What is the best glue to glue the inflatable mattress. How to seal a hole in an air mattress: at home and outdoors, with or without a patch

Inflatable mattresses are a versatile product with a wide range of applications. They are easy to use, compact, and relatively inexpensive. However, there are no perfect things and any air mattress has one popular problem - rubber is susceptible to damage from any sharp objects.

To fix a defect, you need to find the defect. Most often, finding a hole is not as easy as it seems. In addition, even if you find noticeable damage, this does not mean that there is no small scratches letting in air. To find the damage, you need to inflate the mattress and place it in water. Small air bubbles will appear at the puncture site.

If it is not possible to put a mattress in water, lubricate it with soapy foam or shaving foam. The puncture site will begin to allow air to pass through and the applied foam will begin to bubble. This video shows how bubbles come out at the puncture site when foam is applied

Pay attention to the seams - most often they are torn due to a strong overblowing of the mattress. Mark the area of ​​the leaky mattress with a marker or pen.

How to seal an inflatable mattress

What you need for repair

Most often, a repair kit comes with the purchase in the kit. But if it is lost, take glue, scissors, dry cloth, alcohol, a piece of rubber (tire patches, an old bicycle tube will work well). PVC glue - will be the most a good choice, it does not leave a cracking crust after drying. Shoe glue is also suitable - it bends well and adheres the surface perfectly.

Surface preparation and mattress patches

Before starting the process, dry the mattress well, blow it off, remove small debris and dust from the surface. Wipe the restoration site with a cloth soaked in alcohol - this will help remove excess moisture from the surface and degrease it.

Often, a large amount of glue is applied to the damage site. Because of this, the mattress dries out for a long time and puffs up in the places of the patch. Be extremely careful, apply the glue in a thin stream. Prepare the surface correctly.

From the velor side

To make a repair from the velor side, you will need to clean the repair area.

  • First you need to clean the lint layer. Pour thinner or nail polish remover over and around the puncture site. After application, wait two minutes and peel off the velor layer with a blunt knife or spoon.
  • Cut out a circle from the prepared rubber with a diameter of 1 cm larger than the damage itself.
  • Apply glue to the patch and a little on the damaged surface.
  • Apply a piece of rubber exactly, press it a little and hold it for 2-3 minutes until it dries.

From the smooth side

On the smooth side, repairs are a little easier.

  • It is necessary to dry the puncture site well, degrease it with alcohol, wipe it with a dry cloth.
  • Apply glue to patch and surface. The radius of the rubber should also be 1 cm larger than the place of damage.
  • Apply a patch, press down and wait 2-3 minutes.

At the seam

If you glue the mattress along the seam or fold from the outside, the repair will not be reliable. Therefore, you need to open the valve, completely deflate the mattress, pull out the puncture site through the valve. This way you can work with the wrong side.

  • The surface should be degreased with alcohol, wiped well.
  • Seal with a patch with a radius exceeding the cut area.
  • Apply glue and place the product under the press.
  • Check if the patch is moving away from the place. In case of failure, repeat the procedure.

The effectiveness of this method lies in the fact that in this case, the patch closes the hole in the mattress and is also held in place with the help of air pressure from the inside.

To avoid further damage:

  • Do not overfold the mattress with air - because of this, it often breaks at the seams or even bursts.
  • Before placing the mattress on the surface, inspect it for sharp objects.
  • Try to distribute weight over the surface of the mattress during use.
  • Do not allow any sharp objects to the mattress, and avoid the presence of animals nearby.

The mattress will last you much longer if you follow certain rules.

  1. Fold the mattress evenly at the seams, store it in a cover for safety.
  2. Dry the product after swimming and any contact with water, and then pack it.
  3. Clean from dust and dirt only with mild soap solutions, without contact with chemical means cleaning.
  4. The mattress should be inflated in accordance with the purpose and weight of the person who will be using it. The heavier the weight, the weaker the inflation should be.

Inflatable mattresses are often damaged - a well-known fact. But repairing them will not be difficult. To carry out a high-quality repair of a mattress, you need to choose the right materials and get down to business wisely. To correct defects, not all available means are suitable, but to glue different materials you need it in different ways. In order for the mattress to serve for a long time and faithfully, it is enough to simply follow the indicated recommendations. And remember - different mattresses have different uses. Handle the item as intended and with care, and then you will definitely not have to deal with repairs.

Intex inflatable mattresses quickly entered our daily life... They are very convenient: they can be used both at home when guests unexpectedly appear, and in field conditions living in tents. They are quite capable of replacing a full-fledged bed due to the presence of a velor covering, which is very pleasant to the touch. But, unfortunately, it often happens that holes appear on the surface, and we begin to look for an answer to the question of how to glue inflatable mattress Intex. Although it sometimes happens that a leaky thing is simply thrown away. But Intex has been invented for a long time.

Materials for repairing an inflatable mattress Intex

The company produces a special kit for the repair of damaged products. It includes glue, patch material and clear film. This procedure is very simple, takes little time and can be done even in field conditions. Some craftsmen, when answering the question of how to seal the seam of an air mattress, suggest using regular superglue. But this will help only for a short time, then the mattress will again let air through, and it will be more problematic to re-stick the patch.

Sequence of actions when repairing an air mattress

If you find a hole or cut on the surface of the mattress, it is necessary to clean the area around from the lint of the velor covering within a radius of about 2 cm. This can be done with a solvent or nail polish remover. After applying the liquid to the surface to be cleaned, wait about two minutes, and then remove the adhesive layer using the blunt side of a knife or spoon. We carry out this procedure until the surface is completely cleaned.

How to properly glue an inflatable mattress?

So that after the repair, the mattress will still serve long years, before applying the glue, the surfaces to be glued must be thoroughly degreased with acetone, a solvent, and if they are not available (for example, in nature), alcohol should be used. Apply the transparent tape that is included in the repair kit to the tear or cut, and outline it, retreating 3-5 cm on each side. WITH transparent film this is much easier to do.

After that, from the material included in the repair kit, we cut out a similar patch of the same size. Place the cut on a flat surface (in nature it can be just a board), apply a patch and outline it with a pencil. We degrease this place again: this way there will be no further questions about how to glue the inflatable Intex mattress so that the patch doesn't lag behind. Apply a thin layer of glue to both the patch and the mattress with a brush, leave it for 15 minutes to dry out a little. We repeat the same procedure again, only the drying time is reduced to 5 minutes. In general, 15 minutes is a rather relative concept, because a lot depends on the ambient temperature, air humidity and other indicators. It is necessary that the glue sticks a little to the hand, but be dry. Before gluing the patch, the surfaces to be glued must be slightly heated. This can be done with a hair dryer. After heating, press the patch firmly to the mattress and iron it with a roller so that no air bubbles remain between them, place a load on top and leave to dry for 24 hours.

That's the whole answer to the question of how to glue an Intex inflatable mattress.

Inflate the mattress, remove all sources of noise, and listen carefully. Damage to the mattress can give off a slight whistling sound. To be sure, the noisy part can be immersed in water: small bubbles will indicate the location of the puncture.

If the previous method did not help, it's time to feel like a real barber. In a container, beat water with detergent and apply a thick brush soap suds onto the surface of the mattress. The foam will begin to bubble at the puncture sites.

After you find the damage, circle it with a pen or crayon so as not to lose it.

How to prepare the surface

Let all the air out of the mattress before starting. Clean the area around the puncture from dust and dirt, degrease the surface with gasoline or alcohol. If you need to glue a velor or flock mattress, it is important to remove the lint with acetone or fine-grained sandpaper before applying the patch.

How to prepare a patch

Sometimes the mattress comes with special repair kits. If you don't have one, take pieces of thin rubber from the inner tube repair kit or cut up your child's rubber toy. The patch should correspond to the size of the puncture with indents of 2-3 cm and be oval or round shape... Degrease its surface with petrol or alcohol before use.

How to seal an inflatable mattress

How to seal the hole in the mattress? Suitable glue for PVC, universal "Moment" or polyurethane shoe glue.

How to do it? We already have a mattress ready for repair and a cut-to-size, grease-free patch. Now apply an even layer of glue to the mattress and patch, wait 5 minutes for the glue to set a little, and align them. For a greater effect, a load can be put in place of gluing for a day.

What to do if you need to glue the mattress along the seam

If the mattress is torn at the seam, a patch on the outside may not help. In this case, it makes sense to glue the inside of the mattress. To do this, use your hands or a ruler to pull the damaged area through the valve opening. Then glue the patch (according to the instructions from the previous paragraph) to inside mattress. Unscrew the mattress and use it as usual within a day after the glue has completely dried.

How to avoid new damage

To keep your repaired air mattress happy as long as possible, follow these simple rules.

  • Before placing the mattress on the floor, grass or sand, inspect the surface for any piercing objects.
  • Do not play with pets on the mattress; they can pierce it with claws or teeth.
  • Do not pull the mattress on the floor with people lying on it: the seams may come apart.

An inflatable mattress is a comfortable but fragile thing. One morning, you or your guests risk waking up on the floor - the mattress is pierced and deflated. Of course, it is better to consult a specialist. But the prices for their services bite. Maybe it's easier to buy a new one right away? Or will we try to fix it on our own? It is not difficult to glue it, but you need to know how to find and how to glue an air mattress at home, what glue is suitable for these purposes and what to make a patch from.

It would seem that such a device has solid advantages: both guests have where to pack, and during a hike it will allow you to sleep in comfort, and swimming on it is a pleasure. And most importantly - in a deflated state it takes up very little space. But it is also easy to damage it without even noticing it. It is enough to inflate the mattress too much, put it in the sun or on the ground in the forest, where dry grass sticks out. And if a pet takes a fancy to him, then a puncture cannot be avoided. Deflates anti-decubitus mattress? How to find a hole? How to seal a hole in an air mattress quickly, efficiently and at no extra cost?

How to find a hole

How to find a hole in inflatable bed or a mattress? First you need to find a hole in the air mattress. It is difficult to do this with the naked eye. Especially when he's deflated. Inflate the product "until it rings" and check the most frequent places of damage.

  • Bottom. Any solid object on the surface where we put the mattress can punch a hole here: a stone, dry grass, a nail head on the floor.
  • Upper side. Here we can pierce the mattress with accessories on clothes, a hair clip or an earring. Pet claws are also a common cause.
  • Seams. Mattresses tear at the seam from being inflated too much, from sudden landings or children's jumping games.
  • Valve. Dust, hair and other debris can enter the mechanism. The tightness is broken, and the valve begins to let air through.
  • Joints with partitions. The reason why they break is an increase in pressure inside the mattress and an uneven load on the surface. And this happens again when the product is heavily inflated or abruptly flopped down with all its weight. This "sore" is especially common in models with cup-holders.
  • Folds. When the mattress is stored for a long time in a folded state, then it is at the bend that the material loses its elasticity and subsequently a hole may appear.

Examine every millimeter of the surface carefully. If there is relatively large damage, then you can easily find them. And to find small punctures, there are the following ways.


  1. Inflate the mattress tightly.
  2. Create as quiet as possible.
  3. Bring your ear close to the surface and listen. A slight hiss will give away the puncture site.
  4. Examine the entire area of ​​the mattress in this way.
  5. Listen to the valve separately, it can also "poison" the air.

You can “feel” the device not only by hearing. Bring your cheek or lips to the mattress and feel the air blow from the hole, if any. Or you can wet your hand up to the elbow and drive it close to the surface.

With water

  1. Inflate the mattress.
  2. Submerge it under water. Air bubbles will come out of the cut.
  3. Inspect the product from all sides.

In the absence of open water, you can try to lower the product into regular bath... But practice shows that even a single mattress does not fit completely into it. And if you immerse in parts, then the middle will still remain unchecked.

Soap solution

  1. Inflate the product.
  2. Foam the solution with a sponge.
  3. Apply foam to the test area. If there is a hole, bubbles will inflate from it.
  4. Treat the entire surface like this.

For a foam solution, you can use shampoo, liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. But just not washing powder- coarse particles will scratch the surface and cause new holes to appear.

Shaving foam

  1. Inflate the mattress tightly.
  2. Pour shaving foam under the valve.
  3. Bubbles will come out in places of damage.


  1. Inflate the mattress tightly.
  2. Sprinkle the surface with starch. A "cloud" will appear at the puncture site.
  3. Treat the entire area in this way.
  4. Vacuum the mattress.

This method allows you to find a puncture without water, which reduces the repair time, because the mattress does not need to be dried. Instead of starch, you can powder the product with flour, baby powder or any other "volatile" powder.

Cling film

  1. Inflate the mattress.
  2. Moisten the surface with a spray bottle.
  3. Cover the area with cling film.
  4. Air will accumulate in the puncture points under the film.

Keep in mind that there can be many holes. And in order not to lose the puncture site, immediately mark it with a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen.

What is needed

It's good if you still have the "native" repair kit that comes with the mattress. No? We'll have to use the means at hand. To get a quality air mattress repair, you need to choose the right glue and patch material.


Better to use one of polyurethane adhesives, they are specially designed for PVC surfaces:

  • "Moment Crystal";
  • "Uranus" for rubber boats;
  • shoe glue, for example, Desmokol;
  • any glue for rubber;
  • glue from Intex (a company that produces inflatable pools, boats, mattresses and furniture).

If you use an inflatable mattress for swimming, then it is better to glue it with a “native” glue or compound for rubber boats.

Patch material

What material is better to glue the inflatable mattress with? Suitable:

  • rubber from a tire repair kit;
  • old tire;
  • inflatable toy;
  • swimming rubber cap;
  • unusable inflatable mattress.

Cut out the patch in a round shape, that is, without sharp corners. The size must be made so that the edges of the patch extend beyond the damage by 2-3 cm on each side. The larger it is, the tighter it will hold on.

How to prepare surfaces

Before starting work, you need to blow off and dry the product thoroughly if you used water when looking for punctures. Then you need to properly prepare the place of damage and the patch. The type of surface matters here.

To glue the inflatable mattress on the smooth side, you need to degrease the rubber surface and patch with acetone, gasoline, white spirit or alcohol. Nail polish remover is also suitable. Then you need to clean up the details with fine-grained sandpaper, preferably with zero. This is done to make the grip as strong as possible.

To properly seal the air mattress from the velor side, you need to remove the fleecy cover. This is easy to do: wipe the area with a cotton pad moistened with acetone or alcohol, and after drying, remove the lint with the blunt side of a knife or, for example, a screwdriver. But you need to act carefully so as not to make new holes. Then the surfaces to be glued are degreased and cleaned with zero sandpaper.

Ways to glue an air mattress with a repair kit ...

Usually mattresses come with a repair kit from the manufacturer. It includes special glue, patch vinyl and short instruction by application. On average, there is enough material for two or three holes. If the patch is over, but the glue remains, do not throw it away, because it can be stored for about two years and will probably still come in handy.

And the instructions for use involve four steps.

  1. Apply a thin layer of glue to the prepared surfaces of the mattress and patch.
  2. Combine details.
  3. Press down firmly. Enough 20-30 seconds.
  4. Hold under pressure for at least four to five hours.

... and by other means

And you can do without a repair kit. Once you have found the hole, found a suitable glue and patch, prepared the surfaces, you can start repairing.

On a tube of any glue it is written how to use it correctly. If you do not have the opportunity to read the instructions, for example, the tube is badly crumpled or the paint has worn off in places, then the following table will help you figure it out.

Table - Instructions for use different types glue

NameHow to use correctly
"Moment Crystal"- Spread the prepared surfaces with a thin layer;
- let dry for 10 minutes;
- combine details;
- squeeze strongly for about 10-20 seconds;
- you can use it in a day
"Uranus"- Spread both surfaces thinly;
- dry the glue for 1-2 minutes;
- firmly press the parts;
- apply the press for 5-6 hours;
- the mattress can be inflated after 24 hours
- Thinly apply glue to the parts;
- let it dry for no more than 2 minutes;
- Warm up surfaces with a hairdryer for 3 minutes;
- press firmly the parts to be glued for 1 minute;
- the product can be operated after 4 hours
"Desmokol"- Apply a thin layer on both surfaces;
- dry the glue for 10 minutes;
- reapply the glue;
- dry for another 25-45 minutes;
- Warm up parts with a hairdryer for 2-3 minutes;
- press hard for 20 seconds;
- the product can be inflated after 2 days
"Rubber"- Spread the glue evenly on the surface;
- to withstand 15 minutes;
- combine details;
- squeeze hard for 20 seconds;
- put under the press for a day

Be careful: anyone polyurethane adhesive contains aggressive substances. Work in a well-ventilated area and wear rubber gloves.

If the seam has come apart

Peculiarities. A patch placed at the junction of the top of the mattress and the bottom may turn out to be unreliable even if all gluing rules are followed. Here you have to contrive and pull out the puncture site through the valve.

What you need:

  • glue for PVC;
  • patch.

Your actions

  1. Unscrew the valve.
  2. Drag the damaged area into the valve opening using, for example, a thick marker or a plastic ruler.
  3. Degrease and clean both surfaces.
  4. Then proceed according to the instructions for use of the glue.

The advantage of this method is that the patch from the inside is additionally pressed with air, which significantly increases the reliability of gluing.

Method without glue

Peculiarities. If you do not have it at hand suitable materials, there is a way
repair the mattress without any glue or patch.

What you need:

  • iron;
  • paper;
  • smooth wooden surface.

Your actions

  1. Pull out the damaged area through the valve opening.
  2. Clean from dirt and dust.
  3. Align the edges of the break and place on a wooden backing.
  4. Cover the seam with paper.
  5. Iron with a heated iron.
  6. Wait for the paper and the gluing area to cool down.
  7. Carefully peel off the paper.
  8. Screw on the valve.

This method allows you to cope with the gap in literally five minutes, but here it is important to operate the iron carefully, without touching entire areas. Otherwise, you can burn the mattress in new places.

Superglue method

Peculiarities. This method is the easiest and fastest of the proposed ones. But you need to understand that superglue results in a fragile bond, like thin glass. Such a composition is non-waterproof and inelastic. That is, it can burst at any moment. But as an emergency measure, for example, on a hike, it is quite suitable.

What you need:

  • Super glue;
  • paper tape.

Your actions

  1. Inflate the mattress.
  2. Dry.
  3. Clean and degrease the damaged surface.
  4. Apply a small amount of super glue.
  5. Attach a patch of duct tape of the correct size.
  6. Quickly rub in the edges and press down firmly on the patch.
  7. Let the glue dry.
  8. The product is ready for use.

If there is no tape, then you can do without it. In this case, deflate the mattress and drop one or two drops of superglue on the puncture (but not more) and let the composition dry. This method is useful for minor injuries such as pet claw marks or dry grass.

Method with "Liquid Patch"

Peculiarities. There is another method, how to easily and quickly fix an air mattress without a patch. For him you need a composition called "Liquid Patch". The glue has many color solutions, there is even a shade called Intex. That is, it is specially designed for inflatable products of this manufacturer. Holes up to 3 cm do not need additional bonding methods. And cuts over this size will need to be sewn with ordinary thread.

What you need:

  • tube of "Liquid Patch".

Your actions

  1. Spread the damaged area on a flat surface.
  2. Remove dust and dirt.
  3. Thoroughly degrease the surface with alcohol or solvent.
  4. Shake the glue vigorously.
  5. Apply to damage, protruding from the edges by 2-3 cm.
  6. Withstand seven to ten minutes.
  7. Apply a second layer of "Liquid Patch".
  8. The product can be inflated within a day.

The “Liquid Patch” bond is as strong as the undamaged surface. Once you spend on this product, you will provide your mattress with many years of life.

If the valve "leaks"

Peculiarities. Not always a rubber sheet or a torn seam is the culprit for "leakage". Pressure can drop due to a leaky valve. But even this trouble can be eliminated by hand.

What you need:

  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • grease.

Your actions

  1. Unscrew the valve.
  2. Clean the grooves from dust and debris.
  3. Remove the rubber gasket.
  4. Sand the end face of the valve and gasket with sandpaper.
  5. Lubricate the valve.
  6. Screw the structure into place.
  7. Inflate the mattress.
  8. Apply soapy water to the valve.
  9. If no bubbles appear, the mattress is ready for use.

If, after all the manipulations, the valve continues to let air through, it means that the breakdown is more extensive and you need to replace the part completely. Contact your specialist retailer for a new valve.

How to avoid new damage

After successful renovation mattress, it is important to take into account past mistakes and prevent the appearance of new punctures and cuts. And for this you need to observe simple rules exploitation.

  • See where you put the mattress. Remove all debris, sharp objects, stones. Place under mattress if necessary thick fabric, plaid or blanket.
  • Don't inflate the mattress too tight. In the "ready" state, it should remain soft and pliable.
  • Keep pets away from this product. Even by jumping onto the mattress, animals can pierce the surface with their claws.
  • Do not move the inflated mattress. Especially if someone is already lying on it. So partitions and seams are torn.
  • Do not sit abruptly or jump on the mattress. These actions can also lead to rupture of the seams and joints of the partitions.
  • Lower the product slowly. Let the mattress deflate on its own, excessive pressure can tear the partitions.
  • Wash the product with a mild soapy solution. The less aggressive "chemicals" you use, the longer the mattress material will remain elastic.
  • Dry the device before folding it. Residual moisture contributes to the growth of mold and cracking of the product material.

So, your air mattress or circle is blown away? Conclusion: it is quite possible to repair an air mattress or circle with your own hands. But if the above methods did not help or the damage exceeds the size of 3-5 cm, it is better to contact the master: service centres can be at stores specializing in the sale of goods for home and leisure. Perhaps they can even help in a shoe shop.

Inflatable mattresses (beds) are convenient when you need to quickly organize a temporary sleeping place... They are cheap, there are different sizes, shapes and colors. Most modern air mattresses are made of soft polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheet of a small thickness. Their most common problem is air leakage through small damages (holes) that form spontaneously during normal use, in other words, the mattress is deflated.

Large firms, manufacturers of air mattresses, for such cases offer their own repair kits (repair kits), consisting of a special glue for PVC and several patches. Such a repair kit can be recommended for purchase immediately (along with the mattress), since sooner or later it will definitely come in handy.

If there is no branded repair kit at hand, then you can use the tools at hand.

To glue an inflatable mattress, you must:

  1. Soapy water.
  2. Glue "Moment universal".
  3. Degreasing agent (acetone or gasoline).
  4. Pieces of thin rubber.

Transparent glue will allow you to level the blemishes of its application.

In the kit for repairing car cameras you can find ready-made patches suitable sizes... It was found experimentally that its glue is not suitable for gluing PVC.

The first thing to do is to find on the mattress all the damage from which air comes out. To do this, prepare soapy water, shake it until a rich foam is formed. Inflate the mattress tightly and start slowly, consistently applying foam with a brush to its entire surface. An inflating bubble is an indication of an air leak. As a rule, the holes are very small, and in order not to lose sight of them, it is better to immediately circle the problem area with a marker.

Dissolved “bubble bath” in water allows you to quickly get a lot of foam.

Air escaping from the mattress inflates a bubble.

The holes are usually very small, and most often occur where the inner connectors of the mattress are attached.

On a flocked surface, it is even more difficult to see a hole.

After all the damage is localized, we proceed directly to gluing the mattress, having previously expelled air from it. Degrease the patch area, as well as the patch itself. If the damage is on the upper flocked surface, then the flock must first be removed with acetone.

Degreasing (photo above) and removing flock with acetone.

Apply glue to both surfaces (mattress and patch) in an even layer of moderate thickness. We sustain a five-minute pause, apply a patch and firmly press it to the place of damage. It makes sense to press down the patch with some kind of cargo for up to 24 hours.

Glue application.

Applying a patch.