House planning samples. Free house project: a complete set of drawings with descriptions and recommendations

The construction of your own living space has many nuances. Before starting construction, the location of the future cottage, its size and number of storeys are selected. Budgetary and practical option there will be a choice in favor of a one-story house, the plan of which is easier and faster to draw up than multi-level structures. Various sizes and variety design solutions will allow you to find a project for building one floor for each.

The plan for a one-story building can be thought out on your own if you have certain technical knowledge, or you can turn to professionals and order a finished project. Any of the chosen methods should include not only a schematic drawing, but also the exact dimensions. load-bearing walls, interior slabs, roof type and building materials.

An estimate is made based on the plan of a one-story house. If you contact a construction organization and order the construction of a turnkey cottage, then an additional contract is drawn up with the terms of work and the total cost.

Here are some examples of plans one-story houses with photo and description:

Photo Short description The cost of construction with the work of craftsmen, rub.

Project "Fable" with a total area of \u200b\u200b124.7 m², of which the living area is 116.9 m². Reinforced concrete foundation, and the walls are made of concrete blocks with polystyrene foam insulation. The ceilings are made of wooden beams with a mineral wool seal, and the roof is a gable of metal tiles2060000

One-story house project with an attic and a garage. The total area is 164.4 m². The dimensions of the garage are 11 by 16 m, the basement is not provided, as is the basement. Included in the plan is a dining room, bathroom, toilet, terrace, loggia, garage, corridor, and 4 bedrooms. Suitable for a large family.From 2,000,000 depending on the selected material

The layout of a one-story house with an area of \u200b\u200b150 sq. m. House with garage, bathroom and 4 bedrooms. Designed for a plot small area, while suitable for a large family. The choice of materials is individual.From 2030000

When choosing a suitable ready-made project and ordering the construction of a house, consider how many family members will live under one roof and leave a stock for possible replenishment.

Advantages and disadvantages of one-story houses

Understanding the topic of construction, each project has its own plus and minuses. If you do not start from the chosen material, then among one-story houses there are several general advantages:

  • structures on one floor are safe for children and the elderly;
  • the correct distribution of rooms will allow several generations of a family to live comfortably under one roof;
  • there is no effect of “walking over the heads”: there will be no noise from moving on the second floor;
  • the construction itself and the preparation of the project take much less time than multi-level structures;
  • the house is easier and easier to care for;
  • a wide variety of design solutions in external decoration.

There are several negative pointsassociated with the choice one-story plan for home:

  • the size of the site directly affects the dimensions of the building;
  • the cost of one floor can exceed the price for a house of two levels: due to the high costs of pouring the foundation, an increase in the roof area and a longer length of engineering systems .

Advice! Before choosing a one- or two-story structure, weigh the pros and cons, and also consult with other family members so as not to make a mistake in the project.

One-story houses can be expanded during operation, which is an undoubted plus, persuading many people to build just such cottages.

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In the article we will consider: projects and prices, photos best models houses, how to choose the material and the subtleties of erecting a domed structure, instructions for the construction of a non-standard structure and other useful recommendations.

Interesting photos of projects of one-story houses with a description

One-story houses vary in size. There are standard projects that can be implemented in the most unimaginable way:

  • house 8 by 8 m;
  • dimensions 10 by 10 m;
  • building 10 by 8 m.

Moreover, each of the options can be expanded immediately during construction or after its completion:

  • Design a roof with an attic. The cost of construction does not increase, but an additional extension on the second floor is obtained, which can be used as an office or a bedroom.
  • Add to ground floor, where you can equip a sauna or make a large pantry.
  • To make a single-pitched version of the roof, for this one wall rises, forming an additional niche, which can also be operated at will.

  • A flat roof will be a good option for arranging a recreation area. Or you can lay the increased strength of the foundation and walls for the completion of the second floor in the future. The second option is more expensive, but more functional.
  • If the area of \u200b\u200bthe site allows, you can attach a room by increasing the dimensions of the house.

When preparing a plan for a one-story house, it is worth considering all the nuances and taking into account the prospects for expansion.

Plan of a one-story house 8 by 8 with a basement: photo and description of options

Projects of houses with a basement floor are in great demand due to a number of advantages:

  • less materials are spent on construction;
  • the underground floor serves as an additional foundation for the house;
  • you can move all the utility rooms to the basement, freeing up the area on the site itself;
  • perfect for placing heating equipment and a water supply unit;
  • convenient to use as.

The disadvantages include an increase in the cost of the project, since it is necessary to create good ventilation and waterproofing in the basement room.

Important! Not every plot is suitable for building a house with a basement.

To understand whether you can build a house with a basement on your site, you should answer a few questions:

  • How deep does groundwater go? If they are close to the surface, the arrangement of the basement is impossible.
  • What type of soil will be under the house? This layout option is not suitable for swampy areas.
  • What is the slope of the soil? If the site has a strong slope, leveling the large surface will be too costly.

Here are some photos of plans for the basement of a one-story house 8 by 8 m:

Layout of one-story houses 10 by 10 meters with an attic: photos and advantages of buildings

The layout of a 10 by 10 m one-storey house with an attic will include about 150 m² of living space, which is enough for a large family with children. Such structures with a large "attic" have many advantages:

  • savings on building materials: unlike a large gable roof, it is included in the plan and estimate;
  • the functionality of the house doubles with correct use attic;
  • ease of communications, which can simply be lifted from the first floor;
  • the cottage will keep warm longer thanks to the large roof;
  • you can use an additional room for arranging a non-residential recreation area;
  • the opportunity to show design talents in the arrangement of the attic room.

In this case, the design also has negative aspects:

  • if construction technologies are not followed, the upper floor will be cold;
  • attic windows are 2-3 times more expensive than usual;
  • in winter, the amount of natural light may be reduced due to the large amount of snow.

At the same time, the layout of rooms in a one-story house 10x10 with or without an attic can be very diverse. Here are some interesting photo examples:

The plan of a one-story house 8 by 10 meters with a garage: design features

Plans for one-story houses with a garage are very common, because almost everyone has a private car, and sometimes more than one. Such designs allow you to take care of your car in all weather conditions. It is easy to make an extension, and communications will not be difficult.

Here are a number of advantages of building a one-story 8x10 house combined with a garage:

  • comfort: in addition to protecting the car, it is easier to bring bulky items into the house through the garage doors;
  • savings: you do not have to build the walls and foundation for the garage separately, while one partition will turn out to be common, which will save on building materials;
  • functionality: in addition to the car in the garage, you can leave bulky things for children (bicycles and strollers), as well as store garden tools, using the entire area as efficiently as possible.

The disadvantages include:

  • if the garage is not insulated, then the cold will blow into the house;
  • the proximity of exhaust gases from the car with an improperly installed ventilation system will lead to air pollution in living quarters.

The project of a one-story house 8x10 with a garage can be combined with an attic and get the maximum possible amount of living and functional space on a small plot area.

Here are a few interesting options houses with an extension for a car:

What is included in the development of a one-story house project

Drawing up a project is one of the main stages of construction. If you do not take into account all the nuances of the area of \u200b\u200bthe site, the type of soil and the requirements for the finished structure, there can be a lot of difficulties in the process of building a house.

The design of the premises should take into account several points:

  • Dimensions of the site itself... The house should be located so that there is free space around the perimeter. If you place the structure close to the edge, then the fence will cover some of the windows. And also many owners of private territories want to leave space for a vegetable garden or garden. When choosing the shape and dimensions of the house, it is worth considering all the nuances future life in him.
  • Soil features... The possibility of using the basement and the location of the house itself depends on this factor. As well as the amount of materials for the foundation and the possibility of completing the second floor in the future.

  • Room size requirement... For some people, it is fundamentally important to have several large and small rooms. The project must be drawn up in such a way that all the space allocated for the house is rationally taken into account.
  • Proximity or installation of autonomous communications... If a line with water supply, sewerage, electricity or gas passes nearby, the building should be erected close to the connection so as not to spend extra money on laying pipes and pulling wires. If you plan to install a private water supply or septic tank, this is also taken into account at the stage of project preparation.

Having thoroughly worked out the plan of a one-story house 8 by 8 m or using other dimensions, having drawn up a detailed estimate, the construction itself and the connection of the building to communications will take much less time, effort and money.

One-story house plan up to 100 sq. m - construction of buildings for a comfortable life

One-storey houses with an attic, up to 100 sq.m. can be an excellent solution for small areas located within the city. Such designs are very popular due to their affordable cost and low physical construction costs. Moreover, for construction you can use different material ranging from timber to concrete blocks.

There are a number of advantages of a small house with an attic:

  • high speed of construction construction and project preparation;
  • less material costs for foundation and building materials;
  • it is easier to provide the entire room with the necessary communications;
  • you can order a ready-made project of economy or luxury class;
  • the building can be erected on almost any type of soil, without fear of destruction or settlement of the house.

The disadvantages include the limited space and layout options, since only 3-4 full-fledged rooms can fit on the ground floor.

Advice! If you want to find the most affordable option, opt for a foam block house.

Among standard projects, distinguish dimensions:

  • 8x10 m.

Each design has its own characteristics, and externally it can be made in any design, distinguishing your house from others.

The plan of a one-story house 6 by 6 m: interesting photo examples of finished works

For planning one-storey cottage it may take a lot of time, but the construction process itself, with a well-prepared plan, will go much faster. IN small house important to consider correct location rooms with maximum rational use the entire living area.

Among the plans for small houses 6x6 m with one floor, you can find very interesting options. Here are some photo examples of circuits and finished buildings:

The living area in such a modest room is only 36 m², but even in such an area you can equip a sleeping room and a living room, and move the nursery to the attic. It is better to make the bathroom combined, making room for the kitchen or hallway. Such designs are often chosen by older couples or small young families with one child.

The plan of a one-story house 9 by 9 m: photo examples with room distribution options

There are quite a lot of layouts of a one-story house 9 by 9 m, despite the modest living space. You can make a plan yourself or order ready version from the masters. Here are some interesting room layouts:

A one-storey house 9 by 9 m can be built from brick, stone, timber, energy-saving panels or foam blocks. The latter is the most affordable option. You can add a garage or an attic to any design to make the room larger and more functional.

On average, the total living area will be 109 m², and the facades can be very diverse. Here are some ready-made beautiful houses 9x9 m:

Layout of a one-story house 8 by 10 m with a photo

When planning the construction of a house and drawing up a project, it is worth thinking through many nuances, starting from the number of people in the family, ending with the location of the building on the site with a choice of the location of the windows.

Modern technologies allow you to create 3D projects of one-story houses 8 by 10 m, taking into account their location on the site. To do this, use special computer programs, where it is even possible to distribute rooms and arrange furniture.

There are many layouts and distribution options for living rooms, you can choose a project for a one-story 8x10 house with an attic or an attached garage, as well as think over the basement. All this allows you to maximize the usable area in the building.

Here are some interesting layouts:

Projects of one-story houses up to 150 m²: photo and description of layouts

Single-storey houses with a living area of \u200b\u200bup to 150 m² are perfect for families of 4-5 people. They can accommodate three bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen, as well as attach a garage, make a basement floor, where to move all communication wiring. Attic - also a good idea for small buildings.

According to European standards, a house up to 150 m² is classified as a small one, in such structures there are a number of advantages:

  • variability of material for building a house (timber, stone, foam block and others);
  • compactness, which is important for small areas;
  • less consumption of building materials and physical costs, which makes construction cheaper;
  • small living space allows you to save on utility bills.

You can design a house yourself or order ready plan with the construction of a turnkey building. There are several standard sizes of cottages up to 150 m²:

  • 10 by 12 m;
  • 12x12 m;
  • 11 by 11 m.

As well as options with a plinth, attic and garage.

Plans for a one-story house 10 by 12 and 12 by 12 m with photo examples

The average living area in a 10 by 12 house is 140 m² with an attic floor. Distribution of rooms, like external appearance at home can be varied. When choosing a project, it is worth considering the number of family members who will live under one roof.

Moreover, any version of a one-story building will have a number of advantages:

  • the ability to make an attic with a gable roof, increasing the area;
  • there is an option to build a garage or an additional room to the side of the house, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe site allows.
  • ease of use and maintenance at home: great for children or the elderly, as there is no need to climb the stairs;
  • you can implement almost any design idea in the facade by mounting arches or other decorations.

Among finished projects the layout of one-story houses 10x10 or 10x12 m is different. Here are some photo examples to help you imagine your future home:

The plan of a one-story house 11 by 11 m from a bar with a photo

Among all the options, a special place is occupied by one-story houses made of timber, which can be of any footage, including 11 by 11 m. Natural material always attracts the attention of consumers, looks beautiful on any site, and with proper construction, the service life of buildings is long.

Among all the advantages of timber buildings, there are several main advantages:

  • timber can be ordinary and profiled, so you can choose various options facade decor;
  • the material is durable and environmentally friendly;
  • easy to install wiring in the house: no difficulty in drilling walls;
  • the tree does not let the cold through: houses can be erected even in climates with severe winters.

The disadvantages include the ability of the tree to absorb moisture, so an additional layer of waterproofing of the walls will be required, and a special composition should also be applied to prevent the formation of rot and mold. Wood is classified as an expensive material, so even a one-story house can hardly be classified as a cheap building.

There are many planning options, for example, wooden one-story houses 11 by 11 m with an attic look beautiful. Here are some photo examples of different ready-made designs:

One-story house plan 12 by 12: room distribution options

It is easier to think over the layout of a one-story house 12x12 m, because big square allows you to place rooms in any order, make several large or many small rooms. The attic floor is given for offices and children's rooms or non-residential recreation areas are equipped, and additional opening of the terrace can serve as a summer refuge from the heat and scorching sun.

Choosing a suitable arrangement of rooms, you can draw up your project by hand or in a special 3D editor, take a ready-made version as a basis, or order a plan from specialists in a construction company in your city.

Here are several options for the layout of houses 12 by 12 m, as well ready-made structures:


When starting to design their own home, many homeowners think about its size and room layout. And, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe building largely depends on the territory of the site and its landscape, you can choose the layout of the rooms yourself. Moreover, even for a small building, various options are possible - especially if you supplement the plan of a one-story house with an attic or basement floor. Although, before starting the development of a project (independently or with the help of specialists), you should familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of low-rise buildings.

Most often, the plan of a one-story house chosen for construction has many advantages over multi-storey cottages and summer cottages. These include:

  • minimum construction time - less time will be spent on a building with one floor compared to a two-story building similar in total and living area;
  • simple construction technology - for one-story buildings, too thick load-bearing walls are not required;
  • absencedangerous, primarily for children and the elderly. Buildings with an attic no longer have this advantage - but for them it is possible to provide for the placement of children's rooms for older family members on the ground floor;
  • relatively low load on the foundation, thanks to which less time and money is spent on the construction of the base. For the same reason, such buildings - especially the lighter one-story timber houses - can be built on any soil;
  • increased heating efficiency - both air and water;
  • simplified execution renovation works - especially outdoor.

Among the disadvantages of such a building, it is worth noting it big size in terms of compared to multi-storey housing. A house with one floor will be longer and wider than a two- or three-story version. As a result, the area of \u200b\u200bthe site will be seriously reduced. In addition, the dimensions of a one-story building are often limited by the relief of the territory - for example, a ravine or a beam.

Photos of projects of one-story houses and an increase in space

One of the main tasks of the owners of a one-story building is the layout of the premises on the available area. The large size of the building or a small number of residents makes it possible to simplify the design, placing rooms in much the same way as in a city apartment. However, the plan of a one-story house 6 x 6 or even 8 x 8 in the presence of 4-6 people in the family requires an expansion:

  • ground floor, on which utility rooms are most often arranged;

  • the construction of an attic, which is, in terms of time and money, a cross between the second floor and an ordinary roof, but providing 50 to 90% of additional space for bedrooms, an office or a nursery;

  • device of a pitched roof, allowing you to use part of the attic for storing things or working area... In fact, it will be the same attic, but with a smaller percentage of space increase and reduced building costs;

  • a flat roof, which, as the photos and plans of one-story houses show, can become a place for games (of course, with the installation of reliable fences around the perimeter) and summer recreation - right up to the location of a barbecue area there.

Another option for expanding the area is plans for one-story houses with a garage - although they do not become more space for housing, however, space is saved for the placement of a farm building. As a result, the building may have big sizes for a similar site. At the same time, the garage can be made heated or simply equipped with an additional entrance directly from the house, improving the comfort from using the car in the cold season.

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Plan of a one-storey house 8 by 8 with a basement: extension down

The main feature that distinguishes the plan of a one-story house 8 by 8 m with a basement from the same buildings without a basement is the expansion of the area downward, towards the foundation. Because of this, the process of building the foundation is more time and cost intensive. However, the result is additional space that can be used:

  • to increase the utility area by placing a premise, boiler room or gym on the basement floor;
  • to expand the living space - the bedrooms located in the basement are cool in summer and higher than on the first floor.

Sometimes the basement plan of an 8 by 8 one-story house includes even a small pool, for which there would not be enough space even in a building with a larger area. And the only serious disadvantage of such a design solution is the increased requirements for waterproofing. If the basement floor is not waterproofed correctly, it will not be possible to place living quarters on its territory.

One-storey house 10 x 10 meters with an attic: layout with expansion up

For a relatively large 10x10 single-storey house, the layout of the rooms suggests a lot of options. The premises for which there is enough space in such a house include from 2 to 4 bedrooms, a spacious kitchen, most often combined with a living room, a bathroom and a pantry. But, even if this area is not enough, the building can be expanded - this time upwards. Attic floor - perfect option for a homeowner who cannot afford to build a two-story home.

The advantages of choosing an attic floor include:

  • rational use of the under-roof space, which will now house a residential or utility area, and not an ordinary attic;
  • a small load, which is provided by the layout of a one-story house 10 by 10 m with an attic on the foundation and the ground;
  • savings in building materials compared to a two-story building.

In this case, the expansion of space can be significant. Even a house with gable roof, under which the attic is equipped, increases the area by 50–67% compared to the first floor. For a sloping roof, the increase will be from 80 to 90 percent, although it will also require large costs for rafter system and roofing materials.

A properly designed layout of a one-storey 10x10 house will comfortably accommodate a family of 5-6 people. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe building will be at least 140–150 sq. M. m, even taking into account the flight of stairs. And the maximum size can reach 170-180 sq. m - enough even for two average families of 3-4 people.

Plan of a one-storey house 8 x 10 meters with a garage: extension to the side

Even in a building with one floor, a small heated garage can be provided. The result will be the following benefits:

  • no need to build a separate building for a car;
  • additional convenience of using the car. Having made a project of a one-story house 8x10 with a garage and an entrance inside the building, it is not necessary to dress when getting into the car in the cold season;
  • improving vehicle safety;
  • an increase in the likelihood that the vehicle will start in any weather.

If there is not enough space in the house even without a garage, this room can be taken outside - leaving it under the same roof, but placing it outside the territory of 8 x 10 meters. The result is savings compared to separately standing building for auto. It is worth locating a garage separately even if there are two or more cars in the family. In such small house there is not enough space for them, even if you make an attic.

Main feature buildings with built-in or adjacent garage is the ability to place the car under the same roof with living quarters. This is not difficult for a flat or gable roof. A certain problem is only a broken roof, the angles of the slopes of which do not allow them to be extended to the garage. And in order to figure out how a building with a garage will look like, it is worth considering first a 3D project of a one-story house 8 by 10 m, visualized using computer program.

Expanding the space in a one-story house of any size does not have to be done in just one way. An excellent option would be to use several techniques at once. For example, the construction of a building in which there will be a basement, an attic, and a garage attached to the main premises.

Design rules for one-story houses

In order for the layout of a one-story cottage to be executed correctly, and to live in such a building comfortably, one should be guided by certain recommendations for the location of premises and other elements. So, for example, it is desirable to divide the space into two parts - a utility area and a residential area. The first consists of a kitchen, a pantry, a boiler room and, if there are such premises in the house, a laundry, a workshop and a garage. The living area includes an entrance hall, a living room, a dining room, a veranda and a bathroom - the so-called "day area". "Evening" rooms include bedrooms and sanitary blocklocated in the attic.

To reduce the cost of the residential part of the building, the area of \u200b\u200bthe corridors and should be reduced. To do this, they can be combined with a living room or even a kitchen. And the kitchen will be convenient to use if it is located next to the dining room and living room. Or, again, it is combined with them into one common room. The combined kitchen, dining room, living room and hallway are located in one space, not divided, and save building space.

If there are several married couples (for example, three generations at once) for each of them its own bedroom should be provided. And on the attic floor there should be a second bathroom, which makes it possible to simplify the implementation of hygiene procedures. In this case, it is recommended to make two or three separate entrances to the house, located closer to that part of the house, which is intended for their part of the family.

For the flight of stairs, natural light should be used - for this, it is placed next to the windows. When designing a structure for moving between the first floor and the attic, you should determine its location. Most often, the stairs are arranged in a hallway or corridor. Less often, a separate part of the room is provided for it. And sometimes the passage to attic floor arranged from the living room or dining room.

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Conducting engineering networks and communications in the building

For supporting comfortable conditions for living in a private one-story house, communications must be carried out. First of all, water supply, provided by a centralized water supply system, own well or well. For the latter option, a pump, filters and a reservoir for storing a supply of liquid are necessarily provided. And the pipes are cold and hot water (in the presence of centralized water supply) are placed one above the other - the first under the second. Thus, condensate from the cold water supply system will not enter the DHW pipeline,

Sewerage for country house assumes local treatment facilities – . Such systems are safe and do not require a constant call of the sewer for cleaning. The location of the sewage tank is no closer than 4–6 m from the residential building.

As heating system a private one-story building most often use a boiler and a closed loop of pipelines with water or others. heating equipment can operate on gas (if there is a centralized supply of this resource), on solid, liquid fuel or electricity. The first option is the most profitable, the last is the safest. And the use, fuel oil or coal, although it complicates the use of the heating system, it provides maximum energy independence - no communications are required for the operation of such equipment.

To provide a house with electricity, you first need to calculate the consumption, conclude an energy supply contract, conduct wiring in the building and connect to the network. In this case, one of two types of connection can be used - air and underground. Running cables underground is a less profitable option, but safer. Overhead wires run to the house faster, but can ruin appearance buildings, and are practically not protected from the cliff.

One-story house plan up to 100 sq. m - a solution for a small family

Projects one-story buildings up to 100 sq. m are intended for small families of 3-4 people. They are the best option and, if necessary, place housing in a limited area. In this case, the total area can be increased the usual ways - with the help of attic and basement floors. Such a one-storey house with an attic area of \u200b\u200bup to 100 sq m will provide comfortable accommodation for up to 6 people.

Despite its compact size, it is possible to arrange from 2 to 4 bedrooms inside such a building (two on the ground floor, two on the attic). And as materials for building a house, both standard bricks and aerated concrete or foam concrete blocks, and even a tree. Buildings made of laminated veneer lumber can serve their owners for several decades.

Plan of a one-story house 6 by 6: organization of space

The use of timber construction technologies is one of the most popular options for implementing a plan small house 6x6 m with one floor. A small building will practically not take up space on the site. And in the presence of an attic, it will provide accommodation or recreation for a medium-sized family.

The advantage of this option is:

  • minimal construction costs due to savings on materials;
  • fast construction of an object that can be put into operation in 30-50 days;
  • aesthetic characteristics of wood, which make it possible to do without even finishing the facade.

However, the plan of a 6x6 m house with an attic floor does not necessarily involve the use of wood. The building can be made from any other suitable materials... Not a bad option are those that also provide a high speed of work and high thermal insulation characteristics of the walls.

because of small size at home, almost the entire residential part is located in the attic. The first floor is intended for the kitchen, bathroom, dining room and living room. Sometimes there is enough room below for small bedroom... If the family consists of only two people, it is allowed not to make an attic - although the total area of \u200b\u200bsuch a house will not exceed the size of an average one-room apartment.

Plan of a one-story house 9 by 9 and planning possibilities

The currently popular layout of a one-story house 9 by 9 m provides for the placement of rooms, also designed for a relatively small family. So, on the first floor of the building, normal living conditions are provided for no more than 4 people. If there is an attic, at least six people can be accommodated here.

The standard arrangement of rooms in such a building is something like this:

  • in the lower part there is a kitchen, a bathroom, a boiler room, an entrance hall and a dining room. If necessary, the office is also located here;
  • on top there are 2 large or 3 small bedrooms, a nursery and a wardrobe;
  • the second bathroom can also be located in the attic.

Thanks to the rather large area of \u200b\u200bthe lower part, a compact sauna and a pantry can easily be placed here. Side can be positioned closed veranda, further increasing the area of \u200b\u200bthe building. Although you can place it on the territory of the house, as well as small garage for one car.

Layout of a one-story house 8 by 10: features of the placement of rooms

The dimensions of 8 by 10 meters provide approximately the same planning possibilities as a 9 by 9 house. The only serious difference is that when placed inside a garage it will occupy a smaller area - not 3 x 9 m, but only 3 by 8 m. , like any other one-story building, is divided into two functional parts - residential and utility. At the same time, the first floor will be enough for 2–4 people. Although most often the building is performed with an attic. If there is no need to use it as a living area, the heating system is simply not installed inside, using the attic floor only in the warm season.

Features of the layout largely depend on the number of residents. For four, it is enough to place two bedrooms in the attic. For six you need three. One of the bedrooms can be left on the ground floor, although there is enough space in the attic for the entire living area, except for the living room or dining room. The standard plan of a one-story house 8x10 with an attic may also provide for a children's room. And, if a building of this size is used as a summer residence, the attic floor may not be divided into parts at all by partitions. One bedroom is placed at the bottom, the upper part of the house is used as one large room... They can stand here, and even desk.

Much attention should be paid to the living room when planning a house or summer cottage 10 by 10 with an attic. It is often combined with a dining room and kitchen. And the result is the ability to place a significant number of relatives or friends in a common room.

Projects of one-story houses up to 150 m 2: photos and features

Almost any layout of a one-story house with an area of \u200b\u200b150 sq m will allow you to place the following types of premises:

  • at least 3 bedrooms (sometimes 4 or 5 if the house is with an attic);
  • large living room, dining room and spacious kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b8 to 15 sq. m. The same premises can be combined into one common;
  • two bathrooms - the first downstairs, the second in the attic.

The placement of other rooms is strictly individual. If there is a person working from home in the family, an office may be included in their composition. On the ground floor there is a sauna, a boiler room and, sometimes, a garage. Although the building has a total area of \u200b\u200b120 to 150 sq. m there may not be an attic at all.

Plans for a one-story house 10 by 12 and 12 by 12: a good choice for large families

In most cases, a spacious living room, bathroom, dining room and study are marked on the plan of a one-story house with three 10x12 bedrooms. Some of the rooms can be combined. For example, a kitchen and dining room will provide more space with no partitions between them. And to further increase the space, it is worthwhile to provide for the location of the living area in the attic. Here, another sanitary block will also look appropriate for storing things that are not suitable for the season.

When planning buildings of this size - at the same time, the parameters of the house may slightly change up or down (in about the same way, buildings of 10 x 12 meters are planned) are guided by the following factors:

  • location of rooms along the cardinal points. It is desirable that the walls of the nurseries and bedrooms face the south, and most of their windows face the west, so that the morning sun does not wake up the residents too early;
  • rooms of the "day zone" (living room and dining room) can be located closer to the exit or to the veranda, if it is included in the plan;
  • the shape of the living quarters should be rectangular.

It is undesirable to make any of the bedrooms or living room walk-throughs. And the calculation of the optimal area is carried out in accordance with the norm of 8 sq. m per child. For married couples, a bedroom of about 15 sq. m. If the building is home to 2 families, you can provide a separate entrance for it.

The plan of a one-story house 12 by 12: an analogue of a small two-story building

Any layout of a 12x12 m one-storey house chosen according to a standard or individually developed project is an excellent opportunity to arrange rooms in accordance with the requirements of residents and the recommendations of specialists. Features of such a building:

  • comfortable accommodation for 2 to 6 people, even without an attic floor;
  • convenient location of the living area in the upper (attic) part and utility rooms below;
  • the possibility of temporary use of the attic only in the summer, and, with an increase in the size of the family, the transfer of its premises to a fully residential area.

The dimensions of a one-story house of 12x12 m allow to place inside a veranda, a garage for one car, a workshop, and a boiler room. There may be two bathrooms for such a building, or even three - if the number of married couples living here permanently is also three. Moreover, a separate entrance can be made for each family. After all, with the device sloping roof the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house can exceed 200 sq. m, that is, to be approximately equal to three 2 or 3 room apartments.

One-story house plan 11 by 11 and a variety of options

A spacious one-storey house 11 by 11 m with an attic can easily replace at least two full-length city three-room apartments. If we add a basement to the attic, the building will allow a family of 6-8 people to live comfortably in it. Moreover, each couple will have their own bedroom, and the child will have a nursery. The average size living room of such a house - from 20 to 30 sq. m, kitchens - at least 10 sq. m. Due to the fact that the presence of an attic allows you not to save on space, in economic zone you can provide a small sauna and even a garage built into the house. A study and a spacious veranda will be an addition to the living area.

Projects of this size are rarely used for suburban construction... But, if a dacha 11 by 11 is still being built, it is not necessary to provide an attic in it. For a large private house, the attic floor is almost mandatory, as it allows more efficient use of the under-roof space. Most of the projects involve the creation of an attic, which makes the house almost two-story.


More recently, a free house project could only be found in standard drawing albums. All these structures were of the same type and faceless. Not every person could build according to such projects, because for this it was necessary to have at least some construction education and be able to understand drawings and technical terms.

We want to revolutionize the design and construction world. Now almost anyone who wants to build a house with their own hands can get a complete project of such a structure with detailed description all stages of construction. We will describe each stage in such detail and fully that even a person who is not very well versed in construction will be able to make his dream home come true.

General information about the house

The free project of the house is presented in the form of a one-story house with two side verandas. The foundations are made in the form of a solid reinforced concrete monolithic tape. The outer walls of the house are designed from porous blocks POROTHERM 51, and the walls of the veranda are made of wooden beams from additional insulation using hard mineral wool boards. All interior walls erected from solid clay bricks. The roof of the house is designed as a simple gable with a supporting frame made of a wooden truss structure.

Concerning exterior decoration, then the project of the house provides for use as a wall cladding decorative plaster with its subsequent painting facade paints... Plinth finish - decorative plinth tiles. Sheathing of verandas and gable of the house can be made of siding or clapboard for outdoor use. Choice roofing depends on your preference. It can be metal, and corrugated board, and flexible bituminous shingles... However, it is worth remembering that in the case of using flexible roofing materials, it is necessary to arrange a continuous sheathing along the rafters.

terrain. I would like to note that it is advisable to choose the orientation of the house as indicated in the project. This means that the living rooms of the house should be oriented to the south, south-east and south-west, but to the north, north-west and north-east windows of non-residential premises or rooms with short-term stay of people (in our case, this is a bathroom room and furnace).

Construction of the foundation

Let's start with the fact that the free project of the house contains monolithic strip foundations made of concrete of class B 25 with reinforcement with class A III and A I reinforcement. Depth of laying the foundation is 1.2 meters. It should be noted that before starting construction, it is necessary to call a geologist and conduct a survey of the soil. This is necessary for the right choice type of foundations and its calculation. The designed foundations are suitable for ordinary soils with a freezing depth of 1.2 meters. The relief of the site is calm. If your site has clay or sedimentary soils, a high level of groundwater or the relief of the site has a sharp slope to one side, then it is necessary to adjust the foundations taking into account the features of the area.

We perform foundation work in the following order:

After determining the location of the house and performing a breakdown on the ground, we proceed to excavate the pit
... Now, along the entire length of the proposed foundation strip, it is necessary to perform gravel bedding and tamp it.
... Next, you need to perform the formwork for pouring the foundation tape. Formwork can be done independently or rented.
... After installing the formwork, we proceed to welding the reinforcement and installing it in the formwork.
... Now you can start pouring concrete into the tape.
... After the concrete has set, the formwork can be removed. It is worth remembering that the formwork can be removed only after the concrete has gained the required strength. In this case, 70% of the design strength will be sufficient. As a rule, complete setting of concrete occurs after 28 days from the moment of pouring.
... Now we need to waterproof the foundation. To do this, all concrete surfaces in contact with the ground must be coated with hot bitumen 2 times. As a result, a continuous bituminous film should form on the concrete surface.
... At the level of - 0.200 it is necessary to perform horizontal waterproofing of two layers of hydroglass insulation.

Realizing that the geological conditions in different regions of construction differ significantly, the project also provides for the option of arranging a house on monolithic slab... This solution is optimal for fragile foundation soils, as well as in the case high level groundwater. In this case, the foundation slab will protect your home from moisture penetration.

The process of constructing a monolithic foundation slab does not differ much from the construction of strip foundations and consists of the following stages:

First of all, it is necessary to dig a pit and tamp the gravel bed over the entire bottom.
... Then executed concrete preparation from concrete grade B 7.5 to a thickness of 100 mm.
... After the preparation has set, you can weld the reinforcement cage and lay it.
... Formwork is installed along the edge of the pit and the foundation slab is poured.
... After the concrete has completely solidified, the formwork is removed.

All subsequent stages of the construction of the building on foundation slab are carried out similarly to a house on strip foundations.

Erection of the building box

As you already understood, the free house project provides for the use of large-format porous blocks POROTHERM 51 (block thickness 510 mm) for the construction of the outer walls of the house. The project includes longitudinal and transverse load-bearing walls.

Among the features of masonry made of porous large-sized blocks, the following nuances should be noted:

The layer of mortar under the first row should be made in an ideal horizontal direction, since the horizontalness of the first and subsequent rows depends on this, as well as the correct laying of waterproofing
... masonry from blocks is performed in the same way as masonry from small-piece wall materials, that is, the construction of walls begins from the corners of the building, each corner, as usual, rises by three rows;
... the solution is laid in a continuous uniform layer over the entire width of the row;
... each block must be moistened with water before laying, this is necessary to prevent moisture absorption from cement mortar, which can subsequently complicate the positioning of the block;
... after raising the masonry in the corners of the building, blocks are laid between them, focusing on the horizontal, beaten off with a stretched cord;
... if the project requires the laying of incomplete blocks, then you can use special half and corner pieces, in the absence of such, you can simply cut ordinary blocks in place (for this you will need a power tool with circles for cutting stone);
... the shift of the vertical seam of the blocks of each row should be at least 10 cm (it is better to shift to the floor of the block);
... when laying external walls, it is necessary to provide for special vertical grooves at the joints of external walls with internal partitions, this will ensure the necessary strength of the structure.

When laying window and door lintels, it is worth remembering that the opening should overlap with a 20-30 percent margin. This is necessary to maintain the integrity of the block, since the main resistance to compression is provided by its thin-walled partition.

After completing the load-bearing walls of the building, you can proceed with the installation of internal partitions and the device of verandas. We make external verandas from wooden beams with a section of 150X150 mm. To insulate the veranda between the racks, we lay rigid mineral wool boards 150 mm thick. Since all work here is carried out using traditional building materials, no questions should arise.


A free house project, like any other building, will not do without a roof. All bearing structures the roofs in the project are taken from timber conifers humidity not more than 20%, grade not lower than the second.

As load-bearing elements of floors are used wooden beams section 100X150 mm. And the main supporting elements of the roof truss structure are triangular arches with a raised puff. The rafter elements of the arch, as well as the puffs, are made of a bar with a section of 50X150 mm. All the rafters are connected to each other by means of a ridge beam with a section of 100X150 mm.

All wooden elements roofs in contact with stone, concrete or metal elements it is necessary to wrap with two layers of roofing material. Wooden posts with a section of 150X150 mm were taken as the main elements of the subrafter structure in the project.

After completing the roof rafter structure, the lathing can be laid. For this, a bar with a section of 50X50 mm is used, which is laid in increments of 400 mm.

It is worth remembering that all wooden structures roofs must be treated with TCEF-PT. This is necessary to perform fire protection of roof structures.

Fireplace device

As a rule, laying a fireplace or stove is a rather painstaking and difficult business. In this case, the presented free house project among the many has one undeniable merit - this is the ordinal masonry plan of the fireplace device. Accurately following all the instructions and tips on the presented masonry drawings, you can independently arrange a real fireplace in your home, which will become a gathering place for the whole family over a cup of tea on cold winter evenings.

Electrical work

If you are not versed in electrical work, then it is better to entrust the laying of internal electric lighting and installation of power electrical equipment to qualified specialists. The drawings of this section presented in the project will help you to correctly carry out all the work on laying the power supply networks of your home.

We hope that this free home project will help you fulfill your dream of own home... AND full set drawings for all sections of the design documentation in combination with our recommendations will help you to build a building to the maximum short time in compliance with all the requirements of GOST and SNiP, which will guarantee the durability and reliability of your future home.