 cm in diameter, consists of numerous drupes and juicy pulp. Blossoms in June-July; bears fruit in July-August.

Spreading. It is more common in the European part of the country and Western Siberia, in forest, forest-steppe and mountainous regions.

Habitat. Among woodlands, along forest edges, in clearings, windbreaks, in mountains after fires, among bushes, on slopes. Forms dense and large thickets everywhere.

Procurement of raw materials, primary processing, drying. Fruits are harvested only in dry weather, quite ripe, without pedicels and receptacles. They are put in small, shallow baskets or enameled buckets, shifted with leaves or twigs, and, if possible, in short term delivered to the drying place. The harvested fruits are cleaned of leaves, twigs, as well as of unripe, overripe, crumpled and spoiled fruits, which, if inaccurate and untimely collection, crumple and deteriorate.

The raw material is dried after preliminary drying in dryers with a gradual increase in temperature (30-50-60 ° C), spreading it in a thin layer on a cloth or paper and gently turning it over.

Security measures. Raspberries are actively propagated by rhizomes and drupes. The plant bears fruit abundantly after 3-4 years. When collecting raw materials, you should not trample and break shrubs, especially annual shoots. It is advisable to actively introduce the plant into culture, including natural conditions... Freshly harvested raw materials are examined, separating mechanical impurities and damaged fruits.

Standardization. The quality of raw materials is regulated by GOST 3525-75.

Microscopy. When examining the surface of the drupe, polygonal cells of the epidermis with very thin walls are visible. Hair of two types: glandular with a short unicellular stem and an oval bicellular (rarely spherical unicellular) head and simple unicellular, very thin-walled. There are solid, more often broken off pistils with stigmas. The cells of the parenchyma of the fruit pulp are large, thin-walled, contain small druses of calcium oxalate. The mechanical tissue of the pericarp consists of stony cells arranged in layers.

Numerical indicators. Moisture no more than 15%; total ash no more than 3.5%; blackened fruits no more than 8%; fruits stuck together in lumps, not more than 4%; fruits with unseparated pedicels and receptacle no more than 2%; leaves and parts of raspberry stems no more than 0.5%; crushed fruit particles passing through a sieve with holes 2 mm in diameter, no more than 4%; organic impurity no more than 0.5%, mineral - no more than 0.5%.

External signs. According to NTD, the fruits are in the form of complex 30-60 accreted drupes, round-cone-shaped, about 1 cm in diameter. The color outside is grayish-pink (gray-brownish-crimson). The pulp is pink, the bones are dark yellow. The smell is pleasant, characteristic. The taste is sweet and sour. The quality of raw materials is reduced by the admixture of fruits, other parts of raspberries and extraneous plants stuck into lumps, as well as mineral admixtures, mold, rot, and crushing. The authenticity of raw materials is confirmed by characteristic morphological features.

Chemical composition. Fruits contain 2-3% organic acids (salicylic, malic, tartaric, citric), alcohols, anthocyanin cyanin, cyanidin diglycoside (coloring matter), purines, vitamins B1, B2, PP, folic acid, sitosterol, catechins, coumarins. Fresh fruits contain glucose (2.8-4.2%), fructose (1.3-8.1%), sucrose (0.5-6.5%), levulose, dextrose, pectins (0.4-2 , 8%), salts of iron, potassium and copper.

The leaves contain ascorbic acid (up to 300 mg%), carotene, some B vitamins and alkaloids, flavonoids, coumarins (0.3-0.28%), phenolic glycosides, phenolic acids, lactones, tannins. The seeds contain up to 15% fatty oil, phytosterol.

Storage. In a dry place, better in drafts, protecting from pests, loosely packed in bags. Shelf life up to 2 years.

Pharmacological properties. Raspberry fruits have diaphoretic properties. Due to the presence of weak organic acids, the fruits contribute to a shift in pH to the alkaline side, excretion of uric acid salts from the body, stimulate urination, and improve digestion. The salicylic acid contained in the fruit has an antiseptic, antipyretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Currently, raspberry leaves are being actively studied, their hemostatic property has been established. The raspberry leaf extract has a hormone-like effect on experimental animals.

Medicines. Raspberry fruits, infusion, diaphoretic fees, raspberry syrup.

Application. Raspberry is a valuable medicinal and food remedy... It is consumed fresh, dry and frozen. Dried raspberries are brewed like tea: 1-2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water. It is taken hot for colds as a diaphoretic. After taking the drink, you must go to bed. Raspberries are used as a preventive and therapeutic agent for metabolic disorders. Raspberries are used to improve appetite for diseases of the stomach and intestines. Raspberry fruits are found in many medicinal fees... For example, raspberries are used with anise seeds, coltsfoot leaves, linden blossom, taken in equal amounts (1 tablespoon each). From this mixture, take 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water, brew like tea, take 3-4 glasses a day. A drink is also prepared from raspberries with linden blossom, taken in equal parts (1 teaspoon of the mixture to a glass of boiling water). Raspberries are combined with coltsfoot leaves (2 parts each) and oregano herb (1 part). Brewed like tea, at the rate of 1 teaspoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water, take 1 glass 3-4 times a day.

What can be even tastier, and what is more important, healthier than raspberries grown in your front garden. This is one of the most effective medicines in the fight against many diseases, in particular colds. People have long used raspberries as a febrifuge. A small green bush with bright raspberry berries will look great on your personal plot... In addition, you do not have to constantly run to the pharmacy for medications, since you will have a very effective remedy.

Description of the plant. Procurement of medicinal raw materials.

Raspberry is a perennial branchy shrub of the pink family, reaching a height of one meter or more. The people also call it a cat berry, forest raspberry. The plant is endowed with a ligneous, sinuous, with the presence of multiple appendages and aerial branches of the rhizome, erect, prickly stem and bristly, green leaves of an oblong-ovoid shape.

Raspberry flowers are whitish, collected in tassels, located on the tops of the stems. Fruits are complex crimson-red drupes spherical with the presence of many villi. The flowering of a semi-shrub occurs in the month of May, and the ripening of fruits in the middle-end summer period... The plant is not whimsical and therefore can grow almost everywhere.

For medicinal purposes, fruits, young leaves and the rhizome of the plant are used. It is recommended to pick ripe berries in the middle of summer, around July (depending on the variety). This must be done with caution. Be sure to separate the fruit from the receptacle.

As for drying fruits, it is better, of course, if the process takes place outdoors. But, if you are in a hurry, you can use a special dryer for this purpose. Properly harvested and dried berries should not leave any staining marks on your hands. Fruits that have deteriorated, have turned black must be thrown away. You can store the berries for 24 months, preferably in a dry place.

Leaves and rhizomes must be harvested in August. By this time, they will have time to accumulate the maximum amount of nutrients and healing substances. The rhizome must be dug out, cleaned of soil impurities, small roots and stems. Next, rinse them under running water, cut and leave to dry in the attic or outdoors.

As for the preparation of the leaves, they, like the roots, must be washed and dried, and then placed in glass containers for storage. Rhizomes are best stored in paper or wooden boxes. The shelf life of the leaves is one year, the rhizomes are two years.

Raspberry - composition and medicinal properties.

This medicinal plant contains far from a small amount of nutrients and useful substances:

  • fructose;
  • organic acids: citric, tartaric, salicylic, malic, formic;
  • sucrose;
  • glucose;
  • pectin substances;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin B;
  • nicotinic and folic acids;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • micro- and macroelements: phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron;
  • mineral salts.

The rich composition endows raspberries, and in the future and medications a whole arsenal of properties. Raspberry products have:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • antipyretic;
  • astringent;
  • diaphoretic;
  • sedative;
  • hemostatic;
  • blood-purifying;
  • fixing;
  • antitoxic effect.

The use of raspberries in medicine

The plant is used to treat: cough, sore throat, female ailments, hemorrhoids, flu, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, lichen, pancreatitis, diarrhea.

The substances that make up raspberries contribute to:

  • normalization of appetite;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • cure a lingering cough;
  • decrease in temperature;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • elimination of gastric and uterine bleeding;
  • neutralization of insect bites;
  • relief from eczema.

The most effective raspberry-based folk remedies

Preparation of a healing remedy. This medicine is recommended for the treatment of colds, anemia, as well as to lower the temperature and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare the medicine, you will need dried raspberries. Take 15 grams of raw materials and brew in half a liter of boiled water. Set the container aside for thirty minutes, then strain. Drink 60-70 ml warm three times a day.

Infusion of raspberry leaves will relieve hemorrhoids and skin rashes. Pour 400 ml of boiled water over ten grams of dried, finely chopped raw materials. Leave the product to infuse for twenty minutes, then strain and squeeze the raw materials. Consume 100 cl of infusion no more than three times a day.

The same remedy can be used externally to rinse the mouth for diseases such as: stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. In addition, it is excellent for douching for female ailments.

Cooking infusion from raspberry flowers. Brew twenty grams of dried raspberry inflorescences in 200 milliliters of boiled water. Set aside forty minutes. Take ten grams of the medicine twice a day as a diaphoretic.

Raspberry juice will help in the fight against diabetes mellitus, colds, fever, atherosclerosis, neurasthenia, impotence and infertility. Take the raspberries, squeeze the juice out of them using a wooden mortar, then strain and squeeze. Consume 50 ml of the medicine four times a day.

Healing ointment for the treatment of skin diseases. Collect the leaves of the plant, rinse them, then dry and grind them. Squeeze the juice out of them. Combine it with petroleum jelly, mix well. Store the ointment in a cool place. Lubricate problem areas of the skin with this ointment.

Raspberry vinegar will cure a lot of problems. To prepare the medicine, you will need three kilograms of fresh raspberries, no less. Squeeze the juice out of the berries, then pour it into containers, preferably three-liter glass jars... How larger area contact of juice with air is better. Cover the containers with gauze and leave in a dark place for five days. As soon as you see a light film on the surface of the liquid, pour the component of all the cans into one. Now you need to fill the container to the top, and cover the neck with gauze and leave the product for a month in dark place... When the vinegar is ready (after thirty days), pour it into the dark glass bottles then close tightly. Store in the refrigerator.

You can add it to tea, soup, or salad (ten grams each). This is an excellent and, importantly, environmentally friendly product that helps to normalize metabolic processes.

Treatment with infusion of allergies. Brew ten grams of plant inflorescences in half a glass of boiled water, leave the product for two hours. Take five grams of the medicine three times a day.

Purulent otitis media: treatment with infusion of rhizomes. Brew the dried and chopped raspberry roots in boiled, slightly cooled water. Leave it to sit for a day. Drink one hundred milliliters of the drug twice a day. The duration of the course is thirty days.

Bronchial asthma: raspberry treatment. Boil ten grams of dried, finely chopped rhizomes with 200 ml of boiling water, place on the stove and boil over low heat for fifteen minutes. Let the product steep a little. Consume a third of the glass between sitting at the table.

Treatment of fibroids, adnexitis, endometritis. The following plants: raspberries, acacia, nettle, oregano, blackberry leaves, yarrow, calendula, mistletoe, chamomile and oak bark, chop and mix thoroughly. Brew 20 g of the mixture in a liter of boiling water. Take a third of a glass twice a day.

1. Description of the plant.

The medicinal plant common raspberry is a perennial shrub up to 80 - 120 cm high. It belongs to the Rosaceae family. Raspberry rhizome is sinuous, woody with many adventitious roots. New shoots are formed from the root every year. The stems of the common raspberry are biennial. The shoots of the first year after planting are grassy, ​​green, covered with thin thorns, do not have fruits. The shoots of the second year of life are already lignified, yellowish, often covered with thorns, fruiting lateral branches grow from the axils of the leaves. The leaves are oval, dark green above, and whitish below, alternate, petiolar, drooping down and have 5-7 teeth. Flowers white, five-membered, small size collected in racemose inflorescences. The fruit is a red composite polystyrene, which is easily separated from the cone-shaped receptacle when the berry is ripe. Raspberries bloom in June-July, and the fruits ripen in July-August, that is, 30-40 days after flowering.

2. Where the plant is spread.

Common raspberries are common in the European part of the CIS, on Far East, Western Siberia, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia... It grows in the forest zone: in forest clearings of coniferous and mixed forests, forest edges, among shrubs, in ravines, along river banks. Grown in industrial gardens as a fruit and berry plant. It is found even in the mountain tundra. Also, it is happily grown by gardeners in their personal plots.

3. How it reproduces.

Raspberries reproduce in offspring. The rhizomes and adventitious roots of the plant form buds that germinate and shoot on next year... Raspberries are planted in autumn and spring by offspring. Immediately after planting, it must be watered and the shoot shortened by 50 cm. When planting, the bushes are planted at a distance of half a meter from each other. The recommended distance between rows is 60 cm. The shoots that have yielded a crop die off and must be cut out.

4. Harvesting of raspberries and their storage.

For medicinal purposes, berries, leaves and raspberry flowers are used. Ripe berries need to be picked in dry weather, sort out. When picking, transfer thin layers of raspberries with leaves to avoid crushing them. Further, the fruits are dried during the day and dried in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 C. There should be no caked lumps in dry berries. The fruits are considered usable for two years.

Leaves and flowers should be picked between June and July. After collecting them, they are dried under a canopy. They are considered usable throughout the year.

5. The chemical composition of the medicinal plant.

Raspberry berries contain pectin, organic acids (tartaric, malic, salicylic, nylon, formic), carbohydrates (sucrose, fructose, glucose), proteins, tannins, fiber, vitamins of group B, PP, ascorbic acid, mucus, fatty oil, flavonoids, carotene, acetoin, etc.

6. Application in medicine of a medicinal plant.

Raspberries are anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic for colds. Dried berries are found in many diaphoretic teas. Fresh fruits are useful for anemia, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension. As a sedative drug, common raspberry is used for neuroses, neurasthenia, as an astringent - for diarrhea. Raspberries are used to increase appetite for gastrointestinal diseases.

Medicinal infusion of raspberry leaves is advised for heavy menstruation, premenstrual syndrome, as a remedy that relieves postpartum pain and prevents miscarriages.

For rinsing the throat, oral cavity, with tonsillitis, stomatitis, for washing with conjunctivitis and acne, raspberry leaves are used externally.

7. The effect on the body of a medicinal plant.

Common raspberry has long been considered a medicinal plant and possesses healing properties... Raspberry improves the functions of the intestines and stomach, restores metabolism.
Medicinal drugs from raspberries are used as antipyretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vitamin, sedative, astringent.

8. Method of using a medicinal plant.

The berries of the medicinal plant raspberries are part of many sweatshops. Here are some recipes for decoctions and infusions for home use.

Infusion of raspberry flowers for colds, sore throats.

Pour 20 g of flowers with 250 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then strain and squeeze the raw material. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Infusion of dried raspberries as a diaphoretic.

Pour 2 tablespoons of raspberries with 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, filter, and squeeze the raw materials. Take a hot infusion, 2 cups at a time.

Infusion of raspberry flowers and leaves for external use for hemorrhoids.

Pour 10 g of leaves and 10 g of flowers with 250 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, then strain, and squeeze the raw material. Use a douching infusion.

Infusion of raspberry leaves for colitis.

Pour 4 teaspoons of chopped leaves with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain, and squeeze the raw materials. Take half a glass 4 times during the day before meals.

Decoction of raspberry leaves for external use.

Pour 10 g of chopped raspberry leaves with 250 ml hot water, bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Then cool and filter. Apply in the form of trays and lotions for acne or erysipelas.

Raspberry juice for stomach pains or colds.

Half a glass of juice three times a day inside.

Raspberry juice for sclerosis.

Consume 1 glass of raspberry juice every day.

Fresh raspberry leaf juice for freckles.

Use the juice of fresh leaves to lubricate your face to relieve freckles.

9. Contraindications to the use of common raspberries.

Raspberries should not be used for gout and nephritis.