Drawings of a stove for a metal bath: the simplest designs. Schemes of step-by-step laying of a stove for a bath with a closed and open stove and with a water tank

Modern revival interest in the bathing business is associated with the stunning discovery of doctors, claiming that the secret of the Russian and, at the same time, the Finnish bath has been revealed. The result of this popularization of the steam room was a self-made sauna stove. This is due to the fact that modern market is still not able to fully satisfy consumer demand for bath stoves, as well as with an unreasonably high price for these units. In addition, the Finnish and Russian baths are a place not only for washing, but also for complex health and hygiene procedures that fully restore the energy potential of the soul and body. The conditions created in serial production do not allow for a combination of specific local factors, and therefore, professional connoisseurs of a bath often prefer to design a bath unit on their own, rather than purchase a factory one, made according to impersonal standards.

Sauna stove made of metal: the relevance of the topic

Since time immemorial, metal stoves have been well-known competitors to traditional brick units, which is important not only for private houses, but also for baths. This is due to their indisputable advantages, such as fast heating and relative ease of installation, which is especially important for those who plan to make them on their own. Along with high thermal conductivity and excellent aesthetic characteristics, with irrational use of a metal stove or non-observance of all the nuances in its self-production, one should not forget about the risk of fire. In this regard, it is important to follow all the nuances and make a sauna stove in accordance with the instructions proposed by our specialists. You can familiarize yourself with it by reading this article.

Modern metal furnaces: design features

The simplest homemade model metal oven- the so-called "potbelly stove", consisting of a box equipped with a door and a pipe. Their disadvantage is that, despite their relatively low heat output, their fuel requirement is extremely high. In this regard, they have long been considered an irrelevant relic of the past.

As for modern metal furnaces, they are more high class security. Their production is carried out from sheet iron, the thickness of which does not exceed 4-5 mm. In addition, they are equipped with a specialized heat chamber for backfill. Often, the possibilities of their design make it possible to equip an additional water tank, the volume of which reaches 70 liters. To ensure uniform heating of the air in the furnace, as well as to reduce its fire hazard, the metal furnace is laid out with refractory bricks.

Important! By giving preference to modern metal stoves, you will save yourself the trouble of building a high-strength foundation. In this case, it will be enough to make a large-sized base, which can be a cement slab, to increase the effective finish with tiles, metal sheets or refractory bricks.

Photo of metal bath stoves

Varieties of metal bath stoves

Design features: 3 types of sauna stoves

If you study the numerous drawings of metal bath stoves, you can come to the conclusion that from a constructive point of view, there are several types of bath stoves:

  • Sauna stoves with closed construction, due to the compactness of which they are preferred to be installed in small family-type baths. To increase the heat capacity, this structure is built up inside and outside with red refractory bricks. Fixation of bricks is carried out using metal clips. A stone grate is installed in the middle of the furnace;
  • Sauna stoves with open structure are characterized by the presence of a tank with a smaller volume, while their heater is open. In this regard, having installed a stove in the steam room open type, you will ensure faster heating of the room. To increase the heat capacity of such a furnace, the stones are covered with a galvanized lid;
  • Combined sauna stoves, in the design of which a firebox is distinguished, equipped with two valves, a grate and a blower, two nozzles (10 and 14 cm in diameter), in which four holes for a pipe and a bypass elbow are distinguished. The manufacture of such furnaces is carried out from steel sheets with a thickness of 3-5 mm;

Fuel type: 3 types of sauna stoves

In accordance with the type of fuel used, several types of sauna stoves are also distinguished:

  • Wood stoves- the earliest type of metal sauna stoves with appropriate characteristics. They require a large amount of fuel and, at the same time, require constant and careful maintenance. However, there are also connoisseurs of such stoves who prefer to wait slowly until they heat up, but then to fully enjoy the fragrant warmth of a real fire;
  • Electric ovens- another type of metal sauna stoves. They consist of a metal case equipped with a heating element and heat-insulating elements;
  • Gas metal stoves for a bath- the most reliable and modern kiln units. They are iron structures equipped with a thermostat designed to regulate power. You also don't need to worry about the safety of the structure, since it implies the presence of a safety device that instantly triggers in the event of gas attenuation.

Metal bath stoves: advantages and disadvantages

Since there are two main types of sauna stoves: brick and metal, we will consider the main characteristics of the latter and their advantages over stationary brick stoves. First, as already noted, in contrast to stationary brick ovens, metal aggregates are more mobile and compact version, therefore, they are ideal for installation in small spaces. As for the manufacture of homemade stoves, it is absolutely not necessary to carry out their installation at the installation site, you can make it in any place convenient for you and subsequently move it to the installation site. There are two main types of metal furnace designs:

Hot type oven- an option ideal for installation in occasional baths, for example, in the country. Despite the fact that it warms up quickly, it is not recommended to use it in permanent baths, since using such a stove it is very easy to overheat the room, which is due to the inability to control its temperature;

Cold type oven- ideal for installation in heated rooms. They, like the previous version, quickly warm up, but the possibility of overheating is excluded, since it is equipped with a temperature control system. It is almost impossible to get burned on such a stove, since the temperature of its walls rarely exceeds 50 degrees.

Advantages of metal bath stoves

Summing up, we note the following advantages:

  • Not big sizes and the mobility of the structure determines the indispensability of such a stove in small baths;
  • They do not need to pre-install a massive foundation, it is enough to equip a lightweight version of the foundation, which greatly facilitates the installation of a sauna stove;
  • Features of the principle of work. Unlike brick units, metal stoves burn constantly, and therefore, it is impossible to go to the bathhouse without first having heated the stove;
  • Low price. Unlike a brick oven, a metal oven is easy to manufacture and does not require additional costs. Searching for diagrams of metal bath stoves is also not difficult - a huge number of drawings can be found on the Internet and specialized magazines.

Disadvantages of metal bath stoves

  • Rapid cooling due to inability to accumulate heat. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly maintain the combustion of fuel in such furnaces;
  • Inability to heat large rooms;
  • To prevent the development of heatstroke during the stay in the room, it is necessary to install double walls while maintaining an air gap between them;
  • Due to the fact that the fire safety of a metal furnace is much lower than that of a brick furnace, it is necessary to ensure enhanced protection interior cladding ovens.

Sauna stove shape: what to look for?

Despite the fact that at first glance it seems that the shape of the furnace is an insignificant parameter, the performance of the unit and the convenience of its operation depend on it. The most common are cylindrical, horizontal and figured design, however, the most convenient in operation are rectangular units.

This is due to the presence of corner zones in them, which almost never get red-hot. In this regard, it is widely believed that such a frame "retains" the shape of the oven. In addition, the shape of the furnace determines the rationalism and uniformity of heating the furnace, since the maximum heating of one element helps to reduce the heating of the wall located next to the combustion zone, which contributes to the uniformity of heating the room and the balance of heat fluxes. In addition, the mechanical stability of the structure depends on the correct heating. It is not difficult to trace, for example, round and cylindrical furnaces are less resistant to heat, and therefore, their walls are denser and reinforced. The high stability of a rectangular oven is due to the presence of cold corners. However, over time, loss of shape cannot be avoided - this is a proven fact.

Manufacturing a metal stove for a bath: searching for possible options

Over the many years of using metal stoves for a bath, many options for making them with your own hands have been proposed. One of the simplest options is to make a metal stove-heater from iron barrel, in the process of which the lid and bottom of the barrel are removed to form a cylinder. Half of the resulting cylinder is filled with bricks placed on the edge, on which the grate is subsequently installed. The resulting free space is filled with stones by two-thirds, after which a chimney is installed and a homemade stove is covered with a lid. However, despite the ease of manufacture, this option considered one of the most inconvenient to use.

If your bath is characterized by sufficient small area, you can make a compact stove from sheet steel, inner surface which is laid out with bricks. The dimensions of a metal sauna stove are quite modest and correspond to the heated area. It is enough to lay out the walls of the firebox in half a brick, and the chimney in a quarter. This stove is not only easy to manufacture, but also extremely convenient in operation, since it does not require a large amount of fuel and heats up in a relatively short period of time.

There is another option for making a heater-stove, which does not require the use of a brick. This method it is also easy to implement and not too expensive from a financial point of view. As for the appearance, it is quite aesthetic. This design can easily cope with heating the dressing room, sink and the steam room itself.

Making a metal oven with your own hands: step by step instructions

Required materials and tools

  • Sheet steel from 8 mm thick;
  • A metal pipe with a wall thickness of 10 mm and a diameter of 500-600 mm;
  • A bar with a thickness of 10 mm;
  • Grate;
  • Latches and doors for the firebox, heater and blower. When self-made doors, you only need the heck;
  • Water tap;
  • About 2 meters of pipe, 90 cm of which will be needed for the furnace, 60 for the tank, and the remaining 50 cm for the manufacture of secondary parts;
  • From the tools you will need a grinder and a welding machine.

Furnace Manufacturing Guide

At this stage, you will need a large piece of pipe.

Important! The structure being manufactured assumes the presence of a closed heater, and if you need to pour water into it, you need to open the door.

First of all, a blower is cut out in the pipe, the dimensions of which are 50 and 200 mm. On the inside of the pipe above the hole, attachments for the grate are welded - this will require a metal plate equipped with lugs. The grate can be purchased at any hardware or specialty store.

Next, we start making the firebox. For it, you need to make a hole in the size of 250 by 200 mm. From above, the fasteners necessary for installing the heater rods are welded, the diameter of which must be at least one centimeter. They can also be replaced with grates designed for round stoves, which can be purchased there.

On the opposite side of the stove, a hole is made into which water is poured. Next, the stove is filled with a stone, for example, talcum chloride, diabase. The use of mica stones, flint and granite is excluded.

In the cover intended for the unit, a hole is made for the chimney, after which the pipe itself is installed. Despite the fact that the installation of a bath stove can be considered almost complete, experts advise to additionally install a water tank.

To do this, the remaining, previously unclaimed piece of pipe is welded onto the stove, into the lower part of which a water tap is welded. During the operation of the furnace, smoke passing through the pipe will gradually heat it up, but it will not boil. Finally, it is necessary to make a lid for the heating tank. According to the diameter of the pipe you are using, prepare a lid and cut it in half. In the first half, it is necessary to cut a hole for the chimney, after which it is welded to the tank. During the installation process, the other half must be equipped with hinges and a handle, so that the free part of the cover remains removable.

Bath stove installation: what to look for?

  • It is necessary to take care of the installation of a bath stove even at the stage of construction of a bath and to lay a shallow foundation in the place of the future stove. Subsequently, a double row of bricks is laid on it and a furnace is installed. To improve fire safety homemade oven, you must strictly follow the rules for their installation. They are as follows:
  • The smallest distance from the wall to the stove should be at least one meter. In addition, experts recommend using additional protection and install foil on the wall adjacent to the stove, equipped with a layer of insulation, which will allow timely prevention of overheating of the tree and its subsequent fire;

  • The insulation of the chimney must not be neglected. To do this, it is recommended to make it from a sandwich pipe, between the outer and inner casing of which there is a heat-insulating layer;
  • If the design of your furnace involves the removal of combustion products through a pipe made of metal, a ceiling-throughput unit will be equipped at the junction of the ceiling and pipes.

Upon completion of the installation, the stove can be faced with bricks, which will not only add aesthetics to the appearance of the stove, but also prevent burns. In addition, in this case, a closer arrangement of the stove to the wall is allowed.

We hope that we were able to convince you that making a metal stove for a bath is not such a difficult undertaking, and using this guide, you will be able to avoid difficulties in the process of making it. We do not deny that this design is not the only way to make a sauna stove, but it is the most simple to install and convenient to use.

A private bath is the dream of any home owner. In the city or at the dacha, it is so nice to relax in the bathhouse with your family or friends, to wash away all the negativity and fatigue accumulated over the working week. Modern jacuzzi and electric heaters will not replace a real bath, because it has not only a relaxing, but also a cosmetic and therapeutic effect.

The bath is useful for the treatment and prevention of many diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, salt deposits, rheumatism, skin diseases, respiratory diseases. In cosmetology, the bath is recommended as a means of caring for the skin of the body and as the prevention and treatment of cellulite.

Overview of ovens for home baths

By far, the most important attribute of a sauna and a bath is the stove. Depending on the intensity of the firebox, you can choose the temperature in the steam room yourself, choosing the most comfortable one.

Now on sale there is a fairly large assortment of stoves: solid fuel, electric. However, if you have some building skills, then you can easily build a sauna stove yourself.

To begin with, let's decide what types of stoves for a bath (sauna) exist.

Types of furnaces by material of manufacture

Divide brick, metal and combined.

- Brick oven

most traditional look ovens. This is the most time consuming option of the stove, however, it retains heat the longest and creates the most favorable atmosphere. The disadvantages of such a furnace include its rather large dimensions, although there are developments in compact furnaces. It is built from baked bricks. It requires a separate foundation.

Metal oven

the most popular type of stove for a bath or sauna. Despite being a bit unconventional, it has a number of advantages. The metal stove does not take up much space in the room, heats up quickly, its manufacture and installation is much easier than the device of a stone stove. Now on sale there is a large assortment of metal furnaces, however, having welding skills, you can easily make it yourself. But compared to a brick oven, a metal stove cools down faster. Its disadvantages can also be attributed to the presence of a large hot area, on which you can burn yourself. You can eliminate this drawback by using a combined oven in your bath.

- Combined ovens

combine the advantages and reduce the disadvantages of a brick and metal oven. For its device, a separate foundation is not needed, thanks to the metal it heats up quickly enough, and the brick retains heat for a long time, while there is no danger of getting burned. Bricklaying is quite simple and does not take much time. Also, the combined stove is quite compact and will decorate your sauna with its traditional and decorative look.

Types of stoves by energy carrier

Most stoves use wood as a heating material. Electricity, gas, and even liquid fuels can be alternatives to firewood. However, most preferred option- this, of course, is firewood. Only they will create in the bath a natural and healing warmth and a special atmosphere for which, in fact, the bath is being built.

Types of stoves according to the location of the firebox

The previously considered types of furnaces (brick, metal and combined) can have different design, differing in the location of the firebox.

The stove can be completely in the steam room, or you can take the firebox door into the dressing room. The option when the current is brought out into the dressing room is preferable from the point of view of safety and convenience of maintaining the temperature. In this case, the firewood will not get damp while in the steam room and you can keep the fire going in the stove without disturbing anyone. In the steam room, you can leave the heater and the water heating tank.

Types of stoves according to the method of heating the stove

There are bath stoves of constant, periodic heating and combined ones.

- Constant heating furnaces

most often used in modern baths... In this case, the stones are located in a metal container welded to the stove body and isolated from the combustion products. The heating temperature of stones in such a stove can reach 300 ... 400 ° С. Usually stones of coarse gravel are used, which are located in metal grates on the wall of the stove or on the chimney. Due to the fact that the stones do not come into contact with the combustion products, they are not covered with soot. The advantage of such a stove is the ability to maintain a fire and desired temperature for any time.

- Batch heating furnaces

provide for direct contact between the heater and hot gases. The stones must be large, rounded and dark in color, and their weight must be at least 50 kg. The hot gas, passing through the stove, heats them up to 1000 ° C and then is discharged into the chimney. In this case, you can take bath procedures only after the fuel is completely burned out and exit carbon monoxide... In order for the stove not to give off heavy wet steam and to cool down more slowly, a door or a hinged lid must be provided. From time to time, the stove must be disassembled, cleaning the stones from soot and replacing those that have collapsed.

- Combined ovens

have a rather complex design, but they combine the advantages of constant and combined heating furnaces. They perfectly retain heat, give dry steam and the possibility of constant and long-term maintenance of temperature during the washing process. Combined heaters are provided with two heaters - an internal one that heats up from combustion products and an external ventilated one.

Below are the diagrams of the most simple ovens

DIY step-by-step instructions for building a brick oven for a bath

With detailed step by step instructions on the construction of the foundation, necessary materials and tools, features of brickwork, sequence of work and necessary measures security is available at http://wp.domns.com/?p=2470&preview=true&preview_id=2470&preview_nonce=feea7aef17

One feature: when laying the stove, it is best to use clay mortar. To do this, the clay is poured with water for at least a day and clean sand 1: 1 is added to the solution. Mix thoroughly until the consistency of sour cream.

Below is a diagram of a stove for a bath with a size of 90 x 100 x 170 cm.It is suitable for a bath with a steam room area of ​​5.2 sq. m, washing department 4 ... 5 sq. m. Recommended ceiling height - 2.4 m.

Detailed video can be viewed on the link

Metal oven from a pipe

If you have experience with electric welding, you can make a metal sauna stove. As a material can be used pipe cuttings, disks from trucks, gas cylinders, metal barrels etc.

Only steel is used as the metal for the sauna stove, since cast iron is quite fragile, it does not withstand temperature extremes. The thickness of the steel must be at least 5 mm.

To make this oven you will need the following materials:

- steel pipe for a furnace with a diameter of 50 cm and a length of 90 cm, the recommended wall thickness is 8 ... 10 mm

- a pipe for a stove with a diameter of 30 ... 35 cm, a thickness of at least 5 mm or fittings

- a pipe with a diameter of 50 cm and a length of 60 cm.This pipe will be used as a container for water, therefore the recommended material is stainless steel, since steel is subject to corrosion

- a tap for water

- hinges - 3 sets

- steel sheets 8 mm thick

- grate bars (you can make yourself from a steel plate 15 mm thick or from reinforcement)

- door handles, latches

1. A rectangular hole of 20 x 7 cm is cut in the firebox pipe at the bottom. A door is made from the cut piece, a set of hinges, a latch and a handle are welded.

2. Cut a circle out of sheet metal according to the size of the diameter of the pipe for the furnace.

3. The bottom is welded to the pipe.

4. The grates are being made. For this, a circle is cut out of a steel plate (thickness - at least 15 mm), in which grate holes are made. You can also make grate bars from reinforcement rods, which are stacked at intervals and welded. You can also purchase ready-made grates in the store. Our goal in this case is a flat surface on which firewood will burn, ash and coals will crumble down, and there will be a draft from the blower to maintain good combustion.

5. Finished grates are welded above the blower.

6. A window for storing firewood (25 x 30 cm) is cut above the grate, hinges and a handle are welded to the cut metal. The door should be closed with a latch.

7. A grid is welded from the reinforcement rods (instead of reinforcement, you can use a bent metal sheet or a piece of pipe cut in the shape of a scoop) - this is the future heater. The distance from the stove to the upper edge of the chimney must be at least 10 cm.

8. To the bottom of the pipe, which will be used as a tank for heating water, the bottom is welded, in which you must first cut a hole to the size of the diameter of the pipe for the chimney. The quality of welding must be carefully checked, the seams must be tight. A tap is installed at the bottom of the water tank.

9. The furnace section and the water heating tank are welded. It is recommended to install a coupling at the attachment point.

10. In order to fire safety The chimney must be lined with bricks, so a plate is welded over the water heating tank, which is the basis for the brickwork. The distance between the plate and the tank is 35 ... 40 cm.

On the video presented a metal stove with a heater and a water tank

Combined oven

A metal stove can be bricked, then it will have more decorative view and will keep warm for much longer.

You need to start with the base device. If the floor is solid, the foundation can be dispensed with. Recommendations for the construction of the foundation can be found at the link

If the foundation is not required, then the work is performed in the following sequence:

1. The position of the brick is being marked.

2. Bricks for masonry must be pre-soaked in water for up to 30 minutes.

3. A metal sheet is nailed along the contour of the masonry, which will protect the surface from overheating.

4. An asbestos sheet is laid on the brickwork, it ensures fire safety and does not emit harmful substances when heated.

5. Choose the optimal distance between brickwork and a stove. If the distance is too large, then the brick will heat up for a long time, and if too small. then the brick and stove will overheat greatly, which will reduce the service life. The optimal distance is 3 ... 5 cm.

6. The laying is done in half a brick. The seam should be 3 ... 5 mm. As a solution, you can use a mixture of cement and fireclay (refractory) clay, a mixture of sand and clay, or special dry adhesive mixtures from porcelain stoneware.

7. The first row is laid in continuous, in the second two holes are left on each wall, the size of a brick floor. Depending on the size of the oven, there should be 2… 4 such holes on each side. The opening for the firebox should be comfortable, it is recommended to strengthen the opening metal corner.

8. Finish bricking can be at the level of the stove, or above the level.

9. After drying, you need to remove the excess solution with a drill with a brush attachment.

On the video you can see an example of a brick cladding of a metal furnace

The effective operation of a homemade stove largely depends on the right choice and laying stones.

For efficient operation of the stove, at least 50 kg of stones (for a small stove) and 80 ... 100 kg for a standard medium-sized stove are required.

Stones should be rounded, without cracks and breaks, even gray different sizes(50 ... 150 mm).
Best suited for the heater: natural cobblestone, basalt, jadeite, talcum chloride. Before placing stones, they must be thoroughly washed.

Video review of stones for a bath

Granite must not be used for the heater, since under the influence of high temperatures and steam it quickly collapses and emits toxic fumes.
How to properly lay the stones can be seen in the diagram below, that is, large stones are stacked vertically below, each next layer stones should be smaller and stones of a small fraction are located at the top. This arrangement of stones provides the maximum effect for obtaining dry steam, upper layer stones warms up to 400 ° C.

The correct placement of stones will ensure the best health-improving effect from visiting the bath. Otherwise, the steam will be humid and the steam room will not be comfortable. Video recommendations for correct styling stones

It's hard to imagine today Vacation home without a real Russian steam room and its main attribute - a stove. Among the large assortment of types, it is difficult to find a device that meets all the necessary requirements and meets the financial condition. After reading this article to the end, you can easily build a sauna stove with your own hands.

Sauna stoves - types and advantages

First of all, you need to choose suitable type a heating unit for the steam room, so that it heats up quickly and keeps warm during rest. The main properties possessed by the selected design are:

  1. Compactness;
  2. Ease of use;
  3. Fire safety;
  4. Power regulation.

According to their classification, sauna stoves are divided into heating structures of constant, variable and combined effects.

  • Continuous devices include electric heaters. The design of this sauna stove is a cast iron container with stones that are heated when kindling with wood. You can start bathing procedures after the stones begin to give off steam when in contact with water. Advantages of the heater: ease of use, no carbon monoxide and quick heating. Electric heaters do not have a special damper that maintains the desired temperature, so you should always put firewood on, which is not convenient. You can make and install this stove yourself, having received permission from the fire safety inspectorate. A special feature of the heaters is the need to create grounding.
  • Combined operation furnaces are a device that combines the properties of continuous and variable operation furnaces. These models evenly heat the steam room and are in demand among modern country owners. The design has a separation of the combustion and wood compartments, and the water tank may be absent. Such ovens are bought in specialized stores due to the fact that manufacturing is not a simple process.
  • Variable-acting sauna heaters include brick ovens... The brickwork of the kiln is made of refractory bricks, and the stones in it are heated with an open fire. Among the advantages, one can single out long-term preservation of heat in the room, maximum durability, environmental friendliness and attractive appearance... The oven should be melted for several hours. Low resource saving - a large amount of firewood is spent to melt such a stove. Self-construction of this kind of furnace requires special knowledge and significant investment.

As you can see from the list above, the best option for a bath is a heater. By the type of fuel, such a heating unit is divided into:

  • Wood burning stove. Deciduous and deciduous firewood is used conifers trees, this gives the room the right atmosphere and sets it up for relaxation.
  • Electric oven. It is installed in rooms where a chimney is not provided and has a number of advantages, including short heating times, environmental friendliness, compactness and ease of use. I choose this model, you will not have to be distracted by keeping warm, and you will completely surrender yourself to bath pleasures. The electric sauna stove has a significant drawback - it consumes a lot of electricity.
  • Gas oven. Such heating units are large and consume a lot of gas. If we talk about the advantages, then it is ease of use, quickness of water heating and maintenance of the set temperature in the room.

On the shelves of shops you can find a variety of stoves, heaters, but what a pleasure it is to make it yourself.

How to build a metal stove for a bath with your own hands

The frame for the heating device will be metal High Quality, its use does not require special skills and knowledge. In its finished form, the stove must have a fire safety and a sealed structure, in order to avoid the ingress of carbon monoxide into the room.
To get started, you will need the following materials:

  • Metal, 6 mm thick, or a summer cottage;
  • Cast iron door; Fittings and fittings;
  • Metal grate for stones.

Below you can see the main elements of the future heating device:
A do-it-yourself sauna stove is created in stages:

  • First of all, a 200x60 mm blower is made and it is located at the bottom of the future furnace. The blower is closed with a cast-iron door;
  • In the second step, a combustion chamber is created. If you are using a barrel, then this element is cut in the middle. The grates are placed at the bottom of the chamber, firewood is placed on them for kindling the stove. A chimney is installed on top; for high-quality fastening, it is better to scald it with metal.
  • The final step is the installation of the heater.

Below are the drawings that will help you easily build a do-it-yourself sauna stove.

The sauna stove, whether it is your brainchild or you purchased it in a store, has special installation requirements:

  • First, the oven must be tested (without placing stones in it), this will allow you to assess the tightness of the seams and the strength of the structure;
  • The place of installation of the stove for the bath is selected in such a way that one structure warms up the entire room of the steam room;
  • The walls behind the stove are lined with special heat-resistant tiles. Metal sheets are also used;
  • Flammable objects must be kept at a safe distance;
  • In order not to come into contact with the hot oven, it is fenced off with a special grate;
  • The lounger is located at a moderate distance from the heating device;
  • The place where the chimney pipe leaves the steam room onto the street is upholstered with metal sheet, this will prevent the wall from charring;
  • The sauna stove itself, created with your own hands, is placed on a metal plate, this is done so that accidentally falling stones do not cause a fire.

Installing a stove is an important process, mistakes in which lead to disastrous consequences.

Making a brick oven yourself

In order to lay a brick oven, you should know in what order the rows are laid out and which brand of kipichi should be used. Below you can see the order of the brick oven, made by a professional.
There are different options for masonry, if you are making a stove for the first time, then it is better to choose a simple option, this will not affect the quality of the device. Compared to a stone stove for a brick stove, lay out the foundation and cover it with roofing material. Only after that you can proceed to the laying itself.

They choose special, high quality bricks for the stove. A standard brick has dimensions of 250x120x65, this allows you to make even masonry. If you purchase a regular brick (it is several times cheaper than a stove brick, then its dimensions may not coincide with the standards. Masonry mortar is purchased in hardware store or do it yourself, mixing sand, clay and water. A properly executed solution is like a sour cream mixture.
The process of laying a brick bath stove is difficult to explain, it is best to show it in the photo. Here you can review each step separately.

If you decide to buy a sauna stove in a specialized store, then read the recommendations of experts and answer the following questions:

  • Which stove do you need: wood-burning or electric? If we compare electric and wood-burning stoves, then they note that in the first case, this is ease of use and wide choose design. Such devices require energy consumption, which in many cases is unacceptable, while wood-burning stoves are absolutely environmentally friendly, melt quickly and do not depend on electricity. The only drawback of this heating unit is the constant need to toss fuel. For people observing the traditions of the Russian bath, these disadvantages become an advantage.
  • Where is the furnace door located? There are two types of door arrangement: inside the steam room and outside (in the rest room). The advantage of the second option is the presence of a fireplace in the recreation room and the absence of the need to allocate space in the steam room for storing firewood.
  • Will you heat the water or do you need an oven without a tank? This issue is not even discussed - water is always needed. Firstly, for washing, and secondly, to throw water on the stones. It remains only to decide how much will be enough for you to carry out full-fledged bath procedures.
  • How many stones should the oven fit? The atmosphere in the room depends on the amount of stones. The more stones there are in the furnace, the softer the steam.
  • Which manufacturer is the best? This question is probably one of the most difficult, because in the modern world there is a huge number of different stoves for baths with various functions and characteristics. To choose a device that meets all the requirements, you need to decide on the functions that it should have. Harvia and Kastor sauna stoves are common.

It is not difficult to build a stove for a bath with your own hands if you follow the above instructions and follow all the technologies. If you use imagination in the manufacture, then you will get a unique, attractive, and most importantly functional device for heating a steam room.

Original stoves-heaters for a bath: photo

Below you will find more unusual and original heating devices for a bath, created by summer residents on their own.
Which stove to choose for your own country bath is an individual matter for everyone, the main thing is that it is strong, durable and meets all safety requirements.

43 photos and diagrams of stoves for a bath:

Even a solid assortment of ready-made sauna stoves made of metal could not diminish the popularity traditional heaters built of bricks.

Lovers of bath procedures, who have experience in using both brick stoves and their metal counterparts, unanimously claim that it is a brick that can create in a steam room comfortable atmosphere.

The steam is intense, but not scalding, breathing easily, and in the whole space of the bath there is a pleasant and soft warmth. The owners of a brick sauna stove are attracted by the opportunity, choosing a design to their liking, to create a unique interior with its help. However, for a brick heater, not only its magnificent appearance is important.

The first priority this facility is to heat the room and water and obtain high-quality steam. For this, the sauna stove must be erected in accordance with all the rules, using the most suitable materials High Quality. Only in this case, its characteristics will meet the requirements of a brick.

Most important characteristic brick oven is power. This characteristic is directly related not only to its size, but also to the quality of the brick and mortar used for masonry.

The sauna stove is built from a red heat-resistant brick brand М150, and the furnace space is laid out of refractory fireclay bricks.

Important: it is not recommended to use fireclay bricks for laying stove walls, since it is not able to retain heat for a long time.

The thicker the walls of the furnace, the longer it will retain heat, but it will take more time to heat it up. Masonry mortar made by mixing sand and clay, without adding cement, since the seams will collapse when exposed to high temperatures.

The design of a brick sauna stove provides for a closed heater and a place for installing a water tank. Stones placed in the space of the heater warm up well, and after watering them with water, the steam room is filled with steam, which has comfortable temperature and humidity.

A well-folded brick oven stays hot at least 8 hours, and the heat in the room remains for more than a day. A brick sauna stove heats up for 4-5 hours.

Since the walls of the brick oven have heavy weight, and the heater included in the design increases it even more, then the first stage of construction the foundation always becomes.

Materials and tools

Before starting the construction of a brick sauna stove, you should prepare the tools and materials required for the job. Will need the following materials:

  • red ceramic brick;
  • refractory brick (fireclay);
  • fire-clay;
  • sand;
  • waterproofing material;
  • asbestos cord;
  • wire for fastening fittings;
  • stove fittings (doors, latches, grates).

You need to take care of the availability following instruments:

  • building level, square and plumb line;
  • oven hammer and trowel;
  • grinder with an abrasive wheel;
  • container for solution preparation.

Special attention should be given to the quality of the sand and clay used to prepare the solution. To work with refractory bricks, it is better to purchase a ready-made mixture for fireclay mortar.

The rest of the masonry is done with a mixture, where 1 part of sand accounts for 2 parts of clay. Sand can be used river or career, before preparing the solution, it must be sieved through a sieve.

The clay must be quarried with a minimum depth of 2 meters. Before using it requires preparation... The clay must be soaked in water, and then rubbed twice through a sieve.

Do-it-yourself technology for building a stove for a bath

It is not so important which design the brick oven is chosen, it is always erected in a certain order- foundation, oven masonry, chimney installation.

The first step is always pouring the foundation.

The best option this work will be carried out in advance, together with the construction of the foundation of the bath itself. The foundation is poured in the following order:

  1. Initially, you should decide on the place where the sauna stove will be located. When choosing a site for the foundation, it must be borne in mind that the foundation of the furnace should not be adjacent to the base of the bath, but be located at a distance from it. The dimensions of the site must correspond to the dimensions of the base indicated in the selected project. The foundation pit is dug to a depth of about 60 cm. To increase the stability of the future foundation against ground movements, 10-15 cm of its lower part should be slightly widened. Then the area of ​​the excavation, expanded by 5-10 cm, is covered with sand and compacted.
  2. The next part this stage there will be gravel backfill... Its layer should be filled up to a depth of about 10 cm and tamped down. Further, the formwork is mounted from the boards, and then the reinforcing mesh made of steel rods is mounted. The mesh should have cells measuring 15 x 15 cm, obtained by fastening the rods with special clamps or knitting wire. The mesh should be fixed so that there is a gap of about 5 cm from it to the walls and the bottom of the pit. After installing the reinforcing mesh, a concrete solution is prepared, consisting of M400 cement, sand, crushed stone and water. The pit is carefully filled with mortar so that its surface is 150 mm below the ground of the site. In about a week, the concrete will gain the required strength.
  3. It's the turn dismantling the formwork and filling the resulting voids with fine gravel carefully tamped. Completing work on the creation of two waterproofing layers made of roofing material, filled with molten bitumen. In the formed interval between concrete base and the starting row of bricks is laid on the surface of the site.

The construction of the foundation is usually not difficult even for those who do not have special building skills. It is much more difficult to lay a stove for a bath with your own hands. A drawing of one of the options for a brick bath stove is shown below.

Furnace masters not only lay out furnaces of a given configuration without any problems, but are also able to improve its design. Bath owners who decided to do this job on one's own, usually use ready-made diagrams, on which each row of the future furnace is indicated separately, the number of bricks and even the place of each of them are indicated.

It only remains follow exactly the existing scheme, carefully mount the grates, doors and latches on the intended places, carefully fixing them.

Attention! To ensure fire safety wooden wall baths should not be close to the stove. The distance must be at least 25 cm and filled with non-flammable material.

Many masters recommend the bricks of each row should be initially laid without mortar in order to precisely match them to size. Only after such a fitting to carry out the laying using the solution. In order for the brick to set better, it must be immersed in water for a few seconds before laying.

When laying, it is important to observe behind its verticality and seam thickness. The horizontal masonry seam should have a thickness of 0.5 cm, the vertical one no more than 0.3 cm. All upper parts of the openings must be reinforced with a metal corner during the masonry process. Having completed the laying of all the rows indicated in the diagram, including the chimney, we can assume that the first experience in self-erecting a brick oven for a bath has been obtained.

It will be possible to make sure that the oven is of high quality. only two weeks later... It will take so much time for the solution to dry out, and the stove becomes one with the chimney. Before you start to fully use the stove, you should heat it several times in a gentle mode.

For the arrangement of the steam room, a brick sauna stove is most often used, periodically heated with wood. Such a heating device is the most convenient and you can build it yourself, while having at least the initial skills of a bricklayer. We will talk about such construction below, and also watch the video in this article on this topic.

About ovens and construction

Types of stoves for a bath

  • There are four main types of sauna stoves, these are “white”, “gray”, “black” and with a stove. The “black” stove does not have a chimney and when it is fired, all the soot remains in the room. Now such devices are not used.
  • The "gray" construction has a chimney, but, nevertheless, soot also settles on the bricks during the heating process. Therefore, in order to use the steam room, you need to wait until the firewood has completely burned out.
  • The most common types are brick ovens "in white", they do not leave smoke and soot at all, but some of the models can warm up up to 12 hours, although they keep heat much longer. Such models are warmed up through a metal plate on which stones are laid.
  • Sometimes they assemble such a structure with their own hands: they put a tank and stones on cast iron plates, not closed to the end - the heating of the room then proceeds much faster. On three sides, the tank is lined with bricks, so the temperature of the water is maintained.

What kind of brick is needed

  • If you decide to build, the best option there will be refractory fireclay bricks, but there is not always enough money for it. Therefore, such constructions can be combined using also. When using high-quality material, the stove does not require additional cladding.

  • In the construction of the furnace, in such cases, brick grades from M-75 to M-150 with frost resistance are used up to 25 cycles... When choosing a material, you should check whether there are cracks, extraneous inclusions, and so on - such specimens are not suitable for construction. You can also use double for cladding silicate brick M 150.

Advice. The quality condition of the brick can be checked by simply tapping it with the trowel handle. If there are no flaws, then the sound will be ringing, metallic, and if there are any, the sound will be muffled.

Furnace drawings

  • The construction of brick sauna stoves is a rather complex structure that requires the exact implementation of various nuances. That is why the drawing should display each of the rows in detail and, if necessary, explanations should be present.

  • On the diagram, individual parts are indicated by strokes and dividing lines so that you can imagine how many pieces are needed for laying a particular row. All roundings and undercuts on the stones, reflected in the diagram, are made using a grinder.


  • The depth of the foundation must be between 50 and 70 cm- everything will depend on the possible freezing of the soil, so you will have to adjust this value yourself. But the components will still be the same - a layer of sand, about 10-15 cm, is poured onto the base and poured abundantly with water to shrink. Then rubble, gravel or even construction debris (broken brick and old knocked down plaster) is poured onto it and all this is rammed, but you need to leave about 30 cm for pouring the cement mortar.
  • On crushed stone or other bedding, you need to cover waterproofing- usually they use roofing material for this, but you can also thick cellophane film... After that, flush with the floor, cement mortar is poured, which can be made from cement and sand (1/4), but you can use crushed stone screening (1/6) instead of sand, then the base will turn out to be more durable. Also, roofing material is laid over the foundation in order to cancel any contact of the brick with dampness, because from this it collapses.

Advice. In order for the foundation not to sag, its base, that is, the filling, needs to be done in area slightly larger than the filling part. For this, a formwork is installed on the crushed stone, each side of the perimeter of which will be 10 cm less than the backfill.

Furnace construction

  • For the construction of the furnace, the instruction provides two types of mortar - cement-sand and clay-sand. Cement mix is made from grade 400 or 500 with the appropriate addition of sand –1 / 4 or 1/5. In consistency, it should resemble liquid semolina and slide freely off the trowel.
  • For clay and sand, the ratio is somewhat different, and here one part is assigned to the clay, and 2.5 parts is assigned to the sand. It should be mixed very carefully, because the clay is very viscous and the lumps do not break well, which will interfere with the masonry in the future. Ready mix should slide freely from the trowel, leaving only small strokes on its plane - this consistency is most acceptable for work.

Furnace erection

  • As a rule, first of all, a continuous row of bricks is laid out according to the shape of the furnace - you can call it zero. Such a base must strictly correspond to the shape of the orders along the outer contour and have angles exactly corresponding to 90⁰. Of course, the brick itself has rectangular shape, but in order to avoid a failure, check the diagonals - their difference should not exceed 2-3 mm.

  • The thickness of the joints between the stones should not exceed 3-5 mm, and this requires a high-quality solution, without lumps and debris, then the joint will be easy to adjust to the desired size. When laying each row, a whole brick should overlap the joint on the bottom row, and in this case, a spoon ligation is most acceptable. After laying the first row, you should switch to clay mortar.

  • On the third row, an ash pan door is installed and for their durable installation, galvanized wire is attached to them, as can be seen in the photo, and the top brick is trimmed for a tighter installation.

  • Many craftsmen also advise cutting a brick with a wedge above the door, because the metal heats up a lot and such a structure is the most durable. Galvanized sheet can be used instead of wire. Before the device of the fourth row, it is imperative to check the masonry building level or a plumb line, since the arrangement of the ash well and the grate already begins from here.

  • In the sixth row, the blower door is installed, and in the seventh row, to install the grate, you need to cut out recesses on 1-1.5 cm, moreover, so that the grate after installation has a backlash, because the expansion of metal and brick when heated is different (the metal expands more) and this requires a margin. Most often, such elements (doors, grate) are made of cast iron, as the most refractory element for furnace equipment.
  • Starting from the eighth row, the laying is done with a partition and this continues until the fourteenth row, in which the channels are installed. An opening is made in the front of the wall, where a boiler for water is installed.
  • The fifteenth row fits into a half-brick - the halves are installed at an angle to each other (for the base of the dividing wall), and then, the next three rows are installed using a spoon bandage.
  • In the nineteenth row, a door for the gadfly of steam is placed in the steam room, and the twentieth and twenty-first rows should be fastened with strips such as U-shaped suspensions or wire. After that, the installation of the chimney begins, and its height will already depend on the height of the bath itself.
  • At the end of the process.

Advice. The chimney must rise above the bath roof by at least 0.5 m. it is necessary to coat the chimney with a lime or cement mortar that is not afraid of the effects of condensation.


You can make a brick oven yourself, the main thing is that you exactly follow the scheme given in this article or some other. And the price of the building will depend on the quality of the material. That is, for the firebox, be sure to use only fireclay bricks, and the doors are best installed from cast iron.