Knauf grunband heat-insulating facade plaster (25kg). Warm plaster knauf grunband

A fairly promising direction in the construction business is becoming plaster insulation... Compared to curtain facades or the use of insulation boards, it is much more economical both during the production of work and during the operation.

One of the highest quality materials that allows this technology to be implemented is Knauf Grünband warm plaster.

All building mixtures of this type contain a porous filler that retains heat well. But let's take a closer look at one of them - cement plaster Grunband.


This mixture, in addition to the standard components for plaster, contains hydrophobic additives and small granules of expanded polystyrene.

The former increase resistance finished coating moisture and water, including saturated with sulphates that destroy plaster. The latter provide the material with heat-saving properties, reduce weight and, accordingly, the load on the foundation.

Note! You can't just mix cement with granular polystyrene with your own hands and get high-quality thermal insulation plaster. Modifying and hydrophobic additives, plasticizers and other components must be present in the "correct" material, without which it will not have the required properties.

In the Grünband plaster mixture, all fractional components do not exceed 1.5 mm in diameter, due to which a sufficiently dense structural lattice is formed during the application process, and the application itself can be performed both manually and by machine.

Properties and application

Knauf warm plaster is vapor-permeable, therefore it does not interfere with air exchange in the building, maintaining a healthy microclimate in it. It is easy to apply, and after reaching the nominal strength it provides reliable protection walls from humidity and the influence of the atmosphere.

It can be used for both exterior and interior decoration.

In addition to its main heat-saving functions, it has other important properties, thanks to which it is used for solving other problems:

  • Device waterproofing coatings on the facades, as well as in basements, bathrooms and other rooms with high humidity;
  • Strengthening the facades... Due to the formation of the frame layer and the ability to withstand severe bending loads, the plaster prevents the destruction and sedimentary deformation of the bases;
  • Decorative textured plastering(cm. ). The Grünband pebble texture, created during the grouting process, looks very decorative and can be used as a base for painting.


Dry mix Grünband Knauf thermal insulation plaster is sold in 25 kg paper bags. This amount, when applied in a layer of 15 mm, is sufficient for a plaster of 1.4 sq. M. surface. The shelf life is 12 months.

It is important. The material retains its properties only in undamaged packaging and if stored in dry rooms.

The consumption of plaster is quite large, but given that the price of the material is very reasonable, the cost of finishing is lower than with a device with insulation or natural or artificial stone (cm. ).

Application rules

No coating will meet the declared characteristics and reliably perform its functions if the technology was violated during its creation.

The smallest problems that you will encounter in this case are the appearance of cracks on the surface, but the plaster can simply fall off the walls. Therefore, the preparation of the base, the preparation and application of the solution should be taken seriously.

The instructions below will help you avoid making mistakes:

  • Work can be performed only at an ambient temperature and the base itself +5 degrees and above;
  • During work and during the period of drying of the plaster layer, rain drops and direct sunlight should not fall on it;
  • Floors, windows, doors and other building structures must be protected with waterproof material;
  • The base must be cleaned before plastering: remove dirt, dust, peeling coatings, excess mortar from masonry joints, etc.;
  • Highly absorbent surfaces (for example, aerated concrete) are treated with primer Knauf Isogrund;
  • Fresh masonry from expanded clay blocks or ceramic brick moisten with water;
  • Concrete surfaces, sand-lime brick rubble and old brickwork treated with Knauf VP 332 spray plaster or adhesive with a layer of 5 mm;

Note. Proceed to application thermal insulation plaster it is possible not earlier than in a day, when the spray layer hardens.

  • Protective metal profiles are installed on the outer corners in front of the plaster using the same working mixture;
  • Rounded sections, joints of building elements and other places with increased load it is advisable to reinforce with fiberglass mesh, pressing it into the solution during the plastering process. The mesh is laid with an overlap of 10 cm canvases;

  • The solution is prepared immediately before starting work in strict accordance with the instructions on the package. The volume of a single portion should be correlated with labor productivity in order to have time to develop it before the mixture begins to set;
  • The plaster is applied manually or by machine and leveled immediately. To give a decorative texture, it is necessary to grout before the solution begins to lose moisture and gain strength;

  • Subsequent finishing is allowed only after complete drying of the plaster layer.


IN building stores you can find many other types of thermal insulation plaster. But the materials knauf company enjoy special trust and popularity among both customers and professional finishers.

You can see how Grunband plaster behaves during the application process, and what the result of its use is, by opening the video in this article.

Application method manual and machine
Recommended layer thickness 1-3 cm
Consumption at a layer thickness of 1 cm about 12 kg / m 2
Exit from 1 bag on average 2.1 m 2
Water absorption < 15 %
Frost resistance from 35 cycles

Compressive strength

after curing

not less than 3.4 MPa
Shelf life 1 year in undamaged packaging
Packaging 25 Kg
Number of bags on a pallet 30 pcs

Warming plaster Grunband Knaufcreated for thermal insulation of premises using the so-called technology " warm wall».

Plaster insulation is a new construction technologies... Note, quite promising technologies. Its use allows you to save significant funds, moreover, not only during operation, but also at the stage of finishing works... In comparison with other types of building materials, for example, siding, polypeno styrene or natural stone, insulating plaster is much cheaper and more affordable to sell. In order to get a complete picture, it is necessary to understand what insulation plaster is.


In addition to traditional components: gypsum, Portland cement and plastic modifiers, Grünband plaster contains reinforcing polystyrene fibers and hydrophobic additives. In particular, the introduction of hydroaluminates is practiced, which makes it possible to increase the resistance to sulfate waters and improve the strength indicators.

Fractional components of Grünband plaster mix are strictly standardized and do not exceed 1.5 mm. This makes the product versatile, i.e. besides manual basting, machine application is also possible. Moreover, the fine fraction is more malleable in finishing and forms a dense structural lattice.

Application possibilities

In addition to its direct purpose, Knauf Grunband has several other uses. The main ones are.

? Protection and strengthening. This refers to the formation of a frame layer that can protect the walls of the structure from atmospheric influences. In addition, due to the ability to withstand significant bending loads (up to 4 MPa), insulated plasters prevent sedimentary deformations and destruction.

? Waterproofing. It is carried out both outside and inside the building. In particular, the practice of arranging waterproof bases in laundries, bathrooms, kitchens or basements.

? Decoration of facades. Using special tools on the "warm wall" plaster, you can form your own texture, which will look no worse than decorative materials.

Region knauf applications GRUNBAND

Knauf Grunband dry plaster mix with heat-insulating and water-repellent properties based on cement, fractional sand, lightweight aggregate in the form of expanded polystyrene granules and hydrophobic additives, for external and internal works.
Grünband plaster is easy to apply, vapor-permeable, almost stress-free, provides long-term protection against atmospheric influences and a healthy home climate.
Knauf Grundband is intended for plastering the surfaces of walls (ceilings) of heat-insulating stone and brick tubs, as well as ordinary bases for the next application of decorative coatings on them ( decorative plasters KNAUF-Diamant 260, paints, facing tiles etc.)
Can be applied manually and using plastering machines PFT G5, PFT G4, PFT Monojet.
The product is manufactured under constant internal and independent (GOST R certification) control.

Material consumption

Consumption of KNAUF Grünband dry mix for plastering 1 m2 of 15 mm thick surface is about 18.3 kg / m2, excluding losses.
One bag (25kg) is enough for plastering about 1.37 m2.

Technical characteristics of Knauf GRUNBAND
Layer thickness: 10-30 mm
Max. fraction size: 1.5 mm
Density: 1100kg / m3
Flexural strength 1.6 MPa
Compressive strength 3.4 MPa
Coeff. resistance diff.
water vapor, 10
Thermal conductivity 0.55 W / m С
Elastic modulus
(dynamic) 0.47
water absorption, w 0.5 kg / m2h

Packaging and storage
Knauf Grunband plaster mix is \u200b\u200bpacked in 25 kg paper bags.
The product can be shipped in containers or soft plastic containers "Big Bag".
Store the bags with Grundband mortar in dry rooms on wooden pallets. Pour the material from the damaged bags into the whole and use it first.
Shelf life in undamaged packaging is 12 months.

Preparation of the base
Conditions of work
The temperature of the air and the base should not be lower than +5 C. Protect the working surfaces from the windward side from rain, in sunny and very warm weather, cover the applied plaster with tarpaulin, film, etc., until it dries. Contamination-susceptible adjacent construction elements made of natural wood, glass, aluminum, natural stone, cover or paste over the floor surface with waterproof coatings.
Substrate surface preparation
Clean the surface of the base from dirt, dust and detachments that prevent adhesion of the plaster, if necessary, rinse with water under pressure, remove the remains of formwork grease from the concrete, open up the seams of the brickwork, etc. Moisten new masonry made of ceramic bricks, expanded clay concrete blocks, pumice stone before applying the mortar mixture. The surface of aerated concrete blocks, in order to avoid strong absorption of water from the plaster mortar mixture, should be coated with a Knauf-Izogrund primer. On the surface of the base made of silicate brick, concrete, rubble masonry, old ceramic brick masonry, apply a plaster solution for spraying Knauf-VP 332, tearing at least 50% of the surface with a layer of 5 mm. A surface that is highly absorbent or with different hygroscopicity, before applying KNUF \u003d VP 332, moisten. Leave the sprayed layer to harden for one day before applying the Knauf Grünband mortar mixture. Install protective corners on the corners, securing them in advance with the help of Knauf Grünband solution.
Joints of various building elements, surfaces of elastic foundations, corners of openings, rounded sections, etc. when plastering, it is necessary to reinforce it with a fiberglass mesh, placing it in a fresh solution and pressing with a spatula, while the solution should cover the mesh.
The overlap of the reinforcing mesh at the joints should be 10 cm.
For wall building structures made of materials with high thermal insulation properties, mixed masonry. For plaster applied from the leeward side, with a large thickness of plaster, for rubbed surfaces or for plaster with a grain size of at least 2 mm, it is recommended to reinforce with a fiberglass mesh with an overlap of its webs of 10 cm.

Operating procedure
Mortar preparation
Mix the contents of the Knauf Grünband bag (25 kg) with 6-7 liters of water by hand or using a drill with a mixer nozzle until a homogeneous mass without lumps contains lumps, stand for 5 minutes and mix again. To avoid foaming of the mortar mixture, do not stir for a long time. If necessary, add water or dry mixture and mix again. It is not allowed to add other components to the solution!
In the case of machine application, set the initial water consumption to -350 l / h, then adjust the consistency of the mortar mixture, reducing or increasing the water consumption.

Dry plaster mix with heat-insulating and water-repellent properties based on cement, graded sand, light aggregate, in the form of expanded polystyrene granules, and additives, including hydrophobic ones.

Designed for plastering the surfaces of building facades, walls and ceilings in wet rooms, on bases of ceramic and silicate bricks, concrete, gas, foam concrete blocks for subsequent application of decorative coatings (for example, decorative plaster, paint, facing tiles, etc.) .)

It is used for indoor and outdoor use.
It is applied by hand and machine.

The application process includes the following stages of work:

Preparation of the base surface.

Preparation of the solution.

Application of the mortar manually or mechanically using high-performance mortar mixing pumps G4, G5, Monojet from PFT (PFT).

Consumption of dry mix KNAUF-Grünband for plastering 1 sq. M of surface with a thickness of 10 mm is about 12 kg / m 2. -One bag (25 kg) is enough for plastering about 2.1 m2.



Knauf-Grünband cement facade heat-insulating plaster is easy to apply.

Vapor permeable.

Does not crack.

Strengthens the thermal insulation properties of the walls.

Provides long-term weather protection for facades.

It can be applied manually and using high-performance mortar mixing pumps G4, G5, Monojet from PFT firm (PFT).

For achievement high Quality the finished surface must be protected from frost and fast drying.

Application decorative coating (decorative plaster Knauf-Diamant, paints, etc.) can be produced only after the plaster layer has dried.

Before applying decorative plaster KNAUF-Diamant, the plastered surface must be covered with a primer KNAUF-Izogrund and allowed to dry. Wash contaminated containers and tools with water immediately after use.

... Solution preparation:

Pour the contents of the bag (25 kg) into a container with 6.5-7.0 liters of cold pure water and mix by hand or with a plaster mixer until homogeneous, lump-free mass, stand for 5 minutes and mix again. If necessary, add water or dry mixture and mix again.
When applying the mixture with plastering machines, set the initial water flow rate of ~ 360 l / h and adjust the consistency of the plaster solution by changing the water flow.

... Application:

Apply Knauf-Grünband mortar manually or mechanically to the prepared surface of the base and level it with a rule. After a few hours, as soon as the solution starts
set and acquire sufficient rigidity, remove irregularities and sagging with a metal grating float (Rabbo).

With a plaster thickness of 10 to 30 mm, Knauf-Grunband mortar is applied in one layer, followed by exposure for one week to harden and dry before applying decorative plaster, for example, Knauf-Diamant. For plaster thicknesses over 30 mm, the solution is applied in two layers. Roughen and harden the first coat before applying the second. Apply a second layer, while on the surface of the freshly applied layer, lay a fiberglass mesh (mesh size 4 x 4 mm), which must be completely covered plastering solution when leveling. To obtain textured, trowelled surfaces for subsequent painting, apply a solution of Knauf-Unterputz plaster on the hardened leveling plaster Knauf-Grünband with a layer of about 3 mm thick. After setting, rub with a felt float.

... Reinforcement:

In some cases, it is necessary to reinforce the plaster layer with fiberglass mesh, placing it in a fresh solution and pressing with a spatula, while the solution should cover the mesh.
Local reinforcement is subject to:
- joints of different building elements,
- surfaces of elastic foundations,
- corners of openings,
- rounded sections, etc.
Full surface reinforcement is recommended for plastering:
- walls made of materials with high thermal insulation properties (gas or foam concrete),
- mixed masonry walls,
- walls on the leeward side of the building,
- with a plaster layer thickness over 30 mm,
- for surfaces to be trowelled or under structural plaster with grain size less than 2 mm.
The overlap of the reinforcing mesh at the joints should be at least 10 cm.

When plastering with KNAUF-Grunband mortar, the norms of SNiP 3.04.01-87 apply.
Stir the dry KNAUF-Grunband mixture only with water. Do not add other materials to the solution! Protect freshly applied plaster from frost and quick drying. Apply decorative coating (decorative plaster, paint, etc.) only after the plaster layer has dried. Prior to application of Knauf-Diamant decorative plasters, coat the surface plastered with Knauf-Grunband with Knauf-Izogrund primer and allow to dry. When applying the mortar by machine, lubricate the equipment hoses with paste before starting work. Wash equipment and tools with water immediately after work.

Material consumption is indicated per 1 sq. m plaster surface with a thickness of 10 mm - 12 kg

Packing: 25
Packaging: 1

Knauf Grunband plaster

Knauf-Grunband is a dry plaster mix based on cement with a light aggregate and special additives.
Possesses high crack resistance and heat-insulating ability.

It is used for external and internal works. Designed for plastering wall surfaces with heat-insulating stone and brickwork (gas and foam concrete),
as well as conventional bases made of ceramic and silicate bricks, concrete, etc., for subsequent application of decorative coatings (decorative plaster, for example, Knauf-Diamant, facing tiles, etc.). Easy to apply, vapor-permeable, does not crack, enhances the thermal insulation properties of walls, provides long-term protection of facades from weathering. It can be applied manually and using plastering machines, for example, from PFT, equipped with a D6-3 screw pair.

Single layer thickness: 10-30 mm
Maximum fraction size: up to 1.5 mm
Density: Compressive strength:\u003e 3.4 MPa
Vapor permeability coefficient, m: 0.1 mg / m h Pa
Thermal conductivity: Frost resistance: 100 cycles (according to GOST 10060.3-95)

Substrate surface preparation:
Clean the surface of the base from dirt, dust and detachments that prevent adhesion of the plaster, if necessary, rinse with water under pressure. Remove formwork residues from the concrete.
grease, embroider masonry seams, etc. Moisten new masonry made of ceramic bricks, expanded clay concrete blocks, pumice stone before applying the plaster mortar. To prevent strong water absorption from the plaster mortar, cover the surface of aerated concrete blocks with a primer KNAUF-Izogrund or KNAUF-Kvartsgrund diluted with two parts of water. On the surface of the base made of silicate bricks, concrete, rubble masonry, old ceramic brick masonry, apply a solution of Knauf-Adhesive plaster for spraying with a layer of about 5 mm thick. Moisturize surfaces highly absorbent or with different hygroscopicity before applying Knauf-Adhesive.
Leave the sprayed layer to harden for at least 24 hours before applying the Knauf-Grünband plaster solution. Install protective corners on the corners, securing them in advance using the KNAUF-Grunband solution.

Solution preparation:
Pour the contents of the bag (25 kg) into a container with 6.5–7.0 liters of cold clean water and mix by hand or using a plaster mixer until a homogeneous mass, free of lumps, stand for 5 minutes and mix again. If necessary, add water or dry mixture and mix again.
When applying the mixture with plastering machines, set the initial water flow rate of ~ 360 l / h and adjust the consistency of the plaster solution by changing the water flow.

Apply Knauf-Grünband mortar manually or mechanically to the prepared surface of the base and level it with a rule. After a few hours, as soon as the solution starts
set and acquire sufficient rigidity, remove irregularities and sagging with a metal grating float (Rabbo).
With a plaster thickness of 10 to 30 mm, Knauf-Grunband mortar is applied in one layer, followed by exposure for one week to harden and dry before applying decorative plaster, for example, Knauf-Diamant. For plaster thicknesses over 30 mm, the solution is applied in two layers. Roughen and harden the first coat before applying the second. Apply the second layer, while on the surface of the freshly applied layer, lay a glass mesh (mesh size 4 x 4 mm), which must be completely covered with plaster mortar when leveling. To obtain textured, trowelled surfaces for subsequent painting, apply a solution of Knauf-Unterputz plaster on the hardened leveling plaster Knauf-Grünband with a layer of about 3 mm thick. After setting, rub with a felt float.

In some cases, it is necessary to reinforce the plaster layer with fiberglass mesh, placing it in a fresh solution and pressing with a spatula, while the solution should cover the mesh.
Local reinforcement is subject to:
- joints of different building elements,
- surfaces of elastic foundations,
- corners of openings,
- rounded sections, etc.
Full surface reinforcement is recommended for plastering:
- walls made of materials with high thermal insulation properties (gas or foam concrete),
- mixed masonry walls,
- walls on the leeward side of the building,
- with a plaster layer thickness over 30 mm,
- for trowelled or structural plaster surfaces with a grain size of less than 2 mm.
The overlap of the reinforcing mesh at the joints should be at least 10 cm.

When plastering with KNAUF-Grunband mortar, the norms of SNiP 3.04.01-87 apply.
Stir the dry KNAUF-Grunband mixture only with water. Do not add other materials to the solution! Protect freshly applied plaster from frost and quick drying. Apply decorative coating (decorative plaster, paint, etc.) only after the plaster layer has dried. Prior to application of Knauf-Diamant decorative plasters, coat the surface plastered with Knauf-Grunband with Knauf-Izogrund primer and allow to dry. When applying the mortar by machine, lubricate the equipment hoses with paste before starting work. Wash equipment and tools with water immediately after work.

Material consumption is indicated per 1 sq. m plaster surface with a thickness of 10 mm - 12 kg

Plaster mixer (800 W)
Solution preparation container
Stainless steel trowel
Plaster falcon
Rule (h-profile) aluminum
Felt grater
Plastering machines PFT - G4, G5, Monojet
Stator - D6-3, rotor - D6-3
Mortar hose - diameter 25 mm, length - up to 30 m


STORAGE LIFE: 12 months