How and what to glue the Intex inflatable mattress. Repair of inflatable mattresses Intex

Inflatable mattresses (beds) are convenient when you need to quickly organize a temporary sleeping place. They are cheap, there are different sizes, shapes and colors. Most modern air mattresses are made of soft polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheet of a small thickness. Their most common problem is air leakage through small damages (holes) that form spontaneously during normal use, in other words, the mattress is deflated.

Large firms, manufacturers of air mattresses, for such cases offer their own repair kits (repair kits), consisting of a special glue for PVC and several patches. Such a repair kit can be recommended for purchase immediately (along with a mattress), since sooner or later it will definitely come in handy.

If there is no branded repair kit at hand, then you can use the tools at hand.

To glue an inflatable mattress, you must:

  1. Soapy water.
  2. Glue "Moment universal".
  3. Degreasing agent (acetone or gasoline).
  4. Pieces of thin rubber.

Transparent glue will allow you to level the blemishes of its application.

In the kit for repairing car cameras you can find ready-made patches suitable sizes... It was found experimentally that its glue is not suitable for gluing PVC.

The first thing to do is to find on the mattress all the damage from which air comes out. To do this, prepare soapy water, shake it until a rich foam is formed. Inflate the mattress tightly and start slowly, consistently applying foam with a brush to its entire surface. An inflating bubble is an indication of an air leak. As a rule, the holes are very small, and in order not to lose sight of them, it is better to immediately circle the problem area with a marker.

Dissolved in water, "bubble bath" allows you to quickly get a lot of foam.

Air escaping from the mattress inflates a bubble.

The holes are usually very small and are most common where the inner connectors of the mattress are attached.

On a flocked surface, the hole is even more difficult to see.

After all the damage is localized, we proceed directly to gluing the mattress, having previously expelled air from it. Degrease the patch area, as well as the patch itself. If the damage is on the upper flocked surface, then the flock must first be removed with acetone.

Degreasing (photo above) and removing flock with acetone.

Apply glue to both surfaces (mattress and patch) in an even layer of moderate thickness. We sustain a five-minute pause, apply a patch and firmly press it to the place of damage. It makes sense to press down the patch with some kind of cargo for up to 24 hours.

Glue application.

Applying a patch.

After a day, we inflate the mattress tightly and using the same soap foam we check the quality of the work performed. If air is poisoned through the patch, it can be carefully torn off and re-glued.

As practice shows, to glue up inflatable mattresses different manufacturers have to be more or less regularly, even if you use them carefully, without blowing unnecessarily. Apparently, the reason for this lies in the discrepancy strength characteristics the material from which the mattresses are made, and the operational loads that fall on them.

Inflatable furniture - simple and convenient solution for situations when standard solid furniture is not enough or is completely absent, for example, in a summer cottage under construction or during outdoor recreation. The chair, bed, swimming or sleeping mattress is inflated with a pump for 10 minutes and the sleeping place or comfortable seat is ready for use.

How to glue the mattress?

However, this kind of products has one unpleasant drawback - they can be easily damaged.

  • The most common cause of sudden "weight loss" is a loose suture or rupture of the internal septum. This damage occurs due to normal wear and tear - inflatable furniture does not have a very long life, or due to excessive air pressure. Therefore, it is not recommended to inflate products of this kind to the limit.
  • Punctures and cuts are a consequence of external circumstances: sharp stones, shells, broken glass or pet claws. Such damage can occur at any time and does not depend on the quality of the product.

The gluing process

How to glue an inflatable mattress with minor injuries is an easy question. It is much more difficult to locate a puncture or crack, as they usually have very small size... The fact that the product has suffered, as a rule, can be recognized only because the air ceases to be retained for the prescribed period and constant pumping is required.

To repair major damage, it is necessary to involve specialists, especially when it comes to internal partitions, access to which is difficult.

Damage detection

Before you glue inflatable mattress Intex, you first need to find the leaky area. Different methods are used for this.

  • Noise - if the puncture has more or less large sizes, then when the air exits from it, a characteristic sound is heard, and a weak air current can be detected by touch. The product is inflated as much as possible - within the possible limits, and in complete silence they examine it, trying to hear a whistle or detect a leak. In this case, first of all, the seams are inspected, unless, of course, the cause of the damage is accurately established.

  • Air bubbles - this method is usually used for floating options, since the latter, as a rule, are used for recreation on the water, which means that during the test there will be a large container of water nearby. The inflated product is lowered under water and examined. Air from punctures or loose seams comes out in the form of small bubbles. The mattress is then removed and dried before being repaired.

  • Soap solution - a soap solution is made from a well-foaming agent to locate the cut. Then 3-5 liters of the obtained liquid are poured into the intex mattress and air is pumped. The product is turned over and inspected: in the places of punctures, the soap solution gives a noticeable foam. This method is the most effective, but after it the air mattress will have to dry for a long time. The photo shows the moment the puncture was detected.

All found damage is immediately marked with markers, since it is very easy to lose them again.

How can you glue an inflatable mattress

Ideally, for this, you should use the repair kit, which is usually supplied with the product. In any case, well-known manufacturers, for example, Intex, do this. The set includes a special adhesive for vinyl products, a patch made of the same material as the inflatable furniture and instructions for use. Before gluing the intex air mattress, the recommendations should be carefully studied: this kind of adhesive is very flammable and unsafe for health. They need to be used carefully, with gloves and only in a room with good ventilation or outside the building.

If the repair kit is missing or has already been used up, you must find the appropriate materials yourself.

  • Glue - to glue PVC products, polyurethane and rubber, you can, for example, using "Moment", "Crystal Polyurethane glue" and the like. It is advisable to choose a transparent adhesive in order to minimize blemishes when gluing. When using glue, the same safety rules must be followed.
  • Patches - there is a difference between PVC material, rubberized fabric and rubber, which makes it somewhat difficult to select the appropriate patch. It is recommended to select the same material. However, there are exceptions: the leather patch adheres well to the intex polyvinyl chloride sprayed.

How to glue the intex mattress

  1. The place of damage is established and marked with a marker. If water or soapy water has been used, the product should be well air-dried, away from artificial heat sources.
  2. The area with a puncture is cleaned with sandpaper and degreased with acetone, alcohol, and another solvent. If the surface is folded, then the pile should be removed first.

    How to glue the mattress on the velor side?

    As a rule, for this it is enough to treat the leaky area with acetone, and then remove the dried pile with a blunt knife or sandpaper.

  3. The surface of the site and the patch from the Intex kit or made by yourself are covered with a thin layer of glue using a brush. It is recommended to stand for 10-15 minutes, and then repeat the application procedure in order to ensure maximum adhesion.
  4. The flap is pressed tightly to the puncture site. It is advisable to place the load on top - the patch must be covered with a plastic bag so that the load does not stick either.
  5. If the valve device allows, then you can turn the product so as to gain access to the puncture from the inside. In this case, the patch will be much less noticeable, and the gluing will be more reliable.
  6. The product dries up within 24 hours.

The video tells about how to glue an air mattress in as much detail as possible.

Among lovers of outdoor recreation, soft air mattresses are quite in demand. They are distinguished by their low price, a variety of shapes and colors, can be used for bathing and as a comfortable place to sleep. True, the inflatable mattress has a major flaw - it is very easy to pierce it.

How to glue an inflatable mattress?

Even the smoothest contact with a sharp thing can cause damage and the appearance of a hole. How to glue an Intex inflatable mattress with my own hands, so he long time performed its functions properly? Find a puncture - and half the job is done!

How to find damage?

The first step in repairing a product is finding a damaged point. Often, air mattresses are torn at the joints between the horizontal surface and the inner ribs. This happens from pumping them with air to the maximum, which is highly discouraged. In the video you can see the process of finding a hole in an Intex product.

  1. If you can't find a puncture right away, then use a foaming soap solution. It should be applied to the product in small portions. At the place of the hole, it will begin to bubble.
  2. Another way to detect damage is to lower the inflated mattress into the water. Bubbles will be visible near the puncture site.
  3. There is also a more laborious method - you need to release air from the product and pour in from three to five liters of water, to which the washing liquid will be added. After that, the mattress must be completely inflated and turned over.

    What you need to know about repairing inflatable furniture?

    Where the holes are, the water will begin to come out with a low whistle. It remains to mark the places with a felt-tip pen. This method is quite effective, but not very practical.

Hole Finding Process


In order to glue the product, you do not need to make a lot of effort. Once a hole is found in your Intex air mattress, it is easy to fix. An exception is the case when the puncture is on the seam. Only professionals can glue the air mattress in this place.

So, you need to purchase a repair kit (pictured). It includes a patch, surface degreaser and glue. If, for whatever reason, you were unable to purchase the kit, you can use home remedies. Here is a list of what you need:

  • universal glue suitable for PVC products;
  • rubber sources for patches;
  • scissors;
  • degreaser.

Repair manual for Intex inflatable mattress

  1. First, deflate the product completely.
  2. If there is a velor layer, it is necessary to carefully remove it with fine-grained sandpaper - then the glue will spread evenly and will fulfill its function without any problems.
  3. The smoothing area should be slightly larger than the hole, as in the photo.
  4. Remove dust and dirt from the damaged area with refined gasoline, acetone, thinner, or rubbing alcohol.
  5. After wiping with a degreasing agent, no traces should remain on the surface of the Intex inflatable mattress.
  6. Take the patch. Its diameter or maximum length should be 3-5 cm larger than the hole.

Apply the adhesive in an even layer of moderate thickness to the patch as well as the mattress. Squeeze the surfaces firmly so that no air bubbles remain between the surfaces. It is advisable to leave the product under pressure for 24 hours. During this time, the material must not be bent at the gluing point.

Did the problem persist?

If the holes are patched, and the product is still blown off, this means that the problem is in the valve.

It may be loose or damaged. To find a defect in its hole, it is necessary to pour in shaving foam at the moment when the product is inflated. If there is a problem, foam will form around the valve. In this case, the mattress is not difficult to glue.

  1. The loose valve is removed.
  2. The gasket is pulled out.
  3. The valve end is sanded with fine sandpaper. Then it is lubricated with silicone grease.
  4. Next, the removed locking part is put in place.
  5. If it is directly damaged, then it is worth contacting a specialist in a repair shop.

In order for the mattress to serve for a long time and does not require gluing, the storage and operation conditions of such products must be observed

  • It is important to deflate the mattress after each use and dry it well.
  • Washing and cleaning is preferably done with a mild soap solution. Aggressive chemical agents damage the surface.
  • You only need to pump the product with a pump that does not create high pressure... A car will not work for this.
  • Do not pull the product along the ground if there are people on it - stresses may arise at the seams with breaks in the fastening of the inner frame.
  • Try to avoid close proximity of animals. The cat can easily pierce the product with its claws, and the puppy will definitely need to try the mattress on the tooth.

As you can see, the hole in the Intex mattress is not a problem, because it is not difficult to seal it. If a hole has formed in your swim tool or a kind of bed, this is not a reason to get upset and spend money on buying a new product. But it happens that it is impossible to carry out repairs at home. Then you will be given professional help in a workshop.

Inflatable furniture is popular for its convenience, ease of storage and transportation. But over time, holes appear on the mattresses through which air comes out.

You can repair the damage on your own at home. Most often, damage is associated with inflating the mattress to the maximum. Manufacturers indicate in the instructions that this is prohibited, but many violate this rule.

  1. Natural rubber glue Desmokol.
  2. Super Moment Krystal by Henkel.
  3. Uranus for rubber boats.

Do not forget that the toxins included in the adhesives can harm a person and require careful and careful handling.

It is worth remembering that compositions for working with inflatable products are flammable and there should be no open sources of fire or sparks near you.

How to glue an Intex inflatable mattress

You will need:

  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • rubber patch,
  • glue brush,
  • sandpaper,
  • detergent or shaving foam.


You need to start by looking for damaged spots, it's not easy. Usually the holes are left by pets or children who like to jump heartily.

First of all, it is worth carefully examining the seams, joints of the surface and internal ribs.

  1. Not in living conditions use the method: they lower the inflated mattress into the water and watch where the air bubbles will come out.
  2. At home, you can use soap or shaving foam, applying it to possible puncture sites, it will bubble in the air outlet areas.
  3. If no cuts are found, water and detergent are poured into the mattress. From the damaged areas, when pressing on the mattress, soapy water will come out with a whistle.
  4. When damage is found, a patch or sticker is applied to the cut.
  5. What glue to glue the inflatable mattress, the masters answer - to buy a set of Intex company intended for the repair of inflatable things, it includes both the material for the patches and the glue.

If the cut is at the junction of the seams, then the place is treated with alcohol, and then glued according to the instructions.

But in order not to spoil appearance, the glue can be applied from the inside.

  1. The damaged area is pulled out through the valve hole and the patch is attached from the inside.
  2. You need a little glue - apply an even layer on the patch and press firmly to the surface. Leave the mattress to dry for about 12 hours.
We glue the mattress in stages

Another option for the reconstruction of the mattress:

  1. The place of damage is treated with sandpaper.
  2. Then it is impregnated with alcohol.
  3. After that, the size of the patch is selected, glue is applied to it and attached to the cut. You can use rubberized materials instead of purchased patches and polyurethane adhesive or a compound for working with rubber.
  4. After gluing the patches, the mattress is left under pressure for 24 hours.
  5. Next, they inflate and check how reliably they managed to glue the patch and cut.

If there are several damages, then they need to be closed in stages, waiting for the previous seam to fully grasp. If air still comes out after inflation, then either there are still cuts or the inlet valve is loose.

If the problem is in the valve:

  1. To check for a problem in the valve opening, shaving foam is poured into the inflated mattress.
  2. It will foam around the valve if it is damaged.
  3. Then the valve is unscrewed and coated.
  4. The end itself is ground and treated with silicone grease and returned to its place. If the valve is seriously damaged, you will have to go to a workshop.


Where to glue the air mattress

If you have this question, then with large cuts, punctures, loose seams, it is better to call and ask professionals for help.

It is difficult to fix seam ruptures or damage to internal partitions on your own. Craftsmen can come to your house and repair the damage on the spot. And if there is a small puncture, cut, you can fix the problem yourself.

There are companies and private craftsmen who specialize in the repair of just such products. You need to call professionals if the seams and cuts are more than five cm, as well as the internal partitions have come off.

Inflatable models are extremely popular with consumers. And there is nothing to be surprised at: this versatile product is very convenient and practical, therefore it is widely used both for outdoor entertainment and for relaxation, or sleeping in the house.

But, unfortunately, they all have one drawback: they are quite easily damaged.

Watch an interesting video on how to inflate a mattress using a car muffler:

In this regard, it will be useful for each owner to know how to seal it at home, because even such reliable and time-tested products for sleeping sooner or later are damaged and need to be repaired.

Causes of damage to Intex inflatable mattresses

Damage Intex like any other product of this type, easily. There are several types of breakdowns, depending on the severity of which, you will have to decide: do the repair yourself or trust the professionals.

So, these are the types of damage:

  • puncture or cut;
  • rupture of internal partitions;
  • loose seams.

A small puncture or cut can be easily sealed by yourself. If you have to deal with a tear along the seam or tearing of the internal septum, then the best thing to do in this case is to seek help from a specialist.

Intex repair can be carried out in the same company where you bought it, or in other companies selling inflatable furniture.

Some firms can glue it right at home, which is very convenient. Well, you can easily repair small cuts and punctures yourself by carefully reading this article.

How to glue an Intex inflatable mattress?

Before starting repairs, it is necessary to find damage, which is a rather difficult task.

There are several ways to find a hole in the mattress:

1. If you have good hearing, you can find a hole in the inflatable product in the following way:

  • inflating the product in a quiet room;
  • listen carefully: a characteristic hiss is heard near the hole - this sound forms the air at the exit.

2. If the puncture happened in nature near the reservoir, it is also very easy to find the place of damage, for this:

  • inflate the product;
  • dip it completely into the water;
  • turn it over and find a puncture by the bubbles.

This method is completely unsuitable for use in a house or apartment.

3. To find holes at home, use the following method:

  • inflate the mattress;
  • Whip up soapy foam or dishwashing detergent;
  • apply it to the product in those places where damage is suspected;
  • in places of cuts or punctures, the soap foam will bubble.

Watch a short video on how to find an air leak:

4. If all the previous methods did not help you, let's move on to a more laborious one:

  • we release air from the product;
  • add any washing liquid that foams well to the water;
  • pour about 3-5 liters of the resulting mixture inside the mattress;
  • inflate it completely;
  • turn the product on different sides trying to determine the puncture site: at these points the water will come out with a slight whistle;
  • mark the found areas with a marker.

This method of finding holes is very effective, but after it you will need to dry it, which is rather difficult. In addition, white soapy streaks may appear on the surface, and the fabric will remain damp.

5. And finally - the most universal method hole search:

    • inflate the product;
    • we apply water to its surface (it is convenient to do this with a spray gun);
    • put a strip of stretch film on the moistened area;
    • straighten the film well over the surface and remove air from under it;

    • in places of damage, an increasing air bubble will be noticeable;
    • remove the film from the mattress and hear a gurgling and squeaking sound;
    • we find the place of damage and circle it with a felt-tip pen.

To accurately identify the hole (when the 5x5 location is already known), we use shaving foam.

So, the hole has been found, it's time to start repairing. But first we need to decide what tools and materials we need for this.

How can you glue an inflatable mattress

For repairs, it is best to use a special repair kit from the same company. It is usually sold with a mattress.

The Intex PVC repair kit usually consists of:

  • flock patches;
  • clear vinyl film;
  • glue;
  • detailed instructions.

This set is very compact and easy to carry: you can always take it with you on the road, as it does not take up much space.

If you do not have such a kit at your fingertips, it is easy to replace it:

  1. The patch can be cut from any old PVC toy or other unnecessary rubberized item.
  2. Instead of the glue from the repair kit, you can buy any other glue for rubber. It is not advisable to use instant glue for repairs, as it can further spoil the surface of the product.

In addition, you may need:

  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • any detergent, or regular soap;
  • scissors;
  • surface degreaser: acetone, gasoline, or alcohol.

When all the tools and materials have been found, you can proceed.

Repair of inflatable mattresses Intex

How to glue an Intex inflatable mattress at the seam joint

If your favorite vinyl mattress has burst at the seam, there are two ways to glue it:

First way:

  1. First, we wash off the pile in places of damage with alcohol (acetone, or gasoline);
  2. We glue the patch, following the instructions from the Intex repair kit.

But the patch applied in this way spoils the appearance of the product, moreover, due to the seams sticking up, it cannot be firmly pressed. Therefore, it is best to use a different method for this purpose.

Second way:

This method allows you to glue the product from the inside.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Having found the place of damage, with the help of hands and a ruler, we pull the damaged area of ​​the product through the hole in its valve.
  2. Wipe the cut with alcohol for cleaning and degreasing.
  3. We dry the clean surface and begin the repair: cut out a patch of the required size from the rubberized fabric.
  4. We smear it inner side the required amount glue.
  5. Apply the patch to the cut and press firmly.

After that, do not touch the mattress for 12 hours. After this time, when the product is completely dry, it can be turned back and inflated.

How to seal a small puncture or cut in an Intex inflatable mattress: detailed instructions

In order to make a high-quality repair of an inflatable product, you must carefully follow the instructions, as well as safety precautions.

The glue must be used very carefully: in no case should you inhale it, and it is imperative to wash your hands after it.

This must be done in order to protect yourself from negative impact harmful substances that are part of it:

  • polyurethane rubber;
  • acetone;
  • ethyl acetate;
  • methyl.

In addition, adhesives intended for the repair of PVC products are highly flammable, so it is not recommended to use them near fire.

Repair instructions:

1. After finding the puncture site, clean it with fine-grained emery paper. Please note that the scraped area must be larger than the cut itself.

2. Degrease the place under the patch. To do this, you can use a nail polish remover, gasoline for lighters, acetone, or pure alcohol... The main thing to pay attention to is that after degreasing there should be no traces.

3. We take a patch of a suitable size from the Intex repair kit, spread it with glue and press it tightly to the place of damage.

4. If you do not have a special repair kit, make a patch yourself from any rubberized material and buy glue for gluing rubber, you can "Moment".

5. Apply glue to the bonded surface. In this case, you need to ensure that it does not fall into the hole.

6. Press the patch firmly to the place of damage. This action must be done immediately, otherwise the glue will dry out or soften the PVC.

7. After gluing the patch, put the repaired mattress under the press for a whole day.

8. When the first glued patch is completely dry, proceed to repair the remaining damage.

Useful videos for repairing air mattresses and beds

Repair inflatable bed Intex:

Repair of an inflatable mattress:

How to find air leaks and seal the air mattress:

If you did everything correctly, and the product is still blown away, then the reason is in the valve. How to find and fix this defect, read on ...

Valve repair of Intex inflatable mattress:

  1. In order to find a breakage in the valve hole, pour shaving foam into it (the mattress must be inflated). If there is damage, foam should appear around the valve.
  2. To repair the product in this case, remove the adjacent valve, then remove the rubber gasket.
  3. We grind the valve end of the product with zero sandpaper and lubricate it with a thin layer of silicone grease.
  4. After that, you can put the valve back in place. If the valve is seriously damaged, then it can only be repaired in a special workshop.

Watch a short video on how to repair a mattress valve:

That's all the secrets and nuances of repairing an Intex inflatable mattress at home. Finally, I would like to give a few more useful tips on the storage and operation of inflatable products so that they serve you as long as possible and have to be repaired as rarely as possible.

    1. It is necessary to store inflatable products deflated. If it was used for bathing, then it must be thoroughly dried before storing.
    2. Inflatable vinyl models can only be cleaned and washed with a mild soap solution. It is forbidden to use abrasive powders and chemical reagents for these purposes, which can damage the surface, thereby shortening the service life of the inflatable product.
    3. It must be remembered that there are air mattresses of different quality and purpose. Some consumers buy cheap mattresses and misuse them. If the mattress is intended for sleeping, it cannot be used for swimming and vice versa.

The correct choice, as well as the use of the product in accordance with its intended purpose, will help you significantly extend its service life, and get from its operation large quantity joy and positive emotions.

If you notice that your favorite mattress is deflating, but you are not sure that you can handle it at home, do not rush to throw it away - send it to a special workshop for repair. Professionals will quickly find puncture sites and with the help of special equipment, the latest technologies and special glue, they will make high-quality repairs for little money.

Specialists should be trusted also in cases where the size of tears or cuts exceeds 5 mm, or the internal partitions come off. With such defects, making repairs with your own hands is unrealistic.

Professional craftsmen will make a high-quality diagnosis and assessment of punctures and cuts in an inflatable product, seal holes in it from cat and dog claws and teeth, restore the integrity of torn internal partitions, and, if necessary, completely change torn tissues, as well as inflatable elements.

Inflatable mattresses are currently very popular - they are used not only for outdoor recreation, but also as an additional sleeping place... Today manufacturers produce a huge amount of these products. different forms and sizes. But, unfortunately, all these products have one, but a significant drawback - they are easily damaged and can break during operation. How to glue an inflatable mattress yourself in order to extend its operational life, and what means to choose for this, we will tell you today in the article.

Rules for using an inflatable mattress

Inflatable furniture is a versatile product that has a lot of advantages:

  • Compactness. If necessary, the mattress can always be hidden in the closet.
  • Ease of transportation.
  • Wide range of shapes, sizes and colors.
  • Versatility of application. You can use the mattress on hikes and travels, in the country house and in the apartment, for swimming and sunbathing while relaxing.
  • Easy maintenance.

However, in order not to damage the rubber product, you must adhere to simple rules operation:

  • Do not inflate the mattress to the maximum.
  • Keep animals away from the mattress, as their claws can easily damage the product. Dogs can also taste the item.
  • Do not allow children to actively jump on rubber furniture.
  • Do not store inflatable furniture when low temperatures, since such conditions can negatively affect the surface shell.
  • Dry the product well before storing.
  • Protect inflatable furniture from sharp objects.
  • Let the air out gradually, do not press hard on the surface to speed up the process, as you may damage the seams.
  • Before placing the mattress on the ground, be sure to inspect the surface for glass shards and piercing objects.
  • Do not pull the mattress with people on it on a hard surface, as the object may rip at the seams.
  • If the product was used for outdoor recreation, then wash the mattress with a mild soapy solution. Do not use detergents containing abrasive components or chemically active inclusions.
  • Use the mattress as directed. If the inflatable furniture is intended for sleeping, then do not use it for swimming procedures and vice versa.

Of course, sooner or later, even on such time-tested Intex air mattresses, damage may appear. Therefore, it will be useful for every owner of a rubber product to know how to glue an air mattress at home.

Types of damage to inflatable mattresses

There are several types of defects, depending on the severity of which you will make a decision - to repair the air mattress at home or entrust this work to professionals.

The main damage to rubber products includes:

  • Cut or puncture.
  • Seam divergence.
  • Rupture of internal partitions.

Important! Of course, a small cut or puncture can be easily sealed on your own, but repairing such complex problems as a rupture at a seam or a break in an inner rib is unlikely to be within your power. The best thing to do in this case is to contact service center for help from specialists. Repair of an air mattress can be carried out in the same company where the product was purchased. Many reputable firms meet customers halfway and repair products at home.

How to detect punctures in inflatable furniture?

Finding damage in a mattress is not as easy as it seems at first glance, because the hole is most often microscopic and invisible to the naked eye. You can find a hole in a rubber product in the following ways.

Method number 1. By rumor:

  1. Inflate the mattress in a quiet environment.
  2. Listen carefully. A characteristic hiss will be heard near the hole - this is the air coming out of the mattress.
  3. Carefully examine the site of injury and slowly move your palm over the punctured area at a height of 1-3 cm. A thin stream of air will “cool” the palm. Trace the cut with a marker.

Method number 2. Water procedures:

Method number 3. Use a detergent

Use for this method any detergent that quickly lathers. If the product is too large and it makes no sense to dip it into water in parts, then proceed as follows:

  1. Inflate the mattress.
  2. Whip any detergent (dishwashing detergent, soap, etc.) into the lather.
  3. Apply foam to areas of the mattress linen where the damage is suspected.
  4. Foam will bubble at cuts and punctures.
  5. Mark the defect with a marker.

Method number 4. Dusting

In addition to wet methods, there is also a dry method. It is, for example, used when it is necessary to glue a velor mattress. The soapy solution on such a surface foams weakly, and wet furniture, albeit inflatable, is not the most pleasant thing in the house. Therefore, in this case, we suggest using starch, flour or other powdered easy remedy thus:

  1. Powder the dry mattress with powder at the site of the intended puncture.
  2. The light powder will be blown away by the air coming out of the hole.
  3. Circle the puncture with a marker, and collect the powder with a vacuum cleaner.

Method number 5. Water + detergent

It is more time consuming but effective method... Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Let the air out of the mattress.
  2. Collect 3-5 liters of water.
  3. Mix water with any cleaning liquid: liquid soap, dishwashing detergents, etc.
  4. Pour the resulting liquid into the mattress.
  5. Inflate the product.
  6. Flip the object in different directions, trying to locate the cut. In these places, the water will flow out with a slight whistle.
  7. Mark the damaged area with a marker.

Important! This method of detecting damage is very effective, but after it it is necessary to dry the product very thoroughly. In addition, soap suds may form white streaks on the surface of the rubber object.

Method number 6. We use stretch film

This is the most versatile way to detect punctures and cuts in rubber products. Proceed as follows to check if the air mattress needs to be sealed:

  1. Inflate the mattress.
  2. Apply water to the surface of the product with a spray bottle.
  3. Place a strip of stretch film on a damp surface.
  4. Thoroughly flatten the film and remove air from it.
  5. An enlarging air bubble will be visible in the damaged area.
  6. Remove the plastic from the mattress. Use a gurgling and squeaking sound to locate the cut.
  7. Circle the damaged area with a marker or felt-tip pen.

Important! Use shaving foam to pinpoint the location of the hole after locating the localization.

So, as soon as you find a defect in the air mattress, prepare a repair kit.

How to glue the inflatable mattress?

It is best to seal the Intex inflatable mattress with a special repair kit from the same company. It usually comes with the purchase of the product.

A set for repairing rubber products from Intex company consists of the following components:

  • Flock patches.
  • Glue.
  • Transparent vinyl.
  • Instructions for using the kit.

The PVC repair kit is very compact, you can always take it with you on the road. However, if such a kit was not at hand, then you can use and alternative options, for example:

  • The patch can be cut from any old PVC toy or any other unnecessary rubber item.
  • Instead of the glue from the repair kit, you can use:
    • Natural rubber glue "Desmokol".
    • Glue for rubber boats "Uranus".

Important! Do not use instant glue to repair air mattresses, as it can further damage the surface of the product.

Moreover, for renovation works you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Scissors.
  • Glue brush.
  • Fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Surface degreaser - alcohol, acetone or gasoline.
  • Soap or any kind of detergent.

Repair of inflatable mattresses

In order to qualitatively repair a rubber product, you must strictly follow the instructions and adhere to safety measures:

  • Use the glue very carefully, never inhale it.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after using the product.
  • Do not make repairs near open sources of fire, since the glue intended for the repair of rubber products is very flammable.

How to seal a small puncture or cut?

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare the space to repair the product.
  2. Carefully spread the damaged area out of the way.
  3. Sand the puncture (cut) area with fine-grained emery paper. The scraped area should be slightly larger than the cut itself.
  4. Degrease the patch. Use one of the following - pure alcohol, nail polish remover, lighter gasoline. Please note that after processing, no trace of the degreaser should remain.
  5. Get the correct patch from the Intex kit. If there is no such patch, then cut out a circle or an oval from suitable material... The size of the patch should be 3-5 cm larger than the damaged area.
  6. Squeeze the adhesive onto the patch and use a brush to apply the adhesive evenly to both surfaces to be bonded. Make sure that no glue gets into the hole.
  7. Press the patch firmly to the damaged area.
  8. Put the repaired mattress under the press for 24 hours. Any solid object suitable for this purpose is suitable for the press. Never bend the product at the bonding point.
  9. After a day, inflate the mattress and check the quality of the repair.

Important! If there are several damages, then they need to be repaired in stages, waiting for the previous glued patch to completely dry.

If a defect is formed on the side with a flock coating, then first gently clean the soft pile (velor) with a sandpaper or wash it off with alcohol, otherwise the patch will not stick. Then follow the instructions, but use a special patch - from the flock. Unfortunately, you won't be able to glue such a patch invisibly, so try to glue the product from the inside in this way: using a ruler, pull the defective area to the inflation hole and turn it out. After gluing the patch, wait 12 hours and turn the product back out.

If you did everything correctly, and the mattress, after inflating, still deflates, then perhaps the reason is in the valve and it was not installed tightly.

Air mattress valve repair

To check for faults in the valve bore:

  1. Inflate the mattress.
  2. Pour shaving foam into the valve opening.
  3. If there is damage, foam will appear around the valve.

To repair the valve, proceed as follows:

  1. Remove the adjacent valve.
  2. Pull out the rubber pad.
  3. Sand the end of the valve with a zero sandpaper.
  4. Lubricate the end of the valve with silicone grease.
  5. Reinsert the valve.

How to glue the intex air mattress at the seam joint?

If the vinyl mattress has burst at the seam, there are two ways to glue it.

Method number 1:

  1. First, wash off the lint in the damaged area with alcohol.
  2. Stick the patch from the repair kit, following the instructions.

Method number 2:

  1. Having found the defect, using your hands and a ruler, pull the damaged area through the hole in the valve.
  2. Wipe the cut with rubbing alcohol.
  3. Dry the cleaned area.
  4. Cut the size of the patch out of the rubberized fabric.
  5. Apply glue to the inside of the patch.
  6. Apply the patch to the damaged area.
  7. Press the patch firmly against the surface of the product.
  8. Leave the mattress to dry for 12 hours.
  9. Unscrew the mattress and inflate.

Important! Do not repair yourself if the damage exceeds 5 mm or there is a problem with internal partitions... It is almost impossible to fix such damage on your own. Contact a service workshop and specialists will assess the existing defects and, if necessary, restore the product, replacing a section of the old blade with a new one.