How to sew a mattress from padding polyester. Manufacturing of a springless product. Mattresses are different

Homemade mattress - sewing, use of natural materials

None of us can imagine how one can indulge in sleep and rest on bare ground or on a hard wooden bed. Modern man is accustomed to the fact that his body should lie on a soft base of one kind or another.

Most of the time, we sleep on a mattress. Today we will reveal the secret of how you can make a mattress using various natural or artificial materials do it yourself.

If even in the last century the basis of this product was mainly made up of various fillers of plant or animal origin, then in a modern mattress main component - spring. It is she who provides comfort and convenience.

What types of this wire element can not be found in modern beds... Each manufacturer is constantly striving to prove that it is his development that most fully takes into account the peculiarities of human forms and allows the body to take the most advantageous position in terms of rest.

And there are more and more enterprises producing these products for the modern market. The most responsible of them really spend a lot of money on studying the features of the operation of the springs. different forms, select their optimal ratio per unit area, experiment with various artificial and natural fillers.

Making a mattress using natural materials

At the same time, one of the main negative aspects associated with limiting the consumption of new generation mattresses is their rather high price. We bring to your attention a budget option products that can be made by hand for a private house or summer cottage, using both traditional and not quite traditional, or materials forgotten over time.

We start the process of making a mattress with tissue base - a cover of a certain size, which we will fill in the future. A sufficiently strong fabric must be prepared for sewing the casing. Moreover, it can be both traditional white, and any other, since the operation of the mattress is often carried out using bed linen.

From the prepared fabric, make a pattern for the details of the future homemade product. It will consist of two completely identical rectangular parts, the dimensions of which will depend both on the size of the people who will use the product and on the type of bed. Recall that modern stocks are subdivided into single, one-and-a-half and double in width. Based on this, cut out the upper and lower half of the mattress. In addition to them, prepare one or more narrow strips, the width of which will determine the height of the product, and the total length should not be less than the perimeter (the sum of the lengths of the sides) of rectangular parts.

The cut parts must be connected together. To do this, first grind them with pins,

sweep and sew with high strength threads. It is best to first perform this operation manually, securely fixing the parts to each other in order to avoid their mutual displacement.

You will have to prepare the following materials and tools: foam rubber, synthetic winterizer (batting), fabric, sewing machine, thread, spring blocks, cord, wooden slats, nails, stapler, hammer.

Before starting the process, it is important to decide what will be inside the mattress. If it is supposed to be folded and removed, then it is better to take foam rubber or synthetic winterizer. For a stationary bed, you can stay on springs.

Foam mattress. Foam rubber must be marked. If the mattress is going to be folded, it is made from several pieces of foam rubber. If it is a stationary bed, the mattress is made of 1-2 longitudinal parts... It is recommended to cut the foam rubber together with an assistant: one stretches the halves, and the other cuts the material sharp knife in 2 halves, and exactly along the intended line.

Now move on to the fabric. To the parameters of the thickness of the mattress, a few centimeters are added to the seams. The cover can be made with an overlap (+ 20cm), then it can be removed and washed. The cover is sewn on sewing machine: first across, then along the length. All seams are processed with overlock or zigzag. Foam rubber is inserted into the cover.

If it is decided to make a mattress from batting or padding polyester, they start not with the mattress, but with the cover. After measuring the bed, consider the width of the mattress when creating your pattern. Next, a cloth cover of the desired size is sewn with a zipper or overlap. Then the cover is carefully stuffed, considering that the stuffing will soon become thinner. In several places, the mattress is stitched through so that there are no lumps later.

For the manufacture of spring mattress spring blocks are needed. They are purchased in the right amount depending on the size of the bed. Insert them vertically in order, their ends should be on the same level. The lower parts of the spring are fixed wooden slats 6 cm wide.

Next, strapping the springs is carried out, driving large nails along the ends of the bed and bending them from the springs. With the help of a strong cord, all the springs are tied, first along, and then across, and then along the diagonals. Burlap and a layer of wadding or padding polyester are laid on top of the springs.

The mattress is fitted upholstery fabric and secured with a stapler.

DIY mattress

DIY inflatable mattress

How often during the cleaning process we find some things that we do not use, but it is still a pity to throw them away, every time we think, what if it will come in handy, because from this you can make, for example, a hammock, a ski suit or instill in a child an interest in creating cars , airplanes, hand-made soldiers. The abundance on store shelves discourages our desire to create, and this is so important for our development and growth. And if this thing, moreover, turned out to be no worse than the one in the store, remember how much pleasure we get from it. We will never experience such joy if we just buy the same ski suit or toy car.

Going to the dacha, to the river, or on a hike, taking care of our comfort, we immediately run to the store to buy a sleeping bag, an inflatable chair or an inflatable mattress, and you can do it yourself, the main thing is that there is a desire. Perhaps you, accustomed to abundance, will be surprised how you can make an inflatable mattress with your own hands, because in the same place high tech etc. Yes, easily, you just need to show a little imagination. Remember how Winnie the Pooh got honey on a balloon? So, you ask, why here air balloons - everything is very simple - this is the basis of our inflatable mattress!

Now let's get to the point. Take a dense material, you can multi-colored - it will be even more interesting, and sew a shell for the future mattress, dividing it into four identical compartments, about 80cm wide and 170cm long. Attach the outer left and right compartments, as well as the compartments at the bottom, with lacing or a zipper to access them, and then take the inflated regular balls. Just don't inflate them completely, otherwise they will burst quickly, and put an average of 5 balls in each compartment, look at the size of the mattress. You can make such a wonderful inflatable mattress with your own hands, and successfully use it for outdoor recreation - unusual, convenient, and most importantly, no one will have such a mattress!

If you are not yet ready for such feats, start small. Take your time to say goodbye to things that can be fixed. Take, for example, the same old inflatable mattress, which every second has, lying somewhere in the closet or in the country. Breathe into it new life, take it out, check where it lets air in, put a patch - and it will serve you faithfully again, because gluing an ordinary inflatable mattress with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears - glue, scissors, patch - and you're done! So fantasize, create and remember that everything new is well forgotten old.

DIY mattress

I didn't do it myself, but I would also like to. I saved such a note on the topic, and if you try, write how it is:

During haymaking in the village, the smell of mowed grass is most pleasant. Sleeping in the hayloft filled the body with lightness, the head with clarity, and the body with health. It would seem that if you fill the mattresses with fresh hay, then in winter you can feel like in the hayloft in bed. However, literally in a few days, one part of the hay cakes, turning into a hard, bumpy layer, and the other is frayed into the smallest dust. It is enough just to shake the mattress slightly, and clouds of hay dust, which is by no means beneficial to health, immediately rise above it. That is why the mattresses and pillows were stuffed not with grass, but sedge leaves.

Sedge was harvested at the beginning of summer, before its flowering. There are two main types of plants - with large and small leaves. Mattress stuffed with sedge from small leaves, will be softer, but less elastic, which means that it cakes faster. In large-leaved sedge, the leaves are wider and coarser, but they are highly elastic. Knowledgeable people put two thin mattresses on the bed - on top with small ones, and below with large leaves... As a rule, this mattress lasts for a year.

The pillows are stuffed with cattail, thistle and thistle down. Cattail is harvested in August and September, when the ears turn dark brown. They are cut and laid to dry in the sun, and in wet weather under a canopy. Once the tips of the ears are fluffy, they are placed in a pillowcase, which is immediately sewn up, leaving a small gap. The pillowcase with cobs is dried by putting it on the stove or hanging it next to it. When the cobs are completely dry and the open fluff fills the pillowcase, the stalks of the cattail are carefully removed one by one through the gap. After making sure that there is only one fluff left in the pillowcase, the hole is sewn up, and the pillow is ready. She can serve long years... Earlier, in some places, even feather beds were stuffed with cattail down. You should not harvest cattail fluff in the spring if its cobs are well preserved. In each of them, insect larvae made themselves a home for the winter. Once inside the pillow along with the fluff, after a while they gnaw through the fabric and come out, leaving hundreds of small holes on the pillowcase.

In other places, they preferred to collect plant fluff from ivan tea, or narrow-leaved fireweed. The down collectors tried to collect the boxes before they opened. The bags with the prepared raw materials were placed in a warm dry place, for example, on an oven, or hung out in the sun. When the boxes dried up and burst, light and resilient fluff filled the bag. The bag was beaten light wooden with mallets and shaken from time to time. From the shake, the fluff in the bag went up, and the heavier pods and seeds fell down, where the bag knot was. Then the knot was untied and the accumulated waste was poured out.

Fillers for orthopedic springless mattress

DIY mattress 2014-12-05T18: 59: 19 + 00: 00 adminBuilding mattress with your own, mattress with your own hands, you can make, inflatable mattress, inflatable mattress do it yourself

Comfort and convenience while sleeping is important aspectsthat allow the body to gain strength at night. The bed and mattress should be comfortable, which is often financially difficult to buy. Making a mattress with your own hands is an opportunity to save money, use necessary materials and interesting work.

We create a comfortable mattress ourselves

This interesting process has several advantages. It is simple and does not require additional study of the execution technology. The materials are available options... You can independently choose the size, height, softness of the product.

The creation of a sleeping place depends on personal preference. It is important to understand that with my own hands the following items can be made:

  • Orthopedic mattress;
  • Foam;
  • Using pillows.

These are the most common options that do not require special tools and materials that cannot be purchased in the store.

Foam rubber is a common filler for modern market... It is notable for its availability, each of us can purchase it. The second name for the synthetic material is polyurethane foam. Many people often ask about the use of polyurethane foam in a mattress - what is it? Polyurethane foam, foam rubber or polyurethane foam is constantly being improved as a material and it is no longer worth comparing the properties of today's material and the material ten years ago. Scientists are constantly working on the composition of the material and they managed to bring its performance closer to the standard safety level.

There are many types of this filler, all of them differ in their operational properties:

  • Elasticity;
  • Rigidity;
  • Density.

Selection of foam rubber for the mattress (foam density)

The material selected as a filling element meets certain requirements that contribute to obtaining good result... Foam rubber must be elastic and soft, while quickly taking initial appearance after use. Quality assessment is determined by the density of the product, for a mattress ideal options values \u200b\u200bin the range of 25-40 kg / m 3 are considered. Selection of the filler begins with taking into account its marking.

Preparation of materials and tools

The acquisition of the required materials depends on the choice of destination finished product... For the stationary model, additional spring blocks are purchased. For the portable version, you only need polyurethane foam. Construction using the following materials and tools:

  • Dense foam rubber - required to create a frame;
  • Filler marked with EL, HR and VE;
  • It is possible to add coconut coir or other materials to the construction;
  • Glue for fixing the product, purchased specifically for foam rubber;
  • Fabric (natural materials are great).

As additional tools you will need a tape measure, a knife, scissors, a machine for sewing a cover.

Before manufacturing the product, you need to measure sleeping area... Next, the frame itself is assembled, for this a body is made of dense polyurethane foam, the thickness of which should be at least 5 cm. It is required to lay out the bars of the material on a flat surface, then they are glued together.

Foam rubber in the form of scraps will not good filler, the base must be solid.

How to sew a mattress cover?

This is the next step in making a mattress, which will require fabric, a sewing machine and matching threads. The filled frame is measured and parts are cut out, while leaving three cm on each side for the seam. The cover should fit snugly against the product and stretch with outside help... A zipper is required for comfortable cleaning of the mattress.

It is required to select natural fabric as a material, since it is not allergenic.

To homemade mattress stayed clean, you need to sew a mattress topper.

This type of product can also be made at home by yourself. Only spring blocks are required without fail, and felt and coconut coir must be purchased as filler. First, the springs are tied together for alignment, then several layers of felt are applied, which are glued together. The next stage is the laying out of the coir.

The coconut filler should be no thicker than two centimeters.

Additionally, you can add artificial latex, which can be replaced with foam rubber. The alternation of layers depends on personal needs.

And for a complete understanding of how to make a mattress at home yourself, you can watch this video:

DIY pillow mattress

This is an interesting and most budget-friendly option for a portable mattress. It is sewn quickly and easily. To do this, you need to purchase several pillowcases, the quantity is determined by the person. Then you can sew them together and insert soft ones with the cheapest pillows. This is a great option for kids.

How to sew a mattress topper?

This detail perfectly protects the mattress from dirt and reduces the percentage of wear. You can make a model in the form of an ordinary bag, for this you just need to take the fabric and wrap the mattress, and then sew the seams. A more difficult option is a sheet with an elastic band, for this you need to sew it along the edge of the open fabric. The material for the product is selected to be wear-resistant and easy to clean.

How to shrink the mattress at home?

Alteration of the product may be required in case of buying a mattress or making it without preliminary measurements of the bed. It is important to understand that this must be done carefully. If there are no springs in the product, then the seams are simply unpicked and the excess filler is removed. In the opposite case, you need to remove the extra spring block. Then the seams are neatly closed and the mattress is ready for use.

How to make the mattress harder or softer?

It is important to understand that if you feel discomfort in a dream due to an uncomfortable mattress, you need to make adjustments to it. It is possible to make the mattress softer or harder. This is done using a mattress topper. To increase rigidity, coconut coir is used as a filler, and foam rubber can be added for additional softness. The thickness of the product should not exceed 10 cm, otherwise discomfort will arise.

Given the possibilities modern man, who is not limited in the acquisition of materials for his experiments, then sewing a mattress and accessories for it is an easy task that requires only perseverance. The main thing is to choose the right insides of the product, purchase high-quality fabric for decoration and do the work carefully and carefully. The process itself will not cause difficulties, and even children may participate in some processes. It is important to remember that the finished product must be thoroughly dried in the fresh air.

The prices for orthopedic mattresses may seem quite high - people want to sleep on good-quality and comfortable mattresses, but not everyone is ready to pay big money for this.

What to do in such a difficult situation? There are three ways out:

  • Purchase a similar mattress from a little-known manufacturer;
  • Buy inflatable orthopedic mattress;
  • Make an orthopedic mattress with your own hands.

Is it really that beneficial?

By purchasing a mattress from a little-known manufacturer, we get at our disposal a product that is not much different from the products of famous brands. Large manufacturers spend a lot of money on advertising and promoting their product, incorporating advertising costs into the price of mattresses. Little-known companies, as a rule, operate in local markets and do not aggressively promote their products - therefore, prices for mattresses are lower.

Minus this method is that some little-known companies produce extremely low-quality mattresses that cannot compete even with the most cheap models from well-known brands.

Having made an orthopedic mattress with our own hands, we will get a certain benefit. The raw materials are cheaper than the finished mattress, and we will hardly have any additional costs. Depending on the cost of materials, we we can save up to half the cost of the finished mattress... Let's figure out what we need to make an orthopedic mattress with our own hands.

In order to make an orthopedic mattress on our own, we will need raw materials - the main budget will be spent on their purchase. We will make a springless mattress, since it will be quite problematic to purchase blocks of independent springs, and classic spring blocks will not add orthopedic properties to our mattress.

To make a mattress we need:

  • Thick polyurethane foam for lateral support;
  • Main filler;
  • Dense material for making a cover.

Dense polyurethane foam, laid along the edge of the mattress, acts as a retaining box. Thanks to him, the mattress will keep its shape well. And in the middle of the mattress there will be filler.

As a filler, we can choose all the same polyurethane foam. It is advisable to get a single piece, suitable both in thickness and in dimensions of the sides. If there is a desire and opportunity, you can try to look for coconut fiber, laying it in turn with polyurethane foam. The result is a mattress of increased rigidity that is useful for the spine. We can also design a mattress with different firmness of the sides - on one side there will be coconut coir, and on the other - polyurethane foam.

Together with polyurethane foam, we can use dense struttofiber material. It has an interesting structure with vertical fibers and provides decent support for the spine. This material should be located at the top and bottom, and in the middle we can lay polyurethane foam or a mixture of polyurethane foam with coconut plates.

As for the cover, here you should give preference to dense natural fabrics. For example, it can be coarse calico or natural linen.

Filling materials are the hardest to obtain - this will be the hardest part of the mattress manufacturing process.

We start making a mattress

Making an orthopedic mattress with our own hands, we need to prepare the tools:

  • Sewing machine;
  • Roulette;
  • Scissors and a sharp knife;
  • Glue.

We need a sewing machine for sewing a cover, a tape measure is needed to measure materials, and we will cut our fillers with scissors and a sharp knife. As for the glue, it is necessary for gluing the individual layers of fillers - here we need some kind of glue that is safe for health and does not emit harmful toxins and odors. Consult a furniture repair shop for advice on this matter.

Before starting work, you need to measure the dimensions of your berth - they will be equal to the size of our future mattress. After that, we proceed to assembling the frame made of dense polyurethane foam, which will provide support for the filler from the sides and help the mattress to hold its rectangular shape... For this we use dense polyurethane foam with a thickness of 50 to 100 mm. The approximate thickness of the mattress should be 14-15 cm - less thickness will not add convenience.

The next step is to lay the filler. If you are lucky enough to get a solid piece of polyurethane foam of a suitable thickness, measure the dimensions of the free space in the resulting frame, and then cut out the corresponding piece of polyurethane foam - here you will need a sharp knife, for example, a clerical or boot knife.

If you decide to use a combined filler, then separate sheets of stuffing will need to be glued together so that the finished mattress is dense and does not "walk" under the weight of the person lying on top. For this we use safe, odorless glue, otherwise it will be simply impossible to sleep on the mattress.

Did you get only thin polyurethane foam? It doesn't matter - glue the individual layers into a single structure using glue. But do not try to use scraps and small pieces of polyurethane foam for stuffing - the base of the mattress should be closer to the monolith, and not consist of miniature elements like a cheap foam rubber model.

After the stuffing is ready, we place it in our frame and start sewing the cover. To do this, we take measurements of the resulting mattress and measure out two pieces of fabric - do not forget to leave a margin for the seams and the thickness of the side parts (approximately 3 cm is allocated for the seams on each side). The cover should turn out to be quite tight - it should be put on the filler with a frame with some difficulty so that the mattress turns out to be strong and resilient. The seams of the cover must remain inside.

Only natural fabrics and thick threads are used to sew the cover. Natural fabrics ensure the absence of allergies and irritations, and strong threads will ensure the durability of the produced cover. It is possible that you will need someone's help to stretch the cover. After stretching, the cover needs to be sewn up (if necessary, we sew a zipper on one side).

By the way, this will be a permanent, non-removable cover. Therefore, it is recommended to sew a removable cover on top of it, equipped along the perimeter or from two adjacent sides zippers - at any time this cover can be removed and sent to the wash. If you are too lazy to fiddle with another cover, buy a mattress topper, but in this case you need to be prepared for additional costs - the cheapest way is to sew the cover yourself.

After the mattress is ready, you need to let it air a little for open air - to do this, you can take it to the balcony or loggia, where unpleasant odors will disappear from it.

In conclusion, here are some tips:

  • Accurately measure the dimensions of the components and the dimensions of the berth - the mattress should be tight, not falling apart. Yes and in its place, it should lie tightly, without moving to the sides;
  • Do not make mattresses from foam rubber and batting - these materials will not allow you to create a mattress with orthopedic properties and anatomical effect;
  • Do not use synthetic fabrics for sewing covers - they can cause allergic reactions and irritation;
  • Do not use for self-made orthopedic mattresses, spring blocks "Bonnel" - on their basis it is almost impossible to create normal mattresses with orthopedic properties.

It is inconvenient to sleep on the couch all the time: even designs equipped with a French folding bed mechanism are inferior in terms of comfort to a bed with an orthopedic mattress. If, in addition to organizing a comfortable sleep, you need to seat guests somewhere, you cannot do without furniture with a back that can accommodate several people. Then it's worth making something like a sofa out of the bed - making a soft headboard (back), stitching removable covers from a suitable furniture fabric.

As you can see, both furniture products are in demand in everyday life, it is difficult to make a choice between them. It's good if the size of the apartment allows you to add a sofa and a bed, but if not? In this case, you need to figure out how to sew a mattress on a sofa or make a soft back with a bed cover.

Choice of fabric

The fabric should not only have a stylish look, but also be easy to carry out washing. Quite often, even in fabric catalogs, only dry cleaning or dry cleaning is indicated as a method of cleaning textile material. However, as practice shows, this does not mean that washing is contraindicated.

In order not to sew again, purchase a small piece of the fabric you like and wash it in washing machine at a water temperature of 30 ° C (flocked fabric will not survive washing - it will peel off, do not even try to use it).

Measure the cut before washing - further comparison will show if shrinkage has occurred. Assess the color change, appearance or absence of lint. If the result of the experiments is positive, this piece of cloth will come in handy: they can drag a chair or make a cover for sofa cushion.

  • Since furniture fabric is not cheap, sew the invisible part of the cover from calico.
  • Before cutting, the fabric should be washed, especially coarse calico, which noticeably decreases in size. In addition, the coarse calico must be ironed with steam.
  • To determine the required amount of material, lay out the patterns on a sheet in a cage. Do not forget to make a reserve of material for shrinkage when cutting.

Mattresses are different

Even in a perfectionist home, annoying misunderstandings happen, so your sofa and bed need to be protected from contamination. If you don’t want to do anything, get a sheet with an elastic band suitable size... She can cope with small dirt, but any spilled liquid is too tough for her. Cleaning a sleeping place is quite problematic, changing every time is too expensive.

What to do? It is best to sew the cover yourself - the purchased one may not fit in size, it will sit on your mattress as a "new thing from someone else's shoulder." After all, mattresses differ in the size and shape of the corners (rounded and straight), and the covers - in the way they are sewn.

The perfect cover fits the mattress tightly, protects it as much as possible from dirt and is easy to clean.

Good decision is the protection of a sofa or bed with an additional thin mattress about 5 cm thick. It is easy to make it with your own hands from foam rubber (cheaper option), polyurethane foam, artificial or natural latex (more expensive option). A similar mattress can be washed in the bathroom or simply made a new one. Why? The cost of replacing it is much less than purchasing an orthopedic mattress or replacing the upholstery.

Making a thin foam mattress

A sheet of foam rubber (density not less than 25) is easily cut with a sharp knife. Most often, a construction knife with replaceable blades is used for this operation. This is done like this:

  1. A sheet of foam rubber is marked with a marker (felt-tip pen), marks are put.
  2. With the help of a wooden plank, all marks are connected with a straight line.
  3. Under the place of the future cut, we put some unnecessary solid canvas (a piece of board, a piece of thick cardboard, etc.).
  4. Taking the knife strictly vertically, with unhurried, precise, strong movements we make the cut.
  5. We check the depth of the cut: we push the resulting hole with our fingers and cut the foam rubber to the bottom.

If there are a lot of seizures at the cut, the tip of the blade (or all of it) should be changed. Curvilinear cuts are made in the same way: a piece is applied, marking is done on it, vertically mounted knife excess foam rubber is cut off, the resulting cut will not be ideal, but quite acceptable. If necessary, the foam rubber easily sticks together, the resulting seam will be strong and elastic.

Note! When heated, from the foam rubber, cyanogenous substances hazardous to health are released, even in small doses affecting the respiratory and nervous system... therefore hot cutting this material at home is categorically unacceptable.

Cover for a thin mattress made of calico or satin

It is permissible to use ready-made quilted fabric (more natural in composition, with a cotton content) used for making linings or sewing bedspreads. We start by taking measurements: length, width and height. To avoid creating unnecessary seams, take the fabric in one piece. Remember that natural fabrics shrink noticeably; after washing, a piece of 2 m length can completely decrease by 10 centimeters. Therefore, it is best to wash the fabric first.

Leave 1.5 cm of seam allowance. To cut the fabric evenly, wrap the rest over the main part, level the edges. Holding it with your hand, we slightly pull the fabric over ourselves with scissors and make a cut.

Fold the piece of fabric along the fold line, round the corners like on a mattress. We sew the cover along the perimeter on a sewing machine, we pass the edges with a zigzag or overlock.

On the shorter side, we leave a hole for installing the zipper, the indent at the edges is from 20 to 30 cm. We iron the fabric in this place, after preliminary marking, we sew the zipper on a typewriter.

There is almost no slippage of the fabric on the foam rubber, so carefully, without tugging, we pull the cover over the mattress. We tighten the fabric, straighten the corners, then pick up the folds and tighten again, after which we fasten the zipper.

Cover for a thin mattress made of upholstery fabric

So that our fabric covering neatly covers the mattress from all sides, after marking in the corners, mark the auxiliary lines of the detailed pattern. Applying the template, we round the corners of the upper part, do the same with the corners of the lower part (hem) and draw a straight line at 45 °, following through the intersection points of the lines indicating the height of the mattress.

Cover for orthopedic mattress made of upholstery fabric

The side of the case is essentially a long ribbon. If there is not enough fabric for it, sew from several pieces. Make sure there are no seams on the visible front, or make the seams symmetrical.

2A + 2B - not the exact size (the difference appears due to the presence of rounded corners), the side part will turn out to be longer, the excess is simply cut off. To calculate the length more strictly, you can measure the perimeter of the top.

We process the edges of the seam allowances with a zigzag (if the fabric is frayed), the seam allowances are bent over coarse calico and straightened along the edge. Sewn in front of the upper part, the cuts are processed and detached, as well as the sidewalls. Top part the cover is ready.

Comfort during sleep is important for a person. And in any case, whether you sleep on a bed or on a sofa, you cannot do without a mattress. Mattresses are different: orthopedic, wadded, latex, foam, synthetic fluff, and so on. To prevent the mattress from getting dirty, to serve longer, and to please the eye, the question arises: how to sew a mattress topper with your own hands. You can, of course, do time-consuming sewing, but you want to sew a mattress topper quickly and easily.

How to sew a cover for a mattress in a baby stroller or crib is very simple! The filler for the mattress can be made of foam rubber, batting, synthetic fluff. Quilted batting (found at a fabric store) is great. Our master class will tell you how to make a mattress cover with foam filling.

Standard sizes for a mattress in a stroller are 80/40 cm.For a mattress in a baby bed - 140/70 cm.

I would like to say a little about the fabric from which we will sew the mattress topper with our own hands. It is better to soak the fabric in warm water 40 g., And iron it with an iron. This applies to all natural fabrics. Otherwise, after the first wash, the cover may "get hooked" and not fit on the filler.

For work you will need:

  1. A piece of foam rubber 80 cm long and 40 cm wide.
  2. Cover fabric.
  3. Zipper in the color of the fabric, length - 18-20 cm.
  4. A sewing machine (in the absence of - you can sew by hand, with a seam "forward needle").
  5. Scissors, ruler, pencil, drawing paper.

We take a sheet of paper and draw a drawing of the finished product. We will have 2 rectangles on the piece of paper. The first rectangle is the size of your product (80/40 cm). From it on the sides to lay aside narrow strips with a length equal to the length (80 cm), and a width equal to the thickness of the foam rubber + 2 cm for allowances. The second rectangle is a 80/40 cm rectangle + 2 cm on each side.

First we sew in the zipper. To do this, fold our 2 parts face to face, and scribble small areas in the places indicated by a bold line on one side and on the other (see the photo).

Leave a hole equal in length to the zipper. In this place, we will later louse a lightning. Sew 2 parts of the mattress along bold lines.

We apply the zipper to the middle. We check how much space we have left for the lightning.

We pin the zipper with pins, and sew in the zipper. The zipper should be sewn on the wrong side. We remove the pins.

Next, we sew together narrow strips of fabric, which were laid from the very beginning in the drawing, in the first figure - in the corners. Then we will sew the 2 main details on the three remaining sides. We turn out the mattress cover, put it on foam rubber.

We decorate the corners with pom-poms.

So the do-it-yourself mattress cover is ready, sewn for a baby stroller.

The next variant of the cover is a cover with an elastic band. Suitable for both cotton and orthopedic mattresses... A simple pattern, and the mattress topper will be sewn quickly, in one evening. In order to sew a mattress cover with an elastic band, it is better to take a dense, non-fading fabric, a new dense sheet will do. It is better to buy a sheet in euro-size, usually it is 240/280 or 240/220 cm.Before buying, measure your mattress and estimate what size of the sheet will fit, taking into account the hem from the bottom.

For work you will need:

  1. Cover fabric (any thick fabric will do).
  2. Elastic band or elastic band.
  3. Safety pin for threading elastic.
  4. Sewing machine.
  5. Centimeter, ruler, pencil.

In order to draw our future cover on a piece of paper, you need to measure the length (a) of the mattress, the width (b), and the height of the side (h). We draw a pattern on a piece of paper.

We draw our drawing. The fold line means our piece of fabric is folded in half. Set aside ½ the width of the mattress from the fold. Dimension b is the length of the mattress. We have got a rectangle ½ ab. Around this rectangle, set aside to the left, right, and from below, set h + 15 cm. On the hem.

Continuing the lines with a stroke, we get shaded squares. We cut it out with scissors, leaving a seam allowance of 1 cm. This is the final version of our scheme, according to which we will cut the cover.

Fold the fabric in half along its entire length. We transfer all our sizes to the fabric with a pencil and a ruler. Carefully cut out according to the intended pattern. Next, we fold together with the front sides, and grind on one and the other side the segments c and c1. We get 4 corners. We process the edge of the cut of the seam so that the fabric does not fall out. Next, we need to process the bottom cut of the product. Tuck the edge 2 times, and sew a hemming seam. The width of the hem should be such that it is convenient to insert the elastic there.

We retreat from the corner 50 cm, and with a safety pin we thread an elastic band, or elastic band. Fasten the ends of the elastic with stitches. We get the assembly only in the corners, in the rest of the cover - just a hemming seam.

It turns out that a mattress with your own hands can be made even from the same pillows. To do this, we put an even number of pillows in a bag, divided by seams into parts, and we get children's mattress, on which you can wallow and play. Velcro is sewn onto the edges of the mattress so that it is convenient to keep it folded.

Interesting modular pillows are simple matching pillows with side zippers. To sew such a mattress, you will need pillows, pillowcases, and zippers of the same size and color. For example, if there are 6 pillows, then 12 zippers are needed.

And this is a four-pillow mattress.