Application of moldings in the interior. Moldings in the interior of the apartment. How to glue polyurethane baseboard frames under wallpaper

When designing the decor of rooms, you want to make them beautiful and unique. One of the techniques is moldings in the interior. These decorative strips help make the room more interesting and harmonious.

What are moldings and what are they like?

Molding is a decorative strip of convex or concave shape. It is used for decoration, harmonization of interiors, visual correction of room defects. Moldings can be narrow - a couple of centimeters wide, and wide - up to 20 cm. They are used for internal and exterior finishing, can be rigid or flexible. They come with a longitudinal relief (most often), with floral or geometric patterns.

Depending on the installation location, moldings can be ceiling, wall, or corner. Corner ones are usually placed at the junction of the wall and ceiling. Moldings are made from:

Plaster moldings appeared in ancient times. They became the model by which decorative strips for interior decoration were created from more modern and cheaper materials - foam plastic and polyurethane.

Where can they be used?

Moldings in the interior are used in the following cases:

The main function that moldings perform in the interior is decoration and decoration. At the junction of materials with different thicknesses, textures, colors, this method of decoration allows you to turn an unaesthetic transition into decorative element. The method is easy to install, most of it has a low cost.

At the intersection of different materials

If tiles or Wall panels laid only on part of the wall, the place of transition from tiles/plastic to flat wall Doesn't look very presentable. In order to make this transition more attractive, they use special border tiles, but they are too expensive - much more expensive than regular ones. No less interestingly, you can design this joint using molding. The decorative strip is mounted so that it covers the joint.

The width and thickness are selected for the specific interior and the thickness of the materials being joined. Since we are usually talking about a bathroom, toilet or kitchen, it is more advisable to use materials that are easy to clean and are not afraid of high humidity. Optimal choice for tile joints - polyurethane. It can then be painted the same color as the wall or tile.

In case the transition between plastic panels and a painted/bleached wall, you can use a plastic skirting board. Wooden panels or MDF panels, it is better to join them to the walls using wooden moldings.

The same technique works very well when you have to combine two colors or two textures. Moldings are used to separate and harmonize joints. It could be accent wall, which is very fashionable now.

But an accent wall doesn't have to be a different color or pattern from start to finish. It is for such a case - if a canvas or material of a different color occupies only part of the wall - that moldings come in handy. They give a finished look to this finishing element.

Ceiling moldings

The ceiling is often decorated with moldings. A large empty square just begs to be decorated with something. Typically, corner molding is installed at the junction of the wall and ceiling. It can be thin and simple - with a simple relief, or it can be wide, patterned, like stucco. Moreover, this type of decoration is good not only for classic interiors. It fits into the loft and other modern trends, with the exception of minimalism, perhaps.

In addition, several decorative fragments can be located on the ceiling. For example, several moldings of different widths, but with a similar decor and profile. They can be placed at a distance from each other. Often, decorative fragments in the form of curls, corners curved in the other direction, half-arcs and other similar decorations are used in the corners. They also put decorative ceiling rosettes under the central chandelier in classical interiors.

But not only in the corner or close to it can be mounted ceiling moldings. With their help you can create a unique ornament on the ceiling. Geometrically correct figures are created using polyurethane or gypsum planks. Using flexible molding you can create smooth lines.

Again, flexible molding on the ceiling - smoothly moving from one diamond to another, creates an interesting effect. Dividing the ceiling into squares with molding is a classic decoration technique. And no one said that decorative strips should match the ceiling...

There is one more trick - coffered ceiling. This technique is usually used if you need to hide beams or some kind of flaw in the ceiling. In this case, moldings are also often used for decoration.

IN Lately, in most cases used polyurethane moldings in the interior. They are durable, easy to install, and not too expensive. All this makes them very popular.

Moldings on the walls

Wall moldings are not just strips. Frames are made from these elements, which can simply limit part of the space in which a mirror or picture will hang. This selection helps to more clearly organize the space and highlight the subject.

More molding frames can be filled with other finishing material. Previously, tapestries, brocade and other expensive fabrics were inserted into such frames. Today, another type is increasingly used decorative putty, wallpaper or just a different shade of paint.

Another common technique is design doorways. In addition to the standard frame of the opening, there is also a frame above the door. This space usually remains empty and is not used in any way. To ensure that there is no imbalance during complex decoration, molding is also glued here.

Slats over the door

Using wall moldings, you can visually make the ceilings higher. To do this, strips are installed at a certain interval. You can use them not only to make frames. These are decorative strips and are not too difficult to create patterns with.

All these decoration techniques require a large space, otherwise the room turns out to be too “overloaded”. In small rooms, if they are used, it is usually only planks at the junction of the wall and ceiling, and maybe a couple of thin strips for separation different textures or flowers. Most often you can see moldings in the interior of the living room - these rooms are usually the most spacious. Moldings look good in bedrooms, but not in small ones, but at least in medium ones.

Moldings in the interior: photos, ideas

When decorating rooms with moldings, it is necessary to take into account not only the geometry of the room, but also the design style of the furniture. Decorative strips must have common features with the design of other interior items. Then the design will be consistent and harmonious.

If the ceiling were just white, there would be obvious disharmony - too overloaded walls, and an empty ceiling

If you need non-standard decorations, use moldings

First, let's define what molding is. This is a fairly new, but already popular decoration with overlay strips and panels. It can be used to straighten corners, hide defects, decorate window and door openings, create frames for paintings or other objects, and separate wallpaper.

A lot has been written about them positive feedback, so before using a specific type, you need to have an idea of ​​the desired result.

It is a misconception to think that moldings in the interior are needed only for elegance. They are often used to create original look window and door openings, framing wall niches, as well as ceilings. In large living rooms they are also used in the decoration of fireplaces. Due to its high decorative qualities, there are a huge number of application options, it all depends only on the needs and imagination of the owners. But we will talk about moldings for dividing wallpaper.

Types of moldings

Moldings for dividing wallpaper, depending on the materials from which they are made, are divided into:

  • gypsum (most often it is stucco molding that carries an independent decorative load and is attached with alabaster);
  • polyurethane, which can be used as a cheaper and lighter alternative to plaster; after installation, it is advisable to paint them (attached with acrylic glue);
  • wooden (installed with nails or glue, usually have the simplest shapes, but they also exist with complex relief);
  • foam plastic (mounted on walls with wallpaper glue, you can use PVA);
  • plastic and rubber (most often they have an adhesive layer and grooves for joining).

Wallpaper separation options

If there are high ceilings in the room, a double ceiling molding line is often used. In this case, the wider one goes right under the ceiling, some wallpaper is placed below (usually wallpaper that contrasts with the main color of the room is used, but options using matching colors are also possible), limited by a narrower molding, and others are glued below, creating the main color of the interior. An example of wallpaper with molding in the interior is shown in the photo:

To create a calming, cozy atmosphere in the bedroom that sets you up for relaxation, it is recommended to use wallpaper in calm tones that do not contrast with each other. Polyurethane moldings are perfect for separating the boundaries between them.

IN large apartments Wallpaper, in addition to the ceiling division, is often distinguished by a frame from the molding on the wall. When creating such an interior, it is recommended to place lamps, mirrors, paintings, photographs, wall mounts for a TV, and other filling elements within the frames formed by the molding. Usually the same wallpaper is placed within the frames. An example of wallpaper separation in the interior in the photo below:

Dividing wallpaper into sections limited by molding is used for large rooms. Looks most harmonious in the interior of studio apartments, if it is necessary to separate one large area for several zones. Thus, all zones can be selected different types, as well as the color of the wallpaper, giving the interior uniqueness.

Quite often, wallpaper is separated by molding when creating the interior of banquet halls, restaurants, living rooms and other places for relaxation.

For interior in classic style, the use of painted or gilded moldings will give any room a unique look and emphasize style. For example, dark moldings will complement an interior decorated in an oriental style.

Golden tones and light wallpaper as a background, they look great when decorating a room in a classic style.

Painted moldings should be used with caution so that the interior does not look oversaturated, and wallpaper should be selected with care; it should be in harmony with the rest of the decor.

Installation of moldings

Most types of moldings have protective film. It should not be removed before installation to preserve its decorative qualities and prevent damage. If used heavy wallpaper, then you cannot glue even the lightest moldings on them. In extreme cases, they need to be additionally secured using dowel nails. Interesting division combined wallpaper in the interior:

Before proceeding with installation, it is necessary to carefully level the walls. It is much easier to mount decorative elements on flat surfaces. After this, it is necessary to carefully mark the installation sites. Installation of various types of molding has some features.

Polyurethane, plastic and foam

After marking is completed, the material is cut to the required dimensions using a hacksaw or jigsaw. A miter box will help you cut corner parts perfectly evenly. It is better to cut foam products with a stationery knife. All cut parts are applied to the designated places on the wallpaper, the joining of the corners is checked (all corner parts must fit perfectly to each other), for this, when cutting them, you should leave a small margin of 2-3 mm.

Installation should begin from the corners, this applies to both ceiling and wall parts. To achieve the best adhesion to the wallpaper and the wall, it is necessary to go over the flat sides of all the resulting parts with emery cloth.

Using a spatula, apply an adhesive composition to the pre-treated surface of the molding and glue all elements into place.

When gluing heavy moldings to wallpaper, it is worth pre-drilling holes for dowel nails in the wall and attached elements, this will prevent the glued areas from slipping under their own weight. Do not drill foam parts - they may simply crumble.

After the glue has dried, after about 6 hours, all joints and fastening holes are puttied.

If you planned to highlight this interior detail with color, then painting should be done no earlier than 24 hours after installation. It is imperative to take into account what the paint is made of, as some types can spoil the installed decor.

In addition, the coloring is already installed panels is quite problematic, so this is done before mounting it on the wall, otherwise the wallpaper can be damaged.


The most difficult of materials is gypsum. All items have heavy weight, in addition, are quite fragile, so before proceeding with installation, you must carefully check each one for chips and cracks.

This material allows you to create beautiful, voluminous stucco molding, which is why it is used to create a rich interior. It is quite expensive, in addition, there are difficulties during installation, so it is not recommended to install it yourself, in order to avoid extra costs when the material is damaged.

Gypsum is extremely susceptible to moisture, so it is not suitable for wet rooms. The mounted parts of the molding are carefully adjusted to the installation location; for this they are sawed using a hacksaw. Then you need to apply notches using a sharp tool (you can use a chisel) on the wall and the flat part of the elements being installed. This is necessary for best fastening to Wall.

Before diluting the glue, you need to moisten the surfaces to be glued with water. Then plaster is diluted (can be replaced with alabaster), to which a little wood glue is added (1-3% of the total volume of glue). Using a brush, the adhesive is evenly applied to the wall and the part and installed in place. It is necessary to press the molding and move it a little along the wall, this will allow the glue to spread evenly and provide a stronger adhesion.

You need to hold the part pressed until it sets, then carefully, using a spatula, remove the glue that has protruded along the edges. Upon completion of installation, you need to give 2-3 hours for the glue to set better. If desired, can be painted acrylic paint. Plaster moldings for dividing wallpaper look very rich in the interior:


A rather expensive type of molding, usually used for mounting on wooden structures walls When placing the elements at the installation sites, they need to be cut to size.

Wood moldings are usually quite heavy, so when installing it is worth using not only glue, but also nails. Before installing in place, the flat surface is carefully coated with “ liquid nails" Do not spread the glue too thickly to avoid squeezing out excess during installation. Wooden moldings for separating wallpaper in the interior in the photo below:

Then required panel is pressed to the installation site and carefully nailed. The nail heads are bitten off and the nail shaft is driven deeper and plastered over. Installation on already pasted wallpaper is done in exactly the same way, but you should be careful when painting, or paint it before installation.

Wooden moldings, especially those made of valuable wood, are often coated with a colorless varnish, which emphasizes the natural structure of the material and protects it from moisture.

A short video will allow you to clearly see the entire process of installing moldings:

When decorating walls and ceilings, one of the traditional solutions is to cover them with one material. This could be paint, wallpaper, plaster or decorative panels. If you try to solve this problem more creatively, moldings will come to the rescue. With the participation of these unsightly elements, any, even the most boring corner, can be turned into an interesting architectural object. Let's look at what moldings are, what they are like and where they can be used.

What is molding?

Molding is a decorative element in the form of an overlay volumetric strip. Its length is most often no more than 240 cm, and its width and shape can be different. The same can be said about the cut - the profile of the molding can be almost flat, convex, carved and very complex, with a lot of small decorative elements.

The material used for the production of moldings is very diverse. The most common ones today are polyurethane, polystyrene and plastic. Moldings made from these materials are flexible and hard. Bendable moldings are more expensive, so buy them as needed when straight and hard ones are not enough on a certain section of the wall.

A category higher are moldings made of wood, plaster or marble - they are much more expensive and are often used in interiors that replicate historical styles or when decorating the homes of those who do not accept new technologies and deliberately observe the long-standing traditions of pioneers in one or another area of ​​application of materials.

Installation and application of moldings

Moldings are simply glued onto a prepared, flat wall surface. Its reverse side, which is almost always flat, should fit snugly against the wall. If your molding pattern is quite complex, first draw out “tips” and guides for yourself on the same wall with a construction pencil.

After installing the molding, you can begin applying decorative covering on the remaining sections of the walls - paint them or apply plaster. After completing this stage, you can apply the required color to them with a brush (in the case of wallpaper, the stage of painting the moldings occurs earlier than pasting the walls with wallpaper).

Let's look at how to use moldings in the interior below.

Make platbands for windows and doors from moldings


White doors are very popular now. Platband for this wooden product It is not at all necessary to order from a carpentry workshop. You can safely cover the doorway with molding as a platband. This option will look especially good if you also have a white baseboard.

As for windows - modern apartments they are not always large. That is why visually you can enlarge them a little by pasting the molding around the perimeter in color window frame. With the curtains closed, you will get the feeling that the window opening has become slightly wider and higher. Unfortunately, this will not add light, but it will improve the aesthetic appearance of the window.

Create another line ceiling molding

When the height of the ceilings allows, you can use this simple but very effective technique. Step back a few centimeters from the already pasted ceiling baguette and run a thin, even strip of light-colored baguette around the perimeter of the room. It looks so unobtrusive and elegant that it will definitely decorate your room and add nobility and laconic restraint to it.

Outline the panels on the walls with moldings

In the case when you like to combine several types of wall coverings in one room, it would be quite appropriate to create an imitation of panels using moldings. Cover the line where the materials meet with wide, light-colored molding—often a height of 70 to 100 cm—depending on the height of the ceiling. And after that, evenly draw several rectangles on the lower part of the wall, which you will later paste over with baguette.

Decorative panels in the lower part of the room look best in white, so to decorate this area we recommend buying durable paint so that the wall can later be cleaned with a damp cloth or even applied decorative plaster desired color. It should be smooth to the touch and without frequent cracks or veins into which dirt could become clogged over time.

Design rhythmic sections

One of the most traditional uses of moldings is to cover an area of ​​walls with them. Often rectangles of various proportions are used for these purposes. They can all be the same, or they can be rhythmic and alternate. To determine which method you fits better, look at the size of the room, its height, the subsequent arrangement of furniture and the shape of the walls. Then take the appropriate measurements and draw possible options on paper.


Using several curved sections of moldings you can create unusual shapes and geometric compositions on the walls. This wall decor looks especially beautiful in bedrooms or living rooms in a classic style.


It is worth noting that moldings are applicable not only in “adult” interiors; they will also fit perfectly into a child’s room.


The main thing is to adhere to the same principle everywhere in one room and do not change it, otherwise the room risks looking “broken” and awkward. Be inspired by beautiful, already realized objects and try to apply them accordingly to the situation in your home. Don't try to copy blindly. After all, what is appropriate and properly thought out will, by definition, look good.

Frame decorative elements with molding


Molding is also a great option for framing beautiful features on a wall. This can be a place of honor for family photos. You can also insert into the molding large mirror and stick it to the wall - believe me, this option cannot be compared in cost to any, even the simplest wooden or plastic baguette.


You can also highlight the painting on the wall, decorative panel or even a wall piece like a tapestry.


The space for your imagination is open. You now have another wonderful tool in your hands, which, if handled correctly, can create real architectural wonders in your apartment or house. Good luck in your creative endeavors and meticulous planning - this is really important when working with moldings.

Each of us wants to make our own home beautiful and unlike any other. There is a lot for this design ideas and solutions.

One of the techniques in creating stylish interior design in the apartment is the use moldings - invoices decorative elements.

With the help of decorative moldings you can solve a variety of designer tasks. Habitual pasted wallpaper the walls take on a completely different look, complete and holistic.

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Types of decorative moldings

Plaster moldings

Moldings are made from different materials. It could be:

  • gypsum;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane;
  • plastic;
  • marble;
  • tree.

Plaster good because they do not change color over time and are easy to apply restoration.

Foam and polyurethane moldings are resistant to changes temperature mode and to increased humidity.
For this reason, it is precisely these moldings that are often used on kitchen and in bathroom room.

The only disadvantage of moldings can be called insufficient strength, they are susceptible mechanical damage. But they inexpensive, and are also easy to install.

Moldings - strips

Depending on the purpose, various moldings are produced shapes, including:

  • planks;
  • panels;
  • baseboards;
  • cornices;
  • framework.

Note: For decorative finishing columns, arches and creating complex geometric shapes Flexible moldings are used. These moldings are made from polyurethane mixed with rubber.

What functions do moldings perform in the interior?

Ceiling decoration with moldings

Moldings in the interior can decorate ceilings, walls, door and window openings, as well as furniture. Since the moldings different By form and at the same time they can be absolutely any color, then we can safely say that they are easily will fit in to any interior.

If you paint the moldings gilded and corresponding to the style, you can recreate the atmosphere of the era classicism, and with the help of the dark ones contrasting panels located in the corners of the room - add color to your home east.

But there are other goals that can be achieved using moldings. For example, hide some defects walls Moldings will help distract attention from unevenness, and in combination with visually they will make the surface practically perfect.

They are also used to cover joint between the ceiling and walls (the so-called ceiling skirting boards and cornices). Moldings are also applicable for additional protection wallpaper (for example, on external corners arched openings).

Basic techniques for decorating walls with moldings

Imitation of panels and columns

Imitation of columns in an apartment

Moldings are perfect not only for decorations interior, but also for visual extensions space.

Since it is known that vertical elements visually increase the height of the ceilings, then to create this effect you can use various types of panels that imitate columns, For example.

Or connect the ceiling space and wall space using skirting boards the same color as the ceiling.

Separating different materials

Molding elements

Often done using moldings separation in wall decoration different materials or one, but different in color and texture. For example, when used companion wallpaper(read how to hang two types of wallpaper). Places of their horizontal joints decorated with panels-moldings, which are then painted in a suitable color.

Creating rhythmic sections

Creating sections using wall moldings

Moldings are also used to divide space into sections.

This technique works well for studio apartment or studio apartments, in which there is a need to divide the space into zones.

Additional line of ceiling moldings

Application of moldings on the ceiling

This decorative technique can be used indoors with high ceilings.

Along the perimeter of the room, just below ceiling baguette, located more thin molding.

The strip formed by these decorative elements, can be covered with the same wallpaper, the same as the rest of the wall surface, or contrasting.

Framing photographs and decorative elements

Paintings or photos are also framed with moldings

A very popular way to use moldings in the interior is framing photographs, paintings, mirrors, and other decorative elements.

There are special framework, which are glued to the wall. They can be painted in any color, and the shape can be chosen to suit your needs. style the interior as a whole.

Important: Before attaching the moldings, it is necessary to make accurate calculations and markings, and if a complex composition is planned, apply the entire design to the wall.

In order to gluing molding did not have any problems, you must follow the sequence of actions:
    • sand its surface, and this will contribute to better adhesion of materials;
    • choose correctly glue. Everything will depend on what material the moldings are made of. For lightweight foam plastic, or PVA. Moldings from polyurethane glued to a special assembly adhesive or Plaster stucco molding must be fixed either with polyurethane glue or with a special gypsum mortar. For wooden The planks can be fastened with nails;
    • necessary outline give yourself a place to install the moldings, and then carefully glue them. The glue dries in about 5 hours;
    • after drying surplus the glue is removed and the seams are carefully puttied;
  • when everything is completely dry (this will take about 12 hours), you can start painting the moldings and

The question is often asked on Internet forums: “How to glue moldings on wallpaper?. Basically, lungs moldings can also be glued to wallpaper, but undesirable. Firstly, it is impractical, and secondly, to cope with such jewelry Not everyone can do the job, because it is necessary to accurately check quantity glue so that there is no excess, and also carefully coat the seams. Yes and with painting moldings glued to the wallpaper will cause difficulties. To do everything carefully, without staining the wallpaper, it is very difficult.

As we see, region The applications of moldings are very wide. It's interesting and unusual decor element, performing several functions in the interior at once. Moldings decorate the room, expand it visually, divide on zones, hide imperfections of surfaces. Moreover varieties There are so many moldings that everyone can choose suitable in shape and size, quality and price.

How to glue a ceiling cornice, see video:

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First this type decor was used in France during the heyday of the Rococo style. It has also existed in Russian culture for quite a long time, but is not so widespread. Moldings in the interior can be found in the Catherine Palace and in various ancient buildings. But with some modification they have also entered modern design, so we suggest studying this phenomenon in more detail and learning how to use it to create luxury design own apartment.

Using moldings you can create original design, change the shape of the room and correct interior errors

Moldings are decorative volumetric elements that reverse side have a smooth base. During the decorating process, they can be combined by texture, pattern or color. The most commonly used moldings are in the form of strips. But they are not the only ones that make up this collection. This includes various round, triangular, square overlays that are used for decoration.

Moldings are an applied type of decor used to add volume and relief to the interior.

Buildings built during the Khrushchev era abound in moldings. They were used for external cladding buildings and for interior decoration.

Designers use this type of decor to create compositions, to highlight one wall, to mask joints or smooth out contrasting color transitions. You can also create a composition or make a frame for your photos. Moldings are also used to create panels, which can also be used to decorate any wall.

Contrasting combinations give the interior originality, brightness and dynamism

This type of decor has many advantages, but it is not so often used in modern design. This is justified by the fact that it is suitable for certain styles that tend towards pomp and antiquity. We will consider all methods of use, and will definitely find unusual and convenient options.

When choosing moldings, they are guided by the design and color schemes of the room

Advantages of moldings

Moldings in the interior have not only decorative value, but also practical value. Thus, we can highlight a number of advantages of this type of decor.

  • Hides surface imperfections. Relief elements will perfectly disguise unevenness or damage to the surface, and will also soften the joints of materials of different textures.
  • Smooth out color contrast. Moldings lend themselves well to painting. So, if desired, they can be painted to match any background. Thus, you can benefit from the harsh color transition on the wallpaper by framing it with moldings.
  • Inexpensive. In stores you will find products for different budgets depending on texture, color and material of manufacture. The most popular are polyurethane. They have no high cost and high wear resistance.
  • Easy to install and maintain. Due to the fact that the reverse side of the product is flat, it fits tightly to the base and holds tightly. For fastening, just coat the surface with glue and lean it against the wall. In addition, the product does not require special care. If the material allows, it should be periodically wiped with a damp cloth.

Thanks to these advantages, moldings on walls in the interior are being used more and more often.

The monochromatic neutral background of these walls does not seem boring and trivial due to the presence of moldings that divide the surface into clear geometric shapes


Focusing on consumer desires, manufacturers produce various types of moldings. They can be elastic and hard, embossed and flat, colored and plain. The most common is the division into varieties depending on the material of manufacture, since other characteristics depend to a greater extent on this.

View Advantages Flaws
Wooden They are environmentally friendly, allow painting and wet cleaning, are durable and strong. Heavy, require additional fastening, difficult to installation , require mandatory processing by special means for the durability of the tree.
Plaster They make it possible to produce any texture and pattern on plaster, they are durable, have an excellent aesthetic appearance, and traditionally emphasize style . They have a lot of weight and high cost, are difficult to install, and are not suitable for decorating an apartment.
Polyurethane They are lightweight, durable and easy to use. installation , thanks to the flexible surface, make it possible to decorate surfaces with curves, have a low price, and are available in a wide range. Environmentally unsafe.
Foam Cheapness, simplicity in installation, light weight. They make it possible to decorate only flat surfaces, have a high fire hazard, are toxic, and are not resistant to mechanical stress.
Polystyrene They are moisture resistant, can be painted, are light in weight and have a low price. Inelastic, poorly resistant to mechanical stress.
Metal Strong, durable, have original appearance, resistant to external mechanical influences. Inelastic, suitable only for modern styles , require additional fastening.
Plastic Waterproof, allow wet cleaning, have a wide range and colors. Inability to paint, short-lived, toxic, subject to deformation over time.

Moldings made of natural wood attract with a beautiful natural pattern and high environmental friendliness

Moldings made of plaster and metal are less popular due to their high cost and more complex installation; they are used mainly for the design of very expensive design projects

Foam products are the cheapest, but have low strength and durability

Polyurethane moldings are quite strong, durable and easy to install, and their affordable price attracts buyers and “turns a blind eye” to low environmental friendliness

You can also choose the appropriate color and texture. Each of the presented types has a large assortment and can offer suitable option. Now let's figure out how to use moldings in room design.

Use Cases

Designers often use moldings in interiors to separate wallpaper. In this case, they perform an aesthetic function, help visually divide the room, and bring it into a harmonious state. different kinds wallpaper that doesn't match each other. However, this is not the only area of ​​application.

Painted planks are used to delimit wall space or highlight any decorative feature

Moldings can be used not only on walls, but also on ceilings, doors, and windows. In all applications, they perform an important function and help make the design of the room more harmonious.

Moldings complete the image of the arched opening and ultimately make the entire interior more aesthetically pleasing

In addition, they can be used to create a separate composition, which will subsequently become a design element. Let's take a closer look at the decoration options.

Selecting a functional area

To delimit one of the zones of the room, wallpaper with molding is used in the interior. To do this, you need to select wallpaper and matching molding, then make a selection by framing part of the wall.

In today's fashionable combination of paint and wallpaper, moldings are used to differentiate one coating from another

Important! During installation, the molding is glued first, then the wallpaper.

In this way, you can advantageously highlight the dining area in the kitchen-studio, or emphasize the wall above the bed in the bedroom. Moldings are even used in the bathroom, but only certain moisture-resistant types.

If you want to focus on one of the functional zones by adding a pattern or composition, think about the outline in advance. Apply it to the wall and then glue the molding. And don’t forget that you need to select a product that matches the wallpaper and style of the room.

Use as a frame

In modern design, the use of this type of decoration to create various compositions and frame them is more common.

This year it is popular to bring a piece of art into every room. This is expressed in the abundance of different paintings on the walls. You may meet various photos or reproductions of famous paintings in the kitchen, bedroom, living room and even bathroom. In this case, moldings will be a great way to frame these pictures. With their help, you can make a regular frame or create a complete composition - it all depends on your imagination.

A wall divided into functional blocks by moldings can distract attention from some interior flaws

In a compact room, thin slats look laconic, and in a spacious room, wider ones look

Recently, they have become increasingly popular handmade. Panels of various directions are popular in interior design. It can be decoupage or a collage of photographs. It's all about your skills here. But moldings in this case play an important role. With their help, you can create an ornate frame for pictures, or focus on the location of photographs.

Decorating photos using moldings

You can make a frame for a mirror in the hallway or bathroom. This way you will visually enlarge it and give more comfort to the room. Some models are adapted for communications, so that around the mirror with the help of moldings you can create spotlights and add luxury to the bathroom.

Decor of windows and doors

In this case, the relief elements also perform an important practical function. In the case of a door, they prevent it from touching the wall and thereby damaging the wall surface. In addition, by using moldings to decorate the wall, you don’t have to spend money on expensive doorways and resort to the help of a craftsman.

Usually door trims are selected based on color scheme the paintings themselves

Match the frame to the color of the door, and you will be able to imitate an expensive doorway. But in this case it will be much easier for you to work, and repairs will cost less.

When it comes to windows, white moldings are the most popular. They help to visually enlarge the window and make it more comfortable by framing it. It is applied to the wall around the window in accordance with the instructions.

Snow-white moldings on the windows - universal option for any interior

Using molding frames you can visually enlarge compact windows

What styles is it suitable for?

This type of surface decoration is not suitable for every style. It is mainly used in historical movements. We offer options with which you can create a vintage look in a new way.


The classic style remains unchanged over the years because it is the standard. For this reason, its arrangement contains notes of antiquity. Heavy carved furniture, arches and rounded window openings, creating relief patterns on the walls - this composition just begs for molding. It is often used to arrange arches and create wall combinations.

For classic interior moldings with stucco are ideal

Since the classics are replete with smooth curved lines and roundness, a flexible relief tape is needed here, which will be easier for you to work with. To decorate smooth surfaces, you can use carved wooden moldings. But be careful: in this case there must be a secure fastening.


This warm, incredibly cozy and light style, which came to us from Southern France, also accepts the use of moldings to create an interior. However, ceiling and floor options are more popular here, which are placed at the junction of two zones. Thus, they perform both a practical and aesthetic function.

In the Provence style, simple-shaped moldings with simple geometric reliefs are used

The color of the moldings should be in harmony with the basic tones of the room design

Provence is famous for its simplicity, so the rulers should correspond to this focus. There is no place for pretentiousness; complex ornaments and intricate elements are not accepted. Therefore, choose either simple patterns or a completely monochromatic option. The Provence style is characterized by white, beige, milky, peach, Ivory, champagne.


Next to the nautical Greek motifs, the moldings look great. They keep this style from being empty and unorganized, while at the same time not making it too heavy.

Using decorative moldings to decorate the ceiling in a Mediterranean-style living room

In this style, it is often necessary to imitate the sea space using painting or photo wallpaper. It is also common to imitate a balcony or equip a bay window accordingly. Moldings fit into this style perfectly. They help to separate the picture and highlight a specific area, logically continue the existence of the bay window and emphasize the necessary elements.

Historical orientation and modernity

Of course, this type of decoration goes well with Baroque, Rococo, Gothic and other historical styles, because they come from there. If you want to recreate the atmosphere of the 15th century in your apartment, best option can't imagine.

Gothic bedroom with chic wood moldings

But not only historical styles will be appropriate. Moldings are also used in modern trends, only with some modification. So, in modern or techno we will see metal strips for framing individual zones or designing joints. Flexible polyurethane models with holes for communications are also widely used. In this way, it is possible to create excellent lighting for the ceiling in a modern style.

Relief composition of moldings on the living room ceiling in a minimalist style

Smooth moldings without any relief or pattern are suitable for high-tech interiors

It all depends on your imagination and desire. Don't be afraid - create!

Video: how to make a beautiful decoration from ordinary molding

Photo: examples of decorating various rooms with moldings