House facade decoration. Beautiful facades of private houses photo

the decoration of a private house is as important as the interior, since it is its "face", reflecting the tastes of the owners and making the first impression of them. In addition to performing a decorative function, the facade decoration has a practical value - it insulates, protects the supporting structure from weathering, temperature changes. Modern types of finishing the facades of private houses, photos of which can be found in this article, are diverse, have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Types of materials for finishing the facades of private houses

Choice a certain kind finishing materials for the facade depends on several factors:

  • stylistic orientation of the building facade design;
  • climatic features of the area;
  • the financial capabilities of the homeowner.

For cladding the external walls of the building, the following are most often used: artificial and natural stone, plaster, brick, metal or vinyl siding, porcelain stoneware, plastic panels.

Facade panels

Facade panels are a fairly popular type of material. This is a ventilated facade in the form of panels measuring 0.5-1 sq m. There are several types of facade panels:

  • PVC panels are produced with imitation of brick or stone. The advantages are affordable price, a variety of colors, light weight, durability, installation is easy. PVC panels are mounted on a profile or bar lathing;
  • fiber cement - have a fairly high price, but it is justified by the advantages of panels, including resistance to low temperatures, allowing the use of this material in areas with harsh conditions, as well as light weight, durability, a variety of textures. Panels are mounted on metal carcass;
  • made of polystyrene - have reinforced layer from plaster, do not require installation of the frame. The disadvantage of foam panels is that they cannot be wall-mounted wooden housesas this can cause condensation and wood rotting;
  • metal - made of polymer coated metal of various colors, durable, fireproof. But they are mainly suitable for finishing the facades of non-residential buildings, since they poorly retain heat in winter and heat up in summer;
  • wooden - made of pressed wood treated with a special impregnation. They retain heat well, are easy to install, but such panels belong to the class of highly flammable materials;
  • glass - panels made of impact-resistant glass with good sound and heat insulation, but expensive as a material and in installation.
Fiber cement

Sandwich panels

This is a finish made of two metal sheets joined together, between which there is an insulation up to 70 mm thick and a vapor barrier layer, which gives the material good thermal insulation properties. Due to their light weight, their installation is not particularly difficult. In addition, the sandwich panel facade is durable, moisture resistant, fire resistant. If the outer part of the panel is deformed, it can be easily restored without replacement. large area facade.

With all the visible advantages, sandwich panel finishing cannot be called cheap. Installation of this finish can be done both on the frame and directly on the walls of the house. With poor-quality installation in cold weather, the space between the joints can freeze, which leads to a violation of the thermal insulation properties. When finishing the facade without violating the installation technology, such problems do not arise. Thanks to their properties combined with aesthetic appearance, the sandwich panels received wide distribution as a finishing material.

Decorative plaster

Plastering is not only decorative, but also a protective coating of the walls of the house from destructive effects. external factors, as well as helping to keep warm, material. Plaster is the most breathable of all finishing materials, it is resistant to moisture, does not crack from frost when the right technology application and high quality material. Modern decorative plaster can be used for painting. Among the disadvantages is the fact that plastering is a rather costly and energy-intensive process.

Plastering is carried out on a prepared base or using a reinforcing mesh, which will protect the plastered facade from cracking.

There are several types of decorative plaster:

  • mineral;
  • acrylic;
  • silicate;
  • silicone.

Mineral plaster is varied in its shades and affordable. It resists the reproduction of microbes, is moisture resistant and is not afraid of direct sunlight. The composition of the mineral plaster is suitable for applying to surfaces of any materials. The disadvantage of this type is low elasticity, due to which, when the house shrinks, the plaster can crack.

The second type is more elastic than the first. Using acrylic plaster no cracks occur during the shrinkage of the building, given view finishing is maintained for several years. But this material is combustible, susceptible to rapid pollution and its price is higher than that of the mineral one.

Silicate and silicone plasters are the most durable, resistant to dirt and external influences, finishing materials. Their common disadvantage is their high cost, with the difference that silicone plaster requires less application effort than silicate plaster.

Facing brick

Facade decoration with facing bricks will optimal solution for those who want to give the appearance of the house solidity and rigor, but do not have the opportunity to use real brick for this. This option is inexpensive, practical and fast, besides, facing bricks are presented on the market in a rich assortment, thanks to which the appearance of the building can be transformed in accordance with the preferences of the owner.

It is an environmentally friendly material with good thermal insulation properties, which looks much more aesthetically pleasing than ordinary brick. The peculiarities of facing brick finishing involve limiting the masonry in height to five meters, otherwise you can forget about the strength of the facade finishing.

Brick finishing is carried out on a prepared surface treated with a waterproofing material using flexible fasteners of a certain amount for one square meter... It is not recommended to use brick trim wooden structures in order to improve the thermal insulation of the walls, since it is difficult to achieve a snug fit of the material to the wood.

A natural stone

The use of natural stone for decoration will allow you to create a presentable and solid facade of any residential building. This expensive material requires professionalism in working with it; it will be difficult for a beginner to independently finish the finish from natural stone. Installation difficulties lie in heavyweight material, due to which it is poorly fixed on the surface. Therefore, during installation, the stone is recessed into the solution, fixing in it.

It is an environmentally friendly material, very durable and reliable, with excellent sound and heat insulation properties. If the financial situation does not allow natural stone the facade of the whole house, you can decorate its individual parts - basement, corners, openings, combine with decoration decorative plaster... The stone facade will become reliable protection of the house from adverse external conditions for many years. The natural stone façade fits organically into any landscape of the area.

Fake diamond

With the help of artificial facade stone, you can finish as solid and sophisticated as from natural, but less financially. Artificial stone with imitation of natural texture, made of gypsum or cement. Gypsum stone weighs less, so it is suitable for wall cladding with insulation, while cement-based stone is ideal for cladding hard surfaces. Unlike natural stone, the installation of an artificial one is easier, and a layman can easily handle it.

When buying a decorative facade stone, you should pay attention to its purpose - for interior decoration or for the outside, since they differ in their strength. In addition to its weight, this finishing material differs from natural stone in its plasticity. For the rest of the parameters - durability, resistance to external influences, a variety of textures and shades, artificial stone is not inferior to natural.

Porcelain stoneware ventilated facades

Porcelain stoneware is called artificial granite, which is characterized by such qualitative characteristics as durability, resistance to chemical and physical influences, a variety of textures and stable shades, increased moisture resistance and frost resistance, incombustibility of the material. A feature of the installation of this finishing material is that it cannot be laid directly on the mortar. A ventilated facade is produced from porcelain stoneware, that is, a curtain facade system that ensures air circulation along the wall, providing heat and sound insulation, as well as resistance to mold or mildew on the walls.

With the help of porcelain stoneware, you can create an original facade of your house, since there are many types of it with different types of surface: matte, satin, glazed, polished, mosaic, and structured with imitation of various textures. Ideally, you need to purchase porcelain stoneware with a tile thickness of at least 12-16 mm.


The most popular and affordable material is siding. Installation takes place both on insulated walls and without insulation. Siding is often used to hide defects in the exterior walls of a building. It has good waterproofing properties and a wide range of textures and shades.

There are the following types of siding:

  • vinyl;
  • metal;
  • wood;
  • basement;
  • cement.

Fiber cement

The first type is made of PVC, its surface can imitate various textures. The material is lightweight, resistant to mechanical stress, inexpensive. But the fasteners with which the installation is carried out vinyl siding, the cost is quite expensive. During installation, it is recommended to use the help of specialists, since if incorrectly fastened with a fixed fixation, the panels can be deformed.

Metal siding is made from aluminum or steel. The disadvantage of this type is the susceptibility to corrosion in the event of surface damage. Wood siding is aesthetic, safe, but impractical and requires special care.

Insulation "wet facade"

The “wet facade” insulation technology consists in the use of mortars and building compounds diluted with water at all stages of work. After the completion of the insulation, the facade of the building looks like when finishing with decorative plaster. As a result, when using this technology, two goals are achieved - insulation and decorative finishing.

The following materials are used as materials for this system:

  • insulation - expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, foam can be used. The first is not used so often due to the fact that expanded polystyrene has poor adhesion and vapor barrier. Mineral wool is non-combustible, has a high vapor permeability, but has a higher weight and cost than foam. The thickness of the insulation is calculated depending on the climatic zone and the material of the walls of the building;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • glue for insulation and mesh;
  • plastic fasteners for insulation.

Insulation technology "wet facade" has a number of advantages: it is simple, it allows not only to create an insulating layer, but also soundproof. The system is quite lightweight and can be mounted on any facade. In addition, almost monolithic insulation does not allow cold to penetrate into the gaps. The possibility of mold or mildew on the walls is excluded, and the outer layer protects against mechanical and atmospheric influences. The service life of such a facade is at least 20 years. Among the shortcomings, one can note special requirements for the quality of materials and work technology, as well as the fact that installation can be carried out only at a certain time - in the warm season.

The types of materials for facades can be very different. In order not to be mistaken with the choice, you should carefully study the assortment, as well as familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each of the materials.

Device technology wet facade


We offer you to get acquainted with the advanced technologies for finishing private houses.

Photo options for finishing the facades of private houses

The selection of photos contains options for finishing the facades of private houses of various sizes.

The beautiful design of the facade is the pride of the owner of the house, so you should think carefully about everything design features walls. You should start by choosing a style.

The most popular modern style solutions:

  • byzantine;
  • country;
  • romantic;
  • provence.

Building design rules

Ideas for decorating houses can be different, especially since the choice of finishing and building materials wide. But it is important and correct to "dress" the buildings, according to fashion trends, operating conditions, architectural standards. To do this, you must follow a few rules.

  1. Do not stand out from the general background. If there are houses with stone trim around, a carved tower among them will look inappropriate and defiant. The construction of a high-tech stone building near a pine forest looks strange to say the least. Trying to save money, you should still strive to use natural materials and natural shades. in many respects outperforms plastic panels, and the wooden lining is at the plastic siding.
  2. Taking into account the operating conditions. Regardless of the beauty of the building, it should bring joy to the owner, be comfortable both in the rain and in the wind. Exterior decoration is designed not only to decorate the facade, but also to protect it from bad weather. The facility must have a minimum 20-year life span. The use of low-quality materials will ultimately lead to high repair costs, and the life of the house will be significantly reduced.
  3. Emphasis on the windows. Windows are of great importance for any house - they are able to turn the same structure into a mansion and a hangar. Large recessed openings with high-quality frames look solid. Small and thin windows give the building a temporary appearance.
  4. A combination of natural materials and natural shades. For the home, you should choose time-tested and reliable materials; everything ultramodern should be treated with caution. The use of durable materials - brick, stone, porcelain stoneware and glass will help to create an impression of the reliability of the house.
  5. Back to conservatism. For new houses it is recommended to create the impression that they were not built yesterday, but were in this place all the time. The use of artificially aged materials, for example, brick, helps to complete the idea.

Decor elements

The decorative element "stucco" has been used for home decoration for a long time. It can be used to decorate any impersonal facade. Foam moldings are suitable for creating decorative design of any complexity.

There is a wide range of different types foam products for building decoration. Moreover, the material has excellent performance characteristics - does not rot, due to the presence of a protective coating it lasts a long time, it is easy to install on the facade.

Decorative finishing of the facade of the house (video)

Creative approach to design

The selection of a building among other buildings can be done using unusual ideas... Great popularity in recent times acquires the painting of the walls of the facade, allowing to draw attention to even the simplest buildings.

Not so long ago, the design of facades with the help of graffiti became fashionable. A house with walls painted with street colors looks impressive and attracts the attention of everyone without exception. The plot of the design varies - landscapes, abstraction, space objects, and more. The artist can apply the technique of distorting the space and use paints on the walls of the house to create images of objects that look like real ones.

Modern finishing materials for facades

Today, three main types of cladding are most often used to decorate a building:

  • plaster;
  • front panels;
  • tiling or.

The presented materials are characterized by the fact that they are not afraid of the effects of an aggressive external environment.

Facade panels

This finish is often used for homes due to the rich assortment. The product is capable of imitating any natural material, its color and structure.

Several interesting types of panels can be noted.

  1. A new type of panels can be used to decorate the building - fiber cement products made using nanotechnology. The novelty as accurately as possible imitate the structure of a stone or other natural material and comes in the form of shields.
  2. Composite aluminum panels for home are ideal for decoration of private buildings and commercial buildings. Distinctive features material - good quality and lightness.

Facade plaster

Various design ideas can be easily implemented using facade plaster, which has a rich colors. With it you can make an old stucco decor or painting the facade.

  1. Acrylic plaster for the home consists of flexible acrylic that is resistant to temperature fluctuations. The finished material is applied to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe walls without interruption. With the help of tinting, plaster can be given absolutely any shade.
  2. Mineral plaster makes it possible to embody any idea, but to expand the color range, you have to use silicate paint staining. The material is flexible and does not attract dust and dirt.

Stone or tile finishing

Facing houses with stone is laborious, but only when used natural material... Application artificial material makes the process much easier.

Houses are still often decorated with clinker tiles, which have a low cost and rich color palette. The use of multi-colored material makes it possible to create a real mosaic masterpiece.

  1. Before bringing the idea to life, the issue of the color scheme is being decidedto be used. An incorrectly chosen color will highlight the flaws in the structure, the best option is to use two shades of the same color scheme.
  2. Windows are of great importance for houses. High demands are placed on them - they must be durable, functional, large and emphasize the character of the facade.
  3. Shapes and symmetry. Any facade should be balanced and have symmetrically located elements. The proportionality of the facade is developed at the design stage.
  4. The right roof. When choosing a roof, the emphasis is not only on shape and color, but also on strength. The best option - shingles, from reliable roofing materials it is worth noting slate and tiles, but they are quite heavy and not every facade can withstand such a load.

Home interior in a classic style (video)

For a spectacular appearance of the building, it is worth decorating its facade according to the chosen style and rules. Facade decoration is carried out using modern finishing materials high Quality... The use of products of inadequate quality and the use of inconsistent shades can spoil the finish, so you should carefully approach the issue of design.

Facade work is carried out in order to improve appearance at home, as well as to protect the building from adverse external factors such as rain, snow, wind, temperature extremes, heat, frost, etc. In addition, a properly executed facade will help make the house warmer and significantly reduce heating costs.

Number of exterior finishes shown on modern market building materials, capable of impressing even a sophisticated consumer. Choice suitable material depends on many factors.

For example, it is of great importance: what the house is built from, how insulated it is, what dimensions it has, on what foundation it stands, but the most important thing is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe residents of the house about its future appearance.

Facade finishing option.

Facade materials

Each option for finishing the facade has its own set of certain advantages and disadvantages, taking into account which you can choose perfect option for the exterior decoration of any home.

In addition, the prices for various facade materials and their technologies themselves differ significantly. The most ordinary and unremarkable house can be turned into a luxurious palace, just skillfully using modern achievements in the field of facade decoration.

Here are the main options for improving the facade that exist today:

  • front panels;
  • natural or artificial stone;
  • plaster;
  • tile;
  • siding;
  • block house;
  • brick.

Each of these types is subdivided in its own category into several more varieties, strikingly different in appearance, quality and price.

Facade panels.

Facade panels

This is a fairly popular way of decorating the exterior walls of a house.

Facade panels are available in several types:

PVC panelsimitating brick or natural stone. The size of one panel depends on the brand of the manufacturer and averages 0.5 m 2. The price for them is quite affordable for the average consumer and ranges from 390 to 600 rubles per 1 piece. The main advantages of such panels are lightness, ease of installation, a huge variety of colors and textures, reliability and durability. To mount them on the facade, a lathing made of bars or a profile is pre-mounted. The space between the battens can be insulated with polyurethane foam or mineral wool... This is a great inexpensive option for exterior decoration of both a wooden and a stone house, which can be done independently.

Fiber cement panels appeared on the market relatively recently. They are produced according to japanese technology, have a size of 0.5m by 1m, have a light weight and increased frost resistance, which allows them to be used even in the most severe conditions. They are mounted on a pre-assembled metal frame, imitate various types of natural stone, wood and are very durable. But the price for them is quite high (approximately from 999 to 2500 rubles per m2).

Fiber cement panels.

Styrofoam facade panelshaving a protective reinforced layer of plaster, are both insulation and finishing material. They save energy and do not require the installation of a special frame. But they cannot be fixed on wooden houses, as they are not vapor-permeable and can lead to condensation and wood decay. In addition, they are highly flammable materials and release toxic substances during a fire.

Facade panels made of polystyrene.

Metal facade panels with a polymer coating are made of galvanized steel and aluminum with a thickness of 0.55 mm. They are durable, not subject to corrosion, fireproof, produced different sizes and colors, are mounted vertically on the frame using self-tapping screws. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that such panels do not retain heat well in winter, they get very hot in the sun in summer and create electromagnetic interference that degrades cellular communication in the room. The price for them varies greatly depending on the material, coating and manufacturer. These panels are mainly used to decorate shops and industrial premises.

Facade panels made of metal.

Wood facade panels are made of various types of pressed wood, impregnated with special compounds that extend their service life, are easy to install and retain heat well. But they belong to the class of highly flammable materials.

Wood front panels.

Sandwich panels are two sheets of metal, between which there is a layer of insulation with a thickness of 20 to 70 mm and a vapor barrier. Exterior view panels can imitate plaster, wood or stone, they are mounted on a frame or directly on a building wall, they are absolutely non-flammable, durable and reliable. But in the joints between the panels, if the installation technology is violated, cold bridges can form in severe frost. Among the varieties of this material there are also three-layer sandwich panels with moisture-resistant plywood and sandwich panels based on a cassette profile.

Sandwich panels.

Glass facade panels used to be used only in the decoration of large business centers and office buildings, but recently they are increasingly used in the construction of private residential buildings... Such panels are made of special impact-resistant glass and can be supplemented with reflective laminated film. They perfectly keep heat, provide excellent sound insulation, give the building unusual view, but the installation work on the installation and the panels themselves are very expensive, therefore they are rarely used and only on small sections of the facade.

Glass front panels.

Facade decoration with natural stone

This type of finish is considered one of the most expensive. The price depends not only on the cost of the material, but also on the complexity of the installation works, which will require a lot of time and effort, in addition, it will be difficult for a non-professional to conduct them.

Facade decoration with natural stone.

But the advantages of natural stone are its exceptional environmental friendliness, reliability, good noise and heat insulation. A house decorated with natural stone looks very expensive and presentable. However, this material can be used not only for finishing the whole house, but also for some of its parts, for example, the basement or corners.

Artificial stone for facade decoration.

Facade decoration with artificial stone

Modern technologies make it possible to decorate the facade of a house as beautifully and luxuriously as using natural stone, but at a lower price. As an alternative, manufacturers offer an artificial stone that exactly imitates the texture of a natural one. It is made from cement or gypsum. Cement base ideal for cladding a hard surface, and gypsum is best mounted on walls insulated with expanded polystyrene, since it has less weight.

Colors and variety of textures artificial stone extremely diverse, it is durable and non-flammable, and its price is quite acceptable for most consumers.

The number of plaster shades is quite large.

Facade plaster

The plaster facade is used for finishing buildings built from foam blocks, cinder blocks, gas blocks, etc. The plaster should be applied to a previously prepared base, it is also advisable to use a special reinforcing mesh, which will prevent possible cracking of the plaster layer.

The surface of the plastered facade can be smooth or textured, depending on the type of material used in the decoration. It is also permissible to combine it with other types of finishing elements, for example, with natural or artificial stone. Textured plasters presented on the modern market very widely, the most popular are "bark beetle", pebble, etc.

Facade plaster.

In addition, the front plaster may differ in composition, which determines the properties of this material. The following types can be purchased on the modern market:

  • mineral plaster , is one of the cheapest options, is vapor-permeable, but has insufficient plasticity and durability, attracts dust and dirt, not recommended for buildings that have not shrunk;
  • acrylic plaster , very plastic, waterproof, durable, recommended for walls insulated with extruded polystyrene foam, but actively absorbs dust and does not "breathe" at all;
  • silicate plaster has good plasticity, vapor permeability, strength, does not attract dust, but is also one of the most expensive;
  • silicone plaster perfectly "breathes", is waterproof and elastic, and also very durable.

Prices on facade plasters very acceptable, and the ability to paint the house in completely different colors allows you to give a unique appearance to any building.

But for wooden houses this type of decoration is not categorically suitable, since the plaster does not have vapor permeability and the walls will not "breathe".

Facade decoration with tiles.

Facade decoration with tiles

Facade tiles are available in several types:

  • clinker;

Clinker tiles.
  • ceramic;
Ceramic tile.
  • porcelain stoneware.

Porcelain stoneware for ventilated facades.

Clinker tiles imitate natural brick, and in its properties of thermal insulation, strength, reliability and sound insulation is much superior to it. This is one of the most modern facade materials, but unfortunately the price for it is quite high, so it is not particularly popular.

Facade finishing ceramic tiles requires careful preparatory work, in addition, it is unacceptable to lay it on walls that have not yet shrunk. For the installation of facade tiles, it is necessary to use only glue of special composition; work should be done at an air temperature above 10 degrees How long the technology is followed will depend on how long this type of finish will last.

Varieties of siding

Due to the relatively low price, ease of installation and attractive appearance, siding has become one of the most popular types of facade coating. Currently, there are a huge number of siding varieties on the market, differing from each other in price, material of manufacture, manufacturer and color.

Vinyl siding

One of the cheapest types of siding that has been in great demand for many years. It perfectly protects the exterior walls of the house from any atmospheric influences, allows you to mount a ventilated facade, is attached to the frame, is durable and reliable enough, suitable for houses made of wood and foam blocks, is available in various colors, and has a low weight.

And the price for it depends on the manufacturer, from about 85 rubles per piece or more. The only drawback is that vinyl siding is quite flammable and releases toxic substances during a fire.

Installation of siding must be done with strict adherence to all technologies, leaving gaps in order to ensure mobility of the entire structure. This will help to avoid deformation of the material during further operation.

Metal siding

Metal siding can be considered more reliable, strong and durable. Its price is slightly higher than that of vinyl, but the colors are much less. Looks great metal siding imitating natural wood... A special advantage is the resistance of this material to fire, but here electromagnetic waves it conducts very poorly, so the Internet and mobile communications in the house may work intermittently.

Blockhouse facade decoration

This type of facade material is most often used for cladding wooden houses, but it can also be used for the facade of a foam block house. Made of precious woods, impregnated with a special compound, the blockhouse can give the exterior of the house a noble look and serve long years... Among the advantages of this material, environmental friendliness and good thermal insulation... The blockhouse can imitate a rounded log or timber.

It should be remembered that this material belongs to the class of combustible materials, and before starting installation work, the blockhouse panels should be kept in a dry room for several days in order to avoid deformation of the material in the future. The price of a blockhouse is quite high, as it is made exclusively from natural materials.

Use of bricks for facade decoration.

Using bricks for facade decoration

Basically, cladding with bricks is made even at the stage of erecting the walls of the building, but in some cases it is possible to carry out finishing works already finished house... But it should be borne in mind that the use of bricks for facade decoration wooden house undesirable, as condensation will appear on the walls.

Brick does not show special heat-insulating properties, a foundation is required for it, and the price of this type of material is quite high.

The final stage of construction is the exterior decoration of a private house. How the facade will be finished country house, and from what material attractiveness of appearance will largely depend.
The protection of the load-bearing walls of the house from adverse weather conditions also directly depends on the quality of the cladding.

Any home is designed to fulfill several functions.

It should be remembered that all new buildings are settling. To prevent the outer cladding from cracking or warping, it should be done only after the house has settled.
It should also be borne in mind that any facade cladding is an additional load on the foundation. Therefore, it is necessary to decide on the type of finishing in advance and arrange the foundation in accordance with this.

What material is used for facades

You can cover the facade of your own house in one of the following ways:

  • natural stone;
  • artificial stone;
  • siding;
  • wooden clapboard;
  • block house;
  • facing brick;
  • decorative tiles;
  • stone chips;
  • combined finishing;

Cladding with natural stone

Facade cladding with natural stone guarantees durability and original appearance.

Most often, natural stone is trimmed ground floor houses, but it is not uncommon for the exterior walls of private houses to be clad with natural stone in full or in combination with other types.
Natural stone finishing of the load-bearing walls of the house is:

  • high quality;
  • protection of walls from bad weather;
  • attractive appearance for many decades;
  • strength;

The following natural minerals are used for facing the facades of private cottages:

  • Granite - the most common stone for exterior decoration of private houses. His distinctive characteristic is high strength and durability.
  • Marble - easily processed, polished marble has the richest palette of colors and shades, it is one of the most expensive finishing materials.
  • Basalt - its characteristics are very similar to granite.
  • Quartzite - very hard mineral, differs from other natural stones interspersed with quartz grains.
  • Limestone - for external cladding, its denser varieties are used.
  • Sandstone - very porous, soft mineral, easy to sand.
  • Slate - one of the most inexpensive representatives of natural cameos, in exterior decoration facades have found use because of their original, layered appearance.

Facing with artificial stone

Artificial stone appeared on the construction market quite recently. Today this finishing material is widely used for private houses.
It is quite difficult to distinguish it from natural stone at a glance. It has become popular due to its low cost, almost unlimited decorative possibilities and ease of installation.
The composition of the artificial stone includes:

  • acrylic or carbamide resins;
  • polymer concrete;
  • cement;
  • various dyes;

Polymeric binders increase strength and improve performance.

When choosing this finishing material, take an interest in its composition. Some polymers can be harmful to health.

Dimensions artificial tiles vary widely. Their area can be from 5 cm² to 0.5 m² and a thickness of 1–2 cm. The thickness of a stone imitating a cobblestone can be up to 10 cm.

External finishing of a country house with siding

Of all types of siding that are produced by the industry, only two are used to decorate the facades of private houses:

  • vinyl siding;
  • wooden siding;

Vinyl siding is the most versatile. It is used for ventilated facades.
Vinyl siding has the following properties that have made it popular:

  • durability;
  • attractive appearance;
  • ease of installation;
  • wide range of colors;
  • good ventilation of load-bearing walls;
  • fire safety;
  • profitability;
  • environmentally friendly, harmless to health;

Wood siding is the same wood paneling that is made not from solid wood, but from wood fibers that are pressed using various resins.

It is distinguished from vinyl siding by the following properties:

  • requires care as for natural wood;
  • fire hazardous;
  • much more expensive;
  • limited service life;
  • some resins used in its manufacture can be harmful to health;

Cladding of external walls with wooden clapboard

The lining is made from natural wood. It is a board with a thickness of up to 16 mm, which, on the one hand, has a spike, and on the other hand, a groove. When assembling, the groove of the upper board is put on the spike of the lower board, thus it turns out beautiful, smooth wall, behind which all construction defects are hidden.
Wooden lining is made from the following wood:

  • pine;
  • oak;
  • alder;
  • beech;
  • linden;
  • ash;

In the figure, the numbers indicate:

  1. insulation;
  2. vapor-permeable membrane;
  3. wooden lining;

But it should be borne in mind that wood is a short-lived material, and without special processing, the cladding will not stand for a long time. Therefore, after a certain period of time, all wooden parts of the facade should be subjected to additional processing.

Exterior decoration of a private house with a block house

One of the options wooden lining is an . It is a finished board with one side flat and the other convex. Assembled

The material for making a block house is mainly conifers trees are pine and larch.
They are most popular due to the following characteristics:

  • relatively low cost;
  • the presence of antiseptic resins in their composition, which guarantee the durability of such a facade;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • this wood is not affected by ultraviolet rays;
  • tolerate maximum temperature drops well;

Hardwoods such as oak, birch or alder are not widely used due to their high cost.
But if you wish, you can order a block house made of oak. This is an expensive material, but it looks very impressive and will last for more than a dozen years.

Facade finishing with facing bricks

A good option for finishing the facade of a private house is to use facing brick.
Finishing the facade with bricks will solve the following problems:

  • give the facade of your home a beautiful, unique look;
  • protect load-bearing walls from bad weather;
  • disguise construction defects;
  • additionally insulate the house;

Facing bricks have all the qualities that are required for a finishing material for outdoor use:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to frost and high temperatures;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays;
  • a variety of colors will allow you to solve any design plans;

Facing masonry has a significant weight and therefore it is necessary to bring the foundation under it. In new construction, the width of the foundation is calculated taking into account the width of the facing.
It is necessary to arrange an additional foundation in the existing structure.

Facade decoration with decorative tiles

Every year, the requirements for the quality of the exterior decoration of private houses are growing more and more. Finishing materials are becoming more and more diverse.
Facade tiles are one of the most common exterior cladding materials.
It is perfect for cladding new houses as well as for finishing existing ones. At the same time, old houses take on a completely different, modern look.
Several types of facing tiles are available:

  • terracotta tiles - red clay is used to make them, they are fired at a temperature of 1300ºC, they have a natural clay color, very durable;
  • decorative tiles with a layer of thin glass coating;
  • decorative tiles coated with a thin layer of ceramic;
  • decorative two-layer tile to which ceramic coating baking method;

Decorative tiles have the following distinctive features:

  • high strength;
  • light weight, does not require additional foundation;
  • does not support combustion;
  • very low moisture absorption coefficient;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • high frost resistance;
  • the tile is resistant to ultraviolet radiation;

Facade cladding with stone chips

Stone chips are natural small stones that are mixed with a binder and adhesive.

There are stone chips of various colors, and each color still has many shades. Combining with different colors you can achieve unique design solutions.
IN building stores you can buy crumb from various materials:

  • quartz;
  • granite;
  • marble;

The crumb-faced facade perfectly resists unfavorable weather conditions.

Exterior wall finishes with marble chips look amazing.
Stone chips have the following advantages:

  • crumb can be applied to different basis (concrete, drywall, plaster, brick, foam concrete, etc.);
  • stone chips are not exposed to ultraviolet rays;
  • well resists mechanical stress;
  • easily tolerates temperature changes;
  • has vapor permeability, allows the walls to "breathe";
  • has a long service life;

Combined finishing of facades of private houses

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are no ideal finishing materials. Each material has its own positive and negative qualities.
Therefore, you should not stop your choice on any one finishing material. We must try experimenting with different kinds facade finishing.
Photos will tell you what your facade might look like.

One of the synonyms for the word "facade" is the word "face". Indeed, the front of the building plays the role of a kind of showcase and is considered the visiting card of the whole house. Along with decorative, the facade also has a practical function. Even at the design stage, it is necessary to consider the combination of finishing materials, coordinating them with the entire structure of the building. On the modern profile market, a variety of finishing materials for house facades are presented, which require installation of different levels of complexity.

  • What to look for when choosing materials for the facade?

    The need for external finishing of the facade is determined not only by aesthetics, but also by the ability to significantly increase the operational characteristics of the building. Thinking about what material to decorate the facade of the house, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

      Resistance to atmospheric precipitation and climatic manifestations;

      Resistant to moisture and frost;

      Thermal insulation level;

      Environmental Safety;

      Possibilities of the material as a design element.

    Do not forget to insulate the walls before finishing the facade

    If there is a use of imitation material, then you should pay attention to the level of its similarity with the original. The soundproofing characteristics of the finishing raw materials and the level of wind protection are also taken into account. High-quality cladding of the facade of the house is a guarantee of the strength, durability and aesthetics of the facade. Having picked up optimal materials for building facades, you can increase its service life and add originality to the overall design. When choosing cladding materials, it is also worth taking into account the complexity of installation and cost.

    Types of facade finishing

    Modern decoration of the facades of private houses is most often carried out using the following types of finishing materials for the facade:

      Facade plaster - the material is the most "ancient" and popular way of facing, it requires good preparation of the walls. There are many types of plaster - silicone, silicate, acrylic, etc.

      - inexpensive facade facing material. Vinyl look it is usually installed on houses in temperate climates, as it heats up quickly from high temperatures.

      Facing brickclassic look finishes, made of cement and shell rock. Possesses high performance and aesthetic characteristics.

      Clinker tiles - a durable material for facades, resistant to abrasion, therefore it is installed most often in places with high traffic, so that the facade does not lose its appearance due to numerous touches.

      Panels - are optimally suited for facade decoration and can be different types: metal, wood, glass, polyurethane foam, etc.

    Choose the right material

    Facade plaster

    Such a facade decoration material as plaster is used very often and is easy to apply. Its main purpose is to create an attractive appearance for your home furnishings and protect against climatic influences.

    The advantages of the modern decoration method decorative facadenoah plaster:

    However, if the finishing technology has been violated, then cracks, swelling, spotting, flaking of the finishing layer are possible. Plastering the facade of a private house is a simple process that can be carried out on their own, with minimal skills in this area.

    The decision to decorate the facade with siding will allow the home owner to receive good result and beautiful exterior of the building. The most popular are vinyl and metal siding.

    Pros of vinyl:

    Disadvantages of vinyl siding include:

    Metal siding for facade cladding is most often made of aluminum.

    Facing brick

    The use of facing options for brick finishes gives the house respectability and solidity. The installation of this material should be done by professionals, since the process requires certain skills.

    Pros of facing bricks:

      It does not require special care;


      Environmentally friendly;

      The facade gains strength and stability;

      Brick protects the house from precipitation and other climatic manifestations;

      Adds service life to supporting structures;

      A wide range of textures and colors.

    The disadvantages of facing the facades of houses with bricks include:

      Education over time white bloom (efflorescence), which spoils the appearance of the building;

      The high price of the material.

    A special way of processing clay allows you to achieve high performance clinker tiles. The result is an optimal cladding material that is suitable for outdoor use in all respects.

    Advantages of clinker tiles:

      Durability and not susceptibility to mechanical stress;

      UV resistance;

      Frost resistance;

      Low water absorption;


    The lining, familiar to all of us, is the very first type facade panels... After it, they began to use various variations of this facing, making it from metal, porcelain stoneware, stone, polyvinyl chloride.

    What are the advantages of house cladding with panels:

      Installation of cladding does not require lengthy preparatory work, it can be carried out at any weather conditions, the styling process is fast;

      The facade is reliably protected from temperature extremes and other adverse influences;

      The material is not flammable;

      Doesn't require special care;

      Low weight.

    What material should you choose for facade decoration?

    Picking up best material for the facade, you should consider what the house itself is built from. After all, wooden and log houses, for example, require the construction of a ventilated facade, and siding or panels are optimal for such needs. Whereas brick and stone buildings "love" plaster and brick. You should also focus on your financial capabilities, because the market for modern facade finishing materials is so large that it will satisfy the needs of any category of citizens. The cladding must match perfectly with overall design buildings and perform with him as a single ensemble.

    Read about the previous stages of construction: