Minecraft android all versions. Download the latest version of Minecraft

A few months ago, the introduction of the Phantom into the game was announced, and today you can download Minecraft 1.6 on android and use the version for free without a license check. In addition to the Phantom, some other changes have been introduced to the game, which we will also look at in this article. You can find the game files at the end of this article, but before that, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the features of the release.

What's new in an update? Added a long-awaited mob for all. They call him the Phantom, and he spawns at night, trying to find players who have not slept for at least three days. Phantom spawns at a height of 20-34 blocks above the character's head, and then dives and attacks the victim, up to 21 blocks per second!

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Phantom - nocturnal creature, and therefore it takes damage if it hits a direct sunlight. While searching for prey, the Phantom flies in circles high in the sky, leaving behind a gray trail. During the attack, the Phantom can be stopped: stop or hit him during the attack, and then he will retreat. Like other night mobs, Phantom takes damage from healing potions and is immune to damage potions and poisoning.

Another feature of this release is barrier blocks. The barrier block does not have a crafting recipe, as it only available in creative mode. In the screenshot below you can see what the red mark looks like. As soon as you remove the Barrier from your hands, it will instantly become invisible. This feature allows you to easily create barriers, but do not spoil appearance your buildings.

Interesting fact: The barrier keeps rain out. This property allows you to protect any of your buildings from rain. First of all, this innovation should appeal to map developers. Like command blocks, Barrier can't be found in the Creative Inventory. To get it, you need to use the console command:

  • /give Steve barrier
  • Steve is the name of the player to give the item to

Using the game client requires a paid license. Our site offers you to use the game assembly without checking the license. Thereby You can use Xbox Live and play on official servers.

In addition to the innovations added, the game had many bugs fixed that made the game difficult. Among them, we have identified the most important corrections and bug fixes, as well as compiled a list for you:

  • Fixed many crashes that caused the client to close
  • Snow melts when it hits water
  • Improved MCPE client performance
  • Ifrits now attack snow golems
  • And many other mistakes

minecraft- Pocket Edition- a game for Android that impresses not with graphics, not with voice acting, but with its unique gameplay. Before you is a generated world from blocks, with which you can do whatever your heart desires.

The game has two modes: Survival and Architect. In Survival Mode, as in Architect Mode, your task is to build, but it includes a number of difficulties. The player must survive in this uninhabited world, he needs to get food, weapons and build a roof over his head, because when the sun sets over the horizon, various monsters begin to attack the player. So on the first day you need to build a dwelling, a small corridor from the earth, and already there to wait out the night.

There are no conventions and difficulties in the Architect mode, the number of blocks is unlimited, so you have complete freedom of creativity. The entire inventory in this mode is available by default, but most of it loses its purpose.

Minecraft - Pocket Edition is perhaps the most popular Android game. She became popular due to her unusualness and freedom of action. Among the shortcomings, rare updates and a significant lag behind the PC version can be distinguished.

How to play Minecraft. First day survival guide

After preparing the dwelling, you need to master three types of activities: craft, Mining and hunting.

In the pocket version of Minecraft, the process crafting greatly simplified, despite the fact that this is probably the most interesting and exciting process in the game. When you open the inventory list at the top, you can select the tab "Craft". You will see a list of items that you can create, and a description of the resources that you need for this. The created items instantly appear in your inventory.

One of the first items you craft should be Workbench, which will greatly expand the possibilities of crafting. To create it, you need to get wood(destroy a tree trunk) and then craft from it boards. From the boards you will be able to create a workbench. Using it is simple: go to the workbench and tap on it, after which the crafting menu on the workbench opens. Install this item in your home so that you can work at night. From the boards, in addition, you need to craft sticks. By connecting a stick and a board on a workbench, you can get what you need at first wooden pick. It is with its help that you will extract important resources and hunt. By the way, the pickaxe has degrees of wear, so it’s better to prepare several of these tools in advance.

Mining will expand the possibilities of using your workbench. It is better to get them close to home. The simplest, but very important resource - stone. It usually lies at a shallow depth underground. You will also be very lucky to discover deposits coal. From the same stone on the workbench, you will be able to create another important item - stone oven, or, for example, more wear-resistant stone pick.

The principle of crafting in the furnace is close to the PC version: after tapping on the furnace, a menu opens in which you combine two items: fuel and processing object. At the initial stage, your main fuel should be boards. In the oven you can cook charcoal (burn the wood on the boards), as well as food, but more on that later. The resulting coal can be used both as fuel and as a resource for creating new items. By combining coal and a stick on a workbench, you will get torch, which is necessary to illuminate the home at night. Don't be afraid to experiment with the furnace, it can be used to get a huge number of items that you will need in the future.

Food will be necessary for you to replenish health, which is consumed mainly in fights with zombies (well, in case of an unsuccessful construction process, of course). The easiest way to get food at the beginning of the game is hunting, although later your garden will become this way. Hunting in the world of Minecraft for Android is easy - wild animals will not even be afraid of you ... until the first blow. If you already have a pickaxe tool, it can be your first weapon. Find any animal in the area and kill it with a few hits of the pickaxe. Different types animals will give you different resources.

For example, killing a cow will add to your inventory list meat and skin. From the first you will cook steak, and the second can be used to create light armor. Killing a pig will replenish your food supply by two units of meat. The only resource you get after killing a sheep is wool. The resulting meat must be cooked in the oven. You can use a ready steak by selecting it in the inventory list and holding your finger anywhere on the screen for a few seconds. Other trophies from hunting are used for various purposes. For example, sheep's wool in combination with boards when processed on a workbench will give you bed where you can spend the night.

These are the main points that you need to know when starting to play this wonderful game. Then everything depends on you - experiment with resources and tools, build new houses and fight for your survival. Good luck!

Popular questions about the game

How to build and destroy objects? Short press to build, long press to destroy.
How to make a crafting table? Made from 4 boards.
How to start flying in creative? Double tap on the jump button.
How to grow bread? Plant seeds.
How to blow up dynamite? Pick up a lighter and click on the dynamite.
How to get obsidian? Mix water with lava and mine with a diamond pickaxe.
How to get milk? You need to pick up a bucket and press on the cow.

"Minecraft - Pocket Edition" is the most popular game of the current time. In it, users will create their own fictional world and live by the rules of the game. At the same time, downloading Minecraft - Pocket Edition for Android will be very simple and will not take much time to install.

In total, the game has only two main modes, namely "survival" and "creativity". The first mode is characterized mainly by survival. We will have to not only constantly create new items, erect buildings, but also hide from various creatures at night. The second mode represents complete freedom of action, i.e. the user will not be threatened during the game. All that is needed is to create your own fictional world and earn your living.

The game has a huge location, which will be quite difficult to pass. To complete the entire map, you need to spend about one hour of the game.

During the game, you can feel like a creator, since most of the items have to be created in your own image. For example, we can build quite strong armor from the skins of dead animals, or we can build a huge fortress from wood, coal, sand and other building materials, in which we can guarantee ourselves safety from various monsters.

As mentioned earlier, there is a "creative" mode. With it, you can not only create your own own world in his own image, but also to populate it with various animals, having created them in advance. You can also transform the terrain, discover new abilities in yourself that were previously impossible to guess.

Like most games, there is an option to play online. At the same time, by playing via the Internet, you can join clans with your friends, which increases the chances of winning.

In terms of graphics, everything is done at the proper level, namely, the entire fictional one is created from cubes. At the same time, this graphics fits perfectly into the gameplay and is fully suitable for the overall picture of the game.

If we talk about management, then there is nothing complicated. Absolutely any user can figure out such control, and if not, then you can use the control settings and customize the controls for yourself.

In general, the game fully deserves all its popularity for an interesting game story, for the opportunity to realize your creative ideas and discover your creative inclinations, as well as for ease of control and unforgettable graphics. At the same time, downloading Minecraft - Pocket Edition for Android will not be difficult.

It is hardly possible now to find a person who is more or less interested in the gaming industry and does not know Minecraft. This is a truly breakthrough game, a phenomenon from the Swedish developer Markus "Notch" Persson, introduced the fashion for sandboxes and, in fact, gave birth to the genre of "survival" in games. Despite the large number of analogues and competitors, even in 2018 the game does not lose ground, remaining insanely popular and exploring new horizons. What is the secret of success? In a combination of addictive gameplay and creativity. After all, the main thing is not just to survive - the main thing is to survive, and to do in this world whatever your heart desires. It was highly doubtful that such a large-scale game (albeit in a cubic graphic style) would be released on mobile platforms, but a miracle happened. And therefore, if you need a truly exciting and creative game, then best solution will download Minecraft - Pocket Edition for android.

It makes no sense to explain the essence of Minecraft - in Pocket Edition everything remains the same. Survival, building shelters, extracting resources (blocks) and crafting items, all components of the "correct" Minecraft are in place. The transfer of the concept of the game to the developers was a success, however, something had to be sacrificed. If in the original the world, in fact, was infinite, then here it has strictly defined boundaries. However, there is a plus in this - thanks to this, the game runs on most devices that are not even the most modern, which means that many more players will be able to play it. The difference between the modes has not gone away either - the player is free to choose both the "Survival" mode (where you have to fight enemies and build shelters with a limited supply of resources), and the "Creativity" mode, where you can build whatever your heart desires with an infinite amount of resources .

However, the most doubts were about the implementation of the cooperative - Minecraft is still a multiplayer game, but how can this be implemented on smartphones? In essence (and to the greatest joy of all players) multiplayer and its capabilities are similar to the computer and console versions. This means that the main fun of the fans has not gone away - you can still get together to build grandiose structures and fight off enemy creatures together.

Summing up, it can be noted that although the game falls short of the overgrown and large-scale original, it comes very, very close to it. And since there are very few analogues equal to it in terms of quality, downloading Minecraft - Pocket Edition for Android will be the best solution for any sandbox lover.

AT last years Minecraft game has got a whole army of fans from all over the world. Previously, it was released only on PC. Now a simplified version for mobile gadgets has become available. Now happy owners of android devices have the opportunity to download Minecraft for Android Russian version for free.


The game is based on the idea of ​​a sandbox, where users can freely build any structures. Additional dynamics of the game are given by such moments as changing to night time, enemy mobs and the need to extract resources.

As mentioned earlier, download minecraft pocket Edition for android is released in a simplified version original version. The main difference of the port is the limited game world. Now the whole map can be crossed in about 4-5 minutes.

AT Minecraft game PE 2 modes are available:

1.Survive. At the start of the game main character has only a small supply of basic building items. Everything else he has to get as you progress through the gameplay. The player has only one task - to survive. Enemy mobs will constantly attack the main character. To stay alive, he should stock up enough resources and build a safe haven. The atmosphere will be very tense all the time.

2.Sandbox. Mode without restrictions and enemy units. The player has complete freedom of action. In this mode, the main character from the very beginning has an unlimited supply of all kinds of resources and is endowed with the ability to quickly move around the area. Here you can recreate your most original fantasies into reality!


The movement of the hero is carried out by a virtual stick located on the left side of the screen. The construction is activated by a quick tap on the right place on the screen; destruction - long tap.

Graphic arts

The whole world is made of cubes with expansion. The primitiveness of the graphical implementation that seems at first glance is erroneous. It fits perfectly with the overall atmosphere, immersing the player headlong into the building process.


Although Minecraft PE is a bit inferior to its PC version, it is also able to win the hearts of construction and adventure lovers. It has everything you need for an exciting pastime.

One of the most famous and loved by gamers games will allow you to show endless imagination in random planning of squares with different animals and interesting plants. At the moment, there are similar applications in the style of Minecraft, for example: , with similar game conditions and design.
With regards to the Minecraft interface, it is extremely simple and convenient. Download the game, and three buttons “Start Game”, “Options” and “Join Game” will appear in front of you.
From the very beginning in minecraft you can choose settings for yourself, load an existing world, or quickly create your own. And finally, a random world will be fully opened in front of you, which is very similar to 8-bit games. I was very pleased that the creators of this game made it similar to the version for computers, both in terms of the local textures and the external menu.

The application absolutely does not slow down and does not overload the system. As soon as you get into this world, you will be surrounded by lava lakes, colorful mountains and rivers. You will be able to meet mobs on your way, but only in certain special modes of passing the game. Of course, the game has a small minus, it's not the endless area of ​​the local world, dim lighting and a small variety of animals and plants.

Minecraft Pocket Edition is a game that has almost no differences from the extended PC version, for this reason its connoisseurs will be able to find many familiar items in the above version. The project occupies with its non-trivial and to some extent unique retro-performance. Everything that will unfold in this world is very casual, and surprises with its simplicity.

This is a project in which the graphic component and other technical features are not as impressive as the gameplay itself, since the gameplay opens up a lot of cool features for the gamer, which will be very difficult to find in other single-genre games. In the application, the user alone can easily create a whole world using pixel cubes. It's not easy, but you will only have the most primitive tools at your disposal, which at times complicate the crafting process and bring fun moments to the game. When working on creating your own personal world in minecraft, you can use different type blocks, which in turn will be specifically responsible for the functions assigned to them. Using the blocks described above, it will be possible to create everything that is possible, including: houses, railways and even complex mechanisms, knowing the basic laws of physics.

The game has acquired a very high-quality voice acting: there will be no boring music, but the responses of movements and the sounds of the material are heard very clearly. The application is controlled using a conventional on-screen joystick. To quickly control the view of the character, you just need to swipe your finger across the display. To put the desired block, you first need to select it in the main menu, which is located at the bottom of the screen, and click on the point where you want to turn it on given block. Breaking the same buildings is also very simple. To do this, you just need to hold your finger on the selected block and it will break. In the touch area, a round indicator will appear on the screen, indicating the breakdown process. The rate of destruction will proportionally depend on the tool at your disposal and the characteristics of the block you have chosen. By downloading and installing Minecraft Pocket Edition, the user will also be able to visit the multiplayer mode. The main differences from the PC version include a simpler crafting of items, a decrease in the complexity of the game, settings in the range of drawing the world, which, together with not very powerful hardware, will make the gameplay more acceptable.

Description of mods:

– Unlocked premium skins;
– Unlocked premium textures.

– Unlocked premium skins;
– Unlocked premium textures;
– No damage;
– Unlimited breathing;
– Maximum inventory size;
- Kill with a weapon from the first time;
– Indestructible tools;
- God 'mode.

After the release of the latest version of popular game it's been quite a bit. It is known that developers create new features that will give players even more emotions. This feature will appear if you download Minecraft You are presented with a new version of the game for mobile devices, which differs in its settings. Here you can continue to build your buildings, play survival or creative mode. Every miner knows that Minecraft PE continues to evolve and does not stand still.

Here, after downloading Minecraft you will have a new version of the totem of immortality, the characteristics of which you will learn after installing this version. Totem is a great thing that will give your character more possibilities. If we talk about bugs, then almost all have been fixed. After downloading Minecraft, install mods and you will understand that now the game is loaded in Russian without any problems.

The previous version gave an error and loaded only in English, if not for all, then for many miners. It is enough to download Minecraft to find out how the terrain generation works. It was made more advanced as the developers knew there were problems. Although the default mode has not changed, and most likely it will be changed in a future version. It should be noted that weak mobile devices, after downloading Minecraft they will lag in the game.

You can play on low settings, but it's better if you have a great device. Minecraft PE continues to develop - this is a huge world that reveals the abilities of players and gives a huge amount of emotions. You will learn about all the benefits new version after installing it.

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