Long-burning solid fuel boiler. Long-burning solid fuel boiler - prices

A solid fuel boiler for heating a private home is a modern alternative to traditional heating methods. With it you will not freeze in winter at the dacha or in a country cottage. A variety of models will allow you to choose the one that suits you.

Classification of long-burning solid fuel boilers

The main feature of all varieties of such boilers is that they are installed where it is not possible to use other heating, for example, gas. They burn for a long time, up to several days, and heat solely due to solid fuel. The principle of their operation is simple and similar to heating with a conventional wood or coal stove: you load fuel into the boiler, it burns, releasing heat. Add raw materials as needed.

Cast iron heating solid fuel boiler

This is the advantageous difference between units designed for long-term burning and other types of solid fuel boilers: they do not need to be loaded often, you don’t even have to get up at night. Some varieties do not depend on electricity. This makes them even more convenient for places remote from city life. Taking into account these and other characteristics, the following types of solid fuel boilers are distinguished that require long-term combustion:

What fuel is used:

  • firewood;
  • coal;
  • pellets (granulated wood waste);
  • sawdust;
  • universal. In such boilers you can burn almost everything - from coal to waste.

Advice. Do not heat the boiler with gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, laminate or chipboard residues, or glossy paper (for example, magazines or catalogues): they release toxic substances.

How fuel is loaded:

  • manually;
  • automatically.

How it is burned:

  • traditionally;
  • using pyrolysis (without oxygen);
  • “from top to bottom” (top combustion).

What are boilers made of:

  • steel;
  • cast iron.

From a huge number of models, choose the one that is most suitable for your home in terms of area

How many cameras have:

  • one;

Their functionality:

  • single-circuit, which only heat the room;
  • double-circuit, which in addition to the main function are also used to heat water.

What are the features of different types of boilers?

When choosing a boiler, decide what you will load it with. Coal gives off more heat and burns much longer without additional loading. Firewood is considered the most environmentally friendly fuel. When giving preference to such a boiler, please note: it must have a sufficiently voluminous combustion chamber and a wide door. This way you can load a lot of firewood at the same time big size, which will increase the combustion duration.

Attention! For the greatest energy efficiency, use firewood whose humidity does not exceed 20%.

Pellet boiler

Boilers that are heated with pellets are mostly automated. You do not need to load them with raw materials every few hours; manufacturers have provided a special bunker and mechanized feed for this purpose. Wood pellets burn almost completely, leaving a small amount of ash. However, pellets are not yet widespread enough as a type of fuel due to price, availability in warehouses and the cost of the boilers themselves.

The peculiarity of automated devices is that they require an electrical connection. Without it, automation simply does not work. If there are power outages in your holiday village, it is better to opt for manually loaded boilers. For the convenience of owners, some automated models are equipped with control panels. In particular, they allow you to regulate the frequency of downloads.

Operation of a pellet boiler

If you choose a universal unit, it is better that the main type of fuel for it is coal. The robust design, designed for black or brown gold, will easily accept any fuel. By comparison, wood-burning boilers, which are mostly made from thin sheets of metal, are not designed to burn coal. Dispose of cardboard, shavings, sawdust, and husks in universal solid fuel devices.

Most often, manufacturers produce 2 types of boilers: cast iron and steel. There are also ceramic ones, but they are almost not common. If the heating device is made of cast iron, its service life reaches 50 years. This metal is resistant to rust, but is sensitive to temperature changes. Steel boilers are cheaper, but last about 20 years.

Does it make a difference how fuel is burned in the boiler?

In classic boilers, the fuel is ignited from below, and the flame, rising, consistently “eats” everything that was put there. Most often, boilers work this way and need to be reloaded every 2-8 hours (depending on the model and type of fuel used). Long-burning devices usually have large-volume fireboxes. This is what allows classic models to do without “additives” for as long as possible after loading.

Wood boiler design

There are shaft-type boilers, where the fuel needs to be ignited at the top, and combustion (or rather, gradual smoldering) also occurs from top to bottom. This innovation had a positive effect on the duration of work. Without additional storage, firewood burns for about a day, coal - on average up to 6 days. You can’t add more or add anything until the first load has expired. Due to their efficiency and high efficiency, such models are more expensive than traditional ones.

Device for automatic control of a pyrolysis boiler

Another type of boiler based on the method of burning fuel is pyrolysis. In them, firewood, coal or waste are burned under the influence of high temperatures, but without access to oxygen. Such boilers usually consist of two chambers; raw materials are placed in one and set on fire. After a while, the oxygen supply is limited, and the fuel begins to smolder. As a result, gas is released (or generated), which enters the second chamber and burns separately. Because of this feature, these boilers are also called gas generator boilers.

Advantages and disadvantages of solid fuel boilers

The positive properties of long-burning devices operating on solid fuel include:

Among the negative aspects of operating long-burning solid fuel boilers, it is worth highlighting both general ones and those that are typical for individual models:

Advice. You can store fuel in the boiler room if its size allows. It is better if the distance between the boiler and the fuel is at least 40 cm.

What else to consider when purchasing a long-burning boiler for a country house

Such boilers may well become not only a replacement for conventional heating, but also be an addition to it. With conscientious care and proper use, they last for many years, without requiring repairs and fully recouping the cost of their purchase.

How to choose a solid fuel boiler: video

Heating boiler: photo

2 Affordable price 3 High level of efficiency (91%)

Solid fuel boilersalternative way heating of private houses. Electric models consume a lot of electricity, so the effectiveness of their use (especially in large areas) is very questionable. Gas boilers are more justified in this regard, but require the supply of the appropriate type of fuel to the house, which is not always possible. It is in such cases that it is very difficult to overestimate the benefits of stoves, the combustible material for which is firewood, coal and other solid elements.

The current market realities are such that potential consumers are presented with hundreds, if not thousands, of models of heating boilers for every taste: long-burning and pellet, classic and pyrolysis. It is quite natural that making a good choice in such a situation is very, very difficult. To simplify the situation a little, we have prepared for you a rating of the 18 best solid fuel heating boilers in six different categories.

The best long-burning solid fuel boilers

The advantage of long-term heating boilers over others is clear from the name: the duration of solid fuel burning in them at fully loaded fire time is two to three days, and in other cases (depending on the type of fuel) it reaches five or even twelve days. At the same time, a volume of thermal energy sufficient to heat the entire provided area is released on an ongoing basis. They are economical, but have low efficiency and cause a lot of trouble to maintain.

3 NMK Magnum KDG 20 TE

Profitable price
Country Russia
Average price: 48,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A typical representative of long-burning boilers from a Russian manufacturer, which was created specifically for the climatic conditions of our vast country. Unlike many other contenders (according to manufacturers’ recommendations), it uses exclusively coal for heating, which burns out within five days with an efficiency of around 75-80 percent. This is not much, but when heating with other fuels, for example, wood, the situation looks much more sad. Users' feelings from the operation of this boiler are generally positive: the design is serviceable, it is unpretentious in maintenance, and in terms of power in general it is the “golden mean”. I am very pleased with the existing system for regulating fuel combustion, albeit primitive.


  • a domestically produced product, which explains the favorable price;
  • good workmanship;
  • the presence of a heating control system (the connection between the control links is carried out in a chain).


  • the need to observe a strictly defined position of the air damper (with a gap of five millimeters) for proper operation boiler

2 Stropuva Mini S8

The optimum ratio of price and quality. User selection
Country: Lithuania
Average price: 56,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Lithuanian heating boiler, highly rated by users. In fact, the manufacturing company Stropuva continues and naturally reaps the benefits of the system built during the Soviet Union. The Mini S8 boiler is compact, made in the form of a “barrel”, but it is very heavy to move, which causes some problems with installation. Its efficiency is associated, first of all, with its type - long burning of one load of coal can provide heat for two to five days. There are also no complaints about the quality - everything is done reliably, neatly (which is not so important in boilers) and evokes some semblance of true admiration. But there is still one miscalculation - the shagreen lining is practically impossible to remove carbon deposits, which most often form above the firebox door.


  • very high quality execution;
  • economical heating of premises - one stack of firewood is enough for 12-20 hours of burning; coal – up to five days;
  • good balance between price and quality;
  • the ability to connect additional circuits, heating elements, and other systems.


  • beautiful, but impractical shagreen covering;
  • difficulty in moving due to the large weight of the “mini-model”.

To complete the picture and clarify what pros and cons this or that type of solid fuel boiler has, let us turn to the comparison table:

Boiler type




Extremely simple and reliable technology

Low price compared to other types

Any available type of fuel can be used

– Low efficiency

– Inability to accurately adjust the coolant temperature

– High sensitivity to moisture content of flammable materials

Long burning

When loaded with coal, the boiler can operate for up to five days.

Using wood fuel the operating time is two days

Complete energy independence

– Lack of water temperature regulators in the system

– Increased requirements for fuel quality

– Typically very low efficiency


High efficiency

Possibility of process adjustment

Long intervals between placing flammable materials (up to 12 days)

High reliability and workmanship

– Electrical connection required

– Without lining, the combustion chamber is very sensitive to raw fuel

– If the lining is not at the proper level, the chamber walls burn out and the boiler fails


High efficiency

Complete process control via electronic control

High price and large dimensions of boilers

– High cost and shortage of fuel

– Requires a power connection

1 Buderus Logano G221-25

Best quality
Country: Germany
Average price: RUB 154,580.
Rating (2019): 4.9

German boilers from Buderus are the standard of quality and efficiency for heating spacious rooms. Despite their Eastern European production, they can easily withstand the difficult conditions of the harsh Russian winter, have a fairly high level of efficiency (85 percent), and also do not require a large amount of fuel. If the circulation pressure of the coolant is not enough, you can easily “hook up” a pump to the Buderus Logano G221-25, which is what savvy users resort to. Heating occurs very quickly, and cleaning the firebox does not cause any difficulties. Thus, 20-kilowatt models are capable of heating a room of up to 200 square meters. And judge for yourself what a 25-kilowatt boiler is capable of.


  • voluminous firebox – accommodates logs up to 68 centimeters long;
  • nice design;
  • excellent workmanship and impeccable design reliability;
  • high energy efficiency;
  • unpretentious in maintenance and easy to install.


  • high price.

The best inexpensive solid fuel classic boilers

Classic heating boilers– the devices are by no means rare in use. People successfully use them for heating private houses or for installation in houses on their summer cottages. By the way, inexpensive models are ideal for the second rather than the first option. They are by no means bad, but their characteristics very often turn out to be overestimated, which leads users to disappointment after the first attempts to use them.


High power rating
Country Russia
Average price: 32850 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Solid fuel boiler of Russian origin. Not bad to become a source of heat for country house, but is doubtful for use in private premises. Its whole problem lies in its overstated characteristics - the rated power of 18 kilowatts is designed to heat areas up to 120 square meters, but the effect of heat transfer is practically not felt. The real and most effective heating threshold is no more than 60 square meters. Solid fuel, with optimal regulation of the dampers, burns out in 60-90 minutes, after which the boiler quickly cools down and, if this moment is missed, requires re-ignition. And you can’t forget about the functions of a stoker either. The result is logical: the model is quite capricious, but if desired, you can always find a compromise that suits both parties.


  • very simple installation of the boiler;
  • acceptable quality of the case;
  • capable of working on wood, coal and peat.


  • inflated data on heated areas;
  • the need to select the optimal position of the damper to prevent excessive fuel consumption or interference with normal combustion.

2 ZOTA Dymok-M AOTV-12M

Optimal balance of characteristics
Country Russia
Average price: RUB 18,870.
Rating (2019): 4.6

An ideal model for installation in a summer cottage. Small, but with decent power potential; unprepossessing, but it makes up for it with its original functionality. 12 kilowatts of thermal power released during complete combustion of combustible material is enough to heat 80 square meters of area. Even 70 percent efficiency does not spoil the overall impression of the work. This version of the stove is combined, so it can also use an electric element (heating element) for heating. At the top of the body there is a hob - a pleasant addition to the main function and acceptable characteristics.


  • Availability hob as a nice addition;
  • efficient heating of the area declared by the manufacturers;
  • possibility of connecting a thermal electric heater;
  • The coolant is heated to a temperature of 95 degrees Celsius.


  • mediocre appearance;
  • a little overpriced.

1 Lemax Forward-16

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 16,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

16 kilowatts of power of the Lemax Forward-16 boiler is enough to heat the administrative and household levels, private residential buildings and even cottages, through independent or forced (with the installation of a pump) circulation of coolant through the heating water system. This is one of the most successful examples of small but productive installations with an uncharacteristically high (about 75-80 percent) level of efficiency. The simple design contains a solution to many operational problems. From the point of view of a technologist, such measures as, for example, “padding” the heat exchanger with channels to increase the ultimate tensile strength look redundant, but are justified from the point of view of durability of use. Such a boiler can last a good seven to nine years, provided that all correct operation measures are followed without exception.


  • Availability additional elements, which have a positive effect on the durability of the installation;
  • optimal cost with acceptable quality;
  • a fairly high (atypical) level of efficiency;
  • the ability to connect a pump to increase the coolant circulation rate;
  • the possibility of converting the boiler to work with gas (carried out by installing a gas burner device).


Boilers: classic solid fuel boilers of premium class

More expensive classic boilers are installations of a completely different level. Unlike their budget “brothers”, they have a higher percentage of efficiency, power, and overall reliability indicators (not always, but as a rule). The disadvantages of inexpensive classics, expressed in the deliberate overestimation of characteristics, are absent here, however, the typical disadvantages of classical systems are fully manifested.

3 Kentatsu ELEGANT-03

Optimal cost
Country: Japan
Average price: 35990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Kentatsu ELEGANT-03 is a modified model of a heating boiler, which took into account all the nuances and errors of previous installations. It is reliably known that they, in turn, did not have effective cooling and allowed the boiler to overheat. In this version, this is a water grate cooler, and, as practice shows, it copes with the assigned task flawlessly. On the front wall of the cast iron body there is a thermometer showing the real temperature of the coolant water. A controversial step towards ensuring ergonomics was the division of the boiler into sections. On the one hand, the usable area inside the model has increased, but on the other, this has a negative impact on the service conditions.


  • the model took into account the mistakes of the past, including with active cooling;
  • Availability of equipment for self-service;
  • low price;
  • high quality and durability of the cast iron body;
  • presence of a thermometer on the front wall.


  • dividing the boiler into sections complicates the process of repair and maintenance in the event of a breakdown.

2 Bosch Solid 2000 B SFU 12

The optimum ratio of price and quality. Experts' Choice
Country: Germany
Average price: 51977 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Bosch products confidently occupy high places in all areas of the manufacturer’s activities, and a similar trend is also observed in the boiler segment. Bosch Solid 2000 B SFU 12 is a low-power (for luxury installations) version of the boiler, which is very popular among users for its good heating ability. The main feature of the model is its functionality: it can be a leading boiler or combined with a gas boiler to increase the efficiency of heating the premises. Thus, one of the users successfully used the installation to heat a small workshop, and, as practice has shown, there were no problems with handling. The heat from one load remained in the system for three to four hours, which indicates the clear feasibility of the installation.


  • high quality of both the case and the internal structure;
  • acceptable efficiency (84-85 percent);
  • positive user reviews;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • Possibility of combination with gas boilers.


  • low rated power (13.5 kW).

1 Protherm Beaver 50 DLO

The best efficiency indicator (90.2%). High boiler power (39 kW)
Country: Slovakia
Average price: 109,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Protherm Beaver 50 DLO is a real monster among the elite, a Slovak-made product that will definitely appeal to anyone who wants to have a high-performance heating boiler.

The Slovaks did not come up with anything new to preserve useful thermal energy. Based on known physical laws, facts and practice, they simply stuffed thermal insulating glass wool under the cast-iron body, thereby reducing heat losses. As a result of this simple step, efficiency skyrocketed to a crazy 90 percent. By updating the standard shape of the heat sinks, they were able to increase the volume of the combustion chamber. Thus, with one download you can completely catch up comfortable temperature to a room up to 350 square meters. This is largely due to the rated power of 39 kilowatts.


  • high technical characteristics;
  • adequate build quality;
  • large heated area;
  • low heat losses due to the presence of insulating material;
  • presence of an air regulator;
  • availability of maintenance tools in the kit.


  • not detected.

The best solid fuel pyrolysis boilers

The action of pyrolysis, or gas generator, boilers is based on the combustion of wood gas released from smoldering firewood under the influence of temperature. When passing through the nozzle, the gas burns out, which contributes to the formation of a small amount of ash and soot. The efficiency of such boilers reaches 85 percent. The burning time of one load ranges from 5 to 12 hours. The disadvantages include the high price and special requirements for fuel - only dry wood is needed for heating.

3 Wirbel BIO-TEC 35

High level of efficiency (91%)
Country: Austria
Average price: RUB 370,216.
Rating (2019): 4.8

An Austrian boiler capable of maintaining a comfortable temperature throughout the day. It all depends on the selected power: in the nominal combustion mode, firewood and briquettes last no more than four hours. As the indicator decreases, the rate of complete combustion of the bookmark decreases. According to experts, an important difference between this model and domestic ones is the occurrence of a real pyrolysis process, as opposed to ordinary afterburning. Perhaps the only drawback of the boiler is the need for a constant connection with CAS - a specialized heat storage tank. The supplied control panel is responsible for the operation of the systems.


  • presence of a control panel – complete automation of processes;
  • after pyrolysis, the process of afterburning the exhaust gases occurs - complete exhaustion of fuel;
  • high rated power.


  • failure of the control panel deprives the user of the ability to manipulate processes;
  • very high cost.

2 Bourgeois-K STANDARD-20

Affordable price
Country Russia
Average price: 55,470 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The heating power of the Bourgeois-K series boilers has been repeatedly questioned - they say, a value of 20 kilowatts means absolutely nothing, since it does not heat the declared area of ​​200 square meters. Some users take the side of the manufacturers, while others claim inability. Nevertheless, the endless debate has created a good buzz around the model range, so the technology does not experience a shortage of attention. The burning time of one bookmark in it is about ten hours. In terms of price, this boiler is noticeably inferior to “foreign” models, which is its main and irrefutable advantage.


  • the cost is lower than that of competitors;
  • high thermal power and its corresponding heating capacity;
  • burning duration of the bookmark;
  • low consumption of combustible material.


  • there is a huge stir around the possible discrepancy between the characteristics of the declared information.

1 Wattek PYROTEK 36

Best rated thermal power (36 kW)
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 171,900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Pyrolysis boiler of a serious European level, created according to all current standards quality. Czech manufacturers decided to release a line of automatic control units, which simultaneously made life easier and more difficult for themselves and their users. The fact is that “automation” is a delicate thing, and in some particularly unfavorable cases (due to accidents) it can easily fail. Repairing and setting up a control system on a boiler of this level is expensive, which often causes bewilderment and an angry reaction from people. Perhaps this is the only significant drawback of the system, because in other components it is almost perfect.


  • the presence of an automatic control system for temperature and operating parameters;
  • presence of emergency, boiler and boiler sensors;
  • burning of wood stock is 12 hours, briquettes - 15-17 hours;
  • high quality assembly materials;
  • expanded complete base.


  • adjustment and repair of an automatic control system, in case of failure, will cost the consumer a pretty penny.

The best solid fuel pellet boilers

Pellet boilers are large installations equipped with bunkers for granulated wood waste. The sizes of such granules range from 5 to 70 millimeters in length and from 6 to 10 millimeters in thickness. This is the longest-lasting method of heating a room. The duration of heating directly depends on the volume of the adjacent bunker, and can be 2-12 days. The main disadvantage of such boilers is scarce fuel. Granulated pellets are not sold everywhere, so there is a high probability of equipment downtime.

3 ZOTA Pellet 100A

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 379,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

One such boiler is more than enough to heat an entire building, where there is a water heating system with a pre-installed pump for forced circulation. Manipulation of all aspects of the system is reduced to the electronic control panel. This system is truly indestructible - unless, of course, the user has the opposite goal. The rated power of the boiler reaches 100 kilowatts, but it can be reduced by regulating the air supply. The supply of pellets to the firebox is regulated in the same way. The only and most significant drawback of the system is the excess weight of the structure. 829 kilograms - that’s how much this unit weighs, which is not so easy to move even within the scope of the delivery task, not to mention the final installation.


  • the price corresponds to the stated parameters;
  • fuel is supplied to the combustion chamber by a screw mechanism;
  • an electronic control system controls all aspects of the installation's functionality;
  • high rated power.


  • very heavy weight of the structure.

2 ACV TKAN 100

Optimal set of parameters in a lightweight package
Country: Belgium
Average price: 554,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Almost a complete analogy of the lower model, ACV (ATsV) TKAN 100 is one of the best pellet boilers on the world market. A screw feed mechanism, the presence of an electronic control system, a rated power of 100 kilowatts - all this is not new. The main difference between the two models lies in the price and weight parameters - the ACV weighs only 595 kilograms (significantly less than its opponent), but costs one and a half times more. However, based on the words of experts and those rare users who dealt with this boiler (mainly large enterprises), we can conclude that its quality parameters are very high.


  • not the heaviest weight of the structure;
  • high level of efficiency (90%) and rated power;
  • the presence of an electronic control system that exercises full control over ongoing processes;
  • screw fuel supply mechanism.


  • high price.


The best compact model. Highest efficiency level (92%)
Country: Sweden
Average price: 220941 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Although not large, the high-performance model of the PELLUX COMPACT pellet boiler can boast a high efficiency value - as much as 92 percent at the optimal operating level. All this and much more is the result of the vigorous activity of the Swedish company NIBE, specializing in the production of solid fuel boilers. This efficiency value is achieved by the installed burner, which has a positive effect on reducing the consumption of granulated pellets while increasing the release of thermal power. Another clear advantage is the presence of a replacement mesh in the combustion chamber, which allows you to turn a pellet boiler into a pyrolysis boiler by replacing the pellets with dry logs.


  • economical burner, which reduced fuel consumption and increased thermal power;
  • availability of automated electronic control;
  • the ability, if necessary, to switch to another type of fuel - from pellets to firewood and vice versa;
  • high level of efficiency;
  • high build quality.


  • no serious deficiencies were found.

The best double-circuit solid fuel boilers

Double-circuit boilers are superior to the models already discussed in that they are used not only for heating a house, but also for providing hot water supply. This is one of best solutions for private houses located in areas where gas connection is impossible and there are often power outages. Double-circuit solid fuel boilers are economical to operate and many models fully satisfy the needs of users for heat and hot water.

3 Burzhuy-K T-50A-2K

Possibility of heating large areas
Country Russia
Average price: 156,520 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

One of the most powerful solid fuel double-circuit pyrolysis boilers. Designed for heating large areas up to 500 m2, can be used for heating cottages and industrial premises and providing hot water supply in them. Thanks to the complete autonomy of the boiler, it can be used in places where electricity is not available. You can load firewood, wood processing waste and coal of any brand into the firebox. Fuel consumption is very economical - the boiler operates for up to 10 hours on one fill. This produces a small amount of ash, so there is no need for frequent cleaning. The boiler is made of high-quality materials and has a long service life (about 15 years), which is confirmed by user reviews.


  • heating of areas up to 500 m2;
  • reliability, safety and durability;
  • ease of management and maintenance;
  • work up to 10 hours on one bookmark;
  • large selection of fuel and its economical consumption.


  • high price.

2 Kiturami KF-35A

Best efficiency and cost-effectiveness
Country: South Korea
Average price: 121,770 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The pyrolysis solid fuel boiler is equipped with a second circuit to produce hot water. Many users consider this model one of the best options for rural areas, small houses up to 100 m2. The boiler is characterized by high efficiency (85%) and economical fuel consumption due to a heat exchanger with three combustion stages. Additional savings are achieved by turning off the boiler fan when the required temperature is reached.

Up to 40 kg of firewood can be simultaneously unloaded into the oversized combustion chamber, so constant monitoring of the boiler operation is not required. Instead of firewood, you can use wood briquettes. Operational safety is also enhanced by the presence of overheating and water level sensors.


  • electronic control, display;
  • high efficiency;
  • economical fuel consumption;
  • stable temperature maintenance;
  • operational safety;
  • good feedback.


1 Karakan 16TPEV 3

The lowest price
Country Russia
Average price: 25,300 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A domestically produced universal solid fuel boiler is designed for heating private houses with an area of ​​up to 160 m2, garages, greenhouses, and small industrial premises. It has two circuits for heating and hot water. At the top there is a hob with one burner for cooking. The boiler is made well, from good quality steel. The service life is ensured by a “water tower” surrounding it on all sides, preventing overheating and burnout of the metal.

The functionality of the model is enhanced by some design features provided by the manufacturer. This is a boiler configuration option gas burner- it is installed instead of an ash pan. There is also a hole for mounting a heating element on the side surface, which allows you to use electricity as a backup fuel. Despite the low cost, positive reviews prevail about the model.


  • two circuits;
  • the presence of a hob;
  • possibility of installing a heating element and a gas burner;
  • high quality workmanship;
  • deep firebox (56 cm);
  • outlet water temperature up to 95 degrees.


  • not the highest efficiency (75%).

The main disadvantage of solid fuel heating boilers is the short operating time from one fill. The fuel in the firebox burns out within 2-3 hours. Long-burning wood-burning boilers have a special design that increases the battery life to several days.

The principle of operation of a wood heating boiler, long burning

A long-burning wood-burning heating boiler with a water circuit uses the ability of wood to oxidize under the influence of high temperature and limited oxygen content. The wood becomes charred due to a large accumulation of smoke, limiting the access of oxygen. Large amounts of CO are released.

The design and principle of operation of a wood-burning boiler for long-term operation from one load is aimed at recreating similar conditions in the limited space of the combustion chamber. Firewood does not burn in the full sense of the word, but smolders. The operating time increases, and the lack of heat is compensated by the afterburning of the released gases.

The design of long-burning boilers includes the following components:

Most long-burning boilers are equipped with an enlarged loading chamber. The internal device allows for autonomous operation for 8-12 hours. Some manufacturers offer boilers that can operate for several days on one fill.

How to choose a slow burning wood boiler

Long-burning wood-burning heating boilers are offered by several domestic and foreign manufacturers. The design of the equipment, as well as thermal characteristics, differ significantly. When choosing a heat generator, pay attention to the following parameters:
  1. Performance.
  2. Design features.
  3. Manufacturer country.
Based on the three parameters listed above, select suitable model boiler for domestic needs.

Power calculation

A properly selected long-burning wood-burning heating boiler can easily cope with heating a living space of up to 400 - 500 m². When choosing, take into account the performance of the heat generator. Power calculations are performed as follows:
  1. Calculate the total area of ​​the house.
  2. Calculate the required boiler power using the formula 1 kW = 10 m².
  3. If the design has a DHW circuit, add 15-20% of the reserve to the result obtained.
The above calculations are suitable for buildings with an average degree of thermal insulation, located in the middle latitude of Russia and having a ceiling height of no more than 2.7 m. For rooms with complex configurations, large quantity window and door openings, calculations are carried out using online.

Design features

Types of long-burning boilers are usually classified into several groups, according to the following criteria:

Separately, it is worth highlighting boilers that have a built-in storage boiler. Models of this type have one heating circuit, but are designed to heat the coolant and hot water.

The best manufacturers

Finding the best wood-burning boiler for heating your home can be quite difficult, especially when you consider that the products are produced in Russia, Austria, Germany, the Baltics, the Czech Republic and Poland, and are represented by at least a dozen different manufacturers. The cost of the equipment, its thermal characteristics and reliability depend on the country of manufacture.

Thanks to consumer reviews, the following rating of long-burning wood-burning boilers was compiled:

  • German boilers - equipment are offered by several companies, among which models and stand out. The product is fully automated and has economical fuel consumption.
  • Austrian boilers are produced models that are almost identical in quality to German units. Distinctive feature Austrian boilers are characterized by maximum automation and the presence of a multi-level security system. Products are offered by concerns, Wirbel, etc.
  • Czech boilers – the most popular brands are considered to be ATMOS. Universal stations operating on both wood and other types of fuel remain in demand. Judging by the number of sales, boilers with cast iron heat exchangers are in particular demand among domestic consumers.
  • Baltic boilers - the Russian consumer was able to evaluate the quality and thermal efficiency of Latvian boilers, the main advantage of which is long time work from one load of fuel. In offline mode, the boiler can operate for more than 2 days. The design of the unit is so simple that local “craftsmen” offer diagrams of the device for self-assembly.
  • Russian boilers, the first models of long-burning boilers, were not entirely successful and had many design flaws. In modern models, the errors have been corrected, which has increased the popularity of heating equipment. At the moment, products are offered by factories Teplodar, Trayan and others. The low price of long-burning wood-burning heating boilers, unpretentiousness to fuel quality - all this explains the high popularity of products from domestic manufacturers.
  • Polish boilers - products from manufacturers are represented on the market: , Defro, Wichlacz. The boilers are practically analogues of German and Austrian companies, but at a more reasonable cost. The popularity of the models is somewhat limited by difficulties with the supply of components and the recently increased price of the units.

Features of operation of wood boilers with long burning

The burning time of one stack of firewood ranges from 8 to 24 hours. The battery life depends on several factors:
  1. Boiler type.
  2. Fuel quality.
  3. Correct operation.
Learning how to properly heat a boiler is much easier than it might seem at first glance. During kindling and further operation, adhere to the requirements specified by the manufacturer in the technical documentation. After several fires, the process becomes familiar.

How to make wood burn for a long time

The consumption of firewood, provided that the long-burning mode is used, is 30-40% less than in conventional boilers. Efficiency reaches 92%. Not all consumers are able to get the boiler to work in long-burning mode the first time. Some people complain about the excessive release of resin during the burning of wood.

You can achieve long burning of firewood by carefully following the manufacturer’s recommendations:

  • Firewood is lit with the damper fully open.
  • The boiler is switched to long-burning mode only after reaching a temperature of 600°C.
  • The moisture content of firewood should not exceed 20%. drown coniferous species wood is not recommended.

Violations of operating rules lead to the formation of tar from the firewood in the boiler. Most often, the following conditions are not met:
  • The minimum temperature of the coolant at the outlet should not fall below 65°C.
  • It is correct to heat a boiler with hard wood: aspen, beech, acacia, oak, etc.
  • High humidity of firewood leads to abundant release of resin.
Proper operation of long-burning boilers extends the service life of equipment and increases heat transfer.

How to load firewood correctly

The stacking of firewood in the boiler is carried out in accordance with the following rules:
  • The logs are split into large pieces.
  • The firewood is placed in the firebox as tightly as possible. It is important to avoid voids between logs.
  • The length of the logs should be smaller sizes loading chamber, at least 5 cm.

Ignition is carried out exclusively with dry splinters. It is prohibited to use gasoline or kerosene to light firewood. From time to time, it is recommended to use special chemical briquettes that remove tar deposits on the walls.

How much firewood do you need for the winter season?

The long-burning boiler allows you to save on fuel by approximately 15-30%, depending on the chosen model. The approximate consumption of firewood is calculated as follows:
  • It is generally accepted that to heat every 100 m², 3 Gcal/month is required.
  • When burning a kilogram of wood, 3200 kcal is released.
  • To obtain 1 Gcal, long-burning boilers burn 312 kg of wood.
  • To obtain 3 Gcal, approximately a ton of wood will be required.

During the heating season, to heat a house of 100 m², you need 7-8 tons of firewood.

Rules and regulations for installing a long-burning wood-burning boiler

The installation of a long-burning boiler is carried out in compliance with the standards that apply to all wood-burning boilers. During the installation work, take into account the existing requirements of PPB and SNiP:

In the room used as a boiler room, it is necessary to have supply and exhaust ventilation and natural light. If necessary, it is possible to place the boiler in the basement.

Comfortable life in the cold season is impossible without heating, unless you decide to spend the winter in Thailand or on some other exotic islands. As for stoves and boilers, a long-burning boiler is a very good alternative to other types heating devices. It all depends on preferences and goals.

Let's say that in addition to heat in the house you are also interested in hot water supply, in this case you should pay attention to a long-burning double-circuit solid fuel boiler. Also, most likely, you will come across pyrolysis boilers long-term combustion with a water circuit - unlike the first, manufacturers claim that they provide much higher efficiency indicators, because secondary gases will be burned and not released through the chimney. As for the price, long-burning solid fuel boilers made in Russia are cheaper than their imported counterparts.

To facilitate the search among numerous information, we have compiled a small rating of long-burning solid fuel boilers for premises for various purposes, so all that remains is to choose.


price, rub.

Briefly about the main thing

The body of Roda BS 04 is made of cast iron of the highest category. Power 22.5 kW (wood) and 23.3 (coal). Heated area 230 sq.m. Efficiency is high. Thermal insulation is excellent.

Made of 5 mm steel grade 09G2S. A 25 mm water jacket is installed around the entire perimeter of the combustion chamber. The grate bars are made of thick-walled seamless pipe. Power up to 60 kW.

Gas generator boiler for working on logs. Power up to 80 kW. There is a display, you can connect external control. The mains voltage is single-phase. Overheat protection.

Does not require control - just add fuel and set the temperature. One bookmark is enough for 10-12 hours of work.

Power 20 kilowatts. You can add a heating element with a control panel to maintain heat in the house when there is no need to heat at full capacity. Firewood cannot be used.

Operates on solid and liquid fuels and gas. Dual-circuit. Designed for an area of ​​up to 250 sq.m. There are two fireboxes and a built-in 72-liter boiler. You can install burners.

Choose for houses up to 80 sq.m. One load of firewood is enough for 72 hours (31 kg) and 120 hours of coal - 88 kg can be placed at a time.

Steel. Power 15 kW. It is possible to connect an electric heating element. Fuel tank capacity, l: 35 Fuel type: coal.

The line includes units of different power from 6 to 12 kilowatts. Equipped with an air vent and safety valve. Plus - autonomous operation without connecting to the mains.

Works on any fuel. Heats up very quickly. Power is 9 kW, but enough for a room up to 100 sq.m.

It is equipped with a remote firebox, an upper heater and panoramic heat-resistant glass, which allows you to observe the combustion process and light the stove from the adjacent room.

Designed for a maximum of 10 cubic meters. Firebox type - open. Plus - quick heating due to the supply of air heated from the walls of the firebox into the heater.

There is a removable ash pan. Heats up quickly, but is only designed for 12 cubic meters.

Universal power 10 kW. The firebox is designed for half-meter logs. The shape is round and volumetric, due to which more fuel can be placed and burns longer.

The advantage of such devices is their versatility - one device both heats and heats water. Modern models are distinguished by high-quality assembly, economical fuel consumption and autonomy. If necessary, they can be equipped with a second circuit or a boiler can be connected.


Cast iron double-circuit solid fuel long-burning boiler, equipped with a cast iron heat exchanger and thermomanometer. The water temperature is regulated mechanically. An anti-condensation pump must be installed. Also, this unit is constantly included in the ranking of the best.



They are used in heating systems with natural and forced circulation of coolant. I can use it both as the main source and as a backup. The price of the unit is 42,500 rubles.

  • affordable price;
  • good insulation and heat dissipation;
  • the ability to use any type of solid fuel;
  • easy to connect by yourself.

Users found no visible flaws.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers - semi-automatic ones from the Nedelka company - will help you pass the cold nights without going down to the boiler room. There is no need to add fuel every 4 hours, because this is a long-burning boiler for up to 7 days, it will work quietly without additional loading - all thanks to the manufacturer’s proprietary technology.


Price 100,450 rub.

  • fan and control panel included;
  • options: heated floor, boiler with indirect heating.
  • not easy to clean, takes about 2 hours;
  • condensation inside, corrosion as a consequence;
  • high price.

Visman - long-burning pyrolysis boiler is available in gradations from 18 to 45 kW. It is made of cast iron, and the firebox is made of 0.8 cm fireproof steel. It is very easy to control using primary and secondary air dampers. A long-burning wood-burning boiler with a fairly deep clay combustion chamber allows you to fit firewood within 0.5 m in length - this increases the time until the next refueling. The electronic display shows the consumed temperature.

Equipped with a silicon nozzle. Equipped with an automatic limiter that limits temperature fluctuations within the safe standard established by the manufacturer. The number of rotational movements of the fan can be controlled via the panel. Wood boilers long burning for home heating from Viessmann, will provide comfort, warmth and uninterrupted operation.


The cost of the equipment is 138,700 rubles.

  • not subject to corrosion;
  • protective heat exchanger and smoke exhauster;
  • easy to clean;
  • can be connected either independently or in addition to the existing boiler.
  • high price;
  • You need to top up the fuel every 4 hours.

These long-burning pyrolysis boilers with a water circuit operate from one fill to 12 hours, delivering 24 kW. Completely independent of auxiliary energy sources - unscheduled power outages are no longer a problem. The presence of two circuits makes it possible to heat water in addition to heating.


Price 88,000 rub.

  • economical fuel consumption;
  • All controls are mechanical.
  • antifreeze cannot be used;
  • frequent cleaning of ash and soot;
  • sometimes you come across a flimsy assembly of the body, especially the doors;
  • without expansion tank;
  • “eats” a lot of wood.

Medium-power, long-burning coal boilers for private homes release accumulated energy to the water circuit through the grate. Pushers are cleaned automatically thanks to a specialized mechanism. The built-in sensor performs thermoregulation of the draft automatically.


Price 44,300 rub.

  • the ability to add a heating element with a control panel to maintain heat in the house when it’s cool, but not enough to heat at full power.
  • it is forbidden to burn with wood;
  • inconvenient location of the thermostat.

The main difference between country units and home units is the absence of the need for frequent fuel refueling. We don’t go to the dacha very often, but that doesn’t eliminate the need to keep it warm. Depending on the chosen model, you need to add firewood into the combustion chamber from once every 3-4 hours and up to 12 hours.


Another long-burning double-circuit solid fuel boiler. Will give warmth to a cottage, country house or cottage with an area of ​​up to 250 sq.m. Austrian quality guarantees uninterrupted operation from one load, more than 9 hours. The device is combined, which expands the user’s ability to use, in literally, any type of fuel. The firebox is made of steel 0.5 cm thick.



Price 148,900 rub.

  • built-in boiler 72 l;
  • possibility to install burners;
  • no separate pump required;
  • complete with thermometer, ash pan and cleaning tool.
  • after prolonged use it may crackle when turned on;
  • a large amount of dust and soot falls on the operator when throwing coal;
  • requires frequent cleaning.

The Stropuva company offers long-burning solid fuel boilers. The equipment allows you to heat a room with an area of ​​up to 80 sq.m. One bookmark releases heat for 72 hours - this is only a plus, but coal gives an even more amazing effect - 120 hours. The combustion chamber can accommodate 31 kg of firewood up to 45 cm long at a time, and as much as 88 kg of coal. The manufacturer offers a wide palette, so the device will fit into any interior.


Cost 65,000 rub.

  • heated with coal, pellets, briquettes and firewood;
  • comprehensive set.
  • there is no ash pan;
  • tar is formed and gives off a sharp, unpleasant odor;
  • short reverse thrust provokes tar settling;
  • Using wet fuel will cause drips on the floor around the unit.

NMK Sibir will help you heat your dacha in the cold season. The technology used allows you not to feed the fire every two hours, because one bookmark is enough for a whole day.

NMK Magnum KDG 15 TE


Price 36,500 rub.

  • possibility to equip additionally remote control and heating element;
  • mediocre efficiency.

An ideal option for heating greenhouses. Conveniently, the water circuit system is easily connected, thanks to which both the soil and the air inside will be warmed up.

Prometheus 12M-3

Long-burning solid fuel heating boiler made in Russia, made of fire-resistant steel. Equipped with a three-pass heat exchanger, a water jacket and three vertical chambers. The damper is controlled automatically. The device is capable of releasing heat for 8-12 hours, from the moment the combustion chamber is filled. The firebox is lined with fireproof chamotte - this also affects the volume of energy released. Capable of heating a room up to 100 square meters.

Prometheus 12M-3


Price 31,500 rub.

  • equipped with an air vent and safety valve;
  • Autonomous operation without connection to the mains.
  • not intended for wood burning;
  • serves no more than 5 years;
  • “eats” a lot of fuel.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers from domestic manufacturers consume any type of solid fuel - so there should be no problems with this point. It will ideally fit into utility, industrial or residential buildings with an area of ​​up to 90 sq.m. It can also be connected to gas if you purchase a gas burner.


Cost 28,600 rubles.

  • omnivorous, efficient;
  • heats up quickly.
  • difficulties during installation and cleaning;
  • may give off a campfire smell;
  • smokes during combustion;
  • the combustion chamber is too small.

The design is in many ways similar to a classic stove, but the heated smoke is not directed into the chimney, but is used to heat the stones located in the heater. When choosing, the type of heater and heat exchanger is important. Also pay attention to the operating principle used to heat water.


The NMK company produces a long-burning Magnum boiler, but in addition to this, there are also worthy models for bathhouses. This long-burning solid fuel boiler is an improved version of the Siberia stove. Made from 6 mm fireproof steel sheets. It will “heat up” a bathhouse with a volume in the range of 12-24 m³. Secondary combustion of gases allows you to extend the heat output without additional firewood. The stones used to produce the vapor cloud take 2 hours to heat up.

Sauna stove "Katun"

The dimensions of the stove are relatively small - 78x57x90 cm. The total weight is 160 kg, the weight of the stones reaches 200 kg. Cost 25,000 rub.

  • can be heated with brown coal;
  • clean glass system;
  • cleaning the chimney is much easier due to the structure of the equipment;
  • option of equipping with a heat exchanger;

There is only one minus - the price is high for such a little thing.

A wood-burning boiler is suitable for a cozy bathhouse with a volume of no more than 10 cubic meters. Made of heat-resistant steel. On top there is a compartment for heating stones. The manufacturer recommends using only a certain type of stone so that the heat output is more effective.

The dimensions of the stove are relatively small - 67x42x61.5 cm. The total weight is only 40 kg, the weight of the stones is 20 kg. Chimney diameter 115 mm. Cost 6670 rub.

Plus - affordable price. Minus - not suitable for large steam rooms.

Wonderful long-burning solid fuel boilers from GREIVARI will not leave those who like to take a steam bath indifferent. Long-burning wood heating boilers will quickly heat up a steam room with a volume of 12 m³, thanks to the thickness of the walls of the combustion chamber of 6 mm. The heater can accommodate stones up to 45 kg. Customer reviews are very optimistic, and they are selling like hotcakes.

Unit weight 53 kg. Chimney diameter 115 mm. Price 9200 rub.

  • removable ash pan;
  • heats up quickly.

Minus - not suitable for large bath rooms.

Buying equipment will not only help keep the car warm, but will also create comfortable conditions for carrying out repair work. Starting a car in the cold season is directly related to the ambient temperature.

Cooper Comfort

A compact, economical long-burning wood-burning boiler operates up to 7 hours from one load. Weighs only 67 kg - installing it yourself will not be difficult. Made from thick steel sheets.

Cooper Comfort


Price 20450 rub.

Plus - universal, safe.

The downside is that installation requires the help of specialists.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers are the choice of garage owners. You can heat it with anything, moreover, you can burn accumulated garbage, and also get heat from seemingly such unnecessary things. A power of 12 kW is enough to heat 120 sq.m.


Cost 25,000 rub.

The compact size is a priority - it takes up a lot of space, but heats up very slowly.

Which is better - a long-burning boiler using coal or wood?

This question is always asked by those who are just thinking of switching to long-burning non-solid fuel boilers. Let's look at the positive and negative aspects of each type of fuel.

In general, these are all the main criteria by which one or another type of fuel is chosen.

VIDEO: What is the difference between a long-burning boiler and a regular boiler?

The problem of heating your own home is one of the most difficult problems that a home owner has to solve. It will not be possible to ignore this issue - it will be impossible to live in an unheated building for almost half the year, and sudden temperature changes will quickly age the entire interior decoration and shorten the service life of the entire building.

The optimal solution to the issue seems to be the creation of an in-house water heating system, with the circulation of coolant through pipes and radiators installed in the premises in the required quantity. This means that the main problem is the choice of a heat generator, simply a boiler that will convert an external energy source into heating. And in this matter, based on the climate in the vast majority of Russia, the degree of availability, including price, of certain energy resources, long-burning solid fuel boilers are gaining more and more popularity.

By far the most convenient option Traditionally, installation of a gas boiler is considered. However, gas supply networks are not installed in all populated areas, and even more so in countryside holiday villages. In addition, supplying an individual line from the main line, if available, is a very serious expense.

If we add to this the inevitable approval procedures, drawing up a project in compliance with all the requirements of regulatory authorities, then such a heating method can scare off the owners of the house, especially in conditions where there is a worthy alternative.

It would seem that a very acceptable option is to use electricity. There are a lot of electric boilers produced; they are distinguished by high efficiency, ease of adjustment, rich control systems and automatic control of the heating system. But all these very significant advantages are easily broken down by the main "underwater rock"— cost per kilowatt of electricity. The average family will simply go broke just on heating their home.

In addition, it is no secret that in villages remote from large centers, fluctuations in the power grid, alas, are not uncommon. Making yourself completely dependent on the stability of the electrical grid is probably not the best option.

Against the backdrop of the development of modern energy technologies, the traditional way for Russian open spaces to heat one’s home using ordinary firewood has gradually “faded into the shadows.” But this is a renewable source of energy, and with the lack of such fuel in vast areas of the country, there is simply no such thing. Self-procured firewood, purchased firewood, waste from wood processing enterprises, and old dead wood, which still needs regular cleaning, are used. In a word, wood was and remains, probably, the most accessible view fuel in forested areas of the country.

Of course, heating with wood was never completely abandoned, and the owners carefully repaired the stoves in old houses and used them for their intended purpose. But in new buildings, the installation of a stone stove or fireplace is done more as a tribute to fashion, and not for the purpose of a complete transition to solid fuel.

However, oven oven - it retains heat for a long time due to thick brick walls and a well-thought-out system of channels for the exit of wood combustion products. It can be heated once a day to ensure an acceptable microclimate for living in the room. But what about water heating circuits? If you just constantly maintain a fire in the boiler firebox, as in a regular wood stove, then it will be ruinous in terms of fuel consumption, and extremely tiring - every 2 3 hours, or even more often, add a new portion of firewood. However, a solution was found - this was embodied in the creation of modern long-burning boilers.

A special design of the heating device, based on those used during its operation physico-chemical properties of solid fuel, allows you to load firewood no more than once every 12-15 hours, and in some models this period is even longer, and sometimes even several days.

The advantage of such boilers is that many of them can use other types of fuel, in addition to firewood. These could be, for example, compressed briquettes from wood waste - pellets, which can be purchased in a store, and in some cases, even made independently.

Pellets - granular fuel for long-burning boilers

Coal or peat are used for solid fuel boilers. Recently they have become popular so-called “eurowood”.

Wood waste processing product - briquettes or “eurowood”

It is also a product of processing waste from the wood processing industry, has high energy intensity and is very convenient to use.

Operating principles of long-burning boilers

The principle of operation of a conventional solid fuel stove is probably known to everyone. Firewood (coal, briquettes) is placed in the combustion chamber, and from the ash chamber located below there is a flow of air containing oxygen necessary for the combustion process. The combustion intensity is limited only by the volume of incoming air and the area of ​​the outer surface of the fuel fill.

In essence, this is an ordinary fire, only enclosed in stone or metal walls, and requiring constant replenishment of fuel. In this case, combustion products are almost directly discharged into the chimney system, the labyrinths and turns of which only improve heat transfer to structural elements and, in a certain wall, lead to an increase in efficiency, but cannot in any way increase the overall energy return from a particular type of fuel. The process of thermal decomposition of wood is very intense and fleeting, leaving quite a lot of waste and releasing unused opportunities into the atmosphere.

And these possibilities lie in the special properties of wood, which are determined by its biochemical composition. During the heating process, this material does not simply oxidize to the state of coal with the release of ordinary carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO). High temperature exposure always leads to the synthesis of volatile hydrocarbon compounds with complex chemical formula, and they themselves are an excellent gaseous fuel, which in conventional furnaces is simply released into the atmosphere.

The process of thermal decomposition of wood is called pyrolysis, respectively, the hot gaseous components released during this process are called pyrolysis gas. It is characteristic that the temperature of its combustion, and therefore the heat transfer, is incomparably higher than that obtained during ordinary combustion of wood. At the same time, the oxidation processes of wood are so deep that after them there is practically no waste left in the form of ash, and after combustion of the gaseous component, mainly water vapor and carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere.

This means that from a technology point of view, the most rational use wood fuel, it is advisable to minimize the process of open combustion, to achieve maximum release of pyrolysis gas, which, during combustion, will, in fact, be the main source of thermal energy. It is these principles that are incorporated into the design of long-burning boilers.

Types of long-burning solid fuel boilers

So, as has probably already become clear from the principle of operation of a long-burning boiler, the main technological problem that must be solved for its correct operation is dosing the flow of air into the chamber for preliminary thermal decomposition of firewood and adjusting the flows of the resulting pyrolysis gases and secondary heated air for their combustion in the main combustion chamber, where, in fact, the main heat exchange with the heating circuit is organized.

Despite the generality of the problem, in different models it is technically solved in its own way.

1. One of the options are designs in which air is pumped using a built-in fan, and the flow is adjusted by an automation unit.

Most of these boilers are arranged in such a way that the fuel loading and pre-combustion chamber is located on top.

After ignition of the stored firewood, the air supply to it is reduced to a minimum, and the fan provides air flow through the lower chamber of the main afterburning, which is made of heat-resistant materials (fireclay or ceramic concrete) that do not allow rapid burning metal parts and becoming, in addition, good heat accumulators. The created draft constantly “sucks” the resulting pyrolysis gas into the lower chamber. It is equipped with ceramic nozzles at the inlet that can withstand extreme temperatures of more than 1000 degrees Celsius.

Burning pyrolysis gases provide the main heat exchange with the pipes or “jacket” of the water circuit. The circulation pump, which is usually also connected to the boiler automation unit, ensures the movement of coolant through the pipes and radiators of the heating system.

If you look at the video presented, you can even visually compare the very intense burning of firewood in the loading chamber (almost at the level of sluggish smoldering) and the incomparable power of combustion of pyrolysis gas in the main combustion chamber.

Video: design and operation of a long-burning pyrolysis boiler « Motor Sich«

This arrangement of chambers is not at all a “dogma” for this type of long-burning boilers. For example, in boilers of the “Gefest-profi” model range, the afterburner chamber is moved to the rear.

It has a complex labyrinth design, which promotes the most efficient heat exchange with the heating circuit. Due to this, a very high efficiency is achieved - up to 90 ÷ 93%, almost all the heat is spent on heating the coolant. This is also evidenced by the fact that the temperature of the gases at the outlet of the chimney is only about 70 - 110 degrees.

The mentioned boilers with electronic regulation are good for everyone, however, they have a very significant drawback. They are completely volatile - when the power supply is turned off, the fans and the automation unit do not operate, and therefore all heating system becomes inoperable, even if the house has the possibility of natural coolant circulation along the circuit. Of course, there is a way out - installing an uninterruptible power supply system, but it is good for emergencies. If power outages are a frequent occurrence, then you will have to choose some other option.

Such boilers are also very picky about changes in mains voltage - the automation may not work correctly, and they often require the installation of a separate stabilizer.

2. There are no such shortcomings non-volatile boilers long burning, in which controlled air circulation is organized due to natural draft. An example of such heating devices is the “Trayan” model, popular among consumers, of the Russian trade and production association of the same name, and the “Burzhuy-K” model of the Kostroma plant “Teplogarant”.

The main advantage of such boilers is complete energy independence

They have extensive loading chamber is located below, and placed under it ash pan- everything is like in a classic oven. The damper on the door below for air access is mechanically (via a chain) connected to a bimetallic thermostat.

After loading firewood and igniting it, the damper is opened to the maximum - this is necessary for reliable combustion of the fuel to begin and pyrolysis processes to begin, which require a temperature of at least 200 degrees.

Then the damper closes in such a way as to minimize the flow of oxygen into the wood burning zone, and the chamber switches to smoldering mode. The air, having passed through special channels for the necessary heating to the desired temperature, enters the upper chamber. It is supplied through special tubes containing calibrated holes. Coming out through these unique burners, oxygen in the air enters into an oxidative reaction with the pyrolysis gas rising from the combustion chamber. Its effective afterburning occurs with the release of a large amount of heat, which is spent on heating the coolant circulating through the pipes and the water “jacket” of the boiler.

Video: diagram of the design and operation of a long-burning boiler of the “Trayan” type

The boiler is completely energy independent, so it can be used in the absence of electricity in an open or closed heating system with natural coolant circulation.

To be fair, it should be noted that such a scheme still causes a lot of criticism from experts. It’s difficult to argue here - indeed, according to to his The efficiency and economical consumption of firewood is seriously inferior to boilers with electronic regulation and forced creation of air flows and pyrolysis gases. However, independence from electricity and ease of operation make such boilers very popular among Russian consumers.

3. Another technological approach to ensuring the duration of combustion of solid fuel with subsequent afterburning of pyrolysis gas is the creation of such conditions so that the process of burning wood proceeds from top to bottom, only in a relatively thin layer of loading. This principle, for example, is applied in the popular and proven efficiency boilers of the “Stropuva” model range from the Lithuanian company of the same name.

These boilers have the characteristic shape of a vertical cylinder. They can use almost any type of solid fuel - firewood, sawdust, wood chips, coal, briquettes, etc. An impressive loading chamber allows them to work on one tab for a very long time. So, on one load of firewood, the boiler, depending on the specific model, can operate from 1 to 3 days, and on coal this period is even more impressive - from 3 to 7 days.

The secret lies in the design of the boiler:

  • Through the window (6) the available fuel is loaded into the combustion chamber (8). Then surface ignition is carried out using ordinary flammable oven fluids. As soon as combustion has begun, an air distributor (7) is lowered onto the fuel bed - it will dose oxygen only to the upper burning layer. Its design includes special channels that promote uniform distribution of air flow over the combustion area.
  • In order for the process of surface combustion with its accompanying pyrolysis to proceed as efficiently as possible, the air needs preliminary preparation - heating to a certain temperature. A special chamber (2) is provided for this purpose. It is connected to the distributor by a telescopic air duct. Thus, the distributor gradually lowers as the fuel burns under the force of its own gravity and is constantly located in the upper burning layer.

  • The released pyrolysis gases are burned in the upper part of the chamber (5). For this purpose, a feed is provided extra air through the valve (4). It has several positions designed for different types of fuel - coal or firewood.
  • After the gases are burned, the residual combustion products are discharged into the chimney through the pipe (3).
  • General regulation of the combustion intensity, and therefore the released thermal power of the boiler, is carried out by an air damper (1), connected to a bimetallic regulator, on which the set value is set.
  • The boiler is enclosed in a water “jacket” for heat exchange with the heating circuit - for this there are pipes for supplying heated coolant (10) and “return” (11).
  • The inspection window (9) is used for regular cleaning of the firebox from ash deposits.

Video: design and operation of a long-burning boiler " Stropuva»

Some powerful models of Stropuva boilers can be equipped with a fan for forced air supply. However, all of them are quite capable of functioning on natural draft, which makes these heating devices completely independent of the availability of electricity.

The design of the boiler is so effective that it has become the basis for numerous independent developments carried out by folk craftsmen. So, it was “Stropuva” that probably became the prototype of the currently popular one. About its structure, correct calculation and technology self-made is described in detail in the corresponding publication of our portal.

4. The duration of autonomous operation of the boiler can also be ensured by the automation of the supply of solid fuel to the combustion chamber. This scheme is implemented in boilers using granulated wood waste - pellets - as fuel.

In essence, this is the same long-burning boiler, which has several combustion chambers, but is additionally equipped with a special bunker for loading granulated fuel. Continuous supply of pellets into the firebox is carried out by means of a rotating flexible or rigid auger.

Special photo and thermal sensors monitor the intensity of combustion and the presence of fuel, generating appropriate control signals for the timely supply of pellets to the combustion area in the required quantity.

This scheme is considered very effective and has broad prospects. Its main disadvantage is its complete dependence on electricity supply. However, such boilers can easily be converted to conventional manual loading of firewood or coal. The system is quite complicated to install and adjust. And one more disadvantage, which so far limits the wide distribution of such boilers, is the currently unsaturated market for granulated fuel; certain problems may arise with its acquisition. Before installing such a boiler, in order not to waste a lot of money, you should guaranteed secure a reliable supply of pellets from their manufacturer.

Video: advantages of a pellet boiler with automatic fuel supply

Let's sum it up

So, it is too early to write off solid fuel boilers as outdated, irrelevant heating equipment. Thanks to modern innovative technologies, they have received a “second wind” and freely compete with other types of boilers - gas and electric.

  • Long-burning boilers have a solid efficiency, reaching up to 90 - 95% in some models. Heat losses, thanks to thoughtful afterburning processes of pyrolysis gases and the design of heat exchangers, are minimized. In terms of efficiency and economy, they are in no way inferior to gas ones.
  • Emissions from such boilers into the atmosphere do not pose a threat to environment, all components - water vapor and carbon dioxide - are easily absorbed by plants.
  • Availability of fuel and autonomy, independence from the presence of gas mains is one of the main advantages of such equipment. There is no need for tedious permitting procedures when installing a boiler. In regions where there is no shortage of firewood, this is the best option for organizing home heating.
  • Boilers can have a built-in second circuit for hot water supply to the house. Even if it is not there, it is easy to connect an indirect heating boiler to them.
  • Long-burning boilers are quite unpretentious and easy to maintain. When properly used, they are designed to last for several decades.

The main disadvantages of such boilers are the following:

  • No matter how long the operating time from one load is, you will still have to periodically intervene in this process to replenish the fuel supply to the combustion chamber.
  • Unlike gas or electric, a mandatory preventive measure is regular cleaning of the boiler from accumulated ash to prevent it from coking on the walls of the chambers.
  • A solid fuel boiler requires a separate room with good ventilation and a chimney. These devices are always quite massive, so it is necessary to prepare a reinforced platform for them.
  • Additional space is needed to create reserves of solid fuel with mandatory compliance with the rules for its storage. Such boilers react quite sensitively to the moisture level of the firewood. Humidity up to 20% is considered to be the limit value - if it is exceeded, a sharp loss of device efficiency is possible.