Innovative heating without gas. Heating with electric boiler. Autonomous gasification: an expensive pleasure

Eco-friendly Homestead: Use natural gas is the most economical way to heat a wooden cottage. This fuel, among all other alternatives, is cheap, and the boilers on it are extremely easy to operate. But how to organize the heating of a private house without gas, because not everywhere there are main gas pipelines. What are the alternatives to this fuel, which of the options is the most profitable?

Using natural gas is the most economical way to heat a wooden cottage. This fuel, among all other alternatives, is cheap, and the boilers on it are extremely easy to operate. But how to organize the heating of a private house without gas, because not everywhere there are main gas pipelines. What are the alternatives to this fuel, which of the options is the most profitable?

Ways to organize heating in a cottage

The most common autonomous home heating system in domestic country houses is water. It uses water heated in a boiler or furnace as a heat carrier. After heating, it gives off heat to the premises with the help of batteries and pipes, creating comfortable conditions in them.

Heating systems, depending on the scheme for connecting heating devices, are divided into:

  • Single-pipe - with series connection of radiators, according to which the coolant is supplied and removed from the device using one pipe;
  • Two-pipe - with supply and return lines and a sequential scheme for connecting devices to pipes, according to which the coolant is supplied to the device with one pipe, and the other is discharged.

Both types of heating systems come with an upper and lower type of wiring. The first option provides for laying the supply pipe above the location of the devices receiving the coolant, the second, respectively, below.

The location of the pipes relative to the heating devices can be vertical and horizontal, on the basis of which the heating system takes the technical term of the same name. The first type is used mainly in multi-storey buildings or in one-story cottages with an attic, within which installation is possible. expansion tank and laying a pipeline for the supply of coolant through a separate branch to each device.

Horizontal heating circuit built in small private buildings. The reason is insufficient performance and length restrictions - the network cannot be more than 30 linear meters in length.

Connection of risers to radiators is carried out according to a one-sided or two-sided scheme, i.e. with pipe connection on one or both sides. If in a vertical single-pipe system the batteries are connected on one side, then it is called a reverse circulation circuit. The latter variety is not recommended for systems with steel or cast iron appliances.

The main elements of a typical heating system in a private country house are: a heating boiler, radiators and coolant supply pipelines

According to the type of water circulation in pipes, heating systems are of two types:

  1. Natural - imply gravity flow of the coolant due to the laws of physics.
  2. Forced - suggest the presence circulation pump to create a circuit of the carrier of thermal energy from the boiler to the appliances, and after cooling in the opposite direction.

First option easier than the second in design and installation. But the supply of heat in a natural system is not amenable to automatic regulation, the coolant in it moves through the pipes due to gravity and the difference in densities of cold and heated water. But unlike the forced option, it is non-volatile.

In the event of a power failure, the heating system with natural circulation water will continue to function properly if its main unit is a non-volatile boiler. The pump, which requires power from the outlet, is also not in it.

However, gravitational pressure has its limits. The heating capacity with natural circulation is simply not enough to supply the coolant to the branched circuits. Sometimes it is not enough to supply heated water with the temperature required for heating at a distance between the radiator and the boiler of 25 m, if the pipeline is made of a material with high hydraulic resistance: steel or cast iron.

If wooden house has a small area, it is enough for him natural system. However, a cottage large in two or three floors requires a more powerful version with a pump that will pump hot water to all rooms remote from the boiler on all floors.

In addition to using gas, the coolant can be heated by electricity or by burning other types of fuel. Also heating system in a private house where there is no connection to a gas main, it is often organized using convectors, infrared heaters and heat pumps.

The choice of a particular method of arranging a heating system depends on many factors. The climate of the region of residence, the quality of home insulation, as well as the availability of one or another type of fuel are important here.

Heating circuits with steam and heated air circulating through them are arranged according to identical principles.

Of particular note is the "warm floor" system, which is a network of pipes with a circulating coolant under flooring. The main advantage of this option is that as a result of heat from below, the air in the room warms up optimally at the level of human growth, and not somewhere under the ceiling.

An alternative to gas: choosing a water heating boiler

Natural gas is far from the only type of fuel for autonomous heating systems. Boilers also burn solid or liquid fuels as fuel. It is also possible to use electricity for heating water. Some prefer traditional wood or coal stoves, while others prefer clean electricity. But it is worth remembering that in case of interruptions in the networks, there will be zero sense from electric boilers.

Option number 1: Solid fuel

Solid fuel stoves and their more modern counterparts, boilers, are the oldest and most popular way to heat private homes in areas without gas. It can be both traditional Russian stoves and modern boiler equipment industrial production with various automation.

As solid fuels are used:

  • firewood;
  • straw briquettes;
  • peat;
  • coal;
  • wood pellets.

Such equipment is cheap and easy to operate. Fuel is also not particularly expensive. However, as a result of its combustion, rather large volumes of ash are formed, which must be constantly disposed of. Plus, you have to visually control the operation of such equipment, which takes a lot of time.

On the one hand, the cheapness of fuel, and on the other, regular cleaning of the furnace and chimneys. There is no single decision “for” or “against” here. But in a situation of living near coal deposits or near a forest, the choice in favor of solid fuel boilers or stoves is obvious to many, and often the only possible one.

As an option for a solid fuel unit, you can safely consider a fireplace, although there is a strong opinion about its low efficiency. However, the fireplace correct device it is not only a decorative element of the interior, but also a good alternative gas boilers. Moreover, it is absolutely non-volatile, which eliminates interruptions in heating in case of any problems on the power grid.

Traditional fireplace means air heating only the rooms where it is located, but nothing prevents pipes from being connected to it to heat the coolant

Most fireplaces are designed in such a way that they can heat only one room. However, the standard fireplace design can be supplemented with a coil around the chimney, which will heat water for the radiators of the heating system. And you can immediately dilute the warm air through the rooms using air ducts with adjustable dampers.

Fireplace heating is highly inert. To warm them up private house it takes a lot of time. Most best option is to heat the fireplace all the time. However, in this case, you will need a lot of firewood. But all these minor inconveniences are more than offset by the opportunity to observe the process of burning logs and the aesthetics of your own hearth.

Option number 2: Liquid fuel

In terms of efficiency, liquid fuel (diesel) boilers differ little from gas counterparts. However, they are larger and heavier. Their installation requires a separate living quarters. It is strictly forbidden to install them in a cottage under the stairs or in the kitchen.

The combustion of vegetable oils and petroleum products generates significant amounts of harmful emissions. The boiler room for these installations must be equipped high-quality ventilation and flue system. Plus, with improper installation and operation, they can begin to smoke.

For heating private wooden houses The following types of liquid fuel are used:

  1. Kerosene.
  2. Diesel fuel.
  3. Processing of fuels and lubricants.
  4. Fuel oil.
  5. Biofuel from vegetable oils.

Due to the specific smell and the high probability of ignition, it is recommended to store such fuel outside the cottage. But in winter, liquids freeze on the street, so you will have to make a separate heated room for such fuel or organize its preheating. And this is an additional and significant expense.

Among the advantages of using liquid fuel equipment for heating, it is worth noting high efficiency, no need to issue permits for installation and autonomy of work. However, the high price of fuel interrupts all these advantages. It is worth organizing heating of a wooden house without gas using a diesel boiler only in cases where there is no other alternative, and it is not even foreseen in the future.

Option #3: Electricity

Electric boilers do not require a chimney. They are safe and compact. The heating of the coolant inside them occurs due to the heating element. Electric boilers can be used as both the main and additional source of thermal energy. They are easy to use and efficient, but heating with their help is quite expensive.

If the power grids in the village do not please with the constancy of the voltage, then choosing an electric boiler for heating your own wooden house is risky. At some point, you can be left without lighting and a heating system at the same time. The only option in such a case is a backup diesel generator.

Not always allocated by power engineers is enough to fully heat the cottage. And pulling an additional power line will result in a serious waste of money. Installation and heating electrical equipment is relatively cheap, but the latter consumes a lot of electricity. If you plan to equip heating in a private house without gas with an electric boiler, then you should prepare in advance for a serious increase in electricity bills.

How else can you heat a wooden house

To create comfortable conditions in the rooms of the cottage, you can use other methods of heating. There are a lot of novelties in the market of autonomous heat engineering now. Some of them have a high price, but have high efficiency. And others involve the use of alternative energy sources.

Infrared heating options

The main feature of IR heat sources is not the heating of air, but of objects and surfaces in a heated room. Already from the heated furniture, walls and floor, heat is transferred to the air masses in the room. As a result, with minimal energy consumption, it is possible to create the most comfortable conditions in the home.

Infrared electric heaters are sold as:

  • hanging panels in enclosures various shapes;
  • film devices for ceiling or floor mounting;
  • floor models (a la a regular radiator).

IR heaters operate in automatic mode. All you have to do is plug them in and set them up. desired temperature. Installation of wall and ceiling models is extremely simple, all the necessary fasteners are provided in the case or on the film. Difficulties can only be caused by the installation of a “warm infrared floor”. But with strict adherence to the instructions, everything is done elementarily.

Film heaters under the ceiling are an excellent alternative to gas boilers: economical, no oxygen is burned in the room and completely safe from the point of view of fires

IR heaters allow you to quickly create a reliable and effective system heating in any private house where there is no gas. When compared with a heating electric boiler, they save 30-40%. Moreover, the heating of rooms occurs an order of magnitude faster, almost instantly.

Infrared heaters can be used as the main heat source or complement other cottage heating systems. Diversity model range makes it possible to fit them into any interior, and if necessary, quickly increase the thermal power.

Among negative sides IR electric heaters - static electricity, which contributes to the attraction of dust, and a considerable initial capital investment. Nothing much can be done about static, and equipment costs are always paid off due to low power consumption.

Heat pumps as a useful addition

Among the alternatives to gas when heating a wooden house, heat pumps stand apart, extracting it from the subjects environment. Structurally and technically, this air conditioner is the opposite. Only the heat pump does not cool the air, but heats it. And all the necessary thermal energy it generates through the judicious use of free natural resources and phenomena.

Heating based on a heat pump for a private house without gas is the maximum savings on energy resources. But in our latitudes, this type of heating can only serve as an addition to the main heating network.

The disadvantage of heat pumps is their dependence on the presence of voltage in the outlet. They will not work without a constant power supply. Plus, in severe frosts, their effectiveness is sharply reduced. In warm regions with winter temperatures around zero, the return on them is excellent, but in Siberian conditions they are of little use.

Heat with low potential can be collected by heat pumps from:

  • outdoor air;
  • land through wells or pipe systems in the ground;
  • water (any nearby body of water or wells).

Heat pumps are good. However, you have to pay a lot for “free” energy by purchasing expensive equipment. For big house costs can exceed a million rubles.

Solar energy and windmills

Another option for “green” energy is solar panels and collectors. The former generate electricity, while the latter, using the rays of the sun, heat the coolant for supply to the in-house heating system. They do not need any gas to work, they only need constant wind and cloudless weather.

In the future, electricity and heated coolant can be used to heat a private house by installing a heating system in it with radiators and various electric heaters. Solar plants are generators of electrical and thermal energy. The rooms themselves are heated thanks to a variety of heating devices that are connected to these generating devices.

In turn, wind generators convert wind energy into electricity. And then the heaters are connected to the power supply.

The main disadvantage of all these clean energy sources is that they depend on external factors. Overcast weather and calm negate their effectiveness. As an additional source, they are quite a suitable option for heating a private house without gas, but building the entire heating system on them alone is not worth it.

What is the most economical heating

From the point of view of fuel costs, the most cost-effective option after the main gas is the option with firewood. Cheaper fuel for boilers, stoves and fireplaces is hard to find. Then comes coal, and then electricity and diesel. In the case of alternative energy, the costs for this item are generally zero or minimal. However, one should not forget here the cost of heat engineering units for heat generation.

In the aggregate of all costs, heating a house without gas is the cheapest thing to do with electricity. But this only applies to cottages with good insulation, as well as situations where the capacity of existing networks allows you to connect heating electrical equipment. In other situations, it is better to opt for more traditional solid fuel stoves or boilers. published

Dwelling in winter period is associated with a cozy warm home, where every member of the family is pleased to be.

Solution of the problem

If you are faced with the question of how to heat Vacation home without gas, the most common heating methods should be considered. Today it is electricity.

The inability to connect to the central gas supply line makes the owners of country and private houses think about how to economically heat a house without gas. There are a great many options for units and systems for heating today, but most of them are able to convert the energy of fuel combustion into heat by distributing heated air indoors through gas.

If you are thinking about how to heat a house of 200 sq. without gas, then you need to consider other ways to solve this issue. Many homeowners in Lately are trying to switch to autonomous systems that are better, more profitable and more efficient. If you are a resident of a low-rise private house or have a summer cottage, then you can heat these buildings using steam heating, stove heating using different types of fuel, stone, and autonomous electric.

How to heat a house without gas and electricity, you can find out below.

Heating without communications

You can install heating without communications and pipes, while the system will consist only of heating devices. When choosing a scheme with radiators and difficult highways, living will become comfortable not only in one room, but throughout the house.

Use the most different types fuel - electronic, liquid, solid. It is worth remembering that its traditional types can not in all cases be called the cheapest and most convenient.

Basic home heating methods

If you are thinking about how best to heat a house without gas, then we recommend resorting to electricity, which acts as the easiest way to organize heating.

If we talk about profitability, then electricity is at the very last place in the rating. As a fuel for such devices, you can use diesel, which is also quite expensive. Thus, 1 Gcal of heat will cost 3,500 rubles. In doing so, you will have to face bad smell, which will be formed near the heating unit. Despite the shortcomings, diesel fuel is becoming an alternative affordable type of fuel for many consumers.

You can also heat your home with coal, which is a cheap form of fuel. With it, heating will cost four times cheaper compared to the above method. Thus, one thousand rubles will have to be paid for 1 Gcal of heat.

If you are faced with the question of how to heat without gas, then you can use peat, which comes in the form of briquettes. It will cost about one and a half times more than coal.

The most common option for heating a house is to use firewood, which costs little, but it is not always convenient to use them, but they will burn out much faster than coal.

For appliances that are installed in the house, you can use pellets, they are granules created on the basis of wood waste. You can get 1 Gcal of heat by paying 1500 rubles. Wherein this species It is very convenient to use fuel for boilers in which fuel can be supplied automatically.

Heating without gas. Alternatives

With a permanent or temporary absence of the types of fuel to which a person is accustomed, it is possible to arrange heating at home without gas and even without electricity. According to practice, if these technologies are replaced, it will be possible to save significantly.

Considering different ways of solving the issue, you may prefer fireplaces and stoves that run on coal or wood. When choosing this option, it will be necessary to build the appropriate brick structures or purchase a ready-made unit. This will help to organize environmentally clean way heating, and some models of ovens allow you to cook food due to the presence of an oven and a hob.

If you are faced with an urgent question, how can you heat a house without gas, then we recommend that you follow the experience of some owners of private dwellings who resort to original technologies. They are heated by their own source of electricity. In this case, you can use one of two ways to generate electricity autonomously.

Heating from an autonomous source of electricity

How to heat a house without gas and electricity, you will learn by carefully reading the article. If you want to save money, while still being original, you can heat yourself with solar energy. To do this, you need to buy solar collectors that are able to convert the energy of the sun into heat. At the same time, you can use an autonomous heater that works without electricity. Initially, you will have to spend money on the purchase of appropriate equipment, but during operation you will receive light, as well as heat, almost for free.

Are you still thinking about how to heat a country house without gas? You can also use the technology that involves wind into heat. To do this, experts recommend purchasing a ready-made device that is capable of converting mechanical energy into electricity. Many home craftsmen assemble such devices on their own. It is worth noting that such a unit is quite simple in execution, you will need to make a windmill by connecting it to a battery and a generator. Such methods of obtaining heat, according to modern summer residents, are extremely beneficial for country houses in those areas where there are no gas pipelines. This is especially true for rarely visited properties.

Heating without a boiler and pipes

The heating system can be equipped with a boiler, to which, as a rule, a structure of radiators and pipes is connected. At the same time, communications heat several rooms at once, which depends on the power of the device. For a country house, this is the most relevant solution, because there will be no boilers and pipes.

In summer, you can use one heat source, for example, a brick or metal stove is suitable, which will heat two adjacent rooms. Quite often, fireplaces are used with this technique.

If we are talking about an old Russian house, which is built on the principle of a five-wall, then one heat source, for example, a stove, will be enough for it. It is best placed in the center, between two adjacent rooms.

Heating based on a heat pump

If you are trying to solve the question of how to cheaply heat a house without gas, then you can use a rather interesting technique that does not involve the use of fuel. The technology is implemented using the operation of a unique unit called a heat pump.

Device and operation

The heat pump consists of tubes that are filled with freon, as well as several chambers, namely a heat exchanger, a throttle chamber and a compressor. This device will work by analogy with a refrigerator. The principle of operation in this case is based on liquid freon, which passes through tubes lowered into the ground or a reservoir. There, in winter, the temperature does not fall below plus 8 degrees. Freon under such conditions begins to boil, for this it needs only 3 degrees of heat.

Rising up, the substance, which becomes gaseous, enters the compressor chamber, where it is significantly compressed. As you know, if you compress any substance in a limited space, this leads to an increase in its temperature, so the freon heats up to 80 degrees.

Giving the generated heat through the heat exchanger of the heating system, the mass passes into the throttle chamber, where the temperature and pressure decrease, thereby freon turns into a liquid. At the next stage, he goes into the depths to warm up and repeat the cycle again.

Still not sure how cheap it is to heat a house without gas? You can apply this rather effective technology, for the implementation of which, of course, you will need electricity. However, it will be consumed in a disproportionately smaller amount compared to direct heating of the coolant.

Varieties of heat pumps

If you are thinking about the question of how to cheaply heat a house without gas, then it would not be superfluous to consider the types of heat pumps that will be needed to equip the heating system using the technology described above. Models of this equipment differ in the method of heating freon, that is, in the source of low-level heat.

If the house has a surface reservoir, then it is best to choose a water pump that is designed specifically for this. This type of device is also suitable for groundwater. On sale you can find air and earth pumps. The name of the unit includes the type of coolant in the installed heating system. Thus, the passport for the device must contain following words: "ground-air", "ground-water" or "water-water".

Heating a house without gas using electricity

Quite often, owners of country houses are faced with the serious question of how to cheaply heat a house without gas. The most common heating method is the one in which electricity is used.

Depending on financial possibilities, you can choose installations and equipment that will be able to provide maximum heating.

Electric units are available in the following varieties: fireplaces, fan heaters, underfloor heating systems, infrared heating, and convectors. Popular "warm floor" systems are often used for heating residential premises, if there is a need to heat the house without using gas. They are installed not only on the floor, but also on the surface of the walls, as well as the ceiling. For a country house topical solution there will be fan heaters that raise the indoor temperature to an acceptable level within a short time.

Use of electric boilers

When deciding how to heat a house without gas inexpensively, be sure to consider electric boilers as an option. This heating system will be more complex in execution, but at the same time the most effective. You will need to purchase and install a boiler that will heat the water to the required temperature. After that, the coolant will circulate through the heating system.

Considering it as a source of heat, there are many advantages, among which are the following: the ability to heat a home for a short time, ease of use of the equipment, the ability to adjust the level of heating, as well as the installation of a heating system at any time, which allows for heating without gas.

The use of solid fuel boilers

When deciding how to heat a private house without gas, you may prefer a solid fuel boiler. Especially this heating option has become popular in European countries. This type of solid fuel units is able to provide economical heating, as well as ease of use. Such devices work not only on wood, but also on pellets, coal, and also peat. Heat will be supplied through the pipeline thanks to the water, which acts as a heat carrier. This method of heating for a long time allows you to maintain the required temperature inside the premises, all this is ensured due to the rather long burning of fuel in just one load.


After you have learned how to heat a house without gas inexpensively, you can implement one of the ideas presented above. It is important to determine exactly which of them will be optimal in a particular case.

Heating a private house without gas and electricity can be equipped by everyone. Such heating sources may be needed for people who do not have a gas pipeline nearby, or for those who simply want to economically heat a private house without gas and electricity.

Some sources of heating are able to provide full heat in the house, while others can only serve as additional ones. By choosing one or the other heating equipment, all advantages and disadvantages should be carefully weighed.

How to install heating in a private house, read . The rules for installing a heating convector can be found .

Autonomous heating without gas: stoves

The most affordable heating systems for private houses without gas are stoves. This is a great option for a private country house. The principle of operation of the furnace heating system is simple: the coolant (usually water) is heated from the fire and passes into radiators. Furnaces can be brick or metal.

The main advantages of the furnace heating system:

  • fast heating;
  • low financial costs for installation and additional equipment;
  • durability;
  • creating an incredibly cozy atmosphere in the house;
  • modern design that does not violate the harmony of the interior.

Among the shortcomings can be identified:

  • bulkiness (furnace systems take up a lot of space);
  • constant need for firewood;
  • high fire hazard;
  • uneven heating in different parts of the room.

Wood-fired ovens can also be used to cook food.

Heating boilers without gas

As an alternative, there is heating a house without electricity and gas using solid and liquid fuel boilers - units similar in design to stoves. The modern market for heating equipment offers a wide range of various models boilers developed according to the latest technologies. Everyone can find suitable option for yourself. Heating boilers without gas operate on solid and liquid fuels.

Solid fuel boilers

Most solid fuel boilers provide heat from wood and coal. Solid fuel boilers are classic, pyrolysis and gas-generating. The most reliable and, unfortunately, expensive are gas-fired boilers.

The advantages of solid fuel boilers include:

  • reliability and durability (serve more than 10 years);
  • economical use of raw materials for combustion;
  • Efficiency over 75%;
  • cheap fuel consumption.

It is important to choose the right fuel for boilers. For example, for pyrolysis models, you should buy raw materials of low humidity. In addition, it is necessary to regularly clean the units from ash.

Oil boilers

Liquid fuel heating systems can operate on waste petroleum, synthetic, motor oils. The most common types of fuel are diesel and kerosene. Distinguish between hot water and steam boilers for liquid fuel.

Advantages of oil fired boilers:

  • high efficiency (it is possible to heat a large house);
  • complete autonomy;
  • comfortable operation.

Oil boilers have some disadvantages:

  • increased fire hazard;
  • expensive fuel.

The most compact are steam boilers - they are easy to place even in a small house.

Autonomous heating without electricity: fireplaces

Additional options for heating a private house without gas are fireplaces. Standard air fireplaces are affordable and easy to install. There is no need to connect a storage tank, connect a pipe and think over thermal protection. All that is needed is the construction of a chimney. For efficient operation of the fireplace, it is necessary to conduct air channels from it throughout the house. Thus, it is possible to heat not only the room in which the device is located, but also other rooms.

A fireplace with a water circuit is a kind of “mix” of a solid fuel boiler and standard fireplace. First, it is mounted in the house, after which it is connected to common system heating. A container of water, located in the middle of the fireplace, heats up when the raw material burns. A fireplace can heat not only the air in the house, but also the water in the heating system, which is transferred to radiators, underfloor heating, etc.

Pellet fireplace heats the air only in the room in which it is installed. The main advantage of the device is automatic feed fuel. The fireplace requires only control of the amount of fuel pellets in the bunker.

Heating a large house with heat pumps

Modern heating of a private house without gas using heat pumps will save money on heating and water heating. A heat pump is a device that stores and releases heat using natural sources. Heat carriers can be ground water, rocks, air, earth. For work heat pump you will need 3 kW of electricity or solar panels.

Advantages of a pump heating system:

  • high-quality and reliable equipment materials;
  • simple and economical operation;
  • possibility of use as an air conditioner;
  • automatic control;
  • compactness.


  • high price equipment and installation;
  • relatively short service life (about 20 years).

Heat pumps are suitable for efficient heating big house. Despite the expensive installation during operation, the device is very economical and does not require additional maintenance costs.

Solar collectors as an option for heating a private house without gas

Solar collectors have nothing to do with solar panels. A solar collector is a device consisting of a large number of interconnected pipes. The water flowing through them is heated by the sun's rays. Collectors are installed on the roof of the house on the south side.


  • energy efficiency (at low costs, you can fill a large house with heat);
  • ease of installation and use;
  • environmental Safety.


  • low heating efficiency of the coolant (almost all models of collectors heat water only up to 60 °);
  • dependence on the weather (the efficiency of the unit decreases during rain and wind);
  • difficulties in maintenance (during frosts, problems may occur).

Solar collectors accumulate about 90% of the heat that reaches the Earth's surface with the sun's rays, and is a modern independent heating without gas and electricity. Despite the shortcomings, the devices are very popular among consumers.

Alternative home heating without gas: infrared

There are not as many options for alternative heat sources that can provide heating for a private house as it seems at first glance. Many of them in one way or another require the cost of energy carriers, differing only in their volumes, features functionality and other nuances. In any case, heating a house without gas and electricity is associated with financial investments, so it will be quite difficult to find a cheap option.

Among the most affordable alternative options, infrared heating can be distinguished.

Principles of operation and organization of infrared heating

So, consider the principle of operation of infrared heating. It lies in the fact that thermal appliances borrow energy from the sun. Outgoing waves heat objects, heat is transferred to surfaces, and they, in turn, warm the air in the room. Comfort begins to be felt already at 15 degrees. This heating uses different types thermal panels. Thus, to feel the effect of this type of heating, it is enough to get out of the cool shade into direct sunlight. Today, infrared type of heating is used in industrial plants and industrial areas for heating large warehouses.

Species diversity of infrared heat

Today, when organizing infrared heating, familiar energy sources are also used, according to which it is customary to classify infrared heating into:

  • radiant;
  • electrical;
  • diesel;
  • gas.

In general, infrared is a fairly economical heating that allows you to provide a quick and less expensive way to heat rooms. Radiant type infrared heating is also an environmentally friendly heating option.

Advantages of infrared heaters

Modern heating of a private house without gas is considered by many as an option using high-tech equipment, the cost of which, as well as installation and installation costs, make it uneconomical. In fact, systems are available that can be installed by hand, and the cost of structures and devices will be further justified by savings on conventional energy sources such as gas or diesel fuel. In general, heating a house without gas involves many alternative ways of heating rooms. So, if we compare the cost of conducting and installing gas heating equipment with the installation of infrared panels, then the costs will be much less. In addition, it will make it possible to avoid a number of bureaucratic procedures, such as checking premises and systems for compliance with regulations and obtaining permits from different services.

At the same time, autonomous heating in the form of infrared panels is safe and environmentally friendly.

For a complete understanding of the principles and features of infrared thermal equipment Here are some of its main advantages:

  1. Infrared equipment does not expend energy on warming up the air, but heats objects, from which the room is heated;
  2. Such heating systems of private houses without gas do not dry the air and do not kill oxygen in the room;
  3. Radiant systems do not involve the installation of radiators, radiators and pipes, which allows you to save usable space and not damage the design of the room;
  4. Such options for heating a house without gas are quite economical;
  5. Safe for health;
  6. Do not require specialized maintenance and care.

Types of infrared heating

At the moment, alternative home heating without electricity and gas is in demand and interesting to most homeowners. And all used electric infrared heaters are divided into two groups: panel and film. Another novelty appeared on the market - plasterboard heating panels. Its specialists distinguish it into a separate category. So we can already talk about three types of heaters.

According to the method of placing the heater, they are divided into floor, wall and ceiling. But as practice shows, they are rarely used separately, most often used combined options accommodation.

Varieties of electrical panels

Installation takes place during repair or construction works and at any of its stages. Externally, these devices are compact structures in durable metal cases. The structure is heated using a tubular electric heater or a heating coil. Recently, manufacturers are increasingly using ceramic, tungsten or quartz heating elements for these purposes. An aluminum plate acts as a long wave emitter.

For ceiling heaters, manufacturers produce special designs. Their peculiarity is that they are built into the ceiling structure, which makes them practically invisible against the ceiling background. It can also be built in with the features of the operational characteristics of the room. For example, if you fix the heater above the recreation area, while at the same time making sure that the area above the cabinet (chiffonier) remains without heating, then you can achieve significant reductions in electricity costs.

Film heaters

These are the thinnest devices among all heating devices. As a source of radiation they use heat elements made of carbon. The same film can be used as a ceiling, floor or wall heater.

A feature of this type of infrared heater is that it can be built into almost any decorative coating and don't worry about overheating. Film installation options depend on what material will be used as a topcoat.

Typically, a film heater is mounted on drywall. If the heater is installed under stretch ceilings, then the film is attached directly to the draft ceiling. The only requirement is that there should be at least 5 cm between the heater film and the ceiling finish.

Novelty in heating - heating drywall

Externally, this design, despite its novelty, is very simple - a sheet of drywall, on the back of which a heater is attached in the form of an electrically conductive carbon thread. The sheet itself from the heater is protected by electrical insulation, and the heater is covered durable coating from a polymer.

The novelty is appreciated by almost all interior designers, as it can be built into the interior so that no one will notice it. At the same time, the installation of the heating system itself is practically no different from the installation of ordinary drywall sheets. Most often, the novelty is used as a backup source of heat for houses with central heating.

It is best to choose the type of infrared heating you need with the help of professionals. They will do this taking into account the peculiarities of housing, its area and other parameters. Installation is also best left to professionals.

Spheres of application of IR

The advantage of these heaters is that they can be used in any room. They are especially good for quickly heating country houses. Such panels are not afraid of freezing, and start working almost immediately.

They have proven themselves excellently as a heating system in greenhouses. After all, the heat generated by these heaters is close in its properties to the sun, because the plants grow very quickly. The only thing to consider is the distance from the device to the landings. It is recommended to move the device further as the plants grow.

Another area of ​​​​use is garage heating. Especially if you use the zonal arrangement of heaters. In this case, you do not have to spend electricity on heating areas that are currently unnecessary.

What is the option of heating a house without gas to choose?

Summing up, it should be noted that truly complete and safe are heating systems of a private house without the use of gas and electricity in the form of solid and liquid fuel boilers. The remaining options serve, as a rule, as an addition to each other or to the main heating system.

Equipping the heating of a private house without gas with your own hands is not at all difficult. Alternative heating houses without electricity and gas are always cheaper than gas or electric. Another significant advantage is high level security.

The heating costs of any private house depend on the amount of heat loss, which can be reduced by insulating houses with modern heat-insulating materials.

On the map of our homeland there are places where gas supply is not available. In this case, alternative heat sources are used. What are the ways and options for heating a country house without gas?


Firewood and coal effective method heating for the countryside. They have long been used to heat village houses. The advantages of the option are affordable raw materials at low prices. Disadvantages - the need to regularly maintain the fire, free space for storing firewood, the need to purchase and install a stove, boiler, and other consumables.

Electric heating

Electric heating has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Economic heating a private house without gas is possible only with proper design and installation of equipment.

Note. To determine how effective the technology is for a particular facility, it is necessary to carry out preliminary calculations of heating and resource consumption in accordance with SNiP standards.

The advantages of the method include: minimum costs for the installation of appliances, a chimney and a boiler room are not needed. When heating rooms in this way, carbon monoxide is not formed, there is no risk of harmful emissions if the system breaks down. Despite all the advantages of the technology, it cannot be said that the method is the best way to heat a house without gas.

What is known about the cons. Electricity costs vary by region. The option may not be economically viable. An important drawback is the complete dependence on power sources. When the electricity goes out, the system stops heating the house.

Alternative energy sources

Heat pump

The equipment makes it possible to obtain low-potential heat from the air, soil, rocks and reservoirs. The technology has been used in Europe for decades.

The advantages of the option are free heat sources. The use of technology allows to reduce heating costs. For every 2-3 kW of electricity spent on the operation of a heat pump, up to 6 kW of thermal energy is released. Savings are especially relevant, with the regular increase in tariffs, which is observed in the housing and communal services industry.

And yet, it cannot be said that the best way how to heat a house without gas and electricity. An important drawback of the technology is the high cost of equipment. The cost of a heat pump is from 100 to 400 thousand rubles. Another unpleasant feature of the equipment is a decrease in efficiency at temperatures below -10º C. In addition, the area for feeding the equipment cannot be planted with plants, and its area should be several times more sizes the building itself.

Solar collectors

The equipment works autonomously. This great advantage before dependent technologies. The collector converts solar energy into thermal energy. This is one of better ways how to heat a house cheaply without gas. During the operation of the equipment you will not have to pay.

Cons of technology

1. high cost of the collector $500-1000;
2. water heating only up to 60º C;
3. periodic replacement of the storage tank;
4. failure to provide 100% heat.

Note. A complete transition to heating a house without gas and electricity using a collector is impossible. The equipment is used as an additional source of heat to reduce heating costs by 40-60%. With the onset of cold weather or in windy weather, you will additionally need a water pump to disperse the water in the pipes. When the climate worsens, the collector stops working at full capacity.

Water heating

Popular technology allows you to effectively heat the premises of a private house. Are you considering how to heat a house if there is no gas? Take a look at hot water. Heating bills can turn out to be small, however, you will have to spend money on installing equipment, pipes, batteries, a tank, a pump. The technology allows the use of several energy sources:

The disadvantage of panels is expensive fuel (electricity).

How to save on heating?

A simple solution will significantly reduce heat loss. We are talking about high-quality insulation of walls, door blocks and window openings. This will reduce heat costs by up to 50%.

Of all the ways to heat a house, the most economical is gas. In places where there are no appropriate communications, other options are chosen. By clicking on it, readers will find out how cheaper and more profitable it is to heat a house with gas or electricity. Today it is economical to heat cottages with coal. Fuel is available. It is inexpensive. There are automated coal-fired equipment for sale. Its price is 1.5-2 times cheaper than heat generators.

What is the best way to heat a house if there is no gas? If the room is used as temporary housing, on short visits, a heater can be used. Among the well-known models, oil specimens are more often chosen. Quite economical and safe option - infrared heater. The method is suitable for heating one room, not the whole house.

It is considered an urgent issue for residents of private households. Gas is cheap and accessible view fuel. However, some settlements still deprived of this method of heating. In the absence of gas, use alternative ways heating a private house.

Heating of private houses without the use of gas is quite common today. This is due to both technological reasons and the lack of connectivity to the backbone due to a financial or technical issue.

When choosing heating for a home, the availability, environmental friendliness and cost-effectiveness of the chosen method are taken into account.

Stoves and fireplaces

The stove is the oldest heating method. Designs with an average heat capacity are used, which are heated twice a day.

Furnace heating is not difficult. It needs to be right.

For the construction of furnace structures, sand, brick, lime and clay are used.

It is important to decide how to heat the stove other than firewood. Coal is suitable for these purposes. Maintenance of this design is fraught with additional difficulties. Regular firebox and chimney cleaning are carried out. The stove occupies a large space in the room and is characterized by a fire hazard. There is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning when using the equipment.

A stove or fireplace is used to create a cozy atmosphere. The furnace is built of brick or purchased ready-made from metal. Cheaper to heat a house at.

The furnace is installed on the foundation. The part of the structure that goes to the attic is called the chimney.

You can arrange the oven in the following way:

  1. The foundation is being installed. An insulating material is laid on the base.
  2. Masonry is carried out using bricks on a mixture of cement and sand.
  3. Clay mortar is not used during construction.
  4. The chimney opening is divided. This is done for fire safety.
  5. Fluffing is performed in two brick rows. If it is not done, then the furnace smokes.

In order for the fireplace to burn well, free space is left in front of the firebox. The fireplace insert is installed in a stone or brick cladding.

The stove can take up to five percent of the total area of ​​​​the room

Solid fuel boilers: wood, coal, pellets

Alternative gas heating in a private house - this is solid fuel equipment. economy and safety. At the same time, the coolant is heated, which transfers heat to the radiators and into the room. Solid fuel boilers are pyrolysis or classic. It is cheap, which is distinguished by the availability of fuel.

The disadvantages include the difficulty in operation. It is necessary to regularly clean the combustion chamber and load the furnace.

In standard boilers, the combustion process takes place. In the pyrolysis structure, combustible gas is released, which enters the combustion chamber and is burned.

You can heat the house with solid fuel appliances, which are divided into cast iron and steel.

Solid fuel products have the following advantages:

  • high environmental performance;
  • fuel availability;
  • increased level of security.

Firewood and briquettes are used as fuel. Waste from the woodworking industry is used. They are crushed and collected into granules. You can heat the boiler with coal. At the same time, heating is performed even in the absence of electricity.

Which works on heating and creation of hot water supply.

To ensure a stable water supply, the boiler is connected to a boiler.

Solid fuel boilers are by far the best replacement for main gas

Oil boilers

It is possible to heat a dwelling with the help of equipment that runs on liquid fuel. Solar oil is used as fuel. Such boilers are equipped with fan burners.

This device atomizes the fuel and delivers it to the combustion chamber.

The device is equipped with a special regulator. It controls the appliances that are connected to the boiler. It can be a burner or a pump.

An important parameter of a liquid fuel boiler is power. This option requires preliminary calculation. This takes into account the number of window and doorways, thickness of walls and ceilings.

A separate room is selected for the installation of a liquid fuel boiler. It should have a hood and a place to store fuel.

To heat a house without gas and electricity, it is necessary to equip the device with a special filter. This will prevent the injectors from getting dirty.

If the fuel needs to be replaced, the burner is reset.

The equipment is quiet and efficient.

Liquid-fuel structures have high efficiency and can heat large rooms.

This system is completely autonomous, which allows heating without gas and wood. Permits are not required for the installation of such a system. Similar designs work for various types fuel and with any coolants.

When arranging equipment, it is worth considering the following features:

  1. Fuel costs are rising compared to .
  2. A container for storing fuel raw materials is installed in the room.
  3. Equipped, as the heating system is characterized by unpleasant odors.
  4. Electricity will be required, as a backup generator must be started when the power goes out. In this case, you can heat the house without gas.
If we compare performance and characteristics, a liquid fuel boiler is on the same level as a gas boiler, it differs only in the price of fuel and its types


Without gas it is possible with the help of electricity. Electric heating is characterized by compactness and environmental friendliness. Disadvantages of the system include power outages.

V electrical structures the coolant is heated by heat exchangers with built-in heating elements.

There are the following options for heating a country house without gas using electricity:

  • When using a coolant, conventional wiring is used.
  • Direct heating is used. At the same time, convectors are mounted that function as part of the system or separately.

Electric heat without gas has the following advantages:

  1. Installation of equipment has a low price. It is not required to make a project, install a chimney and numerous sensors.
  2. Characterized by ease of maintenance. There are no frequently breaking elements in the system.
  3. The equipment is silent, durable and safe.

If you choose economic heating of a private house without gas, then this design will not work. It has a significant power consumption. The disadvantages of the equipment include dependence on the voltage in the network.

Modern types of heating a country house without gas include the design of underfloor heating. This system is a stove with an attached filament spiral.

The electric boiler is light and compact, this equipment can be installed in residential premises

Autonomous gasification

If there is no gas, you can heat the house with the help of imported fuel. At the same time, gas is taken not from the central pipeline, but from its own storage facility.

Propane-butane cylinders are used.

This system is simple. It functions independently of the centralized gas supply on liquefied gas.

To heat the house cheaply, a similar design is used. It is characterized by high efficiency and safety. The system is installed in a short time.

Energy of sun

Heat energy. flat collectors.

This design depends on natural conditions and is expensive installation work. Such heating without gas converts solar energy into thermal energy. Collectors are equipped on the roofs. Characterized by high environmental friendliness.

When installing this design, it is necessary to insulate the building. High-quality thermal insulation affects the cost of installation of the structure.

Geothermal heating

Heating a house cheaply without gas will allow the installation of a geothermal system. It's an effective alternative standard types heating.

The principle of operation of the structure is based on the use of the energy potential of the earth.

The soil accumulates solar energy, which remains in the soil even in winter. The main devices of the design include a heat exchanger and a heat pump.

The cost of this installation is expensive. The benefits include security, low maintenance costs, and unlimited resources.


The heat pump is connected to two circuits. One circuit consists of batteries and lines. The second circuit includes a heat exchanger, which is located underground.

The structure of the structure depends on the depth of occurrence and on the thermal conductivity of the soil.