The most peaceful profession. For those who dream of a quiet job: Which job is the most peaceful in the world?

Every person after graduating from school thinks about choosing a profession to which he will devote his life. For many, the main selection criterion is the prestige and high pay of the future specialty, but there are people who dream of getting the most relaxed job. Researchers have compiled a ranking to determine which is the quietest job in the world. It includes professions that require minimal nervous tension.

The last place in the list of the quietest professions is given to a researcher. People doing mental labor, are focused on their area of ​​research and are not exposed to psychological pressure that representatives of other professions have to face. Scientists work in comfortable conditions, have a good level of earnings, long vacations and other privileges. They do not need to physically work, which minimizes injury at work. Being “not of this world,” scientists move science forward and see their purpose only in this.

The profession of a librarian is also included in the list of the most peaceful jobs. For the man who doesn't dream of career ladder, loves silence and good books, this profession is ideal. Library visitors are mostly educated and polite people, so conflict situations Rarely occur in this type of work. The librarian’s activities are predictable, and his mistakes do not cause serious consequences for the people around him, so he remains completely calm at work. Being surrounded interesting books, he gets the opportunity to constantly expand his horizons.

Jewelry master ranks third in the list of the quietest professions. Jewelers perform creative work that brings real aesthetic pleasure. Working in workshops, they are freed from the need for constant communication with people, which protects them from many stressful situations. The profession of a jeweler is one of the highest paid, therefore, by choosing it, a person will not only keep his nervous system healthy, but will also significantly improve his financial condition.

Second place in the ranking of quiet professions is occupied by laboratory assistants at medical institutions. Their range of responsibilities is strictly limited, so they have no need to be distracted by extraneous matters during the work process. Laboratory assistants are engaged in deciphering tests and are not responsible for human health, which relieves them of the worries that other health workers are subject to.

The profession of forester tops the list. People who devote their lives to protecting forests spend almost all day in nature, thanks to which they are distinguished not only excellent health, but also strong nerves.

Foresters have a free work schedule, which gives them the opportunity to do other things in addition to their professional duties. An undoubted advantage of the profession is the distance from people who are often sources of stressful situations.

The quiet work that many people dream of is not a fantasy at all. If a person wants to find an activity that will save his nerves and bring moral satisfaction, he should make his choice in favor of one of the least stressful professions. Having mastered it, he will avoid a lot of conflicts associated with the work process.

High-paying jobs where you don’t have to worry about it really do exist. Business Insider compared Department of Labor data on wages workers of different professions and a database called the Occupational Information Network about the stress levels of hundreds of professions. The degree of stress is measured on a scale from 0 to 100.

Here is a list of the 32 quietest professions:

1. Chemical engineer

Stress resistance: 71

Annual income:$103 960

Responsibilities: Design of chemical plant equipment and development of processes for production chemical substances and products such as gasoline, synthetic rubber, plastic, detergents, cement, paper and pulp. The principles and technologies of chemistry, physics and engineering are applied.

Required Education: bachelor

2. Civil engineer

Stress resistance: 71

Annual income:$87 940

Responsibilities: Perform engineering duties in planning, design, construction supervision and operation building structures, as well as various construction projects.

Required Education: bachelor

3. Dental hygienist (dental hygienist)

Stress resistance: 71

Annual income:$72 720

Responsibilities: Cleaning your teeth and examining your mouth, head and neck for signs of disease. Advice to patients on oral hygiene issues, working with x-rays.

Required Education: Junior Specialist

4. Medical scientist (medical scientist)

Stress resistance: 71

Annual income:$79 370

Responsibilities: Conducting research related to human diseases and improving human health through participation in clinical trials, research and development.

Required Education: doctoral or professional degree

5. Microbiologist

Stress resistance: 71

Annual income:$79 230

Responsibilities: Study of microscopic organisms such as bacteria, algae or fungi; studying the relationships between organisms and the effects of antibiotics on them.

Required Education: minimum – bachelor, sometimes – master or PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)

6. College psychology teacher (Postsecondary psychology teacher)

Stress resistance: 71

Annual income:$79 370

Responsibilities: Teaching courses in psychology different types. Can be engaged in teaching only or teaching and research

Required Education: doctoral or professional degree

7. Audiologist

Stress resistance: 70

Annual income:$77 420

Responsibilities: Provide assessment and treatment for people with hearing loss and related conditions. They can fit hearing aids and sometimes conduct research related to hearing problems.

Required Education: Doctorate and license

8. Ophthalmologist (optometrist)

Stress resistance: 70

Annual income:$115 750

Responsibilities: Checking your eyes for vision problems and diseases. Prescribing glasses as needed.

Required Education: Bachelor's, 4-year ophthalmology program and license

9. Art director (art-director)

Stress resistance: 69

Annual income:$101 990

Responsibilities: Responsible for the visual style and images in magazines, newspapers, packaging, and film and television productions.

Required Education: Bachelor's degree or work experience

10. Technical documentation developer (technical writer)

Stress resistance: 69

Annual income:$73 350

Responsibilities: Writing technical materials, such as equipment or application manuals and operating and maintenance instructions.

Required Education: usually a bachelor's degree (it is important to have experience in engineering or technology, such as computer science, web design or engineering)

11. Computer hardware engineer (computer hardware engineer)

Stress resistance: 67

Annual income:$114 970

Responsibilities: Research, design, development or testing of computer and computer equipment for commercial, industrial, military or scientific purposes.

Required Education: Bachelor of accredited program

12. Orthodontist

Stress resistance: 67

Annual income:$221 390

Responsibilities: Testing, diagnosis and treatment of dental problems and cavities, design of devices for the reconstruction of teeth and jaws.

Required Education: Bachelor, 4 years of dental school and 2-3 years of residency

13. Hydrologist (hydrologist)

Stress resistance: 66

Annual income:$83 440

Responsibilities: Study of water movements, solving problems of water availability and quality.

Required Education: master

14. Applications software developer

Stress resistance: 65

Annual income:$102 160

Responsibilities: Creation, development and modification of applications.

Required Education: Bachelor's degree or strong computer skills

15. Manager of computer and information systems(Computer and information systems manager)

Stress resistance: 64

Annual income:$141 000

Responsibilities: Setting goals information technology organizations; implementation of appropriate computer systems to achieve these goals.

Required Education: Bachelor

16. Insurance company statistician

Stress resistance: 64

Annual income:$110 000

Responsibilities: Analysis of financial costs of risk and uncertainty.

Required Education: Bachelor and certification exams

17. Operations research analyst

Stress resistance: 63

Annual income:$84 180

Responsibilities: Use of mathematical and analytical methods to help organizations identify and solve problems and make informed decisions.

Required Education: mostly bachelor's degree, sometimes master's or PhD

18. Law teacher in college (postsecondarylaw teacher)

Stress resistance: 63

Annual income:$126 230

Responsibilities: Teaching legal courses

Required Education: Bachelor and advanced degree in law

19. Geologist (Geoscientist)

Stress resistance: 63

Annual income:$105 720

Responsibilities: The study of the composition, structure and other physical aspects of soil.

Required Education: Bachelor, sometimes – license

20. Astronomer

Stress resistance: 62

Annual income:$110 220

Responsibilities: View, study and analyze astronomical phenomena, applying information to practical problems.

Required Education

21. Economics teacher in college (postsecondaryeconomics teacher)

Stress resistance: 62

Annual income:$106 980

Responsibilities: Teaching courses in economics

Required Education: PhD for most jobs, but a master's may be sufficient

22. Physicist (physicist)

Stress resistance: 61

Annual income:$118 500

Responsibilities: The study of physical phenomena, the development of theories from observations and experiments, and the development of methods for applying physical laws and theories.

Required Education: PhD for most jobs

23. Biomedical engineer

Stress resistance: 61

Annual income:$93 230

Responsibilities: Analyzing and solving problems in biology and medicine to improve the quality and efficiency of patient care

Required Education: Bachelor in an accredited specialty or Bachelor in a related specialty who has completed preparatory courses

24. Material engineer

Stress resistance: 61

Annual income:$94 690

Responsibilities: Evaluation and development of materials, machines and processes in production

Required Education: Bachelor's degree in logistics or related specialty

25. Political scientist

Stress resistance: 61

Annual income:$103 210

Responsibilities: Study of the origin, development and functioning of political systems

Required Education: Bachelor, later Master or PhD in political science or related sciences

26. Agronomist- mechanic(agricultural engineer)

Stress resistance: 61

Annual income:$78 490

Responsibilities: Application of knowledge of engineering technology and biology to agricultural problems related to power and technology, soil, conservation water resources and processing of agricultural products.

Required Education: Bachelor in Agronomy or Biology

27. Statistician

Stress resistance: 59

Annual income:$84 440

Responsibilities: Application of statistical methods in data collection and analysis to solve problems in business, science, engineering and other fields.

Required Education: higher education

28. Economist (economist)

Stress resistance: 59

Annual income:$109 230

Responsibilities: The study of the production and distribution of resources, goods and services.

Required Education: Bachelor

29. Geographer (geographer)

Stress resistance: 58

Annual income:$74 920

Responsibilities: Studying the nature and use of land surface areas, conducting studies on the physical aspects of the region, conducting studies on the consequences human activity in this area.

Required Education: usually - master's degree, in rare cases - bachelor's degree

30. Mathematician (mathematician)

Stress resistance: 57

Annual income:$112 560

Responsibilities: Conducting research in the field of fundamental mathematics, application mathematical methods in science, management and other fields;

Required Education: usually – bachelor or master, sometimes – doctor

31. Materials scientist

Stress resistance: 53

Annual income:$94 940

Responsibilities: The study of substances at the atomic and molecular levels, the study of their reactions with each other, the development of new and improved products.

Required Education: minimum – bachelor, more often – master or PhD

32. Fuel cell engineer

Stress resistance: 50

Annual income:$88 190

Responsibilities: Design, evaluation, modification or construction of fuel cell components or systems for transportation, stationary or portable applications.

Required Education: minimum – bachelor, often – master or PhD

Any job in itself is stressful. Some can handle it, some can't. Due to our psychological predisposition, some of us react more calmly to daily problems or some emergency situations. But still, it is almost impossible to predict in advance where the next stressful situation awaits you.

But all the same, you can choose a job “for yourself”. Every person nervous system is arranged individually, but you need to take care of yourself. If you are calm and balanced, then you are lucky, you can work in almost any field. But what should people who are naturally overly nervous do?
Choosing a profession that will provide you with a relatively quiet existence is a very real task. In 2008 year dr. Lawrence Shatkin (USA), who has almost 30 years of experience studying the problems of choosing a specialty and career planning, has published a book called “The 150 Peaceful Professions.”

“You should look for a job or professional niche,” Professor Shatkin notes in it, “where the stress level is below the statistical average. At the same time, we must not forget that the greatest psychological stress is experienced by specialists who, by their nature, professional activity have to accept difficult decisions relating to people's lives, as well as those who are responsible for human destinies."

The calmest professions

Each of us would undoubtedly like that, in addition to being stress-free, our work would bring satisfaction and provide career growth. Here are a few relevant examples.


The life of representatives of this profession is as calm as possible. They do not experience pressure from others and are not haunted by nervous tension. By the nature of their work they deal only with theoretical concepts, on which no one’s life depends. Of course, there are several stressful moments in this profession - the need to maintain maximum accuracy in calculations and a certain level of competition. However, work in this area does not bring even the most nervous people strong feelings.


This profession is for people who do not like contact with other people. The absence of this need significantly reduces the risk of conflict or stressful situation. In addition, foresters spend most of their working time on fresh air, which has a positive effect on physical condition and psychological mood. Having a large amount of free time allows you to engage in your favorite activities or improve your educational level.

Archivist or librarian

Absolutely quiet profession, which does not require much responsibility. A person in this profession is responsible for planning and maintaining order in libraries and various exhibitions. The main requirement for such work is a penchant for order. The level of stress is minimal due to the fact that the results of the archivist’s work are predictable, and the mistakes he makes cannot lead to serious consequences. Therefore, there is no need to be nervous here.

The most nervous professions

Recent studies have revealed the most troubled professions that require constant emotional stress. Of more than 7,000 specialties, the profession of a journalist turned out to be the most nerve-wracking. As the survey showed, almost half of journalists are constantly in a state of nervous tension. Second place in the ranking nervous professions occupied by HR staff and marketing specialists. Third place among the most nervous professions was shared by business managers and accountants. But among the most relaxed professions are driver, programmer, engineer and even security guard.

Work is very important in our life. Often it replaces communication with friends and sometimes even with family. But work is always associated with stress, and human body does not have unlimited possibilities. Therefore, you need to protect yourself as much as possible from nerves, especially if you are predisposed to this. Choose the most peaceful profession for yourself and live in peace and harmony.

A favorite job that you go to with pleasure - this is the dream of more than 70 percent of people who get up at the very early hours of the alarm clock and literally automatically “wander” to their stuffy, tired offices. Almost a third of your life is spent on work, and it is truly terrible when your whole life you do not do what you would like. How to find a job you like? What to do if you can’t understand what your inclination is? If you are asking such questions, then this article is for you.

Why do we accept jobs we don't like?

The roots of problems, oddly enough, always begin in childhood. Parents, for the most part, take upon themselves the right to decide who their child should become in the future. Undoubtedly, they are guided only by good intentions, wanting to give the child the best. But often they are the reason that a person gradually begins to hate his workplace.

Children are suggestible, and the advice of loved ones becomes serious instructions for them. Not everyone at a young age understands well what they would like to do in the future. And the instructions of adults are taken for granted. The child goes to the university chosen by his mother or father, then gets a job on their advice, and, in fact, becomes what his parents wanted him to be. And only later, some realize that all this time they were led by their relatives, and not by their desires. Yes, but changing everything is already so difficult.

Here comes fear, uncertainty or simple laziness, which become an obstacle to taking life into your own hands and finally starting to act according to your will.

But not everyone, realizing that they are in the wrong place, can understand exactly what they would like next. How to find a job you love, and is it so important to do what you like? This is what the next chapter is about.

What are the dangers of doing something you don't like?

Some agree to “not their place” because of a good salary or a prestigious position. Others may choose a position for its convenient schedule or location. Still others are simply led and act according to the instructions of their elders. But everyone faces the same fate: a feeling of dissatisfaction, lack of joy when thinking about work, frequent fatigue, fatigue, difficulty getting up in the morning, headaches, apathy, bad dream, a feeling of hopelessness, and as a result of it all – depression.

Psychologists say that if you don’t love something, then no benefits, be it a high income or a very convenient regime, will cover the negative feelings that a person experiences while doing it. Therefore, finding a job you like is good for both psychological and physical health. When work brings pleasure, the body does not feel tired, and it seems that energy reserves are endless. Difficulties become less significant, and stress is easier to bear.

How to find yourself

For a job to bring satisfaction and joy, you need to have a good understanding of what you would like to do. But the problem is that some people like too many areas and cannot decide, others, in general, cannot find themselves and no matter what they take on, they soon get bored with everything. There are several ways to help answer the question “how to find a job you love?” and understand yourself better.

  1. One of the simplest and best options for understanding what kind of employment will suit you is to do this: imagine the situation that you are very rich. You don’t have to work hard for money, and you have everything you need for a prosperous life for many years to come. Now think about what you would do for your own pleasure. Ask yourself: “What can I do to feel fulfilled?”

Some will probably think that in this situation there is no need to get carried away with anything. But practice shows that any person needs self-expression through some kind of activity.

Take a closer look at the thoughts that will visit you at the moments when you visualize such a picture. Perhaps you should seriously think about the field that presented itself to you if you were in the intended image.

  1. Try to analyze your talents and abilities. Think about what you do best, what things come easy, what you can do without special effort. When asking the question “how to find a job you like?”, just follow what your gut is striving for.

If you take a serious leadership position, but your mind trembles at the sight of indoor flowers and you are ready to take care of them for hours, you should not be afraid of such thoughts, and consider that this is not at all serious. Even getting carried away indoor plants can be developed successful business, becoming a professional florist or breeding rare specimens.

Do you find it much easier to calculate with tables and numbers than to find customers for the products your company sells? Maybe you should think about a career as an accountant?

  1. Another good advice How to find a job you like - visit a psychologist. A competent specialist will allow you to release into conscious awareness those dreams, aspirations and desires that may be hidden in your subconscious. In turn, this will help you hear yourself and understand what you really want.

Also, psychologists often suggest taking special tests that determine a person’s aptitude for certain professions.

  1. The human psyche is designed in such a way that we get much more satisfaction and pleasant experiences when we do something for others than when someone does it for us. A simple way to try to understand what activities will bring you joy is to think about what you can give to people. Surely you know how to do something that is in demand, that is needed, perhaps not by everyone, but by some. Maybe you knit beautifully, and there are always people who want to buy your product, maybe you draw beautifully or are good at repairs household appliances. What services would you be happy to provide to others? Seriously think about the answers you receive.
  2. Remember your childhood dreams. They are the best guides that can lead you to your favorite activity. Of course, many of your dreams will seem stupid and frivolous to you today, but try to highlight exactly those dreams about the profession that lasted with you the longest, and maybe they are still alive in you to this day. Think about it.

What steps to take

It’s not enough to just sit and think about how to find a job you like. Water does not flow under a lying stone and this is the truth. You need to start taking steps that will definitely lead you to what you want.

  • Drive away any fears associated with a change in activity. Don't worry about what people will say if you suddenly quit your office career and go into clothing production. Remember that this is only your life and only you have the right to decide what to do.
  • If you have a job, but you don’t like it at all, don’t rush to quit. Go to interviews, see what others offer, don't jump to conclusions. You can leave when, when choosing, you have no doubt that the new proposed place is better than the present one.
  • Just starting your working career? Go for internships at different companies. Even if you don’t earn money for several months, you can get a good feel for the atmosphere of a particular activity.
  • Don't be afraid to try new things. You won't be able to fully understand whether a job is right for you or not until you do it. If you dream of becoming a fashion designer, sit down and design a dress. If you want to have your own store, get a job as a salesperson and see if you like communicating with customers.
  • Don't neglect training. If you feel that you have enough knowledge or skills for your desired position, do not skimp on training courses. Investing in yourself is always worth it.

Remember that only what you love will bring you real joy, which will spread to all areas of life.

According to, university professors were recognized as the professions with the lowest levels of stress in 2013. What contributes to this? Constant expansion professional opportunities, low health risks and long holidays make this profession the envy of many. In addition, teachers work not only in classrooms - they also engage in various types of scientific activities, which makes their professional life rich and eventful.
In second place in the “peace rating” is the profession of a tailor. Of course, the pay level may not be as high as one would like, but the danger level is extremely low and there are no physical fitness requirements.

Representatives of what other professions are included in the list of the calmest?

1. University teacher.

2. Tailor/ seamstress.

3. Medical specialist/ receptionist.This employee works in the “office part” of clinics and hospitals, so his work is not related to responsibility for the life and health of patients. The result is a low level of stress.

4. Jeweler.Jewelers peacefully engage in creative work in their workshops, do not experience stress from constant attention, and true masters of their craft can count on high pay.

5. Laboratory assistant (medicine).These professionals do not need to be distracted from their primary responsibilities of reviewing tests, so their productivity levels are very high and stress is extremely low.

6. Otolaryngologist.These doctors have a pleasant working atmosphere, their clients are quite calm and balanced (often elderly people), and if they work in a private clinic, they always have the opportunity to set appointment hours that are convenient for them.

7. Nutritionist.With the fashion for a healthy lifestyle, the profession of a nutritionist has become more in demand than ever. In addition, the results of good work are visible quite quickly.

8. Hairdresser.A hairdresser almost always has a lot of different visitors, but this is one of the main advantages of the job, because many clients become friends. Work also promotes creativity, and this makes up for not much high level salaries.

9. Librarian.A more than calm atmosphere and unlimited access to a variety of literature - for a book lover it is unlikely that a more pleasant job can be found. Librarians also have a choice regarding places of work - schools, universities, district libraries, archives.

10. Drilling machine operator.Although this job involves heavy industry, it is safe. Operators have the opportunity to work at their own pace. Therefore, experts at write, this profession is one of the most popular in the industry.