Modern materials for finishing the facades of houses, photo options. Types and methods of decorative finishing of facades of private houses

The facade of the house can be considered its original architectural attire. It is, as it were, an outer shell that forms an impression of the general appearance of the building, as well as of its owners. There is no doubt that the chosen exterior finish building style reflects the owner's preferred color scheme, and his other taste preferences.

It should be taken into account the fact that experienced builders do not recommend the use of such plaster for buildings located near motorways. The fact is that vibration transmitted to the walls from passing vehicles can cause formation in the material.

Acrylic plaster. This material is characterized by excellent moisture resistance and plasticity.

But the technical features of the manufacture of the material can cause the appearance of an impermeable film on the surface finished by it, which is an obvious obstacle to the evaporation of moisture and the breathing of the material. It should be noted that if we are talking about, for the insulation of which polystyrene was used, or houses located along the highway, then for them this quality becomes more of a virtue.

Silicate plaster. This material has a lot of advantages. It has high plasticity, good air permeability, its antistatic properties prevent the accumulation of dust particles. If we take into account the period of use of the material, then among other types of plaster it can be called the most expensive, moreover, both in terms of the cost of the material itself and in carrying out installation work with him.

Silicone plaster. This type of exterior finish combines all best qualities previous ones. This plaster has become a hit among other varieties of this material. Noteworthy is the fact that successful combination the excellent qualities of the material are accompanied by a very affordable price.

Facade of the house: siding

This material for exterior decoration has several varieties:

  • wooden siding;
  • metal.

Wooden siding has been used for facade decoration for quite some time. long time, and managed to prove itself with better side. Its vinyl counterpart did not reach such popularity because it could not assure homeowners of its safety. It is believed that, in fact, there is no reason for this. What are the obvious advantages of the material?

  • facade creates as if protective screen, fully ventilated, helping to remove excess moisture, and not interfering with the natural breathing of the walls of the building;
  • The vinyl coating is an insurmountable obstacle to the effects of harmful ultraviolet radiation, it is perfectly cleaned, and is able to maintain its original appearance for a long time;
  • The chemical composition of the material allows it not to be involved in the combustion process, but if a fire occurs, the release harmful substances into the atmosphere, outside the building, in no way worsen the composition of the indoor air.

wooden siding

The durability of individual types of wood is not too high. However, the material made of impregnated wood acquires not only increased wear resistance, but also special resistance to adverse conditions.

Finishing the facade of the house with tiles

In design, this method of finishing looks quite simple, but it is rather complicated in technical execution, and very expensive. All rules for proper installation must be strictly observed.

  • It must be remembered that masonry walls tend to shrink;
  • The presence of many types of tile material implies the use of glue for each specific grade, suitable in each specific case;
  • There are various types of tiles on the market, the surface of which imitates all kinds of materials. It can be a chopped stone, a noble tree, a simple one. If preference is given to one of the types of this material, then it does not interfere with taking care of the grout composition suitable for the color scheme. Its use will provide the most spectacular and elegant look;
  • The pleasant possibility of combining different textures is not excluded, but when choosing materials suitable for this, their size should be taken into account. To give the building a certain solidity and monumentality, larger parts and elements can be used to finish the basement. The walls are trimmed with more accurate, miniature details.

Brick: facade decoration

Material such as brick, from time immemorial has been feature quality factor. When a special one appeared, a certain respectability was added to it. Usually, cladding with this material is carried out even at the level of the construction of load-bearing walls.

Therefore, we can assume that the appearance of the building was thought out in advance by the master. But there are other cases as well. Let's say the building has already been built, but something didn't work out, and it doesn't look very attractive. The situation can be corrected by the use of bricks. In what cases is it appropriate?

In other words, an air gap and a vent are required. If this is not done, then the destruction of the wood is possible, because condensate will collect on the surface, inside.

House facade design: styles

Thinking about what will be appearance your home is a creative process.

However, it should be treated responsibly and seriously, balancing desires with opportunities, trying to find a middle ground.

All stylistic decisions can be divided into several types:

  • Hi-tech and modern;
  • Country style;
  • Classic;
  • Styles developed on the basis of Canadian and British motives;
  • Chalet.

Industrialism and minimalism. Urban houses with such features are characterized by a clear desire for industrialization. At the peak of popularity among homeowners and designers are now minimalist styles, clearly gravitating towards the high-tech direction. The main concept of buildings decorated in this style is simplicity of design, conciseness and clarity of all forms.

High-tech is more characterized by versatility and convenience. For decoration external walls buildings are made of plastic, glass and metal. The unpretentiousness and severity of the design style of the facade is emphasized by the ascetic color scheme - black and white predominate, and the color of steel.

Country varieties. This is a real trend of styles, consisting of many different trends with their characteristic characteristic features. This type includes french provence, russian village, alpine chalet, cowboy wild west. We can say that country is a multinational style that combines the customs of a particular country.

For its implementation, natural materials are often used, such as wood and stone. You can also take an artificial stone, because thanks to modern technologies it is almost indistinguishable from the real thing. This style is especially suitable for country houses located near lakes, mountains or forests.

This style is constantly in high demand. What are its main features? The houses, decorated in the style of the classics, have quite proportional and clear forms.

All parts and elements of the front facade are distinguished by symmetrical geometry. Door and window openings are made in a traditional rectangular shape.

Arches are allowed. Among other types and types of design, the classic style stands out for its simplicity and artlessness, unpretentiousness and sophistication. And although the desire for minimalism is quite clearly emphasized in this style, elements such as elegant columns, massive railings, and other decorative details will not be superfluous.

Facade design project

First stage
project development involves the beginning of sketch development. If you have the necessary skills, you can do it yourself, otherwise it is better to turn to the services of specialists.

The future owner of the house expresses to him his wishes, preferences, requirements for the future building. Then proceed to the design of the facade itself.

If the building has already been built, you will need to make all the necessary measurements. With the help of special computer programs you can visualize the proposed style directions in order to decide on the choice of a specifically suitable one. Based on the selected materials, their future consumption is calculated, an estimate is prepared. This requires special professional skills, so it is not recommended to do it yourself.

Next stage- Start decorating. Here it is quite possible to rely on own forces and do it yourself. During the work, it should be remembered that the overall design of the house should be in harmony with the decoration of its small details. All parts and elements of the structure must correspond to each other, and are made in a single stylistic solution.

The final part of the work on drawing up the design will be the design event. In the process of their implementation, you can translate into reality all your wishes in terms of finishing the facade of the house. It should be noted that such a design project can be developed not only for a newly built house, but also for an old dwelling. The main difference in the case of remodeling an old house is the need to dismantle or remake the previous facade. This, of course, will complicate the whole process to some extent, but will in no way affect the final result.

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  • To understand the problem and exact definition the cost of design work to create a facade design, you need to send us photos of the house by e-mail (preferably from all angles), indicate the overall dimensions of the house, if you have a BTI registration certificate, it is enough to send copies of floor plans, you can also attach your favorite examples of houses to the letter, in order to so that we can understand your style preferences. After that, we will be able to tell the exact cost of creating a design project for your facades. country house!

  • How to order a facade design service?

    You received a calculation of the cost of the design project of the facades of the house by mail and you are satisfied with it. What are the next steps and how to get started? Before the start of design work on the design of facades, it is necessary to sign. This can be done at a meeting, or remotely through Email. We work on an advance payment scheme. When ordering a full working project, the prepayment is 50% of the total cost of design work.

  • What will I get as a result, what is the composition of the project?

    As a rule, many order complete project design of facades of a country house. The current cost of this project is 290 rub. / sq.m. total area of ​​the house. An example of such a facade project can be found below by clicking on the album image.

  • How can I get acquainted with the contract for the development of the design of the facades of a country house?

    In our architectural workshop, all design work is carried out on the basis of a contract. You can find the contract for the design project of the facades of the house below by clicking on the image of the document at the bottom of the text.

  • Good day! The facades of our house are located in Kamchatka =), is it possible to order a facade design service in your architectural workshop?

    Oh sure. We work both with Moscow and the region, and with other regions and cities of Russia. Distances and time zones are irrelevant for designing façade designs. In the case of remote design, you must provide an architectural / draft design of the house without fail, or in the absence of a project, accurate measurements of the facades of the house + photos from all angles. We do not visit the site and perform measurements at home, due to the large territorial remoteness - you get a discount on design in the amount of 5,000 - 9,000 rubles. Otherwise, the work on the design of facades is no different from working with objects in Moscow and the Moscow Region.

  • How is the cost of a house facade design project calculated and what does it depend on?

    The cost of developing a facade design project directly depends on its total area (the sum of floor areas). When calculating the cost of design work on finishing the facades of houses with a basement floor, the area of ​​this floor is not included in the calculation. For houses with a total area of ​​​​more than 800 square meters. m. a reduction factor is provided - 0.8 - 0.9. For houses in classical style With large quantity decorative elements- increasing coefficient - 1.1-1.2. If the total area of ​​the house is less than 150 sq.m., then the multiplying factor is 1.1-1.3.

  • There is an unfinished box brick house; like modern houses combining wood, plaster, or concrete finishes. Where can I see examples beautiful facades?
  • Where can I see interesting wooden houses in the style of a Russian hut?
  • Is it possible to order a facade design without subsequent calculations of the amount of materials and drawings? How much is it?

    Yes, of course it's possible. The cost of developing a facade design concept in this case will be 190 rubles. / sq.m. total area of ​​the house.

  • We have a cottage, we want to build it on attic floor and redesign the façade. Do you do such work?

    Yes, we do. Unlike companies that deal only with facades, we are an architectural workshop specializing in building design, so we can solve this problem. All available necessary specialists. You need a house renovation project. In the architectural section, we also develop facade design.

  • Can you remotely consult and give recommendations on the decoration and design of the facades of my house and how much does it cost?
  • Choosing high-quality clinker tiles for facing the facades of a private house? Top Producers
  • Decorative plaster for facades of your house. What brands are the best?

    Facades can be trusted:

    - caparol
    - Ceresit
    - Weber Vetonite

  • We hope that in these answers, you can find a lot of useful things for yourself, and perhaps the answers to other people's questions will become answers to yours. If you have not found an answer to an exciting topic, you can ask it yourself.

    The decoration of the facade of a private house is thought out by its owner and designer at the design stage. Since the building is the main element of the landscape, it is necessary to use the most modern materials, which are highly resistant to external factors. When creating a sketch of future housing, you need to think carefully about its color scheme. To do this, you can study photos of various buildings made in the yards of friends and acquaintances. This will allow you to make the choice of the most optimal option for finishing the facade. Facing the house is not only its original calling card, but also the primary protection against environmental influences.

    Facade finishing requirements

    The modern construction market offers a huge variety of materials for finishing exterior walls. It is quite easy to get lost in such a variety. But the choice of method of finishing the facade must be approached carefully and thoughtfully. Do not chase cheap products or materials that are easy to work with. It should be remembered that the decoration of the facade of a private house must fulfill its purpose for many years, while maintaining its beauty and presentability.

    Facade cladding should have such practical properties:

    1. Waterproof. This is the main quality that affects the life of the building and the comfort of living in it;
    2. Strength. Finishing materials for facades must be purchased such that they can withstand strong impacts produced by people or falling objects;
    3. Thermal insulation. Thoughtful decoration of the facade of a private house will protect the room from the cold in winter time and keep cool in the summer heat;
    4. Hygiene. Finishing materials must be resistant to fungus, mold and decay.

    Some materials for the facade of a private house practically do not transmit sound. This factor must be taken into account if the house is located on a noisy street with heavy traffic. Peace and quiet in the rooms is necessary for both adults and children.

    Exist various options decoration of external walls of residential buildings. The choice depends on the conditions of their operation, the environment and the financial capabilities of the property owners. Consider the features of the main materials that are used for cladding the facades of private houses.

    Decorative plaster

    Modern building mixtures based on gypsum and cement are the most common material for finishing a residential building built of brick and foam blocks. To improve the thermal insulation qualities, various fillers and plasticizers are added to the mixture. Facade plaster is smooth and textured. Based on this, the methods of applying it to the bearing surface differ. Adding various dyes to the solution allows you to give the walls any color and shade.

    Main advantages facade plaster for cladding country houses such:

    • water resistance;
    • aesthetics;
    • resistance to low and high temperatures;
    • ease of application to the walls;
    • incombustibility.

    For the facade of the house, mineral, silicate and acrylic plaster. Certain disadvantages of these materials are the complex technology of preparation of the bearing surface and low resistance to mechanical stress.

    Clinker tiles

    Clinker tiles are made from natural materials. It can be smooth or textured, imitating the surface. natural stone.

    Main advantages clinker brick such:

    1. High strength. The clinker withstands the most extreme mechanical impacts without losing its aesthetic characteristics.
    2. Ease of maintenance. The surface of the tile can be washed with any detergents and solvents.
    3. Variety of colors and textures. For home decoration, clinker laying options can be selected the most unusual and original.
    4. Durability. If the laying technology is followed, clinker tiles can last several decades. In case of damage to individual fragments, they can be easily replaced with new ones.

    The disadvantages of this material include its high price and difficulty in installation.

    facade panels

    Facade panels for exterior decoration of the house have a solid list of advantages. Today, the production of these products in the widest range has been established. In addition to purely decorative functions, facade panels for the exterior of the house perform the tasks of warming and waterproofing the building. As a rule, panels are installed in a system of ventilated facades. This allows you to create a durable and aesthetic surface without preliminary and costly repairs to the walls of the house. Mounting facade panels performed on a frame made of wooden beam or steel profile.

    The most popular material for cladding buildings are sandwich panels. They are products consisting of a heater located between two sheets of metal or plastic.

    The advantages of sandwich panels are as follows:

    • ease;
    • ease of use;
    • resistance to corrosion, mold and decay;
    • low thermal conductivity;
    • long service life;
    • waterproof.

    A damaged panel can be quickly and easily replaced. Despite the fact that the cost of products is quite high, this disadvantage is offset by the lack of the need to use solutions and dyes.

    Porcelain stoneware

    Porcelain stoneware is a modern finishing material created from polymer raw materials. The use of various dyes and fillers allows designers to create porcelain stoneware tiles and blocks with a wide variety of patterns and colors. Porcelain stoneware very reliably imitates materials such as natural stone(basalt, marble, granite) and natural wood. The physical properties of this material are quite high.

    It is distinguished by such advantages:

    • high strength;
    • long service life;
    • water resistance;
    • resistant to solar radiation;
    • immunity to fungus and mold.

    The main advantage of porcelain stoneware over tiles is its uniformity throughout. So, chips and scratches do not violate the integrity of its surface. They are easily sanded and polished, after which the surface acquires its original presentability.

    Finishing the building with porcelain stoneware has its own characteristics. If it is attached directly to the wall, then it is necessary to use a special synthetic glue. Another way of facing the facade is to fix the tiles on metal carcass equipped with special clips.


    As a rule, for the arrangement of residential buildings are used decorative panels. They are made of metal or polymer plastic. The most practical is siding made of PVC. Panels are mounted on a wooden or steel frame.

    Since siding does not provide complete sealing, it is recommended to use a material that is resistant to moisture as a heater. In addition, PVC panels have a fairly high coefficient of thermal expansion. To prevent deformation or destruction of the siding surface during strong temperature changes, a sliding type of fastening of panels to the frame is used.

    Advantages facing panels such:

    • high aesthetic qualities;
    • sufficient strength to withstand strong impacts and pressure;
    • affordable cost;
    • simplicity and high speed of installation;
    • long service life.

    The panels quite realistically imitate natural wood, natural stone, brick or decorative plaster.

    Photo gallery

    We bring to your attention a successful selection of 27 photo ideas for finishing the facade of a private house.

    As soon as we have Vacation home, we are looking for options for how to inexpensively decorate the facade of the house. Materials on modern market there is a huge variety, so the owners of private buildings have the opportunity to choose what suits them best in terms of financial capabilities. Absolutely budget options you should not choose, since after all the residential object must be reliably protected.

    We choose wisely!

    Finishing materials for the house are aimed at giving the exterior a special look and protecting it from various external influences. To make the facade presentable, you need to take into account a lot of little things:

    Many are looking for solutions on how to finish the facade of a house cheaply. But it is worth remembering that the total cost of finishing consists of several components - the price of material, components, equipment and the price of direct installation.

    We work with a wooden house

    It is important to choose materials for finishing, taking into account the characteristics of the house and the material from which it is built. Yes, the owners wooden houses strive to emphasize its naturalness, naturalness, therefore, most often they refuse to finish. But in some cases, you can’t do without it, since wood is a material that is not resistant to various atmospheric influences. How to finish the facade of a wooden house to emphasize its natural beauty? Before answering this question, it should be noted that the cladding process is not an easy one, since a number of the following works are required:

    Material for a wooden house: brick or plaster?

    Experts say that any timber or log cottage looks very beautiful in itself. But if you still want to give it a completely different look, then we suggest evaluating a number of materials. Before finishing the facade of a wooden house, you need to competently approach the process itself, not forgetting such an important stage as insulation. Not the easiest way to finish wooden structure- plaster, which is laid only on the crate. The use of plaster is good because you can give the facade a spectacular appearance. Experts say that this way too laborious, and therefore infrequently used. In addition, plaster cannot boast of a variety of colors.

    Among the popular materials is brick: it allows you to significantly transform the appearance of the building, ensure its high fire hazard, and increase the resistance of walls to frost and moisture. But work is carried out only after complete shrinkage of the structure, brick fastening is carried out on special devices from metal, besides, the load on the foundation with this choice will become much higher, so you need to think about strengthening it even at the design stage. Since it is not the best thing to decorate the facade of a private house with bricks. simple task, it is worth entrusting all calculations to competent specialists.

    Siding, PVC panels or tiles?

    Very often, wooden houses get off with siding. The popularity of the material is due to its affordable cost and ease of installation. Experts say that such a finish will become a reliable and practical protection for the house. The advantage of choosing this solution is the variety of color solutions, that is, your wooden house may look different. So if you are looking for how to inexpensively decorate the facade of the house, choose siding: it is easy to care for it, it is durable and does not deteriorate under the influence of natural factors. In addition, the installation of siding is carried out on the frame, which means that it will be possible to insulate the building.

    PVC panels are rarely used in decoration, but their advantage is in imitation different surfaces. In addition, they are resistant to mechanical stress. Looks interesting on wooden surface tile, which is attractive practicality. But, as experts say, working with this material is not so easy.

    Foam block house

    Many modern cottages are built on the basis of foam blocks and aerated concrete. The popularity of materials is explained by the ease of working with them, and durable operation. True, there are several nuances that should be taken into account before finishing the facade of the house from foam blocks:

    To put the facade in order, experts advise using the following methods:

    • ventilated facade: it can be built using siding, lining, decorative panels;
    • facing brick: its use allows you to think ventilation holes, which will ensure natural circulation air between the wall and the finishing material;
    • plaster mixes;
    • simple staining using which have good vapor permeability.

    These are the most best solutions for those who are looking for an option than to finish the facade of the house from aerated concrete.

    Frame house

    Such buildings attract attention because they are economical in construction. But with the finish you need to be careful, as there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account:

    What to do with the above? Many experts recommend mounting any hinged structures based on a vinyl block house, siding. Such a coating attracts with an affordable price, simple installation, reliability and durability, so this system is in high demand today.

    The frame house looks beautiful when sheathed with clapboard, wooden siding, block house - in general, materials that emphasize the naturalness of wood. Such structures look solid, presentable and fit beautifully into the surrounding landscape. To give some effect to the facade, you can use the facade decorative plaster. And tiling, natural or artificial stone will help to express the individuality and solidity of the cottage.

    Thus, we see that there are many options for how you can finish the facade of the house. But in order for your choice to be truly conscious, you should pay attention to the merits of each material and its approximate cost.


    This material is liked by both buyers and experts for its safety, ease of installation, ease of maintenance and beautiful appearance. For example, in most European countries, this material is most often used to decorate houses. And given that manufacturers guarantee a service life of about 40 years, you can protect your home for for many, many years. As for the price, the material on average costs about 200 rubles per 1 sq. m., speaking of vinyl siding, the basement is more expensive - about 500 rubles per square meter. m. But still, for those who are looking for how to cheaply finish the facade of the house, this material is best suited.


    This coating can make the facade of any house beautiful and worthy of attention. In terms of structure, we have a moisture resistant and breathable material. There are many varieties of it - acrylic, mineral, silicate and silicone plaster. But in terms of texture and color solution the material is very limited, in addition, before facing, it is necessary to additionally paint the facade. Experts note that this coating will last for 10 years, while it does not differ in resistance to mechanical stress.

    The process itself is not the easiest - for finishing a house with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 150-200 square meters. m will take at least 6-8 weeks. And you will need a primer on the surface in advance to protect it from atmospheric influences. The cost of a kilogram of plaster is from 40 rubles. for 1 kg - this is the simplest variety, silicate and silicone plasters are expensive - they cost from 100 rubles per kilogram. On average for one square meter about 3 kg of material is consumed.

    Block house

    What is the inexpensive way to decorate the facade of the house if it is made of wood and you want to emphasize its natural beauty? Experts suggest paying attention to a type of lining - a block house, the front surface of which imitates a rounded log. With environmental friendliness and naturalness, the material is not durable, and the appearance of the surface can be spoiled by cracks and other defects that are characteristic of wood. In addition, you will need to constantly update the surface of the block house with protective equipment. The cost of one square meter of material varies between 400-1000 rubles.

    ceramic brick

    If the appearance of your home is more important to you than the cost of finishing, choose the front ceramic brick. It attracts attention with ecological cleanliness and natural composition, frost resistance and durability and good sound insulation. It is necessary to decide in advance on the color and texture solution before finishing the facade of the house. A photo of such houses shows that a more luxurious coverage cannot be imagined. Plus, it will last for decades. True, in terms of cost, this material cannot be attributed to the budget - after all high quality and durability can't be cheap. One square meter of cladding will cost from 1200 to 3000 rubles.

    Facade tiles

    A modern and reliable building material is facade tiles. It is strong, moisture resistant, durable and perfect if you are looking for nice solution the question of how to decorate the facade of the house. A photo of the finished surface emphasizes all its beauty, however, the installation itself is not simple. In addition, careful preliminary preparation of the surface is required, as well as control over the straightness of the seam. In terms of quality and aesthetics, facade tiles are not inferior to bricks, and at a price they are much cheaper - 1000-1500 rubles per square meter.

    That is why we recommend that you take seriously the issues of finishing the building. In this review, we will talk in detail about the methods existing in construction and highlight the most popular and sought-after ones. Check out colorful photo and select suitable option to decorate the facade of your house!

    The main rules when choosing the finishing of the facade of the house

    Before moving on to practice, let's talk a little about theory. First of all, you should remember that any finishing material has its own functionality and is not only part of the decor. It is designed to decorate and protect from adverse external factors, while it should look harmonious and be as close as possible to the overall aesthetics of the entire building. Remember that a properly selected finish is a spectacular appearance of the building, as well as its durability.

    One more nuance. Most people when choosing materials for the facade prefer to save. We suggest doing this without sacrificing quality, and then all your efforts will pay off handsomely.

    Classics of the genre - decorative facade plaster for finishing the facade of the house

    Plastering facades for the purpose decorative finishes- quite an old technique in construction. However, it is still relevant today. Plaster not only gives an attractive appearance to the walls, but also serves as an excellent insulation. After plastering the surface will not let in moisture, but at the same time they will "breathe", which will create a comfortable climate zone indoors. Using plaster as a finish, you can create a three-dimensional embossed facade, turning into reality the most daring design solutions. There are no application restrictions. You can put the plaster mixture on a brick wall, on a stone surface or on an insulated mineral wool and foam plastic facade.

    If you want to change the color of the building from minimal cost , then the use of facade plaster for painting - best option, which will completely suit you both in terms of price and labor costs for carrying out repair work. On sale there is a fairly wide selection of mixtures for plastering the facade. Among them, the following types of plaster are distinguished:

    • Acrylic;
    • Mineral;
    • Silicone;
    • silicate.

    Brick for finishing the facade of the house

    Brick is the oldest facing material. Masonry from it is found even in buildings of the Middle Ages. People have long appreciated thermal insulation properties, fire safety and environmental friendliness of bricks. This building material is resistant to both low and high temperatures. It is practically waterproof, serves as an excellent soundproof material. Like others building materials, the brick has a certain period operation. It is about 20 years, but as practice shows, brickwork in some cases “lives” much longer, while being in excellent condition. Of the minuses, a decent weight of a brick can be noted. This is an additional load on the foundation and walls of the building. Also, to achieve the optimal result, it is necessary to choose a high-quality adhesive composition (mixture) for the installation of brick cladding.

    Finishing the facade of the house with panels

    In order to finish the facade of the house quickly and efficiently, use special panels. They simultaneously play the role of thermal insulation for walls and are a facing material. Panels are suitable for almost any surface.

    The basis for the manufacture of this building material can be plastic and metal. Such panels are called siding. With it, you can easily mask any wall defects: cracks, bumps, faded color and other visible damage. At the same time, siding is distinguished by a fairly long service life.

    A wide range of color palette allows you to create real masterpieces when decorating the walls of a building. Distinguishes this material and environmental friendliness. In its manufacture, substances harmful to the human body are not used. The panels are not subject to rotting and corrosion processes and at the same time serve for quite a long time without losing their appearance. Using siding, you can imitate the texture of almost any facing materials. You have the opportunity to order slabs for brick, plaster, brickwork, stone, etc. This expands the possibilities of the designer and makes it possible to create the original facade of buildings and structures.

    Homeowners who used panels to decorate the facade distinguish it ease of operation. If the surface is dirty and requires serious cleaning of the walls, then you can use it without fear. household chemicals in order to give the facade of the house its original appearance. It should also be noted that the siding is resistant to fading, and the sun's rays do not cause harm. appearance building. Equally important is the cost-effectiveness of this coating. When the budget is limited, panels are a worthy alternative to other cladding materials.
    Dear readers, we hope that the information provided in this review will help you decide on the material for facade cladding. We wish you to realize all your plans and, finally, build the house of your dreams!

    Clinker tiles for finishing the facade of the house

    Range facing tiles for the facade of the house, produced by world and Russian manufacturers, has more than a hundred different colors and textures with a rough or glazed surface. This variety of brick-like clinker tiles makes it possible to give the house an expressive natural look.

    For the manufacture of this material, refractory pure shale clays are used, which do not contain salts and impurities of calcium carbonate.

    Sandwich panels for finishing the facade of the house

    The word "sandwich" in the name of the panels very correctly describes the construction of the material. It consists of two dense layers, between which there is a heater. It is successfully used in the decoration of new houses and the reconstruction of old ones. The material is very beautiful, diverse, light, moisture resistant, fireproof, durable.

    Finishing the facade of the house with a block house or imitation of glued beams

    Imitation timber and block house are made of natural wood, impregnated with special compounds and have a lock against moisture ingress, with proper care they will last for decades. Due to the specifics of their design, they are easy to install.

    Finishing the facade of the house with artificial or natural stone

    In most cases, a house is judged by its façade, just as a person is judged by their appearance when they first meet. The facade can be clad in whole or in part with natural stone.

    Modern technologies allow you to create an imitation of almost any finishing material, one of which is fake diamond. It is perfect for finishing the facades of houses, ground floors, foundation structures and even interior finishing works.