What type of heating is the most economical? How to make electric heating economical. Features of heating a house using electricity: which method is the most economical?

Residents of city apartments do not have the opportunity to change the heating system for their premises, so they are forced to pay for utilities at tariffs determined by government agencies. But owners of private houses and cottages can choose the most economical heating, especially since there are many technologies that can reduce costs. Instructions on how to save family budget V winter time, is outlined below.

Modern climate systems


To provide heat to a house, according to the law of conservation of energy, it is necessary to burn a certain amount of some kind of fuel.

Before we start discussing the question of how to save on heating, let’s get acquainted with existing varieties energy carriers:

  1. Electricity. Considering electricity tariffs, this type of “fuel” can hardly be called economical. In addition, modern power lines are often not designed to transport several kilowatts of energy per hour, so they can simply melt.

Savings on heating when using electrical equipment can only be achieved if several different heaters are used. For example, a gas or diesel boiler heats the premises, while an electrode or induction boiler only maintains a comfortable microclimate.

  1. Gas(mainline or liquefied). Quite economical heating: analyzing the energy market, it should be noted that the price of gas is one of the lowest.
    But this heating method has two significant drawbacks:
    • to arrange it, it is necessary that a central gas pipeline be connected to the land plot where your house is located;
    • It is prohibited to install a gas boiler with your own hands - you must obtain special permits, and then entrust everything to specialists who have access to this type of work.

However, if these two conditions are met, perhaps the most economical heating can be organized using gas boilers.

  1. Fuel briquettes and coal. Outdated methods of heating rooms. For obvious reasons, these are not the most economical heating systems and are used only in cases where it is not possible to install newer boilers or ensure an uninterrupted supply of diesel fuel.
  2. Oil Heaters. The advantage of such a system is that such climate control equipment does not require human control (unlike the systems discussed in the previous paragraph).

However, the cost of diesel fuel is also quite high, so heating savings can only be achieved if, in addition to the heater, you purchase nozzles that run on waste engine oil.

With the help of such equipment, economical heating of industrial premises can be organized, since plants and factories often have large reserves of already used mineral oils that can be used for heating premises.

  1. Wood heaters. It's also not super-economical heating. Wood can be used as fuel for fireplaces with a closed combustion chamber, equipped with special systems that distribute warm air or water throughout other areas of the house.
    A wood-burning fireplace is entirely suitable for heating a small summer house or cottage that is not intended for year-round habitation. Its advantage is its low inertia - within a few minutes after igniting the firebox, the rooms will become noticeably warmer.


Now let's look at less popular, but more promising heating systems - economical and not very economical.

These include:

  1. Baseboard heating. Special radiators are used, which are installed instead of baseboards. Connect to electrical network. Baseboard heaters are filled with liquid coolant, the temperature of which is raised using tubular electric heaters.

The described system allows you to use energy more economically. Due to the fact that it is not the air itself that is heated (as in convectors), but objects in the room (using emitted wave radiation), costs, compared to traditional electric heaters or boilers, are reduced by a third.

  1. Infrared panels or films. They also help create a comfortable microclimate and not go broke on utility bills. The advantage of such a system is that its use eliminates the need to install a central boiler, pipes and heating.

It is enough to stick special films under the ceiling covering or install emitters. Compared to classical systems, savings are up to 60%.

  1. Air heating systems. Not the best option in terms of savings, but also worthy of mention. To organize an air heating system, gas heat guns and air ducts are used, through which warm air is distributed throughout the rooms.
    The features of this heating method are as follows:
    • Only a small house can be heated, otherwise you will be faced with an unreasonably high consumption of main or liquefied gas;
    • During the circulation of air masses, a large amount of dust rises, which requires the use of special filters;
    • To heat the air, you can use electricity rather than gas - it will be a little more expensive, but you will still spend less than when installing an electric boiler.

  1. Solar panels or heat collectors. This method is suitable for those who live in the southern regions of our country and are not deprived sunlight. In addition to heating, the sun can provide an unlimited amount of hot water.
    Moreover, this inexhaustible source of energy will help you cope with power outages. To do this, you only need to mount photoelectric converters together with the solar collector.
    There is only one drawback here - the high cost of the equipment and the need to install a large number of panels (you need to have the appropriate roof area or land area).

When talking about how to make the most economical heating systems, we should talk not only about the cost of their operation, but also about capital costs, as well as their payback time.
Thus, fairly efficient and economical thermal systems, not discussed in this article, require very large investments, which will be returned only after 30-40 years.
Few people in our country are ready for this.

Additional measures to help you save

In addition to using economical heating systems, it is recommended to take the following measures to reduce unproductive heat loss from the home:

  1. Insulate your own cottage, install more energy-efficient window units.
  2. Install and connect electronic systems that change the operating mode of the climate network depending on external conditions(for example, ambient temperature, humidity, time of day, and so on).

  1. Purchase energy-saving appliances. For example, condensation gas boilers They use energy more efficiently, pyrolysis boilers burn wood twice, and liquid fuel boilers, as already mentioned, can be converted to use waste engine oil.


It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which heating is more economical. This is influenced by many factors, ranging from the presence of gas on the street, ending climatic zone where the house is located. You can learn how to choose the right system for you from the video below.

The most economical heating for a private home is considered to be the use gas system. However, not everyone has the opportunity to use it, for example, if there is no highway nearby. In such a situation, you need to heat the room in another way. The most profitable option can be selected if you analyze everything possible methods and consider the advantages and disadvantages of specific options.

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    Choosing inexpensive heating

    Before you pick best option economical heating of the house, you need to take into account several factors. The following points need to be analyzed:

    Heating in a private house is a super new feature!!

    Types of fuel

    The most economical home heating involves minimal coolant consumption, so you need to understand which fuel will be the most affordable. This factor is calculated based on two indicators:

    1. 1. Fuel price.
    2. 2. Possibility of uninterrupted supply of energy.

    The second factor is the most preferable. If the owner finds himself in a situation where the necessary fuel cannot be obtained, it will not be easy to get out of the situation. The most popular types of coolants are:

    Before purchasing a boiler, you need to take into account the calorific value different types coolants. The quality of energy release during combustion depends on this criterion. Rating of the most efficient fuels in descending order:

    1. 1. Electricity.
    2. 2. Liquefied and natural gas.
    3. 3. Coolants in liquid form.
    4. 4. Stone type of coal.
    5. 5. Fuel brackets and firewood.

    Prices for these types of coolants vary in each region. If we take the average data as a basis, gas still remains, coal, pellets and firewood will cost 2 times more. Liquid coolants cost several times more than gas, and electricity is the most expensive type of heating.

    It is impossible to say for sure which type of fuel is most profitable to use for. This is influenced by many individual factors. On average, the following fuel rating, presented as the price increases, would be appropriate:

    1. 1. Natural gas.
    2. 2. Various types of coal.
    3. 3. Firewood.
    4. 4. Pellets.
    5. 5. Liquefied gas.
    6. 6. Liquid types of energy carriers.
    7. 7. Electricity.

    Cheap heating in a private house. Personal experience

    Once your preferred fuel type has been selected, you can move on to the next step. Now you need to decide which heating in a private house is the most economical: water, air or electric.

    Electrical heating

    There are several ways to heat your home using electricity. The following types of heating can be distinguished:

    If we talk about electric heating in general, we can highlight a lot of advantages of this method. The advantages are as follows:

    • Easy to install.
    • Quiet operation.
    • No dryness in the air.
    • Easy maintenance.
    • The ability to quickly and easily adjust the temperature in a separate room.

    How to heat a private house without gas? But! Comfortable. Comfortable. And low cost.

    However, any type of heating also has its disadvantages. The disadvantages of electric heating include:

    • Expensive to operate due to high energy costs. This method is more preferable for a city apartment.
    • The likelihood of being left without heating in the event of an unexpected power outage.

    Water heating

    The operation scheme of water heating is as follows: water is heated in the boiler, after which it moves through laid pipes and transfers its thermal energy in radiators and then returns to the boiler. This method can be divided into three types according to the type of circulation.

    At natural circulation The coolant moves due to the difference between warm and cold water by density. Warm temperature water is lighter than cold water, so it is displaced and enters the upper region of the heating network. Next, it cools smoothly, after which it begins to circulate to the lower region of the system and heats the space in the radiators, and then goes back to the boiler. This scheme is very economical due to the following factors:

    • It is completely independent of electricity and does not require a pressure pump for circulation.
    • The system is durable because it contains a minimum number of parts that can break.

    However, this method has significant drawbacks. It is important to pay attention to such factors:

    • Natural circulation cannot be used for heating big house area from 100 square meters. Water will not circulate due to the high hydrodynamic resistance of long networks.
    • The boiler must be turned on constantly.
    • Regulate temperature regime It won't be easy in separate rooms.

    Systems with forced circulation differ significantly from the first type of water heating. The pump can be located in the boiler itself or be built separately. The following advantages of this method can be identified:

    • For installation, you will need smaller house pipes than with the gravity method.
    • Thanks to the pump, heating efficiency will increase by 30 percent. This type of work allows you to heat even a large two-story house.
    • You can easily adjust the temperature in each room.

    Cheap heating for a private home

    This method is very popular. However, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

    • Electricity is required to operate the circulation pump.
    • The system will not operate during a power outage. This disadvantage can be compensated for by using additional energy sources, for example, a generator or a special battery with constant power.

    Systems with combined circulation are very similar to gravity flow systems. The difference is that the former have a circulation pump that pumps energy. If the power goes out, the system will continue to function without it, although the performance factor will decrease. Nevertheless, the house will always be warm. This heating method has the same advantages and disadvantages as the two previous methods, depending on the operating mode.

    The advantage of all water systems is the huge selection of boilers that can be connected to them. The disadvantages include difficulties in installation compared to other heat supply methods. This method certainly applies to cheap heating of a private home, but it is extremely difficult to do it yourself.

    Air heating

    With this method, air is heated in a heat exchanger or heater, after which it passes through built-in channels and is distributed throughout all rooms. Each room must have several openings through which air will enter the room. The main advantages of such a system:

    • The method allows you to heat rooms very quickly.
    • The efficiency is at least 90 percent.
    • Heat supply channels do not require inter-seasonal maintenance, which means you can save a lot of money.

    However, it also has several disadvantages. You need to remember that:

    • Such a system will not be able to function silently. For those who value silence, this option is not suitable.
    • In order to complete the installation, a large area will be required.

    Ways to save more

    Maximum savings can be achieved if a certain thermal regime is observed. Even when designing a private house, the owner should take into account the fact that rooms that border external walls are more susceptible to cooling in the winter than those that are closer to the central part of the house.

    Using seals

    When doing installation, do not forget about effective insulation private house. Even the best-quality heating will not produce any results if all the heat is blown out of the room. If there are no drafts in the house, uninsulated walls still cool the air flow. Cold floors also negate all the efforts of the owner. In addition, you need to take into account the quality of doors and double-glazed windows.

    If the house is effectively insulated, heating it will cost half as much as otherwise. Keeping this in mind, when planning a house, you need to select materials that have maximum heat-insulating functions. However, even an already built private house can be very well insulated. There are many coolants with low thermal conductivity. Old proven materials are glass wool and polystyrene foam. Of the new ones, you can focus on the following varieties:

  • Expanded polystyrene.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam.
  • Polyurethane foam.

Each material has its own advantages, disadvantages and features of use. Sellers of building materials are very well aware of this and will always be able to recommend which sealant is suitable in a particular case.

Modern devices

The market does not stand still. There are several effective devices that will help you save a lot of money:

There is no consensus on which heating is the most economical. The choice of heating method depends on many factors and individual characteristics Houses. However, after studying information about all methods of heat supply, as well as learning about their advantages and disadvantages, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

When choosing a type of heating for a private home, most people make the same mistake: they confuse the cost of equipment with the efficiency of the system as a whole.

These are completely different things. General principle, with some exceptions, is this: the cheaper you buy a boiler, the more expensive the heat costs you. This is the first, but not the only bad news. The second is that the most economical system heating a private home is a myth invented by marketers.

The effectiveness of any type of heating will depend on the region of residence, the area of ​​the house, your ideas about comfort and other factors. Therefore, you should not believe in a miraculous know-how that will be the most economical, regardless of the circumstances.

There are special methods for calculating the cost of a unit of heat, measured in gigacalories (GCal). However, in most cases, you can limit yourself to approximate calculations. The calculation should be done for 5, or better yet, 10 years, this is the only way you can see the difference between cheap equipment and economical heating. And, of course, you should take into account possible changes in the price of the selected fuel in the future.

Gas heating

Despite regular price increases, gas remains one of the most economical ways to heat a private home. Therefore, if there is a gas pipeline nearby, don’t even think twice about it. It’s a different matter when the highway is far away, because every additional meter increases the cost of the already expensive installation work.

It should also be noted that the number natural gas is steadily decreasing, which will lead to new increases in tariffs on it. Whether the “blue light” will remain as profitable in the near future is a big question. Therefore, many are already looking for a way to organize economical heating of a private home without using gas.


We must pay tribute to the sellers of electric boilers; they managed to convince many that heating with electricity is a worthy alternative to the ever-increasing price of gas. The catch is that electricity is not getting cheaper either, but (accidentally or not) becoming more expensive immediately after gas.

However, in some cases the use of this far from economical heating method is completely justified. For example, in rural areas where there is a reduced electricity tariff, or where there are benefits and subsidies.

These types of heating of a private house have two general features which should not be forgotten. The positive thing is that only they provide complete comfort at a relatively low cost of equipment. They turned it on in the fall, turned it off in the spring, and the rest of the time there is no need for human intervention.

A negative side– complete energy dependence. If the gas or electricity is turned off, we are freezing until they turn it on. Therefore, further we will talk about more autonomous systems heating of private houses.

Solid fuel

In light of the constant rise in gas and electricity prices, many rushed to look for an alternative in the form of firewood and coal. As a consequence, for last years they have increased in price several times. Given the rate of deforestation and the state of the mines, this trend will continue. Therefore, such heating in a private house is the most economical only if you live in “regions rich in game firewood.”

Disadvantage of the classic solid fuel boiler– low efficiency and high consumption. In fact, this is a slightly improved version of a conventional stove. Every couple of hours you need to add firewood or coal, otherwise it will go out and freeze.

Much the best option will pyrolysis boiler or boiler long burning . They can use both conventional types of fuel and special briquettes and pellets, which is much more efficient. On one load, such boilers can operate for up to 5 days, and in terms of efficiency they are superior to gas heating 3-4 times.

And the latest squeak of solid fuel fashion - "omnivorous" boilers, or, as they are also called, recyclers. They “consume everything that burns”: wood, plastic, rubber, industrial waste and even ordinary garbage. In the event of the most severe fuel crisis, a warehouse of “bald” tires at a nearby tire shop or, at worst, a city dump will not allow you to freeze.

Alternative heating methods

If heating in a private home does not require fuel, does this mean that it is the most economical? Depends on the cost of the equipment and how effective the system will be.

Solar collectors. For all its attractiveness, this type of heating can be considered, rather, as an additional source of heat. In winter, its effectiveness drops sharply due to deteriorating weather, so this option will do, perhaps, only for the southern regions.

Heat pumps. Relatively new technology, uses heat from the bowels of the earth, water or soil for heating. What is scary here is the cost of installation and the payback period, which is at least 10 years. In addition, laying pipes will require a considerable area on which it will be impossible to build or plant trees.

Hybrid heating systems

Thus, none of the considered methods of heating a private house is neither ideal nor the most economical. The solution is simple: combined systems, using different types fuel. There can be many options, and they depend on what is more important to you: savings or comfort.

Example 1. Gas + solid fuel boiler. The gas one operates as the main one, but, if necessary (severe frosts, the need to “tighten your belts,” and simply the desire to sink “manually”), the backup one is switched on.

Example 2. Solid fuel + electric boiler. Here, on the contrary, the more economical option is the main one. However, if you are tired of “working as a stoker” or need to leave home, then the automation switches to electric heating.

Such systems have proven their reliability and cost-effectiveness. Their only drawback is the price. However, they pay for themselves quite quickly, especially on large areas.


For various reasons, despite the high cost of electricity, owners of private houses often opt for heating using electrical equipment. This method of building is considered the most expensive, so the question of saving money spent on maintaining a comfortable temperature in the premises is relevant. Economical electric heating of a private home will help solve the problem. This article explains how to organize it.

Types of electric boilers

Electric heating devices are divided into several main groups:

Tubular heaters (heaters)

They are the most popular type heating devices. Their work is based on the transfer of heat from a tubular electric heater to a liquid coolant (usually water is used, less often antifreeze).

Advantages of heating elements:

  • the design of the unit shown in the photo eliminates electrical contact with the coolant. Thanks to this, they can be equipped with emergency automatic equipment designed for protective shutdown;
  • the type of coolant does not affect the power of tubular heaters; it changes if the voltage in the network increases or decreases. Thanks to this feature of the device, it is possible to organize a stepped or smooth heating method. When the owner wants to implement economical heating with electricity, this advantage should be used (read also: " ").

Disadvantages of heating elements:
  • The working life of the heating elements is limited. When purchasing such a boiler, you need to pay attention to whether it is possible to replace heating elements, which in the future will lead to saving money, since you will not need to buy a new device;
  • scale forms on the surface of the heating elements and for this reason they may fail ahead of schedule;
  • water must have a certain hardness, therefore, if this indicator exceeds the norm, measures must be taken to reduce it.

Electrode boilers

The structural design of such a boiler is simple: electrodes are built into the container. Heating of the coolant occurs due to the release of heat when current passes through the liquid. However, there is no
electrolysis process, so the anode and cathode alternate in a continuous mode with a frequency of 50 Hz.

Advantages of electrode boilers:

  • Compared to tubular electric heaters, they are more reliable and have a longer service life. If scale forms on the electrodes, they do not fail;
  • have smaller dimensions.

Disadvantages of electrode boilers:
  • when using water as a coolant, it requires special treatment;
  • When antifreeze is used, it must be formulated by the device manufacturer.

Induction equipment

Its structure is similar to that of a transformer.

The induction device has two circuits:

Advantages of induction devices:

  • the possibility of boiler breakdown is minimized, since it does not have heating elements;
  • virtually no scale is formed;
  • high degree electrical safety;
  • equipment operates under a wide range of pressure and temperatures;
  • use of different types of coolants.

Disadvantages of induction devices:
  • significant weight;
  • large dimensions;
  • high price;
  • the possibility of problems arising during smooth power control.

Infrared heaters

It is believed that the most economical electric heating can be organized using infrared devices. U different manufacturers They differ not only in size, but also in weight and color. Often these devices are called panels, and they are usually installed on the wall or ceiling, where they will not interfere with the movement of people (read also: " ").

Infrared heaters can be used for heating residential premises, offices, production workshops, etc. They are usually used when quick heating is required. The principle of their operation is based on the fact that IR rays coming from the device heat the surfaces of walls, floors, and objects in the room, after which they give off heat to the air. Often, this is how it is organized.

Advantages of infrared heaters:
  • they provide rapid heating of rooms;
  • there is no combustion of oxygen;
  • people in the room feel a pleasant warmth;
  • it is possible to heat the room only from below, which makes it possible to organize economical electric heating;
  • no combustion products are formed during operation;
  • availability of automatic adjustment and control of the device;
  • there is no air circulation, which means dust does not move;
  • the device is simply installed and is easy to care for – it is not necessary to involve a specialist;
  • long service life ranges from 12 to 35 years;
  • The devices are absolutely fireproof.
Infrared heaters have one drawback. Since objects heat up first, after turning on the device the air remains cold for some time (short time). But such equipment allows you to get.

Electric heating device, see video example:

How to organize economical heating

In a private house, you can organize economical heating with electricity using an electric boiler (read also: " ").

But provided that the following requirements are met:

  1. The heat output required to heat the premises should be reduced. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate heat loss by insulating the walls, ceiling, and windows of the house. After a series of works to reduce heat loss, energy consumption will decrease.Of course, the implementation of such measures will require financial costs, but laying and connecting a line from the main gas pipeline is also not a cheap pleasure. Read also: "".
  2. To organize economical heating with electricity for your home, you need to choose correct option heating. The correct method will be the one that will save more money (read also: " "). For example, if a one-room apartment is well insulated, it is better to use an electric boiler as an additional heat source, despite the fact that the centralized steam heating system will constantly function. In apartments with big amount rooms, it is advisable to install devices with built-in power control, since they allow you to maintain different temperatures depending on when they are used.
  3. The room needs to be installed Various types heaters and combine them to create truly economical heating of a private home with electricity. All types of heating devices differ in operational characteristics, and their correct combination can provide efficient heating electricity.

    For a bathroom, an infrared heater would be the best choice, since you will need to turn it on before your appointment. water procedures, and, as is known, this device warms up the room very quickly. In the kitchen you can use a combination of heating devices. The optimal solution there will be an infrared heater plus an electric convector. You can use them as follows. will constantly work on low power and thus maintain minimally in the kitchen permissible temperature when all the residents of the house are absent. In the evening, after returning, you need to turn on the infrared heater and quickly warm the room to a comfortable state.
  4. It is necessary to control the temperature in the house using thermostatic automation. It can be configured in such a way that in the absence of people in the house the temperature is significantly reduced, and in their presence the room maintains comfortable living conditions. As a result, operating heating equipment in this mode will allow significant savings.
  5. If possible, use a night rate. The price of electricity at night is several times lower compared to the daytime cost. To install a multi-tariff electricity meter, the property owner needs to contact the regional energy supply organization.

As follows from the information above, it is quite possible to organize economical heating using electrical appliances, but without taking a number of measures this is unrealistic. Before you begin the project, you should decide which electric heating is the most economical in this case and think carefully about everything. Read also: "".

The cost of heating your home will not be so high if everything is done correctly. When the power consumption of heating devices planned for installation exceeds the value established in the supply contract electrical energy, then this issue must be agreed upon with the organization supplying electricity, otherwise serious problems cannot be avoided for consumers.

Heating a private home in the cold season is always associated with significant financial costs. In this regard, the owners have a reasonable question about how to save on heating so that it remains quite efficient and warms up the entire house well. This article will talk about the most profitable heating systems and how to create economical heating in a private home.

Fuel cost comparison

To understand which heating is economically beneficial, it is worth making a direct comparison of the cost of one kilowatt-hour of heat for different types of fuel.

When figuring out which heating is economical and which is not, it is worth comparing the cost of energy resources in increasing order, which can be presented as the following list:

  • Main gas;
  • Dry firewood;
  • Pellets;
  • Coal;
  • Propane from gas tanks;
  • Bottled gas;
  • Diesel fuel;
  • Electricity.

Of course, it is always worth taking into account the terrain factor, which greatly affects the cost of energy resources, but in general the price picture corresponds to the list. The most economical heating of a private house involves the use of main gas, and if possible, it is worth installing gas heating - but this is not always possible, so you have to explore other options.

Ways to increase heating efficiency

There are several ways to create economical heating for a private home and reduce heating costs. For example, there are different ways to use the same fuel with different heat output, and there are also many additional options to increase heating efficiency.

One way to reduce costs is directly related to the heat loss of the building. Thus, about 35% of all heat is lost through the walls of a house, about 25% of thermal energy comes out through the roof and windows, and up to 15% through the floor. If you reduce heat loss, you can improve the efficiency of your heating system - and this is what you need to do first, instead of trying to figure out which heating is cheaper.

There are several ways to insulate a private home:

  1. Foam coat. The foam sheets are attached to the building using cement adhesive and dowels. Subsequently, the sheets are covered with reinforcing mesh and puttied.
  2. Mineral wool fur coat. This type insulation structurally completely coincides with the previous one, but in quality thermal insulation material sheets of mineral wool protrude. Unlike polystyrene foam, this material is characterized by minimal flammability, i.e. Due to its use, the fire safety of the building also increases.
  3. Facade insulation. In this case mineral wool attaches to walls and closes windproof membrane. A metal or plastic cladding, which is attached to a wooden or metal frame.
  4. Insulation of the screed. Actually, correct styling Screeds initially require the presence of a thermal insulation layer. The screed is mounted on top of the existing base on a layer of polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene.
  5. Insulation wooden floor . Thermal insulation material is installed in the space between the support beams on top of the decking layer. From above it can be covered either with waterproofing, which is practiced in unheated attics, or with a flooring installed on joists.
  6. Bulk insulation. A layer of expanded clay or slag about 20-30 cm thick is poured into the space between the beams or slabs.
  7. Installation of energy-saving windows. IN energy-saving windows glass with a minimal layer of metal coating is used. In the infrared spectrum, this design is opaque, so thermal energy (both cold and heat) cannot enter the room.
  8. Roof insulation. For implementation this method insulation in the space between rafter legs On the roof, slabs of thermal insulation material are laid, on top of which a layer of vapor barrier is attached. If desired, you can use multi-layer insulation, which further reduces heat loss.

All of the methods described can reduce heat loss, resulting in more economical home heating. Even minor insulation of a home can significantly affect the cost of heating it. Professional formulas can use insulation coefficients from 0.6 to 4, and in the most extreme cases, the spread of heat losses in buildings with and without insulation can reach 6 times.

However, all this concerns savings by reducing heat losses - but there is also the opportunity to save on the heating system itself. For example, you can choose a more economical heating equipment– after all, various know-how in heating private houses periodically appears on the market, and it is worth paying attention to them. Various methods of economical heating will be discussed below.

Condensing gas boilers

A condensing gas boiler allows you to create the most favorable heating private house. The design of such a boiler includes two heat exchangers, one of which receives the heat generated by burning gas, and the second provides condensation of combustion products. The condensate itself is discharged into the sewer through a drainage outlet.

Condensing boilers differ from conventional boilers gas devices the maximum degree of use of thermal energy. The heat generated by the condensation of water vapor is also used to heat the building, i.e. energy losses are minimized. When operating such boilers, savings of approximately 11-13% are achieved, and gas combustion efficiency can reach 107% (taking into account the heat from condensation of water vapor).

Pyrolysis heating boilers

Wood heating equipment in itself is quite profitable - but savings can be increased further by using a pyrolysis boiler, the installation of which creates a fairly economical heating system for a private home. In addition to economic benefits, such a boiler also reduces the frequency of laying firewood (regular boilers need to be heated every 2-4 hours, and pyrolysis boilers increase this time to 10-12 hours).

All this benefit is made possible by the fact that the fuel is burned in two stages. At first, firewood smolders slowly due to limited oxygen availability at high temperatures. Most of the fuel during combustion is converted into carbon monoxide and volatile hydrocarbons. Combustible gases enter the afterburning chamber, where oxygen ensures their complete combustion with decomposition into carbon dioxide and water.

Possible savings up to 30% in these devices is achieved due to complete combustion of wood and limited heat transfer. In conventional solid fuel boilers, the heating power is regulated by the blower damper, and this design does not allow the maximum use of the fuel resource - part of the potential heat simply escapes into the atmosphere.

Solid fuel boilers with heat accumulator

A standard solid fuel boiler can also be made quite economical by equipping it with a heat accumulator. The device of this design looks simple: the battery is an insulated container with pipes for connection to the heating system. The heat accumulator, as its name implies, accumulates the thermal energy generated by heating equipment.

The efficiency of a storage device largely depends on its volume - for example, a 3000-liter battery that has stored sufficient quantity energy, can independently heat a house with an area of ​​90 m2 throughout the day. The battery tank acts as a kind of jumper between the boiler and heating devices.

Savings are ensured due to the fact that the boiler operates in normal mode and produces maximum efficiency. Excess energy that is not currently required by the heating circuit remains in the heat accumulator and is used to maintain heating in the future. In addition to saving 10-30%, this design also allows you to reduce the number of fuel additions to the boiler.

Electric boilers with heat storage

Another option for economical heating of a private home is an electric boiler connected to a heat accumulator and operating as follows:

  • The buffer tank is located between the boiler and heating devices, dividing them into two circuits;
  • At night, the boiler starts up and heats the water in the tank;
  • During the day, the heat accumulated by the battery is used to heat the house.

Savings in this case become possible if the region has a night tariff, which is usually about 70% cheaper than the day rate.

Warm floor

Warm floors are economical heating country house, which can be arranged in a number of ways:

  • Laying pipes in an insulated screed and supplying coolant to them;
  • Laying heating cable under the tiles in a layer of tile adhesive;
  • Laying film heaters for different types floor coverings(parquet, laminate, linoleum).

Warm floors, which provide complete heating of living spaces, turn out to be quite economical, regardless of the fuel used. Economical heating of the house when using such systems is ensured by reducing average temperature in the house while maintaining a comfortable atmosphere.

To understand this principle, it is worth comparing the temperature conditions of underfloor heating and traditional convection heating. In the latter case, the average temperature is about 25-26 degrees - approximately 22 degrees near the floor, and up to 30 degrees near the ceiling. Since such a temperature is simply not needed at the upper level, we can say that heat is wasted.

Any most economical heated floor primarily transfers heat to the lower level of the room - i.e. the temperature near the floor is still 22 degrees. The average temperature is reduced due to the fact that the space under the ceiling warms up to 16 degrees. This difference creates economical heating for the home.

Infrared heating

Another way to reduce the cost of heating a home involves the use of infrared heaters, which are available in several formats:

  • Heaters with a quartz tube, inside of which there is a high-temperature heating coil;
  • Film heaters that are installed under finishing walls or representing imitation of various interior objects;
  • Glass, metal and ceramic panel heaters.

The main difference between infrared devices is that they heat not the air, but the objects in the room. In order for savings when using IR heaters to be possible, they must be positioned correctly - for example, a device installed under the ceiling will heat the surfaces below. The result is a cheaper and less difficult to install analogue of heated floors.

Among the advantages of infrared heating is the fact that it can warm people directly, and no energy is used to heat the intermediary in the form of air. Due to this, the room temperature can be reduced to 14-15 degrees, and it will feel quite comfortable. With this heating option, you can save up to 40%.

Solar collectors

Unlike solar panels, collectors are designed to heat water. There are two forms solar collectors– flat and tubular. The most efficient models of these devices can process up to 85% of the energy received from sunlight - and this is a fairly high figure.

However, collectors also have a number of disadvantages. First of all, it is worth noting that solar collectors can only work during the daytime. In addition, even during the day, the efficiency of the device may vary depending on external conditions - overcast significantly reduces the efficiency of the collector.

Savings when using these devices are achieved through solar energy - it is absolutely free, i.e. direct heating costs are zero. If we look at this issue from this angle, we can make the erroneous conclusion that solar collectors are the most profitable heating system possible. During a long sunny day, a collector battery with an area of ​​60 m2 produces up to 240 kW/h per day. Even a small collector with suitable weather conditions can significantly improve heating efficiency.

Of course, we can talk about noticeable economic benefits only under favorable climatic conditions - and for the domestic space this state of affairs is unusual. In addition, the cost of solar collectors is very high, and the refund process can take a long time. long years. When deciding which heating is the most economical in a private home in your case, you need to take all these nuances into account.

Heat pumps

Heat pumps require electricity to operate, but even so, they are a very economical option for heating a private home.

It's all about the principle of operation of such a device, which looks like this:

  1. The compressor compresses freon, which is in a gaseous state. Increasing pressure converts freon into liquid and causes heating.
  2. The heat generated by freon remains in the heat exchanger and is used to heat the building.
  3. At a certain moment, the refrigerant reaches the expansion valve, and in this area it cools, and very sharply - the temperature of the freon instantly drops by several tens of degrees.
  4. Entering the external heat exchanger, freon heats up due to environment.
  5. The heated gas is again compressed in the compressor, and the working cycle is repeated.

The outside temperature should be lower than the air temperature in the house. Freon must be even colder when passing through the heat exchanger.

The heat source for a heat pump can be:

  • Street air(air heat pumps can operate at ambient temperatures down to -25 degrees);
  • Priming(the soil temperature at a level below the freezing depth is always above zero, which allows connecting a heat exchanger to it);
  • Water(the source of heat can be either an ice-free reservoir or groundwater).

Economical heating In the case of heat pumps, a private home is possible due to the fact that each kilowatt consumed by compressors allows several times more energy to be pumped into the heating system. These savings put heat pumps on par with wood boilers– and at the same time there is no inconvenience during operation, since the heat pump operates autonomously without any problems.

The savings compared to more conventional devices range from 3 to 6 times and vary depending on two parameters:

  • Temperature of the external heat exchanger, which directly affects the possibility of heat intake;
  • The temperature of the internal heat exchanger, the increase of which leads to a decrease in the heat transfer of the pump.

Most often, heat pumps are used in conjunction with warm floors or low temperature radiator heating. The most popular are inverter air conditioners - heat pumps air type. For a house with an area of ​​150 m2, four air conditioners with a total power of 14 kW will be sufficient. About 1,500 kW of electricity will be consumed per month for their operation.


This article discussed the most economical devices for heating a private home and ways to reduce heating costs. There are different ways to heat a country house, each of which has its own characteristic features, and choosing the most suitable option always individual.