How to quickly get rid of laziness once and for all. How to get rid of laziness, or nine ways to properly motivate yourself

Absolutely all the people who surround me often complain about laziness. It interferes with their lives, takes up a lot of time and leaves them with severe dissatisfaction with the time spent. Laziness interferes with all our life plans. You’ve already wanted to lift your own weight this week, but laziness is stopping you from getting up to train. You just wanted to start writing your coursework when laziness attacked with new forces. And that’s it, your dreams and desires have gone down the drain. So let's find out quickly how to get rid of laziness.

First, let's understand the very reason for laziness, that is, why we are lazy. There can actually be many reasons. I have come across different interpretations of this concept in different books. Some authors even argued that our laziness depends on some biochemical processes occurring in the body. Others say that everything depends on biological cycles. It seems to me that they are right, but only partially. I personally am a supporter of one very plausible theory.

It lies in the fact that our consciousness protests against things that seem unattractive to us. That is, if you don’t like something, then your brain will try with all its might to make sure you don’t do it. To do this, he can make various attempts. Let's say, keep you busy with something else, start looking for excuses, or just make you want to sleep. The theory, it seems to me, is quite interesting, but there is one addition. I believe that all this is done not by the brain, but by us, at the subconscious level.

It’s as if we ourselves understand that we don’t want to do any task and are looking for excuses on our own. This is a truly serious omission, since I am sure that all the actions and results that a person is capable of achieving are achieved through his own efforts and independently made decisions. I'll be writing a post on this topic again, so be sure to subscribe for updates. So, if you take into account that a person independently resists what he does not want, you can use several psychological tricks. They will help you understand how to overcome laziness and I'll look at them a little later.

Also, among other theories, I like one addition that will also help us quickly overcome this unpleasant infection. According to her, laziness is simply a lack of motivation to change activities. That is, you are engaged in, say, drawing and you really like it. Then you realize that it’s time to complete the order. You don’t want to change your activity, so your consciousness begins to resist. Let's also take this fact into account, as it will help us further.

The last point is interest. If you do something truly interesting, it will be quite difficult to switch to a boring activity. I don’t know how strong the interest may be, but they will have to be neglected. But let's also celebrate this concept because it is indeed correct. Remember yourself. If you are doing something that keeps you busy (for example, computer games), then starting to work is not so easy.

Based on everything that was described above, we can conclude that a person is lazy not because of some physiological state(it influences, but minimally), but purely due to psychological factors. This means that to eliminate the problem, only volitional efforts are enough. However, due to a weak level of attention and willpower, this is quite difficult to do. Therefore, special exercises, methods and methods have been developed to help overcome laziness. By the way, some of them are unique. You are unlikely to be able to find out about them if you simply type the query “ How to overcome apathy and laziness».

And before we begin to describe these methods, it is worth mentioning one more phenomenon - procrastination. This psychological phenomenon is characterized by absolute idleness. That is, this state can be called “constant procrastination.” Many people consider this a disease that requires serious solutions. In my opinion, this is simply a developed form of laziness, which means you can fight it in the same ways.

1 way. Get up and do nothing

Why not immediately attack laziness with its own weapons? You will need to use the power of inaction in order for laziness to leave your body. Remember what I said about interest? So, we'll use this concept. We need to achieve a state where even work will arouse real interest in us. True, this can be done in other ways, but this one is the most universal.

So, you need to stand somewhere quiet and do nothing. You need to stand, not sit or lie. In this case, you cannot close your eyes. Well, that is, of course, no one forbids you to blink, but you shouldn’t indulge in oblivion either. Make sure there are no entertainment items nearby, such as a radio, TV, telephone or computer. So, stand there until you want to do something. If you don’t yet have a strong desire inside you to start working, then stand still.

I remember I had a serious order that I could not complete because I kept putting it off until later. I read about this method on one of the forums and decided to try it. After about 10 minutes, I started the task at hand and completed it faster than usual. Surprisingly, sometimes it takes more time to prepare, sometimes less. I didn’t notice the exact pattern, but in any case it’s more effective than just continuing to surf entertainment sites or watch TV.

Method 2. Get inspired

Motivation or inspiration is a great way to get started. Moreover, you will do it much more efficiently than before. I would recommend this method to anyone who wants to find out how to get rid of laziness forever. You can motivate yourself in a lot of ways in various ways. I will also write a whole article on how to motivate yourself to work. If you don't want to miss it, be sure to subscribe to blog updates.

Most effective way To motivate myself to work, I believe the technique proposed by an honored Ukrainian trainer personal growth Yitzhak Pintosevich. It is as follows. You need to sit in some calm and quiet place without any distractions. Close your eyes and imagine what will happen to you if you fail to complete the task. Try to imagine everything as colorfully as possible, even feeling the smell that floats around. Now imagine what will happen if this task is completed. Give yourself ten seconds and after that time start working.

Various videos and audio recordings are also great motivation. The easiest way to find them is to search YouTube for something like “Motivation.” There you will see many videos, after watching which you will want to work several times more efficiently. For me this method works 99% of the time. In general, I am the kind of person who can be easily motivated even by ordinary words or text. Unfortunately, not all people are like this, so you should move on to other methods.

3 way. Make the task more interesting

Steve Pavlina, in his book Personal Development, describes a very interesting method that helped him deal with homework. It lies in the fact that the task needs to be done in some way that is interesting to you. Steve, for example, did math using crayons and drew the solution on cardboard, and then handed it over to the teachers in that form. I am sure that if you think carefully, you can find an alternative solution to some problem that may cause you boredom. You don't even have to search book on how to overcome laziness.

For example, when I’m too lazy to write articles, I turn on classical music, put on headphones and turn it up at full volume. Next, I imagine that I am playing the piano, and I am typing the text. Yes, the speed is significantly lost, but doing this business becomes much more interesting. Another point that I use is transformation. That is, I imagine myself as some famous, old, truly wise person who is an expert on a given topic and imagine that I am simply advising the person. The result exceeds all expectations.

Firstly, my laziness and reluctance to work completely disappear. Secondly, the quality of articles improves, since I think through every word better (sorry, I don’t do this in every article). Thirdly, it takes me less time to write articles, since thoughts literally flow like a river and I don’t need to look for sources for any new ideas. As you can see, interesting methods for completing a task can be invented in any business, even in writing articles.

4 way. Challenge yourself

A very effective method that I am using at the moment. I learned about it when I was looking for a method for the first time (5 years ago), how to overcome laziness and fear. His concept is that you need to challenge yourself. That is, set some condition that is incredibly difficult to fulfill and try to fulfill it. For example, now my task is to write a detailed, interesting article in an hour. It's quite difficult to do this, but I'm confident that I can do it.

To reinforce the result, you can use your family, loved ones and friends. Tell them that you can do push-ups every day for the next month. Believe me, if your self-esteem is high enough, you can definitely achieve what you want. If not, then read my article "". But, in any case, try not to look for excuses and try to do everything the first time, and as efficiently as possible. You will be surprised, but it will be much easier to do this than before.

I remember seeing a video in which one athlete was blindfolded and ordered to push a heavy projectile 20 meters. He said that he was extremely tired and would not be able to do it. It is worth saying that 20 meters is the usual training distance. The coach said that he would succeed, but under no circumstances could he remove the blindfold. It was hard for the athlete, tears flowed from his eyes, but he did not give up and continued to push. When he no longer had any strength left, the coach allowed him to remove the bandage. So, he managed to push the projectile 5 times further than usual, considering that he had no strength at all.

This situation can happen in absolutely any area. For example, I used to write 3,000 character articles in about half an hour. Now I manage to do twice as much in the same time. To do this, it was enough to simply challenge myself, and I successfully coped with it. Now I am developing and trying to write even faster and more interesting.

5 way. The price of a word

This method is for those who cannot even raise their hand because they are too lazy. It has been around for quite some time and has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. Perhaps I can call it the most effective way, how to overcome laziness. And its meaning is quite simple. Here you don’t just challenge yourself, but reinforce it with very significant material things. That is, with money or jewelry. The amount may vary, but is very significant.

Let's say, if you are a student, you can bet with your friends that you will complete some task for, say, 3,000 rubles. In this case, you must give the money right away, and if you can win, you simply take it. It is important that these are people who will not feel sorry for you and will guarantee that they will take your money, but will not deceive you and will easily return it. This could be a guy or girl, parents or Good friends. But it all depends on everyone specific person. I hope the basic concept this method did you understand.

Well, here we come to the end of another article that will help you become better. I have collected the best, in my opinion, ways how to get rid of laziness. By putting them into practice, you will significantly improve your life and be able to get more pleasure and buzz from it. After all, the more useful things you do, the happier you become. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. And don't forget to subscribe for updates. Bye!

Psychologists believe that laziness is the lack of desire to do what is necessary due to the fear of getting negative result. People are afraid of the consequences of mistakes, which will make them feel guilty and inferior. Therefore, a person closes himself off from the reality around him in his own little world, in which it is cozy, comfortable, safe and no action is required from him. Gradually, such people lose touch with the surrounding reality. The result of being in this state is apathy and... This in turn can lead to the degradation of the individual. In order not to bring yourself to such a state, psychologists advise using various methods of combating laziness. The effectiveness of their use depends on personal qualities and the degree of neglect of a person’s psychological state. Below are tips from a psychologist on how to get rid of laziness.

How to get rid of laziness without effort?

The simplest method of combating laziness is treating like with like. That is, you need not resist laziness, but accept it with open arms. As a rule, accessible inactivity quickly becomes boring. And having escaped from the now tedious duty of being lazy, a person begins vigorous activity with renewed energy.

How to get rid of laziness and apathy?

To get rid of laziness, it is recommended to pay attention to the state of willpower. After all, the will of every person can be strong or weak. As practice shows, successful people have a strong will. This is explained by the fact that in the process of achieving goals they have to overcome themselves. And the example of how steel is hardened can be transferred to a person, only in this way, when going through various difficulties, his will is hardened. Therefore, we need to start working on developing willpower. By overcoming oneself, one's own fears and complexes, a person gains inner confidence. Which in turn awakens feelings, emotions and the desire to live a full life.

How to get rid of laziness and depression?

A person must always understand what the “work-success” connection is. We need to understand how victories are achieved and what their essence is. After all, any work done in in full work is success, which inexorably brings you closer to victory. And only in this way, when performing your next task, can you realize your strengths and talents, ultimately receiving satisfaction from the work done.

How to get rid of laziness and love yourself?

In order for a person to begin to respect and love himself, he needs to overcome his fears. You can’t try to run away from problems or isolate yourself from others. It is necessary to openly accept the battle, to fight against negative circumstances, because in interaction with the surrounding reality, people are given the opportunity for self-realization. This in turn allows a person to live in harmony with himself.

How to get rid of laziness forever?

To prevent laziness from ever setting in, a person needs to set goals for himself, soberly assessing his capabilities. It must be taken into account that the efforts made must have a return in the form positive results. In this case, the plans will be fulfilled, and an incentive for further action will be received. And now, new plans are being drawn up to achieve the next one. And as a result, there is no desire to become despondent and give in to laziness.

Try 10 ways to get rid of laziness and choose a universal recipe for yourself that will help you out from bouts of idleness.

How to get rid of laziness - a small preface...

Today's article is about the slackers I want to teach how to get rid of laziness.

Just don’t need to roll your eyes indignantly now, saying, how dare you, Yulia, accuse me of such a sin.

Yes, you can still look for hard workers like me.

But answer the question honestly for yourself: “Has there never been a time in your life when you indulged in a fit of laziness, when you should have never done this?”

There is no need to be embarrassed, because it is unlikely that you will find a person who has never been lazy, there are simply chronic idlenesses, and there are ordinary people who simply sometimes turn out to be unable to overcome laziness.

It’s easier for the first, because they don’t consider their stupid lifestyle a problem, but the second usually experience a feeling of burning shame and begin to call themselves names last words when they are lazy.

This is exactly what my friend Nastya does, so I wrote this article for her and for my other readers with the same problem.

10 ways to get rid of laziness

I cannot guarantee that one of these methods will be 100% suitable for you, how to get rid of laziness, but having tried them all, you will surely find a universal recipe for yourself that will help you out from bouts of idleness:

    We gather all our will into a fist.

    This is my mom's advice.

    When in childhood she heard from me the words “laziness”, “reluctance” and the like, she always said: “Baby, gather all your will into a fist and do what you don’t want.

    This way you will prove that you are strong and brave.”

    I still use my mother’s advice and when the desire to become lazy comes to me, I immediately accumulate everything and prove to myself and those around me that I am not a weakling.

    We reward ourselves for good results.

    Do you know how animals are trained?

    Followed the command and got a tasty treat.

    Develop the same reflex in yourself: for a successfully completed task, you reward yourself.

    For example, you got rid of laziness, wrote an article, then spend part of the fee on something pleasant for yourself.

    Have you licked the whole house until it shines?

    It's time to relax in a perfectly decorated living room to the accompaniment of your favorite movie with a cup of aromatic tea in hand.

    We don't do anything.

    Yes, this is such an extreme method.

    Sit on a chair, fold your hands in your lap, close your eyes and sit there until you want to jump up and start doing something.

    Do you think this won't happen? Ha!

    You can’t imagine how quickly forced idleness gets boring.

    True, there is one difficulty: after you jump out of your chair, driven by the desire to start doing something, do not run to your laptop, TV or book, but get to work.

    We reduce the amount of work.

    For example, today you planned to do general cleaning, put things in order in wardrobes and dishes, wash windows, take care of house plants.

    It is clear that the amount of work is truly daunting.

    It’s better to leave something for tomorrow, say windows.

    It's easier now, right?

    And then, lo and behold, you get so carried away with your work that you wash the windows and... delicious dinner Prepare it for yourself as a reward for a successful day at work.

    Divide work into blocks.

    When a task is too long and complex, I use this tactic.

    For example, I need to write an article today, make a test, respond to your comments and look for new ones interesting topics for you.

    I make a plan:

    • 8.00–11.00 (article), then 15 minutes break;
    • 11.15–13.15 – responses to comments;
    • 13.15–14.00 – lunch;
    • 14.00–17.00 – preparation of the test, then 15 minutes break;
    • 17.15–19.00 – search for new interesting topics.
  1. Start working through “I can’t.”

    I don’t know about you, but the days when laziness tries to overcome me are the hardest for me.

    But as soon as I get carried away with some kind of work, things begin to move incredibly quickly and there is no trace left of the desire to idle today.

    Replace the work you need to do with something else.

    Let it be something unpleasant for you.

    For example, you should do test, but you don’t want to do this, so you are constantly distracted by something.

    Leave it for a while homework and go to the kitchen to clean out some pots of dried grease.

    Yes, the test after such work will seem like salvation to you.

    Imagine that tomorrow does not exist.

    This method is suitable for people with good imagination and the ability to inspire themselves with what they need.

    You need to imagine that you have one single day to complete the work.

    There is simply no tomorrow, it has disappeared.

    You can try another way of suggestion: if you don’t submit this report today, then tomorrow your boss will kill you.

    IN literally this word: he will take it and shoot it right in front of his colleagues, so that others will be discouraged from being lazy.

    Find a good reason why you should do this work.

    Honestly answer the questions “Why am I doing this?”, “What will I get if I do this job well?”

    You need to clean your home regularly, because living in clean house pleasant and healthy.

    You shouldn’t be late with the presentation, because the boss will deprive me of my bonus, and I won’t go to work in new boots, but shyly hide from people’s eyes in old foot wraps.

    Motivate yourself correctly!

    Interesting thoughts from psychologist and coach Stanislav Bodyagin on how to overcome laziness,

    watch in a short video:

    Call your council for help.

    I hope that among my readers there are no insensitive bastards who do not care about the feelings of loved ones.

    If you are a normal person who has at least sometimes experienced pangs of conscience, then take advantage of this.

    For example, imagine how upset your mother will be when she sees that you haven’t washed the dishes, how hard it will be for her to clean up the kitchen after a long day of work, how she will sigh heavily and say: “Oh, daughter, I’m so disappointed in you.” " etc.

Nastya, and my other wonderful readers, I hope that among these recipes you will find one that will help you get rid of laziness forever.

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There are days, and even unlimited periods of time, when each of us is overcome by laziness and apathy. Each of us wondered how to deal with it, because what could be simpler than just get up and start doing business? But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

Psychologists say that laziness can be viewed from three perspectives. Each of these positions has its supporters and critics. From a medical point of view, laziness is an innate property of the body to escape from overload. On the other hand, laziness can be a manifestation of fatigue, both mental and emotional. Another group of psychologists claims that laziness is a lack of motivation in an individual who has high degree of your unconsciousness.

Laziness: what is it like?

Psychologists identify three main types of laziness. Active laziness few can recognize, and moreover, it is this type of laziness that is characteristic of most of us. Each of us recognizes ourselves: we need to write a term paper, but there are always more important things to do - cleaning, preparing unimaginable exotic dishes, and the ingredients for cooking must be looked for on the other side of the city. Most important work is postponed until the very last moment and, as a result, not only does the work proceed in emergency mode, but there is also a high probability of making a bunch of mistakes. It turns out that the matter that needs to be addressed first is not of particular interest. This is where a special protective mechanism comes into play. It seems like there is laziness, because the main work has not been done, but it doesn’t seem to be there, because many other things have been done.

So how to deal with this type of laziness?First of all, you need to ask yourself why there is no desire to do this work? After this, it is necessary to strictly develop an action plan, literally schedule everything down to the minute.

Those who are forced to constantly go to work are characterized by special laziness - professional. The symptoms of such laziness are familiar to many, for example, on Sunday you feel sick at the thought that everything will start again on Monday. And already from Sunday afternoon, thoughts about going to the doctor and taking sick leave begin to occur. Monday morning is marked by mechanical fulfillment of work duties, and there is only one thought in my head - I wish I could go home quickly and it will all be over.

Cause may lie in ordinary fatigue, especially if you work without any vacation at all, and even on weekends you cannot rest properly.Sometimes there is simply no way to rest properly, and there is no opportunity to take a vacation. In this case, you need to reconsider your attitude towards work. It is worth remembering that professional success increases authority in the eyes of colleagues.

And finally, absolute laziness when interest in life is completely lost. Many people are familiar with this state in which they don’t want to do anything, and if they do it, it’s only under pressure from others or through force. Beneath this absolute laziness there may be depression, which can be caused by serious mental trauma.

Fight absolute laziness, of course, difficult, but possible. To do this, you need to think about what you need from life? What exactly do we want? Not those unrealistic dreams like finding a suitcase filled with cash, of the largest equivalent and preferably in a stable foreign currency. These are real plans! In some situations, you may need the help of a specialist - a psychologist.

The cure for laziness: is there one?

Unfortunately, a cure for laziness has not yet been invented. Moreover, the fight against laziness can lead to neuroses, why? In most cases, and as statistics show, this is 90% of cases, all these actions lead to disappointment in oneself as a person, and, accordingly, to neuroses.

After developing an action plan, we immediately begin to implement it. After all, something needs to be changed, right? We work, we struggle, we do a lot of things, but in the end? As a result, there is no quick result, simple disappointment begins - “I’m a loser”, “life is unfair”, “I’ve done so much - but there’s no effect.” What exactly is the matter? There are quite a lot of possible scenarios. Firstly, under the surge of strength and vigorous activity there may be another laziness hidden - active, it seems that we are doing a lot, but not what is necessary.

Secondly, don't wait quick results. If from year to year everything was done carelessly, then it will be difficult to gain a new, positive authority at work, and it is not so easy to correct an already familiar way of life. For these reasons, at the very first failures, you cannot give up and again surrender into the tenacious hands of laziness.

It is worth remembering that even if laziness has attacked, this is not the end! There is a way out, but it should not be a frontal attack, but some kind of cunning maneuver.

Monday Rule

Each of us tried to start new life- from Monday, next month, new year and other dates that never come! Moreover, the absence of this Monday/New Year is a law of personality, an axiom and a rule that has no exceptions. If you want to change something in your life, then it should be here and now, and not waiting for any dates.

You can draw an analogy and compare life with a taxi; the meter will tick regardless of whether the car is stationary or the movement continues. If you want to fight laziness and change your life for the better, then you need to adhere to certain rules, and not 4 days a week, but every day!

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

Laziness shackles all areas of a person’s life. Thus, poverty is an inseparable companion of intellectual laziness, loneliness can be called a manifestation of emotional laziness, but various types of illnesses in some cases are physical laziness.

If you think about it and put everything into perspective, then this is how it is. So, for example, he missed his studies there and did not continue to work on himself, replacing boring lectures or lessons in self-knowledge cheerful company with friends, at work, everything is careless and so on from day to day, from week to week. All this adds up over the course of a year, and before you know it, everything passes so quickly. There is no longer any certainty that we are at the helm of life, and it is not we who control life, but life that controls us! So what is this all for? And what happened in the end?

And all this could have been avoided, and success could have been achieved, and everything is in our hands. The most important thing is to learn to turn off laziness and follow your goal no matter what. Laziness cannot be turned off once and for all; this action must be done every time, but positive side The point is that every time it gets easier and easier. It is worth remembering that laziness is just a feeling, yes, of course, a strong one, but nothing more. This feeling is reinforced by thoughts, but each of us is quite capable of controlling our thoughts.

In addition, laziness can be provoked by any actions, circumstances, and maybe even by other people. These are so-called provocateurs, but you can completely get rid of them, and it will become easier to fight laziness.

No load

It's no secret that in the absence physical activity, even minimal ones, not only the body, but also the business can fall apart. With a sedentary lifestyle, practically irreversible consequences and various pathologies begin in the body. In almost 100% of cases, chronic fatigue syndrome is formed, and the lack of not only physical strength, but also emotional and mental strength. Often such changes go unnoticed until they become irreversible and obvious.

Emotional stress is also very important. Each of us needs emotions, some of us watch soap operas with seething passions, some of us watch intense football matches. Thus, we receive the emotions that we need. It is worth remembering that all emotions are needed, not only positive, but also negative. The statement that it is necessary to get rid of some emotions in favor of others is not true. Emotions such as anger, irritation and even anger are also necessary for brain function, and sometimes turn out to be an even better stimulus than positive emotions.

News channels and books, which can cause a storm of various emotions, can help “tickle” your nerves. But it’s worth remembering that this is not our reality, and you can’t take these emotions out on others. We survived and forgot.

Century of Development social networks and wide access to information, oddly enough, is provoked by a lack of intellectual load. Our consciousness is filled with unnecessary information - garbage, despite the fact that every day we process a lot of information - all this is idle.

Mental load is not running through information heard or read, but thinking about it. And it’s hard to think, as always. It is imperative to be able to use and constantly apply analysis and synthesis, and constantly improve yourself and learn, and not according to the school curriculum, but through your own experience.

Properties of life - problems

It is impossible to live absolutely without any problems. Need to stop blaming higher power for injustice, and stop hiding your head in the sand. In any case, there will be problems, and having gotten rid of laziness, you need to start solving them. In this case, the result, namely solving these problems, will give an excellent incentive and relieve laziness for a long time.

Problems must be approached rhetorically; problems are doors to new opportunities. Having found a solution to a problem, each time we become stronger, more cunning and wiser. This is how life wisdom is acquired.

Best tricks: how to get rid of laziness

The best remedy is positive mood. Exactly good mood is the main success. It’s not for nothing that the expression “work burns in your hands” exists. What does this mean? If you want to succeed and do everything efficiently, do it with passion. Unfortunately, work does not always bring emotional satisfaction, and you can rarely find people who will say that they simply adore their work. But there is a way out here too. It is necessary to position and love yourself as a person who does this work conscientiously and efficiently.

Even in the most dull work you can find something positive, for example, there is no answering service, but an all-knowing, friendly and conscientious call center employee who is ready to help any less enlightened person.

In addition, it is necessary to remember that any work is a springboard, and it is necessary to take experience from it, some new knowledge and, of course, not be lazy. And if you perceive any work in this spirit, then there will be results!

You shouldn't start working in the summer. The first thing you need to think about is expectations. And such are the expectations and attitude in work like “work because you have to”, or “work, but how else?” Such an attitude will not lead to anything good - in the end, laziness will set in, which will be difficult to get rid of.

Therefore, you need to choose the following attitudes for yourself for any business and stick to them:

Helping people;
The desire to prove oneself as a specialist and achieve success in this field;
I want to achieve phenomenal success and be the first in this field.

By analyzing and understanding these attitudes, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing laziness.

Routine - away! Do everything to do nothing? Eat, wash the dishes, go shopping, check your email, watch the news, read friends' blogs... It is clear that all this distracts from the main tasks and can only be done in your free time.

To stop being lazy, you need to do nothing. No kidding. Stand in the middle of the room and do nothing, absolutely nothing: don’t eat, don’t drink, don’t read, don’t lie down, don’t listen to music, don’t think. In less than fifteen minutes, you will definitely get down to business.

Force yourself to work for five minutes, it’s much easier than getting down to business, realizing that you have to work all day. You can endure anything for five minutes, and at the same time it is enough to start working. Then you won't be able to stop.

Break big things down into parts. Taking on a big task is simply impossible. Break it into small parts and do it one at a time - it's much easier.

People are divided into “larks” and “night owls”. Owls are usually lazy all day, inventing endless excuses, and only get down to business in the evening. Dear owls, we are with you equally We can work both during the day and in the evening.

Any work should be rewarded, therefore, when working, it is useful to reward yourself on time. Once you have completed part of the task, have a cup of coffee with your favorite cookies, take a walk or just relax for 5 minutes. It's a good habit.

And, as already mentioned, don’t put it off until tomorrow. Tomorrow is the busiest day of the week, because we constantly put things off until tomorrow. If you want to start your life again, do it right now - tomorrow some very urgent matter will appear or you will simply change your mind. Even if it’s quite late, start your business today - finishing what you started is easier than starting something new.

Achieve success in your business, and let laziness no longer stand in your way!

IN Lately somehow everyone no longer had enough motivation. For some, inspiration. Some magic pills. To someone, no less magical, a “pendal”. The essence does not change.

This is understandable, without motivation you will not achieve your goals and desires, which means you will not achieve success. Motivation is the key to action. And, if at first you simply find this key, for example, by setting a goal, then maintaining your inner heat throughout the entire movement towards this goal is much more difficult.

In any case, the absolute majority switches to a more comfortable mental mode. Laziness.

This article will focus on how to maintain motivation and get rid of the most useless human character trait - excessive laziness. So, let's answer the question: how to overcome laziness?

Everyone wants our lethargy, laziness, decay and other cherry blossoms to turn into good spirits, energy and monstrous performance, don’t they?

But I will disappoint you. Our world is a world for the lazy. This means you take on the challenge every day: social. network, a new film/series and other entertainment (which were invented by enterprising people and who do not need competitors - precisely those who achieve their goals). You stop creating something new and developing. And if you lose in a battle with the world, you become a consumer, a recipient of the human system.

Those. our world itself - provokes laziness.

Take a look at yourself from the outside: How accustomed are you to comfort?

What will you do if you remove, for example, a computer from your life? The answer doesn't immediately come to mind, does it? But remove the shops, and where will you get food? Already another task.


  • It depends only on you who you will be: part of the gray crowd or a WINNER.
  • It depends only on YOU whether you will become SUCCESSFUL.
  • Only YOU can MAKE your life BETTER.

7 simple and effective ways to overcome laziness.

So, laziness manifests itself differently for everyone. For example, you get up in the morning, have breakfast, wash your face, and then go back to your bed and... lie on it all day. The evening has come, and you, in addition to eating a lot tasty food, sit through VK, go through a couple of levels in an old favorite game / make a few dozen kills in a new one - they still didn’t do anything.

Well, then: extra pounds, stress, dissatisfaction with life, and loss of strength.

How to get rid of laziness? There are many ways. But of the simple ones, the most effective in my opinion:

  • “Exercise” and contrast shower

  • Preventing Fatigue

  • Rule: every piece of paper is unfinished business

  • Time management technique: priority

  • "Freeze"

  • "Carrot and Stick"

  • Awareness of the ultimate usefulness of one's own life

Let's look at them in more detail.

1. “Exercise” and contrast shower

Start every morning with exercise and a contrast shower. Neither of ways to overcome laziness It won’t work if you don’t do the fundamental, basic things - exercise after sleep and a contrast shower.

Useful feature

Exercise can be different: from aerobics to yoga, exercise therapy – whatever you want. The main thing is that it energizes and is beneficial for your body and overall health. That’s why it’s in quotation marks, because it comes from the word “charge.” At the same time, if we spend half an hour on exercise in the morning, then we can safely add 1.5 hours to the duration of our happy life, every day.

A shower is necessary not only for hygiene, but also for clearing your thoughts. We use it as a form of mental relaxation, which perfectly clears our mental ducts. You've probably noticed that there is an urge in your soul to “think”?

In general, using only a shower and the right mental states, you can easily gain confidence, motivation, composure, unbending will and monstrous concentration. Using (an example of such a technique and the correct meditative state can be seen in the chapter of my newsletter. I recommend everyone to read the entire mini-book)

Well, for those who use a contrast shower, there is no need to explain what 100% charging is :). They get things done without any problems. At the same time, such a shower removes negative mental programs in your head in an instant by turning the faucet to “cold.”

And you are cheerful, energetic and ready to act RIGHT NOW!

It's simple.

2.Prevent fatigue

The cause of laziness can be a person’s fatigue, which is often caused by monotonous work.

Useful feature

Solution: to use one of ways to combat laziness, switch from monotonous work to any other. Everyone is familiar with the word “desire,” but not everyone can make themselves want to do something. There are times when you need to do fairly monotonous work. Many are lazy and throw it on the back burner, and some, gritting their teeth, forcing themselves, sit down, but the work just doesn’t go well.

To eliminate bouts of laziness, give yourself 20-minute breaks, during which you will disconnect from monotonous work and do other things. As soon as the time is up, we start the monotonous work.

3. Every piece of paper on the table is unfinished business.

If you don't want to work, clean up your workplace. Remember, every piece of paper is unfinished business. Your job is to solve things (yes, tell that to that guy in the mirror). This means you shouldn’t have any unresolved matters.

Remember this principle and apply it immediately!

Get started by cleaning the place. Once you see order, a loop often appears feedback, and the person has a desire to do some more work.

4. Time management: priority

Following this principle can greatly help people who have been “overstaying their time.” We use direct motivation from planning and expected results. For example, we don’t want to start any work. What are we doing? We are looking for the benefits that this business will bring us. Next, we organize the space, i.e. - is our psychological condition(it directly depends on the environment that surrounds us; another “plus” for cleaning, exercise and shower)

And that is why, by the way, there should always be order everywhere: at work, at home, on the table, in the kitchen.

All matters, according to the rules of time management, must be divided into three groups:

  • matters that cannot be postponed;
  • important matters, but not requiring immediate execution;
  • small routine matters.

Principles to be followed:

  • the ability to correctly set a goal;
  • the ability to correctly determine life priorities;
  • ability to use all planning tools;
  • developing the necessary habits.

If you use these tips, you will not only get rid of laziness, but also become an even more successful person.

5. "Freeze"

Information overload? Throw everything! Lie down, relax and don't think about anything!

The trick is that using this way to overcome laziness and by stopping to think, we calm our own mind, and relaxation leads to rest of the body. This restores strength: both physical and mental.

At the same time, our body is not very good at living in a calm rhythm. This means you won’t have to lie down for a long time. The thought of a free mind, like a good motivator, will quickly get you out of bed.


Note: if you cannot rest, you are constantly lethargic and do not want anything, please note that you may have emotional and mental destabilization. Change the situation!

6. Gingerbread and stick

It's simple: do the hard work, reward yourself.

After labor-intensive and extensive work, you can reward yourself somehow, for example, buy a chocolate bar, a new phone or a car. The size of the gift depends on how difficult the work you did, how much effort you put into it to make it work.

Thus, our mind “knows” that it is destined for guaranteed pleasure after the work is completed. And this is a fairly effective motivator that clearly answers the question “ how to overcome laziness?«.