How to properly assemble a meat grinder? Instructions for assembling a manual meat grinder. Meat grinder: how to install a knife correctly

Despite the abundance of various household appliances: mixers, food processors and other electrical kitchen appliances, many of us prefer to use the good old mechanical appliances. Despite the fact that in most stores you will be offered to buy freshly grated chopped meat, sometimes you want homemade food in the full sense of the word. And here, more than ever, a manual meat grinder comes in handy ..

Many people have inherited old cast-iron meat grinders in their homes. This is truly a thing for centuries, such a "grandmother" is not so easy to break. However, it also has weaknesses: the handle can now and then come off at the most crucial moment. And she's also very heavy. Modern models are made of aluminum and plastic alloys, they are less durable, but much lighter in weight. Let's consider each type in more detail.

Good old cast iron meat grinder

The main advantage of a cast iron meat grinder is its durability. She is not afraid of falling off the table (the main thing is for you to remove your legs in time), too tight tension of the fasteners (it must be fixed very firmly to the tabletop) and sinewy pieces of meat. This meat grinder will grind everything. The main thing is not to get tired. After all, this type of drive requires considerable physical costs.

Advice! To prevent the cast iron grinder from slipping off the table, use either rubber gaskets or old newspapers as seals.

Meat grinders made of aluminum alloys and plastic models

More modern models of meat grinders are made of aluminum alloys, stainless steel, as well as durable plastic. The advantages that immediately become obvious are the ease of such devices. Plastic can be washed well, fat practically does not accumulate on it, and it is with this that metal variations of the device have problems. However, there are also disadvantages - the surface can quickly fail due to excessive friction of the mechanisms, therefore, when working with such household meat grinders, you should not make too much effort and "squeeze" an excessively large piece of meat or poultry. It is best to break it up into smaller pieces beforehand, remove the bones and anything that can scratch the plastic.

Aluminum variations are made in two versions of the alloy: with the addition of silicon or with the addition of magnesium. The former are considered more durable. Which model is better to choose depends, first of all, on the frequency of using the meat grinder and the nuances associated with the habits of the hostess or the owner of the device - a weightlifter is likely to break a plastic device, and a fragile girl can hardly cope with the installation and operation of a cast-iron mechanism.

The principle of operation of a manual meat grinder

One of the main elements and functional parts of the meat grinder is the screw shaft, it advances the pieces of meat to special knives, which are fixed at the end of the shaft on special nozzles. Thus, slowly but surely, the raw material reaches the grinding and shaping mesh. It comes in different shapes and sizes of holes so that you can choose the right consistency for the future stuffing.

For information! Unlike appliances with an electric motor, manual meat grinders practically do not make noise. Another benefit can be energy savings. After all, any electric meat grinder is equipped with a sufficiently powerful motor, so the energy consumption will not be small.

At the time of buying manual meat grinder pay attention to the quality of the material from which the body and main parts are made.

Unlike older models, some modern variations are supplied with siphons for squeezing juices or are used instead of a grater. Most of these devices, of course, are produced for the electric drive, but you can also find manual, mechanical models.

Important! When working with a meat grinder, carefully select the meat - it is impossible for bones to get into the minced meat. Firstly, it will be harmful to health and may adversely affect those who have tried such a dish. And secondly, using unselected pieces of meat, you run the risk of blunting the knives ahead of time, damaging the screw shaft and the body itself.

Appointment of the main and additional parts of the meat grinder

Any meat grinder consists of basic and additional parts and accessories. The main set is those elements that are involved in all the main work processes. This, as we have already said, is a screw shaft, knives (and their variations), a grate, a disc fixing the grate, a meat receiver, a meat pusher, a handle (most often removable), a body with legs.

In addition, the kit may include various nozzles for molding. For example, confectionery and sausages.

Important! Before working with a meat grinder of any type, read the instructions for use!

How to properly assemble a manual meat grinder step by step with a photo of the process

Despite the seeming simplicity of the task, not everyone can cope with the process of assembling a meat grinder. And if you do it wrong (for example, install the knife on the wrong side, with the cutting edge out), then you can break all the elements. This is especially true for electric meat grinders, where processes occur many times faster and it is not always possible to correctly and quickly respond to a breakdown.

Consider step by step, step by step, all stages of work.

Step #1- We lay out all the details in disassembled form. A visual inspection should give us information about whether all the parts are in place.

In mechanical models, the following six elements must be placed in front of you without fail:

  1. Frame.
  2. Screw shaft.
  3. Knife (usually disc and four-wing propeller).
  4. Lattice. Large plate with holes. The smaller the holes, the more tender the stuffing.
  5. Nut for clamping the mesh. Most often it is screwed onto a thread applied to the body.
  6. A pen. It is mounted on the opposite side of the mesh and knives of the shaft handle.

By the way! In a meat grinder, you can scroll not only meat, but also fish, as well as mold the dough. Plus, it's a great way to chop vegetables.

Do not forget that before assembly, the meat grinder body must either be fixed with a clamping mechanism or installed on legs to avoid distortions during operation. In addition, make sure that all elements of the meat grinder fit snugly against each other - this will ensure the necessary pressure on the shaft and the quality of grinding of raw materials.

Step #2- We begin the assembly by installing the auger shaft into the housing. Usually at this stage, the shaft is simply inserted from the side where the washer will later be fixed. The shaft is installed in such a way that the nozzle (tip) with a narrower edge is on the side where the blades will be attached to it.

In this case, the wider part is inserted into a special hole, where it is fixed with a special holder or nut, to which the handle will subsequently be attached. Older models do not have such an adapter.

Step #3- Installing the knife. This is one of the most crucial stages, if the knife is installed on the wrong side or at an angle, the grinding process will not occur normally. If in doubt, read the instructions again. Most often, the knife is set with the flat side inward, which is what allows the meat to ideally evenly fall under the knife.

Step #4- Installation of the grate. The plate usually has slots that allow you to set the holes as correctly as possible in relation to the knives.

Step #5- Fixing and pressing the grille to the body. Usually the nut is simply screwed into cutters pre-machined on the body.

Step #6- Fixing the handle. At this stage, the assembly can be considered finished.

Rules of care and features of changing nozzles

After work, the meat grinder must be disassembled and washed with all its elements. We start this process in reverse order. The handle is removed first. Then the nut fixing the grate is unscrewed, the grate is removed, the knives are carefully removed, and after that the shaft. Never wash the grinder in assembled- you cannot guarantee the correct cleaning of the container and elements even under high water pressure. And spoiled meat can lead to infections and germs, as well as bad smell which will be difficult to get rid of later.

Most often for proper drying details and elements are laid out on kitchen towel where excess moisture flows and evaporates. Only after that you can reassemble the product or remove all the elements in a box or cabinet.

To date, the range of manual meat grinders is quite wide. There are cast iron, aluminum, plastic and stainless steel models on the market. Such a variety, of course, complicates the choice of the desired product. The editors of the site decided not to stand aside and prepared several recommendations that will help determine the right model.

  • study the material from which the device is made. Some plastic models may be toxic. In case of doubt, ask for a certificate of conformity;
  • see functionality. If you need a meat grinder, do not buy a more expensive device with extra attachments. There you will save money;
  • fastener option. This is where your preferences come into play. Usually these are silicone suction cups, which do not always live up to expectations. Silicone should be undamaged, durable, moderately dense;
  • Last but not least, the price. The cost of mechanical models is lower than electrical ones, however, a very cheap tool for grinding meat should raise questions, first of all, about the quality of the material. Study carefully key mechanisms: auger shaft, handle fastening, shaft travel during operation;
  • buy any household appliances only with the appropriate certificates. This is especially true of those machines and tools that are somehow involved in the preparation of food. Be sure to require certificates for the quality of the material and its toxicity;
  • if you plan to buy online, be sure to check the reviews of the store. Don't buy stock items either. Usually it already has defects. In addition, you should refrain from buying an item that was used as a demonstration model.

So, we told the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a mechanical meat grinder. In addition, now you have some knowledge that will help you assemble and disassemble the product. Do not forget that any mechanism needs careful maintenance.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a useful video on assembling a manual meat grinder.


Despite the great popularity of blenders and mixers, many housewives still prefer such a kitchen appliance as a meat grinder. Although it is not a basic necessity, it is available in almost every home. With this device, you can cook more than one dish. The quality of the meat grinder directly depends on how it is assembled.

For the smooth operation of the device, you should know its device and be able to properly assemble this kitchen appliance. But even with instructions, some housewives have problems during assembly. The question of how to properly assemble a meat grinder remains one of the most relevant.

What is

The meat grinder is an invention of the German baron Karl Drez. Initially, his product was intended only for meat. Hence the name "meat grinder". During operation, it turned out that this device can also be used for grinding other products. Today meat grinders are also used in the production of pasta.


On the modern market The following meat grinders are provided to the attention of the consumer:

  • Mechanical manual. These are steel products.
  • Electrical. In the production of bodies of these meat grinders, both steel and various alloys can be used. Often they are made of plastic. Unlike manual meat grinders, mechanical grinders do not have a handle. It has been replaced by an engine that is located in the hull.

Elements of a conventional meat grinder

Mechanical manual kitchen devices are equipped with:

  • All-metal body.
  • Meat receiver. It loads products.
  • Screw shaft - a kind of spiral, with the help of which the processed products are brought to the exit from the meat grinder.
  • With a knife. It recycles everything that gets inside the device. Knives can be disk and winged (cross-shaped).
  • Lattice. The degree of grinding of the product depends on the diameter of its cells.
  • Clamp nut. It is necessary for fastening grating and knives to the auger.
  • Handle. It is fastened with a special screw.

Before assembling a meat grinder - manual or electric, you need to know its structure and the purpose of all its spare parts. A Soviet-made manual meat grinder is a kitchen appliance familiar to every housewife.

This tool has a simple design. For those owners who use it regularly, the question of how to properly assemble a meat grinder almost does not arise. This question is relevant for those who use the kitchen appliance infrequently. In such cases, the instructions for assembling the meat grinder can help. According to consumer reviews, often there is no instruction when buying a product. Even in this case, among the incomprehensible spare parts, the assembly can be handled if the work is done in stages.

How to properly assemble a meat grinder. Stages

  • Install the auger in the main body. On the one hand, the screw shaft is thin, and on the other side it has characteristic thickenings. A knife and a grate are mounted on the thin end of the auger. The thick end is designed specifically for the pen. When installing the shaft, make sure that the thickening is outside. A handle will be attached to it with a screw in the future.
  • Install a knife on the thin end of the auger. Many owners very often confuse which side to put the knife in the meat grinder. At this stage, it is important to consider the features of the knives. Winged (cruciform) on each side have different forms- on the one hand flat, and on the other - convex. On the screw shaft, the cross-shaped knife is installed so that its flat part is directed outward towards the meat grinder grate. During installation circular knives, on the contrary, sharp edges should be directed towards the grating. This stage is the most responsible. If you mess up with the location of the knives, then the meat will not be cut during the operation of the meat grinder. Incorrectly placed knives will simply crush it. Judging by the numerous consumer reviews, it is recommended to install only those knives that come with this meat grinder. It is undesirable to use "non-native" knives, since very often they leave large gaps on the stuffing. This negatively affects the quality of the product.
  • Mount the grille on the thin part of the shaft (rod pin). It is important to ensure that it fits snugly against the previous part. For this, the gratings are equipped with a special recess. The cases of meat grinders in this place have a small protrusion. The grille is considered to be installed correctly if this protrusion has fallen into its recess. If this nuance is not taken into account, then in the future, when using the clamping nut, it will not be possible to tighten it tightly.
  • Fix the grate with the clamping nut. The twisting process is carried out clockwise.

The design of Soviet manual meat grinders has a special foot. It is designed to attach this kitchen appliance to a surface. Usually this is the edge of the table. To prevent the meat grinder from slipping, you can put a rag under the foot. New models of meat grinders are equipped with plastic paws, which provide a more secure attachment to the countertop.

Using optional accessories

You can prepare minced meat using both a meat grinder and a blender. The product obtained with a blender is very finely ground and resembles baby puree. Dishes of this consistency have their own consumer. Such a product cannot be obtained using a conventional manual meat grinder. To do this, you need a blender in the kitchen. If it is not available, then heavily chopped dishes can also be prepared using the following additional accessories that are included with some models of manual meat grinders:

  • Double sided blades.
  • Grids with holes of various diameters.
  • knives.

To get heavily chopped minced meat, the hostess must know how to properly assemble the meat grinder. The assembly of such a model will be slightly different. The work is not particularly difficult if you follow a clear sequence of actions.

How is the device assembled?

  • Insert screw shaft.
  • Install ring.
  • Attach grate and knife.
  • Install the second pair of blades and grate.
  • Clamp the structure with a ring.

As in a conventional meat grinder, in a device for strong grinding, the blade with its flat part should also fit snugly against the grate.


In order for the kitchen appliance to work long and well, the owner must take care of it. To do this, it is enough to clean it every time after using the device. The hostess not only needs to know how to assemble a meat grinder. After operation, a manual meat grinder must also be able to disassemble and clean. The disassembly process is not difficult if you follow the following sequence:

  • If the design is equipped with a removable meat receiver, it should be removed from the body.
  • Loosen clamping nut. Turns should be performed counterclockwise.
  • Remove the grate and knife from the auger shaft.
  • Remove handle. To do this, unscrew the screw fixing it.
  • Take out the screw.

All parts of a manual meat grinder should be washed with dishwashing detergents. After that, the elements of the kitchen appliance are dried. Meat grinder parts are best stored in cloth bags. caring attitude and proper care for the device will extend its operational life.

Manual meat grinder essential tool in the kitchen, because, unlike an electric one, it will never stop working due to power outages

Most modern hand tools are made from quality and reliable material for centuries. There are also modern meat grinders made of durable plastic. Such a meat grinder, of course, is easier to break than a cast-iron one. Therefore, you should be more careful with it.

Manual cast iron meat grinder

A cast iron meat grinder is a faithful assistant in the kitchen. She will serve for a very long time. And to break it, you need to try very hard. This is her advantage. The disadvantage of a cast iron meat grinder is that it is very heavy compared to other devices.

Cast iron meat grinder is very heavy, but works flawlessly

Meat grinders made of aluminum alloys and plastic models

A meat grinder made of aluminum alloys is much lighter than cast iron. And during operation it will last a very long time faithfully. There is only one drawback of such a device - sometimes the hands get very tired when grinding a large amount of meat or other products.

Plastic models of meat grinders are made of high quality and very durable materials. But, nevertheless, this model is not as durable as a cast-iron meat grinder, and its parts can quickly fail. Therefore, it is important to carefully operate the meat grinder.

The principle of operation of a manual meat grinder

A manual meat grinder, in terms of design, is a fairly simple device. Its work is based on two things - a manual drive and mechanical pressure created by the auger. The grinding process looks like this:

  • meat, fish or any other product is put into the receiver and gets on the screw shaft;
  • then the product is pressed against the grate and cut off with a special four-blade knife that slides over the surface of this grate;
  • products are minced continuously: the meat is placed in the receiver and then exits through the grate.

The principle of operation is simple: lay the products and get minced meat. Simply and easily!

What does a meat grinder consist of and what is the purpose of the parts

What does a classic handheld device consist of:

  1. Frame:
    A. Meat receiver;
    B. Mounting clamp;
  2. Lever;
  3. Auger with left hand thread;
  4. Bearing bushing;
  5. Cutting knife with 4 blades;
  6. Lattice;
  7. union nut;
  8. Eyebolt for attaching the handle

Meat grinder disassembled

Also, the device can be supplied with additional grills with different hole diameters, knives, nozzles for making sausages, sausages and fresh juice.


Nozzles must be sharpened regularly, not allowed to be used for cutting too hard or sinewy semi-finished meat products.

The screw shaft is an important and basic part. It has the appearance of a spiral, which, during operation, grinds excess meat, advancing them to nozzles with knives. It is this mechanism that requires the use of durable metal.

Screw shaft - conductor of products inside the device

Knife and special cutting attachments. They do all the work of chopping, cutting and crushing meat or any other products. It is made mainly from stainless materials. It is necessary to sharpen knives for better and better work, even though during rotation the steel is sharpened against the grate.

The knife must be installed correctly, otherwise the device may jam


The structure of the knife and its shape affect the grinding of the product. For example, if the knife has a curved blade, it means that it will easily grind the veins and fibers of the meat, while not allowing the screw shaft to clog.

The grate has three types of hole diameters:

  1. Very large - 12 mm. Grid with three or four holes. Used for minced meat for sausages. Not always included.
  2. Large holes - 8 mm. This grill is ideal for preparing minced meat.
  3. Medium holes - 4-4.5 mm. Universal grid. Suitable for cooking minced meat for cutlets. Included.
  4. Fine holes - 3 mm. Pate grill. It is ideal for making pâté or puree.

With the help of these gratings, you can get minced meat of coarse or fine grinding. It all depends on your preference

The nut (fixing ring) clamps and fixes the grate, knife and auger shaft. Sometimes it can be difficult to unscrew it after finishing work. But this problem is easily solved with the help of ordinary cloth draped over the nut. So, the hand does not slip, and the part is easily unscrewed.

A manual cast-iron or aluminum meat grinder, especially from Soviet times, is attached to the work surface using a threaded device (feet). And therefore, in order to exclude the movement of the device on the table, you need to put something under the metal base. It can be a newspaper folded several times. AT modern models the mounting base is plastic or rubber, and therefore the device is attached to the table much more securely.

How to properly assemble a manual meat grinder step by step with a photo of the process

So, how to properly assemble a manual mechanical device? The easiest way is to follow the assembly procedure according to the instructions for use of the product. But if the instruction is lost, then follow step by step method assemblies. So we start.

The first step is to prepare all the elements and carefully lay them out in front of you.

Screw shaft installation

Illustration Action Description
For models with a collapsible body, it is necessary to install a cylinder for feeding meat.
Next, we insert the auger shaft into the body so that the wide part of the shaft is in the place where the handle is attached. That is, in the narrowest opening of the meat grinder. The thin side of the auger should be in a wide and round hole. There will also be a knife.

How to insert a knife into a meat grinder

Knives are of two types: with one-sided and double-sided cutting part.

Illustration Action Description

Once the auger is in place, take a one-sided blade and place it on the auger shaft.


The flat part of the blade should face the grate and slide over it. But not vice versa.


It happens that the knife is installed incorrectly. And then there is little sense from such a meat grinder. The meat is not ground, but only choked. And in this case, the device may simply jam.

A knife with a double-sided cutting part can be placed on either side. There is no difference. How to properly install a knife in a meat grinder, and what they are, you can see in this video.

Installing the grate and screwing the handle

Illustration Action Description
After the knife is put in place, you need to correctly install the grate. It's easier than a knife. The main thing is to install it so that the notch on the grate coincides with the protrusion on the body of the kitchen assistant.
Then simply fix the entire structure with a locking nut, it is also called a union nut, on the meat grinder body.
Next, we fix the meat receiver.
And put the pressure shaft in place.

Now it remains only to screw the handle from the back with a screw. Everything. Meat grinder assembled. You just need to install it on the work surface, and you can get to work.

Once again, let's recall what elements a manual mechanical meat grinder consists of.

Installing the meat grinder on the work surface

The meat grinder must be as stable as possible, otherwise you will have to make efforts to keep the unit in place while working on it

It is easy to screw the meat grinder to the work surface. It is necessary to attach the device to the table with the help of a “foot”. And in order to firmly fix the kitchen unit, you can put a newspaper or soft cloth between the countertop and the "foot". Dense rubber is even better for this role.

How to properly assemble a manual meat grinder if you need to put a nozzle

Most meat grinders are equipped with various nozzles and grates for making sausages, sausages, juice and many other goodies. But not everyone knows how to properly insert a nozzle, knife or grate into a meat grinder. After all, the assembly procedure for a meat grinder with a nozzle is slightly different:

  • insert the screw shaft into the main body. The wide part of the shaft is placed in the place where the handle is attached. The thin one should be in the place where the grate is attached;
  • Cooking delicious sausages with a meat grinder attachment is as easy as shelling pears!

    Rules for the care of a manual meat grinder

    After the meat is ground, it is very important to wash the meat grinder immediately. Some housewives advise skipping a piece of cracker through a meat grinder, they say, it cleans out all the remnants of meat, and you can no longer wash it. But no, pieces of meat can remain, and then a very unpleasant rotten smell will appear in the kitchen. Getting rid of it will not be difficult, but very unpleasant. Therefore, after work, you must immediately rinse the unit. First you need to parse it:

    • unscrew the handle;
    • then unscrew the fixing nut. If the hand slips and cannot be unscrewed, use a cloth. Just throw it on the nut, and then everything will work out;
    • remove the grate and knife;
    • take out the screw shaft.

    After that, clean the parts from pieces of meat and rinse them under running water with any dish detergent. Then spread the parts on a dry and clean towel and dry well. It is best to store the meat grinder directly unassembled.

    So, just nothing will rust from accidentally getting inside the water. Collect only before work. So, as you can see, the process of assembling a kitchen helper is very simple. The main thing is to watch how you install the main elements. Good luck to you!

A meat grinder is one of the most basic and in-demand cooking tools. And despite wide selection household appliances today, even super-fashionable combines or blenders have not been able to displace this device.

And if literally 10-15 years ago in every apartment there was only a mechanical type of meat grinder, today almost every housewife has an improved electric model. How to assemble electric meat grinder, and are there any nuances to the build process?

Varieties and design features

Thanks to a significant recovery in the market for household appliances and modern appliances, the choice of meat grinders is quite wide, and allows everyone to choose for themselves the most suitable option in many ways. Theoretically, they can be divided into two types - they are electric and manual, that is, mechanical.

Due to the large number of nozzles and knives, these devices are very versatile and easy to use. With the help of them, you can not only twist minced meat, but also make many different dishes, for example, sausages or sausages, prepare freshly squeezed juice, vegetable puree, you can even cook pasta (pasta) yourself.

Today it is very popular electric type meat grinders. Firstly, working with such a device does not require any physical effort. Secondly, it will take much less time to process food with the help of such a device, because you just need to place the meat receiver and press the start button. In a few minutes minced meat or any other product will be ready. And thirdly, unlike mechanical devices, this device has many different attachments.

However, there are also negative sides. And the first of them is the lack of control over the presence of bones in the meat. If this problem is not terrible for manual meat grinders, then in the case of their modern counterparts, the device can simply deteriorate. The second disadvantage is that the entire cooking process is directly connected to the electrical supply. Therefore, if the power is turned off or the motor burns out in the device, some other part breaks, then it will simply not be possible to cook food for cooking with an electric meat grinder.

Unlike manual type, when working with an electric meat grinder, it is possible to choose the degree of minced meat grinding, due to different grinding speeds.

What is an electric grinder made of?

The design of this type of kitchen appliance consists of durable plastic. And if in the case of a manual one, the entire body consists of metal, then in this case there are only separate metal elements. A motor is built into this case, which performs the main function. By pressing the start button, the device is activated, starting to work.

Another difference is the lack of a handle. There is simply no need for it here, since the machine performs the main function on its own, from the operation of the engine. Almost all models have a removable meat receiver that must be attached to the main body before starting work.

The kit usually includes a special pusher for processed food, with which it is convenient to move food to the knife. At the end of the screw there is a corrugated plastic rod that provides fixation. And thanks to the bulges on the knife, there is a more gentle and high-quality grinding of meat. This is one of the differences between the new model and the old one.

How to assemble an electric meat grinder?

If you have already encountered the assembly of a manual meat grinder, then the assembly of an electric product will not bring any difficulties. As a rule, the assembly process is described accurately and in detail in the instructions for a particular model, and depending on different manufacturers, some nuances may vary slightly.

Electric meat grinder assembly algorithm:

According to the principle of operation, manual and electric meat grinders are almost identical. And if you have experience in mechanical type assembly, then modern version this technique will not cause problems at all.

How to disassemble and clean the meat grinder?

After each use, it is important to completely disassemble and clean the household appliance, in order to avoid drying out of food, the growth of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms. This can lead not only to a number of diseases, but also to the unsuitability of equipment. Washing the device in assembled form is not allowed!

It is simply impossible to completely clean a mechanical meat grinder when assembled, and in the case of an electric meat grinder, a short circuit and a fire are possible.

The algorithm for disassembling the electric meat grinder:

  1. In the case of a removable meat receiver, the first step is to get rid of this particular part by pulling it out of the neck.
  2. Next, you need to turn the clamping nut, carefully holding all the contents of the part.
  3. Get the grate and knife blade.
  4. Remove the auger from the body of the electric meat grinder.

After disassembling the device, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse all parts with detergent and a running jet of water, and the grate can be cleaned with a match or a toothpick. After washing the parts, it is recommended to put them on a napkin or spacing, leaving to dry completely.

Store the electric meat grinder and all its parts in a dry place. Otherwise, the formation of fungus, rust is possible, which will render the device unusable.

Wash knives hot water not recommended, as this reduces their sharpness, disabling the device. And the body of the meat grinder, in which the motor is built, is enough to wipe with a damp cloth or cloth. It is forbidden to lower the body under running water, as this will make the meat grinder unusable, and as a result may cause a fire, electric shock or short circuit.

Installation of additional accessories

In the kit of most modern meat grinders there are additional knives, grates with various holes and attachments for making sausages or kebbe. If it is necessary to use them, the meat grinder assembly procedure may vary, which is also usually detailed in the manufacturer's instructions for the device.

In this case, you should adhere to the following algorithm for assembling an electric meat grinder:

  • installation in the middle of the screw body;
  • fastening on the screw of the ring with largest holes(their number may vary depending on the model of the meat grinder and the manufacturer);
  • installation of a double-sided knife;
  • installation of a grid with holes of medium size;
  • fixing the remaining knife;
  • installation of the last grate;
  • clamping nut.

In the case of cooking sausages, instead of knives and grates, you will need to attach a special nozzle to the auger, which is fixed with a clamping nut. And for the purpose of making cookies or pasta, you can use metal or plastic curly rings.

Often, a set of such household appliances includes a nozzle for juice and pasta. Usually they are already assembled and it is enough just to attach them to the main body of the meat grinder.

When assembling an electric meat grinder, it is better to follow the factory instructions from the manufacturer. In the event of a malfunction household appliance recommended to contact service center for diagnostics and repair if necessary.

Homemade minced meat palatability can not be compared with store counterparts. Cutlets or dumplings cooked at home are the most delicious and high quality. However, the process of their preparation is quite laborious and sometimes there are situations when problems arise at the very initial stage - a young housewife or a man who first got into the kitchen may not know how to assemble the meat grinder correctly and not cope with this task the first time.

A meat grinder is not a basic necessity, but at the same time it is in almost every home. It is quite easy to use, but the assembly process is sometimes difficult. The quality of grinding meat and the prepared dish depends on the correct assembly.

Read this article:

Features of manual and electric meat grinders

Electric and manual models have a similar design. feature electrical options is that they have a function that allows you to change the degree of grinding of the product and its consistency. Some manual models are also equipped with this function, but they have a rather primitive look.

Despite technological progress and the emergence of new progressive household appliances, many housewives prefer hand-held appliances, since their design is the simplest and most durable.

Moreover, with the help handheld device it turns out minced meat of a rather coarse grinding, which is optimal for cooking cutlets, dumplings, meatballs and other dishes. It is not difficult to assemble a manual meat grinder, as well as its electronic counterpart, but for this you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits design.

Main structural elements

Manual meat grinder consists of:

  • The body of the machine, on the basis of which the entire mechanism is assembled. Clamps are not provided on the case, so the mechanism should be mounted directly into the case;
  • Meat receiver with a bell, which is located inside the body. Ingredients are loaded into it, from which minced meat will be produced;
  • Screw shaft. Its purpose is to initially grind the products and move them inside the body;
  • A movable knife, as a rule, it has the shape of a cross, a 2-bladed propeller or a disk. The knife is necessary for the final grinding of products;
  • Lattice round shape with holes for passing raw materials at the exit, the quality of grinding and its consistency largely depend on it and on the diameter of the holes;
  • Latch in the form of a cover, fixing the mechanism and holding the grate and knife on the screw shaft;
  • Handle for shaft rotation;
  • Fixing screw for fixing the handle;
  • Tray for easy loading of products (not available for all models).

Electrical appliances have a similar design, the only difference is that instead of a handle, a motor is installed, with which the grinding mechanism is driven. Also in electric meat grinders, the hole for inserting products is additionally equipped with a funnel with a pusher.

Another difference is that electronic models do not need to be screwed to the table, they are simply installed on the table or other surface.

The process of assembling a meat grinder

In order to remember how to assemble a meat grinder, it is enough to perform this process on your own once, and in the future such a sequence of actions will be carried out by itself. The manual device is assembled as follows: first of all, the screw shaft must be inserted into the body of the device, while inserting it with the side on which there is a thickening for the handle, this end must come out, and the handle should be screwed to it with a fixing screw.

AT different sides a rod protrudes from the auger, one of its sides is intended for attaching a handle, and the other, thinner, for stringing a knife and a grate. A knife is installed on the screw shaft, from the side opposite to the handle.

A prerequisite for this is that the flat side of the knife must be turned outward, otherwise the meat or other products will not be chopped.

One of the parts of the knife has a convex side, and the other is flat with cutting edges. A round grill is put on top of the knife, then the whole structure is fixed with a special cover, which is screwed onto the body with a thread.

It must be borne in mind that the grate has a special cut for fixing, so the grate must be put on so that the cut is fixed in the housing recess. This cut is fully consistent with the protrusion on the body of the device.

After that, the meat grinder must be attached with a clamp to the countertop and you can start grinding food and cooking. Having mastered this procedure on an example hand model there should be no questions about how to assemble an electric meat grinder, since all actions take place in a similar way.