How to get rid of laziness: step by step instructions for real lazy people. What is laziness - where does it come from, how to overcome it, and is it over to fight? How to get rid of laziness without effort

It is very important to know the enemy in person in order to fight him correctly. Laziness itself is just a feeling backed up by thoughts. These thoughts and this feeling are caused by circumstances and actions, by other people. If you remove provocateurs or change your attitude towards them, it will become easier to defeat laziness. Here are the main reasons for laziness:

Fear of failure- this is the most common reason that a person puts everything off until the last moment. Due to the lack of confidence in his abilities, in his own competence and ability to do the job well, he begins to see the upcoming business as prohibitively difficult, unbearable, and it becomes more and more difficult for him to start doing it.

Fatigue, physical and emotional. Here the way out is to relax, meditate, as well as increase your vital energy.

Depression. Laziness is very often the flip side of depression, during which a person does not want anything at all. But without being aware of emotional condition, a person thinks that laziness is to blame, and begins to fight it different ways. And it happens that he defeats her for some time. But after that, it returns, and even in a tougher form, because instead of the cause, the person treated the effect, and as a result, he brought himself to an even more serious condition. That's why perfect way struggle - a careful analysis of one's desires: why don't you want to do something, where does laziness come from? And having identified the cause, it is necessary to eliminate it, then laziness itself will pass.

Lack of willpower. A person understands the whole necessity of work, but for some reason he cannot force himself to do it at all. In such situations, it is better to start with the easiest part, slowly moving on to more complex cases. Getting started is already a good part of success, so get going!

Hope for a miracle, maybe, is our folk trait, absorbed with mother's milk. But maybe, unfortunately, it does not always save, problems still come. It is important to reconsider your attitude towards them, to understand that problems are the doors to new opportunities.

adrenaline addiction- to postpone the matter until the last moment, and then do everything on the last night, to the limit of possibilities. All students know what it is about. Such a practice does not lead to good, if a person gets hooked on it, stress is harmful to health, and this does not affect the quality of work in the best way, although a person may be in the illusion that it is on adrenaline that everything works out perfectly.

Lack of motivation. This means that a person has doubts about the need to perform certain actions, he believes that, most likely, this is useless work. The way out is to increase the level of motivation, to realize the need for this work.

1. Get up on the first alarm

It is very difficult, but there is one secret - tell yourself: “Now I just go to the toilet, and then lie down for another 5 minutes!” And themselves rather in the shower or bed to cover. The brain resists, but it's too late. For many, this method works. Share with us if you succeeded.

If you want to add agility to yourself, you need to make it a habit to play sports every day, at least for 10-15 minutes. Do exercises, stretching, run, dance, go to the gym. It takes time for the brain to get used to it. Typically, it takes about 21 days to create and maintain a new habit. That's how much our brain needs to turn off the usual rut and head along a new path. So go ahead, my dears.

3. Write down your goals

You have no idea how effective it is. Here are five simple steps:

- Write down 3 main areas of your life that are the main ones for you at the moment, but in which you are lazy (for example: developing your business, sports, some kind of hobby)
– For each of the areas, set yourself specific goals for 3 months (for example, throw off 3 kg, create a website, save 40,000 thousand for a trip to Europe)
- Take each goal and write it down step by step plan to achieve it (these will be daily small actions).
- Take an organizer, a weekly planner, a planner, and write down the tasks for the week
- Stay motivated every day and act according to the plan, keeping the ultimate goal in mind.

Agree that when you know why you are doing all this, questions of laziness disappear by themselves

4. Sign out of facebook

Have you tried counting how much time per day you spend on social media? Try turning off all Facebook and contacts for a few days, and you will be amazed at how much free time you have at your disposal and how much your productivity will increase! This is one of better ways combat laziness.

In the last article, we learned what are the causes and consequences of laziness. Now let's move on to important issuehow to get rid of laziness.

1. We increase motivation.

If the reason for laziness is low motivation, then you need to use special tools raise it to the right level.

How can I do that? For example, through visualization. Consider the example of housework. You don't want to tidy up. You are lazy. Much nicer to lie on the couch. What to do? Play with imagination. Imagine how nice it is when home comfort and cleanliness. The eyes are happy. How your beloved husband comes home from work and tells you how beautiful it is at home today ...

If you're too lazy to go to work. Then visualize how you receive a salary and rejoice in the possession of money. How do you go to the store and buy a beautiful blouse. Or go to another city for the weekend, for example, to a water park. Isn't that inspiring?

If the job is not at all joyful, then consider changing it. You have the right to do what you really want.

2. We support a good mood.

To find out the answer to the question of how to get rid of laziness, go deep into yourself and ask: "What do you really like?". Write down the answers and do it as often as possible. Learn to cheer yourself up by doing pleasant things.

Cheer up before you start working. Do morning exercises, take a shower, smile at yourself in the mirror, saying something nice. Make a promise to yourself after work to please yourself delicious tea or a walk with a friend in the park.

3. We increase the overall energy of the body

Getting rid of laziness will help raise the level of your vital energy to a high level. Yoga is perfect for this. Especially in the morning, then there will be a charge for the whole day.

Qigong exercises, breathing techniques and simple walks in the fresh air are also good.

Extended rest will benefit those who suffer from the manager's syndrome. Take a vacation and let yourself indulge in your loved one or your loved one.

If you are interested in the topic vitality, read the article, how to increase energy. There are many useful recipes out there.

4. We clean the mess in the head and not only

Perhaps you have a mess in your head. You don't know what to do and how to do it. Then sit down, grab a piece of paper and a pen, and make a plan for today.

Prioritize it. Start with the most important. And don't rush. Work at your own pace. If you can't do something, do it tomorrow.

Clean up at work as well. Create an atmosphere where nothing bothers you. So that you can work in peace.

If the situation and the type of activity allows, turn on the music. Working under it is more fun.

In some cases, an instrumental is perfect. But if sounds bother you, then work in silence. Here the approach is individual.

5. Just getting started

Sometimes inaction can drag on for a long time. And there is no need to think about how to get rid of laziness. You just need to get up and start being active. And in the process itself, you will switch to work, and it will drag you in just as laziness once dragged you in ...

You just need to take one step ... and then the process will go in your favor ...

Suggestion formulas to get rid of laziness

And finally, I offer you a few suggestion formulas to get started:

1. I like to act!

2. I work with love, having fun.

3. I am an active and purposeful person.

Laziness is the lack of desire to do what we do not like. Our life is riddled with things that are unpleasant to do. And if we avoid them, we get a lot of trouble. A logical question arises, how to get rid of laziness before it swallows us up?

Success lies in right motivation

Only motivation will save you from unwillingness to act - something that encourages you to act. For example, if you consider your laziness as the cause of problems, the motive will be the desire to avoid trouble.

In other words, to get rid of laziness, you just need to change your attitude to the upcoming lesson, see something interesting in it, or come up with a motive for yourself. You can even reward yourself financially. Many women often use the last trick: after enduring an exhausting diet and losing weight well, they go to the store for a long-awaited new thing. This is worth learning from them.

Simple tricks

Over the years, many people have developed their own tricks on how to get rid of laziness (we are all sinners with this). Sometimes you just need to get distracted, change the type of activity in order to return to that unpleasant task that needs to be completed so much. You can try to imagine the relief from doing difficult work in order to sit down and do it faster. It also helps to repeat the following catchphrase: "the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing." Or "the beginning is already half the battle." And sometimes the real one has only to start, and such an unpleasant in thought work becomes even pleasant, especially at the end ...

vital activity

If no weighty motives work for you, perhaps the reason for laziness in the absence of Life-giving forces will have to be discovered in yourself. Not every person manages to find in his life something invigorating, inspiring, encouraging to “turn mountains”. How to get rid of laziness, if it is a consequence of the loss of the meaning of life? It is worth looking for a source of energy in the most important thing for you: in close people, in friends, in interests, in leisure, in nature, in faith. The lack of vital energy can be associated with moral exhaustion, and, as a result, with physical exhaustion. In this case, before you find inspiration, give yourself a grand vacation.

When laziness is a distress signal

Do not forget that all people are different. And what happens to the soul of one, the other seems like hellish torture. Then laziness already appears as a “distress signal” of your body, calling for something to change in life? It is worth paying attention to such a signal, especially if it is already ringing. for a long time and associated with something specific.

How to get rid of laziness, if the upcoming task is no longer bearable? In such a situation, it is better not to perform the lesson (whatever it is) at all. For your own well being. This statement refers to unloved work, to the unwillingness to become a parent (not everyone is given this), to domestic work, to caring for a sick relative. Yes, there are many things that kill the personality in us. And if for one lady household is a vocation, then for a career woman, exhausting work in the office for 16 hours a day is preferable. You should not force yourself if there is an opportunity to live differently, as required by your interests, or, if you like, purpose. Sometimes selfishness is welcome, for the sake of psychological well-being.

If we are talking about a lifestyle that does not correspond to the character, temperament, it is useless to fight against laziness. You need to choose another path in which you will feel like a person, a full-fledged person.

And the last thing I would like to note, to emphasize regarding the stated problem - how to get rid of laziness. It doesn't always have to be done. Many things created by human hands and making life easier for him were created precisely by lazy people. You should not scold yourself for laziness, but if it interferes with life, brings significant harm, you need to learn to "negotiate with yourself." This important skill will allow you to live full life and constantly feel satisfaction and joy from what has been done.

Laziness is considered a common vice among the population of the entire the globe. Few people know that laziness sometimes does not harm, but protects a tired human body from overstrain. It is important to be able to clearly define the boundary when laziness acts as a protective mechanism, and when it is a detrimental element of inaction.

How to get rid of laziness - know what to deal with

  • In the dictionary of V. I. Dahl, laziness is defined as a reluctance to work, aversion from work, from work, occupation, as a tendency to idleness, parasitism. There are other definitions that say that laziness is an unwillingness to be active, an unmotivated avoidance of work.
  • Laziness is characteristic of both parasites (parasitism is essentially a synonym for laziness) and workaholics. At the same time, the concept of laziness is subjective.
  • Laziness can be seen as a lack of motivation or as a personality trait.
  • FROM positive side laziness is sometimes interpreted as the engine of progress (the creation of various mechanisms that simplify the work of a person) and the protection of the body from overstrain.

How to get rid of laziness - psychological aspects

If laziness overcomes you in those moments when you decide to do a certain thing, you need to work with yourself on a mental level. Some reasons that breed laziness:

  • Lack of motivation. Do you think you have enough motivation? Do you really need what laziness prevents?
  • deep psychological problems. The loser syndrome, for example, is a serious obstacle to taking action rather than feeding your laziness.
  • Fear. Almost everyone is afraid of failure. Or new “unaccustomed” obligations. You need to fight this and constantly conquer your fears. Then laziness will no longer be able to hide behind them.
  • Lack of energy. Elementary vegetation, calmness from day to day do not contribute to the development of forces for making new victories.

How to get rid of laziness - quick ways

If laziness is fickle, then the following tips will help to cope with it:

  • We lift ourselves with an effort of will from the sofa and do a fifteen-minute exercise. Invigorates the spirit, accelerates blood circulation.
  • Communication with loved ones interesting people. Live conversation starts thought processes and produces new ideas.
  • We try to relax in a pleasant environment: turn on pleasant music, set fire to an aroma lamp with refreshing or soothing aromas and relax.
  • We take a contrast shower. Water has life-giving energy.
  • Walking tour. Fresh air, a change of scenery - and you already feel better.

Regular habits that prevent laziness

  • We try to observe the daily routine: we wake up and go to bed at the same time, have breakfast, lunch, dinner according to the schedule.
  • We alternate low mobility with high. Warm up, walk, run, jump.
  • Avoid junk food. We noticed how after a hearty meal in fast food you feel satiety, a desire to lie down, heaviness in the stomach. These are all unnecessary symptoms that reduce our cravings for vigorous activity.

In those cases when you feel a breakdown after an exhausting period of vigorous activity (wrote a report / diploma, slept / ate poorly), just let your body rest. Don't beat yourself up for being lazy. In this case, it is like the warning lights of a beacon, warning you of danger.

Absolutely everyone meets the state of laziness. Sooner or later, all of us want to be lazy, lie on the couch, do what we love, and not work. But someone can overcome his laziness and knows how to negotiate with her. And others can’t do it, and they turn into couch drones.

What is laziness

Laziness is a state of the body in which a person cannot and does not want to carry out the intended and planned tasks. After the lost time, he is tormented by guilt and feels that he has betrayed himself. Why is this happening? For example, he decided to lose weight and planned to start going to the gym. So Monday came and it was time for a visit, but he suddenly felt a pain in his side, he began to feel dizzy and he confidently says to himself: “Not today, today I don’t feel well.” In fact, this cruel joke is played with us by the subconscious. It anticipates an unpleasant occupation, a change of activity from interesting to boring, and opposes this with all its might. You have probably noticed that when you need to break away from watching an interesting movie and do your homework, this is very, very difficult to do.

But it is absolutely impossible to live without laziness. After all, nature gave us this feeling for something? In fact, laziness performs a very important and desired function. It makes a man rest when he is overworked. Without laziness, many hard-working people would have long ago worked for wear and tear. How to recognize this edge? On the one hand, laziness does not need to be fought, you need to succumb to its full power from time to time. On the other hand, laziness can become insolent and turn us into a weak-willed lazy person, but do we need it?

In order not to blame yourself for laziness, you need to soberly and realistically assess your capabilities at work. By the way, most often true workaholics accuse themselves of laziness. For example, a person completed 3 orders in a day, but planned all 5, and therefore blames himself for laziness. Estimate realistically how much you can do today. Set the bar not high, but medium. To make the plans seem feasible and want to do them as soon as possible. And then there will be no room for laziness.

Motivation comes first

Very often we do not want to do something because we feel disgust or dislike for this action. Thoughts arise in our heads - “What is this for?”, “For whom am I doing this work?”, “What will happen if I don’t do it?”. This means that a person lacks motivation. Remember why you need to perform this or that action. If you don't feel like going to work, remember that your financial situation depends on it. Better yet, remember how you dreamed of a car or own apartment. Every order, every client served, every day at work brings your dream closer. And if you do not want to go for a run, remember the desired figure - do you really want to become a slender and beautiful person?

Very well motivated by the success of others. When a friend successfully climbs career ladder when a neighbor does gymnastics every day in a nearby park, you want to become better and fit in. Are you worse? Are you not capable of overcoming yourself and your own laziness? You are the master of the situation and only you can decide what you can achieve.

  1. Think consistently. If you are having lunch, think about the work ahead while you eat. Scroll in your mind all the details of what and how you will do. And then, after eating, you will not want to lie down and rest, because clear plans for work have already formed in your head. You will want to get started as soon as possible.
  2. Visualize the result of your activity. If you don’t feel like working, imagine how you get money for your work, how you can afford those boots that you have been staring at for a long time. Or imagine how the director publicly praises you for a well-executed order. Visualize what you really enjoy.
  3. Music is a great motivator to work. It is enough to listen to a few energetic and cheerful tracks to regain good spirits and good performance.
  4. Tidy up your workspace. It improves mood and desire to work. Remove magazines from your desk that might distract you. This also applies to food - it takes a very long time to absorb nuts, chips, sweets and seeds. Put things in order not only on the table, but also in your head. Take a piece of paper and write a list of your planned projects on it. Divide each into subtasks and make a plan of action. Solve the problem sequentially, and then you will see the result of each completed task. And when you see the result, it becomes more pleasant to work, laziness recedes.
  5. Come up with an attitude that will help you cope with laziness and apathy. When you once again do not feel like doing planned things, tell yourself that you are an active, purposeful person who achieves what you want. Tell yourself that you enjoy making money on your own, that you enjoy improving your figure.
  6. Another way to force yourself to act is to study biographies. successful people. Read how they spent their time. Often they were successful in everything - in school, sports, in various hobbies. When you read how a person achieves a lot with the help of perseverance and skill, I want to repeat his feat, only in his own field. Believe me, you are no worse than these people. Only to achieve similar results, you need to defeat your laziness.
  7. Heroes of films and books are very inspiring to accomplish great things. They make you live in a new way, change your view of what is happening.
  8. There is another effective psychological method deal with laziness. It so happens that you don’t want to do the work, for the life of you. In this case, you need to arouse interest in yourself. To do this, turn off the phone, radio, TV and stand in the middle of the room just like that. You can't lie or sit. You can't close your eyes either. Just stand there until you get bored. The only thing you can change this activity for is to get to work. Usually enough - 5-15 minutes, during which a person becomes bored. He mentally begins to search the best solution to get the job done and will try to get to it as soon as possible.
  9. It helps a lot to cope with laziness a word or an argument. Tell your boss that the work will be done in a couple of days - and there will be no time for laziness, you will try to get the job done as soon as possible. Or bet with a friend that you can lose 15 kilograms in a month excess weight- and you will not have to do anything but fulfill the set condition. It is even better if the disputes are financially fixed. Tell your family members that from now on you will do push-ups every night. And then they will not miss the opportunity to remind you of your promise. Self-esteem and the value of this word will not allow you to shirk from the task. Here, no laziness can turn you off the intended path.

Do I need to fight laziness

It is dangerous to fight laziness all the time - it can defeat you completely. If she overcomes you very often, perhaps you are doing an unloved thing? Perhaps the profession you have chosen is not to your liking? It is impossible to constantly fight with spiritual impulses, so it is worth reconsidering the type of your activity.

Laziness doesn't have to be fought. You need to be able to negotiate with her. Compromise with your laziness - you work for a couple of hours, and then take a break for 20 minutes. Another example - you work all week, and devote one day to your beloved laziness - do only what you really want to do. Come up with such rules for yourself and allow yourself to be lazy in the moments allotted for this. And if laziness wants to overcome you at an unspecified time for this, click it on the nose and do not allow yourself to relax.

To get rid of laziness, you just need to start acting. Stop looking for ways to overcome this shortcoming. Just take it and start working, studying, training. Challenge yourself. Will you let your laziness control you? I think no. After all, you are a strong and purposeful person. Just prove it to yourself.

Video: how to get rid of laziness once and for all