How to care for bashful mimosa at home. How to care for bashful mimosa: comfortable conditions for a plant with intelligence

Mimosa bashful (Mimosa pudica) belongs to the legume family of the Dicotyledonous class. The numerous family has more than 20 thousand species and is subdivided into three subfamilies differing in the structure of the flower: cesalaceous, mimosa and moth.

Mimosa: popular plant species

Mimosa leaves have tactile hairs that catch irritation from external environment... At the slightest touch, the petioles descend along the stem, the leaves fold, but after 30-60 minutes they take their original shape. At the base of the petioles, the internal osmotic pressure changes instantly - turgor. The threshold of sensitivity in young leaves is lower than in old ones. There are several explanations for this phenomenon:

  1. The shy beauty strives to become invisible when approaching her enemies.
  2. Folded leaves under stress caused by dehydration or cold.

Shy mimosa seeds can be bought in the form of a growing kit - Eco-cube. The set includes seeds 10 pcs, cube-shaped wooden pot, 8 x 8 x 8 cm, growing mix, drainage and instructions. The pots are used to germinate seeds.

Varieties of mimosa - Tachi-tina, Campina, Lyrica, can be purchased in specialized stores. The seeds are packaged in sachets weighing 0.1 g, and look like flattened dark brown or black peas, covered with a dense, glossy shell. In a pot culture it grows up to 30 cm, in natural conditions up to 1 m.

Mimosa bashful: what it looks like and when it blooms

Herbaceous plant with fine feathery leaves. Inflorescences-heads are small, spherical, fluffy, all shades of pink and lilac. Flowers are bisexual, pollinated in nature by insects. The stamens protrude from the corolla. Height from 30 to 100 cm. The stems are prickly. Used as a greenhouse culture. Blooms in May-June.

The flowering period can last four months. In place of the flower, a pod with beans is formed, in an amount of up to 8 pieces, suitable for propagation by seeds. But before you get the fruits, you need to pollinate - transfer pollen from one flower to another with a soft brush. It grows slowly.

Mimosa bashful: growing from seeds (video)

Mimosa bashful: caring for a flower at home

The best place for a "shy bride" (as the flower is called in India) is warm, draft-free, well-lit. Some direct sunlight is beneficial. During the cold season, the temperature should not be lower than 18º C. Mimosa is watered as the top layer of the soil dries up. Too wet or dry soil is unacceptable. If the pot is spacious, the soil in it will acidify. Mimosa provide constant high humidity air - sprayed regularly.

Propagated in spring in February-March by seeds in a light, low acidity soil.

Substrate components:

  • garden land - ¼;
  • high-moor peat - ¼;
  • river sand - ¼;
  • humus from the bark - ¼.

AT ready mix for flowers, 10% perlite can be added to make it lighter.

Shy mimosa seeds, like all legumes, have a protective, strong shell. This shell not only keeps the embryo from waterlogging, but also prevents the germination of seeds. Before planting, the coating must be destroyed - soaked for several days in warm water or scalded with boiling water. You can pierce each bean with a thin needle, after removing from them the fruit shell - a thin husk. You can also break the integrity of the shell with fine sandpaper or a nail file.

Seeds, pre-treated, are germinated under a film at 20-25º C:

  • the bowl is filled halfway with drainage;
  • pour the soil mixture, crush it lightly and level it, leaving 2 cm to the edge of the bowl;
  • sowing seeds in moist soil and covering them with a layer of soil in proportion to the thickness of the seed;
  • the bowl is covered with a film, sand or a layer of moss that retains moisture;
  • the container is stored in dark place with constant temperature.

It is necessary to remove the cover in time to avoid stretching the sprouts. Seedlings can appear on the third day, and sometimes you have to wait two weeks.

Seedlings are planted in pots with subsequent transshipment after they have formed two true leaves.

Transshipment applies to young herbaceous plants... The advantage of transshipment is that the earthen lump remains intact, the roots are not injured and there is no delay in plant development. While when transplanting, the earthen lump is sometimes destroyed by half, which leads to a growth retardation. The transshipment is also safe during flowering.

Mimosa can be propagated by stem cuttings in spring or summer.m:

  • choose a strong, healthy, non-flowering shoot, 7-12 cm long, depending on the size of the mother plant;
  • below the knot, make a cut with a sharp blade;
  • leaves are removed from the bottom of the cutting;
  • it is advisable to immerse the lower part of the cutting in a phytohormone solution for a few seconds;
  • pits are made in the container with a pencil;
  • a stalk is hindered into the recess and slightly crush the ground.

Some amateur gardeners plant uneven-aged plants in pots - young seedlings are planted to the growing bush. At the same time, often a friendly family grows and develops well.

The plant should be replanted if it becomes cramped. With a pot diameter of 25 cm, it is sufficient to replace the topsoil by 2 cm. Pruning young plants is not recommended.

Liquid fertilizers are added to the water for irrigation and fed once every two weeks during the period of active growth. It is advisable to water with soft water - use rainwater or boiled water.

Features of growing bashful mimosa (video)

Reasons for the lack of flowering room mimosa

For pawning flower buds, flowering and ripening of fruits, mimosa needs a lot of light.

Mimosa does not bloom or delays flowering and growth time if:

  • the illumination is not intense enough;
  • the length of daylight hours is not suitable;
  • excess of minerals;
  • exposed to pests (greenhouse aphids, mealybugs);
  • dry air;
  • the pot is too spacious.

These factors can lead to loss of buds or premature wilting of flowers.

Shy mimosa does not tolerate irrigation irregularities. Waterlogging of the soil causes yellowing of the leaves, and lack of moisture causes wrinkling and darkening. Does not tolerate drafts, hypothermia and tobacco smoke - reacts by dropping leaves and a delay in flowering. Mimosa is not suitable for the air in houses heated by coal.

It is desirable to place plants in groups that combine flowers that require equal conditions content.

With an increase in air temperature and light intensity, mimosa's need for water increases. Plants in plastic pots require less watering than ceramic.

How to increase humidity:

  • the plant is sprayed from all sides with a spray gun, creating a misty cloud;
  • flowers are collected in pot compositions or gardens, in the center of which the air has high humidity;
  • pots with mimosa are placed in a tray filled with pebbles with water.

For normal growth and flowering, mimosa needs 12-16 hours of natural or artificial lighting... On the windowsill, the illumination is 50% of the illumination on the street, 1 m from the window - 25%, 2 m - from 25% or less. A suitable place is the window sills of the western, eastern and slightly shaded southern windows... This is where the necessary mimosa gets, like everyone else flowering plants, a small amount of direct sunlight.

If the plant was purchased in a store, it should be taught to light and sunlight in stages - young leaves are tender and sensitive.

Additional lighting can be created using lamps with a total power of 80 watts. Conventional incandescent bulbs are not suitable for this purpose, as they create unnecessary heat.

At home, bashful mimosa is used as medicinal plant, and is also a honey plant.

Shy mimosa, being a perennial, does not live long, and does not tolerate winters well - it can bare the trunk or even drop leaves. Before planting mimosa at home, you must first choose a place in the apartment where the flower will receive enough light and heat.

How bashful mimosa blooms (video)

Most often, in practice, at home, mimosa is grown as a beautiful annual. Renewed from seeds or cuttings the next year.

Bashful in a container with warm tap water and leave for one day. Then shoots will appear faster. The seeds are best left on hot batteryto keep warm throughout the soak time. Instead of warm tap water, you can mix portions of cold and hot boiled water.

Bury the soaked seeds in flower pot, in a plastic or cardboard glass with soil to a depth of no more than 0.3 cm. It is important that the soil was bought in a special store, and not taken from the street. Otherwise, it can become infected and the plant can get sick. Cover the container plastic cover or a film. But the coating should be removed as soon as the first leaves appear. When the seedlings emerge, remove the greenhouse cover and place the plant in a well-lit and warm place. When planted, 13 out of 25 seeds usually emerge.

When growing bashful mimosa, make sure that the ground is not too dry or too wet. The plant loves moderate watering.
At temperatures between 21 and 32 ° C, the tropical plant emerges very quickly, in less than 7 days. But with more low temperatures germination time can be up to 30 days.

When covering the flowerpot with plastic, do not place it in direct sunlight. At night, the plant sleeps with folded leaves. Mimosa is a bashful pale pink dandelion-like flowers. These flowers are rich in seeds.

It is better to water the plant with spring water, distilled water or rainwater. Plants can be sensitive to tap water and the chemical impurities it contains, such as chlorine.

You can build a special greenhouse for young plant sprouts. It can be made from a toy box or any other packaging. Look for a box that is made of cardboard and clear plastic. These materials retain heat well, and transparent plastic transmits sunlight like glass. In such a greenhouse, you can cut holes for ventilation on the sides of the box. If additional lighting is required, an energy-saving lamp can be mounted on top, which, in addition to light, will give off heat.

The first leaves of the shy mimosa do not respond to touch. You need to wait for the bindweed to grow before you can observe this interesting phenomenon.

The first harbinger of spring is mimosa. It was on the eve of the international women's day, all flower counters are colored in yellow... Only few people know that this is not a flower at all, but a shrub from the legume family. AT botanical description there is another name - Silver Acacia or Whitewashed Acacia.

Description and features of the plant

The historical homeland of this plant is Tasmania and the southeast coast of Australia. Today, its growth area has expanded significantly and has reached Europe, Africa and the United States.

In France and Montenegro, holidays are held dedicated to this delicate and fragrant flower.

Mimosa bashful - the most widespread species in cultivation and belongs to the genus Akatsievs from the legume family. There are about 300 species. Meet in the family different representatives: shrubby, herbaceous and trees. She is called shy for her ability to react sharply to any external stimuli. Instantly the flower folds its leaves and wilts. Such a reaction occurs not only to touch, but also to any natural manifestations: wind, rain, temperature jump, etc.

The flower lives its own isolated life, with a certain cycle of wakefulness and rest. According to observations, the interval between these two phases is 22-23 hours. It is this feature that prompts florists to grow this plant in their home. One gets the impression that it is alive.

Silver acacia is evergreen flowering treereaching a height of 12 m. wildlife the tree can grow up to 45 meters. The surface of the trunk is covered with thorns, and the foliage has an unusual silvery-green color. The leaves are shaped like a fern.

Indoor mimosa is a compact shrub no more than 50 cm high. Flowers are small, spherical, fluffy, lilac shade. How mimosa blooms for 8 months can be seen in the photo below. The culture is considered perennial plant, but often dies in winter conditions.

Bashful mimosa is a very delicate and fragile flower, a real princess who needs careful care. This plant is highly prized by true flower growers. The plant belongs to annuals, in room conditions height reaches 30-40 cm, and in natural habitat up to one and a half meters. It has very delicate leaves. Mimosa is native to the tropical climates of America, Africa and Asia. A representative of the mimosa family, in general, it includes from 300 to 450 species.

The plant is a small shrub with small flowers spherical in shape, the leaves of which are similar in appearance with those of the fern. Its flowers resemble dandelion balls, only lilac... Such balls bloom up to four months. In its habitat, it is a perennial plant, but cultivated mimosa dies in winter.

Mimosa leaves curl up from any external stimulus, hence its name - "bashful". An irritant can be any touch, light wind or temperature change.

The flower lives according to its own rhythm, similar to the rhythm of a person: sleep and wakefulness. Every 22 hours, mimosa has leaf folding, which, by the way, does not depend on the time of day.

Such a reaction to the world around us gives rise to many flower growers to think that it seems to be alive. This property attracts attention. The curled leaves restore their original position after half an hour.

One would assume that the shy mimosa is very capricious to the conditions of caring for her. But in fact, keeping it is not so difficult. All that is required is to create the conditions of her native tropical habitat, and then the mimosa will bloom to the delight of the grower.

Location and lighting

The plant is very light-loving and is not afraid of direct rays. At mid-latitudes, it should be placed from the south. In a hotter environment, the southeast will suit her. In extreme cases, it can be placed from the west or east by the window. If in hot climates the plant is in the south, then it is necessary to provide the mimosa with a small shade for several hours.

In case the mimosa was purchased during the rainy period or in the constantly cloudy weather, then with the onset of clear days, getting used to the light should be gradual.

It should be noted that bashful mimosa should be kept out of the reach of small children. The fact that the flower folds the leaves under any stimulus can be perceived by them as a game. The plant spends a certain amount of energy on folding, so frequent touching can cause it to dry out.

Important! Unfavorable factors for mimosa are smoke, both cigarette smoke and smoke that forms when cooking food, and drafts are also not recommended.


From the beginning of spring to October, there is a period of intense growth and vegetation. The most optimal temperature regime for mimosa at this time is approximately 20-24 degrees. The winter period takes place at a temperature of 16-18 degrees.

Air humidity

It is necessary to ensure a high level of humidity, approximately 70% or more. How can this be done? This can be done by spraying (by no means on the plant), a container, or a pan of water. The pallet must be positioned so that it does not touch the mimosa pot.


During the 8-month flowering period, from March to October, the plant should be watered every two days, in the morning or evening time... A dry top layer of the substrate will serve as a clue. In winter, watering is carried out so that the soil in the pot is constantly moistened. Water must be used purified, and so that it is not hard.

Soil and fertilizers

The flower feels good in light soil, which allows air and water to pass through. A mixture of turf, sand and peat in equal proportions works best. Using expanded clay will provide the drainage that the bashful mimosa needs.

During the growing season, you need to feed the plant twice a month. It is enough to use ordinary fertilizers for flowering indoor plants... Dilute the resulting solution by half.

Plant transplant

Mimosa bashful is grown as annual flower, so there is no need to transplant it. But if there is still such a need, then the transplant must be carried out carefully, not spraying a clod of earth, but transplanting it together with all the sod into another pot.


The process is used to grow mimosa seeds. As you know, pollination in the natural environment occurs with the help of wind or insects. At home, pollination can be done by gently transferring pollen with a thin soft brush, or by making the mimosa flowers lightly touch each other.

As already mentioned, mimosa is an annual plant, so in order for a flower to grow in you for more than one season, you need to reproduce it every year. There are two ways: with seeds and cuttings.

Seed propagation

As for the seeds, they can be grown at home or purchased from the store. At home, the mimosa fruit is a small pod that contains 6 to 10 seeds. The fruit can be picked when it is completely dry. They are collected for the winter and stored in the refrigerator. March is the time for boarding. They are opened and soaked in water room temperature about half an hour.

It is advisable to purchase special soil for planting. Indeed, ordinary turf can contain bacteria that prevent the germination of the plant.

The pot should be small, it needs to be equipped with drainage. The bottom is filled with expanded clay, then the soil itself is placed. It should be wet. Next, seeds are placed on its surface and sprinkled with a loose layer (about 1 centimeter). The pot is wrapped in protective film, creating the effect of a greenhouse, and placed in a warm place.

It is imperative to maintain a constant temperature of 25-30 degrees and humidity. The pot is ventilated by removing the film from time to time. Watering is carried out by spraying.

Seed rise usually occurs 20-25 days after planting. After that, the mimosa is exposed to light, but not under direct rays, and again the temperature is maintained at no lower than 24 degrees. When the plant has 3 leaves, then it can be transplanted into a separate pot, while protecting the fragile roots. It should be remembered that young shoots should not be exposed directly to the sun's rays.

Propagation by cuttings

The cuttings method has many nuances and low efficiency, so it was practically abandoned. Although it is possible to do this, mainly in the aquatic environment or in peat.

Among possible problems with the content of bashful mimosa, the following should be noted:

  1. The leaves of the plant curl up due to the presence of smoke in the room. As mentioned earlier, this is undesirable for a flower.
  2. If you notice that the leaves acquire a yellow tint and become lethargic, and sometimes completely fall off, then most likely the plant suffers from a lack of moisture. It is necessary to either humidify the room, or water the flower more often.
  3. There is the opposite problem: the leaves are not opened at all. This happens if the plant has received too much moisture, or the appropriate temperature regime.
  4. The stems take on a more elongated shape. This signals that the mimosa lacks light. The solution to the problem can be to move the flower to a lighter corner of the room, or to compensate for the lack sunlight artificial lighting.
  5. Mimosa does not have a flowering period. This indicates an extremely low temperature for a plant - less than 16-18 degrees.
  6. If you observe a slowdown in the growth of a flower, or the leaves take on bizarre shapes, then this means that the plant has been affected by a disease. It usually develops due to or.

Important! Finally, it should be noted that people who are allergic to pollen, keeping bashful mimosa at home is dangerous to health.

Mimosa bashful (video)

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Shy mimosa is represented by a herbaceous evergreen perennial plant. It can reach up to 60 centimeters in height. Despite the fact that the plant is tropical, it is possible to grow bashful mimosa from seeds at home. Shy indoor mimosa is a rather sensitive plant. Even at the slightest touch, her leaves can curl. Therefore, it is better not to touch the plant without special need.

Care of bashful mimosa


Bright light is what the bashful mimosa loves. But with the arrival of the sultry summer days care must be taken to protect the plant from direct sunlight.


With the arrival of spring and summer period mimosa requires abundant watering. Follow top layer soil, it should not dry out. In winter, watering should be reduced. Drying out or waterlogging of the soil is strictly prohibited.

Top dressing

First spring period and until autumn is carried out twice a month. For this they use. With the onset winter period feeding stops.


Shy mimosa is grown, in most cases, as an annual plant. It loses its decorative effect after the flowering period. A lot of seeds can be obtained from a plant for further reproduction. Of course, you can, if necessary, and an old copy in a more spacious pot. Handle the clod very carefully in the process.

Temperature regime

In spring and summer, 20-24 degrees is considered an excellent temperature limit for growing mimosa. With the arrival of the winter period, the limit changes from 16 to 18.

Air humidity

The plant stands out from the rest by its need for maintenance high level humidity. Therefore, you need to take care of the daily spraying.

The optimal planting time for bashful mimosa

  1. Growing bashful mimosa from seeds at home can be done independently. Seeds are sown from March to April. Before planting in loose, moist soil, it is necessary to soak the mimosa seeds for 30 minutes in hot water.
  2. The seeds should be deepened into the ground by no more than 1 centimeter. Then the container is covered with glass or polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect. Protect the seedlings from direct sunlight.
  3. The optimum temperature for growing is 25 degrees above zero.
  4. Ventilate regularly the rooms where the seed containers are located. The first shoots may appear after a week.

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