How to use built-in dishwasher. What tools can be used? Is a full load important?

Modern household appliances are a real lifesaver for housewives. Dishwashers occupy a leading position in the list of the most practical appliances. Thanks to their simple and convenient design, they are easy to use. However, there are some technical nuances, the observance of which will extend the life of the unit and help make dishwashing more efficient. How to use the dishwasher correctly can be found below.

Modern dishwashers have an ergonomic interface and a clear control system.

So, it happened - the dishwasher was bought and installed. Many manufacturers (Bosch, Indesit and others) strongly recommend a test run before starting operation. This is necessary for several reasons:

  • A blank wash will remove lubricants that have remained on the parts of the dishwasher, as well as debris that has accidentally entered inside.
  • The first start will help to check the quality of the installation of the unit, evaluate the rate of water intake, the degree of heating and track the process of work, including draining and drying.
  • In the event of leaks or rattling sounds, all troubles can be eliminated before the first washing of dishes.

A test run, like a regular wash, requires the use of detergents and special salt for such equipment.

The salt compartment is located at the bottom of the unit, to get to it you need to pull out the lower basket for dishes. Be sure to check the position of the water supply tap - it must be open, otherwise the work process will not start.

Dishwasher - how to use

After the test run, you can start washing dirty dishes. For best results, please read the recommendations for proper loading of the dishwasher:

How to use the dishwasher when unloading

Unloading cutlery must also take place in a certain order. At the end of the cycle, it is better to wait a few minutes so that the washed dishes have time to cool and dry a little.

Start unloading from the bottom compartment. This is due to the fact that when the receiver is removed, residual water may flow out of it.

If you start from the top compartment, water can get on the cutlery that is one level below.

Choosing the right program

The first question that arises among inexperienced users is which cleaning mode to choose for washing dishes. Modern units, as a rule, have in their arsenal several programs designed for certain situations.

How to wash lightly soiled dishes:

  • for washing not too soiled plates and cups, the quick wash program is enough.
  • Delicate washing is best for fragile items made of glass or crystal.

Washing heavily soiled dishes

A well-chosen program will make dishwashing most effective. minimal cost water and dishwashers.

What is prohibited when using a dishwasher

How to use dishwasher so that it lasts a long time? It is forbidden to perform the following actions:

  • use ordinary household detergents;
  • ignore the absence of regeneration salt in a special container;
  • open the dishwashing machine during operation.
  • decorative porcelain with printed pattern;
  • cutlery with non-metal handles;
  • dishes made of plastic or anodized aluminum;
  • in the absence of a program for delicate washing, fragile glasses made of glass or crystal should not be washed in the machine.

Regularly cleaning the surface of the dishwasher from dirt and dust and keeping the filters clean after each cycle will also help extend the life of the unit.

Detergent for washing machine may be in the form of a powder, liquid or special tablets

Dishwasher detergents

The quality of the dishwasher largely depends on the right choice. detergent. Only special substances are provided for use in the dishwasher, in the form of a powder or liquid. Modern manufacturers also offer detergents in tablets - they are much more convenient to use, as they already contain a measured amount of cleaning agents. The most effective are tablets, which include three ingredients at once: detergent, rinse and regeneration salt.

To avoid streaks on dishes and to quickly drain water from cutlery, it is recommended to use rinse aid - this product can be purchased separately, in addition to washing powder.

All recommendations above are general character and are suitable for the operation of the unit of any manufacturer - according to these rules, you can use a dishwasher bosch, Indesit, etc. If all the nuances are observed, the dishwasher will work efficiently long years and the dishes in the house will always be perfectly clean.

It is better to think about how to use a dishwasher before purchasing it. If you have a large family or often have guests, then buying a dishwasher is justified. The main thing is to correctly determine the volume and power that is optimal for you when choosing equipment.

A constant headache for many housewives is the need to wash mountains of dirty pots, plates, cups every day.

Types of dishwashers


Such models are most relevant for small rooms, where every centimeter of area counts. You can install a compact dishwasher in any place convenient for you: on the table, in the kitchen cabinet or under the sink.

Many manufacturers produce compact dishwashers. The photo shows one of the freestanding dishwashers from Indesit (Indesit)

The dimensions of compact models are on average 45-55 cm (in all respects: height, width, depth), which allows you to load 5-8 sets of dishes into them at the same time. The undoubted advantages of such dishwashers include affordable cost and low energy consumption.

Among the minuses: a modest selection of functions and programs, insufficient laundering of heavy dirt (sometimes you have to wash the dishes again, which increases the consumption of water and electricity), as well as the inability to place large pots, pans or baking sheets.

What is included in the “set of dishes” - the measure that manufacturers indicate in the characteristics for dishwashers? It means that one set is the minimum of dishes needed for one person for one meal. Usually these are 8-12 cutlery: a soup plate, several small flat plates (for bread, snacks, dessert), a large plate for the second, a glass, a cup (for tea or coffee), two spoons, a fork, a knife.


Sufficiently roomy (for 8-10 sets of dishes) narrow dishwashers fit economically into the kitchen space thanks to small size in width (on average - 45 cm).

One of the narrow built-in dishwashers from Hotpoint Ariston (Hotpoint Ariston). Approximate characteristics: 10 sets of dishes, water consumption - 9 liters per cycle, connection power - 1.9 kW

Narrow models are freestanding, which allows you to use the dishwasher in an already equipped space, setting it, for example, in a corner or between cabinets and cabinets. But if you are going to order new furniture to the kitchen, then you can consider fully built-in models, having thought in advance suitable option accommodation.

When planning the installation of a dishwasher, be sure to read the manufacturer's recommendations, which are available in the instructions for any model.


The most popular and popular dishwashers have a width of about 60 cm and are considered full-sized.

One of the built-in dishwashers Bosch machines(Bosch) for 12 sets of dishes, with temperature conditions 45 to 70℃

Many people prefer to use a standard format dishwasher, integrating it into kitchen furniture. In this case, the control panel is closed by the cabinet door or remains visible. Basically, such machines can accommodate 10-12 sets of dishes, which are washed with high quality at a time. Number of modes and additional features varies greatly depending on the model and brand of the manufacturer and directly affects the cost of equipment. The difference in price is very significant: so the “budget” options Hansa (Hans), Gorenje (Gorenie) can be half the price of the “fancy” Siemens (Siemens), Bosch (Bosch) or Electrolux (Electrolux).

In order to use the dishwasher correctly, it is important to follow all the requirements regarding its installation.

It is better to entrust the installation and connection of built-in household appliances to specialists

When installing any dishwasher model, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • you need to select a suitable place in advance, taking into account the dimensions of the device, the length of the hose and the electrical wire. This will speed up the installation process and allow you to use the dishwasher correctly in the future;
  • it is required to ensure the availability of the necessary communications (supply and discharge of water, a separate outlet). The socket must be grounded;
  • It is not recommended to install the dishwasher under hob or near radiators.

If you have already installed the dishwasher, but still have not figured out its technical capabilities, then watch the instructions on how to use the dishwasher in the videos posted on the Internet or read on.

If you want your dishwasher, like any other household appliances, to work for a long time and efficiently, start by reading the instructions, which contain the manufacturer's recommendations for connection and operation, information about possible problems, service centers, etc.

Dishwashers have various options for completing internal equipment: sections, shelves, trays, baskets, boxes designed for certain types of dishes

To achieve high-quality washing, follow simple rules:

  1. Before loading into the machine, clean the dishes from food residues.
  2. Place the dirtiest, largest or heaviest utensils (pots, pans, baking sheets, etc.) in the lower section. Small glass (cups, glasses, glasses, etc.) - at the top.
  3. Load cutlery into a special tray provided for them, while forks and spoons are advised to alternate, and knives should be laid with the cutting edge of the blade up.
  4. Install the dishes tightly and neatly in the existing racks, without heaping in several layers. Place cups and bowls upside down so that they can rotate freely, washing with water from all sides.
  5. Load the dishwasher completely. If dirty dishes accumulate gradually in small quantities, then place them in the working chamber and leave in the machine with the door closed (so that there is no unpleasant smell in the kitchen). Then either add another batch of dishes, or choose a more economical wash cycle, designed for half load.
  6. After each cycle of work, clean the filters of the machine, wipe it from the outside with a damp sponge. Inspect regularly internal details and the walls of the working chamber, remove blockages and scale in a timely manner.
Many models provide the ability to open the door and report something from the forgotten dishes already in the process of washing. After closing the door, the machine automatically restarts the program after a few seconds.

Water in dishwashers heats up to high temperatures, so you can not wash some kitchen utensils in it: glued, wooden, metal (which can rust), etc.

Program selection

Most dishwashers have 4 main modes: fast or delicate (short cycle 20-30 min at low water temperature around 30-40℃), standard (at 50-60℃), intensive (at 60-80℃), drying.

When choosing a program, be guided by the amount and degree of soiling of dishes

The more intensive the program you choose, the greater the consumption of water and electricity due to multi-stage processing: pre-soaking, washing hot water, several rinses and drying. Such measures are justified only when the machine is fully loaded with dirty and greasy dishes.

AT everyday mode, many people prefer to use the dishwasher, including standard (economical) programs that are designed for 1-1.5 hours. Usually, when choosing such cycles, the dishwasher automatically determines the degree of load and the optimum water temperature.

After washing, do not open the door immediately. Let the dishes stand in the machine for another 15-20 minutes to cool.

delicate The modes are optimally suited for washing items made of thin and fragile glass, such as crystal glasses or wine glasses. They are also recommended for joint loading of dishes made of different materials into the machine.

The cleanliness and shine of the washed dishes largely depend on the type of drying provided in the dishwasher. Middle-class machines have a condensation system that dries dishes under the influence of high temperature in the working chamber. More expensive models equipped with a turbo system with a powerful fan that delivers a stream of hot air, which ensures fast drying and no water streaks on the dishes.

The basic principles of how to use the dishwasher: load the dishes correctly, choose the appropriate mode and effective detergents.

Choice of detergents

Used for dishwashers whole line specialized funds having different purposes.

Tablets it is convenient to use in the dishwasher with long cycles and you need to choose them taking into account water hardness indicators. In addition to cleaning products, 3 in 1 or 4 in 1 multi-component tablets contain additives with the properties of a water softener, rinse aid, etc.

In a relationship powders or gels, which just wash the dishes, you need to understand that you control their consumption yourself or focus on the sensors installed in the machine. Such products dissolve faster than tablets, so they are more effective for short programs.

Another mandatory component for the correct use of the dishwasher - salt, which softens the hardness of water and prevents the formation of limescale (scale) on dishes and internal parts working chamber. The required amount of salt depends on the water quality indicators. Hardness can be measured on your own or you can find out from the workers of the water utility and enter the data into the memory of the machine. Some models of dishwashers are equipped with an automatic sensor that determines the hardness of the water and controls the consumption of salt in the required volume.

Salt is used only special (in no case food!). It is consumed depending on the amount of water in liters spent on the cycle of the machine.

Before the first start of the dishwasher, a large amount of salt (about 1 kg) is immediately poured into the ion exchanger, and then added as needed, focusing on the control panel indicators

In addition to the detergents and salt required for washing dishes, some add more if desired (see table):

Rinse aid is poured into the dispenser, but you can control the consumption of the agent for each washing cycle using the regulator. The optimal ratio of salt and rinse aid for dishes from different materials have to be determined empirically, achieving high-quality drying and the absence of stains.

We offer a video that tells about the use of salt, rinse aid and other special chemicals in the dishwasher.

All dishwasher detergents must be used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Try to use the dishwasher correctly, then it will largely save you from daily household chores and last a long time. According to statistics, 85% of malfunctions in the operation of dishwashers occur as a result of illiterate loading of dishes and the use of low-quality detergents.


We offer you to watch a video on the topic of the article:

Expert in the field household and a master of culinary masterpieces (according to relatives and friends). She got used to relying on common sense, worldly experience and female intuition.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean the dirt from the surface acrylic bath, rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container with water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

The threads of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with tongs to the state of the required fineness. This is where the expression “pull (raise) the gimp” came from - “engage in long monotonous work” or “delay the execution of the case”.

Before withdrawing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

The habit of using sparingly washing machine may result in an unpleasant odour. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively reproduce.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

Dishwasher instructions
ARISTON LI 420, LI 460, LI 480

Dear visitors. In order to avoid clutter of materials and for ease of navigation through the instructions for household appliances we have adapted the instructions for related dishwasher models. For differences in technical characteristics, we have made notes for individual models. If you did not see a special mark in the differences separately for your dishwasher model, this means that the instruction fully corresponds to the dishwasher model you are interested in.


= Important
= Note

= Warning

Quick Guide to the Guide

This manual explains everything about your new dishwasher in a popular way. Here you will find many useful tips and short guidelines that will help you achieve best results when washing dishes and extend the life of your dishwasher.

1. Installation and connection.
Installation is a very important operation, which largely determines how your dishwasher will work.
Be sure to make sure:
1) connection to the electrical network complies with the standards;
2) the inlet and drain hoses are connected correctly;
3) the dishwasher is leveled - this affects its service life and quality of work.

2. The control panel is at your disposal.

Learn how your dishwasher works so you can use it better. In this chapter you will find a description of the controls and the interior of the machine.

3. How to load the dishwasher.

This chapter contains useful tips to help you load your dishwasher correctly and rationally.

4. How to start the dishwasher.

After loading the dishes, you must select the correct program and measure out the correct doses of detergent and rinse aid. The information given on these pages will help you master all the stages of dishwashing.

5. Salt - important and helper.

The correct use of salt and the correct dosage of salt will help you keep your dishwasher in good condition, get better washing results and avoid scale formation.

6. Tips and suggestions for savings.

7. Possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them.

Before calling a technician, read this chapter: you can solve many problems yourself. In difficult situations, immediately call specialists from an authorized service center.

8. Safety is a good habit.

9. Special service and care.

Periodically, once a month, spend a little time cleaning the filter and atomizers. This chapter will teach you how to do it.

10. Keep your dishwasher in order.

11. Specifications.

Technical indicators of all your equipment in accordance with the rules and regulations.

12. Ariston is with you even after the purchase.

Ariston offers after-sales service for its products, guaranteeing professional help and use of original spare parts. For more information, call an authorized service center.

13. Accessories and professional care products for household appliances.

A full range of professional cleaning products and accessories will help to create a special shine in your home.

Let's open the dishwasher together. How is it organized?

You must know what parts your dishwasher is made of in order to use it most efficiently (see fig. 1).

E.Upper basket

F.Top atomizer

G.Upper basket leveling device

N. Lower basket

I.Bottom atomizer

J.salt container

TO. Filter

L.Detergent and rinse aid dispenser

Control Panel.

A. On/off button

Pressing the button turns on the machine.

B. On/off indicator

The indicator lights up when the machine is on.

C. Timer button (for LI 480 models)

By pressing the button, you can delay the start of the program by 2, 4 or 6 hours.

D. Timer indicator light (for LI 480 models)

The illuminated indicator indicates that the delayed start of the program has been set with button C.

M. Program indicators

Each of the illuminated indicators indicates which program is selected or running.

P. Program selection button

By pressing the button, the required program is installed. Each time the button is pressed, the program indicators light up in sequence. M.

S. Salt indicator (except LI 420)

The indicator light is on when there is salt in the container J not enough.

T. No rinse aid indicator (for LI 480 models)

The indicator lights up when there is not enough rinse aid in the machine.

Main technical characteristics

The machines comply with the following EU directives:

73/23/EC (low voltage) and last, modifications;

89/336 EC (electromagnetic compatibility) and subsequent modifications;

97/17/EC (labeling).

How to load dishes

A few preliminary steps will help you achieve excellent washing results and extend the life of your dishwasher.

Remove leftover foodoff the plates, soak the potsand pans with dried andburnt residue food.

Do not stack glasses and cups, make sure that the loaded dishes do not interfere with the free rotation of the nozzles.

Preliminary Operations

Before placing the dishes in the baskets, remove large food residues from the plates, which can block the filter and, as a result, reduce the washing efficiency.

If pots and pans are very dirty, they should be soaked before washing. Pull out the baskets to make it easier to load them with dishes.

Using the lower basket

Trays and lids it is better to place the baskets on the sides so that they do not interfere with the rotation of the upper atomizer.

Pots, salad bowls, etc.. put upside down; set deep dishes at an angle.

Glass and cups position as shown in Fig.3.

Lower basket loading examples

LI 420, LI 460, LI 480. Place appliances with handlesdown into the cutlery container. If the container has side slots, insert teaspoons one after the other into them (Fig. 4). Knives and utensils with sharp blades or tips should be placed with their sharp parts down so that they do not touch each other. Long items are best placed horizontally in front of the upper basket. After loading the dishes, be sure to check that the spray blades can rotate freely without hitting the dishes.

LI 480. Folding racks in the lower basket (fig. 5) allow you to load more pots and pans or free up space for large-sized dishes of this type. In this model, the cutlery container is equipped with a removable grid: insert the cutlery one after the other into the compartments so that their handles point towards the bottom of the container.

You can position the dishes however you like, but always remember that the dirty surface of the dishes should face the jets of water from below and that there should be room for the water to circulate freely.

Using the upper basket

Use the upper basket for fragile and light items such as glasses, coffee and tea cups, gravy boats, plates, salad bowls, lightly soiled pans and shallow pots (fig. 6). Arrange the dishes so that they do not move under the jets of water.

Upper basket loading examples

Upper basket adjustment

For convenient placement of dishes, the upper basket can be adjusted in height in two positions: upper and lower.

LI 420, LI 460. To change the position of the upper basket, follow the diagram in fig. 7:

Open the rail holders and pull out the basket completely;

Move the rear wheels of the basket to the upper or lower position and slide the basket along the guides;

Close the basket holders to secure its new position.

LI 480. To adjust the position of the basket (upper or lower position), use the two side handles (fig. 8).

Starting the dishwasher

Reade set Go!

After loading the dishes, you must set the washing program. It will only take you a few minutes to learn how to do it.


After carrying out all the operations described in the previous chapters, open the water supply tap completely and press the on / off button "BUT"- You will hear a short beep and the indicator will light up "AT". The dishwasher is now on and ready for programming.

Program selection

Select a program by pressing a button "R". Each time you press this button, one of the LEDs will flash in sequence. "M". Select the program that, in your opinion, best suits the type of dishes you are loading (see Program Table). Close the machine door and after a few seconds you will hear a short beep: the program has started.

Cancel or change a running program

If you didn't choose the right program, don't worry! You can change the program if it has just started running. Open the door carefully (avoid splashing hot water) and then keep the button pressed "R" approximately 5 seconds until you hear 3 short beeps. Indicator "M" will turn off, and from that moment on, all settings will be cancelled. Now you can reinstall the program. Check the presence of detergents, as they may already be used up.

If you forgot to load any dishes, interrupt the program by opening (carefully as always) the door, then load the remaining crockery. When you close the machine door, the program will continue where it left off.

At the end of the wash cycle

The end of the wash cycle will be indicated by a double beep and a blinking indicator "M". Open the dishwasher door, press the on/off button "BUT" to turn off the power to the equipment. Shut off the water supply tap. Wait a few minutes before unloading the machine to avoid contact with hot dishes (hot dishes are more fragile) and to ensure the best drying results. Unload the bottom basket first.

Before removing the dishes, make sure that the program has ended. When opening the machine door during a program or immediately after it, be careful not to get scalded by the steam.

Was there a power failure? Have you opened the dishwasher door?

The wash cycle will stop and then resume when power is restored/door is closed. Everything's under control!

Tonly for mod. LI 480

You decide when to start the car

After loading the dishes, before setting the desired program, you can choose when to start your dishwasher. Click the button "FROM" to delay the start of the program by 2, 4 or 6 hours. Each time you press the button "FROM" a short beep will sound and the timer indicator will light up "D", corresponding to the duration of the delayed start. Now you can select the desired program. Close the door of the equipment, after the beep, the countdown will begin and the indicator "D" will start flashing. At the end of the programmed time, the indicator "D" stops flashing and the program starts running.

If you decide to set a different delay start time, just open the car door, press the button "FROM" and repeat the installation. If, on the other hand, you would like to cancel the delayed start setting and start the wash cycle immediately, press (repeatedly) the button "FROM" until the indicator goes off. "D". When you close the machine door, a short beep will sound and the wash cycle will begin.

While the countdown is running, do not make any changes to the settings. If it is really necessary, keep the program selection button pressed. "R" approximately 5 seconds, you will hear a short beep - from this point on, all settings will be cancelled. Now you can program the machine again.

Detergents and additives for rinsing

Only special detergents for dishwashers can be used. Before starting the program, pour the agent into the dispenser located on inside doors.

Filling the detergent drawer

Open the lid "BUT" at the touch of a button "AT"(Fig. 9). Fill two containers with detergent to the brim "FROM" and "D". Close the lid tightly by pushing it down until it clicks.

If you are using detergent tablets, place the container "D" and close the lid by pushing it down until it clicks.

Distributor cover won't close!

The edges of the compartment must be cleaned of detergent residue to ensure that the lid closes tightly.

Rinse aids

Rinsing agents give the dishes a shine, and after drying, there are no smudges on the dishes. It is recommended to use a conditioner from the branded professional series "Home Care" (code 082064), which can be purchased at authorized service centers.

The rinse aid compartment is located on the inside of the door. It should be topped up after about 80 rinses or:

LI 420, LI 460:when the indicator "D" on the dispenser (fig. 10) you will see that the container is empty;

LI 480: when the rinse aid indicator light comes on "T"(see fig. 2 "Control panel LI 480").

Filling the softener compartment

Open the compartment by turning the lid "FROM" counterclockwise, and pour in the rinse aid without overflowing (Fig. 10). Close the compartment by screwing the lid on tightly "FROM". The amount of product used for each rinse cycle can be adjusted by turning the knob with a screwdriver F(located under the cover) "FROM").

The regulator has 6 different positions, normal fill - position 4 .


Dose the detergent correctly: do not use too much - this makes rinsing difficult and also causes soiling environment.

Store detergents and rinse aids in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children.

The correct dosage of rinse aid improves the drying of dishes. If drops of water remain on the dishes or streaks form, the regulator should be set to the maximum number. If white lime streaks remain on the dishes, turn the dial back to the lowest number.

Warning.The 3-in-1 dishwasher tablets currently on the market combine detergent, salt and rinse aid in one product. If your area has hard or very hard water, we still recommend adding extra salt to an appropriate container to prevent white streaks from forming on your dishes or on the inside of your equipment. In any case, please read the manufacturer's instructions on the tablet packaging.

If you are using only this product, it is normal for the no-salt and rinse-aid indicator (if equipped) to stay on after a certain number of wash cycles.

Programs for every degree of pollution

Salt, rinse aid, the correct dosage of detergent and the right program - this is the formula for the best washing results and the good condition of your dishwasher.

Auto programs

Dishwasher LI 480 equipped with a sensor that allows you to determine the degree of soiling of dishes and, in accordance with this, select the most effective and economical washing program.

Note: during the washing process, the auto programs can change - after the sensor detects the degree of contamination of the dishes, the cycle is optimized accordingly.

Recommendations and advice. How to care for expensive dishes.

Salt, rinse aid, the correct dosage of detergent and the right program - this is the formula for the best washing results and the good condition of your dishwasher.

■ Silver plates and serving utensils should be washed immediately after use, especially if they have been in contact with salt, eggs, olives, mustard, vinegar, fruit juices and cooked vegetables.

■ For the care of silverware, we recommend using the Care Detergent for Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys (code 082063) from the company's professional Home Care series. The product has antioxidant properties, cleanses and restores shine.

■ Almost all silverware can be washed in the dishwasher. But there are two exceptions: antique silverware and silverware, the decor of which contains oxidation components. Hot water can damage antique pot handles and pottery ornaments.

Do not allow silverware to come into contact with other metals - this way you will avoid the formation of stains on the dishes and their darkening.

The dishwasher not only saves time and energy, but also disinfects your dishes by washing them at high temperatures.

Water in your home

Never without salt

To avoid rust formation,load the salt beforebefore the start of the cycle washing dishes.

The hardness of water varies depending on the terrain. When using hard water, lime deposits form on the walls of the dishwasher. The dishwasher is equipped with a special water softener that removes mineral salts and lime from the water. At the bottom of the dishwasher, under the lower basket, there is a container into which salt is loaded to regenerate ion exchange resins, which are the active part of the water softener. It is recommended to use salt from the branded professional series "Home Care" (code 082057, available from authorized service centers). Dishwasher salt should not be replaced with table salt.

Always use salt designed specifically for dishwashers. Before first use, load the salt into the container (fig. 11):

1) pull out the lower basket and unscrew the cover of the container counterclockwise;

2) if you are filling the container for the first time, then fill the dispenser with water to the top;

3) insert the funnel (included in the equipment) into the hole and pour salt (about 2 kg), some water may leak out of the container - this is normal;

4) Close the lid of the container carefully.

When to Replenish Salt

LI42: The green indicator located in the center of the decalcifying cassette bowl indicates that the container is full. If the indicator is not visible, it means that salt needs to be added to the container.

LI 460, LI 480: the salt supply needs to be replenished when the salt-out indicator S will start flashing.
The machine will remind you of the need to replenish the salt supply for the next 5- LI 460; 3 - LI 480 wash cycles.

Salt flow adjustment
Your dishwasher has a regulator for the amount of salt added depending on the hardness. tap water to achieve a minimum level of salt intake (Fig. 12).

To adjust your salt intake:

1) unscrew the lid of the salt container;

2) on the neck of the container (Fig. 12) there isring with arrow turned to position"-" (factory setting);

3) if necessary, turn the arrow away from "-" to“+” counterclockwise depending onhardness of tap water.

Use the following table to adjust your salt intake:

If you do not know the hardness of the water in your home, contact the housing and maintenance office responsible for the water supply in your area..

Saving is easy

The use of household electrical appliances is not only saving, but also preserving the environment.

Try to load the machine as much as possible: this will prevent unnecessary consumption of water, electricity and detergents. Take some time to load the machine completely: use the "Soak" program to prevent the formation of unpleasant odors in the car and drying of food residues on the dishes.

Right choice programs

Select the correct program according to the type of dishes and the degree of soiling (see Program Chart). Use the "Soak" and "Intensive Wash" programs for really heavily soiled dishes.

Installation and connection

Dishwasher on site
After purchasing or moving the dishwasher to another location correct installation- guarantee of correct and efficient operation of the equipment.

Choose where you want to install the dishwasher, you can even position it so that the sides or back of the machine are in line with the furniture or against a wall. The inlet and drain hoses can be located on the left or right side of the machine for ease of installation.


After the machine is in place, adjust its height and stability by turning the feet; check the horizontal position of the top cover of the housing by level - the deviation should not be more than 2 °.

Rear leg adjustment

Insert the feet into the holes, then adjust them in height using the fixing bolts on the bottom front of the dishwasher. Using a screwdriver, adjust the height by screwing or unscrewing the legs.

Cold water connection

It is not allowed to install the machine without a water shut-off valve!

On the machine, the inlet hose is already connected to the product. Screw the inlet hose onto the 3/4" male water outlet and check for a secure connection.
In mod. LI 460 the connection is sealed with a rubber gasket combined with the filter (Fig. 13).

Model LI 420, LI 480 comes with a hose in which the filter is already installed. If the machine is connected to a new water supply or has not been used for a long time, unscrew the hose from the side of the machine, drain dirty water and reconnect. This will protect the machine from damage.

To avoid damage, tighten the plastic nuts by hand, without the use of tools.

Replacement of factory hoses is prohibited.

Connection to hot water

The machine can also be connected to hot water from the mains or water heater, in both cases the water temperature must not exceed 60°C.

In this case, the washing time is reduced by about 15 minutes, and the efficiency is somewhat reduced. Connection to hot water is carried out in the same way as to cold water.

Water leakage prevention device (only for LI 480)

Dishwasher LI 480 equipped with a special system that blocks the flow of water in case of leaks inside the equipment. In addition, the machine is equipped with an inlet hose consisting of a transparent outer hose and a red inner hose. Both hoses can withstand high water pressure. If the inner hose is damaged, the outer hose turns red. Safety in case of leaks is ensured by the presence of a second transparent hose containing an inner hose. Check the outer hose regularly: if you see the hose turn bright red, it needs to be replaced immediately. Call an authorized service center to replace the hose.

Drain hose connection

Insert the drain hose into drain pipe with a minimum diameter of 4cm or hang bent end drain hose to the edge of the sink. Remember: the hose must not be bent or twisted. For the best placement of the hose, use the special plastic guide (supplied) (Fig. 14).

The free end of the drain hose must be positioned between 40 and 100 cm and from the base of the dishwasher and ensure that the jet breaks when draining (the end of the hose must not be immersed in water).

The special plastic guide should be fixed firmly on the wall to prevent movementdrain hose and splashing water.

If the drain hose is built into the sewer, keep in mind that a “siphon effect” can be created on the upper floors - the machine drains and fills water at the same time. To prevent this effect, a siphon is installed.

Noise protection (where available)

On the top of the dishwasher you will find 2 self-adhesive foam sponges.

Glue a small sponge on cross bar, as shown in fig. 15, 1.

Tilt the machine and glue the large sponge as shown in fig. 15, 2. Make sure both sponges are properly glued to the surface.

Electrical connection

ATTENTION: the equipment must be grounded!

I.The machine must be connected to electrical network using a two-pole socket with earthing contact (the socket is not supplied with the machine). The phase (preferably also neutral) wire must be connected through a circuit breaker designed for a maximum current (operating current) of 16 A, and having a response time of not more than 0.1 s.

II.If there is a socket with a grounding contact near the intended installation site of the machine, having a three-wire cable connection with copper conductors with a cross section of at least 1.5 sq. mm (or aluminum conductors with a cross section of at least 2.5 sq. mm), the electrical network is not finalized. In the absence of the specified socket and wiring, they must be installed.

III.It is not allowed to lay grounding with a separate wire.

IV.To finalize the electrical network, it is recommended to use a wire of type PPV 3x1.5 380 GOST 6223-79. It is allowed to use other brands of wires that ensure fire and electrical safety during the operation of the machine.

Before plugging in the machine, make sure that:

1) the voltage and frequency of the mains current correspond to the data of the machine (see the rating plate on the inside of the equipment door);

2) electrical network (wiring), withstands the maximum load of the connected equipment;

3) socket and plug of the same type;

4) the socket is grounded in accordance with the safety standards described in this section of the manual (grounding is allowed with a working zero, provided that the protective line does not have a break and is connected directly to the bypass of any devices (for example, an electric meter).

Electrical wires are color coded as follows:

yellow -green - grounding;
blue - neutral;

brown or black - phase.

If the equipment plugdoes not fit the socket, equipcable with a suitable plug,don't use adaptersand extension cords that createdanger of overheating and fire.

Equipment connected in violation of the safety requirements for high power household appliances set out in this manual is potentially dangerous. The manufacturer is not responsible for damage to health and property if it is caused by non-compliance with the specified installation standards.


Any problems? Read...

Your dishwasher does not work or does not work satisfactorily. In most cases, you can solve the problems yourself: read this chapter before calling a technician.

Machine does not start

Make sure that:

■ the water tap is open;

■ the inlet hose is connected correctly;

■ the water supply in the house is not shut off;

■ sufficient water pressure;

■ the inlet hose is not bent;

■ the filter on the inlet hose is not clogged;

■ the door is closed tightly.

Dishes not washed well

Make sure that:

■ detergent is loaded into the dispenser in the right amount;

■ the washing program corresponds to the type of dishes loaded;

■ the flexible inlet hose filter and the fine filter are not clogged;

■ nozzles rotate freely.

The machine does not drain water

Make sure that:

■ the drain hose is not bent;

■ the sewerage system is not clogged.

Remain on the dishes limescale or white film

Make sure that:

■ the lid of the salt container is closed tightly;

■ The amount of rinse aid is sufficient.

Do not use the services of personsnot authorized by the manufacturer.

When repairing, require the useoriginal spare parts.

Error messages

The dishwasher is equipped with a security system that can detect erroneous operation.These errors are identified by rapid flashing of one or two LEDs. M.

Turn off the equipment, turn off the water supply and contact an Authorized Service Center for technical assistance.

Fault indication

Alarm signal - water tap

If you forgot to open the water supply tap, the machine will remind you of this with short beeps that will be heard for several minutes. Open the water supply tap and after a few minutes the machine will start working.
If you were not present when the alarms sounded, the machine will automatically lock and two lights will flash rapidly:
LI 420- 2nd (“Everyday washing”) and 3rd (“Soaking”);
LI 460- 3rd (“Economical wash”) and 4th (“Quick wash”);
LI 480- 4th (“Quick wash”) and 5th (“Soaking”).
Turn off the machine with the on/off button BUT, open the water supply tap and wait about 20 seconds before turning the equipment back on - the machine will start working again.

Alarm - clogged filter

If the equipment is locked and the lights flash rapidly:
LI 420- 1st (“Intensive washing”) and 3rd (“Soaking”);
LI 460- 2nd (“Daily wash”) and 4th (“Quick wash”);
LI 480- 3rd (“Economic car wash”) and 5th (“Soaking”) - this means that the filter is clogged with large food residues.
Switch off the machine, clean the filter thoroughly and replace it. Turn on the equipment by pressing a button BUT, set the program again as described in § "Program selection" and the machine will start working.

Contact an Authorized Service Center and provide the following information when calling:

♦ number of the warranty document (service book, service certificate, etc.),

♦ malfunction,

♦ model and serial number, as indicated on the information plate located at the end of the machine door, or in the warranty document.

Safety is a good habit

Your dishwasher has been designed to meet the strictest international codes and standards to make you and your family feel secure. Read this manual: it will help you become familiar with the features of the dishwasher, its installation, use and safe maintenance.

1. This equipment is designed for indoor use. Under no circumstances should you use it outdoors.

2. This equipment must be used for washing dishes at home in accordance with this manual. Use of the equipment for purposes other than those intended, and industrial use, the use of the dishwasher in offices, service industries, health care, education, etc. not provided. The manufacturer is not responsible for the failure of the equipment in case of violation of the conditions of this paragraph of the instruction.

3. Carefully remove the packaging, make sure that the equipment is not damaged. If in doubt, contact the supplier immediately.

4. This equipment is heavy; move it only when you are confident in your abilities.

5. Do not use adapters, double or more sockets and extension cords (they create a fire hazard). If you consider their use necessary, use a single safety-compliant extension cord.

Be aware that turning on high power equipment using tees and extension cords creates a potential fire hazard.

The manufacturer is not responsible for fires caused by the use of tees and extensions, as well as a connecting cable whose cross section does not correspond to the power consumed by the equipment. When installing a dishwasher, it is necessary to check that the characteristics of the mains and the machine match.

6. Use salts, rinse aids, detergents and other products that are specifically designed for dishwashers. Application of other chemicals, as well as the use of agents for other purposes (for example, anti-scale agents instead of detergent) will impair the quality of the wash, and may even lead to a breakdown of the machine.

7. Do not overload the machine, try to arrange the dishes correctly, only then you will be satisfied with the washing results. Overloading the machine may damage it.

8. Do not touch a running machine if your hands or feet are wet; do not use the machine with bare feet.

9. Do not lean or sit on the open door to avoid tipping the equipment.

10. Do not pull on the wire to remove the plug from the socket: this is very dangerous.

11. In accordance with general requirements State Fire Service do not leave a running dishwasher unattended.

12. Do not allow children or persons unfamiliar with this manual to use the equipment without your supervision.

13. At the end of the washing cycle, turn off the water supply tap and remove the plug from the socket.

14. In the event of an unusual situation, turn off the machine: unplug it, turn off the water supply tap and call the service center whose phone number is printed in the warranty document (warranty card, service book, service certificate). Read the Troubleshooting section before calling the service center.

15. Before getting rid of old equipment, make it unusable: cut the power cable and remove the door lock.

16. It is forbidden to change the design of the machine and the intervention of persons not authorized by the Manufacturer for warranty repairs.

Maintenance and care. Cleaning and special service

Periodically, once a month, spend a little time cleaning the filter assembly and nozzles.

Cleaning the filter unit (Fig. 16, 17)

For efficient operation of your dishwasher, it is necessary to clean the filter unit.

The filter purifies the water during the washing cycle, which allows the use of re-circulated water, thereby saving it. Check the filter after every wash: remove any stuck food particles from the cup "FROM" and semi-flow filter "BUT".

Remove the filter assembly by pulling it upwards by the cup handles and rinse under running water. Complete filter assembly (cup C + semi-flow filter A + cylindrical filter B + microfilter D) must be cleaned once a month. To remove the "B" filter, turn it counterclockwise.
Use a small non-metal brush (eg toothbrush) for cleaning. Assemble the filter as shown in fig. 16, and
insert it into place by pushing down.

Attention: The dishwasher must not be used without filters. Incorrect cleaning and incorrect installation of filters can impair washing efficiency and cause damage to the machine.

Sprayer cleaning

Food particles can cause nozzles to rust and clog nozzle holes, so check nozzles periodically and clean as needed.

Cleaning the filter on the inlet hose ( LI 460)

To clean the filter on the inlet hose (see Fig. 13), perform the following operations: turn off the tap, unscrew the end of the inlet hose, remove the filter and rinse it carefully under running water, then reinsert the filter and fasten the hose tightly.

Keep your dishwasher in order

Compliance with these few rules ensures that your reliable assistant - the dishwasher - will always be with you.

After every wash

Shut off the water supply tap and leave the door ajar to avoid the formation of unpleasant odors and humidity inside the machine, wipe the rubber seal.

Unplug your machine
For safety reasons, always unplug the machine before washing and servicing the machine.

car wash

Do not use chemical abrasives or solvents to clean the exterior, interior or rubber parts of the machine. We recommend washing them with warm water, a sponge and soap. Remove limescale and grease deposits on internal surfaces and door seal special tool for cleaning the dishwasher from the branded professional series "Home Care" (code 082082).
Before using the dishwasher after a long break, you should: insert the plug into the socket; turn off the water supply tap, unscrew the hose, drain the dirty water; connect the inlet hose and open the water tap.

Machine moving

Move the machine only in an upright position, in extreme cases, the equipment can be placed on the back side.


Water contains a large amount of sparingly soluble salts due to environmental pollution. Salts in the form of scale settle on the heating elements, tank, pipes and cause their premature failure. If you live in an area with hard water, you should periodically use descaler powders, such as Descaler from the company's professional series "Home Care" (code 082074), or install a Calblock magnetic water softener that prevents scale formation (code 076120) .

Remove bones, peel, crusts before loading dishes into the machine.

stay with us

Thank you for purchasing Ariston brand products. We are confident that your new equipment will serve you effectively.for many years.

We are as close to you as your phone

For direct access to genuine Ariston spare parts and accessories, call the numbers listed in the warranty documents: our qualified staff will help you identify and purchase what you need. Our service network consists of highly qualified technical staff. In most cases, the master can solve the problem on the first visit.

Please, when calling an authorized service center, provide the following information: the number of the warranty document (service book, service certificate, etc.); malfunction; model; serial number, indicated on the information plate located at the end of the machine door, or in the warranty document.

Made and adapted especially for you by caring representatives of the administration of the service centerR.T.

So, you bought a car and are ready to entrust it with washing dishes for the first time, or maybe you have been using it for a long time, but sometimes you are unhappy with the result? All kinds of forums are full of questions about what to do if the dishwasher (hereinafter we will sometimes call PMM - for brevity) does not work well - does not wash dishes or leaves white stains on it. In most cases, the problem is not in the device at all, but in improper use. What is the correct operation of dishwashers?

Choosing detergents for the car

First, let's look at the issue of choosing detergents, because they can both spoil and significantly improve the operation of the PMM. There is a whole group of detergents that are needed at different times, for different purposes and in different doses.

Here is the list:

  1. Salt - allows you to soften hard water, dissolve calcium, thereby preventing the coating of the machine itself and the dishes from the inside with limescale. How often do you put salt in the dishwasher? It depends on the frequency of its operation and the hardness of the water, which is different in all regions. You need to focus on the salt indicator on the control panel: if it is on, then it's time to fill your assistant. Salt is sold in a pack weighing 1 kg, on average 1 pack. enough for six months.
  2. Powder, gel, tablets - these are actually means for washing. Of course, you can’t do without them, but sometimes you can not use them, for example, in the rinse mode, when the dishes only need to be refreshed. And even without funds, you can wash ... vegetables. For example, potatoes.
  3. Rinse aid - it flavors the dishes, prevents the formation of streaks and helps to completely dry the dishes.
  4. Degreaser - prevents grease particles from settling on machine parts.
  5. Antiscale - qualitatively removes limescale, prolonging the life of equipment. It is not used constantly, but about once a quarter.

And now more about some of the nuances.

Each of the listed detergents must be used correctly, clearly dosed and applied in accordance with the instructions.

The required amount of salt can be determined in three ways:

  • Measure the water hardness manually and enter the data into a memory device;
  • Clarify the information in the local water utility, and enter them into the memory of the machine;
  • Machines with an automatic sensor evaluate the hardness themselves at each water intake and, in accordance with this information, take the right amount of salt.

Salt is filled into the ion exchanger using a funnel, which is included in the kit.

  • Before the first start, water is poured inside, and after that a large amount of salt is poured (1000 gr.). In the future, only the detergent is added, and water is not added;
  • Never use table salt!

Almost all modern models are equipped with a sensor indicating the need to charge the ion exchanger. Salt consumption does not depend on the number of washing cycles, but on the consumption of water spent per program, in liters.

As for detergents, it must be borne in mind that the powder consumption is also controlled by special sensors (if the machine has this function). If not, then you will have to load the powder "by eye", following the manufacturer's instructions.

  • The powder can only be poured into a dry tray;
  • Powder more effective than tablets, as it dissolves better, it is suitable for short programs, in addition, it is more economically consumed, since you can control the amount of powder yourself.

As for tablets, they will help to wash dishes only when setting long cycles, since they do not have time to dissolve in short programs. In addition, each type of tablet is designed for certain indicators of water hardness. Some manufacturers indicate that when using tablets, the water hardness values ​​in the program should be reduced. Tablets like "3 in 1", "4 in 1", etc. consist of several multi-colored layers, each of which performs its own function: washing, water softener, rinse aid, etc.

Speaking of conditioner. As we have said, it is needed for crystal shine and better drying. It is also consumed by the dispenser, that is, you need to fill in the liquid to the very edge, but with the help of the regulator you can determine the consumption of the product for each wash yourself.

  • Be aware that the wrong proportion of rinse aid and salt will stain the dishes.
  • First try washing dishes with rinse aid on setting 4;
  • If the dishes remain wet, then increase the dose of the product;
  • If the dishes dry well, but stains appear, reduce the level of rinse aid;
  • In principle, rinse aid is not required, unlike salt and detergents.

Loading dishes correctly

We figured out the means, let's start loading. Poor-quality washing is in 85% of cases a sign that the dishes were put into it incorrectly, and not at all a signal of problems with the dishwasher.

How to load dishes correctly?

  1. We clean the dishes from food debris;
  2. We fold the dishes tightly and compactly, but so that they do not interfere with the rotation of the sprinkler arms, the opening of the dispenser, the free passage and flow of water. In many PMPs, the sections can be rearranged to accommodate vases and baking sheets;

  1. We fall asleep powder or put a tablet, if necessary - add rinse aid and salt;
  2. We select the appropriate program, run. If you forgot to put something, you can open the door and report the dishes, the machine will resume working in a few seconds.
  • Glasses, dishes made of fragile glass are placed at the top. It is important that it does not touch the walls. But the dishes with the greatest pollution are placed down, because here the strongest water jets are;
  • It will be correct to load the dishwasher completely, and only then turn it on;
  • You can place a small batch of dishes after dinner in the tray and close the lid - so the utensils do not dry out, waiting for the next batch. Better yet, choose half load mode;
  • The most soiled surfaces should be turned down, so that bowls, pots, etc. are turned upside down.

  • And for small utensils such as knives and spoons, there are special trays that need to be used. It is better to alternate forks and spoons, and put the knife with the blades up. Only after you have correctly positioned the dishes, you can turn on the machine.

Do not forget that the technician washes the dishes with hot water, so it is not allowed to put in it:

  • Appliances with steel elements that can rust;
  • Dishes with inserts of wood, mother-of-pearl, elements of tin or copper;
  • Cups with patterns or coatings that are not thermally resistant;
  • glued items;
  • antique crockery;
  • Plastic elements that do not have the appropriate approval marking;
  • Sponges and kitchen towels;
  • Crystal can be washed, but be careful, as it may become cloudy over time.

Choose the desired program

You can wash dishes in the dishwasher using various programs. The instruction attached to your assistant describes the entire set of features and functions, you should definitely familiarize yourself with it.

  • In most cases good result provided when using the standard program (economy or eco). If the dishes are very dirty, then the intensive washing mode is used - it washes well, but consumes electricity and water to the maximum, so it is better to run the PMM at night.
  • The delicate mode is designed to wash particularly fragile dishes, such as glasses or crystal stemware. Delicate mode implies a built-in heat exchanger in the machine, which helps to raise the temperature of the water during the first rinse.
  • In the case when you collect completely different dishes in the dishwasher, it is also worth turning on the gentle mode.
  • The machine will wash dishes for 1.5 hours or 1 hour in the standard program. At the end of the cycle, the dishes will be hot, so wait another quarter of an hour before opening the door.
  • To prevent streaks, the lower compartment is first released, and then the upper one.
  • There are other rules as well. So, after each wash, you should clean the filters. And for the care of external surfaces use wet sponges. It will also be necessary to periodically clean the impeller nozzles, preventing them from clogging and to clean the machine itself from scale, if it does form.

A dishwasher is a complex household appliance that is not so easy to turn on if you don’t know anything about it and see it for the first time. In this case, an instruction comes to the rescue, but it is not always written in a language accessible to a simple layman. In addition, the instructions do not contain many nuances of operation. Therefore, we decided to highlight the issue of how to properly use the dishwasher in detail.

How to turn on the machine and set up the program

After the technician installs the dishwasher in its place and connects the plumbing and drain, you are faced with the task of how to turn on the machine. In this case, you should not rush to load the dishwasher with dishes, because first you need to rinse it by running a blank wash without dishes. To do this, you will need salt and powder for dishwashers. You can also use if you purchased one with the car.

You need to do the following:

  • open the machine door and pull out the lower basket, under which you will see a cover that closes the salt reservoir;
  • unscrew the lid and pour water into the tank (this is done only once, before the first start);
  • then pour salt into the water using a funnel;
  • wipe off the water spilled into the chamber;
  • close the lid of the salt container;
  • adjust the salt consumption on the control panel (for Bosch dishwashers) in accordance with which you first need to measure.

In the future, salt is added as needed, when the salt runs out, the salt indicator lights up on the control panel. After the salt has been added, it is necessary to pour in the washing powder. The powder receiver in dishwashers of almost all brands is located on the inside of the door. Using a measuring spoon, the powder (approximately 15-20 g) is poured into the compartment and closed with a lid.

Now the car needs to be washed. To do this, make sure that the water supply to the dishwasher is open and the machine is plugged in. Next, on the control panel, we find the button to turn on the machine, indicated by a circle with a vertical stick, as in the photo (on / off).

Note! In fully built-in appliances, the control panel is located at the end of the door in the upper part, in freestanding models it is placed on the facade.

Then you must select a high temperature wash, such as intensive wash. All modes have conventions, which we described in detail in the article Designations on the dishwasher. The choice on different models of dishwashers Bosch, Electrolux, Ariston is made in different ways. In dishwashers with mechanical control, you need to turn the knob to the appropriate program, there are few such machines left. In machines with electronic and touch control, the selection is made by pressing the buttons. A separate button can be placed for each program and function, which is often found in Bosch dishwashers.

And it is also possible when there is one button to go through all the programs, for example, in touch models of Electrolux dishwashers. After selecting a program in the machine, you need to press the Start button, which will start the washing cycle. Thus, an idle wash will be started.

Further start of the machine is carried out similarly. Only in addition to the powder, you will also need to pour the rinse aid, the compartment for which is located next to the powder compartment. As with salt, you must set the rinse aid consumption. To begin with, you can set the average value, and then, as you use it, change the value to a higher or lower value, depending on the washing result. If streaks and drops remain, then increase the consumption, if an iridescent film appears or the rinse aid is poorly washed off, then reduce its consumption.

Loading dishes

Having understood how the dishwashing programs are set up and turned on, you need to figure out how to arrange the dishes in the baskets. This can be done in different ways, but the result of this may not be joyful, the dishes will not wash well, and you will be disappointed in the “assistant”. In the instructions for the Electrolux car, Ariston or another, you will surely find a placement guide, and even with pictures.

In the presence of standard dishes, which manufacturers are guided by, everything is more or less clear. But most often the dishes of most users do not meet the standard.

Do not forget! Before loading into the machine, clean the dishes from food residues, rinsing it is not necessary, but brush off pieces of food, napkins, bones, etc. with a brush. don't be lazy.

We list the basic rules for loading the dishwasher:

  • first load the lower basket with large items (large plates, pots, pans), then the upper one;
  • place the plates in the holders, leaving a small gap between the plates, otherwise they will not be washed, especially deep tureens;

  • dishes are placed inside to the center, large plates should be placed in the extreme compartments of the basket, and small ones in the center;
  • frying pans and baking sheets are installed sideways so as not to shut off the water supply to the upper basket, and it is better to wash pots by turning them upside down;
  • it is best to wash pans and pots separately from plates and glasses;
  • you can not overload the dishwasher with dishes, because nothing will be washed;
  • glasses, wine glasses, cups, plastic containers and other small items are placed upside down in the upper basket;

  • for cutlery, a separate basket or drawer is provided at the top of the dishwasher, ladles, skimmers, spatulas are stacked horizontally in the upper basket;
  • the dishes should not interfere with the free rotation of the sprinklers and the opening of the powder receptacle on the door.

When arranging the dishes, you need to take into account the fact that not all items can be washed in the dishwasher.

A complete list of what should not be loaded into the car is in the article?

Choosing a detergent

The choice of detergent is one of the difficult tasks for users, because with such an assortment on the market it is difficult to give preference to any one manufacturer. Here, indeed, it is very difficult to give advice on the better to wash with gel, powder or tablets. Everything will depend on your financial capabilities. All of these tools have their pros and cons.

So, for example, easy-to-use combined tablets are very expensive. The powder is cheaper, but it is inconvenient to fall asleep. Our opinion, we do not impose it, it is better to use all the products separately, this is a powder or gel, salt and rinse. Let's explain why:

Think for yourself which brand to choose Finish, Amway, Somat, we will only advise you to read the review.

Choosing the Right Mode

Having laid the dishes and prepared the machine, we proceed to the choice of the program and its launch. This is also an important step in the efficient operation of the dishwasher. The mode of washing dishes should be selected depending on the degree of contamination and on the material of manufacture of the dishes themselves. Consider the main modes that most machines are equipped with.

  • Standard (main) program - suitable for washing various moderately soiled dishes, carried out when water is heated to 50-60 0 С.
  • Economy program (Eco) - also runs when heated to 50 0 C, but saves water and electricity. You can wash lightly soiled dishes of various types.
  • The intensive program is designed for washing very dirty dishes such as frying pans, pots, plates with dried-on food. The water is heated up to 70 0 C.
  • The delicate program is designed for washing crystal, glass, plastic and other fragile dishes.

    Note! As for the washing time, it may vary in different dishwashers. Washing time can vary from 45 minutes to 3.5 hours.

  • An automatic program that selects the temperature and other washing parameters depending on how dirty the dishes are.

In addition to modes, do not forget about useful functions. Half load allows you to wash the dishes without accumulating them, and the pre-rinse function, on the contrary, will help to better wash the dishes that have been lying in the car for a long time, as well as those with burnt food. The Hygiene+ function is useful for disinfecting baby bottles, jars and cutting boards.

What to do after washing

After washing the dishes and drying them, it is necessary to take care of the dishwasher. Do not take this lightly, especially since it will take no more than 10 minutes. Otherwise, everything can turn into a lengthy repair.

After turning off the dishwasher and removing the dishes from the baskets, you need to pull out the baskets and remove the strainers from the bottom of the chamber. Then rinse them under the tap and reinstall. Next, you need to wipe the walls of the washing chamber with a dry cloth, if there are stuck pieces of food under the door or with an elastic band, remove everything. For a while, the machine door can be left open to dry, so that an unpleasant odor does not appear from the moisture.

Such simple manipulations will keep the dishwasher always clean. Once or twice every six months, you need to clean the dishwasher with a grease and scale remover. This will allow you to rinse not only the dishwasher chamber, but also hoses and pipes from plaque and other contaminants.

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about safety and dwell on precautionary measures:

  • it is not recommended to touch the dishwasher with your hands during operation;
  • you need to connect the machine to a grounded outlet;
  • to protect the machine from unexpected power surges, connect it to the outlet through;
  • after the end of the washing cycle, do not rush to get the dishes, they are very hot;
  • when reloading dishes while the machine is running, wait until the rocker arms stop;

    In the event of a breakdown, do not panic, unplug the equipment and carefully inspect, do not engage in self-repair, if you are not confident in your abilities, contact the master.

  • do not allow children to operate the dishwasher, do not allow to press the buttons.

We hope that now you know how to use a dishwasher, no matter what brand it is Electrolux or Bosch. In addition, you can watch a video on how to properly handle the dishwasher. Remember: constant compliance with the rules of operation will extend its service life, delighting you with clean dishes.