Ypres manual firefighter. Manual fire detectors: types, types, characteristics and installation rules. Features of manual call points

Fire safety has not lost and, probably, will not soon lose its relevance. Despite the constant updating of the list building materials, improving their characteristics (including combustibility, as well as the toxicity of products formed during combustion), a significant part of them is combustible. In addition, it is unlikely that a person is ready to completely abandon natural organic materials such as wood, paper, all kinds natural fabrics etc. And even on the contrary: the tendency of recent decades is a massive rejection of synthetics in favor of the whole “present”.

To know is to survive

In any manuals and recommendations on safety, in the internal guidance documents of the fire department, you can read that the rescue of people is a priority task facing both the facility and the administration. As practice shows, most of the tragic results of fires in buildings with a massive presence of people are due to untimely evacuation measures.

Rescuing people from the roofs of buildings with the help of helicopters, from the windows of buildings with the help of high-rise stairs are special cases. Such events require time for preparation, the involvement of special equipment, the delivery of which is also not instantaneous.

The most effective way rescue is still a timely evacuation. Account in literally words can go on for seconds. And here the correct work plays the most important role.

Fire warning methods

One of the Soviet time there was a presence in settlements any device to alert residents. In the villages near the headman's house, they hung a piece of rail from a chain and, in case of alarm, beat on it with a piece of iron. Today there is a significant more possibilities warning people about the fire. As a rule, this is a combination of the following methods:

  • Providing a sound signal (sometimes combined with lighting effects) so that it can be heard in all rooms of the building.
  • Transferring a voice message using loudspeaker devices.
  • Turn on the illumination of the exit direction signs, as well as the illumination of the escape routes themselves.
  • Remote opening of doors, locks and emergency exit hatches.

(in fact, this is the "panic" fire button) are the very first link (along with automatic) in the alarm signaling. Automation is not always ahead of a person.

Model 513-10 Specifications

  • protection against accidental activation of the system (protective transparent screen, the design of which provides for the possibility of sealing);
  • it is possible to turn on the IPR 513-10 only with a force of more than 15 N (about one and a half kg), after the person who triggered the "alarm" removes his finger from the button, the contact is maintained;
  • operating voltage 9 ... 30 volts;
  • current consumed in "sleep" mode, 0.05 mA;
  • turning on the IPR 513-10 button provides a resistance of 0.5 kOhm;
  • III class of protection against dangerous factors of electric current;
  • a two-wire cable (alarm loop) is used to connect the device to the system;
  • for visual definition the specific detector from which the signal was sent is provided with a red backlight that lights up in the "Fire" mode;
  • IPR 513-10 has a shockproof housing.

How does it connect

The IPR 513-10 detector is attached to the wall using two threaded fasteners. anchor - anything will do. The marking for fastening is extremely simple - the holes are located on the same horizontal line at a distance of 55 mm from each other.

Before mounting on the wall, the front part is removed - at the top there are two latches (locks), by pressing which, it can be easily dismantled. After that, the base is attached to the previously prepared holes, and the alarm loop (AL) is connected to the terminals.

The final touches are snapping into place the top cover, and sealing protective screen(Sealing is done, as a rule, after checking the system operability).

How exactly is it connected to the IPR 513-10 circuit? The connection diagram depends on the device with which the detector is to work. The fact is that the current in the "Fire" mode passing through the manual call point should not exceed 20 mA. IPR 513-10 is connected directly to such systems as PPK-2, Nota, Luch, Raduga and some others (voltage in the loop is 9 ... 30V, detector resistance when triggered does not exceed 1000 Ohm).

Operation of the device with other systems requires connection via shunts (compensating resistors).

Life is priceless. And her salvation is the primary task of not only every person, but also some services. Therefore, they think about fire safety always and everywhere. And it will probably never stop. Even with the condition that non-combustible materials, new technologies and methods of work with the use of protective equipment appear, no one is immune from fire. It can occur anywhere and anytime. In order to preserve life (first of all) and material values, various kinds of means are being developed. Their goal is to warn of a fire that has occurred.

There are several notification options. Among them are voice messages through the loudspeaker, light signals(backlighting of escape routes), opening emergency exits. One of the most common is the beep. You can hear it well in different rooms... Some of these types can work at the same time. Separate devices have been developed to provide such signals. These devices include the IPR 513-10 detector.

Features of use

IPR 513-10 hand-held detectors are used to turn on the "Fire" signal. They are installed in the security fire alarm and other systems that provide fire protection.

They do not need to be turned on or off separately. They remain on all the time. They work around the clock without interruption. But at the same time, the air temperature should be above minus forty degrees, but below plus sixty degrees. The detector cannot work in rooms with high humidity. For its continuous operation, the relative humidity of the air should not exceed ninety-five percent. In addition, there should be no condensation.

Fire detector IPR 513-10 is designed to warn people around that a fire has occurred. It beeps when its button is pressed. Its volume is quite high. This allows it to be heard in several rooms at once.

Detector device

The device of the IPR 513-10 detector is quite simple. It is presented in the form of a case with a protective cover, in which a certain mechanism is hidden (it is called the base). The alarm loop wires are connected to the base. For this, there are terminals and a board with radio elements.

The cover is sealed. This protects the device from accidentally pressing the button. The cover itself is made of shock-resistant ABS plastic good quality... It does not wear out long enough and does not lend itself to mechanical stress.

The principle of operation of the device

The IPR 513-10 device is connected to a power source. The voltage range is wide and includes values ​​from nine to thirty volts. A fire signal is transmitted via a two-wire alarm loop. When the button is pressed with a force of more than one and a half kilograms, the resistance in the alarm loop sharply decreases. The optical indicator comes on. The fact that the button is pressed is indicated by a drop-down checkbox.

After pressing, the button remains in this position. You don't need to keep it all the time. The signal is turned off by returning the button to its original position. For this, a special key is used, which is included in the kit. The key is inserted into the hole in the center of the button. The key, together with the button, is pressed and rotated until the button clicks off. The checkbox hides back.

Instrument specifications

The IPR 513-10 detector, as mentioned above, is connected to a wide voltage range (from nine to thirty volts). At the same time, in the connected state, it consumes less than fifty microamperes. When the button is pressed and the “Fire” signal is on, the device has a resistance of five hundred ohms.

In accordance with the requirements of the standards, the device belongs to the third degree in terms of immunity. In addition, it belongs to the third class for protection against electric fields.

The length of the IPR 513-10 detector is 88 millimeters, the height is 85 millimeters, and the depth is 44 millimeters. The device weighs one hundred grams.

The service life declared by the manufacturer is ten years. At the same time, the MTBF is more than sixty thousand hours.

Such a simple-looking device as the IPR 513-10 detector will help to save many lives in case of trouble.

A manual fire detector IPR is required to manually start the emergency notification system (fire, smoke, etc.). It is used in the construction of fire and burglar alarm... 2 wired connection(NZ)

Manual fire detector IPR:

Additional devices in the security and fire alarm system of the IPR series have stable characteristics and belong to the category "Universal auxiliary devices".

A wide range of devices allows you to choose a model for any request and functionality. Big choice will delight companies engaged in the installation of fire and security alarm systems and their customers.

IPR technical characteristics

Detector type

2-wire (NC)

Light indication of modes "Fire"
Alarm loop supply voltage 9-30V
Consumption current in modes: standby / fire 0.05mA / 5mA
Maximum switching voltage 65 in
Maximum switched current 100 mA
Enclosure protection IP53
Dimensions (w / h / d) 150/45/120 mm
Weight 0.35 kg
Operating temperature range -50 ° C ... + 60 ° C
  • Office alarm;
  • Fire alarm for cafes and clubs;
  • Signaling to the store;
  • Fire fighting systems for the warehouse and office premises;
  • Autonomous fire alarm system for an apartment, house or cottage;
  • Fire alarm for indoor car parks, garages and parking lots;
  • Comprehensive fire protection for government agencies (kindergartens, schools, other educational institutions)

When choosing, pay special attention to careful study technical characteristics, selection of suitable burglar alarms, fire detectors, special cable products. Instruments of the IP line are some of the best in terms of price-quality ratio and are recommended for use in a wide range of security and fire alarm systems.

IPR analogs and other devices similar in characteristics:

Buy and order delivery of fire alarm systems to Moscow:

What is the price for a fire detector? The answer to this question will depend on the chosen model and its characteristics. Depending on the technological complexity of the device, its cost can start from several hundred rubles and end in several thousand. Manual fire detector IPR, as well as other products (their analogs, detectors, control devices), you can order and buy through the fire alarm online store of our website or order delivery and professional installation services in your premises in Moscow in the company "ABars". (Attention, delivery is free for orders over 60 thousand rubles).

If you have any question about any product, you can always call us and consult. For regular customers and wholesale buyers we provide discounts on all products of our online store "ABars".

A manual fire detector must be included in any fire alarm system. It is designed to trigger an alarm manually by employees, visitors, or other building personnel in the event of a fire.

The manual fire detector includes a trigger mechanism in its design, it can be a button, lever, or other device. In case of mechanical impact on it, the contacts are triggered and an alarm is generated. The design of fire detectors must meet certain parameters. So to turn on the alarm, to the trigger element, button or lever, it is necessary to apply certain efforts of more than 15 Newtons. This is necessary to reduce the number of accidental clicks.

After a single press, the alarm signal should be transmitted regardless of whether the force is removed from the trigger. The transfer of the trigger mechanism to its original position occurs using special procedures. According to the rules, the detectors are installed at a height close to 1.4 meters in easily accessible places. In places where evacuation routes pass, there are zones of increased fire safety, both inside and outside buildings.

Most detectors come in a box, mostly red or white that contains the button or lever. Acting on which includes a signal about the appearance of a fire to the fire brigade. The signal to the security console is transmitted through special wires, loops.

Top Models

The market for fire alarm systems, including manual call points, is replete with a variety of proposals. In this variety, it is best to make a choice in favor of the most simple designs... A person is often under stress in the event of a fire, so the process of triggering an alarm should be extremely simple. Various intricate ways of switching on, similar to puzzles, only lead to more panic.

Such alarming detectors have been adopted by fire services for many decades. The market offers good products, both domestic and foreign. Among Russian manufacturers one can single out the companies Rubezh, Arsenal of Security, Bolide. Among foreign Satel, Simplex.


This detector is provided by Arsenal Security. It is used to manually trigger an alarm in security and fire alarms. It is designed for round-the-clock operation as part of a control panel (receiving and control device) of the Signal 20, Signal 42, Granite and similar types.

Electric power is supplied to it by a signal loop from the control panel. When the button is turned on, by moving the lever down, an alarm signal is sent to the control panel. The lever is returned to its original position using a special key or screwdriver.

The device is available in a red or white case. It has a color indication in standby mode, the red LED flickers, after activation it lights up brightly and continuously.

Its cost, depending on the modification of the size of the batch, ranges from 195 to 260 rubles a piece.

2.IPR 513 - 10

The manual fire detector IPR 513-10 is presented by the Rubezh company. Its purpose is to send a "Fire" signal in manual mode to the contacts of the security and fire alarm system. The signal from the signal button to the control panel is transmitted by a two-wire loop. The detector operates in the power supply range from 9 to 30 V. To trigger it, press the button with a force of 1.5 kg.

After pressing, the button remains in the on position. To return to the starting position, you will need to press a special pin or a screwdriver on the lock through a hole in the button with a diameter of 3 mm.

The cost ranges from 200 to 250 rubles per piece, depending on the size of the batch.

3. ROP-100 / EU and ROP-101 / EU

These products are represented on our market by the Polish company Satel. Manual call points of this company make it possible to manually trigger an alarm. They work with PPK CSP-104, CSP-108, CSP-204 and CSP-208.

To activate the alarm, it is necessary to press in the window. This process produces the opening of the switch contacts. This triggers a fire alarm and the red LED lights up.

You will need a special key to reset. The window in this device is produced in two types: glass and plastic. Glass breaks when used. New glass is required to reuse the instrument. Plastic can be reused.

These detectors belong to the more expensive segment, their cost ranges from 1200 to 1600 rubles per piece.

Explosion-proof detector

IP 535 GARANT detector is intended for manual triggering of a fire alarm signal in zones where the explosion hazard is increased. It is designed to be installed both indoors and outdoors. It can be installed in explosive zones of class 0. For its connection, special intrinsically safe connections of the Yakhont-I series are used.

IP 535 GARANT is adapted to work in a wide temperature range from - 55 to + 70 ̊С. And when high humidity about 98%, the maximum positive temperature should not exceed 40 ̊С. IP 535 GARANT is marked with the degree of explosion protection ExiaIIBT6.

To turn on the fire alarm, you need to break the glass, then press the button. An alarm will sound after the button is released.

The cost of such a detector ranges from 4200 to 4950 rubles, depending on the size of the batch.

Criterias of choice

From the right choice the device will depend Fire safety... And this human lives, safety of property and premises.

For the right choice, you should consider some points:

  1. First of all, you need to pay attention to the degree of protection. If standard protection is quite suitable for the office. That for warehouse and industrial premises must be selected individually. Focusing on conditions environment may require a waterproof, intrinsically safe, or explosion-proof version.
  2. Execution of sensors, single actuation, or multiple.
  3. Appearance, how they will fit into the design of the room, the requirements for installation.
  4. Manufacturer and price.

In fact, manual call points are a conventional electrical contact, closed using a button or lever. Often, in addition to the button itself, it includes one or two indicator lights and a small electronic circuit. The circuit is used to convert the signal of the button into electronic view, who will be able to understand the PPK (control panel). The button and the rest of the filling are usually located in a plastic case with an inscription like "In case of fire, press."

Often, the choice of the detector will be provided by the type of installed fire and security alarm. The choice must be made among the buttons that can be paired with the alarm control panel.

The method of installation and design of the fire detector plays an important role in the selection. Especially if it will be installed in a residential or office space... When planning the places for installing manual call points, remember that they must be accessible to any person, the distance between them should not exceed 61 meters.

When choosing a sensor, you should pay attention to the material. Give preference to those made from impact-resistant plastic. This will save you from problems that may arise due to accidental mechanical damage.

It is better to opt for a domestic manufacturer. This will provide better access to the service and save money. Most of the manufacturers manufacture their products in accordance with international standards.

1. Informativeness of the detector ("Norm", "Fire", "No connection") - 3.
2. Delay of message transmission (r. No connection) - 1 sec.
3. Operating temperature range: -40 ° to + 70 °.
4. Mean time between failures - 60,000 hours.
5. Overall dimensions of the detector - 108x100x27mm.
6. Service life - 10 years.

The MAKS-IPR manual addressable fire detector is intended for manual notification of a fire. This device used to work in the UNITRONIC 496M system. The UNITEST company catalog contains addressable manual fire detectors at competitive prices.

Equipment features

The built-in LED located on the front panel of the device operates in the "Duty", "No connection" and "Fire" modes. The signal transmission delay is 1 second. After pressing the button, the MAKS-IPR manual fire detector can be unlocked using a screwdriver with a diameter of 3 mm. The operating temperature range of the device is from -40 to +70 ° С. The dimensions of the MAKS-IPR manual fire detector are 108 x 100 x 27 mm. The service life of the device reaches 10 years.

The UNITEST company cooperates with individuals and legal entities. You can buy components and equipment from us both at retail and wholesale. To order the selected product, add it to the "Cart", complete your purchase and wait for a call from our operator.


  • 1) 100% prepayment.
  • 2) For legal entities : wire transfer, according to the details specified in the invoice.
  • 3) For individuals : cash payment is possible when purchasing products at the company's office, by paying for it at Sberbank of Russia.
  • 1) For legal entities:
    - Pickup with. To receive an order, a representative of an organization must have: a properly executed power of attorney for the right to receive material resources, or a seal of the organization and a power of attorney for the right to sign on behalf of the head of the organization.
    - Delivery of products possible transport companies: Business lines, PEC or whatever is convenient for you. You can independently order any transport or courier service with the collection of cargo from the warehouse after agreement with your manager.

  • 2) For individuals:
    - Pickup with. To receive an order, you will need to present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
    - Express delivery in Moscow.
    - Delivery by transport companies or courier services.

Security and fire alarms and other products of the UNITEST company have received all the required certificates. Basic devices and auxiliary equipment have a significant work resource. If the operating rules are followed, such fire alarm systems will last more than 10 years. Cables are able to maintain their parameters for 20 years. We give a guarantee for all types of products:

  • 10 years for the security and fire alarm system "Minitronic";
  • 5 years for "Home Alone-2" fire detectors;
  • 2 years for the analogue addressable system "Unitronic" - "Minitronic A32";
  • 2 years for the loop control device "USHU-1".

The warranty period for the operation and storage of products in packaging is from 2 to 10 years from the date of manufacture.
Warranty service and repairs are carried out by LLC Trade House "UNITEST", Russia, 105523, Moscow, st. 15th Parkovaya, 46B.