What should be a water tank in the country: we understand the form and materials. How to weld a metal water tank in your area

On our site, the topic of water in the country was raised quite often. The fact that water is the source of life is not so much beautiful phrase or a metaphor, how harsh reality is, everyone who finds himself without water in the central water supply in the summer heat (if such is made at all in the country) will have to make sure. No washing, no watering the garden - and in general, nothing can be done without water.

Here is one of the options that allows you to get out of this situation. The water tank, raised by the author to a height, will supply you with water under natural pressure in the event of such force majeure situations. For those who could not find water on the site, build a well or make, for example, a well for some reason, a water tank mounted at a height with their own hands, this is the simplest and cheapest solution in its financial terms. For example, it can be easily applied for (for more details, follow the link).

We use the cottage only in the summer (from April to September), so we placed a reserve water tank outside the house. The obvious advantages of this solution include the absence of additional loads on building construction, as well as an almost complete guarantee against leakage and flooding of premises in any emergency situations with a storage tank. The only thing I would like to mention right away is that we do not use water from the main water supply for drinking due to the high content of iron in it (brown water).

As a water pump storage tank we took a plastic barrel with a volume of about 190 liters. Previously, it served as a container for storing concentrated pineapple juice. This choice was dictated by the fact that a plastic barrel is much lighter than a metal tank and does not need additional protection from corrosion. Serious improvements to the barrel for the supply of water were also not required. I only had to cut out the top bottom, since the hatch in it was too small and inconvenient.

To install a water barrel outside the building, I had to make a so-called overpass, on the upper platform of which a water tank was installed with our own hands. The material for the construction of the flyover was water pipes section 50 mm. Threaded plumbing couplings, tees and elbows were used to connect structural elements. The height of the flyover is approximately 3 m. To climb to its upper platform, a ladder was mounted on the back side of the flyover. The rungs of the stairs are made of steel plates, which are attached to the uprights with bolts and nuts.

After assembling the overpass, the tank was connected to the main pipeline, which runs in the ground next to the overpass. To do this, a valve was installed on the outlet from the pipeline at ground level, from which pipes with a cross section of 15 mm were launched upwards and an entry was made into the upper part of the tank. At a distance of about 1.5 m from the valve, branches for the shower were made.

A float valve from the toilet bowl was installed on the pipe of the upper part of the tank. The valve allows you to automatically fill the tank to the maximum level and always have the necessary supply of water. To prevent leaves and other debris from falling into the pressure tank, we cover it with a round metal lid on top.

The water supply to the house was made directly from the pressure storage tank. To do this, a hole was drilled in the lower part of the tank, a pipe with a cross section of 15 mm was pulled from it towards the house and brought inside through a hole in the upper part of the wall. All pipe connections are threaded. In the house, the pipe was stretched to the tap in the kitchen.

To drain the water for the winter, a hole was drilled in the bottom of the barrel, into which a short pipe with a stopcock was inserted. To quickly empty the pressure tank, just open the tap and drain all the water.

To collect polluted effluents, a filter 2 deep and 1.5 meters in diameter was made right under the overpass in the ground. Since we need to withdraw only household Wastewater that do not contain feces, then such the simplest circuit water treatment is fully justified and completely safe from an environmental point of view.

Plants need water to grow properly. No water - no harvest and vice versa. In different garden societies, the issue of water supply is solved in different ways. Somewhere water is supplied to garden plots constantly, somewhere periodically, and somewhere there is none at all. In the last two cases, it is important to have a supply of water for irrigation in the garden.

This stock can be created in a variety of ways.

Set the barrel on a stand so that the water flows out of it by gravity.

Disadvantage: a small amount of water supply and the need to make a solid stand.

Of course, you can install a larger barrel, for example, 500 liters or more.

But even a thousand liters for garden plot it may not be enough. It will also require a stronger stand. If the plot is large, then the capacity will need a decent volume, which also costs decently. For example, a container with a volume of 5000 liters costs more than fifty thousand rubles.

Significantly save on capacity can be if you arrange a reservoir. To do this, a hole of the required volume is dug, which is lined with plastic wrap.

The pit is filled with water, which is supplied for irrigation using a pump. Disadvantage: high labor intensity of the device of the reservoir, tk. need to dig a hole. In addition, if you no longer need a reservoir at this place, then the pit will have to be buried.

The irrigation system is simplified if you use a pumping station.

In this case, the container can be placed at the level of the soil, and the water will be in the pipeline of your garden plot all the time under pressure.

The pumping station consists of a pump, a hydraulic accumulator, a pressure sensor, a dry running sensor and a pressure gauge.

The station is connected to the tank by a pipe (hose) with the obligatory use of a check valve. The second output of the station is connected to the water supply system of the garden plot and the house. The station is powered by 220V electricity. When it is turned on, the pump pumps water into the plumbing system to a certain pressure, usually 3 bar.

When this pressure is reached, the sensor is activated and the pump is switched off. In the plumbing system, water is under this pressure. Releasing pressure into the container (reservoir) prevents check valve.

When any faucet in the system is opened, water flows out through it and the water pressure drops. The pressure sensor is activated and the pump is turned on. Water will flow into open taps.

When the valve is closed, the pressure in the system rises, the sensor is triggered and turns off the pump. The water in the system is under pressure.

The accumulator contains a small supply of water (3-7 liters), which can be used in the absence of electricity. The dry running sensor will prevent the pump from running when there is no water.

Of course, you can use only a pump instead of a pumping station. But at the same time, you will have to constantly turn it on when you need water. When using a pumping station, the water in the pipes will be constant and the pump will turn on automatically.

If the fence water is coming from a reservoir or pool, it is better to purchase a special connection kit for this.

It consists of a corrugated hose with a connector for connection to a pumping station, a non-return valve and a filter mesh. Connect one end of the hose to the pumping station, dip the other into the pond and turn on the system.

Now for the water tank. Let's say you need to have a large supply of water (2-6,000 liters), you don't want to dig a hole or buy a plastic container. In this case, you can make a large water tank on your own. This will take you several hours.

The essence of such a container is that you make a box, cover it with a film and pour water into it.

Here is an example of a 7000 liter capacity device.

A plot of soil 3x3 meters in size was leveled. Three beams were used as a base, they were laid on bricks with waterproofing with plastic wrap.

Five boards 50 mm thick were placed on the bars and screwed with self-tapping screws.

They put two sheets of OSB - oriented strand board.

The dimensions of each plate are 1.25x2.5 meters. Two slabs were used for the base, so the tank area was 2.5x2.5 = 6.25 m2. They were attached to the boards with self-tapping screws with a press washer.

Along the perimeter of the base, on each side, one sheet of OSB per edge was installed - these are the walls of the container.

Boards were installed at the corners and base. They also reinforced the frame from above.

The main thing in this design is to make a solid frame, because 7000 liters of water weigh 7 tons.

The result was a frame box with a smooth inner surface OSB.

From the inside, it must be covered with white needle-punched geotextile or synthetic winterizer.

This is necessary to prevent damage to the film by chips or screw heads.

They are fixed construction stapler to the boards of the upper part of the frame.

Do not use a stapler inside the box, otherwise the staples may damage the film!

We straighten the film, but do not fix it and start pouring water.

Under the weight of water, the film is stretched,

after that, you can attach it to the top of the frame with a construction stapler.

With insufficient strength of the frame, you can additionally strengthen its walls with the help of inclined boards.

Then we install the pumping station and dip the hose into the water. We connect the pumping station to electricity, the water has gone!

If necessary, such a container can be easily disassembled and disposed of, or collected in another place.

The cost of arranging such a reservoir: the boards were available, six sheets of OSB cost 3500 rubles, the film cost 600 rubles. Thus, a 7 m3 tank was built in a few hours and for 4,100 rubles.

If necessary, a larger container can be made in the same way. To do this, OSB sheets are added and the frame is made longer by a multiple of the sheet dimensions.

For example, by adding just four sheets of OSB (two per base and one each on both sides), you get a capacity of 15.625 m3, that is, twice as much.

An important addition. Now among gardeners, drip irrigation is becoming very popular. Gardeners put a 200-liter barrel on a stand, connect drip irrigation to it and enjoy automatic watering of their beds. But not for long, because two hundred liters of water are dug out very quickly.

Home-made frame container for water of large volume in combination with pumping station will provide you with uninterrupted automatic drip irrigation of all plants throughout the summer.

Dmitry Ivantsov

Novosibirsk Center for Natural Agriculture "Siyaniye"

The need to purchase and install a plastic water tank in the country is determined by many different factors.

The liquid stored in the container can be used to irrigate the site, serve as a reserve in case of a centralized supply shutdown, be used for food and technical needs.

Reservoirs can be used as part of a sewerage or fire extinguishing system, for collecting rainwater, storing bulk materials, etc.

For almost any task that arises when arranging a summer house, manufacturers provide tanks and barrels of the required shape, displacement, color and purpose for purchase.


Plastic tanks are made from thermoplastic polymer. Used as the main container element, this material is characterized by high impact strength and heat resistance.

It also has excellent insulating properties. When heated, the plastic shows good fluidity, is easy to mold, and after cooling it becomes strong and keeps its shape perfectly.

If necessary, special chemical additives can be added to polyethylene, which will give it additional resistance to cold and ultraviolet radiation.

The working tank is made by rotational molding. The use of this technology makes it possible to produce a seamless product, with equal wall thickness over the entire surface. Also, manufactured products have a specially calculated shape, which gives them additional strength during operation.

Classification of plastic containers

Plastic barrels have different shape, which allows you to mount them on almost any surface, even in confined spaces.

Depending on the appearance Distinguish between containers having the following shape:

  • horizontal rectangular;
  • vertical rectangular;
  • horizontal cylindrical;
  • vertical cylindrical.

Depending on the intended application, tank models are divided into series.

Among the most common in everyday life are products of the series:

  1. With index L. Such containers are designed for indoor use, in small and cramped spaces. They easily pass through the doorway and take up little space;
  2. with S index. In such containers it is possible to store water for both technical and food purposes. Can be used indoors and outdoors;
  3. with index T. Such products are made of low-density polyethylene, are divided into several groups by volume and are designed for use in conditions of high water consumption. The first group includes barrels with a volume of 100-750 liters, the second - 2000-10,000 liters;
  4. For shower. These containers of a small volume of 150-200 liters are used to equip a shower in a summer cottage. The design of the product includes a special breathing valve for air intake, a fastening system, a connector for connecting a shower head.

Do you know that: plastic containers are safe, environmentally friendly and durable. They can be used for any food products, as well as for drinking water. They are also suitable for storing all kinds of bulk materials.

You can buy such containers at any specialized outlet, as well as in the online store.

Estimated cost of containers is presented in the table:

NameVolume, lCost, rub.
Plastic tank40 600
Plastic tank60 900
Tank100 1250
barrel-tank200 2000
barrel-tank250 2550
barrel-tank300 3100

Colors of plastic tanks

Barrels can be found on sale different colors. The most common are blue, black and green.

Blue plastic containers the best way suitable for water storage.

The walls of the product with this color prevent the penetration of sunlight into the vessel, protecting the water from flowering and preserving its chemical composition.

Note: the color of the container indicates the preferred area of ​​​​its application and serves certain purposes.

As a rule, black barrels are used to store and transport water intended for irrigation. They can be bought to connect to a plastic water supply.

This color provides additional heating of water, making its temperature optimal for the selected time. At the same time, the quality of the liquid and the mineral elements necessary for the plants are preserved.

Green color is suitable for cases when it is necessary to disguise the container against the backdrop of the garden.

Scope and methods of application

In the country, water tanks can be used to solve a wide range of tasks. Thanks to various structural features, they can retain their properties when buried in the ground, outdoors and indoors.

At installation work in a boiler room or other utility room, tanks are best suited rectangular shape.

In the house, plastic containers can be used to store a supply of drinking and industrial water, as elements of water treatment and sewerage devices.

To work in soil conditions, barrels equipped with stiffeners are successfully used. Arrangement of concrete wells located outside the premises of the house can be carried out using cylindrical tanks.

In the yard, barrels are ideal for arranging summer shower, rainwater harvesting, organization system automatic watering and etc.

The price may vary depending on the purpose of the product.

Interesting fact: in general, with a wide variety of models, a plastic container is cheaper than a similar metal one. Moreover, the service life of a plastic barrel is very long - 30-50 years.

Estimated cost of bulk tanks:

Classification by type of installation

All water tanks can be divided into two large classes depending on the type of installation. These are tanks with underground and above-ground type of installation. Each class has a number of disadvantages and advantages.


Ground water tanks are tanks of the simplest possible form. Their installation does not require significant financial investments in installation work. For all their simplicity, ground tanks also have a number of significant drawbacks.

The main one is the inability to use part of the garden area on which the tank is installed.

Note: if the tank has large dimensions, then a large shadow is cast on nearby plants. Many horticultural crops do not like shaded areas.

IN winter period ground tanks installed outdoors require additional insulation, cost and effort. To avoid this, a variant is possible in which the tank is installed in the attic. But, its volume will be limited by the capabilities of the bearing floor and the free space under the roof.


Compared to ground-based tanks, underground tanks do not have the disadvantages listed above.

Due to their location, they do not occupy a usable area and do not need insulation, except for the conditions of the Far North.

Due to the impossibility of direct solar radiation on the barrel, the water retains its qualities and is not subject to flowering.

Worth considering: The main disadvantage in the use of underground tanks is the complexity of their installation.

For example, to install a container with a volume of more than 300 liters, you will have to transfer a large amount of soil. Moreover, underground tanks must be installed on a solid, level surface. A large volume of concrete may be required to pour the foundation.

Small containers do not have this drawback and can simply be dug into the soil.

Tank Installation Methods

Water tanks can be installed both with the use of manual force and moved into place by a crane. Consider the above-ground and underground placement method.

For mounting the tank on the surface of the earth, special supports are used - lodgements. They can be plastic, concrete or iron.

The choice of material is based on the estimated height at which the tank must be installed and the expected load on the entire system as a whole.

The application for installing factory lodgements may not be enough to maintain the required water pressure. If the tank is relatively small, within 150 liters, then it is advisable to use metal to raise it to a height of more than three meters.

The construction of a concrete or brick lodgement with a height of more than 2 m can be very expensive. In case of application metal structure, under its support it is necessary to lay the foundation.

When installing the tank underground, it will be necessary to excavate big size pit. The bottom of the pit is filled with a concrete solution 20 cm high.

If the volume of the tank is large, after installation it is completely concreted. In the event that the capacity is small, compaction with earth will be sufficient.

In the process of concreting or compaction, the tank must be gradually filled with water to the level of work.

The process of installing a tank in the country, although laborious, but, if available necessary tools, can be done independently.

An exception may be the installation of powerful structures on high supports. In this case, it may be necessary to calculate the resistance of structures and use a material of the required strength.

When installing a vessel for collecting liquid precipitation, it may be necessary to install a mortise system. To do this, a drain and a guide pipe cut into the roof visor, through which rainwater is supplied to the tank.

Undoubtedly, a plastic tank can be indispensable in many situations that need to be addressed in the country.

Watch the video in which the specialist presents the entire range of manufactured containers, what they are intended for and their advantages:

Organization of autonomous water supply for suburban area provides an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of civilization, regardless of the presence of centralized communications. Most often, in personal baths, a cold water supply system is arranged from a well or a well, and a storage tank is used to provide water pressure. It is also required to collect a reserve supply of water in case of power outages. Where is the best place to place a storage tank for cold water so that the bath water supply system works properly and does not create problems for the owners.

Storage tank in autonomous water supply

An individual water supply system with a storage tank is extremely simple. Water from a well or well is pumped by a pump, the type of which depends on the height of the water level in the source. Mostly in suburban farms, quiet submersible pumps or stations with an ejector and their own hydraulic tank are used.

The pumping station is good if the suburban building has its own basement. Or there is enough space on the site for the construction of a change house for its placement, tk. this is quite a "sounding" equipment. But buying a station can save you from installing a storage tank if its built-in tank differs in volume sufficient for daily consumption.

Unattractive in terms of sound interference and surface pumps, but they are significantly cheaper. True, they pump water only from wells and wells with a high water table or from nearby lakes, ponds, rivers. For surface pumps, the main thing is that the height difference between the point of water intake from the source and the point of delivery to the storage tank does not exceed 6-7m, which is extremely rare in reality.

Due to the inclusion of a storage tank in the scheme, the water pumped out by the pump does not immediately enter the taps, the tank on the sauna stove, the boiler, the shower, the toilet bowl and other water points. First, water accumulates in the form of a reserve approximately equal to the volume of the reservoir. The water reserve in the storage tank makes it possible to use several plumbing fixtures at the same time. Without a supply of water, normal pressure for use would be in only one open tap, and that is not a fact.

In an autonomous water supply system, the cold water storage tank, in theory, performs the function of a water tower. The supply of water also allows you to reasonably limit the number of pump on / off, which is extremely beneficial for any technique. The storage tank is equipped with a mechanical, electronic or electric float valve so that the pumping equipment does not work in vain, because:

  • when the water pumped into the tank reaches the limit level, the float signals that the pump is turned off;
  • when the level drops, a command is given to turn on the pump to replenish the spent stock.

This eliminates unnecessary work of equipment and overflows. Instead of a valve, craftsmen contrived to use the toilet's float mechanism, which simply closes the hole for water to enter when the required volume is exceeded. The pump can be turned on/off manually or automatically. You will also need a “dry running” relay to stop the pump if the storage tank is completely empty.

There are holes in the cold water storage tank that are required to connect the pipeline and to ensure the normal operation of the system as a whole, these are:

  • hole for connecting the supply pipe. Before entering the supply pipe, it is recommended to install a coarse mesh filter in order to mechanically prevent small animals and large grains of sand from entering the tank;
  • a hole for the overflow pipe, through which excess water is discharged from the tank into the sewer. They arrange an overflow a couple of cm below the float valve in case the latter does not work for some reason;
  • one or more openings for outgoing pipes supplying the water heater and cold water draw-off points. Often they are located in the lower third of the tank, but there must be at least 10 cm between the bottom of the storage tank and the output points so that the sediment inevitable for groundwater does not enter the line;
  • a ventilation hole in the cover of the drive, if the cover closes it from penetration into the container of dust, insects and other contaminants.

A hole for entering the supply pipe is sometimes arranged in the upper part of the tank opposite the place where the float valve is installed. However, in order to completely drain the water from the reservoir in order to preserve the autonomous water supply, it is recommended that the inlet pipe opening be located in the lower zone of the reservoir. It still needs to be equipped with a drain valve. If the lower location of the inlet of the supply pipe cannot be used for some technical reasons, then an additional drain hole will be required to preserve the water supply with a storage tank.

Methods for installing storage tanks

The type of water distribution and the set of equipment required for the trouble-free operation of the cold water supply system of the bath depend on the location of the reserve tank. In low-rise construction, two main options for the construction of water pipelines with storage are used, these are:

  • top diagram , according to which the reserve tank is installed on the highest possible platform: on flat roof, a specially erected overpass, on brackets under the ceiling, a concrete podium inside or outside the building, an attic, etc. The installation height of the drive in the upper scheme is a parameter taken according to individual technical conditions. Accumulators of year-round water pipes are necessarily insulated if they were installed in an unheated room;
  • bottom diagram , according to which the reservoir for cold water is buried in the ground in the basement of the building or on the site, if water is supposed to be taken from the reservoir for irrigation and other household needs. For a year-round water supply device, the storage tank is buried below the freezing zone; for a summer water supply, it is enough to position the tank so that there is at least 0.5 m between its upper plane and the earth's surface. A lower entry of the incoming pipe should also be provided and a drain device should be installed on it.

Often, independent home craftsmen prefer the upper scheme. It is easier to build a water supply system with an upper storage tank with your own hands, and it will not require less expenses than an underground one. Water is distributed by gravity to the water points without additional devices stimulating its movement. The only disadvantage of the upper scheme is a rather weak pressure, depending on the installation height of the storage tank. To create a pressure of 0.1 atmosphere, the tank will need to be raised by 1 m, for 0.5 atm. 5 m. Do not forget that for work for work washing machine, for example, you need a water column pressure of 1 atm.

A water supply system with a lower storage location is sometimes referred to as a system with pneumatic capabilities. The pump pumps water into the underground tank, which compresses the air cushion there. When the water in the tank reaches a certain level, compressed air will begin to push it up to the water points. True, the pneumatic abilities of water pipes with lower wiring are rarely relied upon. They are too small. Most often, to supply water with a stable pressure from the lower storage tank, an additional submersible drainage-type pump installed directly into the tank with a float signaling device is used.

Optimum storage tank material

The volume of the storage tank should be equal to the one-time water consumption. In this aspect, everyone's preferences are different. Therefore, the acceptable capacity of the tanks ranges from 100 to 1000 liters. Requirements for storage tanks for cold water supply determine the upcoming operating conditions. In any case, the container must be airtight, wear-resistant, stable, and inert to chemical and biological contaminants.

As a store in an organization autonomous water supply can be used:

  • a home-made welded tank with or without a lid, if the quality of the water is not too worrying for the owners of the summer cottage;
  • factory opaque plastic container, instead of which it is quite acceptable to use eurocubes connected by pipes;
  • a concrete cavity poured into an underground or above-ground formwork.

With your own hands, the tank can be welded from sheet steel, aluminum, from pipe trim large diameter. A metal barrel or an old bathtub with well-preserved enamel will be a budget alternative if it is planned to organize a temporary summer water supply system with an upper storage tank. For it, you still need to make a cover with a vent.

The drive material is selected based on the place of its installation:

  • in the upper scheme, a ready-made plastic tank or a metal container of our own manufacture can be used. The structure, on which the drive will be installed, must first be strengthened, because it will have to carry from 100 to 1000 kg of additional weight. If the tank is located outside, it must be carefully attached to the overpass so that after draining the water, the empty tank is not turned over by the wind;
  • in the lower circuit of bath water supply with a storage tank the best choice there will be a ready-made container made of food-grade plastic or eurocubes. A tank with concrete walls is perfect, which can also serve as a protective "shell" for plastic tank. Concrete protection will protect an empty or half-empty plastic product from ground pressure. Those. two in one is the perfect choice.

If the owners of a stationary bath water supply with a lower storage tank leave their beloved estate for several days in winter, the water from the underground reservoir can not be drained. It will not bloom because its environment resembles a thermos, and it will not freeze because the tank is below the freezing horizon. But cleaning an underground tank can create problems if the tank is not equipped with a maintenance hatch and the inlet pipe is not connected at the level of the bottom of the tank.

Membrane accumulator instead of storage

A hydraulic accumulator with a membrane is a high-tech descendant of conventional accumulators. His cost is not very humane, but he solves all issues with supply, water supply and pressure provision on his own. The membrane tank is a metal container, divided inside into two parts by an elastic bag-like partition-membrane. Air or nitrogen is pumped into one of the parts of the tank. Traditionally, a gaseous medium has a pressure of 2 atmospheres, but it can be adjusted.

When the pump is running, water fills the second part of the tank, stretches the membrane and compresses the gaseous medium, which, when the tap is opened, pushes water to the points of consumption. The hydraulic accumulator filled according to the specified parameters automatically turns off the pump. When the tank is empty and the pressure in the tank is reduced, the automation turns on the pumping equipment again.

The membrane tank is mounted in front of the branching of the pipeline. It can be installed in the caisson of the well, in the pit of the well or directly in the bath. There must be a check valve at the inlet to the tank to prevent the pumped water from flowing back into the source, and a pressure gauge at the outlet to check the pressure. To remove air from the system, the accumulator is equipped with an automatic valve. The membrane tank works in dynamic mode, so you can not get carried away with too large internal volumes.

A membrane-type hydraulic tank is a very useful thing in the household, but not cheap. You should not take on its installation and configuration without having experience in this matter. Wrong setting pressure may cause diaphragm rupture. The fastening of the device vibrating in operation must be very reliable. Without knowledge of the technological intricacies of connecting, the tank will bother quite unpleasant sound. But the hand-made installation of a conventional storage tank for supplying water to a bath is very recommended and economically justified.

How to install a simple top drive

Let's analyze a common option with the location of the drive in the attic. So, we do it ourselves or choose a container that can crawl into attic hatch or window. Restrictions on volume and dimensions are not terrible for those who, while still in the process of construction, thought out a scheme for constructing a water supply system. Then the container can be pre-installed on the upper floor, if it does not interfere with the construction of the truss system.

Now we will analyze in detail how to install and connect a cold water tank to a year-round bath:

  • pre-strengthen the base by laying thick boards on the beams of the upper floor;
  • install the container in its place;
  • install the float valve. To do this, we mark a point, departing from the upper edge of the container 7-7.5 cm, and cut out a hole of the size we need. We insert the valve shank into the formed hole, after putting a plastic washer on it. On the other side of the tank wall, we first put on a stiffening plate, then a second washer and screw on the nut. We tighten the fasteners and screw the connector to the shank so that the supply pipe can be connected;
  • we drill holes for outgoing pipes according to their dimensions. FROM inside tank, we insert a connector with a plastic washer into each hole. We strengthen the thread by screwing two or three layers of FUM tape, after which we put on the washer and wind the nut;
  • we cut a shut-off valve into each outgoing pipe;
  • we make an overflow, for which we mark a point 2-2.5 cm below the marking point of the float valve and drill a hole. The overflow pipe is discharged into the sewer, we fasten it to the tank with connectors by analogy with the previous one;
  • we bring pipes to the tank and fix them by the compression method. We attach the newly created sections of the pipeline to walls or beams;
  • we fill the storage tank with water in order to check the tightness of the connections, at the same time we adjust the position of the float in accordance with the position of the overflow;
  • we insulate the container by attaching long pieces of polystyrene around to the walls or wrapping it with mineral wool.

Video instruction for installing an underground storage

In such a democratic way, you can organize cold water supply with a storage tank for a bathhouse. Essentially this general recommendations- a kind of information for reflection, which should be corrected according to technical features buildings.

Water tank in the country - photo ideas

We will not deny that water storage tanks are needed at any summer cottage. My husband and I are in our first year of ownership. summer cottage We suffered greatly from the fact that we had to carry water all the time in buckets from a water tower, 500 meters away from us. After some time, we had a suitable container for water in the country - a 250 liter blue plastic barrel.

Container for storing water in the country

Yes, this greatly simplified and improved my life in the country - the water tank is used up in three days, and we have water in the water supply just every three days. So replenishment with fresh water occurs regularly.

Such a capacity is especially relevant if there is no running water in the country. In this case, you can think about a rainwater storage tank, at least you will have industrial water for irrigation. And you can collect precipitation just in such containers.

Ideas for containers for storing water at their summer cottage

The most common water tanks are 100 l, 250 l, 500 l, 1000 l, 5000 l. Very convenient plastic container - eurocube, reinforced metal frame. Calculate your own water consumption for each family member and purchase a slightly larger water tank, so to speak, in reserve.

Plastic tanks for storing water in the country

Volumes of water tanks

If your consumption, like ours, is small, then you can purchase water containers for a summer cottage of 100 liters, 200 liters, 1000 liters. If the volumes are not enough, then several small containers can be combined into a single whole, while receiving a significant increase in the total cubic capacity.

If your family and consumption are large, then immediately take water containers of 2000 liters, 3000 liters or 5000 liters. Of course, you need to understand that large volume containers are very expensive.

Container for storing water at their summer cottage

So, decide for yourself what volume you need a container for storing water in the country?

Water tank shapes

The most versatile are rectangular water containers. They can be easily placed in a corner, connected together, stacked one on top of the other. the same applies to rectangular containers - there are a wide variety of them on the market.

Such containers are often used for the accumulation and storage of drinking water, or industrial water for irrigation and showering.

Large capacity for collecting rainwater in the country

Round water tanks are also very popular - a similar tank for giving can be installed on a pedestal and get natural water pressure in your summer plumbing. And cubic water tanks and rectangular tanks can also be raised to the podium - tower and get a little pressure in the water supply system.

Drinking water tanks - what materials are suitable

When we chose what material our water tank will be made of, we studied the reviews and opinions on the forums. As a result, we settled on plastic, simply placing the barrel in the shade, where the sun does not fall.

Large capacity for storing technical water in the country

Stainless water tank

A very expensive container that meets all standards for food containers. Most often performed in the form of barrels, tanks. Stainless steel is used specifically for drinking water, it makes no sense to keep technical water in such an expensive container.

Stainless steel water tank

plastic water tanks

Practical and inexpensive plastic water tanks. Easy to install, the container itself is quite light, without water, so install it on permanent place one adult can do it. You can store both drinking and industrial water, they come in completely different configurations in shape, you can easily find it for your needs.

Plastic water tanks

I believe that plastic containers for water are the most convenient and practical for a summer cottage.

Metal containers for water

Most often, such containers are made of iron sheets that are susceptible to corrosion, so such tanks require treatment with a protective coating. This is what makes these products cheap. In dachas, welded metal cubes are often found to store water for irrigation.

Metal container for storing water in the country

Purpose of water storage tanks

According to the purpose of the container, they are divided into several categories. Next, we will consider each option in more detail.

Water storage capacity

There may be several such reservoirs on the site, for example, we have a separate container for irrigation, a container for drinking, a barrel for collecting water from a well. Drinking water, as already said, is stored in a barrel placed in the shade, where the sun does not fall. For watering, the container is vice versa in the sun.

Rain water tank

Container for storing and collecting rainwater in the country

In areas with an abundance of rain, it is advisable to install containers for collecting and storing rainwater. Through gutters from the roof, rainwater is collected in tanks and used later for irrigation or some other technical purposes. It rarely rains here and it makes no sense to mount such a system.

Storage tank for water

Storage tanks for water in the country - photo ideas

Such containers can be placed in front of greenhouses, as my aunt does. As it is used up, water is poured into such tanks. The material can be any, my aunt has simple metal barrels from under the engine oil. Very convenient and budget — got a gift from the mechanics of the company where she works.

Tanks for storing water in the country for 3 cubic meters

Installing a water tank in the country

So, to store water, you can absolutely use miscellaneous products When buying containers for collecting water and storing it, think about how it will be installed. If you are alone and there is no one to help you, then I recommend plastic.

Most often, either ground tanks or underground water tanks are installed, as well as, as I already said, towers raised on platforms.

The idea of ​​a container for storing water from plastic barrels

What you need to buy and install a water tank

In most cases, the container is self-sufficient, and it already has a tap, a lid for filling water. Instead of a tap, pipes can be mounted to supply water through the plumbing system directly to the house or for irrigation. You can connect a pump and compressor to get the pressure in the system.

Water tank to give - ideas

You can install the container on the tower and get an independent flow of water under low pressure. Some have water storage tanks in heated attics, which allows you to use water in the country even during the off-season.

Large capacity for storing water in the country and in a country house

In my collection, I tried to pick interesting photos ideas for your inspiration. See what options are available and choose for yourself for the future.

Eurocube - a container for water in the country

By purchasing, installing and filling a water tank, you will provide yourself and your plants with liquid. You should not rely on the supply of water on schedule, having made a reserve, you can not rush to the dacha by watering hours, but arrive without traffic jams at a convenient time. Inspiration to you and creative success!