Strengths of knowledge and experience. We recall extraordinary situations and analyze them. Personal qualities in a resume

Not everyone requires your resume to show your weaknesses. But if there is such an item in the form, then putting a dash will be a mistake. It is better to look at an example of the weaknesses of the character in the resume.

What to write

Please consider your answer before completing the deficiencies box. Don't skip it by any means. ideal people does not exist. As a rule, managers want to see how adequately you evaluate yourself. If you do not know what to write, look at the suggested options and choose something that suits you best.

The universal formula: select such character traits that are a virtue for performing this particular job, but in ordinary life can really be considered a human flaw.

You can write the following weaknesses:

  • excessive directness, the habit of telling the truth in the eye;
  • difficulty in establishing contact with strangers;
  • inability to be flexible in labor matters;
  • reliability;
  • increased anxiety;
  • excessive emotionality, irascibility;
  • love for formalism;
  • restlessness;
  • slowness;
  • hyperactivity;
  • fear of air travel.

All these weaknesses in the resume can become advantages if you look at them from a different angle. An example is restlessness. For a sales representative or an active sales manager, this can even be a plus. The same goes for reliability. For the manager, this is a signal that you may be the person who will do all the overtime work.

Linking weaknesses to the characteristics of professions

All applicants should think about how to correctly write my weaknesses for a resume. For example, a future accountant or design engineer might write:

  • incredulity;
  • excessive scrupulousness;
  • increased anxiety;
  • excessive demands on oneself;
  • straightness;
  • pedantry;
  • modesty;
  • inability to lie;
  • difficulty establishing contact with strangers;
  • pride;
  • lack of flexibility in labor matters;
  • adherence to principles;
  • overestimated sense of responsibility;
  • lack of diplomacy.
  • hyperactivity;
  • self-confidence;
  • restlessness;
  • impulsiveness;
  • the need for external motivation;
  • incredulity, desire to double-check and confirm all information.

Disadvantages for one profession can become advantages for another.

You can also indicate in your resume among your negative qualities:

  • straightness;
  • workaholism;
  • excessive love for communication.

Applicants for the position of manager need to prepare before filling out the specified column. It is better to think in advance what weaknesses to indicate in the resume. They can write about such character traits:

  • excessive emotionality;
  • pedantry;
  • love for little things;
  • thoughts about work, planning take up most of the free time;
  • increased demands on others.

A good example is the following:

  • inability to respond with rudeness to rudeness;
  • the tendency to make decisions based on one's own opinion;
  • mistrust of people and a love of confirmation of facts.

Some applicants choose to indicate that they:

  • overly trusting;
  • can raise their voice to subordinates;
  • straightforward, express their opinion without veiled embellishments;
  • quick-tempered;
  • always looking for confirmation of words;
  • have a hypertrophied sense of responsibility;
  • prone to formalism and pay too much attention to detail;
  • irritated by disorder;
  • slow;
  • do not like to do things for the sake of others.

For all occasions

Many are afraid to write about shortcomings, believing that the employer will immediately send their resume to the trash can. Of course, you should not be too frank, but you should not completely skip this section of the questionnaire. In this case, you can write about some neutral qualities that will not affect the work in any way. For a person applying for any vacancy, among the inherent weaknesses can be indicated:

  • fear of airplanes;
  • arachnophobia (fear of spiders), vespertiliophobia (fear of bats), ophidiophobia (fear of snakes);
  • excess weight;
  • lack of experience;
  • age (suitable for people over 40 years old);
  • love for shopping
  • sweet love.

This information does not characterize you in any way, it simply speaks of your fears or small weaknesses.

The following shortcomings can be stated:

  • I do not always accurately express my thoughts;
  • I trust people too much;
  • prone to reflection;
  • I often analyze past mistakes, focusing on them too much attention;
  • I spend a lot of time evaluating my actions.

These are negative qualities, but they should not affect the workflow.

Regardless of the position for which you are applying, you can write such weaknesses in your resume:

  • I get so carried away with work that I forget to take breaks;
  • I can’t build relationships with colleagues because I don’t like gossip;
  • I can’t fight back in response to a boorish appeal;
  • I constantly pass all situations through myself;
  • let people get too close;
  • I can't swear;
  • I noticeably worry when I have to lie.

Important nuances

Please note that there are items that are better left unmentioned. You should not write, for example, that you:

  • like to be lazy;
  • afraid to take responsibility;
  • do not like to make decisions;
  • not punctual;
  • are often distracted;
  • think only about salary;
  • love office romances.

For example, by writing about your laziness in your resume, you risk: the employer will decide that you do not want to work.

Are you looking for a job and want to find beautiful place? Then a well-written resume is indispensable. A smart approach is needed here. From the resume, the employer must find out all the useful information about the candidate, and the applicant is simply obliged to stand out from the general mass of competitors applying for a similar position. The qualities indicated in the resume are one of the steps to success, they play a decisive, one might say, decisive role. If you do not know what qualities to indicate, we will help with this, we will give helpful tips, recommendations.

The article will discuss what qualities to indicate in a resume, as well as strengths and weaknesses candidate for the position, what is worth mentioning, and what is silent.

So, we read carefully, remember and draw up a unique resume, having studied which, the employer simply will not be able to refuse the candidate and will definitely hire him.

What qualities to indicate in the resume of the applicant

Of course, it is necessary to praise yourself, but it is advisable to write the truth about yourself, otherwise misunderstandings may arise in the process of work, and you will have to blush and make excuses.

So, what the employer may like and what he will first of all pay attention to:

  • Increased sense of responsibility.
  • Discipline.
  • Punctuality.
  • Perseverance.
  • Attentiveness.
  • Sociability.
  • perseverance.
  • performance.

Remember, your task is to reveal as many positive qualities about yourself as possible that help you achieve your goals in your work. If you wish, you can try to somehow tell about yourself in an original way, but you should not go too far (see). Otherwise, the employer may not believe that the specified information about himself is true.

In addition to the above qualities, if necessary, include in the resume a number of non-standard, but attractive character traits.

What kind strengths nature to include in the list of qualities attractive to the employer:

  • Initiative;
  • Creative mindset;
  • Speed, mobility, activity;
  • Increased resistance to stressful situations;
  • Grammatically correct speech;
  • Good diction;
  • Confidence in your strength.

If you have at least a couple of these qualities, be sure to include them in your resume. With such a list, the candidate has a very real chance of getting Good work and draw the attention of management (see). A successful presentation of oneself never hurts, because the competition for prestigious positions is always high.

What weaknesses to indicate in the resume so that you are hired

Ideal people do not exist, therefore, in the resume, the applicant for a vacancy must certainly have shortcomings. It is important for management that a person is able to look at himself critically and evaluate himself quite adequately.

Let's take a look at several options weak qualities, which will not be able to spoil the reputation of the candidate.

  1. Reliability.
  2. Inability to sit in one place for a long time.
  3. straightness.
  4. Fear of air travel.
  5. Excessive craving for formalism.
  6. Inability to deceive.
  7. Increased activity.
  8. Distrust.
  9. Unwillingness to compromise on controversial issues.
  10. Principle.
  11. Modesty.
  12. Demanding for oneself and others.

These examples can be taken as a basis, and at the interview, the main thing is to show that you are ready to work and do everything possible for the benefit of the company.

Men and women, what is the difference between their qualities in a resume

As it has already become clear, a resume is in some way a visiting card of a candidate for workplace, so it must be written concisely, to the point, but at the same time capaciously and informatively.

Basically, the resumes of men and women are no different, but still there are nuances. Let's talk about the strengths and some weaknesses of applicants of the opposite sex, which it is desirable to indicate in a resume.

Strong male sides:

  • Activity.
  • Strength of will.
  • The ability to find mutual language with people.
  • Bringing what has been started to its logical end.
  • perseverance.
  • Conscientiousness.
  • Developed intellect.

What weaknesses to indicate in the resume of a strong male applicant:

  • Arrogance.
  • Selfishness.
  • Hotness.
  • Optional.
  • Disorder, carelessness.

Personal strengths of a woman:

  • Patience.
  • Determination.
  • Loyalty.
  • Cheerfulness.
  • Sociability.
  • Willingness to find a compromise.

Weaknesses in a resume for women:

  • Nervousness.
  • Sharpness.
  • Touchiness.
  • Vindictiveness.
  • Tendency to depression.
  • Restlessness.
  • Emotionality.

We found out what qualities indicated in the resume will surely attract the attention of the employer. Now let's talk about little tricks, or rather about how and what not to do when compiling a characterization about yourself.

Minor nuances when writing a resume

  1. Information must be clear and not blurry. That is, the applicant talks about everything and nothing. Try to present information concisely. And most importantly, indicate why you should be hired, how you compare favorably with the rest.
  2. Tell the truth. If the lie is revealed immediately, it will deprive the candidate of the opportunity to get a job. If the deception is revealed after the person has been hired, this will be an excellent reason to fire him.
  3. Literacy. If a candidate listed attention to detail and the ability to write without mistakes among his strengths, but at the same time made them in his resume, this will definitely cause bewilderment. Mistakes made indicate negligence, as well as inattention and disinterest in the workplace.

Now you know how to write a resume, and what qualities to indicate in it in order to become the first applicant for a tidbit, that is, for an attractive position.

The character of any person consists of strengths and weaknesses. Strengths character helps us move forward, solve problems, plan and achieve our goals. A strong person compares favorably with his surroundings, he is energetic and achieves great heights in life.

Personal qualities: strengths

The strengths of a person's character can be developed to varying degrees. But it is important that together they give a character capable of overcoming difficulties, improving, moving forward.

The list of human strengths includes:

  1. purposefulness- The ability to set goals and achieve them.
  2. persistence- the ability to follow a clearly defined plan, overcome all the difficulties that arise and not change direction.
  3. Strength of will. A strong-willed person relies in his life not on his desires, but on necessity. The habit of doing what is important, and not what you want, helps not only in activities, but also in relationships with people. People with good willpower are restrained, able to control their emotions and behavior.
  4. Self confidence- quality, which is a mandatory component. A person who believes in himself and his strength will perceive any situation as an opportunity to take a step forward. Self-confident people are less likely to experience depression and feelings of loneliness. They are more proactive and not afraid to take risks. Such people attract other people to themselves, so they are often good leaders and leaders.
  5. Sociability. The ability to communicate with different people is a good help in life and professional activity. A sociable person can not only find an approach to different people, but also can convince to accept his point of view.
  6. Optimism. A positive outlook on life is a good basis for building a strong character. An optimistic person sees a life lesson in any situation, for which he is grateful to fate. It is pleasant to communicate with such people, because their positive charge extends to the people around them.

Strong professional sides

When hiring, every employer seeks to find out the strengths of the employee. To do this, he can offer the applicant a questionnaire, tests, or try to understand the character from the interview. Most often, the employer wants to see such strengths of a person in a new specialist.

A good, well-written resume is a powerful argument in favor of hiring. It can be a serious advantage, so it’s worth starting your job search with compiling it. In the West, careerists keep resumes throughout their lives, and with advanced training or a change of job, they add new lines. A document providing information about the applicant prior to the interview is part of business etiquette which should not be neglected.

What you can and should write about yourself in a resume

There are basic points that must be spelled out. Indicate strengths in the resume, avoid unnecessary, only informative. A resume is a summary of skills and qualities. From the first lines, show that you are a person with a serious character, tuned to the result. So what is needed:

  1. Personal information: full name, date of birth, marital status. You can add a photo if you wish.
  2. Contacts. Enter your phone number and address Email at the beginning of the resume. This will make it easier to find them when they want to contact you.
  3. Desired vacancy. This item is required to be filled out.
  4. Education. Indicate all institutions, courses, trainings that you have completed. School, university, attended an NLP seminar - your knowledge base should be impressive. Be prepared to document each item.
  5. Experience. Have you already held a similar position? Please indicate this on your resume. To a person who does not have a single record in work book will be viewed with suspicion.
  6. Additional Information. Here you can talk about hobbies, strengths and weaknesses. Carefully select personal qualities for your resume. It will be a plus if they are useful in the position.

Professional skills and abilities

Describe yourself in your resume: show the employer that you are qualified for the position. Ownership computer programs, knowledge of languages, the presence of a driver's license - all this must be painted in this paragraph. Arrange the skills and abilities for the resume in order of importance for future work. If you have a specific, not very useful talent that you want to list, put it at the bottom of the list.

Personal qualities of a person

Education and experience are not the only evaluation criteria. Personal qualities for writing a good resume, although not mandatory, can play a decisive role in many situations. Imagine what kind of employee the director of the company wants to see? Do you have anything in common with him? positive traits, can you look competitive? Be sure to write about it, be sure to use your pluses!

Strengths and weaknesses of character

Properly selected good and bad personal qualities for a resume will help you get a job. If you cope with your duties, the weaknesses of the character will not be so important. Often the same trait becomes a trump card or interferes with work. Put your shortcomings in your resume as advantages, show your willingness to work on yourself. Purposefulness is a strength of character, which is valued in the team.

Positive features character for resume

Negative Traits character for resume

Ambiguous character traits for a resume


















A responsibility



good faith















Focus on results






What weaknesses can be indicated in the resume

The task of the employee is not to scare, but to show that you do not suffer from high self-esteem. Be honest, however, sharply negative personal qualities are inappropriate for a resume, you should not quote them. The second column of the table will scare away the employer. Character traits from the third will play a positive role for certain posts. Do not be cunning and do not try to present advantages as disadvantages. This will be conspicuous and convict of insincerity.

Examples: individualism is good for creative profession, helps to stand out from the crowd to the presenters or artists. Working in a team, on the contrary, one must be able to become part of the team and take into account the opinions of others. A pedantic nature will make it difficult to work quickly, but is appropriate where quality comes first. Modesty will prevent you from communicating freely with clients, however, with right approach put the company in a good light.

It is not difficult to learn about your shortcomings, they are pointed out to us with early years both parents and teachers. For some reason, much is given to merit less attention, and all the forces go to the fight against weaknesses. Awareness of your strengths is necessary not only to increase self-esteem.

Many people are well aware of their shortcomings. From childhood, they are pointed out first by parents, if the child does not meet their expectations, then by teachers, friends or colleagues. Some even try to get rid of them - these shortcomings, struggle with them, because they interfere with achieving goals, building relationships with people.

Constant focusing on one's shortcomings, self-flagellation lead to both the emergence and.

People think much less often about their strengths - virtues. But in vain. It is difficult for a person who does not know his own merits. One who does not love himself cannot sincerely love others, and therefore, live in harmony with himself and the world around him. “Love your neighbor as yourself,” says the commandment of God.

And despite the fact that this commandment is as old as the world, love for yourself until recently was considered abnormal and condemned. A person who declared that he loved himself was treated with distrust, calling him an egoist, because for years the attitude “Loving yourself is bad!” has been developed.

Psychologists say that it is bad not to love yourself, because a person who does not love himself is subconsciously tuned in to the fact that he is not worthy. He is content with what he has and does not seek to make at least some effort to develop and move forward.

“I am beautiful, I am strong, I am smart, I am kind. And I myself discovered all this,” said the famous Polish satirist philosopher Stanisław Jerzy Lec.

Loving yourself does not mean giving a damn about others and striving to grab more, even from someone else's garden. Loving yourself is, above all, appreciating yourself. And to know your worth, you need to determine your merits.

Methodology for determining and measuring personality strengths

1. Define what character strengths are

To begin with, let's define what we mean by strengths of character, because each person has his own idea of life values. What character traits attract us in other people, how we would like to see ourselves, what we do not like in ourselves and others, and unhappy - we rarely think about these questions. But by answering them, we can get to know ourselves better.

Who is our hero - a cheerful extreme and the owner of several dozen different businesses, whose creed is expressed in the title of his book "", or creative, or beloved aunt who became a volunteer in a children's hospital?

2. Involve friends and family

If it is difficult for us to determine our strengths ourselves (excessive modesty does not allow), we can resort to the help of relatives, friends, colleagues, whose assessments we trust. After all, from the outside, as they say, you know better.

Each of them can be asked to think and answer the question of what they like most about us, why they love and appreciate us. Let them also answer what talents they think we have.

The answers should not be abstract, but specific - indicating the situation when they noticed these virtues and abilities in us.

It is best to conduct such a test not “eye to eye”, but through e-mail: firstly, our friends will have time to think, and secondly, in a letter they will answer more sincerely.

After receiving all the answers, they need to be analyzed and the main thing highlighted. For example, most of the respondents will note that we keep our cool in stressful situations, we inspire optimism in other people, are decisive and able to empathize - it means that we have the features of a born leader and we have something to respect ourselves for!

3. We remember extraordinary situations and analyze them

Let's remember the unexpected situations that we happened to get into and analyze our actions: did we lose control of ourselves or kept ourselves in control, did we try to influence the course of events or retreated in the face of unforeseen circumstances, did we show firmness and make the right decision or retreated, shifting responsibility on others.

The more such situations we remember and consider our behavior in them, the more detailed our “portrait” will turn out. Situations are not necessarily extreme, but they must be extraordinary, requiring a quick decision.

But just as badly many know themselves. It's easy to say: "Here I would be in his place ...", but when you really find yourself "in his place", sometimes you do amazing things for yourself. And you will know yourself - the real one.

4. We resort to the help of tests

You can also get to know yourself better with the help of tests compiled by professionals. It is desirable that they contain as many questions as possible.

At first glance, this occupation seems frivolous. Obviously, because tests are often found in glossy publications and for the most part are joking. Believing in these tests is like believing in magazine horoscopes.

A whole army of psychologists is working on the creation of professional tests, so they are used by recruiting agencies that provide high-quality recruitment services. Thanks to such tests, you can get a complete psychological characteristics each person.

There are professional ones on the Internet: they allow, (IQ), etc. There is also a test to determine the type of personality, temperament, character, properties of the nervous system.

For example, the Cattell test, or 16-factor questionnaire, is a psychodiagnostic technique developed under the guidance of the British and American psychologist Raymond Bernard Cattell. This test, created in the middle of the last century, is considered one of the best - it is still used in the selection of personnel for companies, enterprises and organizations. It allows you to determine the main features and abilities of the individual.

With the help of the G. Eysenck test, you can test your intellectual abilities (), which is designed for people aged 18–50 with a secondary education (and above).

To understand what we value most, it is worth answering a simple question: there was a fire in our house, relatives and pets are already out of danger (documents too), and we have time left to save one more thing from the fire - about what would we think and why?

5. Getting out of your comfort zone

We will never know about our strengths and weaknesses, if not, which we cherish so much. It is in change that we find ourselves.

We strive for stability, but stability sometimes turns into monotony: the same road to work and home, the same people around us, the same situations - Life is going, as if on knurled, on autopilot, almost at the level of unconditioned reflexes.

Well, how can we find out what we are really capable of? Maybe we are talented, kind-hearted, resourceful, courageous, but we will never discover these qualities in ourselves and will remain an unread book for ourselves if we do not decide to change.

The hero of one film said: "I'm afraid of change ... But I take a step forward, towards them, because without them it's impossible to grow up and know yourself - the real one."

Strengths According to Gallup Researchers

  1. Adaptability (change yourself depending on the requirements environment, adaptation, flexibility).
  2. Activation (energy to get down to business and get it done).
  3. Analytical thinking (understanding cause and effect, critical thinking).
  4. Faith (the presence of deeply rooted values, ideas, the search for the meaning of life).
  5. Inclusion (helping others become whole and successful).
  6. Imagination (creativity, originality, new ideas and concepts).
  7. Harmony (ability to find common ground, avoidance of conflicts).
  8. Discipline (organization, ability to keep within time, order and structure).
  9. Achievement (pursuit of goals, performance, satisfaction from what has been achieved).
  10. Significance (great desire for recognition, hard work).
  11. Individualization (perception of other people as individuals and recognition of their talents, attention to differences).
  12. Intelligence (the ability to think in many directions, intellectual discussions, decisions).
  13. Information (active acquisition of knowledge, curiosity).
  14. Correction (recognition of problems and the ability to solve them).
  15. Communication (explanation, clarification, ability to speak well).
  16. Competition (hard work to achieve a high result, success, desire to win, comparison with others).
  17. Context (to see historical parallels, objectively assess what is happening).
  18. Maximalism (increase in personal and group skill level).
  19. Learning (enjoying the learning process, focusing on improvement).
  20. Orientation to the future (focus on the future, the ability to see opportunities, motivate others to act).
  21. Responsibility (to be someone you can rely on, many duties and obligations).
  22. Relationships (establishing close relationships with people).
  23. Positivity (enthusiasm, optimism, excitement, stimulating others).
  24. Consistency (equal treatment, fairness, preoccupation with good and evil).
  25. Development (seeing the potential in others and helping them develop it).
  26. discretion (acceptance) right decisions, thoroughness, consideration of all options).
  27. Leadership (the ability to cope with conflicts and crises, the ability to bear responsibility).
  28. Self-affirmation (self-confidence, independence of thinking).
  29. Connectivity (connection of ideas or events into a meaningful whole).
  30. Strategy (seeing the pros and cons, understanding the situation as a whole, developing an adequate action plan).
  31. Focused (prioritization, direction setting, efficiency).
  32. The ability to win over (quickly establishing contact with people, creating groups / relationships).
  33. Ordering (organization, coordination, definition right combination people and resources).
  34. Empathy (understanding others, establishing supportive relationships).