How to install a shower cabin in a private house. Shower in a wooden house: the difficulties of arranging a durable structure How to make a shower on a wooden floor

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When the finished shower cabin is installed in wooden house with their own hands or a special department is arranged in a certain place, many novice craftsmen think about the incompatibility of wood with water. However, in the presence of high-quality waterproofing this option quite possible. As for the rest of the points, there are no special differences here.

Creation of stationary structures

It is quite difficult to install a shower cabin in a wooden house of this type, since the main walls of a residential building will be used as side railings. It is imperative to isolate surfaces from moisture penetration.

Waterproofing of the side planes

When working, it is recommended to use roll materials, which, when in contact with wood, do not negative impact. The laying of the sheets is carried out with an overlap of at least 15 cm. In some cases, double waterproofing of the walls is carried out with the obligatory displacement of the seams.

Roll products in such a situation should be fixed to the side planes using adhesive compositions so as not to break the integrity of the fragments. Joints must be sealed with aluminum tape.

Before engaging in this event, it is desirable to use well-special antiseptic compounds. After deep impregnation, the wood will not be subject to biological influences.

Direct wall cladding

Usually, such structures are arranged in the corner of the room so that the fences on both sides are ready. Attached to the side frame wall, and a glass or plastic door. AT narrow rooms, as a rule, only the front part is installed.

After the implementation of waterproofing of the side surfaces can be carried out final finishing various materials.

Now many people prefer to live in eco-friendly houses. And what could be more environmentally friendly than a tree? For some reason, it is believed that the alleged construction wooden house excessively expensive. Yes, there are more budget options, although in terms of the ratio of quality, environmental friendliness, reliability and aesthetic appeal, there is no equal to the tree. But in such a house there are certain requirements for the arrangement of bathrooms. Creating a good shower in a wooden house is not an easy task. Although doable. In this regard, today we will talk about what main points should be paid attention to for those who live in a wooden house, who want to equip a really great shower for themselves and their household.

  • 1 Gender
    • 1.1 Waterproofing
  • 2 Walls
  • 3 Milestones


Experts recommend thinking about the issue of arranging a shower at the stage of designing a house. Due to this, you can significantly increase the reliability of floors and adapt the room for its subsequent operation as a bathroom.

A wooden house requires the floor level of the bathroom to be 2 centimeters lower than the floor level of other rooms. The presence of a structure made of wood does not oblige you to literally make everything from this material. The floor surface may well be covered with the following options:

  • Ceramic or mosaic tiles;
  • Porcelain stoneware;
  • Cork, varnished;
  • Linoleum;
  • Wood that is not afraid of moisture;
  • Laminate resistant to water and moisture.

Any of these materials has every chance to be on the floor of the plumbing unit. Do not forget only that the arrangement of the bathroom, shower room requires the use of special compounds that treat the floor surface. They serve to provide additional protection, increasing resistance to moisture, the appearance of mold, fungus and other troubles.


In fact, there is no difference between waterproofing in a brick and wooden house, since the technology for performing this work is similar, regardless of the type of building.

Waterproofing is carried out using various film materials, special mixtures widely represented on modern market building materials. As a rule, the waterproofing of the floor and walls is usually carried out in two stages, more precisely a layer. Moreover, these layers of film must have a height of at least 200 millimeters around the entire perimeter of the room.

When the waterproofing is laid, it is necessary to make a layer of sand-cement screed, which is called floating. After that, the final stage of surface finishing is carried out, including the installation of a warm floor.


For a shower in a bathroom that functions in a wooden house, it is very important to properly process and prepare the walls. It is not necessary to use water resistant materials.

Many believe that the surface should be laid out with ceramic tiles, as the wood will begin to rot and collapse. This will not actually happen if you properly organize the treatment of walls with special compounds and solutions. It is they who will contribute to protection against moisture, fungus and other problems characteristic of the contact of wood and water.

It is noteworthy that a layer of waterproofing on a wall with a height of at least 20 centimeters is more than enough. Everything else can be left in its original form, that is, the tree can be saved as a ready-made finishing material.

At the same time, there are no restrictions regarding the installation of plumbing. Like any other house, in a wooden structure you can put a shower, a full bath, a huge jacuzzi, and so on.

Main steps

There are several main stages, the passage of which provides effective arrangement shower for a house made of wood.

There are two main points that must be strictly observed under any circumstances:

  • The presence of a drain. The drain plays an important role as a water drainage system. Private houses have a peculiarity regarding sewerage, therefore it will not be superfluous to invite specialists here.
  • Providing ventilation. Your shower may be completely wooden, but for this it is important to ensure that humid air is efficiently removed from the room. In other words, the bathroom should be properly ventilated.

Now you can talk directly about the stages of arranging a bathroom, a shower room, which are located in an eco-friendly wooden house.

  1. Planning and accounting for the number of people living. Here it is important to decide how many people will use the bathroom, whether it will be one in the house, or two. This stage also provides a list of plumbing and additional equipment, which you want to see indoors: bathroom, toilet, shower cabin, sink, washing machine, etc.
  2. Next, you need to think over the “insides” of your bathroom, that is, select materials, purchase pipes, consider the placement of ventilation ducts, and make wiring for refreshment.
  3. Now you will draw, based on the available area, how the plumbing elements, accessories, Appliances. Please note that there must be a distance between them. For example, it is better to place a heated towel rail 70-50 centimeters from the shower, and at least 60 centimeters of free space should be left in front of the toilet, and so on.
  4. Choose the material with which the waterproofing will be carried out, water tightness will be ensured. Optimal choiceceramic tile. But if you want to keep the bath "in the tree", then do not forget about protective coatings.
  5. Be sure to consider options for finishing the ceiling. It must meet all the most important requirements, such as noise absorption, water resistance, fire resistance and so on. Do not forget that lighting equipment is usually placed on the ceiling. Therefore, the wiring must be of the appropriate characteristics.
  6. Following this, you can proceed to the arrangement of the floor, which is also often tiled. It cannot be mounted on a wooden floor itself. First done cement strainer with the use of reinforcing meshes, then there is a layer of waterproofing, capturing 10 centimeters of the perimeter of the entire wall, and another layer of mortar. Then you can lay the tiles.
  7. The final step is the installation of lighting. It is best to use halogen lamps that operate on a voltage of 12V. Consider the moisture resistance class, which is indicated on the packages. There are special lamps that are designed for operation in conditions of high humidity. It is these that give preference, and no one or the other.

Well, in fact, the issue of arranging a shower in a wooden house is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Although the steps are quite obvious, since most of the recommendations are aimed at ensuring effective protection of wall, ceiling and floor surfaces from moisture contact.

Remember that a tree with water is not such a malicious enemy, if the wood is provided with appropriate protection. Today, there are a lot of compounds, mixtures and materials that can easily prevent any negative changes in the structure of the tree under the influence of water and moisture.

Many people think that Vacation home must be built entirely of wood. Indeed, it is difficult to disagree with this, because in a wooden house there is always a special air, it is easy to breathe there and sleep surprisingly well. Our grandparents adapted to live in such houses, not thinking about the lack of certain amenities, for example, hot water in the kitchen or a warm toilet. But modern people accustomed to comfort and are not ready to be content with a cold shower in the yard and a bathhouse on Saturdays - the usual attributes of a rural holiday.

Now big choice sanitary equipment allows you to equip any home in accordance with our ideas about comfort. Choosing and installing plumbing for a wooden house is a serious matter that requires careful preparation. In this article, we will talk about which shower cabin you need to purchase for a wooden house and what work should be done before connecting it.

Cabin selection

When choosing a shower cabin in a house built of wood, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the bathroom, since the following will depend on them:

  • Cabin length and width. The minimum dimensions that you need to focus on are 80 × 80 cm. It does not make sense to take a smaller cabin, since the washing process in it will cause complete convenience. Standard sizes cabins that are suitable for almost any room - 90 × 90 and 100 × 100 cm. If financial capabilities and bathroom parameters allow, you can purchase a large-sized shower cabin; the length of the largest models is 170 cm; the most expensive of them cost about a million rubles.
  • cab height. If you are buying a shower cabin for a newly built wooden house, then this parameter is especially important, as the wood usually shrinks a few centimeters. Therefore, from the height of the ceiling, which is at the moment, you need to subtract a few centimeters. In addition, the cabin height must be such that you can freely bring the unit into the room, and, if necessary, take it out. For ease of installation, it is advisable to leave 30 cm of free space between the top of the cabin and the ceiling.
  • cabin shape. This point is especially important from the point of view of aesthetics and from the point of view of the squaring of the bathroom. The shape of the shower cabin can be different - round, rectangular, asymmetrical and even spiral. You need to choose depending on the style of the room and on its size. Perfect for the smallest bathrooms corner models- in the form of a triangle or a polyhedron. They save space, which is very important if every square centimeter counts.

Another important factor, which you need to pay attention to when choosing a shower cabin in a wooden house is its configuration. Shower cabins are open and closed type. Closed are a sealed box with walls, doors, floor and ceiling. Open showers have several options. It can be a shower enclosure that is mounted between two walls of the bathroom, a classic shower cabin with a tray or just a shower panel with curtains. The last option involves the arrangement of a drain in the bathroom floor, which requires some construction work.

Technological conditions: waterproofing and ventilation

A tree like no other construction material prone to decay, so the arrangement of waterproofing in a wooden house plays special role. For these purposes, coating or roll materials can be used. Experts strongly recommend giving preference to the first, as they do not have a sharp, specific smell and do not require preliminary surface preparation.

Waterproofing work begins with the floor of the room. Best suited for this concrete screed, however, if it is not possible to do it, you can cover the base of the floor with cement-bonded particleboard or ACEID board. Then two layers are applied waterproofing materials, a floor covering is laid out on top of them. As floor covering suitable ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, moisture resistant laminate, linoleum. However, the first two options are the most reliable. For laying tiles, be sure to use a good, high-quality adhesive.

The next step is waterproofing the walls of the bathroom. As with the floor, for the best effect you will need twice as many materials - to get a two-layer coating. Waterproofing attached to the walls construction stapler or welded with special equipment. Make sure that the joints of the waterproofing sheets of the bottom layer overlap top layer. Usually used for wall decoration tile or plastic panels.

Ventilation in a wooden house is a must, otherwise living in it will not be comfortable at all. In the absence of ventilation, condensation will begin to accumulate in the house, unpleasant insects will start, and excess moisture will lead to the gradual decay of all wooden structures. First of all, you need to take care of passive ventilation, which is a system of channels and ducts through which air moves. If a wooden house does not have a bathroom, then this is enough.

Premises with high humidity air, which includes the bathroom, require the arrangement of mechanical, that is, forced ventilation. To do this, you need to purchase a fan that would regulate the speed of movement and the level of humidity. Normal air exchange in a bathroom in a wooden house should be approximately 110 cubic meters per hour - this is the power of the device that you need to focus on when choosing a ventilation system.

Drainage device

If the wooden house is connected to central system sewers, then all preparatory construction works for the arrangement of the bathroom, this ends. If not, then you will have to take care of the construction of a drainage system. This should be done at the stage of construction of the building.

There are two ways to equip a drainage system in a wooden house:

  • Under the location of the future bathroom, a roomy metal tank. Large stones are laid out at the bottom of it, and the walls are processed with a chisel. Then a pipe is attached to the tank, through which water will drain.
  • On the land plot dig a large, deep hole that will serve as drainage well. Together with the laying of the sewer, a drainage system is installed, consisting of pipes and trays through which water will go to the well.

Where is the best place to install?

The place for installing a shower cabin must be chosen carefully, since it is not always possible to change it - not all places in the bathroom meet the following requirements:

  • flat floor, without level differences;
  • proximity to sewers and water pipes;
  • the availability of free space necessary for the repair and routine inspection of the control unit;
  • a waterproof electrical outlet.

The above requirements are rather technical. They need to be guided in any case, but you should also take into account the size of the room and the shape of the shower cabin. Yes, for a small bathroom good decision there will be a rectangular box installed against the wall, and in a spacious room a round shower stall standing in the center of the room will look very impressive.

Installation options

It is not necessary to buy a closed shower with three walls, a door, a tray and a ceiling. You can combine these components in different ways. Choose the option that suits you:

  • shower cabin with two walls– mounted close to one of the walls of the bathroom;
  • shower cabin without tray- requires the arrangement of a drain in the bathroom floor;
  • shower cabin without door and tray- is a waterproofed area in the bathroom, fenced off from the rest of the room with brick walls trimmed with tiles;
  • shower cabin without walls fenced off with a waterproof curtain.

Best Design Ideas

  • We are accustomed to consider a shower cabin an attribute of a modern bathroom, which requires an appropriate style design of the room. However, among wooden walls, especially made of rounded logs, glass and chrome elements of the shower cabin look very beautiful and unusual.
  • FROM natural wood well combined stone texture. If you chose open type shower cubicle, we advise you to finish the section of the wall to which it adjoins with tiles imitating natural stone.
  • A wooden house is good because you can carry out sewer and pipes and install plumbing equipment in any room without coordinating it with the relevant authorities. In some design projects, you can see a shower installed in the bedroom or on the veranda. Take a closer look at these solutions, because they are not only original, but also practical!

A shower cabin can be installed even in a wooden house. This is not so difficult, but you will have to take into account the characteristics of the material. Wood is considered a capricious material in terms of relationships with water, therefore high-quality waterproofing will be point number 1 in the construction of a shower room.

The first thing to do is come up with a layout. It is necessary to note the installation sites of the cabin itself, the washbasin, the toilet bowl and the bidet. Of course, not all of this can be country house, but in principle, it is realistic to equip such a corner. Sometimes you can even put a washing machine there.

Usually, a shower in a country house or in a private house is mounted in a corner or just against a wall. You should consider where the hood will be. Much depends on the size of the room. You can’t make it so that there is a toilet opposite the door - it’s just unaesthetic. Well, if at the entrance to the bathroom look falls on the mirror. And the mirror, by the way, visually enlarges the space, which is very necessary with a small footage of the room.

In the small shower room:

  • The freer the floor, the larger the room seems, so take care of the free surface of the floor;
  • Give up shelves in favor of niches, so you also visually enlarge the space;
  • Sometimes you can put in the niche itself washing machine by making shelves above it.

Can you combine shower and toilet? It's a matter of personal preference, sometimes you can't do it any other way. Even in an apartment they often resort to such a solution. The main thing is that the decoration of the room is of high quality, the layout is convenient, the installation is competent, and everything is combined, representing a single interior.

Choosing material for a homemade shower in a private house

Shower cabins may or may not have a tray. A pallet, of course, is more practical, but a design without a pallet is easier to install yourself. If the room is small, it is possible to install a shower stall with a sloping floor. What is the pallet made of, if nevertheless you decide to install a booth with it? It can be made of bricks or concrete, and then you can tile it with your own hands.

Glass is more often used for the manufacture of a movable system. But this part can be arranged from other materials. Instead of the same movable wall, cheap plastic curtains are often used.

The choice of material for the booth:

  • Ordinary glass. Glass sheets with a thickness of 6 mm or more are used. In this case, it is recommended to paste over the outer side with a self-adhesive film, preferably transparent. This is necessary so that in case of injury to the glass, it does not shatter into pieces.
  • Tempered glass. it the best option, as it holds the shock load perfectly.
  • polycarbonate and acrylic. These materials are necessarily framed in an aluminum profile.

Some complex structural elements can be entrusted to professionals, and you can save only on what you are sure of. It is not necessary to buy a booth if you know that you can buy materials and equipment cheaper than finished structure. But in general, the arrangement of the booth should be equal to modern standards.

Modern design of a shower room in a private house

Maybe you want a certain style to be traced in the image of the whole house. For example, you want even the shower room to be rustic, and this can be done. At rustic style, by the way, there are many directions - from country music to chalets.

If you want romance in such a delicate place, refer to the Provence style. It can be visualized in any home environment, simply by choosing the right materials, colors, accessories, creating the right mood.

The loft style is somewhere in common with a slightly boring hi-tech, but it looks fresher. Then the shower room will turn out a bit like an industrial room or even an attic. Or maybe not a little. Well, styles that require special chic and gloss, such as Empire, classicism and baroque, are successful only in large rooms.

Decoration of wooden shower cabins

Wall decoration raises special questions. It is necessary to protect the walls from the influence of moisture. If you leave the walls wooden, then cover them with a moisture-resistant varnish. Alternatively, you can use moisture-resistant drywall flooring. AT recent times very often the walls in such a room are finished with aquapanels or extruded polystyrene panels. And after that you can paint the walls, finish with siding or tiles.

The next moment - high-quality ventilation. Without it, it is impossible to remove mold and excessive moisture. The simplest device in this case is a miniature ceiling fan. It turns on after taking a shower every time for a few minutes.

When taking care of the reliability of the plumbing in the shower, remember that modern sewage is new, durable materials. Making something from battered old pipes is an empty occupation. If the shower is installed new door, there is a good booth, but the sewerage system and pipes themselves are in some kind of self-made frame form of dubious reliability, how long will this design last?

To how to make a shower cabin with your own hands (video)

Making a shower from scratch is difficult. But choosing materials, understanding plumbing and sewerage schemes, shifting interior accents to the right side, you can save on the services of specialists. At the very least, you can really do a lot yourself.

Many people think that a country house should be built exclusively from wood. Indeed, it is difficult to disagree with this, because in a wooden house there is always a special air, it is easy to breathe there and sleep surprisingly well. Our grandparents adapted to living in such houses without thinking about the lack of certain amenities, such as hot water in the kitchen or a warm toilet. But modern people are accustomed to comfort and are not ready to be content with a cold shower in the yard and a bathhouse on Saturdays - the usual attributes of a rural holiday.

Now a large selection of sanitary equipment allows you to equip any home in accordance with our ideas about comfort. Choosing and installing plumbing for a wooden house is a serious matter that requires careful preparation. In this article, we will talk about which shower cabin you need to purchase for a wooden house and what work should be done before connecting it.

Cabin selection

When choosing a shower cabin in a house built of wood, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the bathroom, since the following will depend on them:

  • Cabin length and width. The minimum dimensions that you need to focus on are 80x80 cm. It does not make sense to take a smaller cabin, since the washing process in it will cause sheer convenience. The standard dimensions of the cabins, which are suitable for almost any room, are 90x90 and 100x100 cm. If financial possibilities and bathroom parameters allow, you can purchase a large-sized shower cabin; the length of the largest models is 170 cm; the most expensive of them cost about a million rubles.
  • cab height. If you are buying a shower cabin for a newly built wooden house, then this parameter is especially important, as the wood usually shrinks a few centimeters. Therefore, from the height of the ceiling, which is at the moment, you need to subtract a few centimeters. In addition, the cabin height must be such that you can freely bring the unit into the room, and, if necessary, take it out. For ease of installation, it is advisable to leave 30 cm of free space between the top of the cabin and the ceiling.
  • cabin shape. This point is especially important from the point of view of aesthetics and from the point of view of the squaring of the bathroom. The shape of the shower cabin can be different - round, rectangular, asymmetrical and even spiral. You need to choose depending on the style of the room and on its size. Corner models - in the form of a triangle or a polyhedron - will perfectly fit into the smallest bathrooms. They save space, which is very important if every square centimeter counts.

Another important factor that you need to pay attention to when choosing a shower cabin in a wooden house is its configuration. Shower cabins happen open and closed type. Closed are a sealed box with walls, doors, floor and ceiling. Open showers have several options. It can be a shower enclosure that is mounted between two walls of the bathroom, a classic shower cabin with a tray or just a shower panel with curtains. The last option involves the arrangement of a drain in the bathroom floor, which requires some construction work.

Technological conditions: waterproofing and ventilation

Wood, like no other building material, is susceptible to decay, so the arrangement of waterproofing in a wooden house plays a special role. For these purposes, coating or roll materials can be used. Experts strongly recommend giving preference to the first, as they do not have a sharp, specific smell and do not require preliminary surface preparation.

Waterproofing work begins with the floor of the room. A concrete screed is best suited for this, however, if it is not possible to make it, you can cover the base of the floor with a cement-bonded particleboard or ACEID board. Next, two layers of waterproofing materials are applied, a floor covering is laid out on top of them. As a floor covering, ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, moisture resistant laminate, linoleum are suitable. However, the first two options are the most reliable. For laying tiles, be sure to use a good, high-quality adhesive.

The next step is waterproofing the walls of the bathroom. As with the floor, for the best effect you will need twice as many materials - to get a two-layer coating. Waterproofing is attached to the walls with a construction stapler or welded using special equipment. Make sure that the joints of the waterproofing sheets of the lower layer overlap with the upper layer. For wall decoration, tiles or plastic panels are usually used.

Ventilation in a wooden house is a must, otherwise living in it will not be comfortable at all. In the absence of ventilation, condensation will begin to accumulate in the house, unpleasant insects will start, and excess moisture will lead to the gradual decay of all wooden structures. First of all, you need to take care of passive ventilation, which is a system of channels and ducts through which air moves. If a wooden house does not have a bathroom, then this is enough.

Rooms with high air humidity, which include the bathroom, require the arrangement of mechanical, that is, forced ventilation. To do this, you need to purchase a fan that would regulate the speed of movement and the level of humidity. Normal air exchange in a bathroom in a wooden house should be approximately 110 cubic meters per hour - this is the power of the device that you need to focus on when choosing a ventilation system.

Drainage device

If the wooden house is connected to the central sewerage system, then all the preparatory construction work for arranging the bathroom ends here. If not, then you will have to take care of the construction of a drainage system. This should be done at the stage of construction of the building.

There are two ways to equip a drainage system in a wooden house:

  • Under the location of the future bathroom, a capacious metal tank is dug into the ground. Large stones are laid out at the bottom of it, and the walls are processed with a chisel. Then a pipe is attached to the tank, through which water will drain.
  • A large, deep hole is dug on the land, which will serve as a drainage well. Together with the laying of the sewer, a drainage system is installed, consisting of pipes and trays through which water will go to the well.

Where is the best place to install?

The place for installing a shower cabin must be chosen carefully, since it is not always possible to change it - not all places in the bathroom meet the following requirements:

  • flat floor, without level differences;
  • proximity to sewer and water pipes;
  • the availability of free space necessary for the repair and routine inspection of the control unit;
  • a waterproof electrical outlet.

The above requirements are rather technical. They need to be guided in any case, but you should also take into account the size of the room and the shape of the shower cabin. So, for a small bathroom, a rectangular box installed against the wall would be a good solution, and in a spacious room, a round shower stall standing in the center of the room would look very impressive.

Installation options

It is not necessary to buy a closed shower with three walls, a door, a tray and a ceiling. You can combine these components in different ways. Choose the option that suits you:

  • shower cabin with two walls– mounted close to one of the walls of the bathroom;
  • shower cabin without tray- requires the arrangement of a drain in the bathroom floor;
  • shower cabin without door and tray- is a waterproofed area in the bathroom, fenced off from the rest of the room with brick walls trimmed with tiles;
  • shower cabin without walls fenced off with a waterproof curtain.