Cottage project with an attic. Projects of one-story houses with an attic

Welcome to the section of our catalog: finished projects houses with an attic. But before you start looking for a project of a house with an attic that is suitable for you, we want to introduce you to information that will certainly be useful and will help you make the right and informed choice.

Project of a classic house with an attic YA 247-4

Building area: 187.10 sq.m.
Total area: 247.40 sq.m.
Living area: 115.80 sq.m.
Construction technology: aerated concrete.
Project cost: 30,000 rubles. (AR + KR)
Cost of materials for construction: 2,400,000 rubles *

It is this arrangement and external appearance is inherent in many projects of houses with an attic. But this project has one essential characteristicwhich in a short time made it very popular among buyers of our project documentation. It is no secret that a significant number of allocated and purchased for construction land plots It has small size... And it becomes very problematic to place on such a site, in addition to the already built house, a garage, a bathhouse or a gazebo, that is, those buildings without which life outside the city significantly loses in comfort and convenience. But, if you buy a project of a house with an attic, a garage and a bathhouse YaA 247-4, then you get rid of all these troubles... By erecting this versatile structure, you will not need to build on your site separately. standing garage and a bath. Thus, having built on a single foundation, with common walls and under one roof these various objects, you will significantly reduce your construction budget. You will not have problems with the owners of neighboring plots to comply with the necessary standards for fire and sanitary indents from the boundaries of their plots. And instead of paying taxes on three capital construction projects, you will have a single tax on one property. The amount of this tax is significantly less than three separate objects of taxation. In addition to these undoubted advantages, this house is also very spacious. Under certain circumstances, it can accommodate up to 8 people at a time. Please note that in addition to the living room, on the ground floor there are two more living rooms, which is very convenient if there are elderly people or small children in the family. Most of all this project universal home with a residential attic attracts owners of small, narrow plots, since its dimensions are only 9,600 x 11,900 m. Perfectly planned and practical dwelling for those who can count their money, love comfort and convenience.
Detailed description of the project YA 247-4 ➦

House project with an attic and a garage YAG 130-3

Total area: 130.30 sq.m.
Living area: 69.90 sq.m.
Ceiling height of the 1st floor: 2,740 m.
Attic height: up to 3,200 m.
Ridge height of the building from ground level: 9.220 m.
Construction technology: from aerated concrete.
Project cost:
- RUB 31,900 (AR + KR)
- 36 900 rubles. (AR + KR + IS)
The cost of materials for construction: 1,312,000 rubles *

Another version of the project of the most popular series of houses and cottages with an attic. The first projects of this series appeared in our catalog back in 2010, and every year there are more and more of them. In this series, there are projects of popular houses with a residential attic made of aerated concrete, porous bricks, profiled beams. Compact, with attractive facades, a beautiful and expressive roof, they also have convenient and comfortable layouts. On the ground floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a kitchen, a boiler room. In this project, there is another one on the 1st floor plan living room... On the attic floor common hall, three separate bedrooms, a large bathroom. A garage for parking one car is attached to the main building. That is, if you position it correctly, then this is a project of a house with an attic and a garage.

For any ready-made project home, cottage, garage, bathhouse or gazebo, we can give an individual discount, the size of which depends on the selected project, the composition of the order and the terms of payment.
You can find out the details of the action by contacting us in any way convenient for you:
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ND series - When buying any project of a house or cottage of this series, you can choose a bath project ND-68B or ND-79B for free.
DS and DSG series - when buying any project of these series, you will receive a DS 34-6 bath project as a gift.
Free delivery of the project to any region of Russia.

If the need arises to expand the house, then developers, as a rule, consider two options.

The first is the extension of additional premises. But taken out of the perimeter load-bearing walls, they can only serve as household or utility ones.

The second option is more acceptable. These are additional square meters by rebuilding the second floor. In this case, the project of a house with an attic is the most the best option... By insulating the roof, you can get additional full-fledged living and utility rooms.

How functional and economically justified is it? Let's try to impartially consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

Projects of houses with an attic: "for"

  • Such housing will save on building space. That is, it is logical to build a house with an attic on a small plot of land.
  • In terms of rational use of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe building, projects of houses with an attic room wins in comparison with one-story and even two-story buildings, in which attic not used rationally.
  • The second floor of the house and the attic differ in terms of financial costs. In the classic version, the attic is a more economical option. If for arranging a full-fledged second floor you need brick, concrete, timber, insulation, materials for exterior decoration, then the equipment of the attic is limited to rafters, insulation and roofing material. And if the developer plans a warm attic, then the cost of insulation is added. Only in this case you can get both a residential floor and a roof. Therefore, we conclude that the cost of 1 m2 of usable area of \u200b\u200ba house with an attic is significantly lower compared to other projects.
  • Besides, warm air rises up from the lower rooms, which makes heating the attic floor less costly. We can confidently talk about a decrease in fuel and electricity consumption, and, consequently, about savings in the operation of an already finished building.

Projects of houses with an attic: "against"

  • Some experts claim that main drawback projects of houses with an attic - their poor lighting. We are sure that this minus is conditional. The problem can be solved very simply by means of dormers. In addition, much more light enters the room through them than through vertical windows. Of course, attic double-glazed windows are not a cheap pleasure. But for the funds saved during construction, you can afford a comfortable organization everyday life... In addition, there is always the possibility to design windows and even balconies in the gables.
  • The second drawback of projects of houses with an attic can also be considered as conditional. Sloped ceilings are believed to cause depression among the residents of the house. But competent organization and decoration of the premises can easily eliminate this contradiction.

We draw conclusions from the above

A house with an attic is now a very common option. People, not wanting to lose priceless space, equip the attic. Thus, a small one-storey house can turn into a full-fledged cottage. This article will present the advantages of a house with an attic, as well as give advice on planning such a structure and present house designs.

Important points when building a house with an attic

It is imperative that when building an attic, you need to think about good thermal insulation and bring your ideas to life, since the upper part of the building is exposed to a constant temperature drop. Also, waterproofing will be an important aspect.

All materials should be lightweight. There is no need to overload the walls and foundation with heavy roofing, furniture and insulation materials.

Usually this room is a spacious one-piece room, sometimes it is necessary to equip partitions. This can be done from light drywall, again, so as not to overload the structure.

Windows are made on an inclined surface. And the installation of such windows is not cheap, so it is worth calculating the costs in advance so that there are no unpleasant surprises. It is difficult to do this on your own and you can spoil the entire structure, so it is best to pay extra and turn to professionals.

Pros and cons of the attic in the house

All large quantity people want to equip an attic in their home and there are weighty explanations for this:

  • Savings in construction and finishing
  • Increasing the usable area of \u200b\u200bthe house
  • Ease of communication in the attic
  • Reduction of heat losses through the roof
  • When arranging the attic, there is no need to move out during the renovation, all residents can safely be on the ground floor
  • Possibility to place an additional bedroom or non-residential premises
  • The opportunity to show your creative skills when designing such an unusual room

But, despite all the advantages, such houses also have a number of disadvantages:

  • If you do not build the attic according to the rules, then problems associated with freezing and loss of heat may occur.
  • The high cost of attic windows
  • Possibility of dimming lighting during a snowy winter

Layout of a one-story house with an attic

A one-story house, in all its apparent simplicity, is not at all that simple and has a lot of nuances that must be solved at the design stage.

Basic rules for designing a house with an attic

When creating a plan for a one-story house with an attic, you need to take into account the following rules that will help in the future to get a beautiful and durable house with high functionality:

  1. The additional load must be calculated. If the house is already ready and it is decided to make an attic, then you need to calculate in advance the load that will be made on the walls, since if this is not taken into account, then the first floor will simply not be able to withstand what will be higher.
  2. It is necessary to design in such a way that the roof is high enough, approximately 2.5 meters, for an adult to be comfortable in this room.
  3. The right roof. When designing a roof, it should be borne in mind that a gable-type roof can increase the usable space of a room by 67%, but sloping roof will make the space 90% larger in relation to the first floor. The most the best option, which will give a 100% increase in area will be the rise of the roof by 1.5 meters.
  4. Heating, electricity, water and other communications must be thought out. All this is carried over from the first floor and should be initially displayed in the plan.
  5. It is obligatory, if there is a need for partitions, their places are fixed in the plan, as well as places for windows.

Important! All fire safety requirements must be met and an evacuation plan from the attic must be drawn up.

Ladder device

Projects of houses with an attic should contain the layout of the stairs, with the help of which it will be possible to get to the attic. If there is no comfortable ascent and descent, then living in such a house will be inconvenient for its owners.

If the attic is thought of even during the construction of the house, then you need to immediately think about where to install the stairs, depending on the correctness and ease of placement. It is worth considering the fact not only of a comfortable ascent and descent, but also taking into account the savings in time spent on ascent.

Attic in one-story house - this is, as a rule, a room in which a bedroom or a children's room is located. In such houses, it is possible not to install a large massive staircase, but to save precious space by installing a staircase with a small width or screw type, with minimal areas between marches.

If you plan to build a house 6 * 6 or 8 * 8, then the most profitable way out will be done near the ridge of the roof. House designs 8 * 10, 9 * 9 and 9 * 12, as well as 10 * 10 are less sensitive to the arrangement staircase construction, since it will occupy a smaller percentage of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe first floor and will better fit into the design and project.

When designing a staircase, remember that the space should also include approaches to it. In many projects with an attic, offered now, at first glance, everything is in order, but the staircase is the weak point.

Even if the house is being built according to a ready-made and verified project, you should definitely pay attention to how the staircase is located, whether it interferes with freely moving and leaving other rooms of the house.

Examples of projects of one-story houses with an attic

The attic can act as a residential or non-residential premises, but regardless of the purpose, it must be done according to the rules and is pre-designed. Below are photos of several of the most common ones with an attic.

Projects of houses with an attic 8 * 10

This size of houses is suitable for those whose plot is not too extensive, but there is a desire to build a full-fledged house.

Project 1

After completing the construction on this project, a completely complete and very functional attic floor with several rooms is obtained, which, at the discretion of the owner, can be converted into children's or guest bedrooms, a bathroom and a master bedroom. The presence of large windows helps to better illuminate the attic even on winter days.

Project 2

This is a cottage project in ecological style... On the ground floor of the house there is a spacious dining-living room. On the attic floor there are three rooms, a bathroom, a hall and a balcony. Following this project will help create a complete home for a large family.

Projects of houses with an attic 9 * 9

If the area allows, you can slightly increase the size of the house.

Project 1

At first glance, this is an ordinary house, no different from everyone else. But inside it on the ground floor there is an office and a living room - a dining room, and in the attic there are three lounges and a bathroom. Distinctive feature this design is a dormer window with a balcony above the entrance.

Project 2

A small country house with a dining room, kitchen and toilet on the first floor and lounges and an additional bathroom on the second. A wide, comfortable staircase leads to the attic. Fits perfectly into the landscape of a quiet suburban village.

Projects of one-story houses with an attic 9 * 10

These houses are larger in size and require sufficient space, but at the same time, the layout functionality is high inside.

Project 1

A laconic house with a large living room on the first floor and bedrooms with a bathroom on the second. The attic has a balcony. Spacious windows do not impede the flow of light into the premises. This option is not too expensive, but incredibly beautiful and practical.

Project 2

A simple house with a calm design, the look stops on the presence of a bay window and a balcony. The house is intended for a large family. On the ground floor there is an entrance hall, smoothly turning into the hall, from where you can get to the nursery, kitchen and bathroom. There is also a wide staircase to the attic, where there is a bedroom, 2 dressing rooms and a fairly large bathroom.


There is nothing better than spacious and cozy home... In order not to waste the usable area, you can equip the attic space under the attic, where spacious rooms of various functionality can be perfectly located. It is enough to look at the projects of houses and choose a successful one, bring it to life and new house will delight its owners for many years.

Modern projects of one-story houses with an attic often created with complex shape roofs to attic rooms turned out to be as functional as possible. The ceilings of these rooms in any case have a slope, which in most cases is used to create original design interior. If the walls of the attic part of the building are high enough, then the slope of the ceilings can be covered with plasterboard.

The popularity of one-story buildings with an attic has increased with the advent of improved materials with which the roof can be reliably insulated and protected from leaks. With the right approach, rooms under the roof can be even more comfortable and cozy than the rooms on the first floor. The attic type of building, in addition to being cheaper than a standard two-story building, also looks more profitable due to the high slopes of the roof. In addition, the light weight allows you to build two-level houses on simple, inexpensive foundations and on areas with problem soil.

There are certain building codes that must be taken into account by designers when developing projects for one-story attic cottages... These standards are aimed at ensuring that the living area under the roof meets the standards of high-quality and comfortable housing. So, for example, the floor wall must be at least 80 cm, and highest point must be at a height of at least 230 cm. The floor of the under-roof floor must be laid out at the level of the supporting beams, and in no case lower.

You can order or buy a turnkey project from us

In order to get into the attic of the house sunlight, frontal and roof windows... Frontal lighting is possible with a gable roof. Roof windows are mounted in slopes. In any case, high roof glazing makes the building even more solid, stylish and attractive. Than more windows, the easier and more elegant the structure of the house looks. In popular turnkey house projects, under-floor rooms, especially with oblique lighting, receive more light than rooms on the lower level, so it is easier to create a cozy warm interior in them.

Projects of houses with an attic are always in demand, this is a classic option country house, regardless of the style in which it is performed. An attic is a living space located directly under the roof rafters and attic bevels along the edges of the room.

The walls and ceiling of the attic of inexpensive houses repeat the roof slopes. At the same time, the height of the ceilings in the center of the attic should be the same as in a normal living space, and be at least 2.5 m. Bevels can start from the floor itself, then we are talking about the attic in its purest form. Or they can be raised to a certain height, then we can talk about a half-attic.

The presence of an attic is sometimes not taken into account when determining the number of storeys in private business or economy class houses. That is why many people choose the projects of inexpensive houses with an attic - it seems that there is a second floor, but, according to the project, it does not count as such.

Why a house with an attic?

Such a construction has a number of advantages, assessed by developers several hundred years ago. Paying attention to the projects of attic houses is for those who love a beautiful architectural style with various details and additions, but, at the same time, appreciate compactness and rational use living space.

  • Attractive appearance... Most beautiful projects have intricate roofs, balconies and skylights that give the entire building a unique style and charm. No wonder such a roof is called the fifth facade.
  • Unlimited design possibilities. House projects with attic floor can be made in the style of a Swiss chalet or in an exquisite french provence style... Very unusual and simple projects at modern style loft.
  • Saving building materials and time. In fact, the same roof is being erected, but with additional thermal insulation and reinforcement beams. But in operation, the owners receive one or two additional premises, depending on which house plan with an attic is chosen.

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the drawing of a house with an attic should be performed only by a professional. To make the attic floor comfortable and safe to use, many points should be taken into account. For example, if the window openings are correctly positioned, the attic will have 40% more light than a regular room on the lower floor. Quality sketches guarantee a quality construction.

Houses with an attic from Alfaplan

The catalog contains ready-made projects of similar cottages in various price ranges. Here you can choose house plans with a second or third attic floor, as well as attic houses with a basement, garage, verandas and gazebos. If you are not satisfied typical project, we provide development services individual project... We will create for you best project houses with an attic, taking into account all your wishes and will provide all the necessary consultations on technical issues.