Penoplex - what is it? Technical characteristics of the material penoplex Insulation penoplex technical characteristics thickness

If earlier the assortment thermal insulation materials was not rich enough, today buyers face wide choose insulation with different properties and performance characteristics. This means that a homeowner with any budget can choose the right option. Today, penoplex is rightfully recognized as one of the most popular materials, which is in great demand and occupies a leading position in the market of thermal insulation coatings. Today we will look in detail at what it is, find out where it is used and how this popular insulation is installed.

What it is?

Surely every person has heard about such a building material as penoplex at least once in his life. However, not every consumer knows what lies under this name.

Penoplex is a well-known trade name for high-quality extruded polystyrene. Today this material is the leader in the insulation market. They often cover walls, ceiling structures, roofing bases and even floors.

Features and production

Penoplex is high-quality foamed polystyrene. This type The material is produced by extrusion.

A similar production process was developed more than half a century ago in American laboratories. Thus appeared completely new material, the structure of which consisted of closed microscopic cells. From the very beginning, their dimensions did not exceed 0.2 mm. In a single structure, these components created a neat and uniform surface without potholes or differences.

The granules of this polymer contain a special additive that has a foaming effect. This component is combined with granules under pressure or under heating conditions to a certain temperature. The result is a mass that is then passed through an extruder.

Foaming components (as a rule, they are represented by carbon dioxide or a mixture of light freons) are non-toxic and absolutely safe from an environmental point of view. In addition, these components are not flammable.

When the manufacturing process is completed, all auxiliary components are replaced with air from the environment.

The result is high-tech heat insulating material with excellent performance characteristics. With its use, your home becomes much warmer and more comfortable - a comfortable microclimate is created that you don’t want to leave.

The main distinguishing features of penoplex are:

  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • good strength characteristics;
  • minimum level of moisture absorption.

As a rule, this insulation is packaged in film, which protects it from aggressive sunlight. Thanks to such packaging, such material can be stored without problems, being on outdoors. However, it is worth considering that even if there is plastic packaging, the product must be additionally protected from ultraviolet radiation.

Under the influence of UV rays, this insulation may lose the integrity of the top layer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Penoplex is a popular material that is in great demand. Its popularity is due to many positive qualities:

  • Penoplex is a hydrophobic material.
  • It is light in weight, so it is quite easy to work with it. Moreover, you will not spend a lot of money on transporting this material.
  • Penoplex has excellent strength characteristics. It is not so easy to damage this material - it is not susceptible to mechanical defects.
  • The composition of this thermal insulation coating is anti-corrosion, so it can be safely laid on bases consisting of the most different materials.
  • The installation of penoplex can be started in almost any conditions. You don't have to wait for the right moment to start installing the slabs.

  • This insulation does not attract the attention of insects and rodents, which are usually quite difficult to get rid of.
  • Penoplex is an environmentally friendly and safe material - it does not affect negative influence on human health.
  • Penoplex is easy to install. With a minimum set of knowledge, you can install this insulation yourself.
  • Many buyers prefer this insulation because it has an affordable price.
  • Penoplex has minimal water absorption.
  • Penoplex does not cause allergic reactions.

  • This material is quite strong in compression.
  • This insulation is universal - modern manufacturers produce high-quality coatings intended not only for walls, but also for floors and roofing “pies”.
  • Penoplex is not subject to rotting, which once again confirms its durability and resistance to wear.
  • This material has a long service life.
  • Such extruded polystyrene can be used both in the construction of new and in the restoration of old buildings.

Penoplex is not an ideal heat-insulating material. He has his own weak sides, which you should also be aware of if you decide to purchase such products for your home. Among them:

  • This material is flammable. It burns and actively supports combustion.
  • Penoplex does not withstand contact with solvents. Under their influence, polystyrene is destroyed and deformed.
  • Not all manufacturers offer penoplex at affordable prices. Many stores sell expensive products.

  • Another disadvantage of penoplex is its low vapor permeability (in certain situations). For example, if this material is installed incorrectly or exposed to unfavorable conditions, condensation may accumulate in it (from the outside). This is why this material becomes susceptible to the formation of fungus and mold. To avoid such problems, the room must be provided with good ventilation, otherwise normal air exchange will be hopelessly disrupted.
  • This material for high-quality thermal insulation cannot boast of good adhesion. It has an absolutely smooth surface, so gluing it to walls and ceilings is often not very convenient.

  • It is recommended to protect this thermal insulation material from direct sunlight. Under their influence, penoplex may undergo deformation or damage to the top layer.
  • To make extruded polystyrene more resistant to fire, special substances - fire retardants - are added to it during the production process. Materials with such additives become self-extinguishing, but when burning or smoldering, this insulation will emit black clouds of smoke containing toxic compounds.

Of course, penoplex has many more positive qualities than negative ones.

Many problems associated with this material can be avoided if it is installed correctly.


The main characteristics of penoplex include:

  • low level of vapor permeability, the coefficient of which is 0.03 W/mºK;
  • high strength characteristics (both compression and bending);
  • low level of moisture absorption - no more than 0.2-0.4% by volume per day;
  • low degree of vapor permeability - the coefficient of this parameter ranges from 0.007 to 0.008 mg/mh·Pa);
  • service life exceeds 50 years;
  • combustion resistance;
  • environmental Safety;
  • wide temperature range of application, which ranges from -50 to +75 degrees.

Thanks to its technical characteristics, penoplex has become a popular and sought-after material. It is difficult to damage or break. However, unfortunately, it is flammable.

Different types of penoplex belong to different classes flammability:

  • materials for roof insulation - class G3;
  • for wall insulation – G3;
  • for foundations – G4;
  • universal insulation – G4;
  • road materials - G4.

In addition, all of the listed thermal insulation materials have different compression densities, for example:

  • for roofing – 0.25 MPa;
  • for walls – 0.2 MPa;
  • for the foundation - 0.25 MPa;
  • universal – 0.2 MPa;
  • road – 0.50 MPa.

Extruded polystyrene foam boasts good resistance to various chemicals and materials. These include:

  • antiseptics designed to protect natural wood;
  • bitumen-based mixtures;
  • cement;
  • lime.

Penoplex can be destroyed foreign materials, which contain a component such as a solvent. Such products soften polystyrene, which then leads to its significant shrinkage.

When working with penoplex, you should avoid the following mixtures:

  • paint thinners;
  • coal tar (and any of its derivatives);
  • solvents such as acetone and ethyl acetate.

Brands and sizes

Currently, in the construction and finishing materials most popular and High quality products with the following markings are common:

  • 45 C;

Let's look at each marking in detail:

  • Penoplex 31. This is a type of material that does not have the highest strength characteristics. Such coatings are not recommended for use in areas where there is heavy load. As a rule, such penoplex is used to insulate containers and pipelines.
  • 31 C. Materials that have this marking also cannot boast of sufficient strength. They are most often used to insulate walls inside a home. This penoplex differs more from class 3 raw materials high level flammability.
  • 35. Thermal insulating material with this marking has good strength characteristics. In addition, it is characterized by excellent insulating qualities. Using such coatings, foundations, floors and pipes running underground are insulated.

  • 45. There is also penoplex marked 45. This type of material is used for insulating runways, arranging road surfaces. Moreover, such insulation materials are ideal for finishing floors in production areas and other similar premises.
  • 45 C. The material with this marking has almost the same parameters as Penoplex 45. It is quite reliable and durable. However, such insulation is more often used for finishing walls in industrial areas.
  • 75. This marking belongs to special materials that have a density of 40-53 kg/m3. Such raw materials are most often used in the construction of runways located at airfields.

Penoplex, belonging to the “standard” class with a density of 25-31 kg/m3, has the following specifications:

  • width – 600;
  • length – 1200;

Comfort type material (28-33 kg/m3) has the following dimensional parameters:

  • width – 600;
  • length – 1200;
  • thickness – 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100.

Foundation material with a density of 29-33 kg/m3 has similar dimensions. As for the insulation “45” (35-47 kg/m3), its data is as follows:

  • width – 600;
  • length – 2400;
  • thickness – 40, 50, 60, 80, 100.

These parameters are indicative. First of all, the sizes of extruded polystyrene depend on the manufacturer who released them to the market.

Nowadays you can find non-standard canvases in stores.

Types and properties

Penoplex is a popular and in demand material. It is represented by many modifications, each of which has its own markings and designations. Currently, there are several varieties of this thermal insulation coating.


The density of such extruded polystyrene can range from 25 to 32 kg/m3. This heat-insulating material is perfect for installation on external and internal floors. In addition, penoplex “wall” can be used in the design of partitions and plinths. Thanks to this material, the sound insulation characteristics of the room are increased.


No less popular today is a material such as penoplex “foundation”. Its density varies from 29 to 33 kg/m3. You can safely use this coating if you want to insulate the foundation and top part basements. This material is highly dense and water resistant. In addition, this insulation is often used for thermal insulation of septic tanks that have a significant depression.


Another common and popular material is foam roofing. Similar products are produced directly for insulating rafter or flat roof types. Also, material from the “roofing” category can be used to insulate attic structures. The density of this brand, as a rule, ranges from 28 to 33 kg/m3. This material is lightweight and does not place a large load on the roof sheathing.


Comfort products are in great demand today. Such materials have a density of 25-35 kg/m3. They are used to insulate walls in apartments. For example, this could be the area of ​​a balcony or loggia. It is acceptable to use such a coating in baths and saunas.


Penoplex "geo" is an alternative to materials belonging to the "foundation" class. Such coatings are more often used in industrial and civil applications. construction work. It is worth noting that slabs of this insulation are often used for cladding floors, foundations and other similar

"The basis"

Penoplex from this category has an optimal density that allows it to be used in a wide variety of construction work. Such insulation is laid on the floor, walls and roof bases. Penoplex “base” is popular due to its durability and versatility of use - it is often used in both civil and industrial construction.

"Pitched roof"

Penoplex “pitched roofing” was developed specifically for roof insulation. This coating is ideal for installation on the foundations of low-rise buildings. As a rule, this thermal insulation material has a thickness of 10 and 15 cm.


The name of this type of penoplex speaks for itself. It is used for insulation of plinths, facades, external parts of ceilings and partitions. This material has a special milled surface on which plaster can be applied much easier and more reliably. The thickness of the penoplex “facade” is 20-100 mm.

Scope of application

Penoplex is recognized as one of the most popular and high-tech materials, so it is used in many cases:

  • Like thermal insulation material used for insulating walls, roofing bases and floors.
  • Many buyers choose penoplex for foundation insulation.
  • There are also materials that are used for road construction and construction of runways.
  • Some types of insulation are installed in balconies, loggias, baths and saunas.

The main thing is to choose the material of the appropriate class and type.

What can be replaced?

There are times when penoplex is not available in stores for some reason. Slightly less often, consumers themselves refuse to purchase this material due to high cost or flammability. Many people wonder what can replace this insulation in such situations.

A good alternative to penoplex is a domestic material called “Technoplex”. This insulation is in great demand today and is a strong competitor to the branded products of the Penoplex brand. It is good because it fits seamlessly on bases made of a variety of materials. In addition, it can be safely laid on the floor, since it can be combined with a “warm floor” system.

Currently, Technoplex is produced using special nanotechnology. In this case, graphite is used, which significantly reduces the level of thermal conductivity of the insulation, but at the same time increases the rigidity and wear resistance of the plates.

This material has a silver-gray color, which distinguishes it from penoplex. However, Technoplex has the same positive qualities as extruded polystyrene. That is why these materials are interchangeable.

"Technoplex" is manufactured in a tile format. Such thermal insulation materials can have the following thickness:

  • 100 mm;
  • 50 mm;
  • 40 mm;
  • 30 mm;
  • 20 mm.

At the same time, slabs of such insulation are produced with grooves and tenons, with the help of which they can be easily and quickly assembled, forming a neat, seamless coating. Due to the absence of gaps on such an insulating layer, “cold bridges” do not appear on the bases.

After installation is completed, material such as Technoplex must be covered with decorative finishing materials.

This requirement is explained by the fact that aggressive ultra-violet rays can negatively affect the quality and integrity of the insulation, so it needs to be “hidden” behind other coatings.

Another popular analogue of penoplex is “Polyspen”. This insulation is also produced in Russia. It is currently available in three variations, having various technical characteristics, which include thermal conductivity, strength, as well as the level of flammability and compression:

  • "Polyspen 45";
  • "Polyspen 35";
  • "Polyspen universal."

This analogue of penoplex contains a fire retardant. Thanks to this component, “Polyspen” is less flammable. Such materials are produced in the form of slabs with a thickness of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 200 mm. Thanks to this choice, it will be possible to select insulation for a specific area.

Penoplex can also be replaced with the following thermal insulation materials:

  • Styrex. This material is quite strong and durable. Its thermal conductivity level is slightly lower than that of penoplex.
  • "Extrol". This is another one polystyrene foam insulation, which goes through extrusion during the manufacturing process. It has much in common with penoplex, but is produced in the form of cylindrical elements, convenient for insulating water supply systems.
  • Styrofoam. Foam plastic (without extrusion) is often used instead of penoplex. It is much cheaper than extruded polystyrene, but is less strong and durable.

If the insulation will be constantly exposed to high temperatures, then it is better to give preference to mineral wool. This type of thermal insulation material is one of the most popular and in demand today.

By her own mineral wool- This is a fibrous insulation of inorganic origin. This insulation has many positive qualities, for example:

  • fairly high thermal insulation performance;
  • waterproof;
  • resistance to aggressive chemicals;
  • good air exchange;
  • excellent sound insulation characteristics;
  • fire resistance;
  • long service life (25-50 years);
  • environmental friendliness.

Installation technology

You can lay penoplex on a particular base with your own hands. To do this, you do not need to have a wealth of experience and cunning knowledge. The main thing is to adhere to simple technology and use high-quality materials.

It was previously mentioned that installation of extruded polystyrene foam can be done both inside and outside the home.

Let us consider step by step how to install this material in all of the above cases.

Inside the building

Penoplex can be installed in the interior of the house. All work is done as follows:

  • First you need to carefully prepare the base for laying insulation. In this case, you need to remove the previous materials from the walls (any wallpaper, paint coatings and others), without missing a single section.
  • Next, the bases need to be protected from fungus and mold. If they have already appeared, then you should get rid of them. For this, it is recommended to use special antiseptic compounds. After this, it is worth carrying out sanitary treatment. To do this, you can use almost any product that has an antibacterial effect.
  • Pay attention to the evenness of the bases. So, the walls should not have significant differences and potholes. You need to get rid of any defects - level the bases, and then prime them with a high-quality composition.

  • Next, you can proceed to assembling the base profile. Such structures are most often used to facilitate the installation of insulation. In addition, the profile parts will protect thermal insulation coating from unfavorable external factors.
  • The base profile should be attached to the base using dowel nails. In order for the insulation to fit more tightly to the ceilings, they can be supplemented with spacer washers.
  • Be sure to ensure that the width of the profile matches the thickness of the penoplex.
  • Using joining plates, the final components of the structure must be joined to each other. Don't forget to leave a small gap between them (about 2 cm).
  • Now you can attach the polystyrene foam boards. Apply a layer of glue to the penoplex (around the perimeter of the slab and in its center).

  • Many experts recommend not saving on at this stage and thoroughly coat the entire polystyrene foam board with the adhesive solution. After this, the insulation must be pressed against the profile. If protruding particles of glue appear on the materials, they must be removed immediately.
  • If there are small gaps between the materials, you can get rid of them by filling them with inserts from pieces of expanded polystyrene. Not everyone uses polyurethane foam in this situation, since such sealing can cause cracks to appear.
  • After this, it remains to make the final fastening thermal material based. When the glue has completely dried (usually this takes about 3 days), work can continue. You need to secure the insulation with mushroom dowels. Hardware must be placed in the middle of the slabs, as well as along their perimeter. However, here it is necessary to calculate that in the end all the sheets of penoplex will be connected.

It is worth keeping in mind that insulating a home from the inside is not always appropriate or practical.

The main disadvantage of such work is the reduction in living and free space due to the thickness of the materials, as well as the profile design.


According to experts, external insulation of a house is more practical and convenient. At the same time, free space is not hidden, and dirt and dust remaining during work do not accumulate inside the premises.

For external insulation, penoplex with a thickness of 80-100 mm is most often used. The process of installing thermal insulation material in this case is in many ways similar to internal insulation.

First, the façade of the house needs to be leveled. If there are cracks or potholes on it, then you must get rid of them - repair them and then prime them.

Penoplex is glued to the facade base in the same way as for internal insulation of a home. Fastening to dowels occurs in a similar way.

If you want to plaster the facade in the future, then preparatory work you need to glue the reinforced mesh. If you want to decorate the house with siding or PVC panels, then you need to take care of the vertical guides in advance in order to securely fasten them. In this case, an additional layer of vapor barrier material is not required.

On the roof

Penoplex is ideal for strengthening the roof. Not only beginners, but also experienced craftsmen turn to this insulation.

  • Insulation boards can only be laid after they have been prepared frame structures roofs(lathing). On the lower section of the rafters near the insulated area, you need to nail a block. Its thickness should be the same as the thickness of the insulation. This part will play the role of a starting rail. This element must be placed at an equal distance from the edge (along all rafter supports).
  • Starting from the starting rail, you need to lay extruded polystyrene slabs. This should be done in a checkerboard pattern. The thickness of the laid layer, first of all, depends on the geographical location of the facility under construction. However, experts always recommend laying insulation not in 1, but in 2-3 layers. At the same time, it is very important to properly seal all joints.

  • In this case, the insulation can be secured using self-tapping screws with mushroom caps to make the structure more reliable. The seams should be additionally taped. After this, bars are packed over the insulation. They should be arranged from top to bottom. This way you will get a high-quality ventilated gap. It is needed for free air circulation.
  • After this, you should install the sheathing intended directly for installation roofing material. For this purpose, a structure assembled from bars secured in accordance with a certain step is quite suitable.
  • You can also use solid coatings made from OSB. Such bases are ideal for installing soft types of roofing. Thermal insulating material should be attached tightly to the ridge.

The gap should only be left when installing the roof itself.

Foamed polystyrene boards are used for cladding buildings on the inside or outside. The reasonable price and low thermal conductivity of Penoplex thermal insulation make this insulation one of the most popular on the market. building materials.

Characteristics of Penoplex insulation

Penoplex can be insulated from the outside and from the inside.

Extruded polystyrene foam is available in several types in the form of slabs. The dimensions of Penoplex insulation in length and width are practically the same. Their difference is in thickness (from 20 to 100 mm) and material density (from 25 to 47 kg/m3). The type is selected depending on the area of ​​use. For the inside of the house, insulation with a lower density is used than for the outside.

What are the advantages of Penoplex insulation? Material characteristics:

  • durability;
  • low vapor permeability;
  • minimal water absorption;
  • high strength;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • environmental friendliness.

A special feature of the material is its high thermal insulation qualities. How is this accomplished? This characteristic is provided by cells that are isolated from each other and evenly distributed throughout the entire Penoplex thermal insulation structure. They have a small diameter (up to 0.1 cm).

This structure of the material provides good strength, density, vapor permeability and thermal conductivity. It is quite easy to install, so you can carry out the work yourself. Penoplex insulation with standard sizes The slabs are easily cut into pieces of the desired size.

The main disadvantage of the material is that it does not accept interaction with chemicals and infrared light spectrum.

Any paint, acetone or gasoline can destroy Penoplex. One of the main characteristics of Penoplex insulation is its density. Depending on this indicator, the material is used to protect against cold:

If the roof is used as a pedestrian area, then Penoplex 45 will protect the site from destruction in severe frosts. After choosing the type of material, you can begin its installation. The process of installing Penoplex insulation in the photo can be seen more clearly.

Installation of material

Internal insulation of the balcony with Penoplex.

More often buildings from the outside. Therefore, we will consider the process of installing insulation on vertical surfaces, consisting of the following stages:

  • preparation;
  • alignment;
  • installation of slabs;
  • applying plaster.

Preparing the base of the wall begins with cleaning the surface from dirt and dust. If available old plaster, then it is also deleted. Then a layer of primer is applied.

Priming the surface is necessary for better adhesion of the Penoplex heat-insulating material to the wall. The insulation will adhere more firmly to the surface. A double coat of primer will improve adhesion.

Visible unevenness on the wall should be eliminated with plaster. To do this, a mixture diluted with water (the proportions are indicated on the putty packaging) is applied to the wall with a spatula. Wait until the wall dries completely. Then the surface is thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper.

After cleaning the wall, another layer of primer is applied. Installation of the slabs begins from the bottom, and they are secured with special glue. The weight of Penoplex insulation is small, so the adhesive composition is able to withstand it on a vertical surface. Then it executes mechanical fastening mushroom dowels. 5 fasteners are used per slab (4 in the corners and 1 in the center).

After installing the slabs, putty is applied. Penoplex insulation used for walls with a density of up to 33 kg/m. the cube is sanded with sandpaper for better adhesion of the finish. After the wall is completely dry, the wall is covered with any material. In the video you can see how to work with expanded polystyrene foam:

When choosing thermal insulation, you should pay attention to the fact that the properties of Penoplex as insulation are excellent for protecting any premises from the cold. High performance characteristics This material provides a comfortable microclimate in the house. And the ease of installation will allow you to carry out insulation yourself.

Due to the fact that the range of insulation materials presented on the building materials market is very large, each consumer can choose the type of insulation that is suitable for him.

One of these insulation materials is penoplex. This is a synthetic insulating material for internal and external insulation.


  • the insulation is resistant to mechanical stress - resists compression;
  • moisture-resistant material – does not accumulate moisture;
  • practically non-flammable - does not ignite;
  • the material acts as a sound insulator - absorbs extraneous noise;
  • durable insulation - not affected by fungus, does not rot;
  • Light weight - easy to install.

All of these qualities give penoplex versatility of use and allow it to stand out among other insulation materials. It is produced in the form of sheets, which consist of polystyrene foam pressed under high temperature.

Penoplex sheets have a little more weight than regular foam, but the thickness is the same: 20 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm. Most often, the thickness of penoplex determines the area of ​​its application.

Note: There are no locks for installation on sheets with a thickness of 20 mm; they are provided for sheets with a thickness of 30 mm or more.

Application and installation


The use of penoplex has fairly high quality indicators, but will not be available to everyone, since the price of such insulation is several times higher than the price of all similar products (foam 25 or 35 density).

To carry out the work you will need:

  • clean the walls from dust, debris and grease stains;
  • Using a facade roller or a wide brush, prime the base to strengthen it before carrying out the main work;
  • made on a special one and then fixed using foam dowels;
  • finishing For such a facade, after insulation with penoplex, decorative plaster is most often used - “Bark beetle” or “Lamb”.

All types of penoplex and any thickness are used for walls. The choice will depend on the financial capabilities of the consumer and the characteristics of the building itself.

Note: the insulation should be reinforced with a facade plastic mesh, which will hold the decorative finish and protect it from blowing off and chipping.


This insulation option provides:

  • gluing penoplex around the entire perimeter of the house at the base level according to the type of facade insulation - with glue, but with additional fastening with dowels;
  • after this, the insulation must be covered with a special insulation plaster, which can maximally isolate the entire penoplex from the effects of the environment;
  • The base is finished in a variety of ways: base siding, profile sheets, clinker tiles and even decorative plaster.

Take note: To insulate the base, penoplex with a thickness of 40-50 mm is used for maximum protection.


The most heat is lost through the part of the house that is closest to the ground - the foundation, so its insulation requires a special approach, and penoplex will be the ideal material for this.

The process of carrying out work on insulating the underground part of a building is very simple:

  1. Foundation – bearing wall house, which is located below ground level, is cleared of any remaining solution.
  2. Next, waterproofing is applied over the entire area of ​​the base insulated with penoplex. It could be bitumen mastic or dry waterproofing mixture. The work is best done with a wide brush. (On how to properly waterproof strip foundation with your own hands, you can read in).
  3. Next comes the process of installing penoplex - gluing each sheet separately onto the same mastic or special glue for insulation. Foam dowels are used as additional fasteners. The only condition is a continuous coating, which will complicate the escape of heat and prevent the accumulation of condensation.
  4. Penoplex must be covered with a waterproofing film and only then the accompanying drainage work must be carried out.

It is best to use penoplex with a maximum thickness of 50 mm for insulation.


This part of the apartment is responsible for preserving the heat that escapes through the balcony block, so you need to act here with all responsibility.

Work on insulating a balcony with penoplex is carried out in stages:

  1. Leveling all insulated surfaces.
  2. The foam is fastened by driving in fasteners - dowels for insulation.
  3. Before decorative painting Penoplex is completely plastered and left for 12-24 hours until the adhesive mixture dries completely.

When using PVC or MDF lining the process will be slightly different:

  • the penoplex is fastened by driving in fasteners - dowels for foam plastic;
  • foam sheets are very quickly and reliably fixed between the sheathing;
  • finishing the balcony with clapboard does not require an additional insulating layer.

Take note: To insulate the balcony, penoplex with a thickness of 20 or 30 mm is used to increase the usable area.


Extruded polystyrene foam occurs by joining sheets using existing grooves.

Note: According to the technology, the entire insulation is covered with a waterproofing film, which is very rarely done by craftsmen due to the inconvenience of installing the screed. Followed by reinforced layer– masonry mesh, which is laid over the entire surface to be strengthened, and everything is poured cement screed for the floor.

If you plan to install a wooden floor, then sheets of Penonlex are laid between the joists, having previously covered the floor with a waterproofing film.

Installing a heated floor with insulation such as penoplex is completely safe even without the use of additional insulation.

Insulating the floor in an apartment building will also create an additional layer of sound insulation. It is advisable to use insulation sheets of maximum thickness - 40-50 mm.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that such insulation as penoplex can be used in any premises and under any conditions. weather conditions. The described options are not all, for example, penoplex can be used to insulate even a garage. The only condition will be the thickness of the foam sheet, on which the quality of the insulated surface directly depends.

We bring to your attention a comparison video different types penoplex:

When it comes to home, the first associations, in addition to coziness, are also comfort and warmth. Therefore, insulation all kinds of and made from various raw materials will not cease to arouse increased interest among consumers. The use of this material is becoming a sustainable trend, so it is worth familiarizing yourself in more detail with the characteristics of penoplex and methods of its installation.

Penoplex plates

Penoplex is foamed polystyrene produced by extrusion.

  • The process itself was invented more than half a century ago in American laboratories. The result was the emergence of a new material with a structure of many small and completely “sealed” cells, no larger than 0.2 mm in size and forming a uniform surface.
  • A foaming additive is introduced into the polymer granules, which combines with them under pressure and when heated to a certain temperature. The resulting mass is pressed through an extruder. Foaming agents (mainly carbon dioxide and a mixture of light freons) are non-toxic materials, they are non-flammable and do not emit harmful substances. In addition, once the manufacturing process is completed, all these auxiliary additives are replaced by air from the environment.

Penoplex photo

As a result, a thermal insulation product is obtained with good performance for materials of this group intended to conserve heat. These include:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • strength;
  • minimal moisture absorption.

Such characteristics provide penoplex with a constant presence on private construction sites and large-scale industrial developments.

Plates of material are packaged in film that protects them from the penetration of sunlight. The original packaging allows you to store polystyrene foam outdoors. But, despite the plastic film, it is worth providing them additional protection from UF rays that can damage the top layer of insulation. Others special conditions storage is not required, because foamed polystyrene is not afraid of humidity and temperature changes, the main thing is to control the safety of the packaging.

Types of penoplex and areas of application

The five existing brands of this insulation have a fairly wide range of uses.

  • Penoplex 31 C has density indicators from 28 to 30 kg/m³. Belongs to flammability group G4. Applicable in the following areas:
  • insulation of foundations in horizontal and vertical directions, as well as roofs on a reinforced concrete base;

  • when laying pool bowls, utility networks, and insulating temperature bridges;
  • insulation of various underground structures - fire wells, storage tanks;
  • during the construction of local water supply and sewerage systems in private houses, provided that communications are laid in the freezing zone;
  • Penoplex slabs of class 31 C are also used when installing shallow foundations.
  • Penoplex 35 produced with a density from 28 to 37 kg/m³. Flammability group G1. It is used, like the above-mentioned variety, in the insulation of foundations in two directions, roofs (including both corrugated and pitched), cold bridges and utility networks. In addition, penoplex 35 is advisable to use:
    • when insulating walls;
    • when laying foundations as insulation under the sole;
    • in the floors of residential buildings, storage facilities, freezers and ice arenas.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that at the time of production of this brand of polystyrene foam, special additives are added to the feedstock at the mixing stage to increase the resistance of the insulation to combustion. Such slabs burn poorly and prevent the fire from spreading further, and when smoldering, they release only two types of gases (carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide), unlike a number of other insulating materials that “release” a whole complex of harmful substances and compounds.

  • Penoplex 45 C has a density of 35 to 40 kg/m³. Flammability class - G4. It is used for insulating foundations, roofs and floors exposed to load.

  • Penoplex 45. Density indicator from 38 to 45 kg/m³, flammability group G4. The scope of application coincides with the above types of material. In addition, it is used to insulate floors, foundations and roofs that can withstand heavy loads. That is, the material will not collapse when exposed to a load of up to 50 tons per 1 square meter.
  • Penoplex 75 not used in building construction. Its density of 40 to 53 kg/m³ allows it to be used in the construction of airfield runways and aircraft hangars.

Penoplex characteristics

  • The density of the insulation, depending on the brand, can be from 28 to 53 kg/m³.
  • Penoplex is recommended for use only in the temperature range from -50°C to +75°C. Compliance with operating temperatures guarantees that the material will maintain its technical characteristics. In case of violation this condition Penoplex slabs can become deformed and lose some of their thermal insulation and mechanical characteristics.
  • When choosing an adhesive composition, you should carefully read its instructions and read the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the use of the product for gluing polystyrene.

  • Penoplex extruded polystyrene foam boards have good chemical resistance to most substances and materials used in construction. These include:
    • wood preservatives (only for water based, containing no solvents);
    • bitumen mixtures;
    • cement;
    • lime.
  • Substances containing a solvent can have a destructive effect on penoplex, leading to its softening and, as a result, shrinkage of the material slabs. The group of substances with which contact should be avoided when working with expanded polystyrene foam includes:
    • paint thinners;
    • coal tar and its derivatives;
    • solvents (acetone, petroleum toluene, ethyl acetate).

  • Penoplex slabs do not pose a threat to human health and are not hazardous to the environment, which is confirmed by research and certificates for these products.
  • Penoplex material can be characterized by several other indicators.
  • Low thermal conductivity (thermal conductivity coefficient at 20-30°C - 0.030 W/(m×°C)). The indicator for this evaluation criterion is significantly lower compared to the average values ​​of most other insulation materials.
  • Tests of the slabs for water absorption showed that the sample immersed in water absorbed moisture for the first 10 days. And in a month it absorbed no more than 0.6% of the volume. That is, at first the cells located closer to the surface slowly took in water, and after they were filled, the liquid no longer penetrated. The low water absorption of penoplex makes it possible to use it in conditions high humidity without changing thermal conductivity. That is, foamed polystyrene can be used without additional waterproofing, unless certain environmental conditions require it.
  • In terms of vapor permeability, a 2 cm thick penoplex slab is equivalent to a layer of roofing felt.
  • It is able to retain its properties even with numerous frosts and subsequent thawings. Their service life is at least 50 years.
  • The extrusion method used in the production of plates results in a uniform and dense structure. finished products. This gives the penoplex consistently high compressive strength.
  • Many have already appreciated the simplicity and ease of operation and installation of extruded polystyrene foam. The material has no restrictions on use in any weather conditions, nor does it require protection from atmospheric precipitation. Easy processing and simple cutting with a regular knife is extremely appreciated by builders.

Penoplex video

DIY penoplex insulation

Extruded polystyrene foam, for all its versatility and remarkable characteristics, will become useless if the technology is violated during the installation process. Therefore, we will consider the stages of insulation with penoplex.

Installation of penoplex from inside the building

  • Preparatory work. Standard procedure for all types of construction and finishing works is also observed in this case. Be sure to completely remove all traces of previous surface finishing and paints and varnishes. You will have to get rid of fungus and mold with a special composition, and then it is recommended to carry out “sanitation” with any purchased products that have bactericidal properties. The surface should be as leveled and primed as possible.
  • Assembly of the base profile. The installation of this special design is necessary for a more even and tight fit of the polystyrene foam boards. The profile will also protect the insulation from external influences. Its fastening is carried out using dowel-nails, and lining washers will help ensure a tight fit of the canvas to the surface to be finished. An important requirement is that the width of the base profile matches the thickness of the foam board. Using joining plates, adjacent structural elements are joined together. Be sure to leave a distance of approximately 2 mm between them.

  • Installation of insulation boards. A layer of glue is applied to the penoplex along the entire perimeter of the material and in the center. Many professional builders advise not to save money, but to coat the entire slab with adhesive. After this, the foamed polystyrene is pressed against the profile. The protruding excess glue is removed, and it is better to fill small gaps with inserts from pieces of polystyrene foam that were left during trimming. Question about using for these purposes polyurethane foam controversial. Some craftsmen do not see anything wrong with its use, but there are opinions that such sealing can lead to the formation of cracks.
  • Final consolidation. After the glue has dried (about 3 days), work continues. With the help of dowels, the final fastening of the material takes place. Hardware is located in the middle of the slab and along its perimeter, but in such a way as to connect adjacent sheets.

  • Insulating walls on the living room side is not always appropriate. The main disadvantage is the reduction in space due to the thickness of the material. Therefore, the most common type of cladding is outside.

How to insulate the outside of a building with penoplex

  • This insulation method will require material with a thickness of 80 to 100 mm. The stages are similar, but there are some nuances.
  • The facade is leveled, cracks are sealed and the wall is primed as a “final” treatment.
  • Penoplex is glued as described above and attached to dowels using the same principle.
  • If you plan to finish with plaster, then as preparatory stage you just need to stick on the reinforced mesh.
  • If the final finish is presented with using PVC panels or siding, then accordingly you will have to take care of the vertical guides for their fastening. An additional layer of vapor barrier is not needed, and insects and rodents do not threaten foamed polystyrene.

As you can easily see, all the work is quite easy to do yourself. The situation is more complicated folds with insulation on the outside of apartments in a multi-storey building. In this case, you cannot do without the services of industrial climbers.

Thermal insulation of the floor using penoplex

  • One of the ways is insulation on the joists. This option is suitable for wooden houses installed on columnar foundation. In this case, there are slabs of extruded polystyrene foam in the spaces between the joists.
  • First, the old floorboards are dismantled if the insulation process is already underway. residential premises, and not at the construction stage. If you plan to return them to their place, then this is a good reason to examine each one for integrity and treat it with impregnation to protect it from rotting.
  • Installation of new logs begins with the outermost beam, leveling it, and then the beam is attached from the opposite end. Now, having stretched the fishing line between them, you can use it as a guide to install the remaining logs, not forgetting to make sure that they are positioned strictly in a horizontal plane.
  • On assembled beams the waterproofing layer is attached using construction stapler. The edges of the film should reach the middle of each guide.
  • Penoplex slabs are laid on top. It is recommended to place it in a checkerboard pattern. It is necessary to make sure that the composition of the polyurethane foam that will be used to process the seams does not include toluene, which can have a destructive effect on the material.
  • The final fastening of the penoplex occurs with the help of dowels, and the boards are mounted again on top.

Another installation technology involves insulation followed by cement screed. It is available for execution and repair work and during the construction of a building.

  • First, an even layer of gravel 30-40 cm high is poured onto the ground. It is thoroughly compacted, and sand is laid as a second layer (about 10 cm). The pressing procedure is repeated with him too. A reinforcement frame is assembled and filled with concrete. After the screed has dried, the actual insulation of the surface begins.
  • Waterproofing is easiest done from dense polyethylene.

  • Penoplex slabs, as in the previous version, are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. A reinforcing mesh is stretched from above.
  • After attaching the polystyrene foam, the screed is refilled. It is allowed to dry and the floor covering is laid.

The use of extruded polystyrene foam as insulation is a worthy alternative to any other way to protect a home from heat loss and create additional sound insulation. And although it has a lot of advantages, the main pleasant thing about using penoplex for many is still its availability and ease of installation.

Choosing insulation is not the easiest task. Some of them are afraid of getting wet (stone wool), others are difficult to work with (glass wool), and others have not yet found widespread use (foam glass). What remains is polystyrene foam. He is criticized for being unnatural and flammable, but in terms of technical characteristics, he is among the leaders. Moreover, extruded polystyrene foam (EPS), although more expensive, can withstand mechanical loads better than regular foam. One of the manufacturers is Penoplex, which produces EPPS. different densities and appointments. Its products are quite popular - it is one of the most famous brands in the country.

What is Penoplex and its scope of use

Penoplex (sometimes written “Penoplex”) is a thermal insulation material produced by the company of the same name.

The company "PENOPLEX" is a large Russian manufacturer construction and decorative finishing materials based on polymers. The company began its activities in 1998 with the launch of the first production line in Russia for the production of thermal insulation materials from extruded polystyrene foam under the PENOPLEX® brand.

The PENOPLEX company produces extruded polystyrene foam (EPS or XPS). This material is used as insulation. It differs from its cheaper analogue - foamed polystyrene (foam plastic, EPS or PPS) in its greater density, due to which it better withstands mechanical loads. Another one distinguishing feature- lower vapor permeability. Or rather, it produces almost no steam. And the main trump card is the best thermal characteristics. Penoplex 20 mm thick in terms of heat retention is equivalent to almost double the thickness mineral wool and 37 cm brickwork.

Penoplex is one of the most effective thermal insulation materials

These characteristics determine the area of ​​use of Penoplex. It is recommended for insulating areas where resistance to stress is important, and low vapor permeability is one of the requirements. More specifically, it is recommended to use Penoplex:

  • For floor insulation:
    • under the screed, on it, as an intermediate layer;
    • when installing a floor on joists (with some reservations);
    • thermal insulation layer under a heated floor (water or electric).
  • At .
  • Insulation of the basement of the house (if it is non-residential).
  • On roofs (ideal for flat roofs, green roofs, you have to be careful with the rest because it hardly releases steam).
  • Paths, platforms for gazebos.
  • Insulation of septic tanks, wells, etc.

Another area of ​​use is thermal insulation of facades or interior walls. But here you need to understand that due to the fact that Penoplex practically does not conduct moisture, you will need additional measures to prevent vapors from getting inside the wall. In addition, a well-thought-out ventilation system is needed to normalize the humidity in the house. And, in addition, you need to select the thickness of the insulation so that the dew point is inside the insulation, but not in the wall.

Optimally - insulation of a recessed base

If you prefer “breathable” walls and natural humidity regulation, Penoplex is not suitable for wall insulation in this case. It does not fit under ventilated facades either. The exact task there is to remove moisture from the insulation due to the movement of air in the ventilation gap. This material is not able to provide this, since moisture simply does not get inside Penoplex.

Types, characteristics, properties

  • Comfort. For insulation of walls, balconies, loggias.
  • Foundation.
  • Pitched roof.
  • Wall.

As you can see, the manufacturer clearly delineates the areas of application of the material. At general technology, they differ in density. The densest ones are for the foundation and floor, as they must long time withstand considerable loads. The manufacturer claims that the service life of Penoplex Foundation is up to 50 years.

Design differences

Some of the types of Penoplex have structural differences:

  • Penoplex Wall slabs have a rough surface; stripes are applied to the surface of the slab using a router. All this improves adhesion to the wall and/or finishing materials.
  • Penoplex Comfort is distinguished by an L-shaped edge, which during installation guarantees the absence of through seams.
  • Penoplex Roofing has a U-shaped edge, which increases the reliability of the connection.

General characteristics

Since the production technology of all types of Penoplex is similar, they have many of the same characteristics:

As you can see, according to temperature indicators, any type of Penoplex can be used in any part of the country - from the south to the north. Moreover, if you leave it to “winter” unprotected, nothing will happen to the material. This is not the merit of Penoplex, but a general property of extruded polystyrene foam.

What distinguishes different types

The manufacturer divided the types of Penoplex into areas of use. Their properties are optimal for a specific application. For example, the increased density of EPS required for a screed will not be needed when installing it on a plinth. Taking into account the fact that the price differs significantly, it makes no sense to use the “Foundation” brand for other purposes. But the difference in locks, with other characteristics being equal, can be neglected. Here we are talking about ease of installation. Although, this is also important.

Densityfrom 20 kg/m327-35 kg/m326-34 kg/m3from 20 kg/m3
Elastic modulus15 MPa17 MPa17 MPa15 MPa
Thickness20, 30, 40, 50, 100 mm50, 100 mm100 mm50 mm
Static bending strength0.25 MPa0.4 MPa0.4 MPa0.25 MPa

As can be seen from the table, Penoplex for foundations and roofs is denser, stronger, and better able to withstand bending loads. Designed for walls and the “Comfort” brand are less durable, since their area of ​​application does not require resistance to mechanical stress.

Low vapor permeability - good or evil?

As you know, the same property of a material can be considered a plus in one situation and a minus in another. This is exactly the case with the low vapor conductivity that extruded polystyrene foam is characterized by. Moreover, it does not conduct steam in any direction. Moisture does not penetrate from one side or the other. This distinguishes it from vapor barrier membranes, which may have one-way conductivity.

Where is vapor non-conductivity needed?

At correct installation(without gaps and cracks) with gluing of joints, EPS does not require the use of vapor barrier membranes. It hardly lets through steam. Neither in liquid nor in gaseous state. So the use of membranes and waterproofing is unnecessary. When using floors in a cake, this is excellent, because moisture usually comes from the ground. When using polystyrene foam, it does not penetrate either by capillary action or in the form of steam. In this case, this is definitely a plus.

These properties are also a plus when using extruded polystyrene foam in blind areas, under paths, etc. In addition to protecting against freezing, it does not get wet. This allows, with a competent approach, to get rid of frost heaving and make, for example, not a deep strip foundation, but a shallow strip or Swedish slab.

The use of EPS in the roofing pie of a flat roof is also optimal - leaks are minimized, and almost no heat is lost. When used on pitched roofs it's worth thinking about. The fact that Penoplex Roofing does not allow moisture to pass through attic space- This is good. But it will be possible to remove excess moisture from the attic only with the help of very good ventilation, which includes not only dormer windows. Will be needed additional elements on the ridge, in the plane of the roof. In general, given the cost of Penoplex, this is not always reasonable.

On the walls: yes or no?

Wall insulation with Penoplex is permissible only if you agree to do effective system ventilation, which will regulate the humidity in the house. In this case there are two options:

As you can see, there are options for using extruded polystyrene foam for wall insulation, but they are far from the best. Despite the fact that the material itself is good, it is poorly suited for this purpose.

And we must also take into account that the second option is only for non-hygroscopic materials. Such a scheme is very undesirable for wooden, frame buildings; it is poorly suited for foam blocks. The fact is that no matter how good the vapor barrier is, some of the moisture will still get into the walls. If the material is non-hygroscopic, moisture will gradually be removed from the wall during the dry season. With hygroscopic materials this process is more complicated. As a result, the wood rots and the foam block walls “bloom.”

Dimensions and weight, quantity calculation

Penoflex thermal insulation boards can be of different thicknesses, so the packaging may have different sizes, it may have a different number of sheets. It is also necessary to take into account that the dimensions of the slabs are indicated without taking into account the tenons/locks.

Name and thicknessDimensions (L/W)Amount in a packageInsulation area per packagePackage volume
Comfort 20 mm585*1185 mm18 pcs12.48 m20.273 m3
Comfort 30 mm585*1185 mm12 pcs8.32 m20.2704 m3
Comfort 40 mm585*1185 mm9 pcs6.24 m20.2493 m3
Comfort 50 mm585*1185 mm7 pcs7.69 m20.2429 m3
Comfort 100 mm585*1185 mm4 things2.77 m20.2772 m3
Foundation 50 mm585*1185 mm7 pcs7.69 m20.2429 m3
Foundation 100 mm585*1185 mm4 things2.77 m20.2772 m3
Pitched roof 100 mm585*1185 mm4 things2.77 m20.2772 m3
Wall 50 mm585*1185 mm8 pcs5.55 m20.2776 m3

There are two methods for calculating the number of packages: using the volume or area of ​​the package:

  • You know the insulated area, find the area of ​​the insulation of the required thickness in the package and divide the insulated area by this value. For example, you need to insulate 15 squares; you will use slabs 40 mm thick. The insulation area in the package is 6.24 m². We count: 15/6.24 = 2.4 packs.
  • To calculate by volume, multiply the insulated area by the thickness to obtain the required volume. Next, by analogy with the example above, we divide the found figure by the volume of one package. We get the number of packages of insulation. Let's calculate for the same case: 15 m² * 0.04 m = 0.6 m³. According to the table, one package of this material has a volume of 0.2493 m³. we find the number of packages: 0.6/0.2493 = 2.4 packages.

Penoplex for blind areas around the house and insulation of the basement is an excellent choice

If the number of packages is not whole (most likely this will be the case), some surplus will be created. If the surplus turns out to be large (as in the example - more than half of the slabs turn out to be unnecessary) and you have nowhere to use it, check to see if the seller sells incomplete packages. In this case, the calculation will be a little more complicated. You should estimate how many slabs you need in addition to the whole packages. For this:

  • Find the area covered by entire packages. For example, this is: 2 packs * 6.24 m² = 12.48 m².
  • Since we need to insulate 15 squares, we subtract the found one from this figure: 15 m² - 12.48 m² = 2.52 m². This is the area for which additional slabs should be purchased.
  • Area of ​​one thermal insulation board Penoflex is equal to 0.6932 m². If we divide the remainder by this figure, we get the required number of additional insulation sheets: 2.52 m² / 0.6932 m² = 3.63 pcs. It turns out that we will need 4 slabs in addition to the two packages.

With such an accurate calculation, it is better to take a small supply - one or two slabs. In case there was a mistake somewhere in measurements or calculations, somewhere the edges became wrinkled and other unforeseen cases.

Installation technology

When laying on horizontal surfaces - floors, flat roofs - the slabs are simply laid on a flat surface. The surface should be without sharp changes, the maximum deviation is 2-3%. This requirement must be met so that voids do not form. When laying, we monitor the joints; it is advisable to glue them (you can use tape) or fill them with the same foam/glue on which the slabs are attached.

If two layers of thermal insulation are laid, it is positioned so that the EPS slabs of the second row overlap the seams of the lower one. They also say that the slabs are laid with alternating seams or “staggered”.

When mounting on vertical surfaces, double fastening is used:

  • Glue or adhesive foam is applied to the plane.
  • Additionally fixed with umbrella dowels.

According to the technology for installing slab insulation on facades, umbrella dowels are installed at the junction of two sheets (any two sheets) and in the plane of the sheet - two more additional fastenings. That is, there are at least 8 fasteners per sheet (indicated in red in the figure). More is possible. Less - no. Unless, of course, you want the insulation and finishing to come off. If the winds in the region are strong, it is better to put more. To insulate the inside, you can install less (see diagrams below).

During installation, on the outer slabs and around openings, we install fasteners more often: three or four elements per slab. To keep the insulation rigid in the corners of the openings, a mesh is attached to it before plastering. It is attached at an angle of about 45°, securing the joint. Under such conditions, there will be no problems with finishing inside or outside.

If plaster, facade tiles, finishing stone and other heavy materials, before starting installation, care must be taken to improve the adhesion of the material to the wall and to the finish. Even if you are installing a Penoplex Wall with stripes, it is better to add roughness to the slab using a metal brush. And from both sides. If the wall is smooth, it also doesn’t hurt to add roughness - for better adhesion.