Everything about stucco molding in the interior of your apartment. Stucco decor in interior and architecture: the nuances of use (24 photos)

It often happens that in the design of a modern interior, methods that have long been forgotten are revived and used. One of these is the use of stucco molding in the interior. It dates back to the times of antiquity, when spacious halls of palaces were decorated in this way. Ancient Greece, Egypt, Ancient rome.

This method used for decoration, walls, ceiling, columns, etc. It was invented to highlight High style and luxury, sophistication and sophistication in the interior.

Stucco molding has always attracted a lot of attention and admiration due to its unprecedented beauty.

Initially, stucco molding was made or even, more precisely, carved from stone in those days. Then even it was not stucco molding - stone carving. And a little later, a simpler method from plaster appeared, which could already rightfully be called stucco molding.

Stucco molding in the interior photo

Stucco molding in the interior: types and materials.

V modern world There are two main types of stucco molding: the earlier one is made of gypsum, and the second, more modern, is polyurethane.

Plaster molding in the interior

As already mentioned, until recently, stucco molding was made of plaster, the technology of its production is simple. For this, a form with the required texture is specially made. And then gypsum is simply poured into it, after hardening, the gypsum mold is removed and refined to the required format. Thus, stucco molding of any desired shape can be made: various ornaments, reliefs, patterns, figured outlines, etc.

The advantages of gypsum stucco molding are that it is quite hard, therefore it is difficult to damage it, gypsum stucco molding does not cause any harm to human health as it is an environmentally friendly material. Gypsum stucco molding has been known for a very long time, and if you apply this technology for interior decoration, you will bring authentic traditions that have been used for many centuries into the interior.

Stucco molding in the interior of the apartment from plaster

But along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages, gypsum is a rather heavy material, therefore it requires high-quality glue for fixing. And of course, the structure on which such stucco molding will be attached must be stable and rigid. The disadvantage of gypsum is that it lends itself to staining worse than polyurethane.

The installation of gypsum stucco moldings should be trusted by a specialist, since this is a difficult job requiring well-developed skills. Because of this, the final cost of such a decor is quite high, which made and makes it less affordable. The price is also high also for the reason that the gypsum itself is also not cheap.

Plaster molding in the interior photo

But thanks to modern industry, the technology of interior decoration with stucco molding has become more affordable. Since there were alternative materials suitable for their manufacture.

Polyurethane stucco molding in the interior

Thanks to polyurethane, the cost of such stucco molding is much lower than the analogue of gypsum. Because of this, there has literally been a revival of this decorating method. Stucco molding is used today not only in the design of the halls of palaces, but it has also become available for use in ordinary apartments and houses. This, in general, explains the high demand for it today.

The advantages of polyurethane stucco molding in the interior are also that its installation is much easier than plaster. Since its weight is quite small, it is flexible and easy to handle. All this makes it more accessible than plaster moldings.

It is worth saying that modern technologies allow you to make high-quality decor on them. Also, polyurethane stucco molding allows you to paint it in any color, and use different technologies aging allows you to get a very realistic impressive effect.

Polyurethane stucco molding in the interior photo

Due to its flexibility, it can be used not only on straight sections, but also on those with small radii. One more advantage can be derived from this, they can be used even on walls that do not have significant irregularities.

There are other materials from which stucco molding is made: fiberglass, polystyrene, glass composite, etc.

Stucco molding in the interior - application possibilities

Initially, stucco was used for classic interior styles: baroque, empire, classicism, rococo, renaissance, romanticism, gothic, etc.

This design method can be attributed to the ornamental, since almost always there is a linear repetition of the pattern and texture. But thanks to the great popularity of polyurethane stucco molding, whole volumetric panels can be made from it.

Stucco molding in the interior - panels

Such decor in the interior allows you to create a special, individual atmosphere in the room. But there is one main rule that should still be taken into account before use - rooms where stucco decor is used should not be small and with high ceilings. All the same, the meaning of stucco molding is to create an atmosphere of high aesthetics and luxury in the interior. Which is only possible in spacious rooms.

Stucco molding in the interior photo

It should be said that modern interior designers use this design method, not only for interiors in classic style... This decor is used in most modern styles. This is due to the fact that they have long since departed from the traditional white design of stucco molding, today you can find different versions of them: they can be made for metals: silver, gold, bronze and can have the most interesting colors, etc.

Stucco on the walls photo

The use of stucco in the interior

To decorate a modern home interior, stucco molding is used very widely. Most often they are used to decorate ceiling cornices, friezes, columns, bas-reliefs, bolustrades, ceiling rosettes, etc.

Most often, this design method is used to decorate rooms that are intended to be visited by guests - living rooms. But often, in order to maintain a single style composition, stucco is used to decorate all rooms of an apartment or house.

Stucco molding in the interior of the bedroom photo

Both the kitchen and the bedroom and corridors, etc., are all complemented by such stucco molding. As a result, you can find different decorative elements: imitation of curly columns, and images of Greek sculptures, etc. It can be used to decorate the ceiling, walls, arches in the wall, etc. Such moldings can also be used in furniture to imitate carvings, and are painted in the color of the furniture body. Most often it is polyurethane stucco molding.

Arch decorated with stucco molding

It should also be said that for framing a wall panel or large paintings in the interior, a frame made of such stucco molding, painted either in the color of gold or aged bronze, is used. White polyurethane stucco molding with gold-painted ornament looks very impressive. The mirror in the interior can be decorated in the same way.

Stucco decoration

Perfectly combined with stucco in the interior classic furniture: for example, a hall decorated with such an element of decor, and a banquet installed in it with curly forged or carved wooden elements, will create an authentic design of high aesthetics.

Stucco molding in the interior photo

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

As an element of the wall and ceiling decor stucco molding in the interior has been used for a long time. Ceiling and wall decor, frames for fireplaces, arches, bay windows, stucco frames, consoles, panels, shelves with might and main are used in classic and modern interiors. You can see the options for using stucco in the interior in the photo in this article.

Types of stucco molding

Until recently, only gypsum was used for the manufacture of stucco molding. However, the gypsum stucco molding in the interior is quite fragile material... Moreover, it is hygroscopic. It is this property that does not allow the use of plaster in the interior of the bathroom.

The disadvantages of this material are free from polyurethane. Polyurethane is elastic, so you can get decor with the smallest pattern and complex ornamentation. The polyurethane stucco molding on the walls is lightweight, thanks to which even a plasterboard wall can withstand a volumetric panel.

Polyurethane stucco molding in the interior should be noticeable and large, it is quite capable of becoming a dominant accent. However, it is not only aesthetic but also functional. It allows you to hide the wiring behind itself and engineering Communication... A ceiling cornice can be used to hide curtain rails. Nice decorative effect will give the room a molding. A large rosette with a complex ornamentation will highlight and present a chic chandelier.

It is generally accepted to decorate the interior of the living room with stucco molding. Here it can be made large, contrasting, or decorated with marble effect. In a classic-style living room, stucco elements in the interior of the walls can be painted gold, patinated, or use the craquelure technique (creating an antique effect). You can paint the stucco in any color. Curly moldings can be used to decorate walls, arches and doors for more grace; columns can be used. Another interesting piece of trim is the usual floor plinth... The polyurethane element will hide the joint between the floor and the wall, help to hide the wires.

The stucco molding in the bedroom interior looks great. Romantic style can be supported by stucco in the form of branches and trunks flowering tree decorated with butterflies and birds. In a classic-style bedroom, columns in antique style, ceiling rosettes, decorative frescoes and panels on the walls. Wide curbs with built-in lighting will add a touch of intimacy to the room. In a room decorated in a minimalist style, narrow cornices, stucco Wall panels with a pattern that echoes the patterns on the furniture. The panels will look interesting with unusual backlighting.

However, stucco molding in a modern interior is not just classic patterns, but also "democratic" patterns: calm, romantic lines and bold geometric compositions. If desired, stucco elements from the ceiling and walls can be transferred to the furniture. Cabinet doors are finished with moldings, corners and sockets. You can glue the stucco elements onto an exquisite tea table. Many stucco rosettes decorate containers and flowerpots.

Decorative stucco molding in the interior of the apartment will tell about the taste and status of the residents. However, when decorating an apartment with this material, you need to take into account that it looks good only in spacious rooms. Stucco molding in apartments with low ceilings will look cumbersome and awkward.

Many people dream of decorating their home, making it unusual and original. Per unusual finish or interior items, we sometimes give unreasonably large amounts, not knowing what to achieve desired effect can be done at a much lower cost. One of these budgetary ways interior decoration - do-it-yourself stucco on the wall, a master class in which we present to your attention.

Today I will show you how to make such a graceful branch of the vine.

For work we need:

  1. Building gypsum or alabaster
  2. Plasticine
  3. Plastic bag
  4. Grape leaf picture
  5. Construction Silicone Sealant
  6. Satengips type putty (KNAUF)
  7. Palette knife set
  8. Primer
  9. Disposable syringe
  10. Water-based paint of the desired color

Stucco molding on the wall with your own hands. Training

Stucco molding on the wall with your own hands, like everyone else construction works, starts from the surface. It is not particularly necessary to level it, but it is necessary to dust and prime it.

I leave the wall to dry, and at this time I prepare the necessary forms and templates. The mold is needed for casting grapes. You can sculpt them in place, but it is much more convenient to glue ready-made ones, by this moment they are already hardened, therefore they do not deform under pressure.

I form an oblong ball out of plasticine - a grape of the required size. Then I make a small plasticine "cup" in which the "grape" is placed with a gap (Read how to make a more complex plaster molding).

I fill the "cup" with sealant, press the plasticine blank into the silicone to the middle. I leave the silicone to harden.

Proceeding to making a leaf template. In your version, it can be other details with a complex shape, which is difficult to reproduce without a template. I printed a carved grape leaf from the Internet, tore the package so that the film was in one layer, and transferred the sheet to it according to the sample.

When the silicone is completely frozen, I remove the template and remove the "cup".

I breed plaster or alabaster. The mortar should not be too plastic. The consistency of "sour cream" is the most suitable one. I fill out the form. The "grape" does not harden for a long time. A couple of minutes is enough. For this stucco molding of grapes, I made 16 pieces.

Stucco molding on the wall with your own hands. Creation

When the primer is dry, it's time to create a surface for our stucco on the wall.

I spread the putty and cover the wall with it. I gave the relief using a roller.

And immediately, while the putty is not frozen, I start creating stucco moldings. I press grapes into the putty, forming brushes.

I outline the leaves. I carefully apply a stencil so as not to spoil the texture of the wall, pushing the outline of the sheet into the putty. I remove the polyethylene. The photo is not very clearly visible, but the print is clearly visible on the wall.

I leave the wall to dry completely, then cover it with a primer again and let it dry.

I put putty inside the contour, creating the thickness of the stucco element.

Then, with an improvised tool (spatulas, palette knives of various shapes) (my palette knives are homemade)
, give jaggedness to the edge of the sheet, form folds and folds. In order to form a clear edge, using a palette knife like a construction trowel, I apply a little thick putty to the edge. I correct it in place and remove the excess.

I add texture to the surface with a semicircular palette knife.

I make streaks on some sheets. To do this, I fill a disposable syringe with a putty of sour cream consistency.

It remains to make the actual vine. I thicken the joints of the leaves, form the branches. I give it "naturalness" with thin longitudinal lines.

Well, actually, the stucco molding on the wall was made by hand.

After drying, I cover it again with a primer. Then I paint, and immediately remove the excess paint with a damp sponge. In general, the coloring is optional, you can leave it white.

Here's what happened.

Another master class on creating a volumetric decor on the wall, see.

And a master class on creating a bas-relief panel for your interior.

Now in modern options designs revive the elements of vintage designs. For example, more and more often houses (apartments) are decorated with stucco in the interior.

It was used in antiquity to decorate the imperial palaces and the nobility of the times. Ancient egypt, Rome and Greece.

Luxurious decor was used to decorate the ceiling, door and window openings, walls. Columns, sculptures, angels, graceful rosettes emphasized the refined elegance and taste of the owners.

Magnificent stucco molding has always occupied an important place in interiors, causing general admiration.

In the past centuries, stucco molding was carved from stone. High level stone carvers amazes to this day. Later, another method of making from plaster appeared.

Types of moldings and materials

Now there are two types of stucco molding: from plaster and more modern - from polyurethane:

Gypsum. Recently, the original plaster molding was carried out, the technological process is simple.

A mold is made with a certain texture, into which plaster is then poured. When the gypsum hardens, the mold is taken out and refined to the sample.

So they performed any form: patterns, ornaments, friezes, reliefs, etc.

Plaster molding is durable, it is harmless to health. Using plaster moldings, a stunning interior is created with the traditions of past centuries.

The disadvantage of plaster is its heavy weight, because of this, a large amount of glue is consumed best quality for a firm hold. Plaster is also more difficult to paint than polyurethane.

Installation of plaster moldings can only be performed by a professional craftsman with extensive experience.

The complexity of the work and the price of gypsum affects the increase in the cost of this decor, so not everyone can afford it.

With the advent of alternative materials decorating the interior with stucco molding has now become available.

Polyurethane. The new gypsum counterpart is much lighter and cheaper, making it affordable. Now the demand for stucco molding has increased not only in the halls of the Palace of Culture, Youth Palaces, theaters, but also in houses (apartments).

The easy installation of polyurethane, its light weight and flexibility are the advantages that instantly made it a popular decor.

Possibility to easily give any color to polyurethane stucco molding, where you can use methods of "aging" with an extraordinary effect.

The flexibility of polyurethane is used both on flat areas and with a small radius. Even the existing roughness on the wall is no longer a hindrance.

There are other interesting materials for making stucco moldings of glass composite, fiberglass or polystyrene, etc.

Always in past centuries, stucco molding was used only in the classics, these are styles such as Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Romanticism, Empire, Classicism, Gothic ...

This method of decoration is referred to as ornamental, since the linear pattern is mainly repeated. With the advent of polyurethane stucco molding, large panels with a spectacular volume can be made.

The unusual decor creates luxury and elegance in the room. There is a rule - where stucco is used, you need a spacious room and high ceilings.

The deep meaning of stucco molding is to create luxury and stunning aesthetics that are difficult to create in small apartments.

Fashion designers use stucco in different styles, even in modern ones. Classic color replaced by options: gold or silver, with a bronze effect and even multi-colored.

V modern houses you can decorate cornices or rosettes of ceilings, make columns, beautiful balustrades, etc.

Stucco molding is more often used in halls (living rooms). But for a unified style, stucco molding is often used in other rooms of the house.

A bedroom, hallway or kitchen can also be decorated with this decor. For example, instead of a doorway, imitation of columns, friezes on the ceiling or on the walls.

Stucco molding is often used from polyurethane, the main color is taken from the shade of the facade of the kitchen furniture.

Frame for large mirror can also be effectively decorated with stucco molding in bronze with beautiful ornaments.

Stucco molding will add extraordinary sophistication and stunning luxury to your home.

Photo of the use of stucco in the living room