Decorative structural plaster for interior use. Description of acrylic, silicate and silicone plaster. How much does structural plaster cost?

Structural plaster for internal works has been known for a very long time. It was used as a material for wall decoration several centuries ago. The classification of this type of coating is quite diverse. Such ceilings are also used indoors.

When considering what structural plaster is, you should also consider the possible need to use finishing by the type of wallpapering or painting. Different ones can have independent decorative value and do not require final finishing.

Classification of structural plaster by composition

On the market today, structural plaster is presented in a wide variety. The most popular are 4 classes, among them:

  • silicone;
  • mineral;
  • silicate;
  • polymer.

Mineral is also called lime-sand, and polymer - acrylic. Cement acts as the main substance in mineral plaster, this mixture has a high vapor permeability, as well as good water absorption. After drying, the mixture is subject to moderate contamination. Inorganic substances are used as a pigment.

Mineral-based plaster has low elasticity, but is resistant to ultraviolet rays... It has medium microbiological resistance and little abrasion resistance. When considering the benefits, you can consider that mineral structural plaster is weather-resistant.

Description of acrylic, silicate and silicone plaster

Structural plaster for interior use can be acrylic, silicate and silicone. In the first variety, it acts as the main substance in the second and third - liquid glass and silicone resin, respectively. As for the steam permeability, acrylic plaster does not allow steam to pass through well, but the other two varieties are excellent.

Water absorption is low for silicate, medium, and silicone for low. If you do not want to see dirt on the walls, then you should choose a silicone plaster, it has a low susceptibility to dirt, like silicate. But with acrylic - high. The pigments in the latter version can be inorganic and organic, as in the silicone version. As for the silicate plaster, the pigment will be inorganic. High degree elasticity is possessed by acrylic or silicone plaster, medium elasticity is in the silicate variety of this decorative material.

Reviews of lime-sand plaster

Lime-sand structural plaster for interior use is often prepared with the addition of gypsum. This variety, according to buyers, is the most environmentally friendly. In terms of wear resistance, the layer will be inferior to competitors.

Buyers choose mineral plaster for finishing walls and ceilings in the bathroom, because such a surface, after drying, is not afraid of moisture. Consumers also like the democratic cost, because the components are based on a low price. That is why lime-sand plaster is the most common.

Reviews of polymer and silicone plaster

Polymeric structural plaster for interior work has high plasticity, which is very popular with customers. It is resistant to moisture and aggressive environments, durable and strong. But many consumers do not like the fact that polymer blends have limited vapor permeability. Alternatively, you can opt for a silicone compound that can be applied to older coatings.

Customers say they like this finish because of its resistance to sunlight. Among other things, the walls and ceiling will not attract dust and will exhibit self-cleaning qualities. This is explained by the fact that water and dirt are collected in drops, and then flow down from a non-wetted surface, which is important for rooms with high pollution. The silicone plaster also attracts consumers by its long service life. It is produced in the form of convenient ready-made mixtures, due to this, application does not involve efforts on the part of the master. However, silicone formulations are quite expensive, which sometimes limits their distribution.

Reviews of silicate structural plasters

By looking at an overview of structural plaster for interior use, you will be able to understand that the silicate variety is resistant to mold and putrefaction. Consumers love that the dried layer exhibits water repellency.

Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting fire safety and a wide variety of shades and tones. Consumers emphasize that silicate mixtures are phenomenal in terms of service life, because the durability sometimes reaches 60 years. However, in terms of cost, this type of plaster is one of the most expensive.

Varieties of structural plasters for decorative qualities

Structural plaster for interior work, the types of which were described above in terms of composition, are also classified according to their decorative properties. For example, on the market you can find mixtures interspersed with large particles. When applied with a trowel, the elements leave an uneven mark. The most common type of such a surface is the "bark beetle", which imitates wood tainted by insects.

Recreates a surface that simulates natural stone... The surface is uneven, which is very much demanded by designers. The most popular type of such coatings is "Graffito" or thin-layer. As a result, it is possible to obtain a surface that conveys the appearance:

  • moire silk fabric;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • velvet;
  • wood;
  • genuine leather.

With the help of textured plaster, you can hide wall defects; no preparatory work is required before application. The main difference is that such a structural decorative plaster can be applied to any surface, namely: plastic, wood, brick and concrete.

Description of flock plaster and composition based on marble chips

Structural plaster in interior decoration used quite often today. This should include flock plaster, which contains natural cellulose, mineral dyes and fillers, as well as silk fibers. In addition to the ability to create a highly artistic effect, the master will have the opportunity to form a breathable layer that perfectly insulates the room and allows you to keep it warm.

A very durable textured finish can be achieved with a marble-based plaster. The composition can be marble or granite granulate. The sizes of the elements can be different, depending on what the appearance is modified. In the role of additional additives, quartz particles or additives are sometimes used to obtain the effect of golden shimmer. Such a coating is frost-resistant, not afraid of sunlight, does not fade, and perfectly resists mechanical damage.

This plaster in the interior allows you to replace regular wallpaper, which is especially true for owners who have pets in their home. Before application, the surface is primed, otherwise the base will shine through.

Application technology: preparation

Of such finishing material, like structural plaster, application (you must study the description of all stages of the process before starting work) requires preparation. The walls should be leveled, smooth, and then primed. It is better to use a deep penetration mixture, but it is necessary to dry the wall well. Experts recommend using acrylic primer... To give maximum strength to the base, you need to strengthen it using special compounds.

Methods of work

Structural plaster can be applied in several layers. A small portion of the mixture is collected on a spatula and evenly distributed over the trowel. After that, the tool is placed against the wall to apply the composition at an angle of 30 °. You can use a traditional sponge for leveling. Instead, sometimes a regular sponge is used. In conclusion, they are passed over the surface with a spatula, thanks to which it is possible to smooth out sharp corners.

Structural plaster for interior use, the reviews of which you could read above, can take almost any form. It is recommended to use different tools for this. Among them should be highlighted:

  • notched trowel;
  • embossed roller;
  • brush;
  • simple spatula.

If you use a conventional cushion, then the surfaces you will transfer finished drawing... You can find an ornamented roller that will make your work easier. This will minimize the cost of finishing materials.


Structural plaster for interior use, the price of which can be very different, has been described above. Choosing Shagreen plaster, you will have to pay 49 rubles. per kilogram. The consumption of this material per 1 m 2 will be approximately 2.5 kg. Decorative plaster "Bark beetle" is somewhat more expensive - 59 rubles. per kilogram, and the consumption will be 3.8 kg / m 2.

In the past few years, decorative plasters have been one of the most popular finishing materials. The modern construction market offers the buyer a huge amount of different options of this material. They differ in composition, service life, appearance of the coating, and so on, but they have one common featurehigh price... If the budget for repairs is limited, but there is a desire to create a truly original interior, you can try to make decorative plaster yourself. At the moment, there are three main groups of decorative plasters.

In spite of various names, the composition of this type of decorative plaster practically does not change. It can be based on gypsum, cement, lime, or combinations thereof. The filler can be yellow river sand, flour or crumbs from different types natural stones such as marble, granite, quartz and so on. Optionally, polymer viscosity-increasing additives, antiseptic and moisture-resistant components are added to the mixture.

The surface structure after drying directly depends on the type, quality and fraction of the filler. For example, in the most common structural plaster, bark beetle can contain grains with a diameter of 1.5 to 5 mm. Several dispersed materials with different sizes are added to the lamb mixture.

Important! In any plaster mixture, the filler content should not exceed 70% of the total mass of the solution. Otherwise, the material will turn out to be too loose, and the coating will not meet modern technical standards.

Self-preparation of gypsum plaster

Gypsum decorative plaster is used most often. It dries quickly, is easy to apply and level. There are two main options for its preparation:

  1. Simple. It contains dry gypsum flour and lime paste. These materials are mixed in proportions of 1: 3 and then diluted with water. The liquid must be poured gradually until the consistency of the solution begins to resemble thick sour cream. At the end, add color if necessary.
  2. With the addition of silicate material. The basis of the material is the same as in the first version, but water glass is additionally added. First, the base materials are mixed in proportions of 1: 3.5, then silicate is added (about 5% by weight of the mixture) and diluted with water.

In order for gypsum plaster to be plastic, all proportions must be strictly observed.

On a note! If it was decided to make the mixture "from scratch", then you will have to make the lime dough yourself. To do this, slaked lime and water are mixed in proportions of 3: 1, after which the container with the solution is covered and left to infuse for a day.

Gypsum mixes are suitable for finishing works only in dry rooms, you can decorate both the walls and the ceiling.

Cement-sand mixture

The cheaper and more durable material is cement-sand mortar... For its preparation - cement, sand and slaked lime are mixed in proportions 1: 2: 1, after which silicate material is added (5% of the total mass). At the end, the mixture is diluted with water. The consistency should be such that the material is convenient to pick up on a spatula, but not too liquid, it should not drain from the surface.

The cement-sand mixture is quite simple to prepare yourself.

The very last step in preparing structural renders is the addition of stone chips. Let us remind you that its content should not exceed 70%.

If you have a question about how to make decorative plaster quickly and inexpensively, then the most simple option there will be a purchase of a ready-made mixture, without additives from natural stone, and a separate filler. Even assuming that a ready-made mixture is purchased, the cost will still be lower than that of a structural composition with a filler already included in it. To prepare a mixture from such components, you just need to add flour or crumbs to the mixture and dilute it with water.

Textured plasters

In this case, we are talking about a material that contains fine-grained fillers, therefore, after drying, a flat surface is formed. The plaster received this name due to the fact that before the moment of setting, various relief patterns are applied to the surface by means of floats, half-trowels, trowels, curly spatulas, brushes and rollers. The advantage over structural ones is that the master has the opportunity to implement his own design solutions... In the same time structural materials easier and faster to apply.


Cooking recipes

For wet rooms and outdoor work, use material on cement base... To a standard bag of cement (weight 50 kg) add 10 kg of ordinary tile adhesive. After that, 0.5 kg of Rotband plasticizer is added to the mixture. In the last turn, pour water and mix the composition thoroughly.

For interior surfaces in dry rooms, a plaster version is better suited. This will require 6 kg of dry ready-made plaster mixture based on gypsum, 200 g of PVA glue and 2 liters of water. The process of making decorative plaster with your own hands is somewhat complicated and includes the following steps:

  • First of all, 1.5 liters of water is poured into a dry mixture and thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Then PVA glue is added to the remaining water and also mixed.
  • At the end, you need to make a homogeneous mass of two mixtures, its consistency should resemble thick sour cream.

Self-preparation of a solution from gypsum plaster, PVA glue and water

Also, do-it-yourself decorative plaster is made on the basis of white Portland cement of a brand not lower than 400. The most popular recipes for making 1 kg of such mixtures:

  • 200 g of lime dough are mixed with 740 g of marble flour and 50 g of cement, at the end add 10 g of manganese peroxide and a little water.
  • 630 g white sand, 150 g of crushed brick, 50 g of cement and 150 g of lime dough are mixed and 20 g of water are added.
  • Mix 180 g of marble flour, 600 g of lime sand, 80 g of cement and 120 g of lime dough and add 20 g of water.

You should know! If liquid plasticizers are used, then their mass fraction should not exceed 1% of the total weight of the solution. Dry ones are added at the rate of 0.5 kg per 50 kg of cement.

Making Venetian decorative plaster

Venetian decorative plaster creates an amazing print

Such plasters are textured, but due to the great popularity and variety of materials, they are distinguished in a separate group... Before making this type of plaster, you need to find out about its composition. It includes:

  1. Stone dust. Usually marble is used, but to reduce manufacturing costs, fine granite, quartz, malachite and others are added to it. natural stones... Since after applying the plaster it is treated with a trowel, it must be homogeneous, therefore it is better to use fillers of the finest fraction.
  2. Slaked lime. This substance acts as a binder. Ready mixes in building stores contain acrylic resins instead of classic lime, but due to their absence on the market, the first option will be considered.
  3. Dyes. Previously, plant sap was used, but now they are being replaced by synthetic substances.
  4. Water. You can use the usual running water, it is only important to make sure that its temperature is not lower than 10 degrees.

The classic recipe is as follows: stone dust and slaked lime are mixed in equal proportions, after which water is added until a homogeneous thick mixture is formed. Dyes, antiseptic and metallizing components are optionally added.

Special technology application of "Venetian" requires the presence of fillers in the mixture of the finest fraction

There are two more recipes that involve the use of modern building materials:

  1. Finishing putty and flour from white marble mixed in proportions 10: 1, after which water and color are added.
  2. For 7 kg of marble sand, add 1.3 kg of flour from a similar material, 700 g of white Portland cement of a brand not lower than 400 and 1 kg of lime dough.

The proportions can be changed, depending on the desired effect and the characteristics of the surface to be treated, but this requires experience with plaster. The novice master is strongly recommended to mix the compositions strictly according to the above recipes.

Features of applying different types of decorative plaster

Each type of plaster requires the use of special tools and application methods, but preparatory work is mandatory for all.

Self-decoration walls with plaster requires knowledge of methods of working with the material

Preparatory stage

Plastering walls with any type of mixtures begins from this stage. To carry it out, you will need following tools and materials:

  • sandpaper or sander;
  • narrow and wide spatulas;
  • paint brush;
  • plastic wrap and masking tape;
  • putty and primer.

The first step is to clean the surface from traces of corrosion, paint or wallpaper residues, and also to dismantle all fasteners. Treat the surface with a grinder or sandpaper, and then remove the resulting dust with a vacuum cleaner or simply brush it off the walls. Seal the resulting cracks and cracks with putty and wait until it dries.


To apply decorative plaster with your own hands, use a wide spatula, onto which the solution is collected. Then it is applied to the walls. Such plasters dry for a long time, so you can take your time and process the entire surface at a time. To apply a pattern, approximately 1.5 mm of material is required, so the thickness of the entire layer should be about 3 mm. At this stage, it is important to achieve complete coverage of the surface with a solution.

Without waiting for the material to dry, proceed to the next stage. To carry it out, you will need a brush, rollers of different types or a trowel. Due to the relief patterns and irregularities on the surface of this material, texture will appear on the plaster. Which tool to choose and how to wield it is a personal matter for every master. The only rule is that you cannot push the solution deeper than 1.5 mm. Otherwise, after drying, the material will not gain strength and will peel off the walls.

A day after the completion of the work, the surface is primed, painted and treated with wax. You can touch it after about 48 hours.

Such plaster as "Venetian" is considered a false material that requires professionalism. But still everyone can do decorative plaster with their own hands, the main thing is to adhere to the instructions below:

  • The prepared solution is taken on a wide spatula and the surface is leveled with an ordinary trowel.
  • Then they take a special tool - a Venetian trowel and process the entire surface with it. You need to press the tool with medium force, and the movements should be chaotic.
  • By the same principle, the second and third layers are applied at intervals of 8-10 hours.
  • After that, you need to carry out the "iron". To do this, the Venetian trowel is strongly pressed against the surface to be treated and "passes" it over the entire area until a metallic sheen appears (hence the name of the process).
  • At the end, the wall is rubbed with wax and polished with a grinding machine with a soft wheel.


Summing up, we can say that redecorating in an apartment or house may not be so expensive. To do this, you need to try to do most of the processes yourself. Then the repairs made will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Photo gallery: decorative plaster in the interior (16 photos)

Structural plasters have appeared on the sales market for a long time. It is quite practical and the price is not high, it just needs to be applied correctly. Indeed, in this coating, this is perhaps the most important thing.

We will consider how decorative structural plaster is applied today. Also in the video in this article you can see everything clearly.

Structural decorative plaster is divided into three main types:

  • Smooth surface with different color shades.
  • Plaster with a certain texture, obtained using ready-made stencils.
  • , as a result of the use of arbitrary drawing techniques.

Features and advantages of the material

Structural plaster is based on polymer or mineral binders, in combination with various fillers in the form of sand, granules, chips, synthetic and natural fibers, etc.

Structural facade plaster different in relief, for example 0.3 mm in size, create an imitation of sandstone, with the help of grains 1.5 mm in size, you can get the appearance of an untreated stone. The widely known one has a filler with a grain size of 2 mm, and in order to achieve the effect of a real tree bark, you will need decorative plaster with grains, about 3 mm in size.

Structural plaster application technology can have both smooth and rough surfaces. If a smooth, structural surface is planned, then the base should be carefully prepared, since this type of plaster will not be able to hide surface defects.

If we compare ordinary plaster with structural, then the latter has a number of advantages:

  1. It can be applied to all types of surfaces: concrete, brick, wood (see), stone, drywall and metal.
  2. It is able to hide all surface defects.
  3. Possesses increased resistance to mechanical damage.
  4. It is characterized by excellent water-repellent properties. It can be washed using any chemical detergent.
  5. It can be operated at temperatures from -50 ° C to -75 ° C, which expands its application environment.
  6. Specifications indicate its high ductility, which allows you to create a surface of any texture.
  7. She is able to "breathe", and this makes it possible to create the desired microclimate inside housing and office buildings.
  8. Structural plaster surfaces have a long service life.
  9. During operation, it can be repainted in any color you like.
  10. The composition of the structural plaster allows, in principle, to make any ornament on the plane.

Material application

Structural decorative plaster is perfectly applied with your own hands. Only everything must be done in order and according to the technology. To decide on the pattern of the structural surface, you should contact the designer who has the entire range of such surfaces that are stored in the photo, or choose yourself. Then you will save on it.

After looking at such photos, you can decide which drawing is more suitable or more like it.

Caution: When selecting structural surfaces, consider that they are capable of collecting and retaining dust or excess moisture. Therefore, it is very important that they are not used in the kitchen or bathroom.

Preparatory work

Decorative structural plaster is applied to a properly prepared surface.

It is desirable that the plane is flat and solid:

  • If the surface is not even and not strong, then everything must be done to make it so. As a rule, such surfaces are possible with the use of a netting.

Attention: If you already have a coating and at first glance it holds well, it is worth taking ground and tapping it. All that does not hold must be removed. And if there are cracks, then we just grind them with a chisel.

  • After that, the plaster must be given time to dry completely, only after that further work can be continued.
  • The next mandatory step is priming the surface with a deep-penetrating primer. As a rule, structural plasters are able to hide small irregularities, so very careful preparation is not required.

To carry out such work, you will need the following tools:

  • Smoothing trowel, plastering trowel.
  • Spatula in several sizes.
  • Plaster float.
  • Corner trowel.
  • Building level, plumb line, rule.

Application process

Structural Plaster Application The video will show you how to apply the material, everything is done as follows:

  • First you need to apply plaster to the surface, and distribute it in an even layer over the entire plane, using a trowel for this. At the same time, one should not adhere to the ideal uniformity of the layer. The thickness of the layer depends on the pattern, as well as on the size of the filler grains, plus one and a half millimeters of the required margin.
  • To understand the meaning of applying this type of plaster, especially for those who have decided to master this technology on their own, you need to practice on a small piece of drywall. As a rule, mastering occurs very quickly, since there is nothing complicated in that technology.
  • Ready-made mixtures have the ability to slowly harden, which gives the master time to correct the pattern. If you use homemade solutions, it is better to determine in advance the texture of the surface and apply plaster in small areas.

Giving texture

In order to get this or that drawing, can be used various tools, such as:


To do this, you can use a regular hair roller.
  • As a result of passing with a roller, on the newly applied plaster, you can get a kind of pattern.
  • It is also possible to use rollers with ready-made drawings (see). With such rollers, they are carried over the plaster either from bottom to top, or from left to right, as a result of which a finished drawing will appear on the wall.
  • Rollers can be used in a variety of ways. So it also depends on your imagination.
Ready stamps

This is a tool, on the working surface of which there is a finished drawing, according to appearance resembling a large stamp. When applied, and then when pressed against the surface of the plaster, a certain pattern appears.
  • The inconvenience of working with a stamp is that it must be constantly cleaned of the plaster that remains in the recesses of the drawing.
  • These stamps can be equipped with a rubber version of the same pattern, to access places where a large stamp does not fit.
Spatula, trowel, brush

Many masters using these simple tools, are able to turn the surface of the wall into a work of art.
  • With such a tool, it is very easy to transform the surface into the texture of a wild stone.
  • This effect is achieved using arbitrary movements of the spatula.
  • The use of arbitrary movements allows you to obtain a non-standard surface texture, sometimes unique, which pleases the master and the customer.

The final stage and decoration

After completing the stage of forming the texture of the plastered surface, you should proceed to the process of decorating and protecting the textured surface. As a rule, one layer is not enough.

  • If desired, you can highlight the relief of the picture using paints. For this, the first layer of paint is applied with a roller with a long pile. Use a short-haired roller to apply the next coat. At the same time, a lighter paint is chosen for the second layer.
  • If you do not plan to paint or use another type of plaster, then you can protect such a surface with several layers of colorless varnish.

Various compositions can also be used in the work:

  • To create unique patterns, it is possible to use various fillers, which are introduced into the main composition of the plaster. As an example, you can take plaster "bark beetle", which contains polymer granules or natural stone chips.
  • The technology of its application lies in the fact that such plaster is applied to the entire surface of the wall, leveled with an even layer and allowed to grasp a little.
  • After that, they take a grater in their hands and carry it along the surface of the plaster, using various movements for this. At the same time, the granules that are part of the plaster are pulled behind the float, leaving behind specific grooves.
  • Depending on the direction of movement, they can be positioned vertically, horizontally or in different directions, making the drawing unique.

At the same time, the use of structural plasters is not limited only to these technologies described above. There are many interesting techniques that allow you to get truly unique designs.

  • Take, for example, the use of colored balls in structural plasters. These granules are made of such a material that when pressed on them, they are crushed, leaving behind multi-colored traces. At the same time, the technique of applying such plaster is no different, for example, from the technique of applying "bark beetle".
  • If you use more liquid solutions, you can get a surface with a smudge effect. To obtain patterns with a pronounced structure with deep grooves, thicker solutions should be used. At the same time, you should always remember that the deeper the grooves, the more dust they will collect.
  • As a rule, ready-made plaster mixes are sold cleanly white, which makes it possible to use plasters using various technologies: they can be painted in any color after application, or dyes can be added directly to prepared plaster solutions. To get the desired shade, it is better to turn to specialized stores, where they can accurately select the desired shade, taking into account the drying of the paint.
  • If at this stage it is very difficult to choose a color, then it is better to use painting. In this case, the shade is selected experimentally by adding one or another dye directly to the paint. After that, small marks are made on the plastered wall with freshly prepared paint, and after drying, the color saturation is determined and compared with the intended one. After the colors start to match, you can start painting.

How to make structural plaster video will help you choose the right tool for applying the texture. After all, decorative structural plaster is not difficult to apply, it is important to know how to apply the desired relief.

In this article we will tell you what structural plaster is, let's talk about it positive aspects, we will find out what it consists of, we will give advice when choosing this material, let's say a few words about the manufacturers, we will learn the technology of preparing the walls and methods of applying the material to the wall.

Structural plaster. General information

You can probably guess that structural plaster is a type of decorative plaster. Ordinary plaster, which contains cement, sand and sometimes lime, is intended for leveling walls, brick, concrete, wood, so that later on it was arranged decorative coating, wallpaper, ceramic tiles or paints. This plaster already in its composition has various fillers of mineral chips, mica, quartz, stone chips and other materials, thanks to which certain patterns are created on the wall. The main difference between structural and textured plaster is that textured plaster involves the creation of any texture on the wall that imitates fabrics, leather and other materials that have a three-dimensional appearance.

Fine-grained or coarse-grained plaster, due to the presence of solid particles in its composition, forms various grooves and depressions on the wall under the master's float or trowel. The grain of the plaster can be in the range of 0.7-3 mm. Depending on the size of the granules, it is possible to obtain both an almost even, homogeneous surface and a furrowed surface, reminiscent of an old tree, eaten by a bug or with wavy grooves resembling fur.

Due to the presence in the solution of various fillers, ranging from stone chips and ending with plant fibers, glitters and others, it is possible to obtain surfaces that imitate various materials, which creates a unique and inimitable interior in the room.

To obtain an imitation of a sandstone stone, plaster is used with a grain size of no more than 0.3 mm. The torn stone texture is obtained using a composition with a grain size of 1.5 mm. The well-known plaster "bark beetle" is achieved using a solution containing granules of 2 mm in size, and imitation of the bark of an old tree with deep convolutions is performed with plaster with granules of 3 mm.

The drawing is also influenced by the tool with which the structural plaster is applied. Different surface structures are obtained from a float, roller, spatula or spray gun.

In appearance, such plaster is a solid white mass with filler grains of different sizes. To obtain the desired shade, certain pigments are added to it. By adding the desired color scheme, the master can get exactly the shade that will harmoniously fit into the overall interior of the room.

Pros of structural plaster

This plaster is used both for facades and indoor spaces... Besides positive quality material differs:

  • durability;
  • mechanical strength;
  • high resistance to temperature changes from -50 to +70 degrees Celsius;
  • the ability to apply it to any surface - wood, drywall, concrete, brick and metal;
  • the ability to expose the surface finished with structural plaster to cleaning and washing with any detergents;
  • environmental friendliness, since it consists of natural components, walls covered with such plaster breathe;
  • plasticity, which makes it possible not to prepare a perfectly flat surface;
  • well masks minor wall defects.

Structural plaster composition

The material can be based on latex, mineral binder, acrylic and silicates. The performance depends precisely on the type of binder that can be produced on water based or using solvents.

The latex in the plaster helps to shape and improve adhesion to the substrate. Plaster on silicate base convenient in that it does not leave any stains.

  • But you should be aware that such solutions can only be applied to a surface containing sand (quartz). It is also not recommended to finish surfaces previously painted with water-based or dispersion compositions due to poor adhesion of structural plaster to these surfaces.

Mineral-based mortars can be used for facades, as they have good thermal insulation properties... In addition, mineral plaster is very economical compared to other compounds.

It must be said that structural plaster is not an entirely ordinary material; specialized stores and firms are engaged in its sale. As a rule, firms have in their state professional designers who will help you choose the optimal composition together with the customer, will draw up a design project. And since the application of such a material may not seem easy for everyone, the company selling the plaster composition offers its own masters. They are more likely to make the exact finish that the client originally intended for their home.

First, you should see what fine-grained and structural coarse-grained plaster actually is. To do this, the seller must show samples of one and the other on the wall, and not in the catalog. If you decide to apply such plaster yourself, then you should try to make a small piece on the wall from fine-grained and coarse-grained plaster yourself, compare the result obtained and only after that purchase required amount solution for finishing all conceived surfaces.

Of great importance in obtaining a particular drawing is the use of different tools... Therefore, when performing samples, you need to use a roller, a spatula, and a float, moving them in different directions, from which the drawing on the wall will take on a completely different look.

Experts advise still resorting to the services of professionals for decorating walls with structural plaster. You need to understand that each manufacturer of this material produces plaster only according to their own recipes and the masters know all the secrets of these compositions. Of course, you can hire a familiar master or try to do it yourself, but there is such a thing as a master and an artist. So - the master will do high-quality work on the very high level according to a customized sample, exactly as a master, and an artist can make a real masterpiece, catching the right concentration of color in time, or find exactly those movements with an instrument that will create a unique colorful drawing on the wall.

  • It must be remembered that for finishing surfaces in living quarters it is better to use a water-based structural plaster. Compared to other types, this one does not have a pungent odor, otherwise, while working with other plasters, the premises should be freed from tenants, and especially from children and the elderly.

A little about the manufacturers

Plaster mixes from German and Italian manufacturers... Both those and others produce plaster High Quality, which, in principle, is not much different from each other. However, each manufacturer has its own secrets of the compositions, its additives that allow the plaster mass to acquire unique qualities. For example, the Italian Elastrong plaster contains an elastomer, which stretches and, in the event of off-season shrinkage at home, hides all small cracks that would necessarily appear if used ordinary plaster... Plaster of Polish origin Atlas contains special hydrophobic additives that make it possible to clean the plastered surface with a wet method.

Tinting plaster composition produced locally by a master. But some manufacturers offer to make the desired tone of the plaster mass using a special machine and tinting card. Of course, you need to understand that such services require additional payment and are used for large volumes of finished surfaces.

DIY structural plaster

Consider the preparatory work that needs to be done and the technology for applying plaster to the wall.

Preparatory work

Before you begin to apply the plaster mass to the walls, the latter should be pre-prepared for this operation. Old coatings are removed, if there are too large protrusions or cracks, pits, then they should be eliminated. Deep concavities of the wall, and cut or cut off strongly protruding parts. To avoid the appearance of cracks in the filled deep areas of the surface, you can use a serpentine tape or stick it on problem areas non-smooth non-woven wallpaper. The joints of the serpyanka or wallpaper are carefully putty and cleaned with a sandpaper - zero, after which the putty places are again primed with deep penetration compounds.

Each putty layer should dry for about a day.

Minor defects of the wall can be left without putty, since structural plaster in this case itself acts as a putty mass and perfectly hides small cracks or irregularities.

  • Experts advise not to use alabaster or materials based on it for filling deep cracks or leveling walls.

After preparatory work, the room must be clean, free from traces of debris and dust.

The cleaned and prepared surfaces are treated with a primer, which improves the adhesion of the structural plaster to the surface and subsequently prevents the formation of fungi and mold. In rooms with high humidity- in bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, it is recommended to use special formulations of primers against fungi.

Surfaces to be finished with this plaster are primed with deep penetration compounds. The exception is wooden bases, for which a special mineral-based primer is used.

On surfaces that are not particularly dense, weak, a special strengthening primer is applied. To further strengthen the surface, you can use a primer paint. It is applied after the first primer is completely dry. Paint helps better strengthening joints, if the base is made of plasterboard or chipboard, plywood, etc.

Structural plastering

Making plaster of the walls a decorative composition is not so much difficult task, in terms of the cost of physical labor. But, as experts recommend, it is better to get advice from professionals before starting work, who, with maximum literacy, will help you choose the right composition and manufacturer, advise how to make the finishing correctly, which ultimately will allow you not to make mistakes and save, possibly, considerable funds.

Structural plaster with your own hands on a small area of ​​the surface will allow you to see with your own eyes what should be the result. At positive result you can continue to work on the walls. Otherwise, it may be necessary to enhance or weaken the shade.

  • The test is needed in order to make the entire composition of the plaster mixture in one tone and at once. If you do a separate tinting for each surface area, you can get a surface with different shades.

The application of the material begins from the top of the wall or ceiling, if the latter is also finished with this type of plaster. In this case, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • observance of the texture, for which the plaster mass is strongly pressed when grouting and smoothing;
  • the thickness of the plaster layer should be about 2 cm, which makes it possible to obtain a uniform surface;
  • after the applied layer is leveled and rubbed off, it is drawn into squares;
  • the first layers of plaster should be moistened for two weeks, and only after that a finishing layer of structural plaster is applied, which creates the desired surface pattern.

First, the cornices and corners are plastered. The mortar is applied with horizontal and vertical movements so that ridges are formed at the intersections. These ridges are formed by the edges of the trowel. The first layer should dry within 6 - 8 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer, it may take more time, up to two days. After the plaster layer acquires strength, the sharpness of the ridges is removed with sandpaper, and the dust formed during this is removed with a damp sponge, roller or clean rag. The next step in plastering structural composition there will be finishing of slopes, niches, recesses and other small fragments of walls. The lower part of the walls is treated last so that splashes from above do not remain at the bottom of the wall.

If necessary, in order to achieve a certain surface effect, several layers of structural plaster can be applied. At the same time, the technology is preserved.

The last layer, after the ridges of the mortar are cleaned and the dust is removed, the surface of the wall can be tinted (if white plaster was used). The applied color is rubbed with a rubber sponge to create tone transitions. If an artificially aged surface is made, use a damp foam sponge, which is rubbed with color until the expected effect appears. Sometimes final stage can become transparent or colored wax.

It should be borne in mind that such plaster can dry up to 4 weeks in order to acquire the necessary strength.

How much does structural plaster cost?

To answer this question, you need to do a large analysis of all who trade in such material. This material exists in different brands and different manufacturers, there is a ready-to-use and there is one that needs some work, white and tinted, with different fillers - all this affects the cost of the plaster. Today, materials from foreign manufacturers are popular. Basically, the price is determined by the cost of 1 kg of plaster mixture. Below 100 rubles per kilogram, there are no prices.

However, the cost of plaster is not always the end result of the choice. Different solutions have their own consumption rates per square meter. Plasters of the same cost can cover different areas.

Therefore, before you buy this or that plastering material, carefully read everything that is written on the package.

If the decoration of the premises is carried out by hired craftsmen, then here, too, there is a wide range of prices for work. Cost of one square meter the finished surface depends on the professionalism of the master, on the task set before him - to make the surface pearlescent, shiny, or waxed, etc. Judging by Moscow and St. Petersburg, the average price of finishing one square meter is about 500 rubles.

That's all. Today we talked about what structural plaster is, talked about its positive sides, learned what it consists of, gave advice when choosing this material, said a few words about manufacturers, learned the technology of wall preparation and methods of applying material to the wall.

Venetian plaster

Structural plaster has a number of features and advantages over other building materials used for interior decoration. It is applied to any surface: concrete and brick, drywall and wood, etc.

The surface on which there is a cladding is very resistant to mechanical damage, such as: impacts, cracks, scratches, etc. In addition, such plasters are also various temperature drops able to withstand, from minus fifty to seventy-five degrees! But this plays an important role in the areas in which they can be applied.

Due to the fact that there are micropores in the decorative structural plaster, the most favorable microclimate is provided inside the room.

Structural types of plasters are highly plastic, which is why any, even the most complex, texture can be reproduced on ceilings and walls. And if you make cosmetic repairs at indoors, you can easily repaint it with a different shade or color.

Such coatings are easy to maintain. After all, they do not allow moisture to pass through. And this means that you can calmly do wet cleaning while applying special means from household chemicals.

Structural plastering

First you need to prepare the surfaces by removing dirt, dust, etc. from them. Next, eliminate flaws and defects, this concerns cracks or potholes. Of course, if completely unobtrusive irregularities remain on the wall, this is not a problem. After all, structural plaster can hide them. Therefore, it is quite easy and simple to do all the work to eliminate defects with your own hands.

After that, the surface must be primed. And in order for the facing material to cling to the base as efficiently as possible, you need to take a special, deep penetration primer. If we talk about walls made of wood, then for it the primer should be mineral.

To make the work done more reliably, after the soil has completely dried, an additional primer paint is applied with another layer. With the help of it, the joints on which the sheet bases (from gypsum board, chipboard, etc.) are connected to each other will be even more strengthened.

After carrying out the above work, you should prepare a plaster mixture. This is done strictly according to the instructions indicated on the packaging of the material.

It is necessary to thoroughly mix the dry mixture with water using a special construction mixer, or a drill, on which a special attachment is put on. After this mixing, let the mixture stand for ten minutes, then stir again.

Structural plaster should be applied starting with upper parts walls, if the ceiling is not covered with this material. If you apply the material to the outer parts of the corners, the plaster should be applied to both parts of each corner, and then finished with an angled trowel.

Spray the first layer of plaster. It needs to be leveled and decorated with cornices, corners. After this layer has set, apply a second layer, leveling it immediately.

When this layer is already a little grasped, use rollers to make various reliefs and any texture. But with a notched trowel, you can smooth the surface by drawing geometric patterns or simply circular ones. To do this, you can use sponges and brushes.

The necessary texture is also made if you choose a material with a certain filling. For example, from the popular types of structural plaster, Bark beetle, grains in the composition of two millimeter, but to make the effect of the bark of a tree, you need to take a material in which the filler is three millimeter. Accordingly, your interior will be the most unique!

When the drawing is applied on the surface with plaster, let it stand for eight hours, but it will take two days for it to completely freeze and harden. After that, you need to sand the combs and remove the dust with a damp sponge.

As a rule, textured types of plasters are sold in white. To give a different color, a separately purchased dye is added to it. It is advisable to buy it from the same company as the plaster.

So that you are not disappointed colors, try to apply the material to a very small area.

It is also possible to paint the surface after it has hardened. With a rubber sponge, you can create smooth transitions. And dry surfaces are covered with wax. Look at the selection of photos of structural plaster, how varied are the ways of decorating interiors with this material!

Structural plaster - 25 photos